How to set up Outlook Express for Yandex. How to set up Microsoft Outlook Express email program

Setting up Outlook Express

Program Email, without exaggeration, provides your connection with the whole world of computers and their owners. Apparently, this is why there are slightly more settings here than in previous programs that we studied. But this shouldn't scare you. In this book, I describe only the most necessary operations from the entire set of possible ones, assuming that you will never need all of them.

Well, you will find out what you want to use yourself based on the knowledge and skills that you will acquire by reading this book and using the program’s built-in help. For initial work you can not configure anything at all, using already existing settings, the so-called settings default. I will describe the settings that allow me to work with mail better.

So, setting up Outlook Express.

A window is used for this Options, which is called from the menu Service? Options(Fig. 5.5).

Rice. 5.5. Outlook Express Options window

General tab

When starting, immediately open the Inbox folder– a very useful checkbox that allows you to immediately see all your incoming letters. However, switching between folders in the area Folder list done very simply - just click on the desired folder(this action is called selecting a folder).

In area Messages you will see all the letters that are in the selected folder.


Select a folder, letter, message - click on the folder, letter, message.

Notify about new newsgroups– in this case, the program, using a special window, will notify you about the arrival of new information from various subscription sites.

By default, Outlook Express itself already has a subscription to some Microsoft servers. And whenever you use the services of any resources on the Internet, you will be offered a subscription to news and mailings.

This is one of the aspects of online business.

I recommend that you approach such subscriptions very selectively. Experience shows that it is really easy to subscribe to them. Alas, it can be difficult to unsubscribe later, that is, to refuse these subscriptions. And they come to you at the expense of your traffic, and therefore, for your money.

Personally, when interacting with Internet resources, I always carefully look for the text “Subscribe to the newsletter” and uncheck the box already next to such text. Although I'm not sure that this always helps.

In frame Sending and receiving messages everything seems clear.

Deliver mail at the start of work means checking your mailbox when you download Outlook Express.

Check for new messages every... allows you to set a time period for checking your mailbox. Here we need to clarify something. The connection between your computer and your ISP can occur via telephone line or by dedicated one.

A connection via a telephone line is the cheapest, but it involves seizing this line for the entire time you work with the provider. In the case of such a connection, it is wiser to perform the function of checking your mail yourself, without relying on the computer’s initiative.

Reading tab

I think that the default settings will suit most users of the program. You can just pay attention to the button Fonts. It allows you to choose the font in which all messages that you read are displayed. If you check here Read all messages in text format, then you won’t see anything other than the text in the letter, but they may also send you some kind of multimedia letter with a picture (Fig. 5.6).

Rice. 5.6. Outlook Express settings. Reading window tab

Notifications tab

This tab defines the program's behavior in cases where you receive emails requesting a read receipt. If you yourself want to know whether your letter has reached the addressee, that is, you want to receive a notification that it has been read, you can also configure this function here (Fig. 5.7).

Rice. 5.7. Outlook Express settings. Window Notification tab

If you would like to receive a notification when your email is read, check this option. But you need to keep in mind that you will receive a notification only if your subscriber has not prohibited this operation (paragraph Never send a read receipt). If you check the operation Issue notification requests, then Outlook Express will ask your permission to send such a notification and only after your permission to send it.

Tab Sending messages

This tab allows you to define the program’s actions while sending your messages (Fig. 5.8).

Rice. 5.8. The Sending Messages tab of the Options window

In frame Sending messages there are such parameters.

Save a copy in the Sent Items folder– saves copies of your sent emails. This way, you can always see which of your emails actually went as intended. You will have to periodically clean this folder, that is, remove copies of sent letters to other folders or delete them.

Send messages immediately– when this item is enabled, immediately after writing Outlook emails Express tries to connect to the ISP and send a message. It makes sense to enable this option when you have a permanent connection to your provider. If you connect using a telephone line, then it is better to disable this option. In this case, you will have to use a special tool Deliver mail on the toolbar. Using this tool will allow you to simultaneously check your mailbox with your provider and send all the letters prepared for sending.

Automatically add recipients whose emails the user replies to in the address book– after inclusion, all addresses from which you reply will be entered into your address book. Very useful feature. We will talk about the address book in the “Address Book” section.

Include the text of the original message in the reply– this checkbox allows you to insert the text of the original message into your reply, which you can edit. During intensive correspondence, it is easier to keep track of its content. You can choose the format of the initial message that is included in your letter yourself in the frame Format of sent messages team Setting up plain text? Indent the original text by... characters when replying and forwarding. You can select the character that will be used to mark the lines of the original message.

Tab Compose message

This tab allows you to define the font, that is appearance your messages (Fig. 5.9).

Rice. 5.9. Message creation tab of the Options window

In frame New message font you can customize the font type in which your message will be typed. In principle, you can do this while typing your message, but adjusting the font in this field will save you time later.

In frame Business Cards You can ensure that your business card is included in outgoing emails.

A business card is a vCard file with your contact information from your address book. To create a business card, create in address book entry with your own data, in the menu File point to Export and select Business card (vCard). To add business card in a message, when editing in the menu Insert select Business card.

Signatures tab

Checkbox Add signatures to all outgoing messages allows you to do exactly what it says: add a basic signature to all your outgoing messages (Fig. 5.10).

Rice. 5.10. Captions tab of the Parameters window

Checkbox Do not add a signature to replies and forwarded messages allows replies and forwarded messages process in a special way, which sometimes turns out to be quite useful.

To create a signature, click on the button Create. The name of the signature will appear in the signature field as Signature #1.

Since such a name for a signature requires a strong memory and the absence of a vivid imagination, it would be useful to rename it something lively and better remembered. To do this, select the formal name, click on the button Rename and enter a new signature name.

You can have multiple signatures - on different cases life. But in order for the computer to be able to figure out what’s what, you must declare one of them as the main one. It will be inserted into emails by default. To do this, select any signature and click on the button Use as default.

After all this you can use the buttons Apply or OK. Let me remind you, button Apply allows you to fix all the settings made on this tab without removing the window Options. Button Additionally will allow you to match your signatures to your accounts if you have more than one.

Spelling tab

Frame Options– turns on spell checking before sending a message, unlike Word, in which you can turn on spelling directly as you type.

I find this mode very useful and regret that mail servers do not have such a service, which leads to situations of increased blood flow - especially when reading your already sent letters. But this is exactly the situation about which the proverb speaks: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax” (Fig. 5.11).

Rice. 5.11. Spelling tab of the Options window

Suggest replacements for misspelled words turns on a mode where you can see options for replacing an incorrect word in the context menu if the computer recognizes this word. In addition to the general dictionary, the computer creates a user dictionary, Custom.dic, during operation. In it you can include words that you consider correct, but which are not in the main dictionary. This is especially true for proper names. You can edit this dictionary using the button Edit user dictionary. You can expand your dictionary from context menu team Add.

Frame Always skip when checking spelling allows you to cancel the spell check in some cases, which allows you to save your nerve cells, but also eliminates situations of self-affirmation, when you can rightfully say: “What a fool this machine is, it doesn’t know such simple things!” Joke.

Connection tab

Frame Internet connection usually configured when setting up the browser Internet Explorer. If you use the button Change…, you will thereby change and Internet settings Explorer, which is better to do directly in it (Fig. 5.12).

Rice. 5.12. Connection tab of the Parameters window

Checkbox Prompt when connection changes remote access– indicates that if there are multiple remote connections Outlook access Express will display a message asking you to disconnect the broken connection. This item only makes sense when connecting via a telephone line.

Checkbox Disconnect after sending and receiving messages– causes the computer to disconnect its Internet connection after you click the toolbar button Deliver mail and the mail will be delivered. Makes sense when connecting via a telephone line.

Security tab

Frame Virus protection allows you to at least to some extent protect yourself from viruses (Fig. 5.13).

Rice. 5.13. Security tab of the Settings window

However, this protection is very illusory.

Rather, Outlook's antivirus capabilities can be described as ways to detect viruses on your machine.

This is exactly what the Warn if applications try to send mail on my behalf setting applies to.

The point of enabling this option is that the sooner you detect a virus on your computer, the better: the greater the likelihood of getting rid of it with the least loss.

Very important rule– don’t be overly curious.

Do not open unknown attachments (these are letters with paper clips).

And stick to the rule yourself: if you attach something necessary to a letter, do not be lazy to mention it in the body of the letter so that your recipient does not have to solve the problem: did you send it or was it a virus?

Many people don’t even think about it anymore: it’s attached, but your friend doesn’t write anything about it, which means it must be deleted.

Well, if a stranger sent something in an attached file, kill without regret!

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Outlook Express Outlook Express is the most simple program of all. It is free and installed on the system by default along with the Internet Explorer browser. When you launch Outlook Express for the first time, it will automatically prompt you to set up an account. It should be noted that this is easier to do than in any other

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Setting up Outlook Express Before setting up Outlook Express, you need to find out certain parameters that will need to be set: user mailbox address; incoming message server; outgoing message server; account (this is the mailbox name

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2.5.1. MS Outlook and MS Outlook Express To work with the mail server, you need to set up an account. Launch the program, select Accounts from the Tools menu. Next, you should fill in the following fields (Table 2.1). In addition, in the properties account(Internet Accounts) at

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Outlook Express Passwords The passwords of all Outlook Express identities are stored in the registry. The registry branch for this purpose is HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftProtected Storage System Provider “Your account security identifier (SID)” Data. By default, access to the system registry branch

From the author's book

Setting up Outlook Express The email program, without exaggeration, ensures your connection with the whole world of computers and their owners. Apparently, this is why there are slightly more settings here than in previous programs that we studied. But this shouldn't scare you. Within

From the author's book

Outlook Express Outlook Express is one of the most famous email programs, i.e. programs that are used to work with mail in in electronic format. Most advanced users e-business(apparently this does not apply to us) use The Bat. This one

Launching the mail program

Run: Start - All Programs - Outlook Express. The main window appears, displaying Local folders(i.e. outgoing, sent and deleted messages). If a message appears that Outlook Express is not the default program for working with email, and the question: “Should I make it so?” - answer Yes. If nothing like this happens, we continue setting up.

Select the Always open inbox on startup check box. The email program directs all incoming messages to the Inbox, so it makes sense to skip this home page. If you don't see a list of folders and contacts on the left, select Current View from the View menu. Select Contacts & Folders to check the boxes, then click OK.

Create a new account.

Open the menu item “Tools – Accounts...”.

Go to the "Mail" tab (usually we're on it by default). Already created accounts are displayed here. Click the “Add – Mail” button.

Computer service Positive provides services for transferring and setting up your email program Outlook Express on another computer or after reinstalling the operating system Windows systems 7 and Vista

In the “Display name” field, enter any name convenient for you (it can be your name or the name of your company). It will appear in the “From” field of the email recipient.

Account Setup

Now enter the email server:

  • In the “Incoming message server” drop-down list, select “POP3”;
  • In the “Incoming message server (POP3, IMAP or HTTP)” field, insert “POP3”, which is specified in the letter with access parameters;
  • In the “Outgoing message server (SMTP)” field, respectively, “SMTP” is the server of your Internet provider (i.e. the company that provides you with Internet service).

We check whether all the data has been entered correctly and click Next.

Enter your account name and password:

  • In the “Account” field, enter Login, which is indicated in the memo;
  • “Password”, respectively. The password is entered case sensitive (including capital and small letters).

Count the number of circles in the Password field and compare it with the number of characters in the password. If the numbers match, check the “Remember password” box and Next. Click Finish

Checking mail.

For mail program settings, and to be sure that the mail program is working properly, send yourself a message. To do this, on the toolbar, click the Create button, after which a window will appear where it says “To”, enter your email address and click the Send button.

In the main program window, click “Deliver mail”. Go to the folder of received emails, where there should be a new message (not necessarily one, there may be several). If the message is accepted, the mail program is configured and working!

Until recently, Outlook Express was the standard email program for computers. Windows based. With the emergence of competitors in the form of The Bat! and Thunderbird, as well as with the advent of web interfaces for email servers, their former positions were lost. But even now Outlook Express is considered one of the most respected email clients among users, especially in the corporate segment.

Setting up Outlook Express for popular email services

Let's look at the three most famous webmail services:, and You can work with any of these services using both the POP3 and IMAP protocols. Since IMAP is user-friendly, in this article we will set up mail accounts in Outlook Express using this protocol.

Setting up Outlook Express to work with

In order for mail programs to be able to retrieve mail from the server, you must first allow this action in the mailbox settings:

  1. Click the settings icon to the right of the mailbox address.
  2. In the drop-down panel, select “Email programs”.
  3. Set the Use IMAP and SMTP switch to ON.
  4. Click the "Save Changes" button.

Allow email clients to access your mailbox via IMAP and SMTP protocols

Now you can configure Outlook Express.

  1. In the “Tools” menu, select “Accounts”.
    From the “Tools” menu you can open the account editor window
  2. On the right side of the account editor there is a vertical row of buttons. Click the “Add” button, and then select the “Mail...” type.
    In the account editor you can add data for both mail and newsgroups
  3. The mail account creation wizard will open. Enter your name and click Next.

    Enter the first and last name that will appear in the “FROM” field of outgoing messages
  4. Enter your email address on the server and click “Next”.
    Enter the address of your mailbox on the server
  5. In the window for entering information about email servers, fill in the fields as follows:
  6. In the new window, enter your information postal address. The address must be entered in full, indicating the server. However, the email address should not contain capital letters. Also enter your password in the appropriate field. If you want Outlook Express to remember your password and not ask you for it every time you access the server, check the “Remember password” checkbox.
    Here you can enter your password so that Outlook Express remembers it

After clicking the “Next” button, a window will open congratulating you on your successful data entry. Click "Done" to save your information. mailbox in mail program accounts. Outlook Express will connect to the server and offer to synchronize its folder structure. After this, you will be able to receive and send messages via mail.

We collect and send letters via

On you do not need to first configure the mailbox settings on the server to allow mail programs to work with it. Instead, we will need to change the account properties in Outlook Express.

Creating an account for a mailbox on is completely similar to how we created it for Only instead of the mailbox [email protected] we indicate the mailbox [email protected]. The difference also lies in the different names of the incoming and outgoing message servers. In the corresponding window, select the IMAP protocol, but for the incoming mail server we write, and for the outgoing mail -

For incoming mail is used, and for outgoing mail -

After saving the new account data, all that remains is to configure some additional properties. To do this, in the account editor window, you need to select the line with mail, click the “Properties” button and make the following settings:

After this, Outlook Express will request the folder tree of your mailbox on and will be ready to work with this mail server.

We work with mail

Setting up an account for is carried out in a similar way as we did for

  1. Create an account for the mailbox [email protected].
  2. In the server information window, we indicate accordingly: IMAP protocol, incoming message server -, outgoing message server -
  3. In the account properties on the “Advanced” tab, select ports 465 and 993 and check the boxes that SSL connection protection will be used.
  4. On the “Servers” tab, we specify that our server requires authentication and configure its parameters.

There is one caveat - you need to allow email clients access to messages in the mailbox settings on the Yandex Mail server itself. Click on the settings button and select “All settings”.

To get to the settings for email programs, click on “All settings”

In the menu on the left, select “Email Programs”. Check the box “From the server using the IMAP protocol.” By default this is a checkmark for IMAP protocol enabled, and disabled for the POP3 protocol. After checking the box, Outlook Express is completely ready to work with Yandex Mail.

In the “Mail programs” item, permissions to work with the server for mail clients are removed

Video: setting up Outlook Express for Yandex Mail

How to determine where the message database is located

To determine where the mail program message database is located, you must:

  1. Open Outlook Express settings.
  2. Go to the "Maintenance" tab.
  3. Click the “Message Bank...” button.

The “Message Bank…” button will show the location of the letter database

By default, messages are stored in the user profile program settings. But by clicking the “Change...” button, you can select and save as a folder with Outlook mail Express any directory on your computer.

Usually letters are stored in the user profile

Where are Outlook Express accounts stored?

Unlike the message database, data for configured accounts is saved by the program in system registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager\Accounts.

Each account has its own branch with parameters

For each account there is a separate subsection, which lists the parameters of incoming and outgoing servers, and the names of mailboxes.

How to disable message compression in your email client

If you use an email client for a long time, then be prepared that after a while Outllok Express will persistently ask you to compress messages to free up space on your hard drive. This usually happens as soon as the number of program launches exceeds one hundred. If you click “Cancel” in response to this offer, the program will annoyingly prompt you to do this every time you close the client. If you agree, she will calm down for a while, but then ask you to repeat it again. this procedure.

If you click “Cancel”, this window will appear every time you exit the program

In the fifth Outlook versions Express, you could cancel the compression request from the settings window in the “Maintenance” tab by unchecking the “Compress messages” checkbox. But Microsoft removed this feature from the settings in version 6. The only way To get rid of the compression suggestion is to change a setting in the system registry that counts the number of runs called Compact Check Count.

The Compact Check Count shows that Outlook Express has been run 3 times on this PC

To automatic mode reset the counter, you need to create text file with an arbitrary name (in our case resetcount) and reg extension, in which write the following lines:

  • Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00;
  • ;
  • "Compact Check Count"=dword:00000000.

Then you should create a bat file that will make the change to the registry from the resetcount.reg file. This is also a regular text file, in which you should place the line: regedit /s (path to file)\resetcount.reg.

Add this file into startup and it will reset the Outlook Express launch counter to zero every time the OS boots, thereby saving you from the window asking you to compress messages.

Outlook Express is a program that is not without its shortcomings. But at the same time, it remains a simple and successful aggregator of messages from several mailboxes. It's easy to install and easy to set up accounts, which means it's too early to write it off.

How to set up Outlook Express? This question may arise for anyone who deals with a computer. Many Windows operating system users prefer Outlook Express, which is included in the standard set software the most popular OS in the world.

Convenient and easy to use, Outlook Express can be quickly mastered even by beginners. The very first question that a novice user of the program has is how to set up Outlook Express.

Before setting up, make sure that your computer is connected to the Internet and launch the program through Start. Select “Programs”, then “Outlook Expess”.

In the program window you can see that it includes three fields: the work area and the menu at the top, “Folders” and “Contacts” at the left.

How to configure Outlook Express manually or automatically? It is preferable to choose manual setting so as not to miss any little things that might be ignored automatic tuning.

Create an account. In the menu we find “Services”, click on “Accounts”, in the drop-down panel click on “Add”, in the list that opens select the line “Mail”. The “Connection Wizard” window will be displayed on the screen, where you are prompted to enter the last name and first name, which will be visible in the “Sender” field when sending letters.

How to configure Outlook Express and find out the addresses of outgoing servers and In the next step, enter and click “Next”. After this, a window will open in which you need to select an email server. mail - POP3. Below is a field where you need to enter the server for incoming messages ( and outgoing messages (, and click “Next” again. Server addresses can be found in your mail system (mail, yandex, etc.) by clicking on the “Help” option.

Now enter your email address and password. If you wish, you can check the box next to “Remember password” so that the system will no longer prompt you for it when connecting to the server.

Postal systems For security purposes, they usually ask for a mailbox name and password when receiving and sending letters. To configure this option, select a new account in the window and select “Properties” in the right column. A window opens in which we click on the “Servers” tab and check the box next to the “User verification” item. Then you need to click “Settings” and make sure that next to the line “As to an incoming mail server” there is a checkmark and click OK.

This was information on how to set up Outlook Express. Now the setup is complete and you can start working in

It is possible to set additional settings. If you look around the menu, you will see several tabs.

There is no need to make any settings in the “File” menu - all actions are carried out in dialog boxes.

The “Edit” item allows you to manage messages using commands.

In the “View” menu you can configure the interface.

And finally, the “Service” tab - “Message Rules”. Click on “Rules for mail”, then on the “Create” button - here you set a filter for incoming messages. As a rule, the system itself blocks suspicious emails, sending them to the spam folder. The user has the opportunity to create his own filter with disabilities blocking. IN in this case You can reject letters with long addresses and without a subject.

Then go to the “Windows Messenger” tab, open “Options” and uncheck the red checkboxes. The fact is that Windows Messenger is weak point in the operating system in terms of security, so it is necessary to protect yourself as much as possible and enable this application, integrated into the OS, only when necessary.

Let's go to the "Options" window, where there are many tabs and you can select tinctures to your liking. It is worth saying a few words about security - it is not recommended to uncheck the red boxes.

So, to set up Outlook Express for regular user, you only need to allocate a few minutes.

Outlook Express is an email program included in the suite of programs included with operating system Windows XP. With its help, you can read incoming correspondence and send new letters without visiting the supplier’s website postal services. The main function of the mail program is to pick up mail from the mail server and save it to your computer.

In order for Outlook Express to receive and send mail, you need to configure it. The program can work with an unlimited number of mailboxes, but each mailbox needs to set up its own account. After this, the program can be used for its intended purpose.

Setting up an account (using as an example)

    Launch Outlook Express (Depending on the menu settings: “Start” in the lower left corner of the screen, then “Email”, or “Start”->Programs->Outlook Express).

    When you run the program for the first time and have not yet configured any email accounts, the Mail Setup Wizard window appears.

    If the Mail Setup Wizard does not appear, then at the top of the Outlook Express menu select the “Service” item and the “Accounts” sub-item.

    A window will open with a list of available email accounts. Initially the list is empty.

  1. In the window with accounts, click on the “Add” button and select “Mail...”.

  2. At the first step of the connection setup wizard, enter your full name and click on the “Next” button. Subsequently, when you send letters using Outlook Express, recipients will see exactly this name in the “From” field when they receive the letter.

  3. In the next step, enter your email address and click Next. Let us remind you that, in most cases, the address looks like this:

    [email protected]

    For example: [email protected].

    The next step is setting up email servers: incoming and outgoing. The incoming email server is responsible for receiving emails, and the outgoing email server is responsible for sending. Each mail service provider will have its own receiving and sending servers. Their addresses can be found on the help pages of postal service websites.

    Fill in the “Incoming message server” and “Outgoing message server” fields. The figure shows examples of servers for receiving and sending messages for the mail site Other server addresses postal services see the end of the article.

  4. In the "Sign in to your online account" step, in the "Account" field, enter your full email address. And in the “Password” field - the password from the entered email and click “Next”.

  5. You will see a congratulations message that you have completed creating your email account. Click the "Done" button, but that's not all.

  6. One position will appear in the list of accounts with the address of the mail server to which you will connect. Select with the mouse this entry and click the “Properties” button.

  7. The properties window for the selected account appears. Go to the "Servers" tab, check the "User Authentication" checkbox and click the "OK" button.

  8. Close the list of email accounts by also clicking “OK”. Outlook Express is now ready to use! You can receive messages sent to you by clicking on the “Deliver” button on top panel programs.

Settings for popular email sites

Setting up mail on

The steps described above for setting up Outlook Express for a mailbox on the Yandex website are correct. But in order to receive and send mail, you must additionally set permission to connect the mail program to the Yandex server.

After installing data additional settings in a Yandex mailbox, the method described above for creating accounts in the Outlook Express mail program will work.
