How to find documents on a computer. Lost and Found - reference information All missing documents

Do you know at least one person who has never lost anything in their life? Do not know! There are no such people. Some people always forget something somewhere; for others this is an exception. But, you must admit, it is always unpleasant to lose, especially if it is something valuable. But not everything lost disappears forever - that's what lost and found tables are for.

There are several lost and found desks in our city: a lost and found desk at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, a lost and found desk in transport, as well as the recently created Center for Lost Documents and Communications.
It turns out that most often city residents like to lose single travel tickets - approximately every tenth ticket out of all those issued is already owned by the owner. In addition, we are not very attentive to our pension certificates. There are also many people who want to find their lost military ID. Well, it’s easier with them - the red books from the lost and found table are sent to the military registration and enlistment offices, and sooner or later they will return to their military-bound owners. Lost passports are also returned to their owners - at the place of registration at the passport and visa services. It is much more difficult to place student ID cards and work records - finding their owners is quite problematic.
However, all losses cannot be explained only by absent-mindedness. Quite often we lose documents. This is what pickpockets do. Having quietly pulled out your wallet, they will take the money from there and throw away the documents. We can only hope that some attentive passerby will find them.
Any documents and things found must be handed over to the police departments, from where they go to the lost and found desk at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. Unfortunately, few citizens rush to take what they find to the police. Some people do not contact the police for selfish reasons, and many are simply frightened by the upcoming communication with law enforcement agencies. There are several times more requests regarding lost documents or items than returns of found ones. That is why, most often, employees of the lost and found office at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate issue certificates to citizens who contact them stating that their documents have not been found.
At stations where electric and long-distance trains arrive and depart one after another, dozens of scattered passengers turn to the lost-and-found desk every day. Things and documents are brought from train stations and airports by police officers (these are usually suspicious objects that citizens prefer not to get involved with), from trains - by conductors, from trains - by honest, observant citizens, most often pensioners who have nowhere to rush.
As a rule, most finds are of no value to either those who found them or those who lost them. If someone's document arrives at lost and found desks at train stations and airports, employees try to find its owner, establish his address and send a notification by mail. The trouble is that for every day a lost document (or item) is stored in the lost items locker, its owner is charged 9 rubles 45 kopecks. Sometimes it’s easier to restore your document than to buy it from the lost and found. According to the instructions, all forgotten items are stored for one month.
A person who has found someone's document or valuable thing is sometimes tempted to receive a reward. It must be remembered that communicating with the lost person is at great risk. Often a citizen loses money and valuables along with his documents. In this case, the finder cannot avoid an unpleasant conversation; he will have to prove something and make excuses. And even if everything is in order, and the person who has lost nothing but gratitude feels towards you, you must remember that, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a passport does not belong to the person to whom it was issued, but is the property of the authorities that issued it. Therefore, individuals do not have the right to demand remuneration for found documents. But if the thirst for profit is ineradicable in you and you very conveniently found someone’s documents, contact the Center for Lost Documents and Communications, which began its work at the beginning of this year.
In accordance with Art. 227, 228, 229 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a person who has found someone else’s documents has the right to compensation for the necessary expenses associated with the storage, delivery or sale of an item, as well as the costs of finding the person who has lost the documents. Also, the finder has the right to count on a reward for the find, the amount of which in this case will be negotiable (clause 2 of Article 229). The Center for Lost Documents and Communications operates on this basis. A person who has found someone’s documents contacts the center, fills out an application in which he indicates what exactly he found and leaves his coordinates. Center employees identify the person who lost the document and contact him. If a citizen is interested in returning documents, the center acts as an intermediary between the finder and the loser. The loser pays a reward for the returned documents or valuables. About 50% is received by the finder of the document, the remaining amount is transferred to the Center for Lost Documents and Communications. For example, for finding a passport, military ID, pension card or other identification document, 100 rubles are due, for a driver’s license, technical passport for a car - 200 rubles, for a cell phone - 300 rubles. For the lost person, the return of his documents will cost 200, 400 and 600 rubles, respectively.
So if you have lost something (let alone found it), be sure to take your problems to the lost and found desk. Maybe all is not lost yet?

Where to look for missing things and documents:

  • Lost property desk at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate: st. Zakharyevskaya, house 19, phone 278-36-90.
  • Center for Lost Documents and Communications: st. B. Monetnaya, building 16, telephone 238-73-25.
  • Lost items cameras at train stations and airports:
    • Moskovsky railway station, phone +7 495 168-40-03;
    • Baltiysky Station, phone +7 495 168-24-11;
    • Warsaw Station, phone +7 495 168-20-22;
    • Sheremetyevo, terminal E, phone +7 495 578-74-64;
    • Pulkovo-1, phone +7 495 123-83-61;
    • Pulkovo-2, phone +7 495 122-95-52.


Covering letter for contract documents When concluding business contracts, a situation often arises when the counterparties are geographically remote from each other and cannot afford to travel to another city to sign the contract. In this case, the execution of a cover letter becomes a kind of beacon that allows you to conclude a legally correct agreement at a distance, without a personal meeting of representatives. With the help of a cover letter, one party can not only send signed contract forms for review, but also state in writing its position on the significant issues of the agreement. In addition, the cover letter allows you to record what and in what quantity was enclosed and sent to the addressee. For example, the content can be stated as follows.

An inquiry


The solution to the issue, of course, can be an oral request or a telephone call. But such an answer has no legal force, even if there is no doubt about its reliability.


In such cases, it is necessary to draw up a letter requesting information, to which the addressee is required by law to provide an official response within a specified time frame. A letter of information or a letter of request is a common type of business correspondence containing a corresponding request, and in some cases, an instruction.


The company may contact business partners, contractors, or third-party companies to provide the missing information. Often the addressee of the request is government agencies and specialized structures.

An instruction to send the requested data to its address can be given if the parent enterprise applies to a lower organization, subsidiary, or separate division.

Covering letter for documents

In this case, it is recommended to address “Dear” with the name and patronymic of the manager. If the letter is unaddressed, you can skip the appeal.
The initial phrase of the descriptive part of the letter depends on the organization to which it is sent:

  • to a higher organization - “we present to you”;
  • to a subordinate organization - “we send to you”;
  • to a third-party organization – “we will send it to you.”

Letter to provide information

We are sending you two copies of the agreement for the provision of information services, signed and certified by our seal. We suggest that you consider the specified project and, if you agree, sign the agreement by returning one of the signed copies to our address. Appendix: draft agreement in 2 copies on 6 sheets each.” Cover letter for claims - is it necessary? Sometimes a situation arises when it is necessary to send a claim to a party to a contract that does not fulfill its obligations.

Typically, all requirements, justifications and attachments are indicated directly in the claim. It would seem, why might a cover letter be needed? The fact is that a claim can become not only official evidence in court, but also, in some cases, a writ of execution.
It should indicate legally correct and significant things, but it does not have a communicative function.

Sample document: letter of request

If the text contains an appeal to the head of the company, then it must be signed by an equal manager. It should also be remembered that the manager delegates the execution of instructions to the performers.

Therefore, when signing, the director should indicate the contractor’s contacts so that the recipient does not have to waste time searching for the person responsible. Printing in this case is not mandatory. Upon receipt, the recipient will assign the document an incoming number and date, which the clerk will enter manually or using a stamp. Using this information, it will be possible to easily track the stages of its passage and clarify at which level of consideration the application is at one time or another. Sample cover letter for sending documents Download Cover letter form for documents Download Subscribe to our channel on Telegram We will tell you about the latest news and publications.
About the range and prices of consumables Dear Anna Rostislavovna! Thank you for the commercial offer from your company, which we received on May 20, 2016 (incoming No. 78). We are interested in purchasing consumables provided by Nasturtsia LLC, and therefore we need more detailed information about prices and assortment. Please send us a detailed price list for the products. We hope for fruitful cooperation. Sincerely, General Director of Preodoleniye LLC /Kholodov/ B.V. Kholodov Letter of request for the provision of documents An official document requires the indication of details or sending on letterhead.

How to write a letter about missing documents correctly

During the validity of this Agreement, I promptly paid the Bank for all obligations, including the loan amount, interest and commission. As of the date of today's appeal, I have no overdue debt. Taking into account the above, I ask you to restructure my debt under this Agreement: lower the interest rate to 15% per annum or extend the amount of the debt for a period of 1 year. Please notify me of the results of the consideration of the application in writing and by e-mail to the addresses indicated above. 01/15/2017 /

Lynchevsky / D. Ya. Lynchevsky Letter of request for a reconciliation report Such a request is sent to determine whether there is a debt or overpayment for certain payments. It is sent to the head of the relevant organization, drawn up on company letterhead in accordance with the general procedure for office work.

They mainly concern the justification of the need to provide the requested information. The presence of references to organizational and legal documents, contracts, legal acts and norms of law in the justification is a necessary condition when drawing up an official request for information. A company can develop a sample of such a request letter on its own, especially if such letters make up a significant part of the business correspondence conducted at the enterprise. But, in addition to links, the justification should contain a logical explanation of the need for requesting information, that is, it would also be good form to indicate the purpose for which the information is requested. The usual deadline for the execution of letters, including letters about the provision of information, is one month.
Sample Request for missing documents and supporting materials On the form of RosvodresursovKomKuda Dear! (indicate the Deputy Head of the relevant territorial body of Rosvodresursy) I inform you that in the set transferred » » 200_ (the date of submission of documents is indicated) of documents for the provision of a water body for use to ensure the defense of the country and state security, the following documents are missing: 1. (missing documents are indicated) 2. (missing documents are indicated documents) 3. (missing documents are indicated) 4. (missing documents are indicated) 5. (missing documents are indicated) 6. (missing documents are indicated) 7. (missing documents are indicated) 8. (missing documents are indicated) 9.
Some of the documents on contractual legal relations with the private enterprise by the Gedeon company were seized on the basis of the seizure protocol dated 03/02/2015 (a copy is attached). We send you the documents at the disposal of the enterprise in the form of duly certified copies according to the attachment. Application (total for 6 sheets):

  1. A copy of the payment order with bank mark No. 3 dated January 15, 2015 - on 1 sheet.
  2. A copy of the payment order with bank mark No. 6 dated 02/14/15 - on 1 sheet.
  3. A copy of the reconciliation report under supply contract No. 56/P dated 12/15/14 - 1 sheet.
  4. A copy of the seizure protocol dated 03/02/15 - 3 pages.

Documents are a very important and integral part of the life of every modern person. Today there are many authorities where you will not be allowed to enter without a passport or other identification document. That's why we have to carry them with us every day in our purse or pocket. But this poses a risk that documents will be lost.

As you know, losing a passport is a big nuisance. Of course, it can be restored, but you will pay a considerable fine and spend a lot of time restoring this necessary document. It may also happen that you accidentally left behind other important documents that you were taking home from work or vice versa.

What to do if documents are lost or found?

There are situations when you find documents and decide to help a person who has lost them, but you have absolutely no time. Then you can try to find the owner of the documents using a website on the Internet. Contact the free electronic bulletin board "Nakhodka". If you have lost the document, look carefully at all the advertisements; you may not have to give yours. If you haven’t found it, then register and submit your ad. Using the site is very simple:

  • you need to type in the search engine: “Nakhodka bulletin board”;
  • select the “Documents” category;
  • write where and under what circumstances you found or lost the document, whose name it is in, etc.

Visit our page, and perhaps the Nakhodka bulletin board will help you. We hope that your documents will definitely be found, or with our help you will help people in their search.

Today, search engines are quite good at finding the necessary data on the Internet. But what to do when you need to find information on your computer? This is mainly required by students, journalists and others who have accumulated an extensive electronic library containing a huge amount of information.

Search engines will not be able to help in this case. However, there is a special utility integrated into the operating system, but its performance and search quality are very poor. Therefore, it is recommended to use third-party developments. One of these is “Archivarius 3000”.

This is a small application that is capable of finding documents and emails on a PC, on a local network and on portable storage devices. Searching for files follows the same principles as Internet search engines. It is worth noting that modern search engines once released special programs for these purposes, but then development was stopped.

The program in question was developed by Likasoft more than 10 years ago, but since then it has only acquired the ability to detect various types of documents in utilities and instant messengers. The utility's system requirements are minimal. In general, this application can run on any computer. The program menu is multilingual, including Russian.

Ten Key Features

The application developers note several main advantages of the application that are good to know.

The program fully supports Unicode, which is the modern standard for character encoding. It provides the ability to display characters from almost all languages. This means that the program can easily find data in multilingual documents. Apart from this, naming files in different languages ​​will not cause problems.

In addition, the application is able to recognize about 110 encodings. Today the utility can recognize a large number of encodings. Among them there are Cyrillic, European, Asian and many others that are not so common.

The program is also capable of working with about 40 types of documents. There are a huge number of document formats, from popular to rare. It is worth noting that there are many more than a hundred supported formats.

The program is capable of searching for information in various more or less common archival formats. At the same time, it unpacks the application without the help of third-party archivers.

In addition, the application is capable of searching email services. This feature is quite useful, since the user may have a huge number of letters. The utility supports all popular sweat services. The application can search in the messages themselves and in attachments.

The application can also search Internet messengers. The program menu is multilingual. This fact and Unicode support allow you to switch to other languages, and with
input, all characters will be displayed correctly.

The program supports morphological search. He knows how to find words with changed endings. If the language is English, then according to different forms of verbs. This feature can be applied to 18 common languages.

In addition, there is a server mode and remote access. Using this feature, you can perform remote searches on other computers through a web browser. To do this, you need to use a server in the section of the same name.

In addition, the program has a low cost. There are student, personal and commercial versions. The cost starts from 295 and ends at 990 rubles.

The unlicensed version can recognize no more than 10,000 files. At the same time, you can run the application only 100 times, and work on it for no more than one month. The installer weighs only 6 MB. There are versions for different operating systems, and there is also a portable version.

How does Archivist 3000 work?

It's time to see what this utility is capable of. After installing the program, you will be prompted to index documents. This is required so that the program does not waste time searching in the future. Indexing will start after some adjustments have been made.

Initially, you need to specify morphological modules, document type, file extension, type of encodings and archives. You can then adjust these settings in the application settings. Then you need to specify the name of the index and indicate the storage location. At this point you can estimate the size of the base.

For example, an application can estimate a section with 26 thousand documents and 10 GB of data at 4 GB of index. The developers claim that the program is capable of operating at an indexing speed of 1 GB/hour. You can believe this, since the program indexed 10,000 files for 30 minutes, which is 400 MB.

Then you need to go to the “Index” menu and select “Scheduler”, and then add a new task. It would be very good to set up re-indexing automatically once a week. In this case, only new data will be indexed. If the structure has undergone significant adjustments, then you need to create a new index.

Once the index is created for each data source, searches will be very fast. A list of detected phrases will be displayed on the left, and the text of the document on the right. The detected word will be highlighted in the text. If several phrases are searched, they will all be highlighted in different colors

Text documents can be instantly converted to the TXT extension. In the application settings, in the “Excerpts” section, you need to activate the “Show file path” function. This will make it easier to navigate through the search results.

This application is able to recognize logical operators in queries. If you have no idea what this is, then you can resort to using the Query Builder function. Using this, you can remove a specific word from the search and search using a more precise phrase.

The “Search Wizard” function provides the ability to structure detected files by date of correction, size, type and keywords. In addition, it is possible to work with searching for duplicate files and literature.

The program is updated monthly. However, nothing really changes. With each update, only the ability to work with new document formats is added.

In general, this application can be given the highest score. The utility does an excellent job of searching for information on a computer, which is its direct responsibility. Using search with logical operators makes this task much easier, however, this function could be done much better. In addition, among the advantages it is worth noting a quick search after the index is produced. It is also impossible not to note the work with a huge number of file formats.

Using the application is quite simple, so even a novice user can handle it. This program can be a great find for students and people who have a huge number of files stored on their computer. The program is able to quickly find any files on your computer, email services and instant messengers.

Today we have to figure out how to find recent documents on the computer. The point is that such an operation can be useful to everyone. For example, if a user suspects that someone is getting into his operating system and working on it without permission. Tracking your browsing history and opened/saved files is not the easiest thing to do. There are various ways to obtain information that interests the user. We will focus exclusively on files that have been recently opened, modified or saved.

Windows 7

How to find recent documents on a computer with Windows 7 on board? It is a popular and convenient operating system. Many PC users work with it. And therefore, let's start solving the problem with this operating system.

There is a folder here called "Recent Documents". It displays files that have been saved, opened or modified by the user. How to find recent documents on your computer?

To do this you will need:

  1. Login to Windows 7.
  2. Open "Start" - "Documents", or go to the menu item "Library" / "Explorer".
  3. Click on the line "Recent places" in the left menu at the top.

That's all. Information about recent files will appear on the right side of the dialog box. Fast, simple and very convenient!

Windows XP

How to find recent documents on a computer running Windows XP? This operating system is rarely seen in real life today. The software has not been supported by Microsoft for a long time, but some people still use it.

To access the folder with recent documents on Windows XP, you will have to use one of the following methods:

  1. Go to “Start” and open the “Search” section. Set the search options to "Show hidden files and folders". Find the Recent section and open it.
  2. Go to C:/Documents and Settings/UserName/Recent.
  3. The specified folder is the recent places. In order to find it, you will have to disable the function of hiding files and folders.

Important: when thinking about how to find recent documents, you can open the “Windows” search bar and write “Recent Places” in it. The search result will be the section we need.

Windows 8

Modern operating systems are similar in their functionality, but their graphical interface is always different. Sometimes he surprises. Significant changes in the OS graphics have occurred in Windows 8. After the "seven" it takes a long time to get used to the new execution of the software. In such circumstances, users often have questions about how to find recent documents on the computer. "Windows 8" stores the corresponding data in a folder already known to us - Recent. Only it, unlike Windows XP, has been moved to a different root partition.

How to find recent documents on the computer in this case? Windows 8 offers a solution to this problem:

  1. Open the command line and write shell:recent there. After processing the request, a dialog box with the data of interest to us will appear on the screen.
  2. Go to C:/Users/username/Appdata/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Recent.

You can also use the search bar and look for the Recent Places service there. As practice shows, this technique is used quite often by novice PC users. It does not require any special skills, knowledge or abilities.

Tip: To quickly access the Recent folder, you can create a shortcut to the corresponding document storage and display it on your PC desktop.

Windows 10

These are not all existing techniques. How to find recent documents on your computer in Windows 10? The tenth version of Windows is currently actively supported by Microsoft. This is the operating system that all modern PC users encounter. And therefore you need to understand how to work with it. Recent documents and changed files in Ten are searched in exactly the same way as in the case of Windows 8. If you wish, you can simplify your task by pinning the corresponding section in the library.

To do this you need:

  1. Go to the Recent (or “Recent Documents”) folder at the previously specified path.
  2. Click on the "Pin to Quick Access Toolbar" button. The corresponding control is at the top of the dialog box.

It is done. Now, when opening Explorer, the user will see a new line in the left menu. It's called "Recent Documents". With its help, you can quickly view the recently opened or modified files on your computer.

Last saved files

We were introduced to searching for recent documents in the Windows operating system. The instructions provided will help you cope with the task in any version of the software. But that's not all that every modern user should know about. Sometimes you have to search for the latest saved documents in various applications. For example, in Microsoft Office utilities or Photoshop. How can I get the relevant information? Naturally, find recent documents on the computer.

Instructions for searching for the latest saved files in a particular application generally look like this:

  1. Open the program you want to work with.
  2. Go to the "File" section. It is usually located in the upper left corner. Sometimes the corresponding item is called “Overview” or simply “Menu”.
  3. Look at the list that appears. If there is a drop-down menu expansion arrow at the bottom, you need to click on it.
  4. Carefully study the numbered list with addresses and files. These are the last saved/modified documents.

To open them, just click with the mouse cursor on one or another line. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible. Some programs have separate sections such as "Recently Opened" or "Recently Saved". You can find them using the functional menu of a particular utility.


We figured out how to find recent documents on a computer in one case or another. The instructions provided will help you complete the task without much hassle. If you want to explore a list of recent browser downloads, you can open the library and go to the "Downloads" section. By setting the sorting options, the user will be able to see the information he is interested in.