How to start using Skype on your computer: a detailed overview with pictures. Adding new contacts

Greetings dear readers! I have bad news - today another of my phones died. At this time, I urgently needed to call a friend in another city, but how to do this? Then I remembered the Skype program.

Through it, I was able to not only make calls, but also communicate via video conference, and completely free of charge. In general, it’s a useful thing. Today I’ll tell you how to start using Skype on your computer. We will consider everything from registration itself to the start of communication.

Skype - what is this program?

To her key capabilities relate:

  • making voice calls;
  • communication via video conference;
  • sending text messages;
  • file transfer.

Simply put, the user has the opportunity to write, call and see another person. Personally, I communicate with friends in different cities via video calling and don’t spend extra money. In this case, it turns out that I am calling from one computer to another, and not to a mobile phone.

If you want to use additional features(demonstration of the desktop on the monitor, calls to the phone, etc.), then the services may be paid and in order to receive them you will need to top up your account. You can find out about paid services on the official website. However, I will say right away that for many people the free functionality is more than enough.

In fact, even paid services can cease to be a hindrance when they come from the Internet additional earnings. There are plenty of prospects for this. Naturally, it is advisable to first master the wisdom of the “networking profession”. It’s just that fewer mistakes will be made, and income can flow faster and in greater volume. In general, I won’t go into too much detail about your capabilities now. As an example, I’ll give you some really cool training programs that are not always easy to find. You can view them here.

Step-by-step account registration

Before installing the application itself, you will need to register. After it will appear own account, which you will need to use Skype. So, let's begin.

We go to the official website and click “login”.

Now click “new account”.

Fill in information about yourself. Enter reliable data and double-check it, as if access is lost it will be much easier to regain control.

Special attention Pay attention to the correctness of your e-mail. If it doesn’t exist, then you can, for example, easily take advantage of it.

Have you filled everything out? Now let's get acquainted with the documents. Everything is fine? Click “Next” and follow the system instructions.

Did everything go like clockwork? Great, now available to you Personal Area.

To start using Skype, we won’t need it yet. We will need a login with a password and the program to be installed.

Downloading and installing the program on your computer

We return to the original site again and click “download”.

A page will open where you have to choose Skype version for specific equipment. As you can see, it can be used on a wide variety of devices. The principle of use is approximately the same everywhere. In this article we will take a closer look at the computer version.

Now select “computer” and click green button. The download will start automatically.

We wait for the download to complete and proceed to install the program. To do this, open the recently downloaded file. First you need to select a language and agree to the rules.

You will be asked to install an additional Skype plugin for convenience. Here you decide for yourself whether it is needed or not. If necessary, then immediately click “continue”, otherwise first uncheck the box.

At the next stage, I usually uncheck all the boxes, since I’m happy with it anyway search system, which is the default. You can do differently - your choice.

The installation has started and you can watch the process.

Finishing system operations the start window will open.

Now we can log in with our account and find out how we can finally start using Skype online. Enter your username and password and click the “login” button.

Setting up the program

Most likely, during the installation process you will be asked to configure audio, video and set an avatar - your photo or any image you like. I had already installed Skype before, so the program opened right away. It's okay, I'll show you the settings directly from the interface. I access them through “tools” and “settings”.

Here you can check whether the microphone is working or not. It's simple - say something and if you see that the scale turns green, then the microphone is working.

Here we see if the video camera is working. There is immediately functionality to make yourself an avatar. Still don't have a video camera or microphone? It is advisable to purchase at least a microphone, otherwise how are you going to communicate by voice. Although you will have the opportunity to write messages in any case.

Add friends to contacts and communicate

Hurray, we're in the program! To start communicating, you need to add your acquaintances, friends, and colleagues to your contacts. To do this, we find out their login. Enter it into the search field and add it to yours. To do this, click on the name of the found user and click “add”.

Now you can write a message, send pictures and other files, and even see the person on your monitor. Great?

Text messages and sending files

Let's try to write a new message to a friend added to our contacts. To do this, left-click on a friend’s name and pay attention to the chat that opens.

Enter the text of the message and send. A split second and the recipient sees it. You can attach a file to any message. It's easy to do - click on the paperclip and select a photo, document or any other file that you want to send.

The described features are more basic. Let's see what else useful Skype offers.

Voice and video calls

When you select a person from your contacts, pay attention to the video camera and telephone handset icons that appear.

Do you want to commit voice call? Then press the phone. If you want to communicate with video, on camera. Please note that by performing such actions, you are calling the subscriber's computer. Accordingly, in order to get through, the subscriber’s computer must be turned on, the Internet connected, and Skype running. This can be easily checked by the subscriber's status. See for yourself.

If you see what is in the mug green tick or another status symbol, then the subscriber is online. If the circle is empty, then it is not connected.

Video conference

On Skype you can easily make a video conference with ten people. This is one of my favorite features that allows participants in a conversation to see and hear each other. Cool opportunity?

Let's see step by step how to properly start using video conferencing on Skype. It's not all that complicated. We follow this sequence:

  • choose one of necessary contacts;
  • press “plus” and select conversation participants;
  • We're calling.

Is it difficult? Let me show you right away in pictures. To begin, select the first participant in the conversation.

Now mark the remaining participants and click “add”.

That's it, all you have to do is call and start communicating. Simple enough, right?

I tried to explain in great detail how everyone can start using Skype today. We'll see how we can soon. I hope the information was useful to you.

With this I will say goodbye until the next publication. Subscribe to blog updates.


This article will discuss how to use Skype. The installation process, main features and some features will be presented. Those who have never used this program are recommended to read this information before proceeding with the download. So, next you will learn how to use Skype.

Key Features

What to expect from Skype programs? Nothing supernatural! This application allows you to make video and audio calls. There is text chat, through which you can send files to your interlocutor. Notable is the ability to create a multi-participant conference, meaning you can communicate with 2 or more people at once. Among additional functions There is a screen demo. So, your interlocutor will be able to observe all the actions taking place on your computer. Communication via Skype can be carried out using mobile phones, tablets, TVs, home phones and other devices. At Skype help You can call regular numbers. You only have to pay for this opportunity. Otherwise, this application is completely free.


The registration process is as easy as possible. All you need is a computer and, of course, an Internet connection. When registering you will be asked to enter your email. You must enter a valid and working address. it will be received important information about the account. Administrators offer you quick registration through social networks. For example, through Facebook. In this case, you will not need to fill out the “First Name”, “Last Name” and other data fields. You will only need to allow access via social network. After registration, you will be able to log into your account through the program client.

First start

The Skype instructions do not contain information about turning on the application for the first time. But I decided to highlight a few here important points. For example, equipment testing. If you have a webcam, you will be asked to allow access to it. You can immediately take a test photo and use it as your avatar. IN notebook you will have a contact like Echo/Sound Test Service. It is necessary to test the performance of the microphone. You call this contact and say any phrase. Then you have the opportunity to listen to what was previously said. This way you will know how your interlocutors will hear you.

No image

Previously, you learned how to use Skype and what its main functions are. Let's look at the most common problem. Namely, the lack of image from the webcam. The first step is to test the device through another program. Or better yet, on another computer. After all, it may simply not work. But more often than not, the driver for the webcam is simply not installed on your computer. In this case, you need to find the necessary software. Drivers may be installed automatically the first time you connect your webcam to your computer. In such a situation, try restarting your PC.


Skype is truly one of the most useful programs, which exist on this moment. Each user should experience all the functionality of this application on their own. I hope you will now be aware of how to use Skype.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. It is impossible for a person to completely refuse to communicate with other people. Perhaps some people prefer to have as little contact with people as possible, while others, on the contrary, prefer to have as much contact as possible, even at a considerable distance from them.

And specifically in order to be able to maintain constant contact with your family, loved ones, friends or business partners, a program such as Skype (essentially) was created.

What is Skype and how to install it

What is Skype? According to the developers themselves, this is free software that provides voice, text and video communication over the Internet between computers, mobile devices and even game consoles. As of the end of 2010, Skype had more than 660 million registered users.

  1. Making conference calls. The function allows for up to 25 subscribers, including the call initiator.
  2. Video communication. Skype makes it available as normal communication between two users and a video conference with the ability to connect up to 10 connections.
  3. Sending text messages. In essence it is a regular chat.
  4. Broadcast various files. Volume transferred files can be anything, ranging from several kilobytes to gigabytes of information.
  5. Transferring images from the monitor screen to the monitor of one of the subscribers.

Today, Skype software can be found on MacOS, Windows, Android, WindowsPhone, PSP, Xbox 360, PS 3.4 and other platforms. Given its versatility, accessibility, ease of use and other advantages, Skype is today the world leader in voice calls.

And if we consider the volume of the voice call market in 2005, where Skype owned only 2.9% of the total volume, then in 2012 this volume was already 34%. Needless to say, none mobile operators and subscriber networks will not offer the conditions that Skype offers!

And if you have not yet had time to appreciate all the benefits of using this free program, then today we will look at all the nuances that relate to installation and use just for you. First of all, let's look at how to install Skype correctly.

How to install Skype on your computer

Having looked at what this program is, we are very close to the question of how to install Skype. This is all done quite simply. Let's describe the installation in several steps:

Immediately after the application is downloaded, the user will be prompted to register with Skype system. Here you need to enter the data that is necessary for further use of the program.

How to create an account on Skype

When the user has figured out how to install Skype on a computer, it is necessary to understand how to use it in the future. Before use, you need to go through the registration procedure, which, by and large, is standard and does not present any difficulties.

If the registration form does not automatically appear for you, then in the upper right part of the screen there is a button "Registration". A window will appear in front of you in which you need to enter some data. These include:

  1. Last name and first name. It is advisable to enter your real data so that you can be identified in the future on the Skype network.
  2. E-mail address. It is worth noting that you should only use an address that has not yet been used when creating other Skype accounts.
  3. Personal data. This includes gender, language, date of birth and place of residence.
  4. Mobile phone. It is not necessary to indicate it, but you can use it to complete the form and it will be able to help you quickly recover your password if you lose it.
  5. . These are necessary so that you can log in to your page in the future. I advise you to use the tips for choosing them given in the link.
  6. The last step is to enter data to confirm that the registration is carried out by a person and not a robot.

After you have filled in all (or only some) data, you need to click on the “I agree - Next” button. You are registered in the system and can use it for communication. These are all the steps required to create account on Skype.

How to use Skype

Every person who uses it for the first time special program, questions always arise regarding some of the nuances of use. And Skype is no exception, because in addition to creating an account (?), you need to make some settings for further communication with users.

So, you registered, entered your username and password and found yourself on home page your account. What should I do now and how to use Skype?

  1. All Skype settings are always set by default. That is why it is possible that a new user is unable to adjust the image or sound when communicating. To make adjustments, you need to go to the “Settings” section, where you can configure the microphone and webcam. To set up a microphone, you need to go to the “Sound Settings” subsection and select your audio device that is used on your computer. After this, you need to click the “Save” button.
  2. The webcam setup is carried out in the same way as the previous one. In the settings subsection, select the “Video settings” item. After installing your video device, you can immediately test its operation.
  3. The next step is to choose the people you are going to communicate with. In the "Contacts" section you need to go to the section "Search for Skype subscribers" and in the window that appears, enter a nickname, name or email the person you want to add. Once the search engine has found the required contact, you can add it to your list.
  4. To make a voice call, you need to select the “Call” button, and to make a video call, select the button next to it called “Video Call”. It should be noted that calls are only possible when the interlocutor is online. Offline You can only send text messages.

By completing all these points, registering and using Skype will not pose any difficulties for you. However, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times, so I suggest you watch a video tutorial on how to use this wonderful program:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

You can watch more videos by going to

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Before you start using the Skype program, you need to register, download the program, install and launch it.

NOTE: on a laptop and a computer, as well as on Windows 7 or Windows 8, there are no differences in starting to use Skype - everything is identical and free.

Some individual problems, of course, arise - they relate to the program settings.

How to eliminate them, you can find the answers in the “contents” menu (at the very top) or use the search - top right.

If you have registered, downloaded and installed the Skype program, let’s start learning how to use it.

Step by step instructions: how to start using Skype

The first step is to check the sound. To do this, in the milestone itself, click “tools” and go to “settings”.

You will be asked to check whether the sound is configured correctly - follow the instructions of the wizard. If you can't hear your conversation, there's a problem with the microphone.

If everything is configured correctly, you can start using Skype. There are actually a few more settings in it, but they are already individual.

NOTE: skype program by default it is configured in such a way that if you call someone or someone calls you, you will not be able to communicate right away.

First, you will receive a message (to you or your interlocutor) asking for permission, only after that (if you allow) you can make video calls.

How to start using new Skype for free

If you have Skype from scratch (new), then it is natural that you do not have friends’ contacts. You can send them your login so that they call you, and you give them permission, or knowing the logins of your friends, look for them yourself.

How to search? Almost at the very top there is a search bar. Enter your friend's login there. Let's take, for example: kybik555.

After this, the line below will appear: “find skype users» - click on it. The service will instantly find (depending on Internet speed) your friend.

Click on it right click mice. In another window you will see the inscription: “add to contact list” - add, and in the window that appears below, click: “send”.

Your friend will receive a message and if he adds you to his list as well, then next time you will be able to make video calls smoothly.

If you don’t know the login, you can also search by last name. After you have the contacts of your friends, click on the person you want to chat with and click on “video call”.

Immediately after this, you will hear beeps, like on a telephone - this is a call from a subscriber, just make sure that there are no red crosses on the video camera and microphone icons.

If they are, and the Skype program is configured correctly, then when you click on them, they should go away.

How to use Skype comfortably

Few people know that you can use the Skype program with some conveniences.

During a video call, you and your interlocutor (boyfriend, girl) can listen to your favorite music. .

You can also joke with your friends - talk like a robot, a child, etc.

That's all, although this small instructions: “how to use Skype” will not solve all problems (many people have them), basic foundation will still give it to you.

REMEMBER: if any incomprehensible situations arise when using the Skype program - comments below, your best friend. Good luck.

Category: Uncategorized

If you want to communicate with your loved ones, family, friends or just find new friends, you can do it in the age of technology. Most Popular computer program The Skype program has become a tool for communication. It works directly via the Internet, both from a computer and from a phone, tablet, smartphone, etc. You can contact both a person from your country and people in other countries, talk to them while at the computer, or call them on telephone. Depending on your desires, it will depend on whether you will be able to use Skype for a fee or not. Many people know how to use Skype; it has been installed on computers for a long time, and besides, it is not at all difficult.

You can actually see each other while communicating, which makes communication even more enjoyable and interesting. If you are unable to speak, but need to discuss a particular issue, you can use the message window, i.e. start personal correspondence. In order to see each other during a conversation, you only need to have access to the Internet and a webcam. If you and your interlocutor do not have web cameras, then you will only be able to hear each other. In the case when only one of the interlocutors has a webcam, the image is seen only by the one who does not have a webcam. In principle, if both have cameras, you can, if you wish, turn off the video broadcast and just communicate as you would on the phone.

If you are new to working with Skype, then you are interested in learning about the capabilities of this program. As you know, on Skype you can communicate, open video calls, start conferences and write private messages. This program is becoming even more popular, since you can take photos on Skype in no time, after which you can send your photo to your interlocutor.

But first, you should find out how to start using Skype:

  1. Download the program archive for your operating system from the official website of the Skype program manufacturer (;
  2. Run installation file“.exe”, and go through the installation by selecting the necessary parameters, such as choosing a language, agreeing to the terms of the agreement, installation location, etc.;
  3. When you reach the settings window, you can change them by specifying how Skype works;
  4. Click on the “Install-Next” link and wait for the Sipe installation;
  5. Once the installation is complete, a blue program icon will appear on the desktop;
  6. Check that the microphone and camera are working properly and launch Skype for the first time;
  7. Register on Skype, create a name (nickname), upload your photo, specify your details, but remember that they will be visible and accessible to all users outside your list;
  8. You will be “thrown” to the main Skype user window. Now the program settings are set automatically “by default”; if you wish, you can change them at this stage;
  9. Start filling out the contacts section, i.e. Find your friends on Skype using “Search for Skype subscribers”. If you find those you were looking for, you can either add contacts to Skype, or call them immediately if they are online. As soon as a person sees your application to join the contact list and confirms it, you will be on each other’s list and will be able to communicate for free;
  10. Add mobile numbers and landlines. Later you can use Skype for much less than before.

Features of using the Skype program.

As you already know, you can communicate on Skype for free, but some services are paid. Paid services It’s not difficult to pay, you just need to go from the main menu to “Account - Make an advance to your Skype account.” Next you can use Bank transaction, some credit or debit cards(Visa, Master Card), Yandex money, bank account.

Many people are more interested in how to change their voice on Skype and whether it is possible. The Skype program itself does not provide such a service, but cooperates with programs created to change the voice. Most popular program For this purpose, “Clownfish” for Skype has long been used. This program can distort the voice, change it according to age and gender, make it funny, etc.

Skype also allows you to make communication more enjoyable thanks to background music during a call. All this is possible by the mentioned Clownfish program, which complements Skype. You can also translate both incoming and outgoing messages without closing the Skype window, which will allow you to communicate with foreigners. And for Russian correspondence, you can enable the ability to check messages for spelling errors. During active correspondence, emoticons are sometimes necessary, which can be done with the help of Clownfish, even whole pictures are possible.

It’s also convenient that you can always record your conversation on Skype in order to remember something yourself or save it in your computer’s memory. You can even encrypt messages so that others cannot read them. To Work with additional program You can access Skype on Windows, Linux and Macintosh. Download the program, install it, giving access to Skype, select in the program settings desired language(Preferences-Interface Language) and use it.