How to change Wi-Fi password? Setting a password for Wi-Fi. What password to choose

Many users wireless internet wondering how to install own password on a wifi router. Select the router model you need in the content and go to settings.

Several factors influence the occurrence of this problem:

  1. The installer did not provide the key;
  2. No security password;
  3. Hacking the secret combination.

All this is fraught with serious consequences. Protection should always be present on the router, since it provides:

  • Your safety personal computer and network-connected gadgets;
  • Improves router performance;
  • Strangers do not use your traffic without permission;
  • No one will get it personal information, stored on computer equipment.

Changing a key combination is a fairly easy process that includes five main steps:

  1. Open the main page of the device on your computer;
  2. In the settings, find the Wireless/WLAN tab;
  3. In this tab, find the lines SSID (name) and PSK (key);
  4. You need to change them to your data;
  5. Save.

To make it easier to change your password, we suggest step by step instructions to the very popular models routers.

In order for the data change to bring maximum benefit, you must:

  1. Come up with a key combination of at least eight characters;
  2. Use Latin alphabet;
  3. Use numbers, capital and small letters;
  4. First write down secret code on paper, and then enter it into the system.

Change the code at least once a month and be calm about the security of your wifi network.


Devices from this company are considered one of the most popular. On all models, the access password changes the same way. To do this you need:

1. Launch any browser.
2. In the search, enter “” or “” and click on “Enter”.
3. In the window that appears, enter your username and password. By default this is the word “admin”.

4. After identification is completed, access to advanced device settings will be available.

6. Now you see a window where you can change the key to your wifi. Next to “authentication”, select “WP2A-PSK” - the most safe way coding. In the “PSK” line enter secret combination, then in order to change the data, click “Change” and “Save”.

7. After this, reboot the router and then connect to the wifi network via New Password.

Changing the password for others D-Link firmware almost identical, the same tabs, the same names, only the appearance changes, you can see the instructions for more details.


Asus produces a large the lineup routers that are very simple and easy to use. To change the cipher, do the following:

1. Launch your browser.
2. In the search field, enter the router address “” and click “Enter”.
3. In the authorization field, enter “Admin” as login and password. If the wizard has already set a restriction on your wifi network, then enter this data.

4. Go to “Wireless Network”.
5. Now you need to fill in the “Authentication Method” lines. Here you need to put WPA2-Personal, and in the line “ WPA encryption» select “AES”. Now enter the new secret combination into the “Preliminary WPA key».

To change the access password for more new firmware from Asus, you need:

  • After a standard login to the router settings panel, on the left side menu you need to select “Wireless network”.
  • In this tab you fill in the SSID - enter any word here in Latin letters, select WPA2-Personal in the “Authentication Methods”, and enter in the “WPA Pre-Shared Key” new key and click on “Accept”.

Be sure to reboot the router and work under the new wifi password.


The devices of this company are distinguished by high reliability, long-term operation and simplicity. Every user can change the password on it very easily and quickly. To do this you need:

1. Launch any convenient browser.
2. Enter in address bar browser or and press ENTER.
3. In the authorization field that appears, enter the standard word “admin”. If, when installing the router, the wizard did not change standard password, then enter his details.

4. After correct input login and password, the main device settings window should appear.
5. Here find the “Wireless” tab.
6. Then go to “Wireless Security”.

7. Enter a new secret combination.
8. Click on “Save”.
9. A red inscription with an active link “click here” will appear.

10. After clicking on it, you will see the Reboot button. Clicking here will reboot your modem.

11. After turning it on, enter new access data on your gadgets and use a secure wifi network.


A very popular router in our country. All users note it as a high-quality modem, pleasant appearance and easy operation. Today there are two types of devices from this manufacturer, and changing the key for them has slight differences.

1. Open your browser.
2. In the search field, enter and click Enter.
3. To authorize, enter “admin” in the “login” field and “1234” in the “password” field, then “Login”.

4. To change your password, go to “ Wi-Fi network" and click on "Connection". In the “SSID” field that appears, enter the name of your network and click “Accept.”

5. In the same window, select “Security”. In “Authentication” set “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK”.
6. Correct format The password for the wifi network must be “ASCII”. In this field, carefully enter the new combination.
7. To save, click “Accept”.

For another firmware version, the input remains the same, but the further steps are slightly different:

1. To go to the router settings, click on wifi icon on the bottom panel.
2. Open the “Access Point” section.
3. Type “Network name (SSID)”.
4. In “Network Security” select WPA2-PSK.
5. In the “Network Key” enter new code.
6. Click Apply.

7. Now reboot your device.


These instructions are suitable for all models of this manufacturer.

1. Check the connections between the router and the computer.
2. Open your browser.
3. Enter in the address bar and press ENTER.
4. The system will require authorization. To do this, enter the word “admin” in the Usename and Password line.
5. After entering, click Login.

6. Go to the “WLAN” section, where you need to select “Multi-SSID Settings”.
7. Find the line “SSID Name” and enter any word there in Latin letters.
8. Save with the “Submit” button.

9. In this window, find “Security”.
10. Next to the “Authentication Typr” field, select the encryption type WPA2-Personal.
11. In the “WPA Passphrase” line, enter a new password.
12. Click “Submit” to save the changes.


Changing the key on this router is just as easy as on the others:

1. Launch the browser.
2. In the address bar, enter
3. The authorization window will ask you to enter data. Most often these are the following combinations:

  • telecomadmin\admintelecom (the most common).
  • root\admin.
  • Login - telecomadmin with different keys - NWTF5x%RaK8mVbD, nE7jA%5m, NWTF5x%.

5. In the “SSID Name” line, enter your own name for Wi-Fi.
6. In the “Authentication Mode” line, put WPA2Pre-SharedKey and immediately enter a new password.
7. Click “Apply”.


Changing the key on this device is a standard procedure:

1. In the address bar open browser enter
2. To identify, enter “admin” as Login and Password, click “Login”.

3. A new window will appear. In these settings, find “WLAN Settings”.
4. Select the “Main” item, and next to “SSID”, enter a new name for WiFi, if necessary. Save.

5. Immediately go to “Security”.
6. “Select SSID” should contain the name you entered a few seconds ago.
7. In “Authentication” select “Mixed WPA2/WPA-PSK”.
8. In “WPA/WPAI password”, enter new data and save.

Reboot your device, update the secret combination on your laptop and gadgets, and use a secure wifi network.

Altel 4G

Changing the key on this router is as easy as on other devices.

1. Enter or http://m.home in the browser address bar.
2. The system will require a password. There will be a standard word here: password.
3. Click on “Log in”.

4. Go to “Settings”.
5. Here select “Wi-Fi Settings”.
6. In the line “Wi-Fi network name (SSID)” write any word in Latin letters.
7. Save your actions with the “Apply” button.

8. In this window, select “Security Settings”. Set the mode shown in the image below. In the empty “Password” line, enter the new security key.

9. Click “Apply”, reboot the device and then you can continue working.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Any wireless home network should be password protected to prevent nosy neighbors and passers-by from connecting to your network and using up all the traffic most sophisticated users can access personal files via WiFi. Therefore, it is quite natural that there is a security code on your router at home, however, if someone found it out or you decided to change it yourself, you may encounter a problem such as ignorance of the process of changing the password itself. First of all, you need to go to the main WiFi settings router, and then change the home network password. You will learn how to do this and not make mistakes in this article. Take this algorithm for yourself.

First of all, you need to go to the router menu. This is done quite simply, but you will need a computer. Open your browser and enter the following ports in the address bar:
  • 192.168.01

If they didn’t work and nothing new appeared on the screen, then try another similar one:


A window will appear in front of you to enter the parameters of the router, no matter what brand it is.

The default password and login in any router is admin, however, if you have previously changed one of the parameters, you need to enter your data. In all other cases, the key will be the word admin.

Once on home page settings of your router, go to the “ Wireless mode" This section is entirely responsible for the WiFi network and its parameters. On example TP-Link this tab is on the left.

Several more sub-items will immediately unfold in this menu. You need to select “Wireless Security”.

This is where the password to your WiFi signal. Please note that previously given password is visible and not encrypted with asterisks, so do not let anyone near the computer at this moment, otherwise the person will simply see your new password.

In the “Wireless Network Password” section, delete the previously entered key and enter a new one. Some rules apply:

  • The password must contain from eight to sixty-three characters.
  • You can only enter numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet.
  • Upper and lower case are taken into account.

If you do not have a password set for WiFi at all, then first select the “WPA/WPA2 – Personal” tab, and enter the password there.

Now your connection is reliably protected, you do not risk losing important files and suddenly discover the end of Internet traffic.

The password on the router can be set after purchase, or changed after use. It is also possible to work without a pass code, or with standard admin\admin combinations. Below we will figure out how to assign a new password for wifi router, and also change the old one.

How to change the password on a wi-fi router

  • To perform any manipulations with the router, you should go to its web interface, which can be opened by any browser at the standard address (the last digit changes depending on which LAN port the device is connected to). Otherwise, you should refer to the documentation for your router and search for it on the Internet.
  • If you entered 192.168.*.* into the address bar and got to the router’s welcome window, the latter will require you to enter a password and login for authorization.
  • If you or another owner of the device did not set a pass code, the “default” data is relevant - name admin, password admin. With this data you should be taken to the settings menu immediately.
  • If the device writes that the entered data is incorrect, double-check that CTRL is not pressed and that the layout is selected correctly.
  • The final stage of manipulating the router is to reboot it special button reset to factory specifications. It is located on the body of the device, look at it from all sides and you will definitely find it (it will be signed Reboot, or not signed at all, unlike other named buttons). Press it, the router will reset any changes made, and you will be able to enter the settings menu using the standard admin\admin login and password.

How to set a new wifi password on a router?

By going to the router menu through the web interface, you may see sections and subsections that differ from the usual ones. However, they all follow a common logic - read the article, look at the images, and you will be able to quickly navigate the settings of a router of almost any model.

For example, consider the menu of a popular category of devices from the manufacturer Huawei. After authorization, go to the “Basic” menu, look for the WPA pre-shared key line and enter your own password, which must contain at least 8 characters. This will be your pass code for the wi-fi network, that is, for connecting to the Internet. Therefore, when you confirm and save the changes on all computers that connect to your network, the password will also need to be changed (otherwise access to worldwide network will not be).

If you want to change the password for logging into the router interface, go to the “Maintenance” tab, “Account” subsection, and here enter the required login\password in the appropriate lines. Don’t forget to save your changes using the “Submit” button. These settings will not affect your Internet connection. But the next time you log into the router’s web interface, you will need to enter a new login/password. If other people besides you use the router, do not forget to tell them this important information.

If you begin to notice that the Internet speed via WiFi is not what it used to be, and the lights on the router are blinking intensely even when you are not using wireless connection, then it is quite possible that you will decide to change your WiFi password. This is not difficult to do and in this article we will look at how.

Note: After you change your Wi-Fi password, you may encounter one problem, here is the solution: .

Change Wi-Fi password on D-Link DIR router

To change the wireless network password on Wi-Fi D-Link routers(DIR-300 NRU, DIR-615, DIR-620, DIR-320 and others), launch any browser on a device that is connected to the router - it doesn’t matter via Wi-Fi or just a cable (although better cable, especially in cases where you need to change your password because you don’t know it yourself. Next, follow these steps:

  • Enter into the address bar
  • When prompted for a login and password, enter the standard admin and admin or, if you changed the password to enter the router settings, then enter your password. Please note: this is not the same password required to connect via Wi-Fi, although in theory they could be the same.
  • Next, depending on the firmware version of the router, you need to find the item: “Configure manually”, “Advanced settings”, “Manual Setup”.
  • Select “Wireless Network”, and in it - security settings.
  • Change your Wi-Fi password without needing to know the old one. If the WPA2/PSK authentication method is used, the password must be at least 8 characters long.
  • Save your settings.

That's it, the password has been changed. To connect with a new password, you may need to “forget” the network on devices that connected to the same network previously.

Change password on Asus router

In order to change the Wi-Fi password on Asus Rt-N10, RT-G32, Asus RT-N12 routers, launch a browser on the device connected to the router (can be wired, or via Wi-Fi) and enter in the address bar, then, when asked about login and password, enter either the standard ones for Asus routers login and password - admin and admin, or, if you changed the standard password to your own, enter it.

  1. In the menu on the left in the section " Additional settings» select “Wireless network”
  2. Specify the desired new password in the “WPA Pre-Shared Key” item (if you use the WPA2-Personal authentication method, which is the most secure)
  3. Save settings

After this, the password on the router will be changed. It should be noted that when connecting devices that have previously connected via Wi-Fi to the router you are setting up, you may need to “forget” the network in that router.


To change the password to TP-Link router WR-741ND WR-841ND and others, you need to go to the address in the browser from any device (computer, laptop, tablet) that is connected to the router directly by wire or via a Wi-Fi network.

  1. The standard login and password for entering the settings of the TP-Link router are admin and admin. If the password does not work, remember what you changed it to (it is not the same password as for the wireless network).
  2. From the menu on the left, select "Wireless Network" or "Wireless"
  3. Select "Wireless Security" or "Wireless Security"
  4. Enter your new Wi-Fi password in the PSK Password field (if you have selected the recommended authentication type WPA2-PSK.
  5. Save settings

It should be noted that after you have changed your Wi-Fi password, on some devices you will need to delete the wireless network information with the old password.

How to change the password on a Zyxel Keenetic router

To change your Wi-Fi password to Zyxel routers, on any device connected to the router via a local or wireless network, launch a browser and enter in the address bar and press Enter. When prompted for a login and password, enter either the standard Zyxel login and password - admin and 1234, respectively, or, if you have changed the default password, then enter your own.

After that:

  1. From the menu on the left, open the Wi-Fi menu
  2. Open "Security"
  3. Enter a new password. It is recommended to select WPA2-PSK in the “Authentication” field; the password is specified in the Network key field.

Save your settings.

How to change the password on a Wi-Fi router of another brand

Change password to wireless routers other brands such as Belkin, Linksys, Trendnet, Apple Airport, Netgear and others happen in a similar way. In order to find out the address at which you need to log in, as well as the username and password for logging in, just refer to the instructions for the router or, even simpler, look at the sticker on the back of it - as a rule, this information is indicated there. Thus, changing your Wi-Fi password is very easy.

However, if something didn’t work out for you, or you need help with your router model, write about it in the comments, I will try to answer as quickly as possible.