How to fix the error in obtaining the treasury timestamp. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

Trusted time server (TSA, timestamp)

To gain access to the trusted time server, you need to download the TSA client by filling out the form below.

Access to the service is tied to your external IP address.

If you try to connect from another address, access will be denied. In this case, download the TSA client again from the location from which you are trying to connect.

For your convenience, your current external IP address is shown on the page.

Currently, access to the trusted time server is free. This will last until the end of the promotional period, the end of which will be announced later. In this regard, we kindly ask you to indicate a current e-mail.

What is trusted time?

Let's say you have some data or a file. Using trusted time (TSA, timestamp) you can obtain evidence that you have exactly this data at that moment. In the future, the presence of such evidence will help prove, for example, your authorship of this file. Since you are the author, you will have this file before everyone else, and this will be confirmed by a signed electronic signature with a timestamp that was received from the trusted time server. If someone later copied this file and also received a trusted timestamp, their timestamp will show the later time. Accordingly, when comparing these labels, it will be obvious that your file was created earlier.

Another use case is electronic auctions. Often a situation arises when it is important to accurately determine the sequence of submitted applications. This can determine the fate of the lot or contract. In this case, the trusted time stamp will allow you to determine the exact sequence of submitted applications, a kind of photo finish.

In addition, the trusted time stamp (timestamp) has become an integral component of each request to the State Information System on State and Municipal Payments (GIS GMP) of the Federal Treasury of Russia. Accordingly, you can use our service to issue TSA tags. However, you should take into account the fact that you only receive a timestamp from us, but the compilation of a full-fledged XAdES is entrusted entirely to you.

It all works as follows. First, using special cryptographic tools, the hash of the file is calculated. Then, based on this hash, a request is generated to obtain a timestamp. The request is sent to the server, which extracts the hash from it, adds the exact time to it and signs the whole thing with its private key. The response thus obtained is returned to the user.

How does the presence of a trusted time stamp prove that you had this particular file strictly at a certain point in the past? The fact is that inside the tag there is a unique hash of your file and the exact time indicated by the server. “Genuineity”, in fact, the absence of changes in the tag after it was generated by the server, is proven by its electronic signature (ES) in the tag - if the tag is changed after signing, the signature will not correspond to it and the fact of forgery will become obvious.

How accurate are our watches?

RFC 3161 requires the TSA server to have an accurate time source. Therefore, our server is equipped with a high-precision clock that is constantly synchronized with precise time signals received from the satellites of the GLONASS and GPS navigation systems.

Getting a timestamp

The trusted time stamp can be obtained from our server using the TSA client, the download form for which is located at the beginning of the page. After downloading, you only need to run the TSAreq.bat script from the Windows command line, specifying the file to sign as a parameter. For example, like this: TSAreq.bat test.txt
Then the TSA client will do everything himself. The timestamp will be written to a separate file - tsreply.

Timestamp authentication

In order to verify that the timestamp is not fake, but was actually issued by the server, you will need a certificate from the Certification Authority that issued the server its key certificate (tsaca.crt, located in the subdirectory of the crypto archive).

To verify the authenticity of the tag, you need to run the TSAverify.bat script from the Windows command line:


If the label is correct, a message will be displayed.

QuestionAnswerWhen signing digital digital signatures of financial documents, the system generates a “Time Stamp” error. The presence of a proxy server at the State Enterprise, it is necessary to open access to the corresponding ports 60003 ( Is it possible to work in the Internet Explorer version 6 browser Yes, it is possible If the user has changed the email address mail or forgot your password after registering on the server, what should you do? It is necessary to send an official letter from the GU to the TPK, in which you indicate the previous email address and the address to which the user activation link will be sent. How to obtain an electronic signature for the IS "Treasury - Client" ?Submit an electronic application on the website, in the IS tab "Treasury - Client". Sign a power of attorney to receive a registration certificate of a legal entity. Sign an agreement on the use of an electronic digital signature between the treasury and the client. Why are the “Key”, “Sign”, “Send” buttons not active or visible (the Java Applet does not load)? It is necessary to install an RSA certificate in Java. Start - Control Panel - Java control panel. On the "Security" tab, you must click on the "Certificates" button, in the "Certifications type" field, select "Client Authentication", you must click on the "Import" button. In the dialog box that appears, you need to select the path to the certificates and select the RSA certificate file, then enter the certificate password, which is located in a text document along the path where the certificate files are located and then enter the access password to the Java certificate store. In what cases is it necessary to enter into a new or additional agreement? Re-production of EDS keys under this Agreement is possible only if there is a failure in the disk, or an operator error was made during the production of the EDS key. The Additional Agreement is concluded only if the digital signature expires. How to connect to the Treasury - Client IS? To log into the System, the user must install the RSA key in the Internet Explorer browser. Open ports: 10443, 443 for the site, and port 62224 for You need to start Internet Explorer - go to the menu: Tools - Internet Options - Security - Trusted Sites, click the "Nodes" button in the dialog box that appears, you need to register trusted websites: To enter the System, you must type the URL to enter the System in the address bar: When you log in, the System will prompt you to select the RSA certificate installed earlier. What version of Java should be used for the "Treasury - Client" IS? At least Java 6 update 15 and no more than Java 6 update 35 When working in the "Treasury - Client" IS it gives a time stamp error Open port 60003 of the site To work in the IS " Treasury-client" required browser Browser Internet Explorer and Java 6 Update 22 and higher GU when checking the signature gives the error "signature is not genuine" We look at the Java version, if everything is in order we ask the GU to re-sign and send When logging in, it gives an error with a link to the server Request a screenshot, look browser and if it is not within our competence, we redirect it to the Treasury Committee. When creating an invoice for payment, the system gives a time stamp error. You should check ports 60003 of the site How should the “UPL” column be filled out in the help template, check the box? The value is not entered in this field, When entering data in the following columns, a checkbox is automatically placed in this field. In the certificate template, in the “credit” column, is it necessary to put a - (minus) sign? No, because the word credit itself implies a negative meaning, i.e. the amount to be credited is entered. In the certificate template, do you need to indicate the specifics in the column? In the certificate template, the specifics must be indicated in the “Specifics” column. In the certificate template, the amounts are indicated in thousand tenge? In the plan/certificate templates, the amounts are indicated in tenge. When entering the order number when creating an invoice for payment with the order, the data is not displayed. If such an error occurs, you must contact the treasury or send a screenshot describing the error by email. treasury address. GU cannot delete an invoice for payment with the status "New". Only the user who created this invoice for payment can delete an invoice for payment. What does "time stamp error" mean? Open port 60003 of the tsp.pki website. kz. The system produces errors when checking files for compliance with the MT-102 format. It is necessary to delete the file with errors and attach another, newly generated file, taking into account the errors identified by the system, following the user manual. In what format should the files be scanned for attachment? The formats are described in the user manuals and in the “Procedure for Interaction between Users of the Treasury-Client Information System and the National Certification Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” Is it possible to scan copies of documents for attachment? The government agency is responsible for the accuracy of the attached documents. Where can I get the User Guides? Can be downloaded from the Treasury Committee website Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( What does an invoice for payment with the status “for approval” mean? An invoice for payment, signed and sent by the accountant of the GI to the head of the GI, has the status “for approval”. When signing the document, it produces the following errors: The object identifier (OID) of the Treasury Committee system is not presented in the certificate! The certificate does not contain a GI code. The certificate does not contain a role. This error message is issued if you sign a document with a certificate that is not intended for use in the Treasury-Client system. It is necessary to check the GOST key that was used to sign the document, since the object identifier OID is looking for a treasury certificate. When you click on the add file button, the buttons for signing and adding a file do not appear. (Screen) The following solutions are offered: a) You must use the standard Internet explorer browser. b) You need to check the Java version. (it is advisable to install the penultimate patches. Can be downloaded from the Treasury Committee website c) reinstall Internet explorer. When signing a document, it displays the “Bad Request” error. You must use the standard Internet explorer browser, or configure the browser that is used. When entering the reporting module to generate a report, it gives "error 118 Operation timeout" GU the following port on the proxy server must be open. 77777778 How will government agencies provide letters under additional agreements through the Treasury-Client IS? According to clause 174 of the Rules, when forming an application in the Treasury-Client IS, to the electronic image of the application, signed with the digital signature of the head and chief accountant of the state institution, together with the supporting documents, a letter from the government agency is attached, which indicates the numbers of applications and Notifications of registration of the obligation (the number and date of the Agreement and, if available, the number and date of the additional agreement). How will the government agency receive notification of the registration of the agreement? When using IS "Treasury" -client" government agencies can independently generate a notification in the form in accordance with Appendix 69 for an amount not exceeding 5 (five) million tenge. Generation of notifications in the Treasury-Client IS for an amount exceeding 5 (five) million tenge is carried out by the TPK and transmitted on paper to the State Register. In what cases does the TPK generate form 4-02 “Notice of registration of an agreement”? When using the Treasury IS -client" government agencies can independently generate a notification in the form in accordance with Appendix 69 of the Rules for an amount not exceeding 5 (five) million tenge. Formation of notifications in the Treasury-Client IS for an amount exceeding 5 (five) million tenge is carried out by TPK and transmitted on paper to the State Administration. Please clarify the termination of the contract. How to send? Documents on termination of the contract must be submitted to the TPK on paper. How many characters can the payment order number consist of? See Rules 304-17. When generating a payment order for the SCS, only the serial number of the payment order is entered in the Treasury-Client IS. If the respondent GU cannot find the required recipient of the money when creating an invoice for payment or an Application for registration of the State PS, in this case the GU searches for the recipient of the money in the ISIC directory according to the manual user. To do this, the respondent needs to go to the function (menu) “Recipient of money in national currency” and, using a magnifying glass in the “supplier” field, search for the recipient of money by TRN, identifier (number) of the recipient of money or by name. If the recipient of the money is displayed in this form, then you must select this recipient of the money and create an application to make changes to the details of the recipient of the money without filling out more than one field in the Application (all fields must remain empty), then sign and send to the next approver. After approval of this application by the treasury executive, this supplier will be displayed in the form of accounts payable and State Registration Service. You must select the "Reporting Module" function in the "PBS: Financial Role" authority. To generate a report, you must perform the following steps: Fill in the fields of the General Reporting Form - “Government Institution”, “Region”, “Budget Type” - are selected automatically from the certificate, the fields “Language” and “Report Code” are required to be filled out; Download report 4_02 Notification of registration of contracts; Enter the parameters of the selected report; Run the report Save the report as needed. No. Name of business process Question Answer 1 Application for registration of GPS: Increase the number of characters in the purpose of payment In the Treasury-Client IS, the field “Description of expenses” is equal to 240 characters, as in the standard functionality of the IISK. There is no possibility of revoking an application for registration of GPS from the GU .Since, when an application for registration is approved, the State Register immediately goes to the IISK, it is impossible for the State Administration to withdraw the application. Why, when the status is processed, does the system sometimes not issue a notification number? The TPK user must respond to the repeated notification with OK, and then the GU will receive the notification number. Why is notification 4-02 not generated? You only need to generate notification 4-02 in the Explorer browser. Why is it not generated when forming an agreement? finds a supplier? You need to send an application to update the supplier. Why is there no option to select languages ​​(in Russian or in the state language) when creating an application for registration of the GPS? According to the GPS, applications are generated in the standard ORACLE application, which currently does not have the ability to select languages. The "Reporting" module is implemented in the BI Publisher application, where it is possible to generate reports in the state language. How to register additional agreements during the reorganization of a government agency? In the Treasury-Client IS, when generating an application for registration, the State Registration Service looks at the GI code; if the GI code changes, then the previous agreements are not in the system. Technically impossible. How to generate applications for an agreement (additional agreement), if the agreement (additional agreement) provides for the presence of two programs (reserve) and/or subprograms, provided that for one BCC an application is generated according to pr. 66-1 (short-term ), and for the second KBK on project 67-1 (long-term)? Applications for long-term/short-term and tenge/foreign exchange contracts are generated separately for each type, because Their application form is different. However, it is worth noting that today the State Administration has the ability to generate several Applications simultaneously for one type of Application. How to generate applications if the agreement provides for several currencies and/or recipients of money? (for example, if the contract provides for several currencies (tenge for the supplier, and dollar, euro w/w OBUFI for the supplier), also if the contract and/or additional agreement is concluded with an individual, then two applications are generated, one for the recipient of the money , and the second for individual income tax - the Tax Administration or in case of payment of a penalty). The system does not allow the formation of applications for additional agreements during reorganization (succession) or change in the supplier’s BIN. The system allows you to generate applications for additional agreements during the reorganization of the supplier (BIN), provided that the supplier code is not changed, since the System looks at the GI code, supplier code and contract number. There is no possibility of registering an additional agreement in the Treasury-Client IS after changing the main ones GI details (GI code and GI name). In the "Treasury-client" IS, when registering an additional GI agreement with new details (GI code and GI Name), the number of the GI agreement with old details (GI code and GI Name) is not displayed. In the "Treasury-Client" IS, when generating an application for registration The GPS looks at the GI code; if the GI code changes, then the previous contracts are not in the system. Technically impossible. It is not possible to check Free Funds during the process of creating an Application for State Registration. To check Free Funds, you must first specify the report form 0.07 There is no access to selecting the next approver. Check the equality of the amount from the “Total” and “Total amount in tenge (current financial year)” fields. Inability to cancel an application for registration of a State Register if an error is discovered by a government agency independently after being sent to TPK Since when an application for registration of a State Register is approved, they immediately go to the ISK, then the review We consider applications from the GU to be inappropriate2 Posting an invoice for payment: At the GU level, an invoice for payment is not blocked if the details do not correspond to the type of invoice for payment. If such a situation arises, you must contact the technical support department of the territorial treasury unit. There is no register of rejected payments indicating the reasons return. A register of rejected invoices for payment with the reason for the return can be obtained on the invoices for payment search form. To do this, you need to set the parameters date from Date to, Status "Rejected", "Canceled" When canceling an invoice for payment at the approval level, the TPK does not receive a notification of cancellation. The TPK responder on the MS needs to set the report "Distribution of a message about the cancellation of an invoice for payment in ISIC" according to the User Guide for TPK. Is the Adm/Pr/Subpr field filled in, Specifics when creating Invoices payable by sources of financing 3,4,5,8, Types of payment? See User Guide for GU When creating Invoices payable by sources of financing 4,5,8 this field is not filled in. What do you mean the account combination does not match. If the entered account combination is missing, the system will display the message: “There is no account combination in the system. AdmprSubpr, the specificity does not correspond to this GI code. Why does it not find a supplier when generating an invoice for payment? You need to send a request to update the supplier in the MT-102 program error "the field must not be empty" This error occurs when using an outdated program for generating bank accounts. It is necessary to update the software for generating MT 102 Why is it not possible to select languages ​​(in Russian or in the state language) when generating an invoice for payment? Invoices for payment are generated in the standard ORACLE application, which currently does not have the ability to select languages. When saving an invoice for payment, the payment purpose displays the error “The payment purpose exceeds the number of 240 characters. Is it possible to increase the number of characters to 300 - 400 characters? In the Treasury-Client IS, the Payment Purpose field is equal to 240 characters, as in the standard ISIC functionality. Accounts of the recipient of money for pensions and social contributions are often confused. To avoid such errors, TPK needs to systematically conduct technical training with government agencies. Such errors arise due to the inattention of users of the State Administration or ignorance of the user manual for State Administration. The type of payment is entered incorrectly. They are not coordinated with the notification on the State Public Service. They are not deleted in a timely manner. accounts with the status "New" by GU accountants. The question is of an organizational nature. At the end of the month, TPK must analyze the SKO with the status New and notify the GU about the need to delete such SKO. Files are not attached. You must install Java version 6.35. After which you need to place the RSA key in Java. Start - Control Panel - Java. Security tab - "Client authentication" drop-down list. Next, click on the "IMPORT" button. Is it possible to add a return function at the approval stage without execution due to Insufficient Funds? Invoices payable at the approval stage with the "Insufficient Funds" blocking are subject to cancellation, according to the User Guide for TPK Absence of a supplier in the recipient search window money when creating an invoice for payment. Study the instructions for “Entering the recipient of money in the directory of the recipient of money”, paragraph 8.3. Attaching files in the MT-102 format, posting invoices for salary, social contributions, pension contributions. Study the user manual “Posting invoices for payment "for GUV in the process of filling out the account details for payment in the "Specifics" selection window, the required specificity is missing. If the specificity is missing, you must contact the TPK. There is no KBK of receipts; the type of payment is incorrectly selected; when creating an account for payment of pension or social contributions, an error is displayed; the contents of block 1 are not equal to 25 characters. When this occurs problems, you need to contact TPK Why are there no templates so as not to type invoices for payment after a return? To avoid typing the same invoice for payment several times, K2 has the function of downloading a file from 1C. See the User Guide for the GI. Is it possible to reject an application at the GI level if you discover your error after sending it to the TPK? When an error is detected in the invoice for payment after sending to the TPK, the GI user has the opportunity to withdraw the invoice for payment if the status of the invoice is payable “On processing in TPK”3 Plans and certificates of changes: Account combination does not match Checking for the activity of the account combination on the GI side works; if the user enters an incorrect account combination, the system does not allow saving/generating a document. For example, when you enter an incorrect program, an error message appears: Message about a mismatch in the format of the downloaded file. I recommend that you carefully read the user manual for GU (at least version 4.0) for the business process "Plans and certificates of changes" section 3 "Creating a register" 4Entering the recipient of money in the Directory of the recipient of money in national currency: Adding a recipient of money for GUAccording to the RP "Entering the recipient of money in the directory of recipients of money in national currency" it is necessary to update the recipient of money. In the column "Information for updating", it is strictly forbidden to fill in information How to update suppliers? According to the user manual, you can download it on the website of the Treasury Committee. Why does the error “this value already exists” appear when changing details? When changing details, you need to change the operation type to “update” and not “create” How can you find out whether the recipient of the money is registered in the Treasury IS -client"? (Nurinsky RUK, Temirtau GUK) It is necessary to search for the recipient of money in the module recipient of money in national currency using the IIN/BIN parameter. (see RP "Entering the recipient of money in national currency") The process of updating entities in the ISIC of the recipients of money, in the Treasury-Client IS takes a lot of time from both the financial employees of the State Institution and the employees of the Kazakh State. The update process does not require more time, especially since there is no reconciliation of supporting documents, this process will be reduced as soon as the GI fills out its list of suppliers and will only make changes as the supplier’s details change.5Module "Reporting": A GI that does not have a chief accountant at the ROLE27 level, ROLE10 cannot generate forms 4-20, 4-02 In those government institutions where there is no accountant position, ROLE14 is provided - the head of the Client, who has the right to generate all financial documents (for a state institution that does not have a financial service) in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Finance dated March 12, 2013 "On approval of Methodological recommendations for user interaction with the Treasury-client system with the NCA RK "Finance departments (ROLE 08) would like to be able to generate daily reports 5-42, 5-15, 5-02, 5-17, 2-41, 2-38 (receipt to the district budget).According to the order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 20, 2009 No. 306 “On approval of the Rules, deadlines and forms for submitting reports on budget receipts and expenditures”, a report in form 2-41, 2-38 only TC and territorial tax authorities. According Chapter 38 of the Order of the CC MF RK dated 16. 03.2012 No. 58 DSP report forms 5-15, 5-02, 5-17 are not intended for issuance to the local authorized body for budget execution (role 08) 4-02 generating a GU report independently in what cases? When using the Treasury-Client IS, government agencies can independently generate a notification in the form in accordance with Appendix 69 for an amount not exceeding 5 (five) million tenge. What types of reports are generated by role. Lists of reports in accordance with roles are described in the User Guide for government agencies "Reporting Module", which is posted on the website How to create forms? To work in the Reporting Module, government agencies must select the “Reporting Module” function on the main page of the “Treasury-Client” Information System in the “Navigator” block, in the displayed “PBS Financial Role” authority. The User Guide for government agencies "Reporting Module" (hereinafter referred to as the Guide) describes in detail the parameters for generating certain reports. The manual can be downloaded from the website of the Treasury Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan www.treasury.kzWhy does not it go into the reporting module? The reasons may be different: using the Mozilla, Chrome browser; no access to the address: 7778. To more accurately determine the cause of the problem, you need to contact TPK. Where can I download the manual? You can download the User Guide for government institutions “Reporting Module” on the website of the Treasury Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan Why does the generated notification come out blank? Report 4-02-Notification of registration of contracts must be generated no earlier than 2 hours after receiving the notification from the TPK about order creation. Output forms in the "Reporting Module" are generated several days late. Not all reports are generated correctly on the same day. Government agencies should study the User Guide for Government Agencies “Reporting Module”. In particular, paragraph 5 of the Guide lists the types of reports that must be generated only after the close of the business day. Generation of output forms in XML format Reports for government agencies must be generated only in PDF format. Posted accounts payable in Form 4-20 cash expense are reflected in a few days Report 4-20 depends on the closing of the operating day Form 5-30 for the quarter and for the current period comes out “zero” Report 5-30 depends on the closing of the operating day. Form 5-17 does not provide a specific return date, the amount is only based on the total By Report 5-17 requires more complete information. Therefore, we recommend that you contact the TPK at your location, providing a more detailed description of the problem and a screenshot of the error. If it is not possible to provide consulting assistance independently, the TPK will escalate the problem to the Committee. The received decision from the TPK Committee will be provided to you. After generating one report form, you exit the system automatically. To go to the next report, you must use the "" button on the current report form after generating the report, located in the report window, and not on the main page of IS "QC" . Next, click the “Cancel” button, after which a window for selecting the report number will appear, where you need to select the next report from the list of reports. Form 4-20 is generated on 4 sheets, is it possible to reduce the number of sheets to 2 sheets? The number of sheets in the report is 4-20 cannot be reduced without losing the aesthetic appearance. The reporting module does not open after checking port 7778. This occurs when a new user works in the Reporting module. To resolve the problem, you must send the user login under which you log into the Reporting Module to the Treasury Committee. The Head of the State Administration does not have the ability to generate reports. Due to the fact that accounting functions are carried out by accountants with roles 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, there is no need for the head of the government agency to generate reports. And in those government institutions where there is no position of an accountant, ROLE14 is provided - the head of the Client, who has the right to generate all financial documents (for a state institution that does not have a financial service) in accordance with Order of the Minister of Finance dated March 12, 2013 No. 133 “On approval of Methodological Recommendations for the interaction of users with the system Treasury-client with NCA RK "Is it possible for GIs to independently print out form 4-20 in the IS "Treasury-client"? Can they see free funds? In the IS "Treasury-client" GIs have the ability to independently print all the forms provided for in the User Manual Module "Reporting", a report of form 0-07 will allow you to control free funds for payments and obligations. Error message when trying to work in this module using the Mozill browser. The error occurs due to the fact that the Mozilla browser does not have the correct settings to eliminate it you must contact your system administrators. To work in the "Reporting" module, we recommend setting up the Internet Explorer browser. How to correctly set report parameters, for example 0_07 In paragraph 7 of the User Guide for government agencies "Reporting Module", it is described in detail what parameters need to be set to generate the report 0_07 -Report on free funds of the state budget 6 SCS entities: When generating payments for pensions and social contributions from individuals persons who do not have a middle name receive errors when they click the "Check" button Completed by RIF 05/04/2013 If the employee does not have a middle name, the /FT/ field should not be present. The system does not allow the presence of an empty field /FT/ The keywords /FM/, /NM/, /FT/ when generating pension payments and social contributions must be filled in in accordance with the recipient’s identity document. If any of these details are missing in the document, the corresponding keyword is not indicated.7 Signing digital signature documents: “Time stamp error” You need to go to the “START” menu on the desktop and select the “Run” menu item (if this menu item is missing, you must add. To do this, go to the "Start" menu, right-click, go to "Properties", in the "START Menu" tab, click "Customize", the "Start" menu settings will open and in it find the "Run command" tab and check the box opposite , click "OK"), enter the text "cmd" and press Enter, in the window that appears, enter telnet 60003, then press Enter - With this command we check whether the port is open on the GU proxy server in the NCA RK. If the port is open (this is indicated by a black screen without any lines of text), then reinstall Java (Recommended version Java 6.35). . The reason for the non-authenticity of the EDS may be related to the need to re-issue the keys at the NCA, because they were issued incorrectly, or if this error does not appear constantly, then with a failure while receiving a timestamp from the NCA. The EDS key button does not become inactive after signing and it is possible to send an invoice. It is necessary to reinstall Java. If this measure does not help, then reissue the keys. The electronic signature key does not match the authentication key. When an error appears that the digital signature does not correspond to the authentication certificate, this means that the user selects the wrong digital signature key.8 Authentication and registration of users: When registering a user, there is a long wait for the link. A long wait for the link can occur for the following reasons: 1 )The client entered the wrong address during registration 2) The client's mail server does not allow the message from the treasury to pass through, considering it unsafe 3) There are some delays at due to the queue How to change the email address? If the GU makes an error in the email address, then the GU writes a letter to change the postal address to the TPK. Next, the TPK writes a letter addressed to the Chairman of the CC. After changing the mailing address in KK, GU, you must re-request the activation link. How to remove the blocking? The blocking is removed automatically after 24 hours. Blocking occurs after 10 unsuccessful attempts to enter the password. Is it possible to work through different browsers? From the developers of the Treasury-Client IS, there are recommendations for the work of IExplorer. “Your certificate data has been sent for processing, wait for a response.” If this message appears every time you log in to the system, This means it is a problem with frozen registration. The GU needs to send the client’s data (full name, GU code, role) and a “screen” of the error to the treasury at the place of service. There are cases when sending when choosing the next approver, two directors come out, i.e. The previous director was not recalled by the State Directorate1. There may be cases when one person can be a Director in two State Directorates. 2. After revoking the manager’s digital signature, you must try to log in using his digital signature, after which the system will delete (block) the user with the revoked certificate Question Answer What is the reason for the low communication speed when working in ISIC after the second ten days of the month? This problem was associated with unoptimized operation of the program code, This problem has now been resolved. At the same time, there may be some slowdown due to an increase in load in the third ten days of the month. Is it possible to make changes to the Application for registration of the GPS in the Treasury-Client IS? Making changes to the Application for registration of the GPS is possible only before the PDF form of the Application is generated. After formation, making changes is not possible. What forms are formed according to the Treasury-Client IS when returning pension payments? According to paragraph 3 of paragraph 234 of the Rules for the execution of the budget and its cash services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 26, 2009 No. 220 State institutions that are serviced using the "Treasury-Client" IS; independently generate reports of form 2-38 "Payment Order", 5-17 "Register of Restorations and Transfers", 5-56 "Report on Returns of Salary Payments", 5-57 "Report on Refunds" pension payments." At the same time, we note that to view the reason for the return, you need to generate a report of form 2-38 “Payment order”, and to view the date of return you need to generate a report of form 5-17 “Register of restorations and transfers. To obtain the necessary report, you must go to the main page of the Information system "Treasury-client" in the "Navigator" block, in the displayed authority "PBS Financial role" select the "Reporting module" function. In the general reporting form, you must press the spacebar in the "Report Code" field and select the desired report from the list of reports: 5-57, 2-38, 5-17, specifying the parameters of the selected report. Who can recall an invoice for payment in the Treasury IS - client"? An accountant with role 20, 27 and a director (head) of a government agency with role 10 can revoke an invoice for payment. How to set output forms in the IS "Treasury - Client"? On the main page of the IS "Treasury - Client" in the block " Navigator", in the displayed authority "PBS Financial role" select the "Reporting module" function. The User Guide for government agencies "Reporting Module" describes in detail the parameters for generating certain reports. What documents must be attached when creating a new supplier? In the "Treasury - Client" IS, you must attach scanned originals of the state registration certificate and a certificate from the bank. What forms are formed in the IS "Treasury - Client" when money is received into our deposit account? According to paragraph 106 of the Rules for the execution of the budget and its cash services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 26, 2009 No. 220 Issuance of reports on the movement of money to the SPV of paid services, sponsorship, charitable assistance, temporary placement of money, local government, accounts of a quasi-public sector entity and accounts in foreign currency are carried out by territorial treasury bodies and presented to government agencies as payments and money transfers are made in Form 5-20. "Extract from cash control account." State institutions and entities of the quasi-public sector, serviced by the Treasury-Client IS, independently generate the reports specified in this paragraph. It is also necessary to generate a report of form 2-38 "Payment order" - reasons for the return, and to view the date of return it is necessary to generate a report of form 5-17 "Register of restorations and transfers." Is it possible to delete rejected or canceled invoices for payment in the Treasury-Client IS? in order to reuse an already existing invoice number for payment? In the Treasury-Client IS, invoices for payment rejected or canceled at the TPK level cannot be deleted, and in order to re-enter the specified invoice for payment, you will need to enter a new account number for payment. Invoices for payment rejected by a government agency and having the status “Rejected at the GI level” are subject to deletion. Why did they stop accepting files in IMG, JPG format under the Treasury - Client IS? To reduce the volume of documents stored in IS KK from 08/12/2013. It is allowed to attach files only in the format "MT102" "MT100" and "PDF" In what form can you see free account balances in the "Treasury - Client" IS? You can see it in form 0_07 "Report on free funds of the state budget" in accordance with User's Guide for Accountants of the State Enterprise "Reporting Module". Or on the form for entering an invoice for payment, after filling out the appropriate fields using the "Request for free funds" button in accordance with the User Guide for a State Accountant. How to generate form 5-15 A for pension contributions in the IS "Treasury - Client"? To receive statements of pension contributions report form 5-15 A "Statement of payments made to the relevant accounts of recipients of money (for the transfer of wages and other cash payments to employees of government institutions, scholarships, payments to individuals to card accounts or savings accounts of recipients of money, and social deductions)" is necessary on the main page of the Information System "Treasury-Client" in the "Navigator" block, in the displayed authority "PBS Financial Role" select the "Reporting Module" function. In the general reporting form, you must press the "space" in the "Report Code" field and select the desired report from the list of reports: 5-15A, setting the parameters of the selected report in accordance with paragraph 15 of the User Guide for government agencies "Reporting Module", and the payment type must be selected 2. Why does the error occur? The ASSIGN field contains an invalid symbol ":" with code 58. Messages the ASSIGN field contains an invalid symbol ":" with code 58 reports the presence of a ":" sign in the description of the payment purpose, which is unacceptable. Who makes generation of a notification in the Treasury-Client IS if the amount is over five million? According to paragraph 179 of the Rules for the execution of the budget and its cash services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 26, 2009 No. 220, the formation of notification 4-02 for an amount over five million is carried out by TPK and issues on paper GU What actions are taken if the password is entered incorrectly, if the user has exceeded the permissible number of entries. Is it possible to try again? According to the User Guide of the "Treasury - Client" IS, you can try again only after 24 hours. Why is an invoice for payment canceled in the system not received as a notification on the work list, so as to find out whether the invoice for payment has been canceled or processed every time do I need to search by dates and check? When canceling an invoice for payment in the ISK, the TPK user must send messages about the cancellation of the invoice for payment in accordance with the User Guide for the TPK module "Posting an invoice for payment". As a result, users of the government agency and the user of the TPK (Preliminary Control) will receive a message about the cancellation of the invoice for payment. Why is the notification (order) number not indicated in the notice of approval of the application for GPS? According to the User Guide "Application for registration of GPS" the notification (order) number You can view the application for GPS registration after the TPK has approved it; to do this, you need to go to “Search for an application for GPS registration” and fill in the required fields and click “Find”. After the system finds the required application in the “Purchase order number” field, you can see the notification (order) number and form 4-02 “Notice of registration of contracts” is generated in accordance with the User Guide for the accountant of the State Institution “Reporting Module” Why It is impossible to withdraw an application for registration of a GPS after being sent to TPK if the GU themselves discovered an error? According to the current functionality, withdrawal of an Application is not possible (only rejection by the TPK executor) Is it possible to generate a report on the balance of available funds for all specifics at the same time, since in the form 0_07 "Report for free funds of the state budget" must be specified each time for each specificity separately? Perhaps. If you generate a report of form 0_07 "Report on free funds of the state budget" without filling out the "Specifics" field, then the data is generated according to all valid values ​​​​from the directory (specifics). Why does the reporting module not work in the Mozilla Firefox browser? The error occurs due to the fact that the Mozilla Firefox browser does not have the correct settings, to eliminate which you need to contact the serving system administrators. To work in the "Reporting" module, we recommend setting up the Internet Explorer browser. Why, when registering a new user, does not the registration link come to your e-mail? Look at the application for issuing a registration certificate, what e-mail is indicated in the application? When registering a new user, the e-mail field contains the e-mail address read from the certificate, but the e-mail address can be changed and the current address can be specified. Why does error 400 appear when logging into the "Treasury-Client" system? 1) or you need to install a key authentication 2) or the key has expired, go to service/internet properties/contents/certificates/personal/certificate and see the validity period of the key. Why is it impossible to log into the Treasury-Client IS system, although all the settings are there? Check your computer for extraneous software products (games, movies, etc.), extraneous programs must be removed. Check your computer for a virus, because of viruses, computers fail, work slowly, and freeze. How can you delete an invoice for payment that is rejected by the Treasury Department? An invoice for payment that is rejected at the Department level is not deleted at the GU level. You can delete invoices payable at the GI level with the status “new”, “rejected due to expiration of time”, “rejected at the GI level”. It is impossible to work in the “Treasury-Client” system, it is slow to log into the system, the locks are released. Check the settings, “Block pop-ups disable windows" and disable all filters (if any). Why is the window not active in the module "Application for entering a recipient of money in national currency" at the state level when searching for a supplier? Go to service / internet options / general / parameters, disable tabs in the Internet browser Explorer. Why does the “Time Stamp Error” error appear when signing files in the “Treasury-Client” system? 1) Check port 60003 of the website, port 60003 should be open. 2) If this error occurs in all government agencies, then the error is on the side of the NCA (you should call the Treasury Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan). Why does the reporting module not work in the Internet Explorer browser? For the reporting module to work, you need to open ports 7777, 7778. Do I need to install EDS key (GOST) into the operating system? No, you do not need to install the key in the OS, the EDS key (GOST) is used to sign documents in the Treasury-Client system, files in MT-102 format, etc. Problem when generating the form 5-15 And in A4 format, the data is not filled in completely, but partially. It is necessary to set this report correctly. An incorrect report is generated when selecting the “Reports” function in the “Navigator” block. To receive an extract on pension contributions of the report form 5-15 A "Statement on payments made to the relevant accounts of recipients of money" you must select the function on the main page of the Information System "Treasury-Client" in the "Navigator" block, in the displayed authority "PBS Financial Role" "Reporting module". The User Guide for government agencies "Reporting Module" (hereinafter referred to as the Guide) describes in detail the parameters for generating certain reports. The problem is with the converter, i.e. generates documents out of order. When scanning documents, you need to number the files in ascending order. Why are not all invoices payable sent via IS "Treasury - Client" on the last working day of the month executed on the same day and at the end of the month there is a budget failure? The processing time for invoices payable submitted via IS K2 is 8 working hours, invoices for payment sent by government agencies in the afternoon and executed by territorial divisions of the treasury on the same day are paid the next business day. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the submission of payments in such a way that there are no urgent payments left on the last working day of the month. Is it possible to generate certificates on changes to the Consolidated Financing Plan for obligations and payments of several BPO? Certificates of amendments to the Consolidated Financing Plan for obligations and payments for several BPOs must be generated in one register using the “Budget Certificate” type. When clarifying the budget using the Treasury-Client IS, the electronic document “Updated Plan” is generated separately by one register or together with Certificates of amendments to the consolidated financing plan for obligations and payments. In accordance with clause 51 of the Rules for the execution of the budget and its cash services No. 220 dated February 26, 2009, in case of clarification of the budget, when servicing using the Treasury-Client IS. to a territorial unit treasury, electronic images of certificates on changes to the consolidated plans and an electronic image of the updated plan are provided in one register. How to draw up additional agreements for changing the details and amounts of contracts in the Treasury-Client IS? When servicing using the Treasury-Client IS, an electronic image is generated applications with attached scanned images of documents (the original contract, additional agreement, explanatory note of the state institution, which indicates the numbers of applications and notifications of registration of obligations) signed by the digital signature of the head and chief accountant of the state institution. clauses 165, 174 of Rules 220 In what cases when forming electronic images of certificates on changes to individual plans are marked V in the “Internal movement” block? According to the User Guide for Government Institutions, Administrators of local budget programs mark “V” when filling out certificates on changes to individual plans that do not relate to changes to consolidated financing plans .What actions does the Client perform when the digital signature keys expire? According to paragraph 15 of the "Methodological recommendations for user interaction with the Treasury-client system and the National Certification Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan", approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 12, 2013 No. 133, in the event of expiration of the EDS keys, the Client: - destroys the registration certificate, the private EDS key and authentication; - concludes an Additional Agreement on the use of an electronic digital signature between the Treasury and the Client, in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to the Methodological Recommendations for the further re-issuance of the registration certificate and private EDS keys; - submits an online application to the RC NUC for the issuance of a registration certificate, provide to the Public Service Center the Additional Agreement and Application generated during the online application process, with documents identifying the applicant. Is it necessary to send the attached agreement and additional agreement in PDF format? optimizing the load on system performance and reducing the volume of documents transmitted via communication channels, files are attached only in PDF format. What are our actions when a message appears about a mismatch in the format of the downloaded file in the Treasury - Client IS? Check the correctness of the field formats of the downloaded file. Carry out manual filling. Why in the IS "Treasury - client, when signing digital signature documents, a time stamp error message appears. 1) Check port 60003 of the website, port 60003 should be open. 2) If this error appears in all government agencies , then the error is on the side of the NCA (you should call the Treasury Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan). In the IS "Treasury - Client, when installing the keys, a message appears about a mismatch of the key structure. Check the key structure - contact the Public Service Center for re-issuance or issue of new keys. Why is opening not provided "Reporting modules" through other browsers (Mozila Firefox), but only through Internet Explorer? Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox are certified by Oracle to work with systems based on Oracle E-Bussiness Suite. At the same time, for Mozilla Firefox to work correctly, you need to install additional plugins. Other browsers are not certified by Oracle, and therefore the operation of the system with these browsers is not guaranteed. Does the Treasury-Client IS reflect account blocking? When generating and approving an invoice for payment in the Treasury-Client IS, in the event of an account being frozen, the system displays a message that the account combination is frozen. When registering a GPS, a message about account freezing is issued at the TPK level. Who generates reports from government agencies and quasi-public sector entities that are serviced using the "Treasury Client" IS? Lists of reports in accordance with roles are described in the User Guide for government agencies "Reporting Module", which is posted on the official website of the Treasury Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Why when generating of accounts payable in IS "Treasury-Client" the message "No combination" appears? An error appears if the entered account combination is not in the system (make appropriate changes). Is it necessary to conclude an additional agreement to the agreement on the digital signature in the event of a change in the position of the accountant of the GU ?When changing the Client’s position, it is necessary to conclude an Agreement on the use of EDS between the Treasury and the Client. The procedure for obtaining and revoking EDS? According to the order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 12, 2013 No. 133 “On approval of Methodological recommendations for user interaction with the Treasury-client system and the National Certifying center of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Why is the reporting module not working? It is necessary to check whether port 7778.7777 is open. Why can’t you immediately print out form 4-02 after the order is approved by the TPK responder? Since the data for report 4-02 Notification of registration of contracts is downloaded from ISK every two hours. How can you see the balance of funds for a certain BCC for the current day? In the reporting module, generate report 0_07 “Report on free funds of the State Budgetary Institution” Why can’t the State Department delete an invoice for payment with the status “new”? Document with the status “New” " can only be deleted by the user who created the document. Why are reporting forms unreliable? To obtain reliable data in reports, you must correctly set the report parameters. An incorrect report is generated when selecting the "Reports" function in the "Navigator" block and when generating reports if the trading day was not closed. To generate correct reports, you must select the “Reporting Module” function on the main page of the “Treasury-Client” Information System in the “Navigator” block, in the displayed authority “PBS Financial Role”. The User Guide for government agencies "Reporting Module" describes in detail the parameters for generating certain reports. The manual can be downloaded from the website of the Treasury Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan Why, when choosing the format type “PP Formation and clarification of the financing plan” (PP FUPF), the data is not displayed on the input form when loading? According to the user manual “Plans and Certificates of Changes”, resave the previously prepared file from the software program “FUPF” by selecting the file type “Excel 97-2003 Book (.xls)”, for compatibility when importing data from the input file to the input form; When the checkbox is checked “internal movement” when filling out the register of plans and certificates? In the “Internal movement” block, only Administrators of local budget programs put a mark when filling out certificates of changes to individual plans that do not relate to changes to consolidated financing plans. In the event of successful upload of Electronic documents to the ISK, notification of successful upload will be received by the relevant local authorized body for budget monitoring. How can you view the number of the Notification of Agreement Registration in the Treasury-Client information system? According to the User Guide “Application for State Registration of State Register”, the notification number ( order) can be viewed after the application for GPS registration is approved by the TPK; to do this, you need to go to “Search for an application for GPS registration” and fill in the required fields and click “Find”. After the system finds the required application in the “Purchase order number” field, you can see the notification (order) number and form 4-02 “Notice of registration of agreements” is generated in accordance with the User Guide for the accountant of the State Institution “Reporting Module” How install an electronic digital signature? The signature key (GOST) is not installed in the browser, but is selected during signing via a Java applet. The process of signing documents in the "Treasury-Client" IS is described in more detail in the user manual "Signing EDS Documents". What actions should the GU take in the absence of an Internet connection for clients connected through a proxy server? If the client's Internet connection is established through a proxy -server, then you need to make sure that the following ports are open: 10443, 443, 7778, 7777 (the last two for the reporting module) for the site Port 60003 is also required to establish a connection with the site What roles in the "Treasury - Client" IS carry out the signing of the Register and electronic documents attached to it in the business process "Plans and certificates of changes"? Register, plans/certificates of changes signed by users with the roles provided for in the Methodological Recommendations for the interaction of users with the Treasury-Client system and the National Certification Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 12, 2013. No. 133 Does an authorized employee (accountant) of the State Institution with ROLE27 have the right to sign on financial documents created in the Treasury - Client IS? No, this role does not have the right to sign on financial documents, only creates documents. How to fix the problem in the "Treasury - Client" IS when a "Time Stamp Error" occurs? You need to open port 60003 for the site How to generate an invoice for payment in the "Treasury - Client" IS if the recipient of the money is a tax authority and the amount needs to be sent to budget income? When creating a payment invoice, if the recipient of the money is a tax authority and the amount needs to be sent to budget income, you must select the type of invoice for payment: “Internal deductions to the Budget”, in accordance with the user manual “Posting invoices payable for GI”. 1 19 TREASURY COMMITTEE OF THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE OF THE RK

This error window started appearing in Continent AP... to be honest, I didn’t immediately understand what the problem was. And he even advised me to install the latest version of the continent, but... let’s figure out what the problem really was.

Key signing error 0x0000065B

1. First of all, we check the license term of your Crypto PRO - this is in the Control Panel - double-click on the CryptoPRO CSP icon and on the "General" tab - in the "Expiration" line - most likely you will read "Expired")))

2. I’ll tell you how to get around this error - when there is no license, and you don’t have time to write a letter to the treasury to get it (payments need to be sent now), there is a way - change the date on your computer back, just remember the last time you entered the Continent AP is successful, and change it to the same date. The method works (with date substitution), but then don’t forget - you still need to get a license key, because the lack of a crypto pro license will lead to a lot of other errors in different programs where an electronic digital signature is issued.

Two devices (hosts or routers) can use a timestamp request and a request, timestamp, and response message to determine the round-trip time required for an IP datagram. It can also be used to synchronize generators in two devices. The format of these two messages is shown in rice. 6.11.

Rice. 6.11.

Three timestamp fields - each 32 bits long. Each field can contain a number that represents time measured in milliseconds from midnight Universal Time (formerly called Greenwich Mean Time Value). (Note that 32 bits can represent numbers from 0 to 4,294,967,295, but the timestamp in this case cannot exceed 86,400,000 = 24 x 60 x 60 x 1000.)

The source creates a timestamp request message. The source populates the source timestamp field with the Universal Time value based on its clock at the time of departure. The other two timestamp fields are filled with zeros.

The destination generates a timestamp response message. The destination copies the original timestamp value from the request message to the same field in its response message. Then populates the received timestamp field with the UTC value of its clock at the time the request was received. Finally, it populates the origin timestamp field with the Universal Time value of its clock at the time the response message is sent.

The timestamp request and timestamp response messages can be used to calculate the one-way or round-trip time required for a datagram to travel from its source to its destination and then back again. The formulas are as follows:

Transmission time = received timestamp value – original timestamp value;

Reception time = packet return time – timestamp transmission value;

Round trip time = transmit time + receive time.

Sending and receiving time calculations are accurate only if the clocks in the source and destination machines are synchronized. However, the round trip calculation is correct even if the pair of clocks are not synchronized, because when calculating the round trip, each clock contributes twice, thus canceling out any difference in timing.

For example, given the following information:

Initial timestamp value: 46;

Receive timestamp value: 59;

Departure timestamp value: 60;

Package arrival time: 67;

we can calculate the round trip time:

Transfer time = 59 – 46 = 13 milliseconds;

Receive time = 67 – 60 = 7 milliseconds.

Given the actual one-way time, timestamp request and response message, timestamps can also be applied to synchronize the clocks in two devices using the following formula:

Time difference = receiving timestamps – -(original timestamp + one-way time duration).

The one-way time duration can be obtained either by dividing the round trip time duration by two (if we are sure that the sending time is equal to the receiving time) or by other means. For example, we can say that the clock in the previous example is 3 milliseconds out of sync because

Time difference = 59 – (46 + 10) = 3.

Address mask request and response

The host IP address contains the network address, subnet address, and host ID. A host can know its full IP address, but it cannot know which part of the address defines the network and subnet address and which part corresponds to the host ID. For example, a host might know its 32-bit IP address as

10011111 00011111 11100010 10101011

But he doesn't know that the left 20 bits are the network and subnet addresses, and the remaining 12 bits are his host ID. In this case, the host needs the following mask:

11111111 11111111 11110000 00000000

The ones in the mask identify the position of the bits used for the network identifier (netid) and network identifier (subnetid). Zeros identify the bit position for the host (hostid). For example, applying the above mask to the above address, we have