How to search using google? Search for different words in one sentence. Search for news for a specific location

Additional search teams Google and Yandex will allow you to achieve much more best results. With their help, you can limit the scope of your search and also tell the search engine which pages to view.

Google commands are written in the search string before the search parameter, and some commands require a "-" character before them. There is no space after the “-” symbol.

Here are some:

  • -allinlinks – this command searches only in the names of links, and not in the text or title of the page, for example, -allinlinks itua;
  • -allintext – on the contrary, searches inside the text on pages, but not in links or page titles, for example, -allintext internet marketing;
  • -allintittle - shows search results in page title;
  • -allinurl: - shows pages similar to this template. For example, -allinurl:links.php;
  • cache: - finds a copy of a page indexed by Google, even if that page is no longer available at its Internet address or has changed its content. In other words, this command searches Google's cache. It is useful for viewing pages whose content changes frequently. For example,;
  • filetype: - allows you to limit the search to only files with a given extension. However, Google treats filetype:htm and filetype:html as different commands. Google supports searching in the most popular file formats ppt, pdf, xls and doc;
  • info - will show a page containing links to search options: search for similar pages, backlinks, and pages containing the same link. This command means the same as typing into the search bar given address web pages;
  • intext - in this case, when searching, page titles and links will not be taken into account, but only the text of the page body (tag ). This is useful when you are looking for a piece of text and you don’t care what the page title or links are;
  • intitle: - this command, on the contrary, limits the search only to the page title, that is, the contents of the title tag. For example, intitle:front page (there should be no spaces between the command and the parameter) will cause Google to display links to the front page of Russian-language online newspapers;
  • inurl: - using this command, the search will be carried out only in the page address. Usually this command is used not alone, but together with others when they want to find the search page. For example, the command inurl:search will display a list of pages that have the word search in the address, as in these cases: or;
  • link: - returns a list of pages that link to a given;
  • related: - using this command you can get a list of pages similar to this one. For example, by specifying you will receive a list of links to other online media. Also related:- convenient tool, if you want to know which category Google ranks your site;
  • site: is probably one of the most commonly used Google commands. It allows you to limit your search to a specified site only.

Now we'll look at additional commands search engine Yandex:

  • $title (expression) - allows you to search in the page title, for example, $title (internet marketing);
  • $anchor (expression) - this command means search in link text, for example, $anchor (itua) - finds links that contain the word itua;
  • #keywords=(expression) - using this command you can search in keywords, for example, #keywords=(search engine);
  • #abstract=(expression) - this command means searching in the page description, for example, #abstract=(search | search);
  • #image="value" - such a request will allow you to search for pictures with the specified name, for example, #image="nokia" - will select links to sites that have pictures with the name nokia;
  • #hint=(expression) - and this command will search in image captions, for example, #hint=(lenin | lenin);
  • #url="value" - means searching on a given site (page), for example, #url="*";
  • #link="value" - this way you can search for links to a given site, for example, #link=”*;
  • #mime="value" - this command limits the type of documents found, for example, as a result of a query web concept 2.0 #mime="pdf" you will find pdf documents in which these words appear;
  • host="" - the operator is similar to the url with the host name, but takes into account all the site mirrors, for example, host="";
  • rhost="ru.url.*" or rhost="ru.url.www" – this operator is similar to host, but the host name is written in reverse order - domain first top level, then the second, etc. If at the end it is indicated.*, then the search goes through all subdomains of the given domain (but not including the ru.url domain!), for example, rhost="*";
  • lang="language" - this command selects for search pages written in a specific language, for example, Russian (ru), Ukrainian (uk), Belarusian (be), English (en), French (fr), German (de) , for example, lang="de";
  • like="" - selects for search pages similar to the given address, for example, like="";
  • domain="domain" - using this entry you can search for pages that are located in a given domain: domain="yandex" /+1 domain="ru";
  • date="YYYY(*|MM(*|DD))" - in this case, the search is performed only on pages whose date satisfies the specified condition, for example, date="200310*";
  • cat=(region ID) or cat=(topic ID) - such a search includes only pages of sites registered in "

Every Internet user to search necessary information uses search engines. How to search for information in Yandex? At first glance, everything looks quite simple and easy. We go to the Internet, open home page search engine, write down the question that interests us and begin to study and sort the answers obtained as a result of the search.

But not everyone knows that they have some secrets that can make searching for information easier, more accessible and enjoyable.

Let's consider the main features and capabilities of this system.

How to correctly search for information in Yandex with a query in a few words?

How to search correctly in Yandex? The very first thing that needs to be done is to formulate the request itself as accurately as possible. It must include two or more words. When you enter it into the search bar, the system traditionally returns similar queries and synonymous words. For example, you need to find an answer to the question: “Where can I have a good rest?” In the search bar, when you enter a query, synonymous words and sentences begin to be added, leading to the sites of the services offered (at sea, in Egypt, in India). Some people like this because it makes searching much easier, but some find it distracting. If you belong to the latter category, then try to accurately formulate the question to which you want to find the answer in Yandex. Alternatively, put it in regular quotes and write it in the input line.

If you forgot a word, you can put any sign in its place. For example: enter a line in quotes, and put “*” in place of the unknown word.

For example, in Yandex, search for: “Diagnostic * in gynecology.” Using this formulation is convenient when searching and selecting quotes, lines from famous books, poems, when some words are simply forgotten.

It is convenient to search for information in Yandex because it provides answers to the synonyms found. You can also list synonyms in the search string, putting them in brackets and separating them with an I. For example: “ successful management(business I business I entrepreneurship).”

How to search correctly in Yandex, using all the capabilities of the sign system

But what if you need to find sites where the specified query should be used completely and without changes? How to search exactly in Yandex? To do this, enter the complete sentence into the search bar using the & sign.

Let's look at an example: “In order & to use & the & five & secrets & of & effective & communication & you need & the following.”

It happens that when you enter big request the search engine produces unnecessary links that make searching much more difficult. If it is necessary that when issuing proposals they contain specific word, then search using the “+” sign: “Study in English+ courses."

In Yandex, look for answers to questions that contain general information(for example, about the product being sold, the services offered), without wasting time viewing pages about their sale.

Have you decided to purchase a specific car, but just want to get acquainted with its characteristics? Then enter “CITROËN C4 PICASSO - buy” in the search bar.


In Yandex, search for information using the following options:

1. If you need to access a specific site, then indicate it in the request. Example: “Clothing site: http: site name.”

2. You can find a specific document by specifying its type in the search bar.

3. If you need to find information in a specific language, then enter the following command. Example: Michael Jackson lang: en (you can specify any necessary language - ru, uk, be).

The Yandex search system provides the opportunity to search not only for information by entering verbal queries: you can also find videos, pictures, and videos that interest you. Mailbox and have access to emails around the clock.

Search for pictures and images

Consider the possibility of searching for images. How to search for pictures in Yandex?

The system finds the exact or similar image and provides the result. The picture can be saved on the user's computer or on the Internet.

Please note: the picture must be jpeg format, gif, png and should not exceed 8 MB in size.

We perform the following steps:

2. Upload the image. If the image has its own Internet address, then enter it in the search bar or upload a picture from your computer that was previously saved. You can use in a simple way: Use the left mouse button to drag the picture to the specified location.

Search similar images allows the user to view other pictures. For example, you liked a thing and want to purchase it in the future. By uploading a picture to the Yandex system, you can view similar items, the offered assortment, and also select a site with sales conditions that suit you.

The most popular queries in Yandex

Internet users may have a question: “What is most often searched for in Yandex?” This may seem strange, but people are interested in the number of most frequently entered queries, keywords, and query sizes. In order to find the answer to one question, a person spends approximately 2-3 minutes. Great amount queries consist of several words (3-5), and there are fewer and fewer single-word ones. These include, for example, the names of social networks, mail, and adult sites. There is also a large number of qualifying words: buy, sell, find, download, price, free, cost, delivery.

In short, the system is so versatile that it can satisfy a wide variety of information search needs for users.


These are the main recommendations that simplify the search for information in the Yandex system and open up the possibility of using sites that contain necessary information and answer the question about how to search correctly in Yandex. By putting our tips into practice, you will see that finding the information you need will be much easier. And the result will please you: you will get rid of the “water” 100%, getting exactly what you wanted. Now you know how to search for information in Yandex. Go for it!

He was temporarily blocked TTK providers, Akado, Avax and Sumtel at the direction of Roskomnadzor. But a significant proportion of subscribers of these providers did not notice the blocking, as they use a domestic search engine.

In April 2017, they were looking for something in Yandex 43 million people. If you are one of them, then this short article is for you.

P.S. For those who prefer Google and DuckDuckGo, there are links in the last section.

1. How to search among sites of a specific city, region, federal district or country?

This is how you can find information on the request “graduate ball” among the websites of the city of Bratsk:

alumni ball cat:11000976

To find out the number that must be dialed after the operator cat:, you need to add the region code in Yandex.Catalog to 1,100,000. For example:

  • Moscow - 1100001;
  • Chernigov - 1100966;
  • Voronezh - 1100193;
  • Volga region - 1100040;
  • Kyrgyzstan - 1100207;
  • CIS countries - 166.

There are already more than 117 thousand sites in Yandex.Catalogue. Similarly, you can search for something only among resources dedicated to a specific topic. To do this, instead of region codes, you need to use topic codes and add 9,000,000 to them, instead of 1,100,000.

2. How to deceive Yandex about your location?

Using the Manual Geolocation extension for Chrome, you can mark any point on the map and the search engine will think that you are located exactly there and adjust the search results in accordance with this data. For example, you can search for objects located near your home in St. Petersburg, but it is located in Moscow. Convenient when planning trips.

This point is relevant for all sites that use your location data.

3. How to search for pages in a specific domain zone and in a specific language?

This is how you can find what Ukrainian websites (in the ua domain zone) write about zebras in Ukrainian:

zebra domain:ua lang:uk

In a similar way, you can find out the opinions of websites of other countries on various issues. Language codes for Yandex:

  • Russian (ru);
  • Ukrainian (uk);
  • Belarusian (be);
  • English (en);
  • French (fr);
  • German (de);
  • Kazakh (kk);
  • Tatar (tt);
  • Turkish (tr).

4. How to search for pages on a specific site?

This is how you can search for pages only on the website:

zebras site:site

This is how you can search only among articles of certain categories. For example, among the questions in Rescue service website:

messages url:site/iNotes/q/*

And here’s how to get a list of all tags that are used on the site:

5. How to search for pages created on a specific date?

This is how you can find pages created on a specific day:

steve jobs date:20170617

And like this in the interval between two dates:

steve jobs date:20170610..20170617

And with the help of the operator date: You can search for pages by last indexing date.

6. How to search for files of a specific type?

Search for a book in PDF format to upload to iBooks:

flowers for algernon mime:pdf

And this is how you can find all MS Word documents mentioning the word “declaration” on the Federal Tax Service website:

declaration mime:docx

Types of documents that Yandex indexes:

  • html;
  • docx;
  • xlsx;
  • pptx;

7. How to search only in page titles?

With this operator:

It is very convenient when you need to find an article by its exact title.

8. How to search by image file name?

Have you saved a picture to your computer and want to use it with the source indicated, but don’t remember where it came from? The search operator using the exact name of the image will help:

Operators for searching by HTML tag attribute values:

applet:– applet tag code;
script:- src of the script tag;
object:– all attributes of object;
action:– action of the form tag;
profile:– profile of the head tag.

9. How to find links to a specific page?

Yandex has an operator for searching for mentions within links. This way you can find links to a specific page.


10. How to use widgets and tips?

If you type one of the four words below in the search, mini-applications will appear under the search bar.

Find exact phrase or the form of a word simply! To do this, use quotation marks "". Put a phrase or word in quotation marks and Google will search for web pages that contain exactly that phrase (form of the word).

For example:

"I wonder at the sky"

2. How to find a quote with a missing word

If you forgot a word in a quote, no problem! Just put your entire quote in quotation marks and replace the forgotten word with an asterisk *. And your quote will be found along with the forgotten word.

For example:

“why am I sokil”

3. How to find any of several words

Simply list all applicable options separated by a vertical slash: |. Google will search for documents with any of these words.

For example:

dumplings | pancakes | burner

summer cottages (Borispol | Gatnoe)

4. How to find words within one sentence

Use operator with beautiful name"ampersand" - &. If you connect words with an ampersand, Google will find documents where these words appear in the same sentence.

For example:

Monument to Taras Shevchenko & Kyiv

5. How to find a document containing a specific word

Put in front with the right word plus, without separating it from the word with a space. You can include several required words in your query.

For example:

Former monument to Lenin + boulevard

6. How to exclude a word from a search

Place a minus sign in front of the word that you do not want to see in the answers. This way you can even exclude a few words:

For example:

Chervona Ruta - Rotaru - Song

embroidery patterns - knitting needles

7. How to search on a specific site

The site operator is suitable for this. It allows you to specify the site you want to search on directly in the request. Just be sure to put a colon after site.

For example:

Constitution of Ukraine

8. How to search for specific types of documents

You need the mime operator. Enter mime, colon, and then the type of document you need in your request. For example, pdf or doc.

For example:

application for international passport mime:pdf

9. How to search sites in a specific language

Using the lang operator. After lang you need to put a colon and write in what language you need the documents. If the language is Russian, then you need to indicate ru, if Ukrainian - uk. The Belarusian language is designated as be, English - en, French - fr.

For example:

void glClearColor lang:en

10. Search by synonyms

Symbol ~ to search for words similar to the selected one. You will see all the links to pages with synonyms for the word best, but none of them will contain this word.

For example:

~the best films are the best

11. Meaning of the word

Enter in search bar define: and find out the meaning of this word.

For example:


12. Backlinks

Type links:site name and you will find out the links leading to this site.

For example:


13. Unit converter

If you need to know the values, simply enter your request in the line.

For example:

1 kg to pounds

14. Find out the exchange rate

To find out the exchange rate, simply enter a query.

For example:

1 hryvnia to rubles

15. Time in the city

Enter a query consisting of “time” and “city” - the first line will contain exact time of this city.

For example:

time Kyiv

time Kyiv

16. Calculator

Just type the example into the search bar and click search - Google will display the result of the equation.

For example:


17. Finding a cached page

Google has its own servers where it stores cached pages. If you need exactly this: “cache:”

For example:


18. Weather forecast for the city

Just as in the case of time, we use the operator “weather” and “city” in the search string. And you will find out the forecast for several days.

For example:

weather Kyiv

19. Translator

You can translate words without leaving the search engine. "translate the word into language."

For example:

translate I love cluber into italian

I don’t think anyone will throw tomatoes at me after reading the title of the article. Agree that we cannot live a day without information now. In order to have information, you must first find it. Are there rules? searching for information on the Internet? - you ask.

I suggest you remember yourself as a newbie on the Internet or look back at your friends, of whom each of us has plenty. Those who use the Internet in very limited quantities. And this often happens only because a person does not know how to correctly compose search queries in order to find the information he needs. The result is sitting on the same sites and resources, not understanding that there is a huge and unknown world under your feet, that is, under your hands.

How do you search for information on the Internet?

First, let's decide who finds the information we need for us? The main workers are search engines and directories. As correctly noted in the Yandex directory, the ability to search is an art. Despite the simplicity of the Internet, not everyone can search effectively.

Various search engines, such as Google, Yandex, Ramble, Mail, Yahoo, find information for the Russian user. General rules They don’t have a search, so we are given complete freedom of action. I prefer to use Google as it has the best search ranking algorithm in the world. To compare results I always turn to Yandex. If you use these two search engines, you will see that the search results in both cases for the same query will differ from each other.

Search engines search for information for us based on the following criteria:

  • The keyword is in the title
  • Availability keyword in the domain address or page title
  • Keyword in bold
  • Keyword Density
  • Links on the page and the name of the keyword in the link text

That is, the search engine needs to do a lot of work to give us results. Therefore, the first thing we must learn to do is to correctly formulate search queries before entering them into the search bar.

Rules for searching information on the Internet

1. Formulate several queries regarding your question. Keep in mind that if you need to find an essay about an elephant, then by word elephant you will find elephants and everything that may or may not be related to the word elephant. These could be books with the word elephant in the title, they could be websites, articles, jokes, fairy tales, in general, everything that has nothing to do with your real request. Therefore, we write briefly and clearly: essays about elephants. To enlarge, click on the picture.

Yandex gave us 2 million answers, Google estimated that 335,000 pages would be useful to us. As you can see, we will have to work hard to find what we really need.

2. Narrow the search area. To do this, let’s put our query in quotation marks, and it will look like this: “abstracts about elephants.” Let's see what happens:

Oh miracle! Now you will have to search much less! Now we are sure that these pages that the search engines returned to us will contain information related to abstracts about elephants.

3. Don’t forget that you need to write your search query correctly. The quality of the information provided to us also depends on this.

4. Search query We write only in small letters. If we use in a request capital letters, then we will not be able to see answers where this word is written with a small letter. Use capital letters only in proper names.

5. We actively use image search. Typically, pictures have captions when loaded, which may contain your keywords.

6. Using the + and - signs, we can indicate which words we want or do not want to see. For example, when searching for “green tea,” you can mark the word bagged with a sign (-). In this case, you can count on the fact that you will not see information about green tea bags.

7. Sign | will be able to make it clear to search engines that you want to find “either-or”. If you ask “how to write an abstract|format an abstract,” then the answers will include both how to write an abstract and how to format it.

8. Familiar! we indicate that we want to know exact information for a specific word. For example, when searching for the query!elephant, we will see an exact match this word without word forms. That is, they will not be displayed in the search various shapes the words “elephant” - elephants, elephants, elephants, about elephants, etc.

9. Keep in mind that after some time the search may give you completely different information. Therefore, the information found, if it is really important to you, is best saved in your favorites or browser bookmarks. Use the information storage system in your browser using folders, you can create them right on the panel by clicking right click mouse and selecting “add folder”. I prefer to save with tags in Evernote, you can read about my favorite assistant in the article

10. Use advanced search features search engines, if you need clarification on dates, geography, language, file format.

11. Don’t neglect searching on the 2nd and subsequent pages. It often happens that fresh and new information has not yet reached the TOP 10, so you will have to search for it. Sometimes I find my answers on the fifth or even tenth page.

12. If you constantly need information on a specific area of ​​activity, use to collect information social media, communities, groups, forums, directories. The Subcribe newsletter can offer you a large number of specialized, thematic groups, who will constantly send you new information. You can also save what you need in bookmarks or Evernote.

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