How does the warranty work for iPhone 5s? Official Apple warranty in Russia: what are the conditions and how to check

Your products on site Russian Federation. Now authorized service centers(ASC) must carry out repairs of Apple gadgets, regardless of the country of origin. The author shared his experience of contacting a service center to repair an iPhone.

The story of the sudden death of my six-month-old iPhone, which happened in long trip at the very inopportune moment, ended quite happily: within five days at a Moscow service center they replaced my battery under warranty, and my favorite gadget continues to please me as before. True, I had to worry. And the reason is that this iPhone was purchased not in Russia, but in the USA. Although when purchasing, the seller American Apple The Store assured me with an oath that the product was covered by a worldwide warranty; I understood that it would be possible to verify its promises only in the event of a real breakdown of the device. And then it happened.

To begin with, I googled it on the Internet and doubted it even more. Some wrote that in Russia warranty repair is possible only for products legally imported into the country and having a Rostest certificate. Others said that the legality of the product is verified by the serial number, and in this lottery you can not only win, but also lose. The employee asked me what model number was on the back cover smartphone, and, to my joy, she informed me that it was subject to warranty repair. Hearing this, of course, was pleasant, but since many of my fellow sufferers will be in such cases, just like me, at a loss and assume the worst, I asked to clarify the picture general director"MakTsentra" by Dmitry Khavzhu.

According to him, for iPhone in Russia on this moment There are two warranty repair options. One is essentially not a repair, but a replacement of the device: it can only be performed for models certified for Russia. These are iPhone 5 model A1429 GSM, iPhone 5C model A1507, iPhone 5S model A1457. By the way, I had an iPhone 4s model A1387, and apparently, I couldn’t count on a replacement (unless I went to the States). But component repairs, performed by replacing a faulty module, can be performed on all iPhone models, which are under Apple's one-year warranty. In this case, the warranty is extended while the product is in the service center, and if component repairs were carried out for money (not a warranty case), then the warranty on the replaced unit (battery, screen) is 3 months. If the malfunction is more serious, then non-warranty repairs are made by replacing the device and the new warranty period is calculated from the moment the device is received by the service center. The warranty period for the replaced device is 1 year for devices delivered to the Russian Federation official distributors, or 3 months. for devices purchased in other countries. What if my warranty was invalid? When receiving a repaired smartphone, I asked how much a battery replacement cost for “mere mortals”? It turned out - 2450 rubles. About 15% of the cost of the phone.

Please note that after repair, the phone will return to you in its “primordial” state: without applications and accumulated data, including contacts. Therefore, before visiting the service center, you need to make a complete backup copy. But in my case, this turned out to be difficult, since iTunes did not see my iPhone when connected via USB. The solution was found unexpectedly. Since the device, when connected to the mains via Charger worked, I tried creating a backup in iCloud cloud via wireless Wi-Fi channel. Happened!

As far as I know, in our country there are many service centers for Apple products that are not authorized by the vendor. It is difficult to say under what conditions they provide services, but according to Dmitry Khavzhu, they usually send devices to authorized centers in the Russian Federation or the USA for replacement or carry out component repairs themselves using random spare parts. He declined to comment on the quality of such repairs.

Having heard for the first time - worldwide iPhone warranty, I thought that, bought in any country Apple iPhone, upon the occurrence of a warranty case, it is subject to warranty repair or replacement with new phone at absolutely any Apple representative office. But in reality, everything is a little more complicated; the worldwide warranty for Apple products is valid only in the stores of the company itself, but not as Apple resellers. Therefore, if you bought an iPhone outside the CIS countries, then a simple authorized Apple reseller located in your city usually denies the warranty (although there are exceptions).

Not knowing about such warranty features, some users buy an iPhone abroad, hoping that in case of a warranty case everything will be possible problems be decided by the official representative office of the reseller.

If you permanently reside in the CIS, and there is no Apple service in your city, then buy iPhone is better on the spot, but in this case you will have to rely on the guarantee of your operator cellular communications, engaged in the sale of iPhones. Look for reputable sellers with good reviews.

iPhone warranty period
The standard iPhone warranty period is 1 year. iPad tablet And iPod player Apple's standard limited warranty is also one year. If desired, the warranty can be extended to two years; for this, Apple provides the opportunity to purchase an extended service program Apple support Care Protection Plan. If you decide to extend your iMac's warranty or MacBook Pro, then you can extend it up to 3 years. The cost of this package depends on the device and region of residence. Therefore, the cost of additional one-year warranty service can range from $50 to $100.

How to Check Your iPhone's Warranty
When you bought your new iPhone, when you first start it, any user goes through the activation procedure; the Apple warranty begins from the moment the device is installed.

You can check the iPhone warranty on the official Apple website. Follow the link - Apple Warranty Support, enter and click the Continue button.

If you entered your serial number, That this service service and support will display your device model ( iPhone phone or MacBook laptop) and warranty information.

Let's see what the system showed in our case. We see the model of our phone - Apple iPhone 4. In the column Technical support by telephone - the period has expired, apparently now a telephone call to the technical support service has become paid. It was free for 3 months from the moment of first activation.

Well, the right to service and repair is still valid until December 20, 2013, perhaps everything is correct, we performed the first launch and activation on December 20, 2012, that is, exactly 1 year ago from the end of the warranty period.

Ability to use online check Warranty service for Apple products can be useful for users who decide to purchase either a new or used iPhone, iPad or other Apple gadget.

The only thing that is not entirely clear is whether Apple's worldwide warranty will apply after iPhone already repaired under warranty local operator, officially selling Apple brand phones?

Warranty iPhone service in Russia has always been Apple's Achilles heel in the Russian Federation - too many questions related to this constantly arise among buyers Apple smartphones. Over the years the situation has improved somewhat, but still buying an iPhone Abroad, many are not sure that the device will be serviced in Russia. Together with Apple, we decided to dot the i's.

Today we indicated that in addition to the A1778 model, which is officially supplied to the Russian Federation, the iPhone 7 model A1660 is also entitled to warranty service in Russia. Despite claiming this, some readers persistently said that the A1660 would not be repaired under warranty in Russia.

Since we always pay attention to your feedback, we decided to double-check the information - what if something has changed, or an Apple employee misled us? We quickly contacted a company consultant, who confirmed the readers’ words: the A1660 is not serviced in Russia.

How can this be if just a couple of weeks ago we were told the opposite? We could not leave this issue unresolved, fortunately the consultant met halfway and promised that a senior specialist would contact us to resolve the issue. 5 minutes later the phone received a call - and not from somewhere, but from the city of Cork (Ireland), where the European Apple office.

In the conversation, the senior specialist noted that the consultant we had just chatted with had been misinformed and therefore provided irrelevant information. In fact iPhone case 7 The A1660 will be serviced under warranty in Russian service centers on the same basis as the A1778. At the moment, even some Apple employees may have incorrect information on this issue, let alone representatives of authorized service centers. Therefore, when readers called and inquired about the services, they were told that the warranty for the A1660 in the Russian Federation does not apply. However, some were still given reliable information.

If they still give you false information regarding the iPhone warranty, feel free to show them/send them a link to this article.

Apple's Worldwide Warranty Commitment provides unconditional acceptance for warranty service any branded goods of the company. In Russia, the global warranty from the American manufacturer began to work on January 1, 2014.

In this case, a cash receipt or other document confirming the fact of purchase is not required. ASC (authorized service centers) will accept Apple products purchased by you in any country in the world. But this does not mean at all that the Cupertino team does not exercise control over the service provided to their clients.

Innovations in warranty Apple policy They have been operating on the territory of Russia for almost 2 years, but not many people know about their rules, so we decided to conduct a small educational program.

Apple Worldwide Warranty Rules in Russia

  1. By default, the warranty period is considered to be 1 year from the date of purchase of the device, the fact of which is confirmed by relevant documents (cash receipt).
  2. The right to provide warranty support and service belongs only to ASC.
  3. ASC is obliged to accept for service and warranty repair not only the iPhone, but also any branded equipment of the company, even if it was purchased by you outside of Russia.
  4. But, according to the updated rules, the category “WARRANTY APPLE EQUIPMENT IN RUSSIA” includes only those company products that are permitted for sale in the Russian Federation.
  5. In order to find out whether your device has warranty status, you must enter the serial number of the equipment on the company’s technical support website at:
  6. IN special cases In order to eliminate possible discrepancies, ASK employees may require you to provide them with a receipt confirming the purchase of equipment.

Which devices are covered by the warranty?

Count on free repair The warranty is available to users of Apple smartphones whose models and numbers correspond to those presented below:

  • iPhone 4, no. A1332
  • iPhone 4S, no. A1387
  • iPhone 5, no. A1429
  • iPhone 5c, no. A1507
  • iPhone 5s, no. A1457
  • iPhone 6, No. A1586 and No. A1589
  • iPhone 6 Plus, no. A1524

Regarding tablets, there are no problems here. Any iPad is covered under warranty service (regardless of where you purchased it), but on the condition that it has not yet celebrated its first birthday.

But with computers things are much more complicated. If you purchased this equipment outside the country, count on warranty status you will not have to.

Warranty for Apple Watch owners

Applied to Apple Watch Apple's worldwide warranty truly demonstrates high degree respect for your clients. The previous rule: “Where you buy it, get it serviced”, in the case of " smart watch" - does not work! Whether you bought them in Australia or Panama, Russia or Brazil, get warranty service where it is convenient for you.

Within a few days you will receive a completely new watch if the problem is due to a manufacturing defect. And in the event of a malfunction due to the fault of the owner, the company will provide you with the only possible type of repair - an authorized replacement, but at a very reasonable price. The fact is that the Apple Watch, in many cases, is simply beyond repair.

AppleCare Protection Plan

This program increases the free universal technical support and service maintenance from one year to three years. But registration of the plan is only possible during the initial one-year warranty period.

The plan applies to devices such as: iMac, Mac mini,MacBook, MacBook Air, 13 and 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display. Each item has its own warranty plan. The service program includes both software and hardware repairs, performed by the company’s specialists in all existing authorized centers.

In conclusion, I would like to say, no matter how high-tech the device is Apple technology, she also cannot be perfect. And any owner may need to visit a service center.

Few Russian citizens can afford such an expensive toy as an iPhone. But even people with good incomes do not intend to throw money away. If an expensive phone turns out to be of poor quality (and this happens), they are determined to either replace the device or return the money paid for the device.

The situation is even sadder when poor buyers, wanting to own a status item, take out a loan, after which it turns out that the phone does not work. Therefore, instructions on how to replace a broken iPhone under warranty with new device or get your money back, will be useful to readers with different income levels.

Until April 2017 for owners iPhone not working There were two alternatives under warranty. By contacting the service center, they could:

  • demand a refund Money for a device that has broken down;
  • get a new mobile phone to replace a non-working gadget.

In the second option, receiving new iPhone was conditional. The iPhone manufacturer honestly warned customers on its official Russian-language website that a low-quality device would be exchanged for a “functionally identical” product under warranty. The company did not promise that it had not been used by anyone before. In particular, components from other returned phones could have been used during warranty repairs. About, .

The situation has changed since spring. An elite mobile phone can now be repaired, since Apple company began supplying original parts to Russia. Now a buyer who needs a fashionable device, and not money, has the right to choose what kind of request to contact the service center - for replacement or repair. Owners of failed iPhones 5 and 6 warn that centers are now more willing to repair them than replace them.

What to do if your iPhone is broken

Before deciding where to take the iPhone, the buyer needs to decide what to do. The owner of a non-working mobile phone must have a clear idea of ​​what he wants to achieve from the seller or manufacturer:

  • return of a sum of money in exchange for a phone;
  • replacing a defective iPhone with a new, working gadget;
  • device repair.

The request for a refund for the iPhone should be submitted to whom it was paid, that is, to the seller. To request replacement or repair of the device, please contact the service center. Its employees have similar replacement phones and genuine, non-counterfeit parts that allow them to repair expensive equipment.

Experienced iPhone users advise: if the phone breaks down, it is more profitable for its owner to contact not the service centers authorized by the corporation, but directly to Apple support. This gives the buyer a number of advantages:

  1. Department specialists have the ability to test a non-working phone remotely. Sometimes already at at this stage the problem of its functioning is solved.
  2. The owner of the iPhone will be offered to carry out the repair themselves by sending a new part (instead of the “dead” one).
  3. If your phone requires replacement or major repairs, shipping and packing costs will be covered by Corporation. The buyer will only have to call the courier.

When they refuse a free replacement

Free iPhone replacement is provided only under warranty. You can make sure that it is still valid on the manufacturer’s official website by entering the serial number of the device. Depending on the type of device purchased, the warranty period ranges from 1 to 3 years. Without a guarantee, even minor operations (for example, replacement glass iPhone 7 plus) free of charge will become impossible.

However, there are a number of circumstances in which there is no point in handing over an iPhone under warranty, since the buyer will be denied free service, including the provision of a new device. This will happen in the following cases:

  • the serial number is missing or damaged on the product;
  • you hand over a stolen phone to a service center (even if the new owner has nothing to do with the theft);
  • damage to the device occurred due to improper use gadget or installation of unlicensed software;
  • the phone failed as a result of natural disasters: flood, earthquake, fire;
  • Traces of moisture were found in the device;
  • you asked for a replacement after they tried to repair your mobile phone outside the service center.

Before you return your iPhone for replacement, you need to check whether it is certified this device on Russian territory. Without this, the device cannot be replaced or repaired. If the phone has external defects (scratches, stains), a replacement will also be refused.

Start and extension of the warranty period

The warranty for most Apple products starts from the date of purchase. But an exception is made for iPhones: the beginning of the warranty period is the moment the gadget is activated.

If the faulty device was replaced with a new one, then from the moment it was received the warranty period begins to run again. That is, the buyer has at least another year to make sure that this time he has purchased high-quality equipment.

How to get money back without a receipt

The buyer has the right to return an iPhone that is under warranty to the seller. In this case, the store is obliged to pay the consumer by returning the full cost of the phone. If the return does not occur on the day of purchase, the citizen will have to write an application and present a civil passport (if a store employee requests it).

Periodically conflict situations arise due to the buyer’s lack of a receipt. Without it, stores often refuse to accept expensive phones back. This position of employees is inappropriate for several reasons:

  • the store maintains detailed documentation regarding the goods sold, and has the opportunity to check whether it really sold a low-quality iPhone;
  • The Consumer Rights Act allows goods to be returned without a receipt (Article 18 and 25).

When returning an iPhone without a receipt, a citizen has the right to prove the fact of purchase with testimony. There are enough of them to start the procedure of exchanging goods for money. However, the buyer should not expect that the amount paid for the iPhone will be returned to him on the same day. Most likely, the seller will send the device for examination to make sure that the malfunction was not the fault of the owner.

A significant plus iPhone replacement is that the buyer receives a new device with a reset warranty period. However, service centers have strict requirements for returned phones. The buyer will not be able to return either “gray” or stolen equipment. But if the purchase was transparent, and the breakdown was not the fault of the owner, the consumer has a high chance of receiving a working gadget in return.