Information systems in science and education. Thesis: Educational information system for the course Computer Networks

Graduate work

on the topic

Information system of training for the course " Computer networks»


Today, a necessary condition for advancement in the field of information technology is the widespread introduction of standards and technologies of information systems used for both hardware and software products. The construction of software (software) for computing and information systems based on the ideology of open systems allows us to successfully solve the problems of software portability to platforms from various manufacturers, the problem of interchangeability of nodes and devices and, most importantly, ensures the integration of devices and users into various information, computing and telecommunication networks. It should be especially emphasized that today successful implementation any significant projects in the field of information and computer technology, management, informatization and telecommunications is not possible without harmonizing developments with existing standards in the field of information systems and, in some cases, developing new standards.

In the context of the transition to integrated computing and telecommunication systems, the principles of information systems form the basis of integration technology, the creation of industry, regional and national information infrastructures and their interaction on a global scale. Thus, we can conclude that information systems technology is currently the working environment within which the development of priority information and telecommunication technologies, telecommunications and computer technology occurs.

Object Our research is a learning information system.

Item– technology of the learning process in the computer networks course.

Target of this diploma project - to develop software and information support for an information training system for the course “Computer Networks”, using new information technologies and to show the significance and convenience of this system for the learning process.

Tasks research:

1. Review and comparative analysis of existing educational information systems.

2. Development of the structure of an information system for the computer networks course.

3. Development of information system software.

4. Development of information system content.

1. Evaluation of solutions of existing educational information systems

1.1 Introduction to information systems and their classification

Before considering specific information systems, we will give several necessary definitions:

System(in the subject area) is a set of interconnected elements, each of which is connected directly or indirectly with every other element, and any two subsets of this set cannot be independent without violating the integrity and unity of the system.

System element– this is the simplest structural component of the system, which is not structured within the framework of this system.

System structure is a set of stable connections, ways of interaction between elements of the system, which determines its integrity and unity.

Wednesday(in the subject area) is everything that is in the subject area outside the boundaries of the system.

Under information process We will understand the process associated with changing the amount of information in the system as a result of purposeful actions in solving a given problem.

Information activity is associated with the creation of information models of all objects and phenomena of nature and society involved in human activity, as well as with the creation of models of this activity itself.

As is known, information as a product of human intellectual activity is a resource and accumulates over time, although losses of information resources are also possible.

In the process of cognitive activity, we, one way or another, are faced with the process of using accumulated knowledge, which becomes valuable only when it becomes available to a wide range of users. Currently, the volume information flows carrying this knowledge has increased significantly, so the task of informatization of various types of human activity has become urgent. This direction includes the development of hardware and information technology.

Information Technology(IT) is a set of methods and means for implementing information processes in various areas of human activity. In other words, IT is a way of implementing information activities.

Modern IT includes:

Development of global information systems;

Introduction of automated information processing systems;

Development of systems and means of remote access;

Integration of heterogeneous systems;

Development of artificial intelligence systems, etc.

For a long time, processing information and making decisions has been a human function. Now, when the growth in the volume of information flows has led to the fact that they have exceeded the volume of information assimilation and processing by humans, the problem has arisen of increasing the efficiency of information transformation processes, determined by the following reasons:

Any information is valuable only in the process of its use and with a sharp increase in the volume of information, decision-making becomes difficult, and the processing time of the information array also increases;

The complication of the internal structure of the system, the emergence of supersystems that include entire sets of systems, the integration of heterogeneous systems also leads to a sharp increase in the volume of information flows and the time for their processing;

The expansion of IT application areas leads to the emergence of new systems, which, in turn, is additional source increasing information flows;

An increase in the complexity of tasks, the accuracy and efficiency required to solve them, leads to an outpacing increase in the complexity of management in relation to the growth of information processing capabilities, and so on.

Let us define two main ways of IT development that ensure increased efficiency of information transformation processes in information and information management systems:

Improving technical automation equipment based on the use of high-performance computing devices and systems, which leads to an increase in the speed of information processing, regardless of the nature of the information being converted;

Improvement and expanded implementation of software.

For implementation specified paths it is necessary to have the most general approaches to solving the problems at hand, invariant to the specific content of the problem and the technical means of its implementation.

For information systems, this task becomes more acute in connection with the development of scientific knowledge, a significant increase in its volume, when already within the framework of narrow, sub-industry issues, the volume of processes for perceiving new knowledge exceeds human capabilities, not to mention the possibilities of using cross-industry experience. At the same time, a rational solution is when the most general approaches to solving a problem are combined with their specific technical implementation. The ability to consider any system, abstracting from its technical implementation, the ability to transfer experience in the development and research of systems that solve one set of problems to systems designed to solve problems in another area, speaks of the openness of both the systems themselves and the principles and approaches to their construction and research, which will be formulated below.

1.2 Requirements for information systems

By themselves, computer technology cannot carry out the transformation of information; this requires the presence of applied information and software that implements the functions of an information or information management system (IS). IS is a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other and form a certain integrity, unity, and are intended to carry out a targeted process of information transformation.

External environment

Fig 1. Main functions of the system

The main functions of the IS include:

Organization of an exchange interface between technical and information systems, as well as between information systems and the external environment;

Organization of work and distribution of resources of the IS itself;

Self-learning system, adaptation to changing conditions.

IS must meet the following requirements:

Ensure the reliability of the correspondence of descriptions of objects in the IS in relation to their real state;

Have a user-friendly management process interface,

Have the ability to develop and self-learn the system;

Ensure completeness of information presentation in the system and in the interaction of the system with the external environment, timeliness and validity in the development of appropriate decisions, mobility of the information system when working in conditions of heterogeneous technical means that implement the system, protection of information in the system;

Ensure the feasibility of a given algorithm;

Reliable operation in real conditions.

The development of computer technology, their expanded implementation in all areas of science, technology, services and everyday life have led to the need to combine specific computing devices and IS implemented on their basis into unified information and computing systems (ICS) and environments. The following problems arose:

The heterogeneity of technical means of computer technology in terms of the organization of the computing process, architecture, command system, processor and data bus capacity, resource capabilities, synchronization frequencies, and so on, required the creation of physical interfaces that ensure their compatibility;

The heterogeneity of software environments implemented in specific computing devices and systems in terms of the variety of operating systems, differences in bit depth, addressable memory volumes, programming languages ​​used, and so on, has led to the creation software interfaces between devices and systems;

The heterogeneity of the implementation of one computing structure manufactured by different manufacturers also required the use of special restrictions, or the development of additional software and (or) hardware for integration;

The heterogeneity of communication interfaces in the “man-machine” system required constant retraining of personnel.

Thus, the need to provide, already at the development stage, the possibility of integrating the device being developed into homogeneous and, especially, heterogeneous information and computing environments has become relevant for developers of both hardware and software.

To this end, when developing an IS, it is necessary to comply with the requirement of consistency, which includes:

1. Systematization of the information base, that is, eliminating contradictions and duplication between its individual parts, ensuring a complete presentation of information, coordinating the time of searching for information in accordance with the structure.

2. Organization and streamlining of external communications of the information management system and technical automation equipment.

3. Taking into account the conditions for storing information in the information management system.

4. Standardization of information presentation forms, document presentation forms, information base structure, structure and properties of algorithms

The entire development process can be divided into stages: analysis of the system and development of its information model, development of a mathematical model (algorithm), development program model, development of documentation for IP.

1.3 IS components and structure

Figure 2 displays a typical structure of the IS technological process or a representation of the IS as a set of functional subsystems - collection, input, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of information.

Rice. 2. Basic technological processes of IP

Some components of this structure are optional:

1. The object model may be missing or identified with the database, which is often interpreted as information model subject area, structural (for factual and tabular) or content (for documentary). In expert systems, a knowledge base appears as a model of an object (subject area), which is a procedural development of the concept of a database.

2. An object model and a database may be absent (and, accordingly, the processes of storing and retrieving data) if the system dynamically transforms information and generates output documents without saving the initial, intermediate, and resulting information. If there is also no transformation of information, then such an object is not an IP.

3. The processes of data entry and collection are optional, since all the information necessary and sufficient for the functioning of the IS may already be in the database and the model.

In a more general case, taking into account the specifics of the organization, management and technology for performing each of these functions in the IS, it is advisable to distinguish three independent functional subsystems:

Information selection subsystem. An information system can process/process only the information that is entered into it. The quality of an information system is determined not only by its ability to find and process the necessary information in its own array and present it to the user, but also by its ability to select relevant information from the external environment. Such selection is carried out by an information selection subsystem, which accumulates data on the information needs of IS users (internal and external), analyzes and organizes this data, forming an IS information profile. Similarly, based on data on the flows of the information environment, a description of the input information flows is formed.

Given a given criterion for the quality of IS functioning and the corresponding system of restrictions in the IS management process, the problem of optimizing the acquisition of an IS information array is solved, which determines the algorithm (or operator) for information selection. The specified operator transforms input streams into an information array of the IS. Unfortunately, many existing ISs poorly adhere to the described procedure for selecting documents. The selection of information, as a rule, is poorly controlled and is based on the intuition of specialists. This is a consequence of the complexity and weak structure of both the selection processes themselves and the management of these processes.

The functions of this particular IS subsystem are practically not amenable to automation. The only exception is the information support system for managing technological processes and technical systems.

Subsystem for input, processing/processing and storage of information carries out transformations of input information and requests, organizing their storage and processing in order to satisfy the information needs of IS subscribers.

The implementation of the functions of this subsystem presupposes the presence of an apparatus for describing information (IPL, coding systems, NL, etc.), organizing and maintaining information (logical and physical organization, procedures for maintaining and protecting information, etc.), an apparatus for processing and processing information (algorithms, models, etc.).

All three of these components are determined by two IS parameters: the nature of the information being processed and the functions of the IS.

To describe information, documentary ISs use FL and an indexing system, the methodology of construction and use of which differs significantly from the methodology and principles of using ML, which provide a description of data in factual ISs. The logical organization of factual IS data has little in common with the organization of information in documentary IS. Finally, the apparatuses for processing and processing documentary and factual information are also different. If factual information systems predominantly use mathematical algorithms, then documentary information systems use heuristic procedures that require the expenditure of intellectual energy.

Subsystem for preparing and issuing information directly satisfies the information needs of IS users (internal and external). To accomplish this task, the subsystem studies and analyzes information needs, determines the forms and methods of satisfying them, the optimal composition and structure of output information products, and organizes the process of information support and support. Performing these functions requires the presence of an apparatus for describing and analyzing information needs and their expression in the language of information systems (including LDL, IPL, indexing language, etc.), as well as an apparatus for directly providing information (procedures for searching and issuing information, data manipulation languages etc.).

All these and many other components of the subsystem under consideration, while performing the same functions in IS of different types, nevertheless differ significantly from each other. This difference is especially noticeable when comparing documentary and factual information.

From the previous discussion it follows that many functions of various IS subsystems are duplicated or overlap, which is the subject of optimization when designing IS. In this regard, IS automation is accompanied by a redistribution of IS elements.

Automation involves a formalized representation (structuring) of both IS functions and the information itself processed in the IS, which allows for input, processing/processing, storage and retrieval of information using a computer.

However, any formalization is characterized by one or another level of adequacy created image real reality (model) of reality itself. Moreover, the adequacy of a model of reality is determined both by the properties of reality itself and by the capabilities of the apparatus used for its formalized representation.

From this point of view, the “level of automation” of the IS is closely related to the “degree of structuredness” of both the information itself, which is the subject of processing, storage, etc., in the IS, and the IS functions themselves (processing, storage, etc.).

In accordance with the level of modern knowledge in the field of formalized presentation of information, it is possible to distinguish information of three levels of structuredness:

1. Rigidly structured information – information, the formalized representation of which by modern means of its structuring (in particular, data description languages) does not lead to a loss of adequacy of the created information image (model) of the original information itself. We will henceforth call rigidly structured information data.

2. Weakly structured information – information, the formalized representation of which by modern means of describing information (in particular, IPL) leads to significant losses in the adequacy of the information model of the original information itself. Processing and searching for such information requires special measures to assess the degree of inadequacy of the information model. (In the AIPS, this purpose is served by measures of the semantic expressive ability (semantic strength) of the TL).

3. Unstructured information – information for which currently there are no means of formalized representation with a level of adequacy acceptable in practice. The means of presenting such information must have high semantic-expressive abilities. The development of such tools is currently proceeding along the lines of creating knowledge description languages ​​and FL with high semantic power.

The given classification of information according to the degree of its structuredness is quite arbitrary. However, the very idea of ​​taking into account the structurability of information turns out to be useful when analyzing the essence of modern AIS.

If from these positions we consider the functions of IS subsystems, then it is easy to see that most of the rigidly structured functions are concentrated in the subsystem of input, processing/processing and information storage. The other two subsystems are associated with the implementation of mainly weakly structured and unstructured functions.

The ease of automating the functions of the second IS subsystem based on the use of electronic computing and telecommunications technology for input, processing, storage and transmission of information has led to the unjustifiably rapid and comprehensive development of these components of the IS to the detriment of the development of the other two (no less, and perhaps more important) of it. components. In most modern AIS, these two subsystems are so undeveloped that in fact they are no longer AIS, but organizationally separate subsystems for input, processing, storage and retrieval of information. In the future it will be shown that when talking about these systems, it is advisable to call them not AIS, but data banks or AIPS.

1.4 The concept of information and educational environment

The effectiveness of any type of training depends on a number of components:

–material and technical base;

–educational technologies used in organizing and managing cognitive activity;

– the effectiveness of the developed teaching materials and methods of their delivery.

In other words, the success and quality of modern education largely depend on the effective organization, pedagogical conditions, the quality of the materials used, pedagogical skills, the preparedness of teachers to work in conditions of an avalanche-like increase in the flow of information, and the ability to master modern methods of searching, selecting and using information.

Training management should not be reduced to simple selection and preparation of training material. It is necessary to create a unified learning environment, which is an opportunity to realize equality of all students in access to all information and learning tools presented in this environment, and, at the same time, to maintain an individually independent learning path in accordance with the personal needs of the individual.

Modern information technologies provide virtually unlimited possibilities for placing, storing, processing and delivering information to any distance, of any volume and content. Under these conditions, the content of the training material comes to the fore when organizing the training system, provided that the training organization has normal technical equipment. This refers not only to the selection of material according to content, but also to the structural organization of educational material and its inclusion in the learning process. What is required is the creation of not just automated training programs, but the creation of interactive information environments for communication with students, created on the basis of significantly expanded didactic capabilities of modern computer teaching aids and telecommunications.

The spread of the use of the Internet and local networks in universities and other educational institutions urgently requires the development and use of new software products for managing, or more precisely, directing cognitive activity. Such software products can be automated learning tools, which include:

– information and training sites;

– information-subject learning environments;

–electronic hyperlinks and multimedia educational materials;

–programs for managing the student’s search and cognitive activity;

– control and training programs;


– specialized automated workstations;

– computer laboratory complexes.

Each individual software product from the above list, in itself, undoubtedly brings certain benefits to the student. But the efficiency and quality of training will increase many times over if these software products are comprehensively combined in a single shell - an automated learning environment (ALE) or a learning information system (ISE).

These systems are complexes of scientific, methodological, educational and organizational support for the learning process, conducted on the basis of computer, or, as they are also called, information technologies. From the standpoint of modern didactics, the introduction of the information environment and software has introduced great amount new opportunities in all areas of the learning process. Computer technologies represent fundamentally new teaching tools. Due to their speed and large memory reserves, they make it possible to implement various options for environments for programmed and problem-based learning, to build various options for interactive learning modes, when in one way or another the student’s answer really influences the course of further learning.

Today, within the framework of educational information systems, a number of training problems are being solved. The first group includes the tasks of checking the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students before and after training, their individual abilities, inclinations and motivations. For such checks, appropriate systems (batteries) of psychological tests and examination questions are usually used. This group also includes the tasks of checking students’ performance indicators, which is carried out by recording such psychophysiological indicators as reaction speed, level of attention, etc.

The third group of ISO tasks is associated with solving the problems of preparing and presenting educational material, adapting the material according to difficulty levels, preparing dynamic illustrations, test tasks, laboratory work independent work of students. As an example of the level of such activities, one can point to the possibilities of using various information technology tools. In other words, the use of software products that make it possible to create various complex laboratory and other practical works. For example, such as assembling a “virtual” oscilloscope with subsequent demonstration of its capabilities for recording amplification or synchronization of various signals. Similar examples from the field of chemistry may concern modeling the interaction of complex molecules, the behavior of solutions or gases when experimental conditions change.

Thus, an automated learning environment must combine three main components that provide modern learning technologies: information, methodological and software for the educational process. Such an integrated approach will provide the student with pedagogical conditions for the successful development of educational material, a free study schedule, as well as an individual learning route through the use of varying depths of the presented material. In addition, the automated environment should provide management of cognitive activity, providing recommendations and access to various levels of information, depending on the student’s success in the work.

Thus, cognitive management software must meet the following requirements:

– when developing a software product, it is necessary to provide an unlimited number of simultaneous connections;

– it is necessary to provide opportunities for multi-level interactive training and control;

– to ensure access to all educational units and increase the efficiency of the educational process, it is necessary to place the developed software environments for learning and control on a common server, with ranking of access rights for use in the educational process and preparation of subject material;

– development required tools creation and design of subject material using hyperlinks, audio and video inserts, multimedia technologies;

– building programs using client-server technology, the HTTP protocol, HTML and CGI tools will allow you to use a regular WWW browser as a client site;

–storing training and testing results in a database;

– it is necessary to ensure the safety of programs and subject material.

Of course, the main attention when preparing various automated learning environments should be paid to the variety of interactive guiding influences provided by the control program, which allows the student to interactively model his own trajectory and individual learning environment. A unified information and educational environment is a huge repository of diverse material in which any student should have the opportunity to work individually, select and save the material and learning tools that he personally needs.

When designing subject material for automated learning environments, it is advisable to follow one developed standard of layout and design for both printed educational material and all types of electronic publications.

Electronic interactive educational materials (manuals, textbooks, etc.) are usually a set of interconnected web documents, combined into a single logical structure and including elements of text, static and dynamic images, audio and video materials, menu and navigation elements, as well as testing and self-control tools.

It is advisable to begin the development of subject material with the development of the structure of the entire course. The subject material for training must have not only theory, but, preferably, a complete set of all didactic material (diagrams, drawings, tables, graphs, exercises and explanations for their implementation, questions of ongoing control and correct answers), as well as accompaniment of the training material with a monitoring program , which should be quite simple and small in code. In addition, it is necessary to provide the material with final control questions. An important point In preparation for the design of educational material in the form of an electronic hyperlinked manual/textbook, the development of a hyperlink scheme is necessary. This moment in the development of teaching materials is very important today, making it possible to make the training material convenient for work.

Modern teaching technologies and the capabilities of modern software require a new approach to the compilation and design of teaching aids. First of all, the question arises of unifying the structure of the textbook to facilitate the process of preparing the electronic version. This makes the learning process easier, first of all, for the student himself.

The basis for the creation and development of a unified information and educational environment, improving the information environments of various educational institutions and areas to improve the quality of training of specialists, scientific research, interpersonal and intercultural communication is the development of network information, multimedia and computer learning technologies.

Thus, a unified information and educational environment of the university will significantly improve the quality level of the education system, ensure the creation of conditions for the professional and research growth of teachers, and create favorable conditions for expanding cooperation between leading scientists and university teachers with teaching staff of educational institutions of the city and region of various profiles , activates the scientific and creative activities of students.

1.5 Information systems in education

In the domestic education system, the first information systems were created back in the 60s.

The following levels of management activities using computers in the education system can be distinguished:

1) management of the training and development of an individual student;

2) management of the educational process within one educational institution;

3) management of the work of a group of related educational institutions;

4) management of educational institutions on a territorial basis;

5) management of the country's education system.

At the first level, management tasks coincide to a large extent with the tasks of teaching with the help of computers.

At the second level, real success has been achieved primarily in universities. On the one hand, a state higher education institution is large enough in terms of the number of students and teachers and has a sufficiently large material base for the use of computers in management to be economically justified; on the other hand, universities, especially technical ones, have sufficiently professionally trained personnel to solve the problem management informatization. The following goals are pursued:

· improving the quality of training of specialists by improving management on the part of the administration, dean's offices, and departments;

· improving the quality of educational, educational, methodological, scientific and research activities based on operational information;

· increasing efficiency in the development of curricula and programs, scheduling classes, and other types of classroom and extracurricular work.

Traditional software subsystems of the university management information system are Entrant, Personnel, Curricula and programs, Salary, Scholarships, Current performance, Teachers' workload, Session and others.

At the same time, these subsystems rarely form a single information system. The underdevelopment of the information environment, the lack of a full-coverage local network in most universities, financial difficulties, untrained management personnel and other factors hinder the creation of client-server systems with unified administration, a guarantee of the absence of conflicting data, and protection of data integrity and confidentiality.

1.6 Automated training systems

Automated training systems are complexes of scientific, methodological, educational and organizational support for the learning process, conducted on the basis of computer or information technologies. From the standpoint of modern didactics, the introduction of the information environment and software has introduced a huge number of new opportunities in all areas of the learning process. Computer technologies represent fundamentally new teaching tools. Due to their speed and large memory reserves, they make it possible to implement various options for environments for programmed and problem-based learning, to build various options for interactive learning modes, when in one way or another the student’s answer really influences the course of further learning.

As a result, a modern teacher inevitably must master new educational approaches based on the means and methods of individual computer training. In general, a teacher gets access to computer tools, information environment and software products designed to support teaching activities. All these tools form complexes of automated training systems.

Today, within the framework of automated information training systems, a number of training problems are solved. The first group includes the tasks of checking the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students before and after training, their individual abilities, inclinations and motivations. For such checks, appropriate systems (batteries) of psychological tests and examination questions are usually used. This group also includes the tasks of checking students’ performance indicators, which is carried out by recording such psychophysiological indicators as reaction speed, level of attention, etc.

The second group of tasks is related to registration and static analysis indicators of mastering educational material: establishing individual sections for each student, determining the time for solving problems, determining the total number of errors, etc. It is logical to include solving problems of managing educational activities in this group. For example, tasks to change the pace of presentation of educational material or the order of presentation of new blocks to the student educational information depending on the solution time, type and number of errors. Thus, this group of tasks is aimed at supporting and implementing the basic elements of programmed learning.

The third group of AOS tasks is associated with solving the problems of preparing and presenting educational material, adapting the material according to difficulty levels, preparing dynamic illustrations, test assignments, and laboratory work for students’ independent work. As an example of the level of such activities, one can point to the possibilities of using various information technology tools. In other words, the use of software products that make it possible to create various complex laboratory and other practical works. For example, such as assembling a “virtual” oscilloscope with subsequent demonstration of its capabilities for recording amplification or synchronization of various signals. Similar examples from the field of chemistry may concern modeling the interaction of complex molecules, the behavior of solutions or gases when experimental conditions change.

The technical support of automated teaching systems is based on local computer networks, including automated workstations (AWS) of students, teachers and communication lines between them. The student's workplace, in addition to the monitor (display) and keyboard, may contain a printer, multimedia elements such as speakers, sound synthesizers, text and graphic editors. The purpose of all these hardware and software is to provide students with solution tools, reference material and a means of recording answers.

1.7 Learning models for automated teaching systems

Currently developed big number electronic educational materials, which include electronic textbooks, electronic teaching aids, automated teaching systems, etc. Existing electronic educational materials solve certain learning tasks with greater or lesser efficiency, which is determined, first of all, by the degree of student control during the learning process. With growing interest in the creation of various versions of electronic methodological materials, there is a need to classify these materials in order to assess their differences and determine the scope of application. There are already a number of classifications of teaching systems based on their various properties. However, there is no classification that reflects the learner’s controllability of the system, which, with the expanding use of electronic educational materials, is important in this moment.

The classification proposed below ranks various implementations of electronic educational materials according to the distribution of roles between the student and the system, implemented by them in the learning process.

1. Technization of the learning process. Technologization of pedagogical methods

Psychologists were the first to engage in systematic research into learning problems through the study of the psychophysiological characteristics of students. In psychology, learning is understood in the same way as in pedagogy - the assimilation by the student of a certain system of knowledge, skills and abilities. At the same time, from the point of view of psychology, memory plays an important role in learning, i.e. such important mental processes as memorization and forgetting that characterize the acquisition of knowledge. As a result of experiments by psychologists, various coefficients and dependencies were obtained, on the basis of which the first learning models were created (for example, the Ebbinghaus model, the deterministic Thurstone formula). Later, these models were translated into probabilistic form. These models are used by system developers at subsequent stages of development of learning models.

The idea of ​​automating the educational process at this stage boiled down to the use, mainly, of various technical teaching aids (TST) that complement the educational process. All developments were aimed at creating a learning technical environment. At the same time, the technological effectiveness of the learning process was determined by the volume of use of TSO as an additional training tool. Gradually, researchers moved on to the idea of ​​using TSO not as an addition to the educational process, but as a device that takes on some of the teacher’s functions. Since TSOs did not have the ability to manage the educational process, the implementation of the functions of a teacher with their help, i.e. replacing the teacher with a technical tool to manage or support at least part of the educational process was impossible. As a result, researchers came to the need to comprehend the educational process itself, formalize it and describe it as a technological process.

At this stage, the educational process has become the object of research. The educational process itself was studied, as well as various ways of organizing it, based on various pedagogical methods. At the same time, the main principle of constructing the educational process was a system of sequential, clearly described actions, the implementation of which leads to a pre-planned goal. The first result of these studies and at the same time the basis of subsequent training models in the early 60s of the 20th century was the model of programmed learning, presented in many publications. The essence of this model is the adaptation of the educational process to clearly defined goals. Goals are represented by some reference outcome, such as given correct answers. After comparing the result with the standard, a rating is given, which is the only characteristic of the student. Depending on the assessment, the next stage of the educational process is selected; if the assessment is unsatisfactory, alternative ways of presenting the material may be chosen. Such models can be implemented using both linear and branched learning schemes. When using only one characteristic of the learner, the idea of ​​​​building his model is not considered; the object of control remains the educational process itself, within which the object – the learner – is located.

This stage is characterized by the implementation of programmed learning ideas in electronic educational materials (for example, AOS) based on the application software package method. The main principle of this method is the separation of the library of standard programs and programs that manage machine resources and the library. For user interaction with the system, a dialog component with a special input language is used, which allows you to give clear commands to call the training system. The scheme of the learning process in AOS is as follows: the student is presented with a portion of training information (IT), given a test task, the correctness of the answers is checked, and the next portion of ET is determined. At linear diagram training, the training plan is set by the developers in advance with the average student in mind and is not adjusted during the training process. Somewhat later, branched (more complex) training schemes were implemented, in which students were divided into groups and the training plan was set for each group separately, taking into account the average student of this group. The student's characteristic is his group number or grade. The student's assignment to a group or grade is determined only by his answers. The PPP method makes it possible to implement these schemes: the input language of the dialog component is sufficient to accept the student’s answers, and the program that manages the library is able to call programs for calculating the student’s grades and select the next stage of the educational process.

ATS with branched training schemes made it possible to set an individual training plan for each group of trainees, however, such training plans are still designed for the average trainee, but for a group. Researchers have come to understand that to effectively manage such complex object, as a learner for whom it is impossible to create in advance an accurate and complete learning trajectory, it is necessary to individualize the learning process for each learner, and for this the system needs knowledge about the learner, the environment he is studying and the possibilities of managing the learning process.

To obtain greater effectiveness in student management, researchers have turned to a deeper study of the concept of “adaptation.” Adaptation, as a process of adaptation to the control object, has several hierarchical levels corresponding to the various stages of student management:

· Parametric adaptation is implemented by adjusting the values ​​of the parameters of the student’s model to his current state.

· Structural adaptation is realized by moving from one structure to another; the structures must be related to each other, but differ in the set of parameters and connections between them. For example, with a branched training scheme, for each type of learner, a corresponding model is defined, which differs in structure from the models of other types of learners. This structural adaptation is called adaptation by static structure. Another way to implement structural adaptation is adaptation according to the functional structure, which involves changing the functions of managing the training program, i.e. changing the interaction pattern between the system and the student. Functional structural adaptation and adaptation based on static structure can also be implemented by systems “without memory” and systems “with memory”.

· Adaptation of the control object. Every object is represented in the system by a limited model; all parameters and structures not included in the model are considered the external environment. This adaptation is implemented by expanding the model by adding new parameters or structures from the external environment to the model.

· Adaptation of goals is implemented by selecting a new set of goals from a set of possible goals defined a priori in the system. All previous levels of adaptation are aimed at achieving the goals set for the system.

To implement all the considered levels of adaptation in models with a branched learning scheme, there was not enough “knowledge” about the learner. This has led to the creation of learning models that use models about the learner to guide the learning process, along with the system's expert knowledge of the subject matter and teaching methods. Implementation this approach was the emergence in 1982 of new structures of teaching systems based on the expert systems (ES) method.

The main difference between this training model and the previous ones is the ability not to lay down a priori a sequence of training steps, since it is built by the system itself in the process of its operation, which allows us to build an individual training plan for each student.

These training systems are capable of performing parametric and structural adaptations. However, if a problem arises for which the system does not have enough knowledge, the problem remains unsolved. This indicates insufficient parameters in the structure of the learner’s models or a discrepancy between the goals pursued by the system and the goals of the learning object. In these systems, expert knowledge about the subject and methods of study must be complete, designed a priori and not change during the learning process. In addition, the system’s operation is aimed at achieving one fixed, a priori defined learning goal. This makes it impossible to implement adaptation of learning goals and, even more so, adaptation of the learning object.

Within the framework of the multi-agent approach, the possibility of implementing adaptation at all levels is considered, which will ensure control of the object – the learner at all stages of the learning process.

The basis of this approach is the construction of a system as a set of agents (user agents, teacher agents, lecture agents, and even agents of individual objects of knowledge: definitions of concepts and rules, tasks, methods, results, laboratory work, comments, etc.). Each agent has a semantic description of its field of activity (its structure, its knowledge), and corresponds to an expert system with a traditional structure. The agent has all the properties of expert systems, as well as memory of its activities. The basic idea of ​​using agents is that each agent has its own resources to achieve its own goals, interact with other agents, and resolve conflicts with the goals of other agents to achieve a common goal. This allows you to freely select those goals that are currently being pursued by the control object, and, according to the goals, choose the standard (represented by the corresponding agent), compliance with which is achieved by the learner’s model at the moment.

The driving force of systems based on a multi-agent approach is the ability of agents to negotiate. Moreover, their communication is based on semantic messages (of the highest level), and not on predetermined messages of a lower order. Negotiations are necessary for the simultaneous performance of the functions of agents, when different agents may have different mutually exclusive goals and intentions, different capabilities in their virtual worlds, have different information. Issues of interaction between agents of different architectures are resolved by using the appropriate agent communication language (ACL) and information exchange language, which enable agents to effectively understand each other despite the difference in the approaches to their construction and operation.

A multi-agent system implements distributed control, which can be either centralized or decentralized.

Centralized management is performed by a central management device, which forms teams of agents and distributes all emerging tasks among the agents of the team.

With decentralized management, different options for implementing systems are known, one of them is the use of a “contract system” of management. When implementing this approach, the tops of the agent network are a set of independent control agents (executors) who have information about what tasks they are capable of solving, what tools to use, with which agents and how to interact when solving a problem. When a specific task arises, an agent negotiates between the agents and it becomes clear which agent can solve which part of the task. Using this process, the solution to the problem is distributed. All agents are independent, i.e. the initial state of the graph before solving the problem is represented by vertices isolated from each other. All connections are established only during the functioning of the system when solving problems. The use of this approach is hampered by the lack of effective global management of the operation of such a system, despite the fact that this approach has the flexibility and modifiability of the training system.

Thus, for each specific learning task, a certain group of agents is compiled, which indicates a change in the structure and goals of the decision system depending on the task. Forming teams of agents to solve learning problems allows you to implement any level of adaptation, because This procedure involves the formation each time of the structure of the system, its idea of ​​the control object, i.e. the learner and the goals of the training system, adapted to the goals currently pursued by the control object.

1.8 Overview of educational information systems

Systematic research in the field of computer support for the learning process has a history of more than 30 years. During this period, a large number of computer systems for educational purposes, aimed at various types of computers, were developed in the USA, Canada, England, France, Japan, Russia and a number of other countries.

The scope of application of computer tools to support the learning process is much wider than just educational institutions. These are large industrial enterprises, military and civilian organizations that conduct independent training and retraining of personnel. In addition, in civilized countries it is becoming standard to provide new complex machines and technologies with computer training systems that facilitate and speed up the process of their development and implementation. Abroad, the development of a “soft” computer product for educational purposes (methodological and software and information tools) is considered a very expensive matter due to its high science intensity and the need for joint work of highly qualified specialists: psychologists, subject teachers, computer designers. Despite this, many large foreign companies finance projects to create computer educational systems in educational institutions and conduct their own developments in this area.

In methodological terms, the development and use of computer learning support tools, primarily “soft” products, from the very beginning developed in two directions, loosely related to each other. The first direction is based on the ideas of programmed learning. Within its framework, automated teaching systems (ATS) are developed and operated in various academic disciplines. The core of AOS are the so-called authoring systems, which allow the teacher-developer to enter his educational material into the database and program algorithms for its study using special authoring languages ​​or other means. Typical representatives of AOS built on programmed learning algorithms are long time were: abroad the PLATO system, in our country the AOS VUZ family. Since the beginning of the 90s, in Russia and the CIS countries, instrumental environments have been distributed for creating computer courses on PCs such as IBM PC, foreign (Private Tutor, LinkWay, Costoc) and domestically produced: ADONIS, ASOC, UROC, etc.

The second direction of computerization of education is, as it were, a secondary application of the “soft” product of computerization of various branches of human activity (science, technology, economics, etc.). This individual programs, software packages, elements of automated systems (ACS, CAD, ASNI, automated control system, etc.), designed to automate labor-intensive calculations, optimization, study of the properties of objects and processes using mathematical models, etc. The use of such software systems in the educational process is more widespread than the use of universal AES, both in our country and abroad, but, due to its disunity in content and the lack of a unified didactic platform, it is less known, systematized and generalized in scientific literature. -methodological literature. Among the numerous works in our country on the adaptation of industry software development For teaching purposes, a certain systematic approach and attempts at didactic and technical generalizations highlight the work on the creation of educational and research CAD and ASNI.

Since the beginning of the 80s, a new direction in the computerization of education has been intensively developing - intelligent teaching systems (ITS), based on work in the field of artificial intelligence. An essential part of the ITS are models of the learner, the learning process, and the subject area, on the basis of which a rational learning strategy can be built for each learner. IOS knowledge bases can contain, along with formalized knowledge, expert knowledge in subject areas and in the field of training.

"Personal revolution" of the 80s. brought not only new technical but also didactic opportunities to the field of education. This is the availability of PCs, ease of dialogue and, of course, graphics. The use of graphic illustrations in educational computer systems allows not only to increase the speed of information transfer to the student and increase the level of its understanding, but also contributes to the development of qualities that are important for a specialist in any field, such as intuition, professional “flair,” and imaginative thinking. And on the computer technology market, technical and software innovations that are even more promising for professional training purposes are appearing. These are optical external storage devices on CD-ROMs (Compact Disk Read Only Memory) with large amounts of memory (hundreds of megabytes), hypertext software tools, multi- and hypermedia, and “virtual reality” systems.

A computer equipped with multimedia technical means makes it possible to widely use the didactic capabilities of graphics and sound. Using hypertext systems, you can create cross-references in arrays of text information, which makes it easier to find the necessary information using keywords highlighted in the text. Hypermedia systems make it possible to connect with each other not only fragments of text, but also graphics, digitized speech, sound recordings, photographs, cartoons, video clips, etc.

The use of such systems makes it possible to create and widely replicate “electronic” manuals, reference books, books, and encyclopedias on laser CDs.

The development of information telecommunication networks gives a new impetus to distance learning systems and provides access to gigantic volumes of information stored in various parts of our planet.

New hardware and software that increase the capabilities of a computer, the transition to an anachronistic understanding of its role as a computer gradually led to the displacement of the term “computer technology” by the term “information technology”. This term refers to the processes of accumulation, processing, presentation and use of information using electronic means. Thus, the essence of informatization of education is defined as creating conditions for students to have free access to large volumes active information in databases, knowledge bases, electronic archives, reference books, encyclopedias.

Following this terminology, we can define educational information technologies (IET) as a set of electronic means and methods of their functioning used to implement learning activities. Electronic means include hardware, software and information components, the methods of use of which are indicated in the methodological support of the information technology.

Impressive progress in the development of hardware and software tools of information technology provides good technical opportunities for the implementation of various didactic ideas. However, as an analysis of domestic and foreign computer systems for educational purposes shows, a number of them cannot even be called satisfactory in their didactic characteristics. The fact is that the level of quality of a “soft” product for educational purposes is laid down at the stage of its design when preparing educational material for filling AOS databases and electronic textbooks, when creating scenarios for educational work with computer systems of a modeling type, when developing tasks and exercises, etc. P.

Unfortunately, the methodological aspects of information technology lag behind the development of technical means. This is not surprising, since methodologically, ITE integrates the knowledge of such diverse sciences as psychology, pedagogy, mathematics, cybernetics, and computer science. The development of ITS tools to support vocational education is further complicated by the need to have a good knowledge of the content of the subject area and take into account the inherent specifics of training. It is the lag in the development of methodological problems, the “low-tech” nature of the existing methods that are one of the main reasons for the gap between the potential and real capabilities of information technology.

Now let's look at some examples of educational information systems and try to find out the most relevant technologies for building ISO today.

First, let's look at the methodological aspects of the technology for creating a “soft” product for educational purposes, which form the basis of the system of Automated Teaching Tools Complexes (CADIS system), developed and developed in the center of new information technologies at Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU).

The complex summarizes the experience and results of many years of research on computer support for engineering training. These studies began in the late 70s. at the Department of Construction and Design of Aircraft at SSAU.

One of the first versions of the tool environment was called the computer-aided design system for automated training courses (CAD AUK). Subsequently, despite the expansion of its functions from the development of automated control systems to the preparation of integral complexes, including a set of automated control systems, simulators, and training PPPs, this name was retained.

The CAD AUK includes the following components: training manual, AUK for mastering and consolidating the methodology for designing educational complexes, software, information support.

Information support for CAD AUK includes two types of databases: databases with educational material and a journal. The training material contains for each AUC blocks of information, exercises, a dictionary of terms and concepts with their synonyms and definitions, conditions for calling plug-in programs (simulators, educational PPP, etc.). The journal accumulates statistics on students’ work with all AUCs.

CAD AUK software implements four types of interfaces: students, teacher-users and teachers-developers of educational complexes, CAD AUK administrator. Structurally, all programs can also be divided into four main parts: a “player” of educational complexes, ensuring the work of students and teacher-users; a tool shell that allows teacher-developers to fill the database of educational complexes; a set of software utilities that implement some additional functions in the work of teacher developers; CAD AUK administrator utilities.

Tomsk State University is the developer of many interesting systems training. Including one of the rather interesting and simple developments– Virtual University. The first versions of the educational information system were “local” and similar to our system.

Today, the most popular and effective learning information systems are “networked” learning management systems (LMS) and learning content management systems (LCMS).

Following the development of content management systems (CMS - Content Management System), specialized systems began to appear, in particular for training management.

In English-language literature you can find the following abbreviation for learning management systems:

· LMS – Learning Management System (learning management system);

· CMS – Course Management System (course management system);

· LCMS – Learning Content Management System (educational material management system);

· MLE – Managed Learning Environment (shell for learning management);

· LSS – Learning Support System (learning support system);

· LP – Learning Platform (educational platform);

· VLE – Virtual Learning Environments (virtual learning environments).

The main foundation of e-learning is usually LMS and LCMS systems. LMS involves automation of administrative management of the educational process, and LCMS – automation of content management of the educational process, although in practice the boundaries between these systems are very relative.

Both systems manage course content and track learning outcomes. Both tools can manage and track content down to the learning object level. But the learning management system, at the same time, can manage the process of blended learning made up of online content, classroom activities, virtual classroom meetings, etc. In contrast, a learning content management system can manage content below the learning object, allowing online content to be rearranged and redirected. Some LCMSs can dynamically build learning objects based on user profiles or learning styles.

Thus, a learning management system provides an infrastructure that allows any educational institution to plan, deliver and manage training programs in any format of its choice. It also supports multiple course authoring tools and easily integrates with popular learning content management systems. In this role, as a catalyst for the overall learning environment, the LMS can integrate learning objects into the LCMS through technical specifications and standards, and also be responsible for managing educational content, including playing and checking, storing a content repository, connecting and disconnecting content objects, introducing content objects into mixed processes, and collecting learning outcomes for individual courses.

In the recent past, all electronic learning resources were created using specific tools that required their own development and operating environment. Course developers either had to learn these tools or work with programmers who had experience using them. The content was re-developed from course to course and a lot of effort was required to develop and test the course.

The Learning Content Management System separates content from content delivery media. Content can be created once and delivered in numerous ways. LCMS also eliminates the need for specialized programming skills by allowing authors to insert content into pre-programmed templates. Because content is created in small objects, developers can reuse content created by other authors, saving development time while also ensuring consistent information is delivered to learners.

Thus, due to the rapid growth in the volume of information and the intensity of its flow, difficulties arise in mastering the material and preparing educational and methodological materials. To eliminate the above shortcomings, a completely new approach, style and new methodology are needed, based on the use of the most modern information and pedagogical technologies, where significant emphasis is placed on the capabilities of modern information systems and telecommunications.

A new approach to organizing the educational process and establishing contact between teacher and student is that the teacher now increasingly performs the function of a coordinator. The teacher has the opportunity to introduce corrections for deviations from the ideal trajectory of transition from one stage to the next. The capabilities of the learner are expanded, i.e. Now he has the opportunity to enter the world of the teacher’s knowledge, use the knowledge base, virtual libraries, establish contact with virtual teachers, and also make an objective self-assessment of the knowledge being formed.

Let's look at the most popular LMS at the moment:

MOODLE – Modular Object–Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.

· Official site:

· Platform: PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL

The design and development of Moodle is guided by a specific learning philosophy that can be briefly called “social constructionist pedagogy.”

Constructionism argues that learning is most effective when the learner shapes something for others through the process of learning. This can be anything from making a statement or writing a message on the Internet to more complex works such as a painting, a house, or a software package.

For example, you can read this page several times and still not remember anything tomorrow. But if you try to explain these ideas to someone else in your own words, or make a slide presentation that explains these concepts, you will understand them better and better integrate them into your own ideas. This is why people take notes during lectures, even if they never read them afterwards.

· Official website:

· Support: IMS/SCORM specifications

Application languages: PHP, JAVA


· License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

· Russian language support: yes

· Demo site:

The application was created at the Belgian Institute of Pedagogy and Multimedia of the Catholic University of Louvain.

A platform for building distance learning websites based on the Claroline fork. A branch is a clone of a freely distributed software product, created with the goal of changing the original application in one direction or another.

Dokeos is the result of the work of some members of the original Claroline development team who conceived of:

· change the orientation of the application. Now it is more suitable for organizations than universities.

· organize (or rather put up for sale) a set of additional services for the platform. The name Dokeos refers to both the application and the community, which offers a set of various services for the platform: hosting, content integration, development of additional modules, technical. support, etc.

Dokeos is free because the Claroline license (GNU/GPL) assumes that branches are subject to the same license. Since the branch was recently allocated, both applications are now relatively similar to each other, although some differences in ergonomics, interface design, and functionality are already beginning to appear.

The system was created by Canadian developers. Includes all the necessary e-learning tools. There is a Russian version.

· Official website:

· Support: IMS/SCORM

Application languages: PHP, JAVA


· License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

· Russian language support: yes

· Demo site:

· Official website:

Application languages: Java


· License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

· Russian language support: no

· Demo site:

The IMS Learning Design specification was prepared in 2003. It is based on the results of the work of the Open University of the Netherlands (OUNL) on the educational modeling language “Educational Modeling Language” (EML), which describes the “meta-model” of educational process development.

Based on this specification, the Learning Activity Management System (LAMS) was created. LAMS provides teachers with visual tools to design learning structures that allow them to sequence learning activities.

LAMS is a revolutionary new application for creating and managing electronic educational resources. It provides the teacher with intuitive clear interface to create educational content, which may include various individual tasks, tasks for group work and frontal work with a group of students.

· Official website:

· Standards: SCORM/IMS (IMS Content Packaging, IMS QTI)

Application languages: Java

· DBMS: MySQL, PostgreSQL

· License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

· Russian language support: yes

· Demo site:

The development of the system began back in 1999 at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, where it is the main educational platform for e-learning.

The Open Architecture Community System is a system for developing scalable, portable educational resources. It is the basis for many companies and universities involved in the use of e-learning technologies.

· Official website:


· License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

· Russian language support: yes

Thus, modern large-scale educational information systems are network information learning environments that can be implemented both in distance learning and in full-time education.

2. Development of a learning algorithm and information system components

2.1 IP concept

The purpose of the thesis is to create software – an information system for training in the course “Computer Networks”.

Having analyzed existing training systems and taking into account the specifics, the development of our training information system should include:

– concept development;

– IS design;

– development of a repository;

– development of an ergonomic interface for working with course data;

– development of a course management system;

– testing.

The users of the system are students who log in with their username and password and study the material in the course “Computer Networks”, and then undergo testing to control the studied material.

The system also contains administrator settings, available when logging in with an administrator login and password. The administrator has the ability to configure user lists, as well as manage the list of course topics and test modules.

The general structure of the project can be represented as follows:

Rice. 3. General structure of IS training

This training IS is intended for more convenient management of an electronic textbook on computer networks and thereby increasing the effectiveness of training and self-study in this area.

The information system does not require any specialized software to operate.

2.2 IC design

After defining the project concept, it is necessary to model the main structural components, their relationships and the processes occurring in our information system. For this purpose, there are a large number of diagrams that allow you to visually depict the necessary components of the system in accordance with the standards for constructing information systems.

Let's look at a few basic diagrams:

1. The use case diagram reflects the interaction of system use cases and characters. It reflects the system requirements from the user's point of view. Helps to conduct requirements analysis, which involves identifying processes and requirements and their formulation.

The customer formulates the requirements for the information system, the developer studies the automated process, while identifying the main characteristics future system– draws up specifications.

Rice. 4 Use case diagram

2. The component diagram shows what the model looks like at the physical level. It depicts the system software components and the connections between them.

Rice. 5. Component diagram

2.3 Development of the database structure

The training information system database is a set of text files that contain structured information on the list of users, their training results, training course topics, and a test set.

2.4 Development of the training course interface

The theoretical material of the course is presented in the form of hypertext pages - the most convenient form of presenting electronic resources. All chapters of the course have a single design style and are built according to a template: a table of contents of the topic in the form of hyperlinks and the text of the chapter itself with a large number of illustrations, test questions at the end of each topic.

Rice. 6. Example of a course page

The web application was developed using the following tools: hypertext language HTML markup, CSS Cascading Style Sheets. The Macromedia Dreamveawer editor was used to create hypertext pages and cascading style sheet elements.

The hypertext course is built into the Delphi environment using a specialized component - a web browser.

Rice. 7. Web browser component of the Delphi environment

The test suite interface is completely implemented in Delphi. Material for tests is taken from a special database - text files. Variants of test sets are generated randomly. The test material is presented in the form of questions with four possible answers, of which one is correct.

Rice. 8. System test complex

After passing the test, the results are displayed.

Rice. 9. Test results page

Depending on the results, the student can move to a new level of training, that is, he will be able to study new topic, or, in case of an unsatisfactory result, will continue to study the existing one.

2.5 Development of a course management system

When implementing the educational information system, we adhered to the following principles:

· an iterative (spiral) development model was used, because complete completion of work at each stage of the life cycle is not necessary;

· in the process of developing the information system, close interaction with the customer and system users was necessary;

· an object model of IS software development was used;

· development was carried out using visual application development tools;

· testing and development of the project was carried out simultaneously with development.

During the design and development of the information system, the RAD methodology was applied.

The methodology for developing information systems based on the use of rapid application development tools has received Lately became widespread and became known as the rapid application development methodology - RAD (Rapid Application Development).

This methodology covers all stages of the life cycle of modern information systems.

RAD is a set of special tools for the rapid development of applied information systems that allow you to operate with a specific set of graphic objects, functionally displaying individual information components of applications.

Rapid application development methodology usually refers to an information systems development process based on three main elements:

· a small team of programmers (usually from 2 to 10 people);

· carefully worked out production work schedule, designed for a relatively short development period (from 2 to 6 months);

· iterative development model based on close interaction with the customer - as the project progresses, developers clarify and implement in the product the requirements put forward by the customer.

The basic principles of the RAD methodology can be summarized as follows:

· an iterative (spiral) development model is used;

· complete completion of work at each stage of the life cycle is not necessary;

· in the process of developing an information system, close interaction with the customer and future users is necessary;

· it is necessary to use CASE tools and rapid application development tools;

· it is necessary to use configuration management tools that facilitate making changes to the project and maintaining the finished system;

· it is necessary to use prototypes to better understand and realize the needs of the end user;

· testing and development of the project are carried out simultaneously with development;

· development is carried out by a small and well-managed team of professionals;

· competent management of the system development, clear planning and control of work execution are required.

CASE technologies (Computer Aided Software/System Engineering) cover a wide area of ​​support for numerous information system design technologies: from simple remedies analysis and documentation to full-scale automation tools covering the entire software life cycle.

Typically, CASE tools include any software that automates one or another set of life cycle processes and has the following main characteristic features:

· use of a specially organized repository of project metadata (repository);

· powerful graphical tools for describing and documenting information systems, providing a convenient interface with the developer and developing his creative capabilities;

· integration of individual components of CASE tools, ensuring controllability of the IS development process;

Thus, based on the characteristics of these technologies, it is possible to use CASE tools most widely and effectively in training. An important factor influencing the success of the implementation of such systems is the methodological systematic approach to their design and implementation. This approach is based on the use of CASE technologies, which allow modeling of an information system at all phases of its development: at the stage of structural analysis, design and implementation.

The Borland Delphi visual development environment was chosen as the main CASE tool for developing our system. The main advantages of this environment are:

· Fast and easy application development. · High performance of the developed application · Low requirements of the developed application for computer resources. · Extensibility by integrating new components and tools into the Delphi environment. · Ability to develop new components and tools own funds Delphi (existing components and tools are available in source code) · Convenient building of a hierarchy of objects and thereby the structure of the system

Now let's look at the structure of our course management system:

Rice. 10. Software structure of the learning management information system

The main page is a window with the name of the system and fields for entering login and password for authorization in the system and working under your profile.

Rice. 11. Information system title window

Next, we find ourselves in a window containing brief information about the “Computer Networks” course and a selection of course topics to study. Moreover, this window displays only those topics that are available to a specific user as a result of passing control testing. For example, if a user logs into the information system for the first time, then only the first topic will be in the list of topics.

Rice. 12. Window for selecting course topics

Also in this window you can see your learning statistics, namely: the number of points received as a result of control testing for each topic, as well as statistics of the user group in comparison with your own, which displays the time spent in the course, the number of topics completed and the total number of points scored .

After selecting the desired topic and clicking on the “Download” button, we enter the learning mode.

Rice. 13. Training window on the selected topic.

This window has a built-in browser that allows you to display the necessary information for reading quite simply and conveniently. The buttons located on the toolbar allow you to move back and forth through the text, print the text and go to the knowledge control page, which is discussed above.

The system also has an administrator section, which opens when you enter the administrator login and password on the main form.

Rice. 14. Window with system settings

There is a tool for managing users as well as a list of course topics.

2.7 IC testing

Testing was carried out simultaneously with the development of the system (according to the RAD methodology).

Testing an information system involves checking the correct operation of the application when entering data.

Testing for the validity of input values ​​involves checking the correctness of the entered data. For example, when the system starts, the login and user registration password entered and available in the system are checked.

Thus, due to the application of the RAD methodology, configuration management and IS change management are quite easy to implement. This can contribute to the modernization and development of the educational information system.

As a result of the thesis, an information training system was created for the course “Computer Networks”.

The Delphi visual design environment was used to create the IS software; the course itself was implemented using hypertext technologies.

The information system includes tools for course management (administrator section), tools for training and monitoring the course, as well as tools for displaying statistical information.

Thus, the main goal of the thesis has been achieved and this system is ready for use and subsequent upgrades in modern conditions at the Russian State University for the Humanities.

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4. Emelyanova N.Z., Partyka T.L., Popov I.I. Fundamentals of building automated information systems: Textbook. – M: FORUM: INFORM-M, 2007 – 416 p.

5. Kolisnichenko D.N. Do-it-yourself computer network: installation, configuration, maintenance - St. Petersburg: Science and Technology, 2004 - 400 p.

6. Computer networks. Principles, technologies, protocols. V.G. Olifer, N.A. Olifer. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. – 672 p.

7. Computer networks. 4th ed./E. Tanenbaum - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003 - 992 p.

8. Novikov Yu.V., Kondratenko S.V. Local networks: architecture, algorithms, design. M.: EIOT, 2000 – 312 p.

9. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: Proc. aid for students ped. universities and higher education systems qualified pedagogical personnel / Ed. E.S. Polat. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2001. – 272 p.

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11. Saak A.E., Pakhomov E.V., Tyushnyakov V.N. Management information technologies: Textbook for universities. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. – 320 p.

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13. Solovov A.V. Didactics and technology of e-learning in the CADIS system // "Education Industry". 6. – M.: MGIU, 2002, – p. 54–64.

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Source codes of information system modules

1. Home page module

Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, jpeg;

Tzagl = class(TForm)

Button1: TButton;

Button2: TButton;

(Private declarations)

(Public declarations)


uses Unit19, Unit44, tester_, Unit4;

procedure Tzagl.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

var s,s1,s2,log,pas:string;i:integer;k:boolean;

while not eof(fil) do

if (s[i] = "*") then

if (s[i] = "&") then

if (edit1.text=log)and(edit2.Text=pas) then;

if (s[i]<>"&")and(s[i]<>"*") then s1:=s1+s[i];

if (edit1.Text="admin")and(edit2.Text="pasw") then

if k then showmessage("Enter the correct login and password");

procedure Tzagl.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);

var s3,s4:string;

if(edit1.text<>"")and(edit2.Text<>"") then begin






showmessage("You have successfully registered!")

else showmessage("Enter your login password!")

procedure Tzagl.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);


2. Course topic selection module

Menus, StdCtrls, DBCtrls, ExtCtrls, Db, Provider, DBClient, MConnect;

TElektKursInf = class(TForm)

Button1: TButton;

ListBox1: TListBox;

ListBox2: TListBox;

Button2: TButton;

Button3: TButton;

ListBox3: TListBox;

procedure Exit1Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure ComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject);

procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject);

(Private declarations)

(Public declarations)

ElektKursInf: TElektKursInf;


uses Unit44, Unit1, Unit3, Unit5;

procedure TElektKursInf.Exit1Click(Sender: TObject);


procedure TElektKursInf.FormClose(Sender: TObject;

var Action: TCloseAction);


procedure TElektKursInf.FormShow(Sender: TObject);

var i,j:integer;s0,s,s2,k:string;

while not eof(fil) do


while not eof(fil) do



while not eof(fil) do


Label3.Caption:="Hello, "+zagl.Edit1.Text+". You are working with the training course "Computer Networks""; //ComboBox1.ItemIndex:= 0;


while not eof(fil1) do


for i:=1 to length(s2) do begin

if (s2[i] = "*") then begin

if s=zagl.Edit1.Text then begin

while s2[j]<>"#" do begin

if s2[j]="&" then k:=s2;



if k="1" then begin

if k="2" then begin



if k="3" then begin




if k="4" then begin





if k="5" then begin






if k="6" then begin







if k="7" then begin









procedure TElektKursInf.ComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject);

(with ClientElektKurs do

while not EOF do


procedure TElektKursInf.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);









procedure TElektKursInf.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TElektKursInf.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);

3. Statistics modules for groups and individually

Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,

Dialogs, StdCtrls, Grids;

TForm3 = class(TForm)

StringGrid1: TStringGrid;

procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);

procedure StringGrid1Click(Sender: TObject);

(Private declarations)

(Public declarations)

procedure TForm3.FormShow(Sender: TObject);


StringGrid1.Cells:="Training time (min.)";

StringGrid1.Cells:="Number of topics completed";

StringGrid1.Cells:="Number of points";assignfile(fil1,"bd\result.txt");

while not eof(fil1) do


for j:=1 to length(s2) do begin

if s2[j]="*" then begin


if s2[j]="&" then begin



if s2[j]="$" then begin


if s2[j]="#" then begin




Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,

TForm5 = class(TForm)

StringGrid1: TStringGrid;

procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);

(Private declarations)

(Public declarations)


procedure TForm5.FormShow(Sender: TObject);

StringGrid1.Cells:="1 topic";

StringGrid1.Cells:="2 theme";

StringGrid1.Cells:="3 theme";

StringGrid1.Cells:="4 theme";

StringGrid1.Cells:="5 theme";

StringGrid1.Cells:="6 theme";

StringGrid1.Cells:="7 theme";

while not eof(fil1) do


for j:=1 to length(s) do begin

if s[j]="*" then begin

while s[i]<>"*" do begin

if s[i]="!" then begin


if s[i]="$" then begin


if s[i]="#" then begin


if s[i]="%" then begin


if s[i]="^" then begin


if s[i]="@" then begin


if s[i]="~" then begin


if s[j]="~" then s1:="";


4. Course training module

Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,

OleCtrls, SHDocVw, ToolWin, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtDlgs, ExtCtrls, Menus;




TForm37 = class(TForm)

WebBrowser1: TWebBrowser;

StatusBar1: TStatusBar;

ProgressBar1: TProgressBar;

OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;

CoolBar1: TCoolBar;

ToolBar1: TToolBar;

ToolButton2: TToolButton;

ToolButton3: TToolButton;

ToolButton6: TToolButton;

ComboBox1: TComboBox;

ToolButton8: TToolButton;

ToolButton1: TToolButton;

PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu;

procedure ComboBox1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;

Shift: TShiftState);

procedure ToolButton1Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure ToolButton2Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure ToolButton3Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure ToolButton4Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure ToolButton5Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure ToolButton6Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure WebBrowser1StatusTextChange(Sender: TObject;

const Text: WideString);

procedure WebBrowser1ProgressChange(Sender: TObject; Progress,

ProgressMax: Integer);

procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);

procedure ToolButton7Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);

procedure WebBrowser1BeforeNavigate2(Sender: TObject;

procedure WebBrowser1NavigateComplete2(Sender: TObject;

procedure ToolButton8Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure N1Click(Sender: TObject);

(Private declarations)

(procedure ExecWB(cmdID: OLECMDID; cmdexecopt:OLECMDEXECOPT); overload;)

(Public declarations)

Form37: TForm37;


uses Unit19, contr;

procedure TForm37.ComboBox1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;

Shift: TShiftState);

(if Key = VK_RETURN then


procedure TForm37.ToolButton1Click(Sender: TObject);

( if OpenDialog1.Execute then


ComboBox1.Text:= OpenDialog1.FileName;


procedure TForm37.ToolButton2Click(Sender: TObject);



procedure TForm37.ToolButton3Click(Sender: TObject);

if z>–1 then WebBrowser1.GoForward else ToolButton3.Enabled:=false;

procedure TForm37.ToolButton4Click(Sender: TObject);


procedure TForm37.ToolButton5Click(Sender: TObject);


procedure TForm37.ToolButton6Click(Sender: TObject);

PostData, Headers: OLEvariant;


procedure TForm37.WebBrowser1StatusTextChange(Sender: TObject;const Text: WideString);

StatusBar1.SimpleText:= Text;

procedure TForm37.WebBrowser1ProgressChange(Sender: TObject; Progress,ProgressMax: Integer);

ProgressBar1.Max:= ProgressMax;

ProgressBar1.Position:= Progress;

procedure TForm37.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);



procedure TForm37.ToolButton7Click(Sender: TObject);

const CGID_WebBrowser: TGUID = "(ED016940–BD5B–11cf–BA4E–00C04FD70816)";

CmdTarget: IOleCommandTarget;

vaIn, vaOut: OleVariant;


PtrGUID^ := CGID_WebBrowser;

if WebBrowser1.Document<>nil then

WebBrowser1.Document.QueryInterface(IOleCommandTarget, CmdTarget);

if CmdTarget<>nil then

CmdTarget.Exec(PtrGUID, HTMLID_FIND, 0, vaIn, vaOut);



procedure TForm37.FormShow(Sender: TObject);



procedure TForm37.WebBrowser1BeforeNavigate2(Sender: TObject;

const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, PostData,

Headers: OleVariant; var Cancel: WordBool);

procedure TForm37.WebBrowser1NavigateComplete2(Sender: TObject;

const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL: OleVariant);


if (ElektKursInf.ListBox1.Items.Strings<>WebBrowser1.LocationURL)then ToolButton2.Enabled:=true else ToolButton2.Enabled:=false;

procedure TForm37.ToolButton8Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm37.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);


procedure TForm37.N1Click(Sender: TObject);

5. Control testing module

SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls,

Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls,

TForm1 = class(TForm)

// alternative answers

// radio buttons for selecting an answer

RadioButton1: TRadioButton;

RadioButton2: TRadioButton;

RadioButton3: TRadioButton;

RadioButton4: TRadioButton;

Image1: TImage; // illustration output area

Button1: TButton;

RadioButton5: TRadioButton;

procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);

procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure RadioButtonClick(Sender: TObject);

// These declarations were inserted here manually

procedure QuestionsToScr;

procedure ShowPicture; // displays an illustration

procedure ResetForm; // "cleaning" the form before displaying the next question

procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);

procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);

procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); // test result

(Private declarations)

(Public declarations)

Form1: TForm1; // form

uses Unit19, Unit1, Unit44;

N_LEV=4; // four rating levels

N_ANS=4; // four possible answers


fn:string; // question file name

level:array of integer; // amount corresponding to the level

mes:array of string; // message corresponding to the level

score:array of integer; // score for answer choice

summa:integer; // points scored

questions:integer; // number of the current question

otv:integer; // number of the selected answer

// display information about the test

procedure Tform1.Info;

Form1.Caption:= s;

if s<> "."

then buf:= buf +s + #13;

Procedure GetLevel;

if buf<>"." then begin

mes[i]:=buf; // message

readln(f,level[i]); // grade

// scaling the illustration

Procedure TForm1.ShowPicture;

w,h: integer; // maximum possible image sizes

// calculate acceptable image sizes


– Panel1.Height –10

– Label5.Height – 10;

// questions

if Label1.Caption<> ""

then h:=h–Label1.Height–10;

if Label2.Caption<> ""

then h:=h–Label2.Height–10;

if Label3.Caption<> ""

then h:=h–Label3.Height–10;

if Label4.Caption<> ""

then h:=h–Label4.Height–10;

// if the image size is less than w by h,

// then it is not scaled


if Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Height > h

then Image1.Height:=h

else Image1.Height:= Image1.Picture.Height;

if Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Width > w

then Image1.Width:=w

else Image1.Width:=Image1.Picture.Width;

Image1.Visible:= True;

// display a question

Procedure TForm1.QuestionsToScr;

ifn:string; // illustration file


caption:="Question" + IntToStr(questions);

if (s<>".") and (s<> "\")

then buf:=buf+s+" ";

until (s = "") or (s = "\");

Label5.caption:=buf; // display the question

(We will read the illustration, but we will display it only after we have read the alternative answers and determined the maximum possible size of the form area that can be used to display it.)

if s<> "\"

then Image1.Tag:=0 // there is no illustration for the question

else // there is an illustration for the question



on E:EFOpenError do

// Read the answer options

repeat // read the text of the answer option

if (s<>".") and (s<> ",")

then buf:=buf+s+" ";

until (s=","")or(s=".");

// read alternative answer

score[i]:= StrToInt(s);

1: Label1.caption:=buf;

2: Label2.caption:=buf;

3: Label3.caption:=buf;

4: Label4.caption:=buf;

// read the illustration and alternative answers here

// the question text has already been displayed

if Image1.Tag =1 // there is an illustration to the question

then ShowPicture;

// output alternative answers

if Form1.Label1.Caption<> ""

if Form1.Image1.Tag =1





if Form1.Label2.Caption<> "" Label1.height+10;;



if Form1.Label3.Caption<> "" Label2.height+10;;



if Form1.Label4.Caption<> "" Label3.height+10;;



Procedure TForm1.ResetForm;

begin // make all labels and radio buttons invisible



















// determining the level reached

procedure TForm1.Itog;

buf:="Test results"+ #13

+"Total points: "+ IntToStr(summa);

while (sum< level[i]) and (i

buf:=buf+ #13+mes[i];


procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);

// click on Button1

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

var s,s2,s1,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,k,tim1:string;i,j,l,l1,l2:integer;tim:integer;

case Button1.tag of


// output of the first question




1: begin // output the rest of the questions




then QuestionsToScr





Itog; // display the result

2: begin // shutdown



while not eof(fil1) do



for i:=1 to length(s) do begin

if (s[i] = "*") then begin

if s1=zagl.Edit1.Text then begin

while s[j]<>"#" do begin

if s[j]="&" then begin





if s[j]="$" then begin

if summa>=7 then begin





else l:=StrToInt(s);

if summa>=7 then begin





if length(s6)=1 then s6:=" "+s6;


if (s[i]="#") then s1:="";

for i:=1 to length(s) do

if s[i]="#" then begin




while not eof(fil1) do



for i:=1 to length(s) do begin

if (s[i] = "*") then begin


if s1=zagl.Edit1.Text then begin

while s[j]<>"~" do begin

if (s[j]="!")and(l=1)and(summa>StrToInt(s)) then begin




if (s[j]="$")and(l=2)and(summa>StrToInt(s)) then begin




if (s[j]="#")and(l=3)and(summa>StrToInt(s)) then begin




if (s[j]="%")and(l=4)and(summa>StrToInt(s)) then begin




if (s[j]="^")and(l=5)and(summa>StrToInt(s)) then begin




if (s[j]="@")and(l=6)and(summa>StrToInt(s)) then begin




if (s[j]="~")and(l=7)and(summa>StrToInt(s)) then begin




if (s[i]="~") then s1:="";

for i:=1 to length(s) do

if s[i]="~" then begin




// Procedure for handling the OnClick event

// for components RadioButton1–RadioButton4

procedure TForm1.RadioButtonClick(Sender: TObject);

if sender = RadioButton1

else if sender = RadioButton1

else if sender = RadioButton3


// provides configuration of components

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

Image1.AutoSize:= False;

Image1.Proportional:= True;

RadioButton1.Visible:= False;

procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);


if Gauge1.Progress=100 then begin





Itog; // display the result


procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);


procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);

var z:integer;s0:string;


while not eof(fil) do



on EFOpenError do

ShowMessage("Filetest "+fn+" not found.");



Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

Posted on

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FSBEI HPE "Irkutsk State Technical University"


in the discipline: “Computerized packages for synthesis and analysis”

on the topic: “Information systems in education”

Irkutsk 2015



2. Types of training programs

3. Organization of computer training

4. Using the Internet for educational purposes

5. Distance learning




The modern period of development of society is characterized by a strong influence on it of computer technologies, which penetrate into all spheres of human activity, ensure the dissemination of information flows in society, forming a global information space. An integral and important part of these processes is the computerization of education. Currently, in the CIS countries, a new education system is being established, focused on entering the global information and educational space. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process associated with the introduction of adjustments to the content of educational technologies, which must be adequate to modern technical capabilities and contribute to the harmonious entry of the child into the information society. Computer technologies are intended to become not an additional “add-on” to learning, but an integral part of the holistic educational process, significantly increasing its effectiveness. Before our eyes, non-traditional information systems related to learning are emerging; It is natural to call such systems information-learning systems.

Automated training systems (ATS)- these are systems that help master new material, monitor knowledge, and help teachers prepare educational material.

Currently, it is customary to highlight the following main directions for the introduction of computer technology in education:

The use of computer technology as a teaching tool that improves the teaching process, increasing its quality and efficiency;

The use of computer technologies as tools for learning, self-knowledge and reality;

Consideration of the computer and other modern means of information technology as objects of study;

Using new information technologies as a means of creative development of the student;

The use of computer technology as a means of automating the processes of control, correction, testing and psychodiagnostics;

Organization of communications based on the use of information technology tools for the purpose of transferring and acquiring pedagogical experience, methodological and educational literature;

Using modern information technologies to organize intellectual leisure;

Intensification and improvement of management of an educational institution and the educational process based on the use of a system of modern information technologies.

The penetration of modern information technologies into the field of education allows teachers to qualitatively change the content, methods and organizational forms of teaching. The purpose of these technologies in education is to strengthen the intellectual capabilities of students in the information society, as well as humanization, individualization, intensification of the learning process and improving the quality of education at all levels of the educational system. It is customary to highlight the following main pedagogical goals of using modern information technologies:

1. Intensification of all levels of the educational process through the use of modern information technologies:

Increasing the efficiency and quality of the learning process;

Increased cognitive activity;

Deepening interdisciplinary connections;

Increasing the volume and optimizing the search for the necessary information.

2. Development of the student’s personality, preparing the individual for a comfortable life in the information society:

Development of different types of thinking;

Development of communication abilities;

Formation of skills to make the optimal decision or propose solutions in a difficult situation;

Aesthetic education through the use computer graphics, multimedia technologies; - formation of information culture, skills to process information;

Development of skills to model a task or situation; - formation of skills to carry out experimental research activities.

3. Work to fulfill the social order of society:

Preparation of an information literate person;

Computer user training;

Carrying out career guidance work in the field of computer science.

2. Types of training programs

The basis for classification is usually the characteristics of the educational activities of students when working with programs. Many authors identify four types of training programs:

Training and control;


Simulation and modeling;

Educational games.

Type 1 programs(training) are intended to consolidate skills and abilities. It is assumed that the theoretical material has already been studied. These programs present the student with questions and problems in a random sequence and count the number of correctly and incorrectly solved problems (in case of an incorrect answer, a remark may be given to encourage the student). If the answer is incorrect, the student may receive help in the form of a hint.

Type 2 programs(mentoring) offer students theoretical material to study. Tasks and questions are used in programs for organizing human-machine dialogue and for managing the progress of learning. So if the answers given by the student are incorrect, the program can “roll back” to re-learn the theoretical material.

Mentoring-type programs are direct heirs of the software training tools of the 60s in the sense that programmed training should be considered the main theoretical source of modern computer or automated training.

In the publications of foreign experts today, the term “programmed learning” is understood as modern computer technology. One of the founders of the concept of programmed learning is the American psychologist B.F. Skinner.

The main element of programmed learning is a program, understood as an ordered sequence of recommendations (tasks), which are transmitted using a teaching machine or a programmable textbook and are carried out by students. There are several well-known varieties of programmed learning.

1. Linear programmed training. Founder - B.F. Skinner, professor of psychology at Harvard University, USA. He first came up with his concept in 1954. When creating it, Skinner relied on behaviorist psychology, according to which learning is based on the S - R principle, i.e. on the appearance of certain factors (S-stimulus) and the reaction to them (R-reaction). According to this concept, any reaction, correspondingly strengthened, is characterized by a tendency to repetition and reinforcement. The reward for the learner is the program’s confirmation of each successful step, and, given the simplicity of the reaction, the possibility of making a mistake is minimized.

According to the author, choosing the correct answers requires greater mental abilities from students than remembering some information. He considers direct confirmation of the correctness of the answer to be a unique type of feedback.

Gradually, both classical types - linear and branched programmed training - gave way to mixed forms.

According to its methodological structure, a pedagogical software tool (PPT), which implements a programmed approach, is characterized by the presence of the following blocks:

A block of indicative basis of actions (IBA), containing a text and graphic presentation of the theoretical foundations of a certain section of the automated course;

A control and diagnostic unit that monitors the assimilation of training management educational activities;

An automated knowledge control block that forms the final assessment of the student’s knowledge.

Type 3 programs(modeling) are based on the graphical and illustrative capabilities of the computer, on the one hand, and computational ones, on the other, and allow for a computer experiment. Such programs provide the student with the opportunity to observe a certain process on the display screen, influencing its progress by issuing a command from the keyboard that changes the parameter values.

Type 4 programs(games) provide the student with some imaginary environment, a world that exists only in a computer, a set of some possibilities and means of their implementation. The use of the tools provided by the program to realize the opportunities associated with studying the world of the game and activities in this world leads to the development of the student, the formation of his cognitive skills, his independent discovery of patterns, relationships of objects of reality that have universal significance.

The first two types of training programs are most widespread due to their relatively low complexity and the possibility of unification in the development of many program blocks. If programs of the 3rd and 4th types require a lot of work by programmers, psychologists, specialists in the field of the subject being studied, and teaching methodologists, then the technology for creating programs of the 1st and 2nd types has now been greatly simplified with the advent of tools or automated training programs. systems (AOS).

The main actions performed by programs of the first two types:

Presentation of a frame with text and graphic image;

Presentation of a question and a menu of answer options (or waiting for an open answer to be entered);

Analysis and evaluation of the response;

Provide a help frame when a special key is pressed.

As a first step towards computer-based learning technologies, training and monitoring programs should be considered. There is nothing easier (even high school students studying computer science can cope with this task) than preparing a control program for any section of any educational course in the Basic programming language or using instrumental programs. Such monitoring programs can be used systematically. This will not require fundamental changes in the existing educational process and will relieve the teacher of unproductive, routine operations of checking written work, monitoring students’ knowledge, and will solve the problem of accumulation of grades. Because of the totality of control, students will receive a powerful incentive to learn.

3. Organization of computer training

The next problem with computer training is related to the fact that the use of a computer does not fit into the standard classroom system. The computer is a tool individual training in conditions of unlimited time, and it is in this capacity that it should be used. Appropriate organizational forms of the educational process and work of teachers have yet to be found and put into practice. It is important that the student during computer training is not limited by strict time frames, so that the teacher does not have to work “for the class” as a whole, but that he can communicate with each student, give individual advice on working with the training program and on the material in it contained, help overcome individual; difficulties.

When conducting a lesson using computers, the teacher’s work goes through the following phases:

Lesson planning (the place of the lesson in the system of classes in a given discipline is determined, the time it is held in the electronic computer room, the type of lesson and its approximate structure, the software necessary for its implementation);

Preparation of software (filling the shells of monitoring programs and training systems with appropriate teaching materials, selection of modeling programs, placement of software on the appropriate magnetic disk, checking program launchability);

Conducting the lesson itself;

Summing up (corrections to training programs, archiving them for future use, processing the results of computer testing, deleting unnecessary temporary files from magnetic disks).

A separate area of ​​computer use in teaching is the integration of subject-based training courses and computer science. At the same time, the computer is no longer used as a teaching tool, but as a means of processing information obtained in the study of traditional disciplines - mathematics, physics: chemistry, ecology, biology, geography. Using instrumental programs on a computer, you can solve mathematical problems in analytical form, build diagrams and graphs, carry out calculations in tabular form, prepare text, diagrams, etc. In this case, the computer acts as a means of objective activity, bringing the style of educational activities in the classroom closer to the standards of modern scientific, technological and management activities.

Special expectations when using a computer in this way are associated with computer telecommunications and the capabilities of local and global computer networks. Very promising technology training is meta group research projects, modeling the activities of the real: scientific community.

This technology includes the following points:

Initial motivation for the study; detection of any paradox, formulation of a problematic task;

Searching for an explanation of the paradox, constructing hypotheses;

Conducting research, experiments, observations and measurements, literary research in order to prove or reject hypotheses and explanations;

Group discussion of results, preparation of a report, holding a scientific conference;

Resolving the issue of practical application of research results; development and defense of the final project on the topic.

Work on the project lasts from two weeks to two months. At the final stages of work on a project, new problematic tasks usually arise, new paradoxes are discovered, i.e. motivation is created to implement new projects.

The use of a computer fits very well into this teaching technology, especially if it is possible to implement computer telecommunications: exchange messages by e-mail with classes in other cities and even countries that are simultaneously carrying out the same project. The telecommunication component of the project makes it possible to sharply increase students' interest in completing the project, makes it natural to use a computer to present the results of observations and measurements, and contributes to the formation of students' information culture. Projects based on comparing local conditions, studying the general and special in them, instill in students a global vision of the world. Educational telecommunications projects are extremely popular in the United States. Hundreds of such projects for tens of thousands of classes in all countries of the world are carried out annually by many global computer networks for educational and scientific purposes. There is experience in using telecommunications projects in Russian conditions.

Development of written speech;

Mastering computer literacy, mastering a text editor, computer telecommunication programs;

Development of general problem solving skills;

Development of group work skills;

Development of creative work skills.

In the future - the development of training courses using the method of group projects and computer telecommunications in sections of local history in geography and history, biology and literature, and foreign languages.

4. Using the Internet for educational purposes

The creation of computer networks has provided humanity with a completely new way of communication.

The latest advances in data transmission technology, taking into account the latest inventions in the field of multimedia, open up unlimited possibilities for processing and transmitting an array of data to almost anywhere in the world. There is no doubt that in the foreseeable future the computer will become one of the main means of communication between people. computer internet distance learning

Until the early 90s in Russia, the Internet remained primarily a research computer network, with the help of which scientists exchanged the results of their work, and students of various universities kept in touch with each other.

In recent years, the computer has become accessible not only to adults, but also to most children. A positive opportunity of modern Internet technologies is the ability to use unique experimental resources, sometimes located on the other side of the globe: to observe the starry sky with a real telescope or control a nuclear power plant reactor, to use an online dictionary to translate educational text, selecting it from the list of available ones, to dissect a virtual frog. As a prospect for the near future, we can also talk about “virtual” online laboratories, in which students will conduct experiments on equipment located on another continent or in a neighboring building. Despite the advantages and prospects of incorporating Internet technologies into education, there is an area of ​​education where the development of information technologies, from the point of view of teachers, has brought more harm than good. If in the paper era the most common way to bypass control was to copy homework from a neighbor at a desk or exchange coursework within one university, now the exchange of essays and similar material has been put on stream: finding an essay on a topic of interest on the Internet or on a special CD is not difficult. special work. However, without dwelling on the costs of Internet technologies, let us turn our attention to their features.

On the base network technologies A completely new type of educational materials has emerged: the Internet textbook. The scope of Internet textbooks is wide: regular and distance learning, independent work. Equipped with a single interface, such an Internet textbook can become not just a manual for one training course, but a constantly evolving learning and reference environment.

An Internet textbook has the same qualities as a computer textbook, plus the ability to replicate practically without a medium - there is one version of the educational material on the Internet and the student-user gets access to it in the usual way through his browser. This brings significant advantages compared to an electronic textbook, namely:

It becomes possible to quickly update the content of the textbook;

The cost of producing a textbook is reduced;

The problem of identity is being solved, that is, on almost all hardware platforms the material will look almost the same (there will, of course, be differences, but their impact on the student’s work with the textbook can be minimized);

It becomes possible to include in the textbook any additional material that is already available on the Internet.

It is very valuable that access to the Internet textbook is possible from any machine connected to the Internet, which allows, if there is interest on the part of users, to try to master any distance learning course.

The abundance of tools for developing and converting documents adopted in the World Wide Web into standards allows the teacher to easily prepare educational materials without learning additional complex programming languages ​​and without resorting to the help of third-party developers.

As we move from printed textbooks to computer ones and from them to online ones, the efficiency of preparing material increases. This allows you to reduce the time for preparing textbooks, thereby increasing the number of training courses available to a student or student.

However, it is not the electronic textbook itself that promises much greater prospects, but the combination of textbooks with programs that control the student’s knowledge, supplemented by communication between the teacher and students in real time. In this regard, the Internet provides rich opportunities: from the already traditional Email to video conferencing and Web-chat. Distance education is currently being organized on this basis.

5. Distance learning

This is what specialists in strategic issues of education call distance learning. The world is placing a huge bet on it. Why? The results of social progress, previously concentrated in the technosphere, are now concentrated in the infosphere. The era of computer science has arrived. The current phase of its development can be characterized as telecommunications. This phase of communication, the phase of transfer of information and knowledge. Education and work today are synonymous: professional knowledge ages very quickly, so its constant improvement is necessary - this is open education! The global telecommunications infrastructure today makes it possible to create systems of mass continuous self-learning and universal exchange of information, regardless of time and space zones. Distance learning has entered the 21st century as the most efficient system training and continuous maintenance of a high qualification level of specialists.

Technological foundations of distance learning.

Distance learning in the form of correspondence education originated at the beginning of the 20th century. Today, you can get not only a higher education by correspondence, but also learn a foreign language, prepare for entering a university, etc. However, due to poorly established interaction between teachers and students and the lack of control over the educational activities of part-time students in the periods between examination sessions, the quality of such training turns out to be worse than what can be obtained with full-time study.

Modern computer telecommunications are capable of providing knowledge transfer and access to a variety of educational information on an equal basis, and sometimes much more effectively, than traditional teaching tools. Experiments have confirmed that the quality and structure of training courses, as well as the quality of teaching, in distance learning are often much better than in traditional forms of education. New electronic technologies, such as interactive CD-ROM drives, electronic bulletin boards, multimedia hypertext, accessible via the global Internet using Mosaic and WWW interfaces, can not only ensure the active involvement of students in the educational process, but also allow them to manage this process, unlike most traditional learning environments. The integration of sound, movement, image and text creates a new, incredibly rich in possibilities learning environment, with the development of which the degree of student involvement in the learning process will increase. The interactive capabilities used in distance learning (DLS) programs and information delivery systems make it possible to establish and even stimulate feedback, provide dialogue and constant support that are impossible in most traditional learning systems.

Distance learning around the world.

According to foreign experts, by 2000, higher education became the minimum level of education necessary for the survival of humanity. Full-time (full-time) education for such a mass of students is unlikely to be supported by the budgets of even the most prosperous countries. Therefore, it is no coincidence that over the past decades, the number of students studying non-traditional technologies has been growing faster than the number of full-time students. The global trend of transition to non-traditional forms of education can also be seen in the growth in the number of universities providing training in these technologies. For the period 1900-1960. 79 of them were created in 1960-1970. - 70, but only for 1970-1980. - 87.

The long-term goal of the development of LMS in the world is to enable every student living anywhere to take a course at any college or university. This involves moving from the concept of physically moving students from country to country to the concept of mobile ideas, knowledge and learning with the goal of distributing knowledge through the exchange of educational resources.


First of all, the objects of information technology applications are various sciences and areas of practical human activity. Diverse information technologies operating different types human activity (production process management, design, financial transactions, etc.) having common features, at the same time they differ from each other.

The use of information and computer technologies in the education system is currently becoming widespread. There are a lot of areas for using computer technology in education: this is both a management function and a statistical function, as well as information, training and monitoring. Nowadays, it is no longer possible to imagine the educational process without information systems and computer programs.


1. Monakhov V.M. Concept of creation and implementation of new information technology for education / Design of new information technology for education. - M., 1999.

2. Robert I.V. Modern information technologies in education. - M.: Shkola-Press, 2000.

Posted on


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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Penza State Technological University"

Faculty of Information Educational Technologies

Department of Information Technologies and Systems

on the topic "Information systems in education"


student 13IS2B Chinkov M.Yu.


Associate Professor of the Department of ITS Konovalov A.V.

Penza 2015


1. The concept of an information system in education

1.1 Objectives of the information system in education

2. Information system structure

2.1 Information system hardware

2.1.2 Classroom hardware

2.2 Information system software

2.2.2 Classroom software

3. Comparative analysis of the information system

4. Patent search

4.1 Patent search process



computer education information patent


The purpose of this industrial practice was a study of the structure of information systems in education using the example of a higher education institution. This topic is relevant in the field of information technology, since at the moment there is a tendency to introduce information technology into all spheres of society, and education is one of the most important spheres of society.

An integral and important part of development preschool institutions, schools, technical schools, universities is the computerization of education. Currently, Russia is developing a new education system, focused on entering the global information and educational space. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process associated with the introduction of adjustments to the content of teaching technologies, which must be adequate to modern technical capabilities and contribute to the harmonious entry of students into the information society. Computer technologies are intended to become not just an addition to learning, but an integral part of the holistic educational process, significantly increasing its effectiveness. Before our eyes, non-traditional information systems related to learning are emerging; It is natural to call such systems information-learning systems. During the industrial practice, the information system of the Informatization Department of the Penza State Technological University (hereinafter referred to as UI PenzGTU) was considered. An analysis of the software and hardware of this information system, comparison with another information system in this field, as well as patent research.

1. The concept of an information system in education

Currently, it is customary to highlight the following main directions for the introduction of computer technology in education:

)the use of computer technology as a teaching tool that improves the teaching process, increasing its quality and efficiency;

)consideration of computers and other modern means of information technology as objects of study and system modeling;

)a bias towards practice-oriented training to prepare specialists in demand in the labor market;

)organization of communications based on the use of information technology tools for the purpose of transferring and acquiring pedagogical experience, methodological and educational literature;

)use of modern information technologies to organize intellectual leisure;

)intensification and improvement of management of an educational institution and the educational process based on the use of a system of modern information technologies.

The penetration of modern information technologies into the field of education allows teachers to qualitatively change the content, methods and organizational forms of teaching.

The information system of the PenzSTU Informatization Department (UI PenzGTU) was chosen as the object of study of information systems in education. At the moment, the system's support area includes 4 classrooms: 2 computer labs, 1 lecture room and 1 reading room. The management laboratory is responsible for maintaining trouble-free operation in these classrooms.

1.1 Objectives of the information system in education

The goals of the information system in education are to strengthen the intellectual capabilities of students in the information society, intensify the learning process and improve the quality of education at all levels of the educational system, as well as train students as sought-after specialists in the field chosen by the students. It is customary to highlight the following main tasks of using modern information technologies.

)Intensification of all levels of the educational process through the use of modern information technologies: increasing the efficiency and quality of the learning process; increasing the activity of cognitive activity; deepening interdisciplinary connections; increasing the volume and optimizing the search for the necessary information.

)Development of the student’s personality, preparing the individual for a comfortable life in the information society: development of various types of thinking; development of communication abilities; developing the skills to make the optimal decision or propose solutions in a difficult situation; formation of information culture, skills to process information; development of skills to model a task or situation; formation of skills to carry out experimental research activities.

)Work to fulfill the social order of society: training an information literate individual; training of specialists in a specific subject area in demand in the labor market; implementation of career guidance work in the field of computer science.

2. Information system structure

The structure of an IS is a collection of its individual parts, called subsystems. A subsystem is a part of the system, distinguished by some characteristic. If the general structure of an IS is considered as a set of subsystems, regardless of the scope of application, then in this case the subsystems are called supporting.

If we consider an information system as a functional computing resource that ensures the functioning of the classrooms of an educational institution, then it is more appropriate to distinguish the hardware and software components of the system.

Figure 2.1 - generalized structure of the PenzSTU information system.

2.1 Information system hardware

IS hardware is a complex of electronic, electrical and mechanical devices that are part of an information system or network. Hardware support for information systems includes components such as personal computers (PCs), servers, data storage systems (DSS), network tools (switches, routers).

The main component of an information system is a cable system that connects all nodes of the information system into a single network domain. Basically, the cabling system consists of several twisted pair cables running between university classrooms. The purpose of the cable system is to provide Internet access to students, teachers, and technical support systems. In the information system of PenzGTU under consideration, there is a single domain, which combines authentication data and access rights of system users into a single structure, which is managed by a domain controller.

2.1.1 Control laboratory hardware

The main task of the PenzGTU laboratory is to support and maintain the information component of the educational process (hardware and software of the information system) in certain classrooms.

Through hardware components, the educational process is monitored and the continuous use of the Internet in the educational process is ensured.

All components of the laboratory hardware are stored in a separate server room, equipped in accordance with generally accepted standards: room humidity, area and height of the equipped room. The server room contains two racks that also meet the standards: height and width of the rack, mounting holes. The two racks contain:

)6 processor-based IBM System x3550 servers Intel Xeon E5-2600, ensuring trouble-free operation of the information system;

)Cisco ASA 5500 firewall, which provides access to the external network and filtering of packets passing into the internal network (checking for spam, viruses);

)4 switches: 2 of them are switches of the D-Link DES-3200-52 model, combining all subnets and individual nodes into a single network, 2 of them are switches of the D-Link DGS-1016D model for combining several nodes in a subnet;

)data storage system (DS) brand Qnap TS-651, which has its own disk space for storing a volume of data by information system servers.

Figure 2.1.1 - Qnap TS-651 storage system.

2.1.2 Classroom hardware

The PenzGTU UI laboratory serves 4 classrooms: two computer classes, one lecture hall and one reading room. These types of audiences have different hardware requirements.

Each of the two computer classes is equipped with:

) 21 personal computers of the HP ProDesk 400 G2 MT model based on the Intel Core i3 processor for use by students and teachers and for completing educational tasks.

) a personal computer model HP ProDesk 400 G2 MT based on an Intel Core i3 processor for organizing lectures and displaying information on a projector.

The reading room is equipped with:

) 5 personal computers of the HP ProDesk 400 G2 MT model based on the Intel Core i3 processor for use by students and teachers during extracurricular hours.

) 6 television screens for organizing scientific and practical conferences, presentations and other types of events.

2.2 Information system software

Software (SW) is a set of programs and data designed to solve a certain range of problems and stored on computer media. The following classes of software are distinguished.

)System software - solves the problems of general management and maintaining the functionality of the system as a whole. Operating systems belong to this class.

)Tool software includes development tools (translators, debuggers, integrated environments) and database management systems (DBMS).

)Application software - designed to solve applied problems by end users.

To organize the educational process, it is important to ensure that all of the above methods use software.

2.2.1 Control laboratory software

The PenzSTU UI laboratory uses software to support the work of classrooms. Classroom administration is provided from machines on which Windows 7 is installed as the main operating system. The main tool is VMware vSphere 5. This is a software product that provides server virtualization - dividing server computing resources into several virtual machines that perform different tasks. Each server has its own specialized operating system ESXI 5.5, which directly implements the virtualization process itself. ESXi servers are combined into the VMware vCenter mechanism, which connects all servers into one cluster and ensures interaction between them. Each server contains several virtual machines that perform different tasks: ensuring the functionality of the university website, educational portals, DBMS information system, etc., running on different guest OSs: 50 percent of the virtual machines are Linux servers (Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSUSE, CentOS), 50 percent - Windows servers (Windows Server 2003/2008/2012)

The laboratory is also provided with the following types of software:

)a proxy server that provides a secure Internet connection and filters packets for spam and viruses;

)a system for monitoring user network activity that stores information about user sessions on the Internet; implemented at the request of RosKomNadzor;

)internal information web services providing support for documentation and correct operation of computer classes:

a) web interface for managing corporate antivirus Dr. Web;

b) Galatea student performance information system;

c) document management system of PenzSTU UI;

d) Zabbix server performance monitoring system;

e) web interface for remote management of the data storage system;

)external information web services providing remote access users to PenzSTU UI services;

a) official website of PenzSTU;

b) educational portals of PenzSTU (,,, where interaction between students and teachers is possible both in classrooms and in remote access mode;

c) PenzSTU electronic library, which provides students with the opportunity to use electronic textbooks for free.

2.2.2 Classroom software

To ensure a complete educational process and students' mastery of a particular subject area, students must have access to both instrumental and application software. The Windows XP operating system runs as system software on each personal computer, since this system best suits the security policy of the information system under study.

Instrumentation software:

) integrated development environment "Visual Studio 2012", allowing students to practice creating programs in C, C++, C#;

) mathematical environment "MATLAB", with the help of which students can perform complex mathematical calculations and design diagrams of various subject areas;

Application software:

) "Consultant Plus" is a computer legal reference system that allows students to master the skills of working with reference systems;

) "KOMPAS 3D" is a computer-aided design system that allows students to practice creating 3D models for various subject areas.

) "1C: Enterprise" is an automation system for accounting and management accounting that allows students to gain practical skills in the areas of accounting, taxation, etc.

Also, personal computers of both classrooms and the management laboratory of PenzSTU are equipped with many other software products, the purpose of which is to increase the efficiency and quality of the learning process.

3. Comparative analysis of the information system

Comparative analysis is a method of analyzing objects in which a new state of an object is compared with an old state or a comparison of the state of one object with another with which a comparison may be appropriate. Comparative analysis is one of the main methods used in the study of information systems.

To conduct a comparative analysis, a main criterion was formed that describes the main characteristics of the IS, which are considered by the user at the stage of selecting the most preferred system - a general description of the system. The comparison results allow us to conclude that there are no significant differences between the considered IAS in such parameters as the target audience users and a list of tasks to be solved.

The information system of the Informatization Center of the Novosibirsk State Technological University (NSTU) was chosen as an object of comparison with the studied information system of the Informatization Department of the Penza State Technological University (UI PenzGTU). The main task of the IS chosen for analysis is similar to the IS under study: support and maintenance of the work of classrooms. However, the NSTU IS is more ambitious, since it covers the entire campus of the educational institution, in contrast to the PenzSTU UI IS, and also solves additional problems: personnel management, campus management, accounting support, etc. In addition, the number of students NSTU far exceeds the number of students at PenzGTU.

Table 1 - comparative analysis of the PenzSTU information system

Information system of PenzSTUInformation system of NSTUGeneral comparison. An information complex that ensures the work of classrooms and provides general information about certain areas of the university’s activities. Includes a set of hardware (automated workstations, centralized data storage system) and software (software maintenance, proprietary information content system). - work with student staff; - support of the educational process in all aspects and at all stages of training; - preparation of electronic training courses in the e-learning system; - a system of educational portals accessible via the Internet; - support for video surveillance systems; - presentation activities (university website). An information complex that allows you to accumulate and process information about the activities of the university and display this information in a user-friendly form. It includes a set of automated workstations that are installed on the computers of relevant employees, and an entire system of web applications accessible via the Internet. - work with student staff; - support of the educational process in all aspects and at all stages of training; - preparation of electronic training courses in the e-learning system; - university personnel management; - management of the contingent of residents living in campus dormitories; - management of scientific activities of the university; - management of financial activities of the university; - providing the university administration with information about the state of the educational process, the scientific and financial activities of the university; - presentation activities (university website).

4. Patent search

A patent search is the process of selecting documents or information that correspond to a request based on one or more criteria from an array of patent documents or data, while the process of searching from a variety of documents and texts only those that correspond to the topic or subject of the request is carried out. A patent search is carried out through an information retrieval system and is performed manually or using appropriate computer programs, as well as with the involvement of appropriate experts.

The subject of the search is determined based on the specific tasks of patent research, the category of the object, as well as what its elements, parameters, properties and other characteristics are supposed to be investigated. IN in this case the subject of the search was the structure of the information system, similar to that considered during production practice.

During a patent search, expressions of the semantic content of the information request and the content of the document are compared. To evaluate search results, certain matching rules are created that establish the degree to which the formal match of the search image of a document with the search prescription should be considered to correspond to the information request.

A patent search is a time-consuming but necessary undertaking. It is necessary not only for individuals or organizations wishing to patent an invention, but also for industrial enterprises wishing to use this invention. For example, the use of patented inventions by other legal entities and individuals leads to huge fines and possible ruin of enterprises.

The main goals of a patent search:

)verification of the uniqueness of the invention

)determining the features of a new product

)identifying other areas of application for the new product

)searching for inventors or companies that have received patents for inventions in the same field

)searching for patents for a product

)find the latest innovations in the research area

)search for patents for inventions in related fields

)determining the state of research in the technological field of interest

)find out whether your invention infringes on someone else's intellectual property

)obtain information on a specific company or the state of the market sector as a whole

)obtain information about individuals who have patents for similar inventions

)search for potential licensors

)search for additional information materials.

4.1 Patent search process

During the internship, a patent search was carried out via the Internet. The source of the patent search was the Russian FIPS patent database. The purpose of the patent search was to find a patent for an information system implemented in the educational process and similar to the object of research.

A patent search in the FIPS system was performed in a free database on behalf of a guest user. The search was performed using three keywords: “information”, “system” and “university”. As a result of the search, 2 documents were found that described utility model patents. These patents satisfy the purposes of patent research.

Each patent has its own meanings by which it can subsequently be identified: type of document (hereinafter example - A1), country of publication (RU), registration number of the application (94018674), edition of the international patent classifier - IPC (6), main IPC codes (G11B023/00), surname and initials of the applicant and author of the patent.

Documents found as a result of patent research:

) Student Library (Application Number: 94018674). Objectives of the invention: to provide portable version a person, starting from the first grade of school, and then university, and for the rest of his life, a personal library with an information capacity of more than one hundred twenty-five thousand four hundred volumes; ensure complete automation of the learning process at school, technical school, university and other forms of education; increase library capacity.

) Nationwide automated information system (application number: 2001102071). This is a system consisting of information centers (including centers of secondary educational institutions, universities, research institutes, design bureaus), characterized in that it includes K mass information centers with unlimited information capacity each and L information centers for collective use as well with unlimited information capacity, each controlled by a PC and containing nodes for transmitting, receiving, recording and reproducing information on various media.


During the practical training, the principles, structure, tasks and main components of information systems in education were studied using the example of the information system of the Informatization Department of the Penza State Technological University (UI PenzGTU). The following were considered:

) the structure of this system, its components, such as hardware and software;

) patent search and review of reference and information publications on the profile.

I would also like to note that the use of information computer technologies in the education system is currently becoming widespread. There are a lot of areas for using computer technology in education: this is both a management function and a statistical function, as well as information, training and monitoring. Nowadays, it is no longer possible to imagine the educational process without information systems and computer programs.


1) Aseeva N.N. Patent search / N.N. Aseeva. - Kursk, 2010. - 13 p.

)Patent search [Electronic resource]. - Boletus - . - Access mode :

)Information systems in education [Electronic resource]. - ANO "ITO" - . - Access mode:, free. - Cap. from the screen.

)FIPS - Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Institute of Industrial Property [Electronic resource]., free. - Cap. from the screen.

Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 273-FZ) provides (Article 98) for the need to create, form and maintain five information systems.

1) Federal information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and admission to educational organizations for secondary vocational and higher education. The organization of the formation and maintenance of this information system is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor of Russia) according to the rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 3, 2013 No. 755. Using this information system, universities and colleges can verify the accuracy of the information provided by applicants ; schools use IS to inform students about their certification results. The composition and format of information entered and transferred during the replication process to the federal information system was approved by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated June 18, 2018 No. 831.

2) The state information system “Register of organizations carrying out educational activities under state accredited educational programs” is located at: The purpose of creation is information support for state accreditation. The information contained in this information system is open and publicly available (with the exception of cases when free access to such information is limited in the interests of maintaining state or official secrets). The list of information contained in this system is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2013 No. 438. The formation and maintenance of the register is organized by Rosobrnadzor of Russia, and the relevant information is entered into the register by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising the powers delegated by the Russian Federation for state accreditation of educational activities .

3) State information system of state supervision in the field of education. The purpose of its creation is to ensure uniformity of requirements for the implementation of state supervision in the field of education and recording of its results. State supervision (control) bodies in the field of education introduce this system information provided in the form of an electronic document, incl. using a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction, information that is determined by the relevant rules approved by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2013 No. 719.

4) Federal information system “Federal register of information on educational documents and (or) qualifications, training documents.” The purpose of creation is to ensure that information about educational documents and (or) qualifications, training documents issued by organizations engaged in educational activities is taken into account. The system is designed to provide:
– eliminating the circulation of fake education documents;
– employers’ access to reliable information about the qualifications of applicants for positions requiring appropriate education;
– reducing the number of violations and corruption in educational organizations;
– improving the quality of education by providing the public with reliable information about graduates.

Data must be entered into the register in accordance with the requirements of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2013 No. 729 and the requirements of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2014 No. 1508. The register is located at

5) Federal information system “Federal register of apostilles affixed to documents on education and (or) qualifications.” An apostille is required for those who travel abroad to continue their education or work in countries that have joined the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961. The “Apostille” stamp is placed on the original documents of education and (or) qualifications, academic degrees, academic titles and confirms, firstly, the authenticity of the signature and seal with which the document is affixed, and secondly, the establishment of the fact that the document was issued to the person indicated in the document on education and (or) qualifications, academic degrees, academic titles as its holder.

You can check the fact of issuing an Apostille in the federal database of apostilles affixed to state documents on education, academic degrees and academic titles at this address:

6) An information system for recording educational organizations and their students is currently being created. All students in basic educational programs and additional general education programs must be included in the federal interdepartmental accounting system (hereinafter referred to as FMSU).

General coordination of activities to create the FMSU is carried out by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

FMSU is a complex of information systems that are connected with the information systems of government authorities and state extra-budgetary funds and contain personal data of minors. Information interaction between information systems is carried out through the infrastructure of the already existing e-government.

The goals of the federal interdepartmental system for recording the student population in basic educational programs and additional general education programs:
– increasing the efficiency of state and municipal management in the field of education through the use of modern information technologies;
– improving the quality of provision of state and municipal services to the population in electronic form in the educational sphere;
– transition to a qualitatively new level of functioning of departmental information systems in the field of education, healthcare, social security, containing information about students, through the development of interdepartmental information exchange.

Tasks of the federal interdepartmental accounting system:
– obtaining information on the number of students living in different territories;
– obtaining up-to-date information about queues for enrollment in organizations carrying out educational activities and the degree to which they are filled;
– forecasting the required number of places in organizations carrying out educational activities;
– registration of students in organizations carrying out educational activities;
– obtaining up-to-date information on students’ attendance at educational organizations carrying out educational activities, including the prompt identification of students who have not started studying or who have stopped studying, in order to prevent homelessness;
– formation of a complete set of data on the stages of training and achievements of students during their training in organizations carrying out educational activities, including the results of additional education;
– obtaining information about the impact of the educational process on the health of students;
– increasing the accessibility for the population of information about organizations engaged in educational activities and the educational services they provide through state information portals;
– organizing the possibility of submitting applications for enrollment of students in preschool educational organizations and general education organizations in electronic form;
– reduction in the number of documents and information to be submitted by applicants to receive state or municipal services in the field of education;
– increasing the efficiency of information exchange between departmental information systems by creating a single interdepartmental source of information about students.

Students will be registered from the date of state registration of birth and the start of training in an educational organization (including individual entrepreneurs who do not directly carry out educational activities).

The child’s SNILS will be used as an identifier.

Main functions of the FMSU:
– accounting of the student population;
– consolidation of departmental data on educational organizations and students.

There are two levels of functioning of the Federal Migration Service.

At the regional level, personal data is collected, including:
– general information about the student (full name, gender, place of birth; date of birth; birth record number; date of state registration of birth and name of the body that carried out state registration of birth; citizenship; series and number of passport (after its receipt) or details of another identification document; registration address at the place of residence (at the place of stay); SNILS; information about the parents or legal representative of the student (full name, citizenship, registration address at the place of residence (at the place of stay), series and number of passport, SNILS), other information necessary to solve the problems of the interdepartmental system) - OPEN list;
– data on the stages of training (information about the educational organization, periods of study, completed educational programs, academic performance, documents on education and (or) qualifications, documents on training and certificates);
– data on educational achievements.

In addition, the FMSU must contain information about students who need to create special conditions for receiving education, about the capabilities of educational organizations to implement educational programs adapted for students with disabilities in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person.

At the federal level, collection, storage, processing and provision of summary analytical and statistical information are carried out based on data stored in regional segments and other functions, incl. identification of data inconsistencies between departmental information systems.

In order to integrate data on students and educational organizations, the information systems of the civil registry office, the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Federal Migration Service of Russia, and the Ministry of Health of Russia will be used.

The concept of creating a federal interdepartmental accounting system was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on October 25, 2014. In accordance with the Concept, the third stage of creating the FMSU is currently being implemented: trial operation and commissioning. Completion of the stage is December 30, 2016. Before this date, a regional segment of the federal interdepartmental system for recording the student population in basic educational programs and additional general education programs must be created in each subject of the Russian Federation. However, there is no legislative basis for the creation of the FMSI (there is not even a draft corresponding law in the State Duma).

P.S. On April 22, 2016, it became known that the Government of the Russian Federation submitted to the State Duma a bill on the creation of a unified federal interdepartmental system for recording the number of students in basic and additional educational programs.

First, let's look at the table, which shows the components of the electronic educational and methodological complex (EUMK) and indicates the levels of proficiency in the subject. The signs “+” and “-” indicate the possibility of using modern ICT (Table 1).

The bottom line lists promising types of control for automation of inspection - compliance of the structure with the type and specifics of the work, completeness of coverage of the topic keywords, correct choice of methods, technologies and used quantitative values ​​of input data and results, their interpretation, prospects for further research.

The components of the EUMK are ordered by increasing interactivity - both by type and intraspecific development:

video ® interactive demonstrations;

interactive learning scenarios ® tutors;

tests ® interactive complex problems;

simulators ® virtual constructors ® integrated laboratory work.

Let's organize the tools for creating a course by expanding functions:

teacher designer for developing information fragments, tests and models;

monitoring and management of educational trajectory;

knowledge validator (model autoformizer);

autogenerator of tasks and scenarios;

artificial intelligence.

The goal of intellectualizing information systems in educational institutions is not only to support, but also to optimize this or that type of activity. For example, not only edit, but also create schedules (for teams and individuals), as well as track them; not only search the archives, but also make a brief summary of relevant news from the Internet, analyze data and provide decision support (DPS) based on mathematical optimization models; provide students not only with interactive hypermedia books compiled on demand from the memory of computer systems, but also with models that search for errors in solving students’ problems, explain and eliminate them; propose ideas and technologies for their implementation from knowledge bases with the preparation of the necessary documentation for projects.

So far, the greatest progress has been observed only in terms of creating a user-friendly interface.

Let us list the features of “hi-tech pedagogy”:

developmental training (study of the interaction and properties of elements - the behavior of the system on computer models of educational objects, setting up an experiment and developing the competence of a bachelor to a master, a graduate student and a researcher, a group project leader, etc.);

supporting the teacher’s intelligence with multimedia, interactive, network, intellectual resources, models and ICT;

measurability, controllability and optimization of pedagogical processes.

For a developing educational information system (EIS), assembly technology based on additivity of design is effective: collection basic models® subject model systems ® pedagogical fragments ® interactive courses ® linguistic shell ® monitoring (periodic collection of various data into a single database) and learning management (with the PPR system).

The stages of development of a unified educational information system from school to university with branches are as follows:

from individual course management systems (, teachers and study groups in Microsoft Excel to a distributed educational process management system in Microsoft Access and specialized university automated control systems such as the IntPro LLC complex ( or “Naumen University” (, with the schedule editor “1C: Education” (, organizing the work of the team Microsoft Outlook, tracking the implementation of decisions (, budgets and management (, as well as an extended reporting system OLAP1-expert (;

through a repository of electronic elements with videos and text structures of the Modern Academy of the Humanities (, 1C course editor (, models from Physikon ( and KiM (www.; development based on “e-Author” by the company “HyperMethod” ( and and the designer of the “Stratum” models of the Perm State Technical University ( for graduate competencies;

to learning process and educational resource management systems LMS Moodle (free on Linux), Prometheus (using the example of, Competentum.ShareKnowledge based on Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and Active Directory (www, e-learning Server ( with the ability to collaborate;

to a portal-integrated system for designing and optimizing educational schedules (groups and personal educational trajectories based on “Infosilem”), business games, risk monitoring, competence (within the framework of the Bologna process) and career development (based on the Russified “BlackBoard”) - VerticalPortal (, Oracle Learning Management at the St. Petersburg State Transport University ( and FORS LLC (, a fully functional SAP Enterprise Learning Solution (integration of document flow automation , management of document archives, customer relations, plans with control of implementation and supply chains, production (knowledge) and implementation (training), IS support). (Fig. 1)

It is known that all tasks can be classified as analysis (research as the interpretation of data accumulation, diagnostics, PPR); synthesis (design, planning and management of objects with given properties) and a combination of analysis and synthesis (training, monitoring and forecasting).

The merits of combinations are evident in the integration of e-learning, collaboration and systems management in the knowledge economy. As a result, we have a number of advantages:

wide availability (in any place, volume, time), continuous accumulation and improvement of knowledge and skills;

modular construction principle, structuring and linking for quick search in an integrated repository;

adaptability (retrieval, selection, updating) of multi-level electronic information resources;

documentation, remote control computers and protection for a variety of repeated uses;

economic efficiency (speed of course development, flexible and rational combination of various forms of training);

collective work on the network - multipoint video conferencing, mobile Internet, Wiki, blogs, forums, discussions, mailing lists, expertise;

implementation of a competency-based approach and partnership (interaction in solving problems);

Increased visibility, controllability and process optimization even with flexible, customized training.

For effective solution We recommend dividing them into groups for the problems of development of intellectual property rights.


creation of a structural unit and appointment of a person responsible for e-learning;

dismissal of saboteurs, training and financial incentives for those who remain;

creation of a single Bank of media content while maintaining several groups of developers on various platforms;

selection of the most active development groups as “growth points” of e-learning.

Exchange formats for courses and training modules:

use of systems that support international standards SCORM, LOM, RUS LOM and so on;


use of systems that support multiplatform (Windows, Linux) and implementation of solutions for the integration of heterogeneous information systems (MS BizTalk, IBM WebSphere).

OIS based on an interactive portal realizes a number of advantages. The Internet makes it possible to integrate various information, analytical, forecasting, educational, methodological, organizational and other resources coming from various sources into innovative projects in order to improve the quality of results and strengthen the human resources potential of the industry. In addition, through the portal it is possible to simultaneously distribute both the content and the ICT work methods of the best professionals in science, educational process and management. The quality of education and research in the subject area is also radically improving not in an evolutionary way (from below), but in a revolutionary way (from above), combining the achievements of students, teachers, advanced training specialists and managers. Finally, the portal allows you to solve a whole range of issues related to health, education, employment, socialization, increasing the role and status of individuals and self-organized groups, as well as the formation of a system network management as an organizational democracy that will lead to change organizational foundations, principles and methods of managing social processes.

The concept of the Federal Internet portal “Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials” ( developed by the State Research Institute of Technology “Informika” can be taken as a basis for the technical specifications.

Irina SMOLNIKOVA, Associate Professor, Department of Information Management Systems, Faculty of Public Administration, Moscow State University, Moscow