Inbox by Gmail - Is this what the email of the future looks like? Comparative analysis of iOS mails: Google Inbox, myMail and Yandex.Mail.

October 23, 2014 at 9:25 pm

Mail in a new way - Inbox from Google

  • IT companies

Last night (10/22/2014) Google announced the launch of a new service/project - Inbox. For now, you can only try by invitation and it’s very limited (when Gmail was launched, they gave 50 invites, now there was a maximum of 10, and they don’t give new ones at all). Invites should appear tomorrow or next week. I would like to point out right away - Gmail isn't going anywhere and both projects will be developed in parallel. So, those who don’t like the new Inbox, don’t worry, you can work in the old Gmail interface.

The Android application is completely new concept material design. Very nice and comfortable. There have already been many publications on this topic, so now about something else. I would like to give a brief overview using the example of a web interface, which is also made in the material design style:

In the left top corner The already familiar menu is hidden for those who use Google+, for example. There you can find - , Cart, Spam, Drafts, all your shortcuts and groups, etc.

Messages are automatically divided into groups - Forums, Trips, Finance, Alerts and so on. Quite logical and convenient - bank statements - in Finance, plane tickets - in Travel, notifications about personal messages, etc. from social networks - in Social Networks, etc. These groups are also united by date - Today, Yesterday, this month And per month previous ones. In the upper right corner of each group there is a checkbox that allows you to immediately mark all messages in the group as completed. Oh yes, about this...

Main difference Inbox from Gmail- letters are a to-do list. Yes, yes, something like that. Therefore, there are no read ones here, but there are completed. It is understood that you need to react somehow to most letters that come to you - read, reply, forward, etc. In fact, every letter is a certain task that needs to be processed. This is the logic. And you need to understand that in this case they try not to delete letters (for some this is a minus, but deleting them in one click in Inbox will not work). Letters are marked completed. In Gmail, the analogue is an archive. The letter disappears from the inbox, but you can always find it in completed messages or by searching.

Actually, what can you do with a specific letter? Immediately below the letter you can write a response (don’t be alarmed that the field looks like one line; as soon as you start writing, the To and option to expand the response will appear) or forward. The main features are in the upper right corner - Pin, Postpone, Execute And Move. About Execute I already wrote above - an analogue of Archive. The message is then hidden from the Inbox and can be found in Completed. So to speak, the letter has been read and processed. Move possible in automatic groups, if you suddenly hit the wrong one, or any of your shortcuts, you can create a new one. Let's look at the rest in a little more detail.

If you pin a letter (the stationery button symbol), the letter remains in the inbox and is not grouped with other letters, which is convenient if you want to mark some important letter. It will disappear if executed or postponed (in this case, it will appear after the moment until which it was postponed has arrived). All pinned ones can be viewed using the switch in the upper right corner of the interface.

A nice feature is that letters can be postponed. Let's say you're on the road and you don't feel comfortable answering questions right now. incoming letter or not necessary information(you need to look at it on your work computer). What to do and how not to forget about this letter? In Gmail, you'd mark it as unread and it would continue to float around among its brethren in your inbox. Well, maybe they would put a star or important. Everything is more convenient in Inbox. You can postpone any letter for certain time(morning, afternoon, evening, night, tomorrow), on indefinite time, on specific date/time or... /*drumroll*/ before coming to specific place! Yes, now you can put off writing until you get to work or home. Very, very convenient.

You can also make reminders right away. With the same opportunities to postpone them until the right time/place. And yes, you can mark that the reminder needs to be repeated with a certain frequency. “Water the cactus” every week at 21:00, for example. You can always view all the reminders that have been set from the menu.

What kind of mailer is it if you can't send letters? This is done simply - the red round button in the lower left corner:

From here you can write an email or add a reminder. The top three roundels - TOP 3 with whom you corresponded recently - you can immediately start writing a letter to them without filling out the To field. On click Write A minimalist window appears.

For a long time, Gmail considered Gmail the most advanced product for working with email, until Google itself suggested trying the new product Inbox by Gmail.

People have a hard time accepting new things and don’t want to undergo additional training or understand something. I was once like that myself. Now I’m trying to approach new products from an objective perspective, consider the pros and cons, and then draw conclusions.

Fifteen minutes were enough to understand and make a decision - Inbox by Gmail will forever replace the old Google mail. For the modern rhythm of life, simply correspondence and filtering are no longer enough. You can get confused when figuring out which applications and settings to expand the functionality of Gmail. What Inbox offers is how a modern person’s mail should look like.

Inbox by Gmail features that can make the modern person more productive

Convenient format for reading letters

The realities of the modern digital world - we no longer want to waste time on extra click opening mail. Before we open an email, we want to know if it's worth our extra click.

In Inbox, letters are displayed in such a way that you can see:

  • author of the letter
  • subject of the letter
  • summary
  • files attached to the letter

If the first two points are standard types of any mail, then the last two open up new opportunities for us to perform the actions we need without opening the letter:

  • complete
  • postpone
  • delete
  • etc.

The letter can be completed as a task

Gmail called this "archiving tasks." In the new service, letters can be completed as tasks using the “complete checkbox”. As a result, the letters are not deleted, but are moved from the inbox to the “Completed” folder.

If you develop a clear algorithm for working with mail, then you will no longer have to clear away piles of letters or lose sight of an order sent to you by mail.

For example, my algorithm for working with mail based on standard GTD:

  1. Do I need this letter? If not - immediately FUCK! Sorry, DEL!
  2. If I need this letter: is action required?
  3. If so, I used to forward all letters to MyLifeOrganized and process them there. Now I have a choice - either I forward it to MLO, or I set a reminder (postponed) immediately in the mail service for the required date (tasks related to replies, sending letters and other work with mail)
  4. If no action is required, but the information may be useful, I used to send everything to Evernote. Now there is an additional option to leave a letter in Inbox with a mark for reading.

The most important thing is not to leave read letters in your inbox that you “don’t know what to do with.”

You can snooze an email in Inbox by Gmail or set a reminder

To do this, we set the parameters in the settings, which days are days off for us and what time we count in the morning, afternoon or evening.

By setting up these functions, we can postpone (schedule) any letter until “next week morning” or “tomorrow evening.” The deferred email is removed from the inbox. At the appointed time, it appears in your inbox as new. A notification is triggered on the mobile gadget.

The deferred emails feature allows you not to forget about the issues mentioned and postpone the decision (answer) until a convenient time.

No need to create another task list from email! Always strive for Zero Inbox - a completely empty inbox!

The service allows you to quickly create reminders

Quick creation reminders that were previously all recorded in MyLifeOrganized.

Which reminders do I put in MLO and which do I record in Inbox?

I have determined for myself that if I work with mail and I need to “just remind you of something at the right time,” there is no point in making a lot of physical movements to go and record a reminder in MLO.

Examples of reminders that consist of one action and which I record directly in Inbox:

  • answer the letter
  • call to clarify
  • forward data
  • to write an answer

What I especially like about Inbox reminders is that if I create a “Call someone” reminder, the person’s number from the phone book is linked and you can call directly from the reminder window. It's a small thing, but it's nice!

You can save your favorite pages to Inbox

What I used to send to Evernote or Pocket can now be saved in Inbox and read when I have time.

Again, the question is - what information should be sent to Evernote and what to Inbox?

With one click we send by email a link to the page you like

I implemented the function of sending liked links by mail in Gmail using third-party applications.

In Inbox, this can be solved with one keystroke on the service extension icon.

Impression of the new Inbox by Gmail

This is definitely an email option that expands my capabilities and matches the rhythm of life.

I remember a story from an audiobook I listened to about basketball players, when the coach set each player the task of improving their performance in all areas by 1%. It was real! As a result, the team began to work 40-60% more efficiently.

A similar situation exists with the Inbox email service:

  • new features have been added
  • somewhere it became a little more convenient
  • somewhere you need to click the mouse less times
  • etc.

In the overall result, Inbox turned out to be more effective than the old Gmail.

Thank you, Gmail! You were reliable, like Nokia 3310, but the era of new technologies has come... is the domain name of the mail service of the company. This space email addresses are provided to all interested network users free of charge. @inbox mail, like @mail, supports POP/SMPT protocols, has a spam filter and autonomous virus protection.

Login and registration to is carried out on the official website of the company - When you try to navigate to this URL, your browser automatically redirects to


To create an email with an inbox address, follow these steps:

1. On home page, under the login fields, click on the link “Registration in mail”.

2. In the form that opens, enter your first and last name, date of birth (use the values ​​in the drop-down lists), city and country, and gender.

3. In the “Mailbox” line, click the second field “@...”. In the drop-down list, click “”.

4. Click the first field (on the same line) and select one of the addresses generated by the service. If they do not suit you, type your own unique option.

5. Create a complex key 10-14 characters long. Enter it 2 times in the appropriate fields of the form.

Attention! Use passwords with numbers and English letters.

6. Specify one of the proposed means of profile verification:

  • Mobile: set your country code (select the national flag from the list), enter the number, and then the received code from SMS;
  • Additional email: click the option “I don’t have a mobile...”, type the address of the backup mailbox.

7. Click "Register".

8. Enter the captcha (sequence of characters from the picture). Click "Done."

Page design

After creating an account, the service will prompt you to make quick profile settings:

1. Click “Upload photo” to upload an avatar from your computer. Click "Save".

2. Click to select a profile theme and then save the setting.

3. If you do not want to install the mobile application, select Finish. To go to the App Store or Google Play, follow the appropriate link.

Access to settings and account data in is carried out through the control panel: click on your email address in the upper right corner and select the required option.

The confidentiality policy of SIA “INBOKSS” defines how SIA “INBOKSS” reg. No. 40003560720, hereafter in the text INBOX, uses information and how you, the INBOX user, can protect your confidentiality.
By using INBOX services, you entrust us with your information. This confidentiality policy has been developed to help users understand what information we collect, why we do this, and how we use it. This policy is very important, therefore we hope that you will devote some time to carefully reading this document.
Information management, as well as confidentiality and security protection options are available in the “User Profile” section.
Information provided by you is used to show you the most suitable advertisements, help you to contact people, and provide faster and simpler sharing with others.

1.Collected information

1.1 Personal information
When registering, you must provide information about yourself:
1.1.1. Name
1.1.2. Surname
1.1.3. Birth date
1.1.4. Gender
The information we receive when you use our services. We collect information on what services you use and how you use them. This collection applies to the information below.
1.2 Internet Protocol address
INBOX collects information linked with your login:
1.2.1. Login IP address
1.2.2. Login date and time
1.3. Location information
When you use INBOX services, we can collect and process information on your physical location. INBOX uses location determination technologies based on your IP address.
1.4 Payment information
When you make a payment for INBOX services, INBOX can collect and process information on your bank account, banking institution, phone number and PayPal account. Payment card information is not collected or processed.
1.5 Local storage
INBOX can process and store information (including personal information) locally on your device, using systems such as your browser’s online storage.
1.6 Cookies and similar technology
When you visit an INBOX service, we (and our partners) use various information collection and storage technologies which can include using cookies or similar technologies for identifying your browser or device. INBOX uses these technologies to collect and store information for the purpose of directing advertising.

2. Use of collected information

The information which INBOX collects from all INBOX services is used to provide, maintain, secure and improve current services; to develop new services; and for the security of INBOX users. Collected information is also used to offer INBOX users personalized content and advertisements.
For all INBOX services where an INBOX account is required, INBOX can use the name, surname and username the INBOX user provided when registering their INBOX profile.
When you contact INBOX, your correspondence is saved to help us solve any problems you may come across. We can use your email address to inform you of our services: for example, to let you know of any future changes or improvements.
The information which INBOX collects using cookies and other technologies is used to improve user experience (for example, if you save your language preferences, you will be able to use our services in your chosen language) and general service quality.
When showing users personalized advertisements, identifiers from cookies or similar technologies are not linked with sensitive categories such as race, religious views, sexual orientation or health condition.
INBOX processes personal information in its servers, which are located in Latvia.

3. Transparency and choice

INBOX’s goal is to clearly state what information is collected by INBOX, so that the user can make a considered choice on the use of their collected information. You can choose to take the further actions mentioned below.
3.1. Using the INBOX profile overview, you can review and control certain information linked with your INBOX account.
3.2. Using the advertising preferences under the INBOX profile overview, the user can edit their preferences for advertisements seen on the INBOX network. Users can block all cookies in their browser, including cookies linked with INBOX services. However, it is important to note that some INBOX services may not function properly if you disable cookies.

4. Access to and updating personal information

Regardless of when you use INBOX services, INBOX’s goal is to provide its users access to their personal information. If this information is incorrect, we try to update or delete it quickly. INBOX’s goal is to provide its services in such a way as to protect information from accidental or malicious deletion. Therefore, after deleting information from INBOX services, a certain amount of time may pass before spare copies of this data are deleted from our active servers.
4.1. INBOX and users’ shared information
4.1.1. You agree that all data provided by you is used for data processing in the INBOX database.
4.1.2. In the “User Profile” section you have the choice to refuse data processing.
4.1.3. Your data will be saved while you use INBOX services.
4.1.4. You have the right to edit and delete your data, in which case the data is saved for as much time as necessary to be certain that the edit or deletion has not been performed by a third party who may have unfairly accessed your email in your name.
4.1.5. INBOX promises to delete at your request any natural person’s data that you have provided.
4.2. Providing personal identifying information is a prerequisite of using INBOX services, considering that the contents of your emails belong to you, and, in the case of a dispute, you must be able to demonstrate your rights.
4.2.1. In accordance with article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, you have the right to submit complaints to a supervisory institution.
4.2.2. The user has the right to request a copy of their saved personal data in person at the INBOX office by identifying themselves as a profile owner. The user’s saved data information will be prepared within 2 weeks of receiving the request.

5. Procedure for deleting and renewing personal information

Users’ personal data can be deleted in the following cases:
5.1. The user has the right to delete their own personal data by deleting their profile in the “User Profile” section; access to the profile will be blocked and information about the user will be deleted from the INBOX servers within one year.
5.2. Based on the INBOX portal conditions for use, INBOX can delete a user’s personal data by deleting the profile, after which point information about the user will be deleted from the INBOX servers within one year.

The waiting period mentioned above is necessary to prevent unsanctioned actions from third parties using a user’s login details.
During the period mentioned above in points 5.1 and 5.2 in which data will be saved, the user has the right to renew their user profile in person at the INBOX office by identifying themselves as the profile owner. Renewal of personal data takes place no later than two days after the request has been received.
During the period mentioned above in points 5.1 and 5.2 in which data will be saved, the user has the right to delete their user profile in person at the INBOX office by identifying themselves as the profile owner. Deletion of personal data takes place no later than two days after the request has been received.

6. INBOX measures for ensuring the security of personal information

INBOX takes the following steps to secure the INBOX business and its users against unsanctioned access to the information held by INBOX, its modification, publication or deletion.
6.1 The following measures are being taken:
6.1.1. Encryption using a standard SSL.
6.1.2. To access their INBOX account, users are offered two-step verification.
6.1.3. To avoid unauthorized access to the system, INBOX supervises the collected information, its storage and processing, including physical security measures.
6.1.4. Access to personal information can only be gained by INBOX employees; those who perform work for us; and representatives who must know this information to process it at our request, who must comply with strict contractual confidentiality requirements, and who can receive a disciplinary fine or be discharged from their duties if they do not comply with these requirements.

7. Services to which this confidentiality policy applies

The INBOX confidentiality policy applies to all services offered by INBOX; however the policy does not apply to those services with a separate confidentiality policy which is not reflected in this confidentiality policy.
The INBOX confidentiality policy does not apply to services offered by other businesses or natural persons, including products or sites which may include INBOX services, or other sites linked with INBOX services.The INBOX confidentiality policy does not apply to procedures implemented by other businesses or organizations who advertise INBOX services and who can use cookies, pixel tags and other technologies to send and offer suitable advertisements.

8. Adherence to the policy and cooperation with regulatory institutions

INBOX regularly reviews its compliance with this confidentiality policy. On receiving an official written complaint or request for support, we contact the submitter to decide on any further actions. To investigate any complaints regarding transfer of personal information which we cannot solve directly with the person involved, INBOX cooperates with the applicable regulatory institutions including local data protection institutions.


This confidentiality policy may change from time to time. INBOX does not restrict the rights of users in accordance with this confidentiality policy without the user’s explicit permission. All changes to the confidentiality policy will be published on this page and, if they are significant, a special notification will be sent (including those regarding specific services, notifications on changes to the confidentiality policy will be sent by email.)

The mail service site can be used by all owners of registered domains, regardless of the place of its registration.

We offer free and "Premium" versions. Try it! Nothing could be more convincing than personal acquaintance with the product.

3 free users. The cost of the paid version is 1 Euro per user per month with by mailbox in 20 Gb.

Find out more about the benefits of the “Premium” version

Your benefits

1. Quick installation, no maintenance required

Focus on achieving your goals and let us handle technical issues such as server support, software support, data backup and more. Forget about maintaining mail servers, administrative costs and saving space.

2. Guaranteed safety and reliability

All information is backed up and encrypted. We protect your data and at the same time ensure that it is accessible only to you. Rest assured - everything is confidential.

3. Experience in mobile applications

Mobile app available at Google Play and apple iTunes store absolutely free. Just install the application and enjoy the convenience mobile version Email.

4. Easy document management

Use the Files website service to store and exchange documents at any time and place convenient for you. Simply create a link to the file and send it to anyone inside or outside the company. Supports any file type, without time restrictions on storage and sharing.

5. Continuous updates

Our Email does not require you to install the latest versions or download the latest updates. Forget about this headache - we will do everything for you.

6. Significant savings in IT costs

Save up to 90% of your costs on IT infrastructure, maintenance of email systems and free up IT resources for other more important purposes.