Username not available facebook. Brief description and URL

When the rebranding of Studio ONE TOUCH entered the implementation stage, the next question arose: how to change the name of the Facebook page?

Facebook plays by these rules: if the number of page subscribers exceeds 200 people, then the social network can only sympathize with you. Support social network assures that if you have administrator rights, you can easily apply to change your name, but only once. However, it is not.

Even if you are a page administrator and have not previously changed the name, you cannot submit an application. There is no such button in the settings.

In an attempt to solve the problem, we scoured the entire RuNet and beyond. IN Facebook support there was no answer, but it turned out that the problem is relevant for many.

Other sources found a way to change the name, but we were not satisfied.

For those who are not afraid to spam: ask your friends to suggest a name change for your page to whatever is required.

For the method to work, the number of proposals must exceed one hundred. We didn't want to spam and continued our search.

He who seeks will find - an old truth. We found useful instructions on the Fan Page Workshop website. The text was published a year ago, and it has already been tagged #not_working. But we decided to verify Facebook’s impenetrability from our own experience.

The name change took us two weeks.

Algorithm for changing the name of a Facebook page

The Hola application allows you to deceive Facebook by showing the social network not the Russian - real - IP, but the American IP. You are scrolling news feed, sitting in a Moscow office, and your browser thinks that you are in New York.

After installing Hola, opportunities for Russian Facebook user are expanding noticeably. Having selected the country USA in the application, you need to log in on behalf of the page whose name you plan to change.

By going to “Settings”, you need to change the page language from Russian to English. After this, you need to click the “Page info” button and follow the Request Change link.

Unlucky again? Press F5, the page will refresh and prompt you to change the name.

Agree with the paragraph “I understand the formatting guidelines for my Page’s new name” and decide on the category of the page:

After this, you need to agree with the item “I would still like to change my Page name” and indicate the new page name in the “Desired Page name” field.

In the drop-down window, indicate the reason why you want to change your name.

Then upload a scan of a document that clearly shows the name of your organization and its legal address. Any invoice that your company pays or issues will do.

To prove the existence of our agency, we sent a scan of the invoice issued to the client for the provision of our services. By the time we sent the screenshot, we had it ready entity with a new agency name. The text in the screenshot was written in Cyrillic. The screenshot confirms the existence of the agency rather than the appropriateness of the requested name.

By the way, changing your name on Facebook is only possible in the Latin alphabet, that is, you cannot change Studio to Studio, only the other way around. Click the "Send" button - this is last step before changing the page name.

Facebook paused for 14 days, after which the trick worked: Studio ONE TOUCH successfully changed to Agency ONE TOUCH. The rebranding went like clockwork.


Create a unique username and password for yourself

To identify yourself on the Internet, you must have a so-called login (or nickname, from the English “nickname”) and a password.

The login is in Latin letters and should not be repeated with other participants of the web resource. It's pretty creative process, which requires a lot of effort, because most of the names are already taken. A simple solution will be adding the parts of your name with your date of birth, and perhaps the resulting verbal combination will be free. For example, your name is Karasev Ivan Viktorovich and you were born on October 12, 1976. In this case, in order not to forget your future login, you can try the following options:

  • KarasevIV1976

  • IvanViktorovich1976

  • Karasev12101976

And probably some of the above will be free.

The password can be any combination of numbers and Latin letters. Remember your password, or better yet, write it down somewhere and don’t show it to anyone.

Register a new username

In order to visit today's popular sites (for example, Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki) and many others, you need to go through the registration procedure. At first glance, the process may seem complicated, but in fact it is quite trivial.

Find a link on the site with the text “Registration” and follow it. Fill out all fields in the forms provided. Difficulties may arise with the “Electronic” (or “Email”) field. If you don’t have an email, you will need to create one (using the same username and password) on one of the free postal services, For example, Gmail or

After filling out all the fields, click the confirm button and follow the site instructions to complete the registration.

Log in to the site using the username and password you created.

To do this, find two fields on the site where you need to enter what you created earlier.


On some sites, instead of a login, you need to enter an address Email.

Helpful advice

The process may seem complicated the first time, but after a few days of using the Internet, you will be teaching your friends the basics of registering new users.


  • how to make up names for yourself

Name current user computer is the name of the account under which the work is being performed. It gives various rights to perform certain actions. To find a name user V Windows system XP, you need to go to the Application Data folder.

You will need

  • - computer


Since the Application Data folder is hidden in the Windows XP operating system, first enable the display of hidden system directories. To do this, launch Control Panel, find "Folder Options", or, find this item in the properties of any selected folder in context menu. Then select the Show hidden folders and files" and check the box next to it. In the Folder Options window, click the Apply button, then click OK.

To find a name user, keep in mind that the Application Data folder has any Account(user), which is created in the operating system. Because programs operating system are usually unpacked logical drive C, the folder you are looking for will be located along the path C:/Documents and Settings/user/Application Data, where user is the name you are looking for user or the so-called account, for example, “Alexander”.

Registration on Facebook is a mandatory procedure for all new users. During the process, you must provide a login and come up with a password. But what to do if you want to change your login or suddenly forgot it and can’t remember it? Don’t be upset and read our article quickly, of course!

Forgot? We are restoring!

There are all sorts of situations. Suddenly your laptop breaks down, and after it is repaired, all data from your browser is cleared. Or you're accessing Facebook on a new device. In both cases, for authorization you need to enter not only a password, but also the login that you chose during registration. Recovering your password seems to be very simple. There is even a special link for this. What to do with this very username? In general, is it possible to recognize it if it is not preserved in your memory?

As you remember, the system asks you to provide an email address or number as a login mobile phone. Both are provided when creating a new account and are generally reliable and up to date. If for some reason you managed to forget what you indicated during registration, do not worry - all is not lost.

The main savior will be your username, which is also part of the direct link to your profile. The mask looks like this:, where abc.def is the username you are looking for. That is, instead of a mobile number or e-mail, you can simply enter it to gain access to Facebook.

If you can’t recall the direct link in your memory, try entering your first and last name in any search engine. When you find your page on a social network, look at the username, and then enter it in the “Email” line. address or telephone number." This is such a cunning one, but effective method.

What if I want to change?

There is one more such moment. Specified at registration e-mail or mobile may change. In principle, it is quite possible to leave them solely as a login, but in this case it is advisable to update them in your Facebook profile - for your own convenience. But you will not be able to change this data in your login, so you will have to use your old e-mail or mobile number.

If you really need to change your login, you’ll have to create new account. Just remember to delete the old one first, otherwise your friends will get confused and won't be able to find you. Unless, of course, you want to be found at all...

Thus, in order to restore your login, you will have to conduct a small search work, because The system does not offer a separate service for its recovery. And it’s not a fact that he will ever offer it. So we cope on our own and train our memory so that such important information no more forgetting.

Facebook's interface design changes with enviable regularity. The same applies to all procedures/actions in social media. network, including the procedure for creating new public pages. Consequently, at the time when the reader gets acquainted with the contents of this article, some points ( appearance certain elements of social networks, necessary actions and their sequence) may change.

The point is not important, because within the framework of this article we will not so much show which buttons to press, but rather give answers to slightly more fundamental questions: how to correctly create a page on FB, how to come up with a name, how to decide on a category, etc. So, from words to action...

On any Facebook page, click on the rightmost navigation bar icon (the arrow on the blue stripe at the very top of the site), and in the drop-down menu, the first item is “Create a new page.”

First screen (1 of 2) creation public page on FB with the same title. In the text gray we are reminded: “it’s free” :). Below, in the center of the screen, there are 6 squares, they are also categories, you need to select one of them. Which one? Now we'll tell you...

UPD. 04.07.2018

Not long ago we noticed that the procedure for creating a business account on FB has changed somewhat. Now the category selection looks a little different:

If you have a company (firm), brand, product/goods, online store, or you sell something without your own website, choose the 1st category. In all other cases – “Community or public figure" In the second step, you will be asked to select the name of your Page and the most appropriate category.

We'll tell you how to come up with a name for the community. In the Category field, simply enter 1-2 keywords that characterize your future community - “smart search” will tell you the category. We entered only 1 letter and found the required section.

P.S. The information in the next subsection is slightly outdated due to the update of the FB Page creation interface. However, if you cannot decide on the choice of category, it will be useful to you...

Which category should I choose for my Facebook page?

1. Local organization or place

If your business has a physical address and if your business is regional in nature, that is, Globe localized in one specific place - this category is for you. For example, you are the owner of a Shawarma stall in the beautiful city of Zhashkiv, and you want to create a company business community to promote your business/enterprise on Facebook.

However, this category is suitable not only for business owners, but equally for any other, both commercial and non-profit regional organization (school, hospital, cinema) or specific location (stadium, railway station, local landmark). This is also the case if, for example, you provide any services at home (haircuts, manicures), etc. and so on.

Select the most suitable subcategory from the drop-down list. Fill in other fields: name, address, telephone.

2. Company, organization or institution

Everything is the same as in the previous paragraph, but for companies or organizations that are NOT regional. For example, if your business has branches in several cities, or several representative offices in one city, or is represented in several countries. Including if a company or organization is physically located in one place (enterprise office), but conducts activities (provides services or sells goods) throughout the country.

In any of these cases: select a subcategory, indicate the name, click “Start”.

3. Brand or product

Perhaps the most popular category on Facebook and, with high degree Most likely, this section is suitable for your business page, because almost anything can be classified in one way or another into the “Brand or Product” category. P.S. Again, if you have a regional/local business, it would be more correct to choose the first category.

“Brand or product” is a universal category. In particular, it is perfect for any online business. Creating a fan community for our site (site) on Facebook fits very well into this category, select the “Website” subcategory, enter the name, click “Start”.

4. Performer, music group, public figure

This category is for all those who want to create a business account on Facebook, linked not to a company, organization, product, website, etc., but to a specific person or group of people. Ideal for promoting a personal brand.

Politician, showman, singer (musical group), fitness trainer, writer, scientist, blogger, etc. etc. – any public figure, including if you post photos of yourself in a bikini on Instagram, you have fans and you want to create a community around your person on Facebook.

And of course, for photographers, event organizers (toastmaster), and all those who do business as individuals, on their own behalf.

5. Entertainment

If the topic of your future public page on FB can somehow be attributed to the “Entertainment” section, as an option, you can consider this category. It implies (it goes without saying) that the page is of a non-commercial nature. It can be anything or anyone both online and offline ( real life): site about cinema, computer games, radio station page, TV shows, festivals, non-professional sports team community on Facebook, group of fans of some fictional character movies or books, etc.

6. Common cause or community

The only category that has no subsections. Designed for anything that does not fit into any of the 5 categories listed above. The subject of the page in this section can be anything (besides the obviously prohibited topics).

For example, it is suitable for creating an unofficial fan community of something “official”. That is, if you create a page dedicated to your favorite football team or music group, or a specific person, with a hint of the “officiality” of your page, sooner or later Facebook will block it. But in this category you can easily create, for example, a fan community “Connoisseurs of Ukupnik’s creativity”, or an unofficial page “I can’t live without HOUSE 2” dedicated to this TV project.

What to name the page?

The correct page title is important not only because it is the first thing that reflects the essence of your community, and not only because: “As you name a ship, so it will sail,” but will have great importance when promoting a Facebook page in search engine results.

Coming up with a name for new page, strive to make it as short as possible, ideally up to 3 words. And in order to completely save you from the need to rack your brains over naming issues, follow 3 universal rules:

  1. Ideally, if you are creating a Facebook business community for a company, their names should match exactly. For the company "GlobalInvestPromStroyTehBud" best name“GlobalInvestPromStroyTehBud” will become a public page on Facebook. For a community page on the website, a better name would be This name will be displayed on the community page on Facebook and in the news feed. Every time subscribers on FB will see Domain name your website will ultimately be remembered well.

    P.S. As, for example, in our case. With an intricate, hardly simple and easy to remember website domain, we simply couldn't name our Facebook page anything else. P.P.S. However, we are not sure that even after this our readers will remember the name of our site 😉

  2. If the brand/company is not particularly well-known, or there is no point in promoting the brand, the name should be composed of a set of keywords. So, for a regional company that deals with metal-plastic windows, your business account on a social network can be called “Metal-plastic windows in Mariupol.”
  3. In addition to using keywords, you can simply come up with a laconic name that will best reflect the essence of your page. In particular, this is suitable for a fan page united by some theme, for example: “Sport is life”, “Lose weight lightly”, or “Pokakushiki godasika-tuggoseri”.

Uploading an avatar and page cover

  1. Step one. Uploading a profile image (avatar);
  2. Step two is to upload a picture for the cover of the business community (background image).

If you haven’t had time to prepare the images yet, just click “Skip”; you can do this at any time later. If you already have pictures (avatar and cover) – click on “Upload photo”, in the dialog box for selecting a file to upload, mark the necessary images.

After loading the last image, the user is redirected to the newly created Facebook page. Social the network immediately begins distributing advice on further work with its community, the first of which is: creating a publication.

However, it is too early to do this, because, despite the fact that the page is already displayed, it has not yet been formally created.

Brief description and URL

There are only 2 manipulations left to do, again, for a minute or two of your time. Let's use the hint in the central part of the screen immediately below the area with the background image.

Short description. Your task is to present your business page, succinctly tell “what is it about?”, while limiting it to 155 characters. It’s good if you manage to come up with something that is not as mediocre as we wrote for our page.

A short description will be displayed on the Information tab. This line of text can hardly be called significant in the case of a community that is more likely to be entertaining or informational (as in our case) in nature. But this should not be neglected by any official organizations or businesses.

The second and final item on the list of tasks within the current article is creating a “Username” for the page, or its URL. In the case of a Facebook page of any website, including an online store, it makes sense to specify the domain as the “Username” (together with the domain zone, FB allows you to use a dot). A not very beautiful, but acceptable option (for example, for a regional enterprise) is to use keywords written in transliteration. One way or another, you should strive to keep your “Username” as short as possible. This is especially important if you plan to place a link to your Facebook business account on printed materials (business cards, etc.).

After creating a “name”, you will receive a notification containing a short URL like this: It is through it that your page will be accessible, and it is it that will be displayed in address bar browser of your page visitors.

An incomprehensible story arose with the name of the page on Facebook. And it is connected with the username, so I just didn’t change it, but nothing changed. I even wrote to tech support!

For each new page, you can create a new page user, and this name will be displayed in the address bar. For example, use Facebook as the name of your page:

Which looks better!? The answer is obvious...

Once with one page it went with a bang. But it’s impossible to create a second page! Facebook is resisting...

Whether this page is needed or not is another question, but we are doing this for this site and therefore we will do the description here.

How to create @username on Facebook!?

The solution is absolutely banal.

You need to have another account on Facebook, or log in from any other account, for example a friend!

So, let's go, our city...

Next, select “Page Roles”, Go to the section, select administrator in the drop-down menu, insert the mail of another account and after that this account should be highlighted, it has been selected, and the add button should be activated on the right!

A button will appear to confirm and enter the password for the page.

Enter the name of the page, user and click save.

But it only happened once from another account.

Apparently there really is some kind of bug in Facebook that you can only have one @username from one account...

Keywords user, page, facebook, create, edit, can,
When the file was created - 13.2.2017
date last change file 10/04/2018
Views 9262 since February 13 (counter launched in 2017)

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