Google Chrome says oops and doesn't work. The error is in system files

Every modern user should be able to work with browsers. Similar apps required to access the Internet. They are quite vulnerable content. An error occurs called "Opanki" in Google Chrome? What to do in this case? Everyone should be able to understand this issue. Otherwise, you will just have to stop using Chrome.

About the error

First, it’s worth understanding what we’re talking about. What's happened "Awk" in Google Chrome? What should be done to eliminate this phenomenon?

"Oops" is the name of the error that pops up on the screen if the browser is unable to load website data for some reason. With one-time manifestations, you should not attach importance to the message. If "Oops" appears often, you will have to look for the cause of the problem and fix it.


Let's start from the very beginning simple option developments of events. An error occurs "Awk" in Google Chrome? What to do?

It is recommended to open and close your browser. Or reboot desired page. After this, the error should disappear. But, as practice shows, this arrangement works in case of minor system failures.

Content conflict

"Oopsie" pops up again and again, making working online unbearable?

It is possible that the browser conflicts with some software. To check, you will have to open your Internet browser and go to chrome://conflicts. All conflicting applications will be visible here. It is enough to disable them (or delete them) and the browser will work at full capacity.


Does “Oops” appear in Google Chrome? What to do? 7 Windows or any other operating system is not so important. The main thing is that the reasons for this behavior of the Internet browser are the infection of the PC.

In such circumstances you will have to:

  1. Launch any antivirus program.
  2. Perform a deep PC scan.
  3. Treat everything potentially dangerous objects. Anything that cannot be treated should be quarantined or removed.
  4. Launch SpyHunter.
  5. Scan your computer for spyware.
  6. Delete all detected objects.

After the completed operations, you can reboot the OS. Usually the browser problem is fixed. And the error called "Oops" no longer appears in Google Chrome. What should I do if it still pops up?

Total purge

You can try to clear your computer of some files. Often, simple actions help get rid of the problem being studied.

Are you experiencing “Oops” in Google Chrome? What should I do to resolve this error? Recommended:

  1. Open Temp (the folder is located on drive C, in AppData/Local).
  2. Delete all contents of a component.
  3. Launch CCleaner.
  4. Click on the "Analysis" button, then on "Cleaning".
  5. Open the Chrome browser.
  6. In the address bar write chrome://settings.
  7. Click on the "Reset settings" button.
  8. Right-click on the Google Chrome shortcut.
  9. Go to "Properties", then to "Shortcut".
  10. Clear everything written after chrome.exe.
  11. Save changes.

Ready! Now you can restart your computer and look at the result. It is possible that Chrome will start working normally.

New user

Sometimes "Oops" appears due to a user registered in the browser. Under such circumstances, you will have to log in to Chrome using a new login. Fortunately, this is a fairly rare occurrence.

Does “Oops” appear in Google Chrome? What to do? Required:

  1. Open chrome://settings in your browser.
  2. Go to Google and search there new profile. Registration of a new mail will be required.
  3. Return to your browser settings and click on "Add new user".
  4. Enter your email address and password to log in.
  5. Wait for synchronization.

Now you can re-enter the page. Most likely, the problem being studied will disappear. But that is not all. Each user may encounter different options developments of events. "Oops" pops up during various failures. Often they do not cause much trouble to users and do not pose any danger to the operating system.

File recovery

Often, the true cause of the error called “Oops” in Google Chrome (we’ve almost figured out what to do) lies in system failures. If they are minor, you can use the command line to restore your PC. Otherwise, you will have to completely reinstall the OS.

So, the following instructions can help in solving this problem:

  1. Open "Start".
  2. In the search bar write "Command Prompt".
  3. Click on the relevant service.
  4. Write sfc.exe/scannow in the window.
  5. Press the "Enter" key.
  6. Wait for the operation to complete.

The check takes from a few minutes to a couple of hours. Once the scan is completed, the operating system will be restored. All system errors and the crashes will disappear. This means you can easily use browsers. They are no longer afraid of any failures!


Even the above methods didn’t help? “Oops” still appears in Google Chrome? What to do? Android, Windows or any other platform is not so important. After all, many problems with browsers are easily solved. It is enough to reinstall the corresponding software.

Let's consider the algorithm of actions on a computer. In such circumstances you will need:

  1. Open Start, Control Panel and Uninstall Programs.
  2. Select Google Chrome.
  3. Right-click.
  4. Click on "Delete".
  5. Complete the process using the uninstallation wizard.
  6. Download installation file"Chroma." It is advisable to install latest version BY.
  7. Launch the installation wizard.
  8. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the operation.

It is done! Now all that remains is to restart the OS (not necessary, but recommended) and launch the Internet browser. It will start working at full capacity.

Are you experiencing “Oops” in Google Chrome? What to do? If the methods listed above do not help, you will have to try various secrets. It's not certain that they will work, but sometimes the methods suggested below are effective.

What is it about? You can get rid of "Opanka" like this:

  1. Close the bulk of programs running on the PC.
  2. End running processes in Device Manager.
  3. Reconnect.
  4. Disable AdBlock and other computer protection measures in your browser.
  5. Clean your computer of numerous documents.
  6. Roll back the system to a date when "Opanki" had not yet appeared.

None of this is a panacea. Nevertheless, such techniques are used very effectively. And “Opanki” stops appearing in Chrome. In some cases, the problem lies in the performance of the site. After waiting a little and going to the address again, the user will be able to see the desired site.

Errors may occur while loading pages. The browser displays an error, one of which may look like “Oops.” If the error error in Google Chrome occurs quite often, then the problem is very serious, related to the operating system and even to the hardware. If the error appears only occasionally, then the problem is not so serious, but still requires a solution.

You can determine the frequency of the error, ignoring your subjective feeling, using the browser itself, use hidden function"chrome://crashes". This command, like all others, should be entered in address bar browser.

The browser will provide a report on all cases of errors in the browser when loading pages.

One of the reasons for the page loading problem could be memory full computer, or browser cache, for example, this situation can happen if you watched a movie, but the tab on which you watched it was not closed. In this case, the movie is still downloaded and takes up a lot of cache space, which in turn may prevent other pages from opening. Close any unused tabs, and clear your cache if necessary.


If the lack of sufficient memory on the computer is not the cause of the errors, then it is necessary to check the computer for viruses, as their malicious activity can disrupt the functionality of the browser.


If you get an error in Google Chrome when viewing Flash content, then there is definitely a problem with the plugin, remove it and install a new one.

Checking other profiles

If you are using a user profile when working with Google Chrome and are experiencing frequent errors, possible reason may be hidden in a damaged profile. Create a new profile and try to access the site from this profile.

Conflict with other programs

Some programs can conflict with Google Chrome, which leads to, among other problems, “Oops.” To check, you need to insert the command “chrome://conflicts” into the address bar.

General tips for keeping your browser running

To avoid questions: “Whoops in Google Chrome, what should I do?”, the computer must be protected antivirus program, check regularly.

  • Maintain sufficient free place on system disk, to prevent errors from occurring due to lack of memory.
  • Update your browser regularly.
  • Do not install suspicious extensions.

Greetings! Has it ever happened when Chrome throws an error, doesn’t want to open the page and makes a face with the word “oops”? If your answer is yes, then perhaps this article can help you.

Since I started using it, a lot of water has already passed under the bridge. I’ll be honest, when I first saw the boogeymen in chrome, I smiled. But then, the amount of joy began to diminish. After all, if in the browser you don’t just “surf” the Internet, but do something, then if Chrome crashes, there is a high probability of losing unsaved data that was opened in one of the tabs - an article, for example. And several tens of minutes and hundreds of letter presses on the keyboard will go down the drain - an unpleasant pleasure, you must admit!

Therefore, later I switched to Word, followed by copying them into the site editor. But this is only part of the problem and its solution.

For example, I noticed that google chrome suddenly crashes when sharing Skype and open tabs with YouTube videos in Chrome. Often, simply texting someone and sending emojis is enough, even without calling. Another crash occurs when you turn on the download manager. download master– then the chances of running into a blue face are very high.

You can, of course, not experiment and not include everything, you say, but it doesn’t always work out that way! And constantly reload the browser or even that worse computer– loss of time and risk of loss of information. So one day I got tired of it and started looking for a solution to the problem. I received a strong kick to the search after Chrome delighted with the inscription - you’ve probably already read this article? But we managed to overcome that problem.

Why does google chrome crash?

The essence of the Chrome failure lies in the fact that all animation on the computer, on web pages, in programs is implemented using flash animation and the program ( software module) adobe flash player. But since Chrome itself is already a fairly advanced browser, it already has its own built-in module for this very animation. And if the computer already has animation from Adobe Flash Player, especially a different version, then a conflict arises between the external and internal modules - a failure, which causes the module to simply stop in the browser.

Moreover, it happens that both the old and a new version– one in the browser, the other on the computer, but they are accessed simultaneously, which causes a failure. Let competent programmers forgive me if I am somehow mistaken in my reasoning on this matter, but I came to this conclusion myself, which is what I am sharing.

A solution to the problem of Chrome crashing has not yet been found, but it is possible to make these crashes less frequent and make the browser more stable. You just need to disable its calls to older versions of animation and other plug-ins in the browser.

In general, it must be said that Chrome itself is a very sophisticated browser, which I will later prove to you in the following articles, so do not forget to subscribe to their updates. But in addition to its bells and whistles, it also has its own built-in task manager, in which you can stop some unnecessary or glitched module. You can enable this manager either through the browser settings menu - three stripes key (Settings) - Tools - Task Manager, or directly by pressing the Shift+Esc key combination. A window will open showing active processes, the resources they absorb and their activity.

If any browser process is frozen, you can stop it by selecting and clicking the End button. But keep in mind that if you stop an active tab with an unfinished article, for example, it will disappear along with the unsaved draft. In order not to start all over again, carefully look at what you are going to stop.

Another option to “defeat” the crash is to disable some of the older versions of plug-ins in the browser itself. To do this, you need to go to the chrome settings: Key Three stripes (Settings) – Additional –

Content settings – Plug-ins – Disable individual modules.

If the view is not so developed,

then on the right, find More details and click on the plus sign - the data will appear to you in expanded form with a detailed description.

Here you will need to dig around and look carefully at the versions of your module files. If there are modules somewhere with simultaneously used different versions, then this may be the problem. Feel free to turn it off old version! Don’t be afraid to do this, since the file is not deleted when you disconnect it, the browser just won’t access it. If, after the changes, something in Chrome stops working, then you can always return to these modules and reconnect them.

For greater clarity, I recorded a video where I show all the manipulations described above and how and what can be disabled. The information is approximate, since everything may look slightly different for you, depending on what operating system you have installed, what version of Chrome you use, and what modules you use - keep this in mind!

Of course, everything described in this article will not give a 100% guarantee that the failures will disappear completely, but according to my observations, after disabling some of the modules that I showed in the video, Chrome began to work more stably and be less capricious.

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Too frequent appearance in Google browser Chrome pages with the inscription “Whoops... The web page could not be opened” instead of the site being opened is annoying. In most cases, after reloading this page, the desired site still appears in the browser window. But if this moment can somehow still be tolerated, then constant failures when playing online videos as a consequence of the same problem as in the case of the appearance of the “Whoops...” page will sooner or later lead the user to search for solutions.

What problems may be causing the Google window Chrome "Whoops..." page and crashes when playing videos on the Internet? How to solve these problems? We will look into this below.

1. Viruses

Viruses are a universal cause of many problems with software on Windows computers. Malfunctions of both Google Chrome and any other browser may be the result of a virus entering the system. If the “Whoops…” page appears too often in the Google Chrome window, the first step is to conduct a deep scan of your computer with an antivirus and neutralize viruses, if any are found. If as a result antivirus scanning the virus will not be detected, you will need to look further for the cause of the problem.

2. Damaged or destroyed system files

It may also happen that the virus is destroyed, but the problem with Google Chrome is not solved and the notorious page appears again. The cause of the problem may lie in the work that the virus managed to do, damaging or destroying important system Windows files. The staff will help you to identify the fact that protected system files have been damaged or destroyed, and if necessary, restore them. Windows utility"sfc.exe", launched from the command line. If system files are replaced or damaged, the utility replaces these files with original ones, which are stored in a special system cache or in Windows distribution. To launch and operate the utility, you need administrator rights. To launch the command line as an administrator in Windows 8.1 and 10, just call the context menu on the Start button.

In Windows 7, Command Prompt is available inside the Start menu under Accessories. Launch option command line as administrator will appear when called context menu on her badge.

In the command line window, enter the following:

AND press Enter.

If during the scanning process the utility detects problems with system files, everything should be fixed automatically.

3. Blocking by antivirus or firewall

The appearance of the “Whoa…” page and other problems in Chrome work may be caused by work third-party antiviruses and firewalls. It is necessary to temporarily suspend their operation and test Chrome. If the cause of the problem is confirmed during testing, you will need to create an exception for Chrome in your antivirus or firewall.

4. RAM

While when working with other programs the presence of problems with RAM may not be felt, browsers, being particularly sensitive to this hardware component of the computer, may be the first signs of problems. Especially if we're talking about about Google Chrome and other browsers on the Chromium platform that actively use RAM in their work. If the “Whoa…” page in the Google Chrome window is occasionally accompanied by a blue screen death of Windows, chances are that the problem is random access memory computers are increasing. The chances increase even more if a RAM stick has recently been replaced or added.

RAM matching alone motherboard and the processor is not enough if we are dealing with two RAM models. The RAM strips themselves must match each other. The easiest way to determine whether RAM is causing the “Whoops...” page to appear in the Google Chrome window is to test the browser without a recently replaced or added stick. If the RAM sticks have been working for a long time, you can remove them one by one to determine which one is problematic.

To diagnose the computer's RAM, the Windows system has a special standard utility– a memory checker that works in preload mode operating system. You can launch the utility using the in-system Windows search or the Run command. Press the +Q keys to launch the search bar or +R to launch the “Run” command and enter the following:

In the window that appears, select the first option to immediately start checking the RAM.

We are waiting for testing to complete.

Upon completion Windows testing will load and appear system notification about the results. In the worst case scenario, this will be a notification that a memory problem has been detected.

The problematic RAM stick needs to be replaced.

The “Whoops…” page can appear even if the RAM is absolutely working, but if its volume is not enough to process the tasks being performed. If the RAM installed on your computer is less than 4 GB, you should not create a lot of open tabs and keep active unused applications.

5. Chrome or not Chrome?

The cases discussed above are when Google Chrome can simply signal that there are problems, while the problems themselves lie in Windows system or computer hardware. If Chrome signals, in particular, the appearance of the “Whoops...” page and failures during video playback, then other browsers may react differently to hardware or systemic problems computer. For example, crashing.

But the appearance of the “Whoa…” page may be caused by a problem within the Chrome browser. To determine whether Chrome or non-Chrome is causing the problem, you can try a different browser temporarily. If there are no problems with another browser, then you only need to deal with Chrome. What problems could there be inside Google Chrome?

6. Google Chrome Profile

Errors in the user profile can cause the “Whoops...” page to appear. In particular, this could be one of the extensions installed in the profile. To check this, in current version Chrome doesn't even need to create a second profile. You can simply temporarily test the browser in guest mode. You need to click on your username at the top Chrome windows and select “Change user” in the pop-up window.

Having established work with Chrome in the second profile, you can delete the first problematic one.

7. Plugin version conflict

The reason for the appearance of the "Whoops..." page may be a conflict between different versions Google plugins Chrome. In this case, the older version of the plugin must be disabled. To disable the plugin, in the new Chrome tab enter:

We monitor whether there are identical plugins in different versions. If there are any, turn them off with the “Disable” button.

8. Reinstall Google Chrome

Connoisseurs on computer forums for any of the problems with any browser they like to issue universal solution– reinstalling the web browser. Of course, this method in some cases (in particular, when solving a problem with the “Whoops...” page in Chrome) can have a successful result. At a minimum, this method will resolve issues with conflicting plugin versions and extensions that prevent the browser from working properly.

Have a great day!

The popular Google Chrome browser is famous for its functionality, a huge store of extensions, active support from Google and many other pleasant advantages, which have contributed to the fact that this web browser has become the most popular in the world. Unfortunately, not all users have the browser working correctly. In particular, one of the most popular browser errors begins with “Whoa…”.

“Whoa…” in Google Chrome is a fairly common type of error that indicates that the website could not be loaded. Here's why the website failed to load - this can be influenced by a fairly wide range of reasons. In any case, faced with similar problem, you will need to follow a few simple recommendations described below.

Method 1: Refresh the page

First of all, when faced with such an error, you should suspect a minimal malfunction in Chrome, which, as a rule, can be solved simple update pages. You can refresh the page by clicking the corresponding icon in the upper left corner of the page or by pressing the key on your keyboard F5 .

Method 2: closing tabs and unnecessary programs on your computer

The second most common reason for the appearance of the “Oops!” error is the lack of RAM for correct operation browser. In this case you will need to close maximum amount tabs in the browser itself, and on the computer close unnecessary programs, which are not used when working with Google Chrome.

One should suspect system failure, which, as a rule, is solved by simply restarting the computer. To do this, click on the button "Start" , click on the power icon in the lower left corner, and then select.

Method 4: Reinstall the browser

This point begins much more radical ways to solve the problem, and in this particular way we advise you to reinstall the browser.

First of all, you will need to completely remove the browser from your computer. Of course, you can also remove in a standard way via menu “Control Panel” – “Uninstall Programs” , but it will be much more effective if you use specialized software to uninstall the web browser from your computer. This has already been discussed in more detail on our website.

When the browser removal is completed, you will need to download the latest Chrome distribution from the developer’s official website.

When you go to the developer’s website, you will need to make sure that the system offers you the required version Google Chrome, which fully matches the bitness of your computer and operating system version. Thus, some users of Windows 64 bit OS are faced with the fact that the system automatically offers to download the 32 bit browser distribution kit, which in theory should work on the computer, but in reality all tabs are accompanied by the “Oops…” error.

If you don't know what the bit depth of your operating system is, open the menu "Control Panel" , put the parameter in the upper right corner "Small Icons" , and then go to the section "System" .

In the window that opens near the item "System type" you will be able to see the bit depth of the operating system (there are only two of them - 32 and 64 bit). This bit depth must be observed when downloading the Google Chrome distribution onto your computer.

After downloading the required version of the distribution kit, install the program on your computer.

Method 5: Eliminate conflicting software

Some programs may conflict with Google Chrome, so analyze whether the error appears after installing any program on your computer. If yes, you will need to remove the conflicting software from the computer, and then restart the operating system.

Method 6: Eliminate Viruses

One should not exclude the possibility viral activity on the computer, since many viruses are aimed specifically at damaging the browser.

IN in this case you will need to scan the system using your antivirus or a special healing utility Dr.Web CureIt .

If a scan found on your computer virus threats, you will need to eliminate them, and then restart your computer and check the functionality of the browser. If the browser still does not work, reinstall it, as a virus may have damaged it normal functioning, as a result of which, even after removing viruses, the problem with the operation of the browser may remain relevant.

Method 7: Disable Flash Player Plugin

If the “Whoops…” error appears when you try to play Flash content in Google Chrome, you should immediately suspect problems with the work Flash Player, which is highly recommended to be disabled.

To do this, we need to go to the plugin management page in the browser by clicking on the following link:


Find in the list installed plugins Adobe Flash Player and click the button next to this plugin "Disable" , turning it into an inactive state.