Windows 8 hotkeys.

The Windows 8 operating system, which appeared quite recently, has already managed to attract the attention of many users who installed it on their computer, wanting to know what new was added to it. However, the system interface caused a very mixed reaction among users, since the usual layout of settings and menus was changed. This is largely due to the fact that the creators of Windows 8 tried to combine in it everything necessary for work, both on personal computers, and on devices with touch screens. This is especially indicated by the shortcuts and system menu icons, which have become much larger so that when working with touch display It was easy to hit them with your finger.

So as not to waste a large number of time to find the location in the menu new system necessary utilities and sections, the most in a simple way will use hotkeys that allow you to open settings windows with one click. In Windows 8, hotkeys have become much more diverse and include both familiar combinations migrated from older versions of Windows, as well as new ones related to the features of its interface. Many hotkeys already familiar to users have been replaced by others.

Windows 8 hotkeys with standard Win button

The Win button is located on the left side of the keyboard between the Ctrl and Alt keys and is indicated by the Windows logo printed on it. In order to use the keyboard shortcut you need in your work, simply hold it down and click on another button. Win + R. Opens the Run command window, known to Windows users since its earlier versions.

Win + Q. Opens the search bar for installed programs.

Win + Z. Call context menu. Another way to open this window is to click right click mice.

Win + Space. Change the keyboard layout. The Alt + Shift keyboard shortcut also works.

  • Win + Y. Show desktop;
  • Win+W. Search by system parameters;
  • Win + F. Opens a file search window.

  • Win + I. New menu. Another way to open Start. Settings.
  • Win + P. Access multi-display options.
  • Win + O. Disable automatic screen rotation when changing the device position. This function is only necessary when working on tablets.
  • Win + C. Open the Charm Bar that replaced the Start menu.
  • Win + D. The keyboard shortcut minimizes all open windows and shows the Desktop. When pressed again, the windows return to their original position.
  • Win + M. Minimize all windows.
  • Win + V. Switch between notifications.
  • Win + H. Open the Sharing panel.
  • Win + J. Close the Sharing panel.
  • Win + X. Calls an analogue of the Start menu, which has quick access to most necessary settings systems.

  • Win + K. Devices panel.
  • Win + L. Lock the computer. The keyboard shortcut came to Windows 8 from previous versions of the system. It allows you to quickly lock the system, leaving only a window with a list of profiles available in the system and a field for entering a password.
  • Win + U. Ease of Access Center.
  • Win + Tab. Switch between Metro applications.
  • Win + T. Switch between taskbar shortcuts.
  • Win + Shift + V. Switch notifications in reverse order.
  • Win + Enter. Launch the Narrator application. The program allows you to read aloud the titles and contents of opened windows.
  • Win+PageUp. Moves all tiles to the left.
  • Win+PgDown. Moves all tiles to the right.
  • Win + Shift + C. Quick access panel to functions of the simplified Start menu.

Keyboard shortcut with Alt key

Hot Windows keys 8 include new group combinations that use the Alt button. In order to find out the main hot keys, just hold down the Alt button, after which a ribbon will appear in front of you with hints for each key.

  • Alt + A. Opens Special abilities.
  • Alt+CO. Copy selected elements.
  • Alt+CF. After pressing the key combinations, you will see a list of directories where you can copy the file.
  • Alt + D. Delete selection.
  • Alt + E. Open the editor of the selected file.
  • Alt + H. Version history of the selected file.
  • Alt + M. After pressing the keyboard shortcuts, you will see a list of directories where you can move the file.
  • Alt + N. Create a new folder.
  • Alt+PS. Create a shortcut.
  • Alt + PE. A list of applications that can open the file with it appears.
  • Alt+SA. Select all.
  • Alt+SN. Deselect.
  • Alt + SI. Invert selection.
  • Alt+R Bulk renaming files.
  • Alt + T. Copy the file to the clipboard and delete it.
  • Alt + V. Paste a file from the clipboard.
  • Alt + W. Create a new document.
  • Alt + D. Makes the address bar active.
  • Alt + P. View panel.
  • Alt+Tab. Switch between open windows.
  • Alt + Shift + Tab. Switch back between open windows.
  • Alt + F. The keyboard shortcut replaced the Alt + F4 already familiar to users. Closes the active window, and when used on the Desktop, opens the shutdown computer dialog.
  • Alt + Space. Context menu.
  • Alt+Esc. Switch between running applications.
  • Alt + Enter. Open the Properties window for the selected element.
  • PrtScn. Take a screenshot of the entire screen and place it on the clipboard.
  • Alt+PrtScn. Screenshot the active window and place it on the clipboard.
  • Alt + Up. Up one level in Explorer.
  • Alt + Left/Right. Go to previous/next folder.
  • Shift + Tab. Switch back between elements in a window or dialog.
  • Shift + click. Select a sequential group of elements.
  • Shift + click on the shortcut in the taskbar. Launch new copy programs.
  • Shift + right-click on the button in the Taskbar. Calling the element's context menu.
  • Ctrl + A. Select all elements.
  • Ctrl + C. Copy selected items to the clipboard.
  • Ctrl + X. Copies selected items to the clipboard and removes them from the original directory.
  • Ctrl + V. Pastes selected elements.
  • Ctrl + D. Deletes selected items.
  • Ctrl + Z. Undo action.
  • Ctrl + Y. Repeat the action.
  • Ctrl + N. Opens a new window.
  • Ctrl + W. Closes the active window.
  • Ctrl + Shift + N. Create a new directory.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc. Task Manager. Habitual for Windows users XP, the Ctrl + Alt + Delete key combination brings up the computer's lock screen in Windows 8.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Tab. Open the panel for switching between windows.
  • Ctrl + click. By holding down the Ctrl key, you can select multiple elements by clicking on them one at a time.
  • Ctrl+Tab. Switch forward between program tabs.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab. Switch back between tabs.
  • Ctrl + Shift + click on the program shortcut. Run the program as Administrator.

Function keys in Windows 8

A significant number of options have been carried over to Windows 8 function keys, already familiar and familiar to the user.

  • F1. Reference. Using this key to call help for a program has already become a standard in application development, so it can be used in almost all Windows utilities.
  • F2. Rename a file.
  • F3. Search.
  • F4. Drop-down list in the Explorer address bar.
  • F5. Refresh the screen in Explorer or browser.
  • F6. Switch between elements of a window or dialog.
  • F7. History of commands on the command line.
  • F10. Hidden row menu.
  • F11. Full screen mode.
  • Tab. Switch to the next element of the window or dialog.
  • Home. Move up in an open window.
  • End. Move down in an open window.
  • Backspace. Move to the previous folder in Explorer.

Some time ago by Microsoft The Windows 8 operating system was released, including an interface called Metro Start Screen. According to the company itself, their system is simple and convenient. This issue, of course, causes controversy in various communities, but this is not the point now. We are in in this case Let's look at a case involving the use of hot keys. If users want to make the process of working with this system even easier, it would be useful to understand what Windows 8 hotkeys are and how they are configured. It is worth mentioning right away that not all combinations can be changed.

Combinations of two or more hotkeys are always used to simplify a particular task. That is, any action that Windows 8 hotkeys perform can be done using the usual computer mouse(or other pointing device). But this sometimes takes longer than using hotkeys. Therefore, their use can sometimes be very convenient if, for example, you need to perform a large number of similar tasks in a short time.

List of possible combinations

Below is a list of all combinations, the use of which leads to a certain result. In points 1 to 30, the combinations use the Win key.

Below (1-19) are the combinations with the Num Lock button, as well as standard buttons on the keyboard.

And finally, combinations with Alt keys and Shift.

How to change combinations to access the language bar

In order to change the language from Russian to English and back, the default combination is used Shift keys+ Alt. This combination is not convenient for all users, because between these buttons there is also a Win key, which can be accidentally pressed when not required. In this case, the combination Shift + Ctrl will be more convenient. Setting up a new combination is done as follows:

  • You click on language bar, located in the lower right corner of the screen;

  • In the window that opens, you will need the “Language Settings” link, and then “Advanced options”;

  • Next, find the line “Change language bar keyboard shortcut” and click on it;

  • In the window that opens there is a button “Change keyboard shortcut…”. This is exactly what we will need in this case;

  • Once clicked, simply move the dot from the default setting to the one you need. Alternatively, you can use the (`) button to change the language. And if for some reason you don’t need it, in the same window you can disable the keyboard shortcut.

How to disable them

It was already mentioned above that hotkeys are designed to simplify the performance of certain tasks. However, in some cases it may be necessary to disable them. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Through the “Start” menu, go to the “Run” window;
  • Enter the gpedit.msc command and activate it by pressing the ENTER button;
  • A window will open in which you will need to configure Windows Explorer. To do this, go to: User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Windows Explorer;
  • Here you need to find the line that is responsible for disabling the use of hotkeys ( important point- not all, but only those that come in combination with the Win button). The line is called - Disable keyboard shortcuts Windows + X. You need to double-click on it;
  • In the window that opens, select “Enable”;

  • Save the changes and restart your computer.

As soon as the system reboots, the changes will immediately take effect.

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The set of keyboard shortcuts in Windows 8 has expanded significantly, new hot keys have appeared that take into account its capabilities and make work more convenient, faster and more productive.

WIN + Page Up Shifts the tiles on the start screen to the left.

WIN + Page Down Moves the tiles on the start screen to the right.

WIN + Shift + V Switch between pop-up messages in reverse order.

WIN + Enter Voiceover of titles and content open windows Narrator utility.

WIN + Shift + Plus Launch magnifier, enlarging an area of ​​the screen.

WIN + Shift + Minus Launch the screen magnifier, zoom out an area of ​​the screen.

WIN+C Calling the side column.

WIN+I Customize the sidebar and Start menu.

WIN+K Connecting the Start menu for multiple screens.

WIN + Spacebar Switching languages.

WIN+Y Desktop display.

WIN+Q Quick search and launching applications.

WIN+W Search for settings and quickly navigate to them.

WIN+F Search and open files on your computer.

WIN+O Disable automatic screen rotation on tablets.

WIN+B Quick return to the desktop.

WIN+D Show desktop.

WIN+G Switch between gadgets on the desktop.

WIN+H Sharing panel.

WIN+J Switch between the main application and the Modern application attached to the side.

Win+L Locking the computer.

WIN+M Minimizes all open windows.

WIN+P Second screen or projector settings.

WIN+T Switch between applications on the taskbar.

WIN+V Switch between pop-up messages.

Win+U Special features of the system.

Win + X Fast access to control functions.

Win+Z Active application menu.

Win + (1...9) Launch applications by serial number their icons on the taskbar.

Win+Pause Show system information.

Win + Tab Switching between Modern applications.

Win + Home Minimize all inactive windows.

Win + Print Screen Automatic creation screenshot of the screen and saved in the Images folder in PNG format.

Win + . Minimizes open windows and minimizes them to a panel on the right side of the screen. Pressing it again moves the panel to the left.

Win + , Show shortcuts on the desktop.

Win + Right Arrow Snap the window to the right side of the screen.

Win + left arrow Snap the window to the left side of the screen.

Win + up arrow Expand the window to full screen.

Win + down arrow Reduce the window to its original size.

Alt+Enter Properties of the selected object in Explorer

Alt+D Choice address bar in Explorer

Alt+Tab Switch between applications

Alt + Space Shortcuts menu in Explorer

Alt + Left Arrow Previous folder in explorer

Alt + Up Arrow Go up one level in File Explorer

Alt+F4 Close application

Ctrl+A Select all

Ctrl+C Copy to share buffer

Ctrl+E Search bar in Explorer

Ctrl + N New Explorer Window

Ctrl+R Refresh current window

Ctrl+V Insert

Ctrl+W Close the current Explorer window

Ctrl+X Cut to buffer

Ctrl+Y Redo change

Ctrl+Z Cancel change

Ctrl+Tab Switch between tabs

Ctrl + Alt + Tab Switch between applications with the pointer

Ctrl+Esc Start screen

Ctrl + Shift + Esc Task Manager

Ctrl + Ins Copy

Ctrl + Left Arrow Go to previous word

Ctrl + Right Arrow Go to next word

Ctrl + Up Arrow Go to previous paragraph

Ctrl + Down Arrow Go to next paragraph

Ctrl+F4 Close active window

Ctrl + mouse wheel Change the size of icons or tiles

Windows 8 is increasingly being adopted by developers. Laptops and system systems with a built-in version of the operating system can increasingly be found on sale. Many users have already appreciated its benefits. But we should not forget that here, as in previous versions, there are hot keys that allow you to expand the functionality of the system by performing any actions with just a few touches of the keyboard buttons.

Win button and combinations with it

The Win key allows you to switch between the Metro screen and latest application, which was launched. Besides, this button in combination with others it is quite functional. So, when using it together with C, you can call Charm bar, which is similar in options to the Start menu in the previous version of the OS.

In order to change the settings, you need to click on Win and I. A search window opens when you combine this button with F. In the seventh version, there was a Mobility Center. Eight has a Menu system utilities. To call it you need to click Win and X. You can collapse everything at once open applications by pressing the combination Win and M.

To move an application to the right side of the screen, you can press the system key and the period. If you press the same combination and Shift, the window will move to the left. By clicking on Win and any of the numbers from 1 to 9, the application that is pinned to the taskbar in the place that corresponds to this particular number will open. If you press Shift with this combination, a copy of the program will open. If you need to call up the last active utility window, click on Win + Ctrl and the desired number.

To expand, collapse or restore current application, use the system key and the down and up arrows. The right and left arrows will snap the window to the right or left edge of the screen. System help can be accessed using the Win and F1 buttons. The System button and Pause/Break open the System window.

We should also touch on combinations with Ctrl a little. You can open an Explorer window by pressing Ctrl + N, but the keyboard shortcut does not work to open other non-standard file managers. Which ones are there? file managers for Windows 8, read about it. Switching from home screen on the active program is done via Ctrl + Esc. If you need to open it, you can click Ctrl + Shift + Esc. To switch between tabs use combination Ctrl+ Tab.

Single buttons

In addition to various combinations, the developers have also provided single buttons that will allow you to call up one or another menu. Of course, these are keys that are usually located in top line keyboard over numbers. So, F1 allows you to open a help window, using F2 you can rename an element, F3 opens search bar etc. The functionality of the F keys may vary depending on the model of your computer or laptop.

There are other buttons here that are undeservedly forgotten by users. Using PrtScn, you can take a screenshot and place it on the clipboard; for more information on how to take a screenshot, read this. PageUp and PageDown allow you to scroll forward and backward on the start screen, respectively. You can switch between elements of what is contained in the dialog box with Tab. You can close the dialog box with the Esc button.

It should be noted that some of the above combinations have already been used in previous versions of the operating system. However, it would not be very correct not to talk about them. After all, not all users know and remember hotkey combinations, although they can make their work much easier. In Windows 8, this is especially true, since the system interface has undergone significant changes. Accordingly, it can be difficult to open a particular window or perform certain actions. Knowing the “hot” buttons will help correct the situation.

In operating rooms Windows systems There are so-called hot keys. These are combinations of buttons on the keyboard, the simultaneous pressing of which performs a specific action. Their use allows you to simplify your work at the computer and speed up certain processes.

Commonly used hotkeys

There are more than a hundred built-in hotkeys in Windows 8. But not all of them will be useful for the average computer user who solves only everyday problems. Below are combinations that will definitely come in handy for you.

Switching Metro programs and apps

Many people know the combination Alt + Tab. With it, you can quickly switch between running programs. In the "eight" the action is also set to Win + Tab. The combination is intended for quick transition between built-in applications from the Metro interface to the menu "Start", as well as on standard system windows.

Task Manager

The Task Manager displays a list of all processes running on the system. There you can also find the status of services, autostart settings and related parameters. IN previous versions Windows given the element was called by a different key combination than is used in the “eight”. Now you need to simultaneously press Ctrl + Shift + Esc.


It is not always obvious how you can call this or that utility in Windows 8. Trying to find it on your own is quite difficult. In such a situation, the function will help "Search". It is called by simultaneously pressing Win + Q.

Deleting files

From the context menu, the file can only be sent to the trash, which will then have to be emptied manually or using special programs. But there is a way permanent deletion. Select an element or group of elements and press Shift + Delete. Then confirm the action.