Blue screen on a laptop without any text. Reasons for a blue screen on a laptop

Most laptop users are faced with a situation where the computer displays the so-called blue screen of death or BSOD. First you need to know: a blue screen of death is nothing more than a critical error message.

In other words, when a blue screen with inscriptions appears when you turn on the laptop, this is the first reason that should force you to find the malfunction that has arisen. It happens that error information appears once and then the laptop works normally, but this is rare.

In most cases, to restore normal operation of the computer, you will need to delve into the causes of the problem and only then eliminate them.


Blue screen on a laptop with an error message appears when the code is executed incorrectly in kernel mode.

Consider what causes the problem that may be causing it to appear.BSOD:

  • hardware malfunction;
  • software or hardware conflict or incompatibility;
  • overheat;
  • inappropriate drivers or errors in them;
  • errors in BIOS configuration;
  • absence free space on your hard drive
  • malware;
  • incorrect acceleration.

It’s easy to see that there are a lot of reasons why the blue screen of death pops up. Based on its own statistics, Microsoft reports that about 70% of BSOD cases are associated with problematic drivers.

A certain percentage of errors occur due to applications that execute native code in kernel mode. At incorrect operation Such programs also cause a blue screen of death.

The main types of applications that require native code to run in kernel mode are:

  • antiviruses;
  • programs for burning information onto CDs or DVDs;
  • firewalls;
  • virtual disks.

Video: Blue Screen of Death: Causes


Very often, the appearance of BSOD indicates serious problems with the laptop hardware or drivers. Therefore, postponing the decision will not work.

You can try to solve the problem yourself by following these tips:

Carrying out these procedures in most cases will help solve the problem with blue screens of death. If they continue to appear, you should pay attention to the error codes. They allow you to determine what it means when a BSOD appears.

Error codes

Each BSOD displays a hexadecimal error code. By remembering it, you can determine the cause of the problem and, if possible, solve it.

Let's look at the most common error codes that appear on a blue background:

There really is great amount error codes. Each of them is described in sufficient detail in specialized documentation. When diagnosing a malfunction, you will have to turn to it in most cases.

The error is not always caused by the problem described. For example, Windows 8 users may very often see error code 0xc0000001. At first glance, this error indicates problems with RAM. However, in most cases, you can solve it by running the Windows Recovery Tool.

You can try to fix error code 0xc0000001 in the following way:

  • When you turn on the computer, press the key combination SHIFT+F8;
  • in the See advanced repair options section, select Troubleshoot;
  • go to the Advanced options section and click on the button Windows Startup Settings;
  • restart the computer using the “Restart” item.

How to view the error message if the system reboots

In Windows settings, the option to require a reboot on failure is often set. In this case, the user is usually unable to read the error information.

Solve the problem with reboot not allowing you to read the messageBSOD can be done in two ways:

Dump is a file that stores information about an error that occurred. It can be used to diagnose the problem as it contains information about which driver caused the BSOD.

It is not possible to open dump files and view error codes and drivers that caused them using the operating system. To do this you will need to install additional applications eg debugging+kdfe or BlueScreenView.

The debugging+kdfe package works in console mode. After installing it, run the command: kdfe “%systemroot%Minidumpdump filename.dmp”. As a result of the command, you can find the driver that caused the error and reinstall or update it.

A program called BlueScreenView has GUI. When you first launch the application, you must specify the folder with dumps. After selecting the file that was created when the error occurred, you can also view the driver that caused the error.

Typically dumps are stored in the Minidump subfolder of the system Windows directory, but the user can, if desired, change their location in the operating system settings.

It is recommended to disable automatic reboot when the system fails, since BSOD screen you can also get Additional information about an error, which facilitates further diagnosis.

You can disable automatic reboot by referring to the “System Failure” section.

To open it Windows users 7 you need to open the following items sequentially:

  • start;
  • control Panel;
  • system;
  • additional system parameters;
  • options;
  • system failure.

Note. The “System Failure” tab also allows you to enable or disable dump recording and specify the folder for storing them.

In most cases, the user can independently diagnose and eliminate the error that led to the error message. In addition, its occurrence can be reduced by regular computer maintenance.

Blue screen of death, also known as BSOD and blue screen of death, is Windows’ reaction to critical errors in the computer’s operation. White writing on a blue background suddenly appears on the screen, after which the device usually reboots, freezes, or turns off.

After restarting, the system works fine for some time. But then, if the error is not resolved, the BSOD appears again.

Sometimes this condition is caused by errors in drivers or failure of computer hardware. The reasons may also be a failure system settings, viruses or even installed programs.

What to do if a blue screen of death appears

Special services built into the operating system can help you.

If you have Windows 10, go to Start → Settings (gear) → Update & Security → Troubleshoot. Scroll to the bottom of the list of available services and select Blue Screen. Click “Run the troubleshooter” and follow the system prompts.

If you have more old version The OS or the tool mentioned above did not work, open the Windows Control Panel and go to the Security and Maintenance Center. In some versions of the OS, this path may look like this: “Control Panel” → “System and Security” → “Action Center”.

Expand the Maintenance tab and see if the solution recommendations appear here Windows problems. If yes, use the suggested tips.

If all else fails, move on to the next step.

The appearance of a blue screen of death can have hundreds of different reasons and each has its own solutions. Having learned cause of BSOD on your computer, you can find the best way to solve a problem.

On the screen death of Windows displays the code of the error that caused it. It can appear as a series of numbers and letters (0x0000000F) or a combination of various words written in uppercase and often connected by underscores (SPIN_LOCK_ALREADY_OWNED).

You need to enter the error code in a search engine and thus find individual instructions for fixing it. There may even be a special QR code on the blue screen. By scanning it through mobile device, you will be taken to the Microsoft website with interactive assistant to solve the problem.

If the computer restarts immediately after the blue screen appears and you do not have time to write down the error code, disable automatic restart. To do this, click right click mouse over the “This PC” icon and select “Properties” → “ Extra options systems." In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab, click “Options” and uncheck the “Perform automatic restart” checkbox.

If you don't want to search the necessary instructions and delving into it or the solution found on the Internet does not help, use the methods listed below.

3. Try simple universal measures

These general measures affect many system parameters and help restore normal operation. They can also fix errors that lead to the blue screen of death.

  1. In system settings, go to "Center" Windows updates» and check for updates. If they are available, install them.
  2. Check the system using .
  3. Update your drivers. You can go to your computer manufacturer's website and download all the drivers for self-installation. But you can also use free services like

Blue screen of death ( Blue Screen of Death, BSoD) is critical system error in operating systems Microsoft Windows. When this fault occurs, the system freezes and data that was changed during operation is not saved. It is one of the most common in the Windows 7 operating system. To fix this problem, you first need to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

The reasons why the BSoD error appears can be divided into 2 general groups: hardware and software. Hardware problems are problems with the hardware in system unit and various components. Most often, malfunctions occur with RAM and hard drive. But still, malfunctions in the operation of other devices are possible. BSoD can occur due to the following hardware problems:

  • Incompatibility installed equipment(for example, setting additional strip"RAM");
  • Failure of components (most often they fail HDD or RAM);
  • Incorrect overclocking of the processor or video card.

The software reasons for the problem are much more extensive. The failure may occur in system services, incorrectly installed drivers or due to malware.

  • Inappropriate drivers or conflict of some drivers (incompatibility with operating system);
  • Activity of virus software;
  • Application malfunctions (most often, such failures are caused by viruses or software solutions that emulate the application).

Reason 1: Installing a new program or hardware

If you have installed a new software solution, this may result in a Blue Screen of Death. The error could also occur due to software update. Provided that you have carried out such actions, you need to return everything to its previous state. To do this, you need to roll back the system to the moment when no errors were noticed.

The recovery will start Windows process 7, after which your PC will reboot and the problem should disappear.

Reason 2: Lack of free space

You need to make sure that on the disk where the Windows files, there is necessary free space. Blue Screen of Death and various major problems occur when disk space is full. Clean the disk with system files.

Microsoft advises leaving at least 100 MB free, but as practice shows, it is better to leave 15% of the volume of the system partition.

Reason 3: System update

Try updating Windows 7 to latest version Service Pak. Microsoft consistently releases new patches and update packages for its product. Often, they contain fixes that help eliminate BSoD fault.

Reason 4: Drivers

Perform the procedure for updating your system drivers. The vast majority of BSoD errors are related to incorrectly installed drivers that cause this type of problem.

Reason 5: System errors

Check the event log for warnings and errors that may be associated with the blue screen.

Reason 6: BIOS

Incorrect BIOS settings may result in a BSoD error. By resetting these settings, you can resolve the BSoD problem. How to do this is described in a separate material.

Reason 7: Hardware component

It is necessary to check that all internal cables, cards and other components of your PC are connected correctly. Elements that are poorly connected can cause a blue screen.

Error codes

Let's look at the most common error codes and their interpretation. This may help troubleshoot the problem.

  • INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICEthis code means there is no access to the download section. The boot disk has a defect, the controller is faulty, also incompatible system components may cause a problem;
  • KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED– the problem most likely arose due to problems with the hardware components of the PC. Incorrectly installed drivers or physical breakdown equipment. It is necessary to check all components one by one;
  • NTFS FILE SYSTEM– the problem is caused by failures system files Windows 7. This situation arises due to mechanical damage in the hard drive. Viruses that write to the boot area of ​​the hard drive cause this malfunction. Damaged logical structures of system files can also lead to malfunction;
  • IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL- this code means that the BSoD malfunction appeared due to errors in service data or Windows drivers 7;
  • PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA– the parameters that are requested cannot be found in the memory cells. Most often, the reason lies in defects random access memory or incorrect operation of anti-virus software;
  • KERNEL DATA INPAGE ERROR– the system was unable to read the data that was requested from the memory section. The reasons here are: failures in hard drive sectors, problematic issues in the HDD controller, faults in the RAM;
  • KERNEL STACK INPAGE ERROR– The OS is not able to read data from the swap file to the hard drive. The reasons for this situation are damage to the HDD device or RAM memory;
  • UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP– the problem is related to the system kernel, it can be both software and hardware;
  • STATUS SYSTEM PROCESS TERMINATED– a logical malfunction that is directly related to drivers or malfunctioning applications.

So, in order to restore the correct Windows works 7 and get rid of the BSoD error, first of all, you need to roll back the system to the moment stable operation. If this is not possible, then you should install the latest available updates for your system, check the installed drivers, test the functionality of the PC hardware. Help to resolve the error is also present in the fault code. Using the methods given above, you can get rid of the blue screen of death.

No matter how inexperienced the computer owner is, sooner or later he may encounter such a symptom as a “blue screen”. This usually means that there are serious problems with the computer, and it’s time to call in a repairman.

What is a blue screen?

The concept of “blue screen of death” has been known since the appearance of the first Windows versions. Outwardly, it appears as English inscriptions in white letters on a blue background. However, it is often possible to get rid of it by restarting the computer with or without the RESET button, or by turning off the power and turning it on again.

The appearance of a blue screen indicates problems in the system, so it is not recommended to ignore such symptoms. It is necessary to urgently diagnose the computer, because... when a blue screen appears, after a while you can end up with a completely inoperable computer, lose important data, etc.


The term “blue screen” appeared thanks to Eric Noes, who introduced it into practice in 1991, while working for a Californian company. During the development of the first versions of Windows (then referred to as 1.0 and 2.0), error messages were displayed on black screens, but it was changed to blue, which is easier on the eyes and less annoying.

Since then, including the latest widespread modifications of Windows 8, the screen continues to turn blue when critical errors occur. If we turn to the origins of the transition to it, we can note that the original name of this type of error sounds in English as Blue Screen of Death, abbreviated as BSoD.

STOP code

This is also the name of a blue screen that appears as a result of a critical error that does not allow the operating system to fully function. For this reason, a decision is made to stop its operation and a message about this is displayed on the screen. Not just symbols appear on the monitor, but a description in English of the cause and the most optimal ways to eliminate them.

There is a whole list of different codes that, in addition to text, also have a digital designation starting with 0x (then comes digital combination in the 16th numeral system). The information is intended for technical specialist, the average user is usually powerless to understand anything. Although you can try to find a description of the error on the Internet, entering as search query the phrase "bsod codes".

Why does a blue screen appear?

The list of failures and problems that cause a blue screen is quite large. And the text description does not always accurately indicate the true reason. By studying the description of the main STOP errors, you can find out the most likely node where the malfunction occurs, but only a master can reliably check it.

Replacement of components

It’s easier to find out the reason why this blue screen appears when some action has been taken on the computer: an upgrade, driver update or operating system update. Thus, replacing individual components, for example, memory modules, video cards, hard drive, may lead to a chance to see a STOP error.

The reason may be a malfunction of the devices themselves and their incompatibility with new models. After upgrading the hardware, it is recommended to do this with the driver of the replaced device. Otherwise, the problem may manifest itself from periodic display of a message on the monitor screen about stopping the system, to a closed loop without a chance Windows startup to correct the situation (reinstalling the driver, removing it, etc.).

In the simplest case, it is enough to restart the computer, in more difficult situations at least for a while you will have to return the old hardware. It is worth noting that with such an error, all unsaved data that the user was working with at the time of the blue screen is lost.

Incorrect use of the keyboard

There are known cases when a blue screen is caused by pressing certain buttons on the keyboard, or rather their combinations. This can happen by accident, for example, when a child sits down at a PC, or on purpose, they do this when they want to show their knowledge of the “intricacies” of Windows.

In this case, the appearance of a blue screen is not a manifestation of problems, but an artificial call to the function for displaying an error message. It does not have any danger, but it can lead to the loss of unsaved data or malfunctions of the system, because for it it is still a “problem”, it may turn out to be activated function recovery, resulting in lost time.

What to do when BSoD appears?

The first thing that is required from the user is to restart the computer using the RESET button or by turning off the power and turning it on again. If the error message appears again, then you need to diagnose the hardware.

Often the reason for messagesBSoDis the following equipment:

All these procedures are mostly accessible in complexity to all users, but if you have any doubts, you should contact an experienced specialist.

Is it possible to avoid a blue screen?

You can prevent problems that lead to blue screens by using a number of preventive procedures. They must be carried out systematically.

It is important to ensure that the drivers and programs you use are up to date. Gradually, developers stop supporting obsolete equipment, and it may not work correctly with new versions of programs. And, most importantly, if you have any doubts about the correctness of the actions, it is better to contact a qualified technician.

Good evening, dear blog readers! Moving computers from one place to another sometimes causes them to subsequently behave inappropriately, such as a blue screen. Why do I say this? Let’s just say that this has been noticed :) Moreover, everything would be fine if all this was explained by the shaking of the computer during transfer, for example, something happened to the clocker on the motherboard. But how can you, for example, explain the fact that after that it stopped working? USB driver 3.0 due to the fact that someone once used not the drivers from the manufacturer’s official website, but from the “left” drive? Shocked too? 🙂

We sit like this at the computer, not bothering anyone, and he BAM and draws this picture:

If we had unsaved data at the time of the blue screen, then I'm afraid it's bad, we'll have to redo everything. Fortunately, now many software products have the ability to autosave.

Let's try to figure out what leads to such a nuisance as a Windows blue screen. Generally speaking, BSoD appears when a critical error is detected that the operating system Windows system unable to cope. In order for our program to cause BSoD, we need to give it the ability to execute code at the system kernel level, for example, so that it itself can be a driver. This is not typical for our usual programs, which we usually use at home and in the office.

The system properties window will open in front of us on the “Advanced” tab, which is exactly what we need. In the "Boot and Recovery" group, click on the "Options..." button.

Here you need to uncheck the “Perform automatic reboot” checkbox and be sure to make sure that in the “Record debugging information” group we have at least “Automatic memory dump” in the drop-down list. This is enough for us. I'll tell you the difference between the types of dumps. And it is necessary that something is also written in the “Dump file” field.

By default, the Dump File field contains the entry


Causes of Windows blue screen. Why are there only 2 of them?

Globally, all the reasons why a blue screen pops up can be divided into two large groups:

  • hardware
  • software

Let's analyze each of these groups and try to give recommendations for eliminating them.

Hardware causes of blue screen

In my own practice, I have developed a certain ranking of the causes of blue screen crashes according to the frequency of their occurrence. It may not coincide with your practice at all. So…

First place

Most often in my practice, the blue screen of death appeared when one of the RAM sticks was faulty. To diagnose which memory stick is “naughty”, you can get into the computer and try to pull out one memory stick at a time and see if there is a result. It is also worth cleaning the computer from dust and wiping the contacts of the RAM sticks with an eraser. But this work dusty if the computer is not a laptop.

Starting with Windows 7, the operating system already has a built-in utility for checking RAM strips. To search for this utility, you must click the “Start” button and search bar type "operate". The utility for diagnosing RAM problems should appear in the list.

When you click on the name of the utility, a window like this should appear:

Select the first item, the computer will reboot and begin checking the RAM.

If errors are found, the test will be marked as failed.

Second place

Second place went to a dying hard drive. To understand whether everything is in order, you need to check it using standard tools, as well as third-party programs.

Among regular funds It is worth pointing out the chkdsk utility, known since time immemorial. To check the disk, the command from windows cmd running with administrator rights:

However, most likely the system response will be like this:

Type file system:NTFS. The current drive cannot be locked. The CHKDSK command cannot be executed because the specified volume is in use by another process. Should I scan this volume the next time I reboot the system?

I have to agree here...

Then you should contact third party programs, who will conduct S.M.A.R.T. test will also find bad sectors and they will be shown colorfully.

Among such programs it is worth paying attention to free program HDDTest.

This program allows you to check the condition of the disk surface, “twitch” sectors for read/write speed.

If you hear a beating or grinding sound from the hard drive, then there is no diagnosis, but you need to backup it.

Third place

Somehow it just so happened that equipment overheating took third place in my ranking. In any case, you need to periodically clean your computer from dust. Believe me, there is plenty of it there! This can be done either with a vacuum cleaner or a compressor. It is possible for the processor to overheat due to dried thermal paste; you can buy it and change it, but this must be done carefully. It is better to have it done by a professional.

Other problems

Swollen capacitors on the motherboard can also lead to a sad result, but in my practice this happened a little less often. There are three solutions here - either we take the motherboard to a landfill, or to a service center, or we arm ourselves with a soldering iron and replace the swollen capacitors. There is nothing complicated, the main thing is not to burn the board. You need to open the computer case and first visual inspection motherboard. First of all, you should inspect the capacitors located near the processor. The swollen ones will look something like this:

Once there was a case when a blue screen was caused by the power supply, because... it was not able to provide the necessary voltage for the computer components. Replacing it solved the problem once and for all.

To be honest, I’ve never encountered this myself, but problems with Windows crashing can easily lie in our attempts to overclock the processor.

In principle, the cause of the malfunction can be any of the computer components.

Software reasons for blue screens

Very often problems are generated installed drivers. They are capable of a lot! Especially if you don’t install fresh drivers from the manufacturer’s website, but from some left drive, a la “Driver Pack”. The solution is to try to reinstall them. However, you must keep in mind that there are programs that use their drivers to work with the operating system in kernel mode. Among them are antiviruses, disk burning programs, and some network software. If there is information about when BSoDs began to appear, we can guess which program was the hero of the occasion.

The second thing to check is file system errors. We will still need the same chkdsk utility. If we haven’t run it yet, then it’s worth considering that the /r flag is optional; we needed it to check the presence bad sectors on disk.

The second option to carry out such a check is through a conductor. To do this, go into it, right-click on the disk being checked and in the drop-down context menu Click on the “Properties” item. Go to the “Service” tab and click on the “Check” button.

You should definitely use the sfc utility.

sfc /scannow

She saved me many times.

Malicious programs can also cause blue screens. Moreover, the computer often crashes into a blue screen immediately after booting. You can try to reboot from boot disk Kaspersky or any other similar in functionality, and check your computer for malware.

Types of Debug Information

Bluescreenview uses the generated emergence of BSoD small memory dumps. I would like to see what types of dumps exist and how they differ from each other.

In the "Record Debug Information" drop-down list of the "Boot and Recovery" window that we opened earlier, the following options are presented:

  • Small memory dump
  • Kernel memory dump
  • Full memory dump
  • Automatic memory dump (default) - starting with Windows 8
  • Active Memory Dump - Starting with Windows 8

By default, Windows 8 is set to automatic memory dump. Essentially this is the same kernel memory dump. The difference is how Windows manages the size of the paging file, which is needed for this dump to fit safely there. If you did not strictly set the size of the paging file, but chose the “Size by system choice” option, in the case of an automatic dump Windows memory can set the size of the paging file smaller size random access memory. However, if the memory dump somehow does not fit into the page file, then Windows increases the latter to the right size. The increased size lasts for 4 weeks, and then decreases back as unnecessary. The dump file is located in the location you specified, by default here:


%SystemRoot%\MEMORY. DMP

A small memory dump contains the minimum information to make a decision about the source of the error. These include the error code, information about the process in which the error occurred, information about the loaded drivers at the time of the crash. By default, the data is contained in the folder