The main mistake when choosing a man is Philip Litvinenko. Philip Litvinenko - biography, personal life, photo with his wife

Philip Litvinenko- a true expert in the field of creating relationships. He helps women understand themselves, get rid of female cockroaches, be feminine, find a worthy life partner, get married, become happy and much more. We constantly receive a large number of positive reviews about Philip Litvinenko. His students express gratitude to him and say that he radically changed their ideas about relationships and helped them improve their personal lives and find female happiness.

But ladies also often write to us asking talk about the biography, personal life of Philip Litvinenko, his wife or girlfriend. They ask us: “Is Philip himself happy in his relationship? Does he have a life partner? Or is he like a shoemaker without boots - he teaches how to build relationships, but he himself has not succeeded in this?..” In this article we have collected interesting information that will answer your questions.

Biography of Philip Litvinenko.

There is not much information about the biography of Philip Litvinenko. It is known that this psychologist was born on November 8, 1980, lives in Moscow. He has 2 higher educations and has experience in the banking sector.

Now he is very famous on the Internet, he is the founder of the international project “GENESIS”, the author of books and videos for women, trainings, and seminars. He is also a professional vocalist, lead singer of the group “LOVE VOICE”, and vocal therapy specialist.

But in fact, he was not always such a successful, self-confident person as it might seem. From childhood, he felt defective and was a very quiet and withdrawn boy due to the fact that he had severe speech impediments and an incorrigible stutter. The boy avoided contact with anyone in every possible way, and if he did communicate, he hated himself and developed a complex. Various psychologists and speech therapists were powerless and could not help restore his voice.

Growing up, he realized that his speech impediments would never allow him to realize his dreams, goals and ambitions. And then he began to fight for his future. As a result of many years of experience, Philip Litvinenko was able to completely get rid of stuttering with the help of his voice technique, which is designed to reveal the natural voice and overcome the fear of self-expression. First, his friends learned about this technique, then acquaintances, acquaintances of acquaintances, and so more and more people began training with Philip Litvinenko.

Wanting to help people and benefit society, Philip studied with such famous people as Litvak, Pucelik, Covey, Tracy, Sharma, Gandopas, etc. All this helped him become a truly professional expert. To date, he has conducted more than 70 seminars, more than 50 online trainings and courses, 700 individual consultations, more than 80.

Women from all over the world turn to Philip for help and receive support, recommendations and clear actions to get rid of loneliness, get married, get their ex back, avoid cheating and divorce, etc. Relationship expert helps women express themselves, be heard in the modern world, change their voice, express their individuality, sexuality, femininity, self-expression and much more.

Personal life of Philip Litvinenko.

The personal life of Philip Litvinenko and his family, of course, interests many people who watched his video materials. And this is logical. When a person is so well versed in the psychology of relationships, family relationships, you want to know how things are going in his family? Does Philip have a wife, children, are they happy?

Unfortunately, on the Internet we were almost unable to find any detailed information about Litvinenko’s personal life. Many famous people simply do not talk about it so as not to immerse their family in public life. Maybe that's right.

We also personally contacted Philip Litvinenko, but the psychologist did not give us any comments about his relationship and family. This question, apparently, remains a mystery to us for now)) In our opinion, if this expert is so well versed in interpersonal relationships and is liked by women, then, for sure, everything is fine with his personal life))

But we still managed to find on one of his social networks that he thought for a very long time and believed that he would never be able to live with one single woman. I didn’t think that I could live with her under the same roof and still feel happy from year to year. Women in his life appeared and quickly disappeared, and left on their own, because he was unbearable... But at one moment, one single woman appeared, who completely destroyed Philip’s picture of the world regarding relationships and thanks to her, he is now where he is completely happy...

Philip Litvinenko - photo with his wife.

Unfortunately, there are no photographs of Philip Litvinenko with his wife either, since his wife (if he has one) is a non-public person. Philip says that he does not want to flaunt his relationship, and therefore there is no information about this anywhere, at least on the Internet. If a photo with my wife appears, we will definitely let you know!

But it is obvious that Philip is surrounded by many interesting and high-status girls with whom he spends time, communicates, and teaches... A female psychologist does not occupy women’s attention, because he conquers many ladies with his calmness, tact and kindness))

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About the biography of Philip Litvinenko very little is known. The author does not talk about his life. It is known that psychologist Philip Litvinenko born November 8, 1980 in Moscow. Graduated from Moscow State University and has two higher educations.

Since childhood, he grew up as a very quiet, downtrodden and unsociable guy. The reason for this was his severe speech impediment and stuttering. Philip practically did not communicate with anyone, avoided people, and if he did have to talk, then due to problems with speech he felt inferior. His parents took him to various speech therapists and psychologists, but they just shrugged their shoulders and could not help the guy in any way.

As an adult, the guy began to understand that his complexes and speech impediments would not allow him to fulfill his dreams, achieve his goals, and realize his plans. He realized that his future depended only on him and began to fight. As a result of long practice and study of the voice, Philip Litvinenko developed and completely got rid of stuttering and speech impediments. It is thanks to this that he now sings well, is a professional vocalist and founder of the group “Love Voice”.

It took a long time for Philip Litvinenko to become a successful psychologist and coach on the topic of building relationships. And at first this was not even the case for his purposes. As the author himself says, throughout his life he constantly experienced the destruction of his picture of the world, his beliefs, invented laws, etc. When he was at university, he believed that science was cool! He was almost ready to write his dissertation, but a man appeared in his life who convinced him that he was doing the wrong thing and brought the guy to work in a bank.

A little later the same story happened there. He was building his way from a simple bank employee to the head of the sales department, but a man appeared again who changed his picture of the world. And this happened several times until Philip became what we know him now.

By the way, he says that he had the same thing with women. For a long time, he believed that he would never be able to live with one single woman under one roof and feel happy at the same time. Women appeared in life and disappeared quite quickly. But then one appeared - the one and only one who completely destroyed his picture of the world regarding relationships.

Very interesting personal life of Philip Litvinenko and photos with his wife I would like to see it, but, unfortunately, the author does not talk about it and, being a public figure, does not advertise his personal life. But as he himself sometimes says, he is happy, and even if Philip Litvinenko does not have a wife, he has a life partner and everything is fine with them.

Now this guy is a very successful person, the founder of the international training project “Genesis”. In his opinion, growth is always accompanied by the constant destruction of old beliefs and the birth of new ones. Therefore, along the way of his development, he studied with such professionals as Litvak, Pucelik, Covey, Tracy, Sharma, Gorin, Gandopas, Mann, Ekozyants and others. And even now he is constantly improving his knowledge.

In addition, Philip Litvinenko is the author of books and trainings for women, produces educational video courses and. In his arsenal there are a lot of materials on various women's topics: how to become happy, how to meet a man, how to get married, how to save a relationship, how to get your ex back, how to be successful, feminine, how to blow your mind off your loved one in bed. He is a real savior for the fair sex in terms of overcoming depression, improving family relationships, eliminating communication difficulties and much more.

The author's educational materials have gained great popularity, such as: courses “Successful dating for serious relationships”, “Get back forever”, “Male manipulation”, “How to read men”, “Sexy voice”, intensive “Relationships for life”, book “ The whole truth about personal power: how to become the master of your life? and others. Links to these courses are located on the same page above.

We recommend starting to get acquainted with the lessons of Philip Litvinenko from a list of phrases for successful dating with men(download list), from list of “magic” phrases to make your man double his income(download list) and from course “5 love languages ​​for an ideal relationship with your man”(you can download)

As you can see, Philip Litvinenko is a very versatile person. In addition to the information business in the field of relationships with men, he is engaged in producing, creativity, and music. In his free time, he pays attention to self-development and martial arts.

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