Radio signal suppression generator. Resounding success

With the advent mobile phones communication between people has become much easier. Mobile phones allow you to save a huge amount of time and quickly decide important questions and simply maintain pleasant communication with a loved one who is at a distance. However, thanks to various spy devices, a personal mobile phone can turn from a faithful assistant into a source of constant leakage personal information, which can lead to serious problems.

Nowadays, in order to become the owner of a device that listens to mobile phones, it is not at all necessary to be a special agent or intelligence officer. Anyone who wants he can buy bugs both on the Internet and in specialized stores and install them anywhere.

Fortunately, protect your personal information and phone against illegal intrusion is quite simple. To do this you need to have jammers cellular communications and jammers for GSM and GLONASS signals. Fortunately, in order to protect yourself, it is not necessary to buy such devices. Experienced radio amateurs are quite capable of assembling suppressive devices cellular signals with your own hands. We will talk about how telephone signal jammers work, what they can do and how to make them yourself in this article.

GPS jammers I GSM communications They work on a fairly simple principle. When telephone signals enter the jammer's range, interference occurs, blocking the ability to receive and send calls from mobile devices.

GSM and GLONASS jammers signals, in turn, work on a different principle. They scan frequencies looking for a specific signal, and as soon as it appears, the device begins to interfere and block the signal.

Differences between cellular jammers

The operation of GPS and GSM jammers is primarily distinguished by their range. The simplest signal suppressors work within a radius of 10 meters and will only be effective in a car. More complex devices are designed for a range of 50 meters. This is quite enough to protect yourself from “bugs” in large rooms. There are also devices, allowing you to jam signals within a radius of several kilometers, but such equipment is used exclusively by special services.

Installation and use of the jammer

The signal suppressor installation diagram is very simple. You need to screw the antenna into the connector of the device and turn it on. After turning on, the device will silence all detected signals within 10 seconds. The signal blocker is capable of operating from the network and in offline mode. It can also be easily charged using a car cigarette lighter.

Sometimes a situation arises when, when you turn on the telephone, GSM and GPS signals It doesn't work well, it doesn't find the right frequencies or something like that. This happens when mobile operators use other frequencies. In order for the device to pick up all frequencies, you must perform the following steps:

  • Remove the switch;
  • Unscrew the antenna;
  • Remove the cover of the device;
  • Remove the device chip;

· To adjust the purity, use a screwdriver to tighten the trimming resistor on the microcircuit.

Legality of using communication jammers

According to the Law “On Communications”, which operates in our country, any devices that suppress signals from mobile phones or other devices are required to be certified and registered. And if a certificate can be obtained from sellers upon purchase, then you need to register the device yourself. In case of non-compliance with the rules of the current law, violators face a fine, and the use of the device is considered illegal. Although it is worth noting that illegal use Such devices are very rarely brought to justice, and when it comes to storing personal information, then in such conditions the risk is justified.

Who can listen to you

Install bugs and listen to your phones maybe even schoolchildren. It is very easy to purchase listening devices on the Internet. But mostly employees usually resort to using “wiretapping.” law enforcement, wanting to get dirt on criminals, influential businessmen wanting to eliminate competitors, jealous husbands suspecting their wives of infidelity, and so on. Therefore, in order not to become a victim It is necessary to protect yourself from information leakage using signal suppressors.

How to make a telephone jammer with your own hands

You can find enough on the Internet various schemes, with the help of which an effective suppressor of GPS and GSM signals can be designed independently. The most common telephone signal jammer operates at 800 MHz. Since most mobile phones are tuned to this frequency. Despite the simplicity of the operating principle of the device, it self-assembly requires certain skills.

In order to make your own home suppressor of GSM and GPS signals, you need to take a synchronous signal generator with a frequency of 45 MHz, to which the local oscillator port responds. As a result of this, interference appears. Next, the antenna on the generator is tuned to a frequency of 800 MGC. After this, the RF output is connected to the amplifier, due to which the power of the device increases to 16 dBm. Next, already amplified signal is fed to the device antenna. The final stage of self-assembly of the device is considered to be a self-made case, into which the battery is installed, and a switch is also created. In general, a finished signal suppressor will consist mainly of:

  • Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO);
  • Amplifier stage;
  • Source of interference;
  • Superstructure diagram;
  • Antennas.

A diagram of one such device is presented below:


From the above, it becomes clear that a cellular jammer in the modern high-tech world is a very useful device that will help save personal information and protect you from huge amount unpleasant situations. It is very easy to purchase such a device today., and if you are also an experienced radio amateur, you can easily assemble such a device yourself.

Every day we are surrounded by more and more technology that works using wireless networks: mobile phones, smart home gadgets, car alarms, unmanned aerial vehicles.

Unfortunately, such devices are easy to damage. A simple device for a few thousand rubles can neutralize burglar alarm or cut off cellular communications in the entire office.

If you live in Moscow, you see this regularly in the city center.

In this article you will learn what types of household radio frequency suppressors there are and for what purposes they are used.


“Jammers” can be easily purchased on the Internet, but they should only be used with the permission of Roskomnadzor. More details about the process of registering radio frequency suppressors can be found in the document Registration of RES and RF.

Responsibility for violating the rules registration of RES and VHF is prescribed in Article 13.4. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Violation of the rules for the design, construction, installation, registration or operation of radio-electronic equipment and (or) high-frequency devices. For individuals threatens fine up to 500 rubles and confiscation of the device.

How do RF jammers work?

The general operating principle of all jammers is very simple: they emit a signal in the same frequency range as the device that needs to be jammed. A “white noise” field is created around the jammer, in which signals from other sources are lost.

Types of jammers by form factor

Stationary jammers. Such devices are designed for constant use in one place and require a network connection to operate. They weigh several kilograms and can simultaneously generate “white noise” on ten or more radio frequency bands.

Portable jammers. Such devices can be carried in your pocket and discreetly turned on as needed, without attracting the attention of others. Time battery life such a device 1-3 hours.

Portable jammers weigh on average 300-700 grams and combine 3-6 antennas to suppress different radio frequency ranges.

Blocking cases. Since the 90s, there have been many legends about the “police mode” built into every GSM phone, which allows the cellular operator to monitor the movements and listen to the conversations of any subscriber.

Typically these cases have two compartments. The first compartment is designed to completely block signals, and the second to protect against harmful radiation.

In many countries around the world, high-ranking officials and intelligence officers use specially assembled mobile phones. In Russia, employees of secret agencies are issued crypto phones SMP-ATLAS/2 and M-549M.

Now let’s take a closer look at why signal suppression is used in practice at different frequency ranges.


In most cases, cellular jammers are purchased to protect premises from wiretapping using GSM bugs. A mobile phone jammer can create silence in the hall at a public event by blocking incoming calls.

Perhaps our country will soon pass a law according to which cellular jammers will be installed in prisons, schools during the Unified State Exam, in university auditoriums, theaters and other public places.

Frequency ranges:
GSM900: 925-960 MHz
GSM1800: 1805-1880 MHz
3G: 2110-2170 MHz
4G WIMAX: 2570-2690 MHz
4G LTE: 791-820 MHz
CDMA800: 850-894 MHz ( Not used by Russian mobile operators since 2010)
PHS: 1900-1930 MHz (legacy standard, formerly used in China and Japan)


Such jammers are often combined in one device with cellular jammers. They are designed to block data transmission channels of wireless cameras. This provides additional protection against information leaks.

If such a jammer is active in the room, then in addition to the cameras covert surveillance Routers don't work wireless keyboards and mice.

Frequency range:
Wi-Fi/Bluetooth: 2400 – 2500 MHz


Company cars of truck drivers and couriers are sometimes equipped with GPS trackers, which allow the employer to monitor the location of the employee. But you can protect yourself from such surveillance using an anti-tracker.

GPS anti-tracker is small device, which is installed in the car's cigarette lighter and blocks signals GPS satellites and GLONASS. Some anti-trackers also include a GSM jammer.

GPS and Glonass jammers are also used by car thieves to protect against surveillance of a stolen car.

Frequency ranges:
GPS L1: 1570-1620 MHz
GPS and GLONASS L2: 1200-1310 MHz
GPS and GLONASS L3: 1380-1410 MHz


In online stores they are sold under the life-like name “Antishanson”. Such jammers will be useful in minibuses, taxis, shops and other habitats of Radio Dacha and Retro FM listeners.

Frequency range:

FM: 88-108MHz

MP3 players with FM transmitters are also used to counter chanson and troll drivers. With their help, you can not just turn off the radio, but force the entire minibus to listen to your favorite tracks.

Audio recording

Microphone jammers are included in a comprehensive anti-wiretapping protection kit along with cellular and Wi-Fi/Bluetooth jammers. There are two ways to prevent audio recording:

Ultrasonic suppression. The device generates ultrasound, which is not perceived by human hearing, but creates interference that blocks recording from smartphones and pocket voice recorders.

Acoustic suppression. The device generates a “choir of voices” interference that is audible to humans.

A “microphone jammer” usually weighs several kilograms and looks like regular column and looks organically in the interior. It is controlled using the remote control remote control, which can be hidden in your pocket.

How are jammers camouflaged?

To suppress radio signals unnoticed by others, online stores sell jammers camouflaged as various objects. Portable jammers with a range of up to 15 meters are disguised as purses or packs of cigarettes, and more powerful universal jammers are disguised as briefcases, diplomats or interior parts.

Hello. Of course, many radio amateurs had problems with interference and unnecessary radio signals that intrusively interfered with their work with audio equipment.

So, we will provide you with an option on how to get rid of this.

How to make a radio signal jammer:

1. We need a KT368 transistor (in the figure it is provided in two versions)

or you can use any HF.

2. We will need the following types of capacitors: 1n, 0.1mk, 10pf, 25pf

3. Resistors here are suitable 22 Ohm and 12 Kom

4. Copper wire, diameter should be 0.5 mm

5. Power supply 9V

And here is the actual diagram:

6. The coil should be made of 6 turns, with a tap from the middle. We need a mandrel of 5 cm, as mentioned earlier, the wire should be 0.5 mm

7. Telescopic antenna, preferably 25 cm long.

Adjustable using a tuning capacitor with a capacity of 1n

It is better to use a power supply, because firstly, your muffler will operate more reliably and stably, and secondly, using a power supply significantly increases the range of your muffler. When using a battery, the range is about 40 meters, and when using a power supply - about 70 meters. As you can see, the difference is significant. This is of course up to you to decide.

That's all. Good luck.

Somehow recently I began to realize that I was not getting enough sleep, and all because someone in the neighborhood likes to watch TV all night, and thinks that headphones were not invented for him. After a couple of days, my patience ran out and I took up the soldering iron. As a result, a jammer was assembled that is capable of jamming both a TV or FM receiver, and cellular communications at close range. Further check I discovered that the taxi driver who drove up to my house was unable to contact the dispatcher))) which certainly pleased me, since the circuit jams radios quite consistently...

Here is the actual diagram of the device...

As you can see, it is very simple and assembled with only 4 people. transistors KT610, I actually installed 2T610A which were soldered from a certain radio communication unit...
I put this whole thing together using 2 people. a third-party printed circuit board, one side of which is used as a screen.

The transistors need to be installed on the radiators; I screwed them to an aluminum plate.

You need to insert a copper wire into all the holes in the printed circuit board and solder it on both sides in order to reliably connect the bottom layer of foil with the conductors that should sit on the negative side.
Particular attention should be paid to the 10 ohm resistor. I assembled it from 5 resistors connected in parallel, each 51 Ohm 2 W. every. The power turned out to be 10 W, but they heat up to about 70 degrees.

A short video of checking the jammer on a TV, sorry for the quality, I filmed it as best I could.

For antennas, I have 2 pieces of wire about 50 centimeters each, powered by a 12-volt gel battery, consuming 640 mA. on the TV only one channel showed somehow and there was sound, all the others did not show completely, and also tested on the T2 TV, nothing works there at all. The mobile phone loses the network within a radius of about 2 meters, I haven’t checked the effect on WI-FI but I don’t think it will work either, in general I’m happy, it’s just right for my tasks))))
If you use normal telescopic antennas, 70 centimeters in length, the result will be even better.
Download file printed circuit board and a diagram for making a jammer with your own hands. (downloads: 2278)

Today we will talk about how to make your own jammers for cell phones and other radio transmitting devices with your own hands at home. Manufacturing methods and schemes homemade jammers telephones and radio jammers

The widespread use of mobile phones has made communication between people much easier, but sometimes this simplicity backfires on someone. For example, cinema visitors who prefer to watch films without additional soundtrack like someone's monotonous chatter. Or exam teachers, who have to keep an even closer eye on their students to avoid general “mobilization.”

Of course, those of them who do not allow cheating. But for every action there is always a reaction and in this case they can be called cell phone jammers. Fortunately for the common man and entrepreneur, they are now available not only to intelligence officers.

How do jammers work on cell phones?

Based on this feature, two types of devices can be distinguished. The first ones operate according to the principle of the Bermuda triangle: the phone, once in the area of ​​the plug, instead of the working signal begins to receive interference (the so-called “white noise”) created by the device. And, accordingly, it disappears for the cellular operator.

The operating principle of the second type of device can be compared to the tactics of interceptor fighters. They constantly scan frequencies for a signal, and as soon as one appears, they begin to generate interference. This allows you to save energy, which is especially important if the cell phone jammer runs on a battery. Thanks to the presence of scanners, devices of the second type can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also simply to detect radio microphones and mobile phones.

Jammer like a cell phone

Depending on the range of the device, the scope of its application also changes. For example, those that operate at a distance of no more than 10 meters are only suitable for a “spot” plug in a small office, car or near a table in a cafe. In online stores you can find interesting items in this category, stylized as mobile phones (how ironic!), walkie-talkies or even packs of cigarettes.

Next come cell phone jammers that can create “blind spots” for mobile operators within a radius of up to 50 meters. They are usually used in cinemas, large meeting rooms, conference rooms, etc. Of course, there are rooms whose area and volume exceed the stated figures, but what prevents you from using not one, but several such devices placed in different places? Is it just the budget?

And if you set out to jam a fairly large area, for example, an entire block or a small city, then you have a direct route exclusively to the special services, because... Officially, cell phone jammers of this caliber are practically unavailable. Due to its specificity, this type of device is used mainly to protect sensitive facilities, such as secret military units or residences of senior government officials.

Here are diagrams of working phone jammers that you can assemble yourself

Cell phone, jammer and law

The law in this area is standardized federal law“On Communications” N 126-F3 dated 07.07.2003 and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Registration Procedure radio-electronic means and high-frequency devices" N 539 dated 10/12/2004. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, mobile communication blockers must be certified and registered. Manufacturers, sellers and importers are responsible for the first, and buyers are responsible for the second, i.e. subsequent owners of these devices. Registration is necessary because communication-jamming devices are sources electromagnetic radiation, which is written in paragraph 5 of the above-mentioned Federal Law “On Communications”.


The availability of eavesdropping, spying and surveillance devices has made personal and commercial information security one of the most important values ​​of modern life. It is simply impossible to detect miniature bugs in many situations. Jammers for bugs, mobile phones and video cameras are designed specifically to combat espionage.

Electronic circuits for cell phone jammers are quite complex and require high-tech production, which is why GSM cell phone jammers, GPS jammers and telephone blockers made in China have extremely low efficiency. GSM cellular signal jammers and bug detectors offered in our store are based on advanced Russian and foreign technologies. Mobile phone jammer schemes will allow you to reliably protect yourself from wiretapping of mobile phones; in addition, GSM signal jammers will allow you to block unwanted calls and sms. Radio jammer and GPS jammer circuits allow you to block the signals of eavesdropping, snooping and tracking bugs, allowing you to protect your privacy and business.

Installation and operation of a cell phone signal suppressor

Installation and operation of a cell phone jammer is quite simple. Screw the antennas to the corresponding suppressor connectors. Within 10 seconds after turning on the cell phone jammer, all GSM connections will be interrupted. The mobile blocker can be powered by a built-in rechargeable battery, or directly from the mains and the car's cigarette lighter socket.

Attention: The GSM jammer must be used on legally. The user bears full responsibility for any illegal use or any violation of the rights of third parties to use communication services. This device is a mobile phone jammer - jammers the GSM signal of a cell phone within a radius of up to 10 meters. This full-fledged device, which will allow you to provide protection from any tracking via cellular channels. The GSM jammer allows you to block the operation of all GSM, GPRS, UMTS networks. The universal design of the suppressor allows you to block signals from all mobile GSM telephone networks. This GSM jammer can operate continuously to provide long-term protection.

The GSM jammer is very easy to use; you do not need special knowledge or skills to use it.

Before first use, you must tightly screw the antennas to the corresponding connectors on the phone jammer body. Then you need to fully charge the built-in battery during few hours. From one battery charge, a cell phone suppressor can work autonomously for about 2 hours, while if you connect the suppressor to charger, then it can work continuously.

Fine-tuning the GSM jammer

Often people encounter next problem: having charged the GSM signal jammer, they turn it on and see that it either works at very short distances, or only for phones of some mobile operators in their region, etc. etc.
More often this problem This is due to the fact that mobile operators use frequencies slightly outside the ranges set in the GSM jammer.

In order to make the GSM jammer work, you need to do the following:

· 1. Remove the GSM jammer on/off button;

· 2. Unscrew the antennas;

· 3. Unscrew the 4 lower bolts, remove the cover;

· 4. Pull the microcircuit towards you;

· 5. Using a clock screwdriver, turn 30 degrees (to the right - increase the frequency or to the left - to decrease the frequency) the trimming resistor you need (circled in red in the photo). How to determine which trimming resistor of the GSM jammer to turn? Everything is very simple: each frequency range (GSM 900, 3G, DCS or GSM 1800) corresponds to 2 resistors. The right one is responsible for the upper limit of the range, the left one for the lower limit.

Fine tuning Wi-Fi jammers GSM

· 1. Unscrew the antennas;

· 2. Unscrew the 4 bolts on the sides top cover GSM Wi-Fi jammer and remove it;
· 3. Carefully unplug and remove the cell phone jammer on/off button
· 4. Unscrew the 4 bolts on back side jammers and carefully remove the main board;

· 5. Using a thin screwdriver, pry up and remove the jammer battery (it is held on with double-sided tape);

· 6. Remove the bolts holding the battery compartment to the board. Now you have access to all trimming resistors!

· 7. Using a clock screwdriver, turn 30 degrees (to the right - increase the frequency or to the left - to decrease the frequency) the trimming resistor you need. Each frequency range corresponds to 2 resistors. The right one is responsible for the upper limit of the range, the left one for the lower limit.

· You have probably repeatedly heard or seen in the media or on the Internet advertisements for so-called “bugs” - means of listening to cell phones, hidden microphones, hidden video cameras and other “spy” equipment. Today, the level of radio electronics is so high that even a schoolchild can buy and use such spy equipment.

· But most often other people are interested in such spy gadgets and technical means - these are so-called “private detectives”, jealous spouses, employees of law enforcement agencies, active competitors of businessmen, etc. In such conditions, just a few careless phrases recorded on spy equipment can cause irreparable damage to the reputation or business of the person or organization against which such means of wiretapping or covert video surveillance are used, which is why the topic is similar information security today is more relevant than ever, and in this fight such countermeasures as cell phone jammers, GSM and GPS signal jammers, Wifi and BlueTooth show themselves to be very effective.
If we talk about cell phones of the GSM 900/1800 standard, then many already know that any cell phone without using a GSM signal jammer indoors can turn into a universal means of information leakage using special recording equipment or other special equipment and transmitters, which is used not only intelligence services, but also criminals.

The presence of an “extra” person with a cell phone at important negotiations also guarantees the discreet transfer of confidential information to interested parties.

Therefore in Lately, especially when it comes to important meetings, the order of things is the purchase of “safety” technical means - cell phone jammers in offices for negotiations and business meetings, as well as portable jammers GSM and GPS anti-trackers for working outside “their” territory.

Suppressors Wi-Fi signals, 3G, Bluetooth

Such a jammer of GSM, CDMA, WiFi or Bluetooth signals is usually an inconspicuous device, portable or activated remotely in the office, and operating on a frequency GSM networks, CDMA, WiFi or Bluetooth.

On the display of a cell phone or other device while the jammer is operating, the message “no signal”, “select network operator”, “network not found”, etc. is displayed, that is, communication while the jammer is operating is impossible within its range of action, and already established connection with the source, for example, during a conversation or using the Internet via WiFi, it is lost within a few seconds. Thus, the use of a cell phone and other spy tools becomes impossible as a listening device, just as it is impossible to receive any signal from a mobile device from the outside if the connection was interrupted using GSM signal jammers. The mobile phone or WiFi jammer does not emit any strong radio signals, all-frequency noise, etc., the operation of other household appliances not violated, for humans this remedy also safe.
Hidden cameras, highly sensitive radio microphones and other spy equipment are installed in hotels, offices, apartments, saunas, cars - anywhere where information can benefit interested parties or cause harm to the monitored object. Communication and control with such “bugs” can occur via radio frequencies CDMA standards, GPS, GSM, Wi-Fi, BlueTooth, etc. The problem is that conventional field detectors do not pick up the signal from such spy gadgets and hidden video cameras, and a false impression of privacy in a given room may arise. Therefore, modern Wifi and BlueTooth jammers are designed taking these features into account, suppressing the signal within their range with a frequency from 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz, which overlaps these data transmission channels, they make communication with wireless cameras and microphones inaccessible. The surveillance person receives “white noise” in the video, that is, a signal path clogged with interference, thus the wireless network suppressor ensures anonymity of communication in the work area.

GPS signal jammers, GPS jammers, GPS anti-tracker

Recently, special technical tracking devices of the GPS standard have also become widely used - such hidden spy technology works not only for legal control of organizations’ own vehicles. GPS trackers have been used by law enforcement and non-departmental structures to develop the cases they need, by “private detectives” to track unfaithful spouses, by business competitors to draw up routes and work schedules for unwanted people, etc. Due to their miniature size and technical sophistication, miniature GPS trackers are very easy to hide and difficult to detect, and purchasing a tracker is not particularly difficult. As a result, information about personal location can be both a direct threat to security and an indirect loss of confidentiality of actions leading to related problems. Therefore, suppressors of GPS trackers are also relevant now.

They are modules that prevent the determination of coordinates GPS tracker by suppressing the GPS signal, and information of the type “no data” is transmitted to the tracking person, or not received at all.

Such GPS jammers guarantee vehicle required level of anonymity and prevent unauthorized collection of confidential information via GPS channels

Radio warfare equipment such as cell phone jammers and GPS signal jammers effectively work against advertised spy gadgets and more serious equipment that can damage the business and personal interests of an individual or an entire organization. Because there is too much in modern world is based on personal and confidential information, data should not be neglected technical means protection, especially when it concerns serious and responsible matters. Protect yourself and your employees using modern, convenient, inexpensive communication channel suppressors.

Attached to the note was detailed instructions with photographs of parts, diagrams, etc. I made a few amendments at my own discretion. As a result, I got my own cell phone jammer. Below is a description of how I did it. This jammer suppresses the cellular signal at 800 MHz, as most mobile phones are tuned to this frequency. The role of the voltage control generator was played by the rocking wave generator. Of course, if you have no experience working with radio devices, assembling such a device will be problematic, but it works great!
Next, I took a clock generator set to 45 MHz, to which the local oscillator port on the receiver chip responds, resulting in noise being generated. It is also necessary to equalize the resistance in the clock generator and the local oscillator port. To do this, I sent a signal from the local generator of electrical oscillations of the receiver through the impedance matching network.

The electrical generator port (which is the RF input) must have an 800 MHz antenna, and the RF output must be connected to a signal amplifier, which increases the output power of the device by 15-16 dBm. Then the amplified signal reaches the outgoing antenna.

The difference in frequency between the incoming and outgoing signals of any mobile phone tuned to 800 MHz is exactly 45 MHz.

Thus, if someone is talking on the phone nearby, the turned on mobile phone jammer will simply send the signal it sent to the phone, and the person will not hear anything except his own voice.

It is worth noting that this blocker can jam surveillance devices that track cars using their navigation devices (for example, a GPS jammer and exchange data on the same frequency of 800 MHz.

The device can even be useful for sappers to jam the detonator signal sent through a cellular network.

The body became a battered aluminum box, and the VHF connectors from an old Motorola turned into input/output devices. I installed a 9V battery and a voltage regulator to power the new cell phone jammer. Inside, I made a foam partition, protecting the battery from other parts of the device. The antennas attached to the VHF connectors were donated to the new silencer by the same Motorola. I also placed a switch on the body.
To make a cellular jammer, you will need to combine some parts into one whole. Here is their list:

Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO)

· Tuning Circuit (to select the desired frequency for suppression)

· Interference Source (usually built into the Tuning Circuit)

· RF Amplification Block (the so-called “amplifier stage”)

· Transmit Antenna

The VCO is the most important part. He is like the heart of your jammer. The VCO produces an RF signal that will interact with the device being blocked. First of all, you must select the frequencies that will be used by your suppressor. Here is a list of the main communication standards:

AMPS (800MHz)

· PCS (800MHz, 1800MHz and 1900MHz)

· GSM (850MHz and 1900MHz in America, 900MHz and 1800MHz in Europe)

· GPS (main civil frequencies 1227 MHz and 1575 MHz)

Wi-Fi/Bluetooth (2400MHz - 2500MHz)
RFID (also known as UHF/VHF, 14MHz - 400MHz, 800MHz and 2450MHz)

You also need to think about the size of the future suppressor, since you can create

The tuning circuit can be of two types: open circuit and with feedback. The open-loop circuit is quite simple and requires only a few components and additional passive components. The ramp generator causes the VCO to go from low to high frequency. The closed-loop circuit uses a PLL to adjust and hold the VCO frequency at the same level. For this purpose you need to use a microcontroller. It is programmed once and connected to the VCO, so it is not configurable. The RF Boost Block is what you need if you want to expand the coverage area of ​​your jammer along with the signal strength. The more power your signal suppressor has, the wider its suppression radius. The price for this is, as you probably already guessed, the operating time of the device. More power equals less battery life.

On the market electronic components there is enough wide choose amplifier stages (7dBm, 17dBm, and even 20+dBm). However, it should be borne in mind that the greater the power, the less time device operation.

The Transmit Antenna is the device that transmits the signals your jammer generates. The main characteristic of the antenna is VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio). If your antenna's VSWR is three or lower, then this is it, because the return loss of this antenna is minimal.
Jammer specialists use SMA antennas, as they are very easy to remove or replace. It's also worth mentioning that omnidirectional antennas are preferable if you don't want to constantly point your jammer at the jammer, like a TV remote.
The Power Source maintains the life force of your creation. Mobile phone suppressors usually use 5V to operate. direct current. Therefore, you can use a lithium ion battery as the power source. If you are using a regular power source, you will need an AC adapter. Network adapter can be of two types: a controlled capacitor voltage doubler or an inductor switching boost regulator.

The first is simple and effective, but cannot be adjusted, so you will need an MPN regulator to adjust the voltage. The second is adjustable, but it is more expensive, more complex and requires precise selection of all components for stable operation.

Our production team uses switching regulators for our creations. It takes more time and labor, but the result is worth it. AC/DC adapters are manufactured for almost all types of mobile phone jammers.

· Signals from older mobile devices are more easily rejected due to their lower operating power. Accordingly, they will be jammed at greater distance than newer mobile phones.

· More powerful signal jammers usually have cooling systems installed to prevent malfunctions.

· If you have enough skills, dexterity and experience (and also necessary equipment), You can use a programmable PLL with a microcontroller