Where is the people tab in the new contact. How to find, make and clear VKontakte bookmarks

Today we decided to review this page. Let's look step by step at what and how you can do with VKontakte bookmarks and why people use bookmarks so often.

How to view VKontakte bookmarks?

By going to your page on VK.com, find in the menu that there is a section on the left and a page with different tabs"Photos", "Videos", "Posts", "People" and "Links". With so many sections it is much easier to navigate and faster.

— In the “Photos” section, photos uploaded to the site by users who are your friends will be displayed. It’s worth noting right away that pictures and photos of people who subscribe to your page are not displayed there - only friends’ updates.

— In the “Video” tab you can see videos, clips, films and other video materials of friends that were downloaded during Lately. Here you also cannot see the updates that occur on subscribers' pages.

— The “Posts” tab in bookmarks makes it possible to follow new publications that appear on friends’ pages. As soon as a group, public page or user posts a post on their wall or clicks “Tell Friends” on a post, the post will appear in the “Posts” tab.

— Using the “People” section, you can always very quickly find a person who is interesting to you and whose page you visit very often. In order to add a person to this “bookmark”, you need to go to the user’s profile page and click on the “” button at the very bottom.

— In the “Links” section, public pages and groups that have been bookmarked on VK.com will be displayed. By adding any community that you often bookmark, you will receive fast access to it without going to the group/public page.

How to bookmark VKontakte?

In order to add a person to your bookmarks, you need to go to the user’s profile page and under the main sections “Friends”, “ interesting pages", "Video and audio recordings" there is a button "Add to bookmarks" by clicking on which the person you added will appear in your bookmarks. The user will appear in the People tab.

It is also possible to add a community that you like and that you visit often. To add a public page or group to bookmarks, you need to go to the community page and under the menu located immediately below the avatar, click the “” button. After a group or public has been added, they will be displayed in the “Links” tab and will be available for quick transition on them.

Posts from walls, photographs and videos will appear in bookmarks if an interesting person or community has been added there.

How to delete VKontakte bookmarks

Very often, users want to delete VKontakte bookmarks but do not know how to do it. In fact, it's simple!

You can clear VKontakte bookmarks like this:

If you need to unsubscribe from a public page or group, go to the “Links” tab, select an unnecessary community and go to it. At the bottom of the context menu, under the avatar, click the “Remove from bookmarks” button. Once deleted, you will not receive notifications for updates from this community.

Go to the page and go to the tab you need there. For example, if you want to delete a person so that new posts are not notified, go to the “People” page and select the right person go to his profile and click the “Remove from bookmarks” button at the bottom. After deletion, notifications with news from this user will stop coming.

So we figured out where VKontakte bookmarks are, why they are used so often and how to use them correctly.

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A section with bookmarks appeared on VKontakte a very long time ago, but there are still often questions about why they are needed, how to use them, and how to view bookmarks in VK from a computer. Later in the article we will look at each of them in detail.

How to view bookmarks

To see what this section is about, you need to:

  • Log in to your page.
  • In the left menu you will see the “Bookmarks” item, click on it.
  • Once on the page, you will see several tabs: “Photos”, “Videos”, “Posts”, “People”, “Links”. This distinction is necessary so that you can navigate freely and quickly find the file you need.

Don’t know how to view bookmarks in VK from a computer in the photos section? To do this, you need to open the “Photos” tab in the “Bookmarks” section. Pictures that have been uploaded to the site by your friends will be displayed there.

In the “Video” tab you will find video clips, videos, films and other video materials that your friends have added.

By entering the “Posts” tab, the user will be able to see all the new publications that friends have posted on their personal pages. It also displays information published by groups, public pages and those who shared the news through the “Tell Friends” button.

Are you wondering how to view bookmarks in VK from a friend’s computer? If you want to find interesting person or look at a page that you visit very often, this can be done through the “People” section. In order not to constantly search for a person through a search engine, simply add his profile to this section; to do this, copy the link to the user’s page and add it.

Don’t know how to view bookmarks in VK from a computer to new version? Exactly the same as stated above. In the “Links” section you will see groups and public pages that were previously added to this section.

How to add a person to bookmarks?

Now you know how to view bookmarks in VK from a computer, let's find out how to pin them interesting page. To add a friend's profile you will need:

  • Go to his page.
  • Select “Add to bookmarks” from the menu.

If you don’t see such an item, then you need to create it yourself. How to do it?

  • On your page, open settings.
  • Next is the “Additional Services” section.
  • Find the “General” tab and check the box next to “My Bookmarks”.

How to delete bookmarks

Over time, some communities become uninteresting or you stop communicating with someone, and then it becomes necessary to delete the bookmark. How to do it?

  • Enter the “Bookmarks” menu, then “Links”.
  • Select the desired group To unsubscribe, go to this page.
  • Open the context menu under your avatar and click the “Remove from bookmarks” button.

After completing this procedure, profile updates will no longer appear in your bookmarks.

In order to exclude a person from your bookmarks, you should follow the same steps, only in the bookmarks menu, go to the “People” tab and select the desired person to unsubscribe from the list. After this, you will not receive notifications about updates to his profile.

Now you know how to view bookmarks in VK from a computer, and you can use this function correctly.

The VKontakte social network does not stand still, and therefore the developers periodically update it. All changes are aimed at making the site more convenient and attractive for target audience. That's just the process of making changes to program code often accompanied by system failures and glitches.

So, on October 16, many users did not find their bookmarks. This menu item disappeared without a trace, causing thousands of people to worry. But after a while, the bookmarks returned safely, only not to their usual place, but to a completely different section, which is why many still cannot find them.

It is also known that the owners of some profiles encountered a more serious problem: the “bookmarks” item appeared on their pages, like everyone else’s, but its contents disappeared. Because of this glitch, they now have to add bookmarks again. And there’s nowhere to go: crashes at the time of updating are quite common.

If the VKontakte network has already been updated on your device, you need to look for your bookmarks in the “Like” section, which is located among the items news feed. This is where all saved user records were moved.

As you can see, the bookmarks were not deleted, and the confusion arose due to the fact that the menu was slightly modified. Previously it looked like this:

And now to view your bookmarks you need to go to the menu as follows:

In the “Like” section, for convenience, all saves are sorted by type, which are combined under the “Filter” heading.

Thus, we can say that the “Bookmarks” item has simply been slightly transformed and renamed “Like.”

What are tags in VK bookmarks and how to use them?
The user can assign his own label to each bookmark. To do this, click on the three dots on the right top corner entries or in the menu box on the right side of the page, as shown in the screenshot below. When creating a label, you are prompted to enter its name, which will then help the user easily navigate through all of their entries, for example, “work,” “football,” “handicrafts,” “recipes,” “home,” and so on. By default, the system provides two labels: “important” and “read later”. Deleting any of the tags will not delete the saved entry.

As we have already found out, bookmarks from VKontakte pages have not disappeared anywhere, with rare exceptions when for some users they actually disappeared due to a failure during the update. However, the point itself is already in place, just under a different name. It is still unknown whether the information lost after October 16 will return to its place. But, most likely, the technical department of the VKontakte network will not deal with this problem.

On this moment It is known that they are finally removed from bookmarks closed groups, links to out-of-stock products, and deleted users. The VKontakte administration erases these links from the system without the possibility of recovery.

The latest modification of the largest Russian-language social network, judging by the comments on the Internet, not everyone liked it. Many users note that it is especially inconvenient to use bookmarks with mobile devices, because to get to saved posts and photos, you have to make a lot of extra clicks. On the other hand, there is an opinion that after the modification the “Bookmarks” item became more structured, organized and thoughtful, and now all entries are very easy to find thanks to sub-items and tags.

To save material in the “Like” section, the user needs to click on the star in the upper right corner of the post. Don't forget that bookmarks are not viewable from other accounts, i.e. No one will see your posts except you, not even your friends.

In the VKontakte social network, an integral part of the interface, as well as the main functionality, is the section "Bookmarks". It is in this place that all entries ever tagged by the owner of the page or people personally added go. Over the course of this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about viewing bookmarks.

Please note that by default "Bookmarks" are designed not only for storing any of the most valuable data for the user, but also for the safety of certain documents. Thus, even without setting yourself the goal of adding any entries to bookmarks, you will somehow do this by liking some photo.

The bookmark section has its own list of settings, mostly related to the process of deleting data from there. Since this article is primarily intended for newcomers to the VK social network, you will most likely have the required menu component completely disabled. As a result, it is necessary to activate "Bookmarks" through system settings resource.

Enabling the Bookmarks section

In fact, this section of the article is the least remarkable, since even if you are new to the VK website, you have probably already studied the settings of the social network. If for some reason you still don’t know how to do "Bookmarks" page available for viewing, please read the further instructions.

  1. Click on your name in the upper right corner of the VK main page and select "Settings".

    You can also access this section using a special link.

  2. Additionally, make sure you are on the default tab that opens "General".
  3. Among the main content presented in this section, find the item "Site menu".
  4. To go to the parameters, click on the link “Customize the display of menu items”.
  5. As an alternative to the above steps, you can click on the gear icon displayed to the left of each item in the main menu of the VKontakte website.

Thanks to the menu that opens, you can enable or disable almost any system partition, displayed in the main menu of the site. At the same time, from here you can go to the settings of various types of notifications regarding functionality "Games" And "Communities".

When finishing your preparations, note that deactivating this section is performed in exactly the same way, but in the reverse order.

View bookmarks

The block you just turned on stores literally all the data about your interests. In chapter "Bookmarks" you are given seven various pages, designed to save a specific type of content:

  • Photos;
  • Video;
  • Records;
  • People;
  • Goods;
  • Links;
  • Articles.

Each of the mentioned menu items has its own characteristics, which we will discuss below.

  1. On the tab "Photos" all VK images on which you put a mark are posted "I like". It is quite possible to remove these pictures simply by unliking them.
  2. In exact analogy with the photo, the page "Video" consists of videos that were positively rated by you and posted on the VKontakte website.
  3. Chapter "Records" includes literally all posts posted on the wall, be it assemblies of photographs or videos.
  4. To search for notes rather than full posts, use the checkbox "Notes Only".

  5. In the tab "People" those VK users whom you have personally bookmarked will be displayed. In this case, it is not necessary to add the person as a friend.

The largest social network in the CIS, Vkontakte, has long gone beyond its primary functionality. In addition to the original way to find kindred spirits and conduct dialogues with them through messaging, the developers have added many reasons to log into VK every day and leave a lot of free time there.

More than half of the audience social resource will probably agree that the abundance of content on VKontakte is one of the most important reasons for its use. Someone listens for days on end music tracks, others enjoy videos and clips. Good, great amount media groups allow you to view millions of fresh entries every day, and everyone is free to choose their own.

From my own example, I can say that high workload does not always allow you to devote time to viewing a previously noticed entry in your feed. So that the latter does not get lost, and I can always return to it, the programmers provided for the creation of a VKontakte bookmark. We will look at how to effectively manage this option in the text below.

On the computer

Let us tell you right away: regardless of the browser, system version, or time of registration, the Bookmarks function is available to everyone. Finding the required folder with the records saved in it is quite easy. The corresponding inscription for entering the directory is located in the main navigation control panel in the upper left corner of the screen.

How to find a menu item

If you don’t see the treasured inscription on your menu, there is no need to panic. In order to understand where the bookmarks are on VK, you initially need to configure their correct display to home page. This is quite easy to do.

  1. While on the main page, call up the account management context menu (in the upper right corner). Select "Settings" from the drop-down list.
  1. While in the “General” tab, select the topmost option “Customize the display of menu items.”
  1. Scroll the list that appears and find the “Bookmarks” item at the bottom. Place a checkmark next to it and click Save.

View a list of bookmarks

  • After completing the actions described in the section above, you will be able to see the correct display of the “Bookmarks” tab in the interface. To view previously saved materials, select the appropriate item in the menu.
  • After clicking, you will be taken to new page. As you can see, here are my VK bookmarks, which I saved a little earlier. By default, they are displayed from newest to oldest. In the menu on the left you can sort the list of bookmarks and set “filters” to find the required entry. Click on "People" to verify this.
  • Accounts are now shown in the list real users, which I have added to my bookmarks. Effective navigation management will allow you to save time searching and find required page or record in a few clicks.

Adding a new

Now let’s figure out how to bookmark a post or a person’s profile. This process is very simple, so let’s figure it out step by step instructions his.

Select the entry you are interested in. In my case, this is a favorite “GIF” from the feed. At the same level as the name of the group/the name of the person who added it, there is a small indicator for managing this entry. Hover your cursor over it. In the context menu that appears, select “Save to Bookmarks.”

We made it. Now the task is more difficult - adding a user’s page to bookmarks.

Go to the profile page of any person you like. Select the “Actions” function located under the user avatar. Clicking on it displays a list possible actions. Click on the inscription “Save to bookmarks”. Now you can go to the page at any time.

After adding any entry (be it a profile or a picture), a graphic notification about the newly arrived bookmark will be displayed in the “Bookmarks” menu.

Removing unnecessary entries

We figured out how to enable bookmarks and how to add VK content to them. Now let’s figure out what to do if the previously saved entry is no longer interesting to us. Many people like to keep their profiles clean, and therefore further we will talk about deleting entries from “bookmarks”.

To delete a previously added “gif”, simply go to the “Bookmarks” menu. We find the record we need. Move the cursor over the recording control icon (represented as an ellipsis"). In the drop-down list, select “Remove from bookmarks.”

It's even easier to delete a previously added user profile. Go to the “People” menu while on the “bookmarks” page. We select the profile we need. We move the cursor over his avatar until three dots appear in the upper right corner. By clicking on them, we display a menu and select “Remove from bookmarks” in it.

How to clean everything at once

Unfortunately, for those who want to get rid of dozens or even hundreds of previously bookmarked entries at the same time with just a few clicks, we do not have best news. The fact is that before numerous updates to the social network client, the bookmarking system worked in a slightly different way. At that time, many craftsmen took advantage of loopholes in the code, offering their own variations of extensions for browsers and various bots.

It was with the help of the latter that it was possible to clear the page of unnecessary and outdated information in just a few tens of seconds. But numerous fixes and blockings of this kind third party software“they cut off the oxygen” to existing programs and prevented the emergence of new ones. We do not recommend installing programs or trusting bots that offer such assistance in 2019, since installing such applications can harm the security of your data.

On the phone

The function of saving selected information is also available in the VKontakte application, controlled by all current tablets and smartphones. The screenshots below were taken using a smartphone app (Android). Application version 5.25.3111.

Where to find the list

In order to easily find the necessary directory with your records in the future, you need to understand the application interface. The transition to “bookmarks” is carried out by first touching the profile menu icon (three horizontal lines in the lower right corner). Select the required option from the list provided.

Choose necessary entry, which we intend to part with. Call up the control menu by clicking on the three vertical dots in the right corner. Context menu we will be prompted to add a tag or remove this entry from the list. We choose the last option.

With the help of these simple tips, we learned how to use the important function of “Bookmarks” in social networks. VKontakte network. With it, you can always look at all the missed entries that you didn’t have time to read at the time they were added, or save the content that you intend to review for a long time.

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