Photos of lololoshka in real life. Who is Lololoshka? And why is it so popular

Roman Filchenkov was born in 1998 in the city of Barnaul, where he spent his childhood. Perhaps he would have remained unknown to anyone, but in 2012 Roman decided to create his own channel on YouTube. It should be noted that Roma has a sister, her name is Alena or simply Leomanka. She also has her own channel, which she opened 3 months after Lololoshka.

It should be noted that Roman initially posted on the channel simple reviews mods for the game Minecraft. But a little later I started making videos on the topic of walkthroughs and various funny moments of my game. It’s difficult to say how, but already in 2013, more than a million people subscribed to the channel.

It is noteworthy that in 2013, Lololoshka decided to leave the channel and began streaming on Twitch. But after some time he starts posting videos on YouTube again. Also that year, Lololoshka’s channel was blocked after complaints about the content; some believe that this was the work of Roman’s haters.

Roman Filchenkov really has a lot of haters, but this does not prevent his channel from gaining popularity. At some point, Roma began to collaborate with Ivangay, which caused an explosion of farts among some of the haters. In 2016, Lololoshka’s channel has almost 4.5 million subscribers. But now Roman makes videos not only on Minecraft, but also on other games, and also uploads videos of his shopping trips or walks.

On April 17, 1998, Roman Filchenkov (MrLololoshka) was born in the Altai Territory. He spent his entire childhood in his hometown of Barnaul. He grew up as a simple boy, and, like everyone else, was interested in video games. The famous game “Minecraft” occupied a special place in Roman’s life.

Roman Filchenkov - biography

Hobbies began to develop into something more, when in the summer of 2012 Roman Filchenkov started a channel on YouTube, with interesting name"MrLololoshka."

The main focus of the channel is reviews of released versions and updates of the Minecraft game at that time, as well as video materials about the stages of its completion.

Users liked the channel very quickly. He had certain advantages over other let's players. His videos on the channel had clear sound and good picture quality.

And clear diction and fairly good editing became the main features among the projects of other schoolchildren. All this served as a big impetus for the interest of game users. His channel reaches its first million subscribers after one year.

In August 2013, there were preconditions that the MrLolololoshka channel would be closed. The dissatisfied community filed a petition asking to close the channel, which indicates the reason for the author's disrespect for his subscribers on the channel.

It was believed that Roman attracts new visitors only for the purpose of monetizing his video. But the petition was rejected due to insufficient signatures. The document received only a few thousand votes out of the required 100 thousand.

A little later, Filchenkov stopped working on his video blog and began hosting events on the Twitch service. online broadcasts. But many fans expressed great dissatisfaction with this kind of activity, and he continued working on the MrLololoshka project.

Closer to 2014, at the peak of the popularity of let’s plays, Roman began to expand the topics of his video blog.

His video library began to include recordings for other popular video games: Spore, Assassin’s Creed, Heavy Rain, Warcraft 3, Cube World, Outlast, Rogue Legacy, Hearthstone. On weekends, streams were organized where Roman gave his subscribers the opportunity to play with him.

In the summer of 2014, MrLololoshka abandoned the channel again, but after stunning results on the channel, he resumed work on it again. At that time, the number of subscribers exceeded 2 million, and the total number of video views exceeded half a billion.

At the end of 2014, YouTube service The channel was closed due to copyright infringement.

The copyright holders of several channels have filed complaints about violations in some videos.

Within a few days, Filchenkov resolves all issues regarding the offenses compiled by BullStray, DeshFeed, and the Diamond King's Castle, and on November 25, the resource administration restores access to the channel.

In the same year, Roman helps his new friend, Ivan Rudsky ().

This video blogger begins to work closely with Filchenkov and develops similar themes for the channel.

It was known that at the beginning of 2014, income on the “MrLololoshka” channel ranged from 400 to 700 dollars per day.

But now, according to the WhatStat service, Roman Filchenkov (MrLololoshka) earns from $10,500 to $13,500 per month.

Interesting facts from the life and biography of Roman Filchenkov

  • Roman is interested in films from the Harry Potter series;
  • IN Minecraft game a server from MrLolololoshka opens, and he begins selling game activation keys through Steam;
  • In 2013, Filchenkov’s channel revealed great amount“inflated” subscribers;
  • At the beginning of his career, Roman does not show his face. Many users don’t even realize that the author is not a girl. His voice, unformed at that time, was more similar to a woman’s;
  • The channel's audience is at least 90 percent schoolchildren;
  • It’s surprising that a person who has an audience of millions is watching a large number of grammatical errors in the text.

Present tense

In 2015, MrLololoshka and his friend EeOneGuy lived in Japan. The YouTube channel continues to be updated both then and now.

Interest in the channel is gradually fading. The game is no longer so popular, and the channel still stays afloat only due to its old glory and a little PR on the part of EeOneGuy.

Yes? Most likely they were led by Lololoshka. Today he is the most popular Minecraft streamer on the Russian-language Internet.

Real name Roman Filchenko. Born in April 1998 in Barnaul. Since the appearance of Minecraft on the open spaces and the Internet, I became interested in this video game and after a couple of months I began to play it at a very good level.

And then one fine day, he decided to start his activities on Youtube. After the release of the first 100 videos, Lololoshka gained a little more than 30 thousand subscribers. And his first video was viewed more than 50 thousand times. This encouraged him to develop further in this direction.

In addition to Minecraft, he also sometimes did reviews and let's play other games. But these videos were not in great demand, so now they appear extremely rarely.

Now Lololoshka has more than two million subscribers on Youtube channel(at the time of writing 2,775,498) and 66 thousand subscribers to Twitch .

Each of his videos on YouTube receives about 300 thousand views in the first day, and the most popular video has received almost 4 million views.

It is noteworthy that all of his videos have very high-quality processing and clear sound (unlike many other pseudo-popular streamers). Roma approaches the technical aspect of video quality with great responsibility.

The duration of his videos is not even approximately fixed. There are videos that are almost 2 hours long, and there are videos that are less than a minute long. Although, in truth, it should be noted that Lately his videos are about 20-30 minutes long. It becomes a good habit.

I also need to say a few words about his style. At the beginning of his career there were haters who regularly compared Roma to. But even with the naked eye it is clear that these comrades are completely different. Lololoshka tries not to use swear words in her videos and has a more subtle sense of humor. This attracts not only young fans, but also older people who are just beginning to explore the world of Minecraft.

As you can see in it, Lololoshka does reviews on various mods of the Minecraft game. He carefully explains all the nuances and explains all the moments of this mod, so that even the most beginner can immediately start playing and enjoy the game without any problems.

This is perhaps the most important difference between Lololoshka and Mad - he does real reviews, at the same time, he always explains what is happening positively (or maybe he just has such a voice), which cannot but attract viewers.

Roma’s humor is also okay. As mentioned earlier, he doesn’t allow himself to be superfluous on streams and jokes in such a way as not to offend anyone.

If anyone is interested in how much this guy earns, here are some approximate statistics. According to foreign service SocialBlade– Lololoshka earns approximately (according to the most conservative estimates) 7.5 thousand dollars a month just from her YouTube channel. In addition to this, he has several other projects that also bring him money.

But let’s not count other money - let’s just say that if you want to be popular and successful, then you don’t need to make reviews of Minecraft (this niche has already been occupied by Lololoshka). Joke. Shoot the games that you like, follow the example of Roma and enjoy your activities. Good luck!

Roman Filchenkov (MrLololoshka) is a Russian let's player who gained immense fame on the YouTube site due to reviews of the game Minecraft. His audience is considered to be a couple of million subscribers, average age which is from twelve to fourteen years old. This is the first youngest blogger who managed to set a big goal of three million subscribers and has a large number of haters. In addition, many of them created a petition and dream of banning the blogger from releasing videos.

Roman Filchenkov - full biography, age and height.

  • Age: April 17, 1998
  • Height: 175

Roman was born in 1998 in Barnaul and until 2012 he was an ordinary boy. In the past, he was very fond of various games, and the game “Minecraft” occupied a special place in his life. It was not by chance that he chose his name: the young man is a very positive person and this was the reason for choosing his nickname.

And being a fourteen-year-old teenager, the guy decides to start his own career by registering in popular network under the nickname "MrLololoshka". Since he was a fan of the Minecraft game, he wants to take it as the main idea of ​​the channel. Soon his first reviews of the game will be released, as well as a video of him playing through the game. His channel is becoming noticeable among young people thanks to its normal graphics, special effects, music and voice with which he comments on what is happening. Naturally, schoolchildren, who are thirteen and fourteen years old, notice him, as, in fact, he was at that time.

Even though the young man posted only monotonous videos with a similar topic, chosen by him at the age of fourteen, a year later he manages to gather a lot of subscribers who sincerely begin to be interested in his work and comment on his videos.

In 2013, the guy has problems. The fact is that some people are organizing a society where they present Roman in an unfavorable manner, calling him a deceiver, a promoter and a person who does not respect his subscribers and only wants to earn extra money for himself. They created a petition, wanting to close the guy’s channel, but nothing came of it; out of the hundred thousand signatures needed to approve the petition, only three thousand were collected.

Understanding the entire current situation, in 2013 Roman wants to leave YouTube and work on the Twitch service in order to learn how to make online broadcasts. The channel's fans did not approve of this, so after a while the guy had to come back.

In 2014, the guy’s channel was blocked due to copyright infringement. However, he did not violate anyone's rights and soon proved this by returning to recording the video.

At the end of 2014, he managed to attract several times more subscribers due to the fact that he began to promote his videos more seriously.

In the same year, he collaborated with famous people, promoting them and himself up the career ladder.

Speaking about Roman’s life, it should be said that his father and mother are ordinary people; he grew up in an ordinary, average family. He studied in the city of Barnaul since 2012, and after that time he moved to Gymnasium No. 123 '14, as his family moved to St. Petersburg. At the moment, the guy wants to continue his activities, but does not refuse to get an education. This year he will have to take the Unified State Exam and quickly decide on his choice of place of study and specialty. As Roman himself says, he would like to study to become a programmer and, in parallel with his studies, continue to promote the channel.

Thanks to his success on YouTube, Roman is already earning decent money and helping his parents. Today he has a girlfriend with whom he spends most of his time, apart from filming videos and preparing for the unified state exam.

Filchenkov on VKontakte, Instagram and YouTube.

YouTube is full of interesting and funny people. This video hosting site is full of video bloggers, let's players and other personalities. It is simply impossible to know them all by name. It is for this reason that questions often arise like: “Who is Lololoshka?” Want to know the answer? Read this article.

Who is a lololoshka: the meaning of the word

The Internet is a huge and vast world that has its own rules and its own slang. One of these slang words is “lololoshka”. Who is this lololoshka? What is the meaning of this word? The answer to this question is in this article.

LOL is an acronym for laughing out loud. LOL is actively used to express laughter and laughter in writing. This acronym was common in the early 90s in America. He got to us much later. LOL is actively used and distributed in in social networks, chats.

As you might guess, Lololoshka is a derivative of the acronym LOL. Therefore, if we consider it in this context, then a lololoshka is a person who constantly laughs. Moreover, you can use given word in different contexts. For example, by “loloshka” we can mean both an optimistic person who faces problems with humor and a fool who laughs with or without reason.

Well, we found out who the lololoshka is. Perhaps now it’s worth moving on to specific individuals. Below we will talk about who is Lololoshka in Minecraft? Interested? Read on.

Mr. Lololoshka (Lololoshka, Mr. Lololoshka, etc.) is the pseudonym of a popular YouTube personality. Roman Filchenkov (real name Lololoshka) is a very popular letsplayer who has more than 3 million subscribers on his channel. Do you want to know more about Lololoshka and his activities? This article is at your disposal.

Why is Lololoshka so popular?

Roman Filchenkov registered his YouTube channel back in 2012. However, videos of it began to be posted only after several months. As mentioned above, Lololoshka makes videos in the let’s play genre. Roman became famous thanks to the popular game Minecraft. Lololoshka filmed several seasons of “Adventures”, thanks to which he acquired a significant part of his subscribers. In these videos, Roman simply played the game and shared his impressions of the process.

There is a fairly widespread opinion that Roman Filchenkov owes his popularity to another famous let's player - Yuza. The fact is that Yuzya was the first in the Russian segment of YouTube to start making videos on Minecraft. The audience liked these let's plays. But Yuza himself got bored with the game, and he stopped making videos on it. This is where MrLolololoshka appeared. Users wanted to watch let’s plays based on Minecraft, which Roman Filchenkov filmed. As a result, most of Yuzi’s subscribers migrated to Lololoshka’s channel.

Closer to 2014, when let's plays reached the peak of their popularity, Roman began to expand the channel. He made videos on games such as Spore, Assassin's Creed, Heavy Rain, Warcraft 3, Cube World, Outlast, Rogue Legacy, Hearthstone. Almost every Saturday Roman organized streams in which he played with his subscribers. In addition, Lololoshka is active interacted with other YouTube personalities such as Dilleron, Dragunov, etc. There is also an opinion that Lololoshka helped the popular video blogger EeOneGuy at the beginning of his creative career.

Mister Lololoshka now

On this moment MrLololoshka and EeOneGuy are in Japan. As for the channel, the next season of “Adventures” is currently being released, in which Lololoshka continues to conquer the world of Minecraft.

Now Roman is experiencing the decline of his fame. Although the channel has a large audience of 3 million subscribers, interest in Mister Lololoshka has faded. Minecraft is no longer so popular and few people are interested in it. In fact, Roman’s channel is now staying afloat due to the old fan audience and new subscribers who appear thanks to EeOneGuy’s PR. But how long will this last? Only time will give the answer to this question!