Federal statistical observation form 4 pp. On approval of statistical tools for the organization of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Federal Statistical Monitoring of compliance with the conditions for the use of subsoil in the extraction of drinking and technical underground

In accordance with clause 5.5 of the Regulations on the Federal State Statistics Service, approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated June 2, 2008 N 420, and in pursuance Federal plan statistical work I order:

1. Approve the attached annual federal statistical observation form “Information on the fulfillment of conditions for the use of subsoil in the extraction of drinking and technical groundwater” submitted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation for its completion for collecting and processing data in the Rosnedra system and put it into effect from report for 2011.

2. Establish the provision of data according to the federal statistical observation form specified in this order to the addresses and deadlines established in.

This form is from the 2011 report.

Cm. this form in MS-Excel editor

Violation of the procedure for presenting statistical information, as well as the presentation of unreliable statistical information, entails liability established by Article 13.19 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ, as well as Article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 1992 N 2761-1 "On liability for violation of the procedure for submitting state statistical reports"
for 20_____
Provide: Delivery deadlines Form N 4-LS
legal entities - users of subsoil of all forms of ownership, holding licenses for geological study, exploration and development of deposits of drinking and technical groundwater separately for each subsoil plot: - to the territorial body of Rosnedra in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation January 20 after the reporting period Rosstat:
About form approval
dated 07.07.2011 N 308
About changes (if any)
territorial body of Rosnedra in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation: - Rosnedra February 6 after the reporting period from ____________ N ____
from ____________ N ____
Name of reporting organization _____________________________________________________________________
Mailing address ______________________________________________________________________________________________
OKUD form code Code
reporting organization for OKPO
1 2 3 4

Section 1. Information about the license for the right to use subsoil for the extraction of drinking and technical groundwater

Section 2. Information on approved design and reporting documents related to the use of subsoil

Title of the document N
Document preparation date specified in the license Information about the actual preparation of the document
Date of state examination or approval State examination body Protocol N
1 2 3 4 5 6
Report on calculation (revaluation) of reserves 01
Project for geological study (exploration) of a subsoil plot, deposit, deposit area
VP type license 02
VR type license 03
VE type license 04
Project of sanitary protection zones 05
Water intake project (technical design for the development of a field, field section) 06
Subsoil condition monitoring program 07

Section 3. Information about aquifers in the licensed area

OKI code: meter - 006
Name of aquifer N lines Aquifer Information
Roof depth, m Static level depth or excess pressure, m Dynamic level depth or excess pressure, m
from before from before from before
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
First 08
Second 09
Third 10

Section 4. Information about wells

OKEI code: piece - 796, meter - 006
Well name N
Quantity, pcs. Depth, m
on line 08 on line 09 on line 10 on line 08 on line 09 on line 10
from before from before from before
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Operational 11
Reserve 12
Observational 13
Liquidated 14
Exploration 15

Section 5. Information on the volume of groundwater extraction

OKEI code: thousand cubic meters - 599
Type and intended use of groundwater N
Unit Production level
installed in the license actual production
on line 08 on line 09 on line 10 on line 08 on line 09 on line 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Groundwater for drinking and domestic water supply (drinking groundwater) 16 *
Groundwater for technological supply of water to industrial facilities (technical groundwater) 17 *

Section 6. Information on the quality of drinking and technical groundwater

OKEI codes: milligram - 161, becquerel - 323
Name of controlled chemical components N
Unit Average annual content
drinking water industrial water
on line 08 on line 09 on line 10 on line 08 on line 09 on line 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mineralization 18
Rigidity 19
Iron 20
Manganese 21

Section 7. Information on documents regulating the quality of drinking groundwater

Title of the document N
date of issue Document Number Issuing authority
on line 08 on line 09 on line 10 on line 08 on line 09 on line 10 on line 08 on line 09 on line 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of water quality and sanitary protection zones with state sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules 25

Instructions for filling out the federal statistical observation form

1. General Provisions

1.1. Information in the form of federal statistical observation (hereinafter referred to as Information) is provided by legal entities - subsoil users of all forms of ownership who have licenses for geological study, exploration and development of deposits (or subsoil areas that do not have reserves that have passed the state examination in the prescribed manner) drinking and technical groundwater annually during the entire period of validity of the license for each subsoil plot.

Information is provided for each subsoil area specified in the license and license agreement.

Legal entities provide the specified form of federal statistical observation at their location. In the event that a legal entity does not carry out activities at its location, the form is provided at the place where it actually carries out activities.

Supervisor legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of a legal entity.

1.2. The form shall indicate the full name of the reporting legal entity in accordance with constituent documents, registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - a short name.

“Postal address” indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address subsoil user with postal code; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual address is also indicated.

1.3. The subsoil user enters the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) into the forms on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations territorial authorities Rosstat.

1.4. Dates are indicated in the following order: year, month, date, separated by dots (for example, 2010.06.12).

1.5. In the absence of any information (parameters) on the indicators provided for in this form, dashes are placed in the corresponding columns in the license, license agreement, as well as in the project document. If the license holder did not carry out work in the reporting year, then he fills out only the first section of the form and puts dashes in the rest.

2. Section 1. Information on the license for the right to use subsoil for the extraction of drinking and technical groundwater

2.1 Indicators in are indicated in accordance with the license for the right to use subsoil for the extraction of drinking and technical groundwater.

3. Section 2. Information on approved design and reporting documents related to the use of subsoil

3.1. Column 3 provides information on the calculation (revaluation) of drinking and technical groundwater reserves, which must be carried out by the subsoil user during the validity period of the license or within the period established in the license. The date specified in the license is indicated, regardless of whether it falls within the reporting year or not. If the date of state examination or approval of one or more documents has not been established, then “not established” is written for such documents on the corresponding lines 02-07.

3.2. Columns 4-6 provide information about the actual date of state examination or approval of the document, if the document was approved at the time of preparation of information for the corresponding year. If on the date of preparation of the information the state examination of the document has not been carried out or the document has not been approved, then a dash is placed in the corresponding lines 01-07.

3.3. Information related to the design of sanitary protection zones is provided for subsoil areas for which the licenses provide for the extraction of groundwater for drinking and domestic water supply.

4. Section. 3. Information about aquifers in the licensed area

4.1. Information is provided on all aquifers for which, in accordance with the license, geological study is provided or groundwater extraction is permitted.

4.2. The name and index of each aquifer submitted for geological study and (or) extraction of groundwater are given in accordance with their name and index specified in the license.

4.3. The indicators are given in meters (m) from the ground surface with one decimal place. If there is excess pressure, the values ​​of the indicators are recalculated into meters of water column and a plus sign is placed in front of the number.

If at a subsoil site geological study and extraction of groundwater is carried out by only one well, then indicators of roof depths, static and dynamic levels are entered in columns 3, 5 and 7, and dashes are entered in columns 4, 6 and 8.

If the aquifer is penetrated by several wells, then columns 3, 5 and 7 indicate minimum values depths, and in columns 4, 6 and 8 - maximum values depths

4.4. If there is one aquifer on the subsoil site, it is filled only in accordance with these instructions, and dashes are added. If there are two aquifers in the subsoil area, then lines 08 and 09 are filled in similarly, and dashes are added in line 10.

Note. The relevant information on the names of wells, the type and intended use of groundwater, and controlled chemical components is provided only for those aquifers that are listed in. For aquifers not reflected in, dashes are entered in the corresponding columns.

5. Section 4. Information about wells

5.1. The information is provided separately for each aquifer and each name of well indicated in column 1. If there is one aquifer on the subsoil site (only filled in in section 3), then all information in section 4 is indicated only in columns 3 and 6 (by line 08), and in columns 4, 5, 7 - 11 dashes are added. If there are two aquifers on a subsoil site (lines 08-09 are filled in in section 3), then all information is indicated separately: for the first aquifer, columns 3, 6, 7 are filled in, for the second - columns 4, 8 and 9, and in Columns 5, 10 and 11 are filled with dashes.

5.2. The information contains the actual information available on the subsoil plot in the reporting year, and in the columns and lines for which there is no information, dashes are inserted.

5.3. If there are several wells of the same name on the subsoil plot for the same aquifer, the minimum depth of the well is indicated, and in columns 7, 9 and 11 - the maximum depth in meters from the surface of the earth. If there is only one well of the same name for the same aquifer on a subsoil site, then its depth is indicated in columns 6, 8 and 10, and dashes are entered in columns 7, 9 and 11.

5.4. Indicators are given with one decimal place.

6. Section 5. Information on the volume of groundwater extraction

6.1. Information on the volumes of groundwater extraction is provided separately by type and intended purpose of its use for each aquifer, filled in in section 4 in columns 6-11.

6.2. The amount of groundwater production established in the license is taken into account; in columns 7-9 the actual amount of groundwater production for the reporting year. The volumes of groundwater extraction for drinking and domestic water supply (drinking groundwater) are recorded separately for the first (columns 4 and 7), second (columns 5 and 8) and third (columns 9 and 11) aquifers, and similar data on the volume of groundwater extraction for technological supply of water to industrial facilities (technical groundwater).

6.3. When extracting groundwater from subsoil areas only for drinking and domestic water supply, information is given according to, and dashes are placed on line 17. If the extraction of groundwater at a subsoil site is carried out only for technical groundwater for the technological supply of water to industrial facilities, then only is filled in, and dashes are placed on line 16.

6.4. When carrying out joint extraction of groundwater from the first and second aquifers, production volumes for each of them are established in proportion to the values ​​of groundwater reserves of these aquifers (first and second). If during the reporting year the groundwater reserves of the aquifers were not assessed and did not pass the state examination in the prescribed manner, then for each aquifer the volume of production is set at 50% of the value of joint production. Data are taken into account in a similar way if joint extraction of groundwater from the second and third aquifers is carried out.

6.5. Indicators of groundwater production volumes are given in cubic meters for the reporting year, accurate to whole numbers if their value is more than one thousand cubic meters, or with one decimal place if this value is less than a thousand cubic meters.

7. Section 6. Information on the quality of drinking and technical groundwater

7.1. Controlled indicators of the quality of drinking and technical groundwater are taken into account separately for each aquifer. If there are one or two aquifers in the subsoil area, then 4 or and are filled in accordingly, and dashes are added in columns 5 and 6 or 6.

7.2. When selecting and analyzing water samples taken for chemical-analytical studies of the quality of drinking groundwater from the first and second or second and third aquifers, the test results in the first case are recorded in , in the second - in column 6.

Similarly, information on controlled indicators of the quality of technical groundwater is recorded. Information on the first and second aquifers is recorded in column 8, on the second and third aquifers - in column 9.

In both cases, for drinking and technical groundwater, under the form, the following entry is made: “Note: Data are given for the first and second aquifers” or “Data are given for the second and third aquifers.”

7.3. For each controlled chemical component, its average annual content is indicated, expressed in * (milligrams per cubic decimeter). Units of measurement: hardness - mol/mg-eq (mol per milligram equivalent); radiological indicators (total alpha and beta radioactivity) - * (becquerel per cubic decimeter).

The indicator values ​​are given with two significant figures after the decimal point, for example, 1.12; 1.012; 1.0012, etc.

7.4. If the number of controlled components is less than 7 (), dashes are placed in the lines for which there is no information, including for the controlled components provided for in the form (lines 18-21).

8. Section 7. Information on documents regulating the quality of drinking groundwater

8.1. Columns 3-11 provide information about the date of issue, document number and the authority that issued the document on quality conformity drinking water and sanitary protection zones in accordance with state sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules.

Order Federal service State Statistics of July 7, 2011 N 308 "On approval of statistical tools for the organization of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources of federal statistical monitoring of the fulfillment of conditions for the use of subsoil in the extraction of drinking and technical groundwater"

Form N 4-LS, approved by this order, comes into force with the report for 2011.

Document overview

The annual federal statistical monitoring form N 4-LS “Information on compliance with the conditions for subsoil use during the extraction of drinking and technical groundwater” was approved. It comes into effect from the 2011 report.

Legal entities-users of subsoil holding licenses for geological study, exploration and development of deposits of the named waters, fill out a form separately for each subsoil plot and submit it to the territorial body of Rosnedra in the corresponding region. He transmits the data to the Agency. The deadlines are January 20 and February 6, respectively, after the reporting period.

The form contains information about the license, wells, water quality, production volumes, aquifers in the licensed area, documents regulating the quality of drinking water, and approved design and reporting materials related to the use of subsoil.

Explanations for filling out Form 4-LS in electronic form
1. General Provisions
Information in form 4-LS is provided by legal entities - users of subsoil of all forms of ownership, holding licenses for geological study, exploration and development of deposits (or subsoil areas that do not have reserves that have passed the state examination in the prescribed manner) of drinking and technical groundwater, annually during the entire period of validity of the license.

Information in form No. 4-LS is provided for each subsoil plot specified in the license and license agreement.

Each form 4-LS contains information on only one license for the types of licenses VP, VR and VE and only on one section of the license. If the license indicates more than one site, then a separate 4-LS form is filled out for each site.

Legal entities provide the specified form at their location or at the place where they actually carry out their activities.

The head of a legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of the legal entity.

If the license holder did not carry out work in the reporting year, but previously provided information for the previous year(s), then he fills out only the first section of the form.
Note. Filling out information is carried out for each site selected from the proposed list of the register of licenses; in the absence of a license in the list, basic information on the license held by the subsoil user is entered into form No. 4-LS.

If information is available for the previous year (2011), form No. 4-LS is filled out by editing and supplementing this information in accordance with the data of the reporting year. Before filling out the form, a subsoil area under a license is selected for which reporting will be prepared in Form No. 4-LS.

Section 1. Information on the license for the right to use subsoil for the extraction of drinking and technical groundwater
The indicators in section 1 are indicated in accordance with the information from the registers of the license for the right to use subsoil for the extraction of drinking and technical groundwater and are not subject to change. If a discrepancy is detected between the information in the register of licenses and the information provided by the subsoil user in the statistical reporting for 2011, the subsoil user must contact the appropriate territorial body of Rosnedra for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or contact consultants for filling out form 4-LS, whose telephone numbers and e-mails are posted on the websites territorial authorities.
Section 2. Information on approved design and reporting documents related to the use of subsoil

Information is provided (name, date of preparation established in the license, actual date of state examination or approval, approval body) about the documents that the subsoil user must prepare and approve during the validity period of the license or within the period established in the license. Data is entered for each type of document (the type is selected from the directory by clicking the appropriate button located to the right of the field to fill):

  • Report on calculation (revaluation) of reserves,

  • Project for geological study (exploration) of a subsoil plot, deposit, deposit section (licenses type VP, VR, VE),

  • Project of sanitary protection zones

  • Water intake project (technical design for the development of a field, a section of a field),

  • Subsoil condition monitoring program
The date established in the license is indicated regardless of whether it falls within the reporting year or not. If the license indicates only the year or the year and quarter of approval of documents instead of a date, then the last day and month of the year (2012 - December 31, 2012) or quarter and year (III quarter of 2012 - September 30, 2012) is entered in the form.

Information about the actual date of state examination or approval of the document is indicated if the document was approved at the time of preparation of information for the corresponding year.

Information related to the design of sanitary protection zones is provided for subsoil areas for which licenses provide for the extraction of groundwater only for drinking and domestic water supply.

For one document name, only one state examination (or approval) body and one protocol number are provided.
Section 3. Information about aquifers in the licensed area
Information is provided on the aquifers in the subsoil area for which, in accordance with the license, geological study is provided or groundwater extraction is permitted.

The name column contains the name and index of each aquifer provided for geological study and (or) groundwater extraction, in accordance with their name and index specified in the license. No more than three aquifers are displayed in form 4-LS.

Indicators are given in meters (m) from the ground surface with one decimal place. If there is excess pressure, the values ​​of the indicators are recalculated into meters of water column and the sign is placed in front of the number minus.

If at a subsoil site geological study and extraction of groundwater is carried out by only one well, then indicators of roof depths, static and dynamic levels are entered only in the “from” columns.

If the aquifer is penetrated by several wells, then the minimum depth values ​​are indicated in the “from” columns, and the maximum depth values ​​are indicated in the “to” columns.
Note. Next, in sections 4 - 7, the relevant information is filled in on the number of wells by type, volume of production, type and intended use of groundwater, controlled chemical components, documents regulating the quality of drinking groundwater sequentially for each of their aquifers reflected in section 3, i.e. you need to select the first of the filled aquifers with the cursor, enter data for sections 4-7 for it, then select the next horizon, enter data for sections 4-7, etc.
Section 4. Information about wells
The actual information available at the subsoil site in the reporting year is provided.

If there are several wells of the same name on the same aquifer in the subsoil area, the minimum depth for these wells is indicated in the “from” columns, and the maximum depth in meters from the earth’s surface is indicated in the “to” columns. If there is only one well of the same name for the same aquifer on a subsoil site, then its depth is indicated in the “from” columns.
Section 5. Information on the volume of groundwater extraction
Information on the volumes of groundwater extraction is provided separately by type and intended purpose of its use for each aquifer, filled in in section 3.

The amount of permitted groundwater extraction established in the license is indicated, as well as the actual amount of groundwater extraction for the reporting year.

Volumes of groundwater extraction are filled out separately by type of intended use: for drinking and domestic water supply (drinking groundwater) and for technological supply of water to industrial facilities (technical groundwater).

Groundwater production volumes are given for the reporting year in thousands of cubic meters per year. If the license contains information about production volumes in thousand cubic meters per day, they are entered in the appropriate column.

When carrying out joint extraction of groundwater from the first and second aquifers, the production volumes for each of them are established in proportion to the values ​​of the groundwater reserves of these aquifers (first and second). If during the reporting year the groundwater reserves of the aquifers were not assessed and did not pass the state examination in the prescribed manner, then for each aquifer the volume of production is set at 50% of the value of joint production. Data are taken into account in a similar way if joint extraction of groundwater from the second and third aquifers is carried out.
Section 6. Information on the quality of drinking and technical groundwater
Information is entered on analyzes of the reporting year on controlled indicators of groundwater quality. Mineralization, hardness, iron, manganese are required to be filled in, then information on the main chemical components, the value of which exceeds the maximum, is entered. acceptable standards concentration (MPC). No more than 7 chemical components can be reflected in the form.

Information is entered separately by type (drinking and technical) of groundwater sequentially for each aquifer.

The names of the controlled chemical components and units of measurement are selected from the directory by pressing the button located to the right of the field to fill out.

For each selected controlled chemical component, its average annual content is indicated for all operating wells operating in the reporting year, for which chemical analytical studies of groundwater quality were carried out. Then, for each chemical component, a unit of measurement is selected from the reference book (mg/dm3 (milligram per cubic decimeter). Units of measurement: hardness - mol/mg-eq (mol per milligram equivalent); radiological indicators (total alpha and beta radioactivity) - Bq/dm3 (becquerel per cubic decimeter).

When jointly extracting groundwater from several aquifers (for example, the first and second), the analysis results are entered (repeated, copied) into each aquifer (for example, into the first and second).
Section 7. Information on documents regulating the quality of drinking groundwater
Information is provided on the date of issue, document number and the authority that issued the document on the compliance of the quality of drinking water and sanitary protection zones with state sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules.

If there are several documents for each type of conclusion, they are entered separately.

If there are several documents for the corresponding aquifer, documents with the latest (latest) date are entered.

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