Flibusta new address. Free online libraries

June 22, 2015 for everyone Russian users Access to the very popular online library flibusta.me was suddenly blocked. But this does not mean that such blocking cannot be easily bypassed. For our compatriots who are accustomed to such a convenient service that allows you to read books online and download them for free - “Flibusta”, an alternative entrance to the site will open the opportunity to continue to take advantage of the content-rich library.

Let's take a closer look at how to log into Flibusta using simple and more complex login methods.

On September 21, 2016, Flibusta’s mirror flibusta.is was blocked in 2015, as we know the site was already blocked.

The easiest way now to access a blocked site is to put it in your browser special extension which bypasses the blocking. Depending on what browser you have, install one of the extensions by following the link.

Once installed in your browser, these extensions will need to be turned on and preferably turned off when you leave a blocked site, since the speed of transmitted traffic may drop and pages will take a long time to load. In all browsers, extensions are included in top panel in the right corner.

Look at the screenshots, I showed how to enable extensions in Opera and Mozilla, for Chrome it is identical. You can enlarge it by clicking on the image.

The point of these extensions is that they replace your location as if you were viewing a blocked site from another country, such as the USA or Singapore. Flibusta was blocked only in Russia, so the blocking does not work from other countries.

Opera Extensions

Extensions for Mozilla

Other ways to bypass flibusta site blocking

1. Go to the website at proxy.flibusta.me.

2. Use the so-called TOR2Web proxy (sites that allow you to access Internet pages in the TOR address zone without TOR installations): flibustahezeous3.onion.nu or flibustahezeous3.onion.cab , On Flibusta, an alternative entrance is also possible using the so-called. I2P2Web proxy (sites that allow you to access Internet pages in the I2P address zone without using I2P): flibusta.i2p.onion.nu.

3. Install TOR and familiarize yourself with its capabilities so that in the future you will not have problems connecting to blocked sites.

4. Use software that works with VPN (for example, Cyber ​​Ghost 5, Tunnel Bear, Hola (browser plugin), Private Tunnel, Hotspot Shield). Such programs allow you to establish an anonymous connection through a virtual network provider. private network(VPN) and are completely free.

Alternative login via TOR

Many books in the popular online library "Flibusta" have been removed from common use according to the requirements of “rights traders”.

We in no way encourage the use of pirated content, but rather explain how you can access it.

Often, when trying to download a specific book on the well-known website flibusta.is, the user sees a picture in front of him:

But this limitation can be easily circumvented if you perform the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Launch the TOR browser. If it is not on the computer, then download the program, install it and run it.
  2. Go to the address flibusta.is in the TOR browser. There should be no problems, since the program works the same as other popular browsers.
  3. We switch to the TOR version of the Flibusta online library. It's easy to do. On home page find this link and click on it:

To avoid downloading the TOR browser, you can also use TOR2Web services, such as flibustahezeous3.onion.cab or flibustahezeous3.onion.gq.

Hope this helps you.

From the moment when Roskomnadzor began to actively fight pirated content on the Runet, it became increasingly difficult for users to download their favorite films, TV series, music and books. Many resources previously provided free access to files, removed prohibited content from sites and began selling it instead.

It’s especially difficult for book lovers. Many resources were banned by Roskomnadzor. Among them is the “Book Brotherhood”, or “Flibusta”. Over the years, all of the site's users have worked together to build one of the largest online libraries. The site administration, like RuTracker, decided not to delete books, but to use alternative ways to access resources.

Bypass blocking using browser extensions

The site administration quickly solved the problem of how to access Flibusta. Users were given several options to bypass the blocking. One of the most popular was the friGate plugin, installed in browsers.

This method has gained popularity for several reasons:

  • The plugin is absolutely free. friGate will help you figure out how to access Flibusta without investing money.
  • The plugin can be installed in a few clicks.
  • The extension is supported by three major browsers: Opera, Chrome and Fox.

Another undoubted advantage of the plugin is that access to the site opens immediately after installation. Unlike various proxy servers, friGate does not require additional settings.

"Flibusta" and "TOR"

Immediately after a global purge of pirated content began in the Runet in order to protect the rights of copyright holders, all major illegal resources created an additional mirror in the Tor network. The Flibusta library was no exception. But how to access Flibusta through TOP?

First you need to install specialized browser"THOR". You can download it on several sites, first selecting suitable version: for operating rooms Windows systems, Linux or Apple computers.

Next, by running new browser, you should follow the link to the “Flibusta” mirror: http://flibustahezeous3.onion. Access will be open to all users of the Flibusta website. How to access the site will no longer be a problem.

Using the TOP browser, you can go to almost any prohibited site that has a mirror. However, the developers note that this browser not suitable for permanent use.

"Flibusta" and "Android"

For those who prefer to download books from an Android phone or tablet, bypassing Roskomnadzor’s bans is very easy. To do this, just go to the settings of the browser you are using and turn on the saving mode. Traffic compression is made possible through the use of remote proxy servers located abroad. This way you can bypass the blocking of any site, including Flibusta, without installing additional applications on a smartphone or tablet.

If this method does not help to cope with the Flibusta blocking, then you can use the services of the Orfox browser: Tor Browser for Android, which will make surfing anonymous and decentralized. And the TunnelBear application will redirect all traffic to a foreign proxy server and return access to your favorite sites.

"Flibusta" and iOS

Some owners of Apple gadgets prefer to read books not from a laptop, but from a phone. After all, it is the smartphone that is most often at hand. For such users, applications have been developed to help them gain access to Flibusta.

You can access the resource using the Onion browser. The application operates on the TOP network and allows you to anonymously access prohibited content.

Browsec VPN is another browser to bypass the Roskomnadzor ban. The user personally selects the proxy server from which the site will be loaded.

You can access absolutely any blocked site using the “Simply VPN.AntiBan” add-on. A single installation will remove all restrictions on pirated files for the user.

TunnelBear is a service that is well known to owners of gadgets with operating system"Android". After installing the application, all traffic will be redirected to proxy servers.

Telegram bots

Some users do not want to delve into information about how to access Flibusta if access is blocked. They don't want to load Personal Computer and browsers with additional pirated programs. But I still want to get access to the books. Then how to access Flibusta without additional extensions?

The resource administrators met the site users halfway. Some instant messengers, such as Telegram, had bots installed.

By adding a bot contact (@flibustafreebookbot) to the program, you can easily access the site’s library. It is enough to send the robot a message containing the name of the author or the title of the book. After a few seconds, you will receive a response that will provide links to download all suitable materials. You can download books in several mobile formats: fb2, epub and mobi.

Open system for distributing printed publications

A real gift for book lovers who are wondering how to access Flibusta after blocking was open system distribution of book resources. OPSD directories are XML files that contain all resource data.

Files in such directories are sorted by year of publication, author, genre, and so on. Official website of the Flibusta catalog: http://flibusta.is/opds.

One of the largest catalogs is the repository of the Flibusta website. How to access a website and its OPSD catalog if a link with incomprehensible text opens in the browser? In order to open the link correctly, users will have to download readers such as CoolReader. Such applications integrate the OPSD directory reading function.

Every day it becomes more and more difficult for book lovers to find electronic versions books online and download them for free. All the largest libraries in the Russian-language segment of the Internet either removed “pirated” content from their pages and began selling books, or were blocked by Roskomnadzor for copyright infringement. Among other things, the famous and popular Flibust library, also called the Book Brotherhood, was blocked. The library got its name for a reason, because books are uploaded to the site by users themselves. The administration decided not to remove the controversial content from the site and use Flibust mirrors, so that users from Russia can continue to use a huge range of books.

After blocking a site, Internet users often wonder whether there is alternative entrance to the filibuster library in 2018 year? And if it exists, then how can you find all the mirrors of the site in order to always be able to access the flibusta? Today we will answer these questions, and also talk about several other aspects of the bypass blocking filibusters.

The most in a simple way To go to the Flibusta library website is to use the friGate plugin. Why is this method so good?

  • The friGate plugin is available for almost any browser: it can be installed in one click in Chrome, Firefox or Opera.
  • friGate is absolutely free
  • The plugin does not require any settings - just install it and you can go to the Flibusta website and download books

The plugin has a huge advantage over various proxies that allow you to access the library website. The fact is that only traffic from/to blocked resources passes through the extension’s proxy server, while “legal” sites open without any problems. This allows you to work online as comfortably as possible and at the same time download great amount books completely free.

FriGate opens an alternative entrance to Flibusta for you immediately after installation - no settings need to be made. However, if your favorite blocked resource is not in the plugin’s list, you can add it there yourself to gain access to the site.

After completing these steps, you will have access to the blocked site.

I remind you again: configure FriGate plugin No need to enter Flibusta! You just need to install the plugin and you can immediately go to the Book Brotherhood website.


ZenMate is free plugin. However, you can support the project and buy the premium version. What will premium ZenMate give? Paid version program (299 rubles per month) will allow you to instantly switch between dozens of servers in all parts of the world and use faster channels than in the free version.

Many Internet users access Flibusta from mobile devices. Of course, downloading books from a smartphone or tablet is extremely convenient: once you download it, you can immediately start reading the book, without having to transfer the book from your computer to your phone. Fortunately, there is alternative entrance to Flibusta for Android and iOS.

Bypass Flibusta blocking from a mobile device under Android control extremely simple. All you need to do for this is to enable the “compression” (“saving”) traffic mode in any of the popular browsers: Chrome, Opera, UC Browser, etc. How does data saving mode work in these browsers? Yes, very simple! After enabling this feature, all your traffic will go through a proxy server located abroad. As a result, you will be able to access Flibusta, since formally you will be accessing this site from outside Russia and the blocking will not apply. As a bonus, traffic compression can increase network access speed (if you have slow Internet).

So how can you enable traffic compression in mobile browsers?

  • Go to settings mobile browser(for example, Chrome) and find there the options “traffic reduction”, “data compression”, “traffic compression”. Turn on this mode and after that, calmly go to Flibusta.

If for some reason this method does not suit you, then you can install a special browser Orfox: Tor Browser for Android. How is this browser different from others? The fact is that his work is based on the principle of decentralization. This will allow you not only to access a blocked resource, but will also ensure anonymity for your online presence.

If you don't want to change your current browser on the other, you can use the TunnelBear service. After installing the program on your smartphone running Android all your traffic will pass through TunnelBear proxy servers and you will be able to access any blocked resource, including Flibusta.

Login to Flibusta on iOS

  • TunnelBear service (yes, this program exists not only for Android, but also for iOS)
  • Specialized browser Onion browser, which operates on the basis of anonymous and decentralized Tor networks and allows you to access Flibusta while remaining anonymous
  • Browsec VPN is a browser that, like the Zenmate plugin, allows you to choose the location of the proxy server and access any blocked sites.
  • Service SimplyVPN.AntiBan. You set up your device once and enjoy access to any website.
  • Service settings for iOS:

Go to the browser settings - Wi-fi - Click “i’ next to the network - Set the “HTTP proxy” to “Auto”, insert the link http://antizapret.prostovpn.org/proxy.pac

Go to Flibusta on Windows Phone

User share Windows Phone in Russia is less than one percent. However, you can access blocked Flibusta from Windows Phone. To do this, you can use the method described for Android, namely, enable traffic saving mode in Opera browsers Mini or UC Browser.

After the main site of the Flibusta library Flibusta.net was blocked, the owners created a mirror Flibusta.is. This is the link you should follow to get to Flibusta. However, keep in mind that you will need to use the block bypass methods outlined above to get to the blocked library resource.

Now I will tell you about all Flibusta mirrors and methods of entering them.

Flibusta IS

As mentioned above, the main mirror of the Flibusta library is Flibusta is (Flibusta.is). In order to get to the library website using this mirror, you will need to use any of the methods for alternative entry to Flibusta, which are indicated above. After this you will be able to access a huge library and free download books.

Alternative entrance to Flibusta via Tor

Like all major blocked sites, the Flibusta library has a mirror on the Tor network - http://flibustahezeous3.onion. In order to access this site mirror, you need to install the Tor browser (there are versions of the browser for Windows, Mac OS and Linux ). After that, follow the link above and access the site.

Due to the nature of the technology on which the browser operates, use for everyday use This browser is not very convenient, but for our purposes it is perfect.

In addition to site mirrors, the filibuster library has bots with which you can search and download books. Some may find this method of searching and downloading books even more convenient than directly from the site.

If you want to use the bot from a computer, you can use this site - https://flibs.site/. On this moment This site is not blocked and can be accessed directly without using methods to bypass the blocking (this may change).

The site design is extremely simple, which is why this project can be called the Flibusta bot. Open the site, type in search bar author or title of the book - and download the desired book in the required format via a direct link. As you can see, it’s incredibly convenient and simple! It will be hoped that this project will live on)

In addition, there are several Flibusta bots in telegrams. With their help, you can also download the necessary book from the library collection directly to your smartphone. However, as I have seen, some telegram bots for Flibusta are either dead or have become paid. I found a working bot for you - @flibustafreebookbot. The bot allows you to search for literature by author name and book title, as well as download it in fb2, epub and mobi formats. He completes his task 100 percent. If you know of other working bots, write in the comments.

Mirror Flibusta.lib

In addition to the main mirror, the Flibusta website also has an extremely interesting mirror, Flibusta.lib. Why is it so interesting? The fact is that this mirror cannot be blocked and now I will explain why.

Alternative domain zone*.lib is part of a decentralized DNS network that uses blockchain technology in its work.

The network is called EmerCoin. It became operational in November 2014. A huge advantage of this network is that domain name can only be disposed of by its owner and cannot be blocked by anyone but the owner.

In order to access the Flibusta.lib mirror, you need to configure network card your computer (change DNS server addresses). Instructions for an alternative login to Flibusta using a mirror in the *.lib domain zone are located under the cut.

Mirror flibusta.i2p

If you have a choice, use it instead. above mentioned methods for an alternative entrance to Flibusta, as they are easier to use.

The address of the Flibusta mirror on the I2P network is http://flibusta.i2p

Login to Flibusta via anonymizer

In order to log into Flibusta, you can use an anonymizer. There are a lot of them on the Internet, I don’t see any point in giving addresses. Why? The fact is that sites, in order to avoid blocking by Roskomnadzor, remove this service from their pages. So you will need to either search for a working anonymizer via search engine, or use other methods of bypassing the blocking of the Flibust book brotherhood (which is much preferable)

So today we found out what alternative entrance Flibusty use in 2017, and also learned about all possible ways bypass blocking of Flibust library. Read good books and be happy!

So, today we will try to figure out how to get to Flibusta. In general, this question interests many users. Especially those who love to read. After all, for them this site is a wonderful place to spend leisure time. True, in Lately There were some problems with logging in. How to solve them? How to get to Flibusta without special problems? This is what we have to talk about now.

What's happened?

But first, it’s worth understanding what happened to this site. There must be reasons why some problems occurred, right? That is how it is. And the main problem is in principle.

Government Russian Federation closed the popular book hosting service. This was done to combat piracy. After all, "Flibusta" - book fraternity, which allowed you to download books and magazines to your computer and read them absolutely free. And now the Russian government is fighting this with full force. So users now have to think about how to get to the site. There are many options for the development of events.


The first method is the simplest. It works almost always and flawlessly. True, it is unknown how much longer he can remain unnoticed. The method is called "Flibusta" - an alternative entrance. To implement it, you just need to go to a certain one. It’s called proxy.flibusta.net.

After you visit this resource, you will see a site that completely copies “Flibusta”. This is a kind of mirror. And this method, as many users note, works flawlessly. But there is a possibility that it will be revealed soon. And then you will have to use other methods. After all, “Flibusta” is a book brotherhood that interests users. What other approaches to solving the problem can you recommend?

Web service

For example, you can try using specialized web services. They offer unblocking of any site you might need. True, for a certain symbolic fee. And with all this, each visit to the resource will have to be paid again.

The most commonly used are ProxFree and ProxyWeb. Now you know how to get to Flibusta. Go to the service, insert the website address into a special field, pay for the service - and enjoy the process. By the way, sometimes the payment is simple - viewing advertisements. It is worth considering that this option not very popular. After all, pages load extremely slowly. And this sometimes prevents you from working normally with websites. Nevertheless, web services are another way to bypass the Flibusta blocking. And it has its place.


Next you can make special setting browser so that you can get to any website you want. You just need to download and install the plugin for this idea. Each browser has its own, but there are also universal utilities. "Flibusta" provides an alternative entry using this method very quickly and efficiently.

Pay attention to utilities such as Hide My Ass! and Hola!. These are the plugins that must be installed in your browser. If they are enabled, then just go to the address - and all problems will be solved. You will be able to work with the Internet resource as much as needed.

True, some users do not trust this method. After all, after installing plugins, various crashes and problems often begin in the browser. Nevertheless, this option still turns out to be extremely effective if you are interested in how to get to Flibusta. main feature reception is that it is free. You do not pay anything, except for services providing access to world wide web. That's all. But there are other options that can be offered to users to solve the problem.

PC programs

For example, resort to the help of certain computer programs. It's about O free utilities, which have already proven themselves well. They serve to form the so-called “onion” routing. This allows you to bypass site blocking once and for all.

For example, it is worth paying attention to a program such as Tor. With its help, anyone can remain anonymous on the Internet. And at the same time visit all the resources you could possibly want. "Flibusta" books can be read at the Tor address http://flibustahezeous3.onion/. Just enter it in the application and then follow the link. And that's it, the login problem is solved. You can be happy with the result.

By the way, this kind of technique is used very often. After all, it is impossible to track Tor. Which means this trick will not be able to block, like, for example, a website mirror. You shouldn't be afraid to install Tor. Download the application only from trusted resources - then you don’t have to worry about the safety of your data.

Tor works on Windows. For MAC (and Windows as well) an application called I2P is used. In it, in order to get to “Flibusta” you need to go to the site http://flibusta.i2p. But it's better to use Tor. After all, I2P is vulnerable to viruses and computer spies. So avoid this app if possible.


How to get to Flibusta quickly and without problems? The last option that you can try (but there is no guarantee that it will work) is to use special free anonymizer sites. In truth, this technique rarely helps with resource blocking. But sometimes it works. Therefore, you should not lose sight of it.

What is the method based on? Just go to the page, enter the data in the special field (address "Flibusta"), and then click on "Go". Be prepared for the fact that when you visit a resource, a header with an anonymizer will appear in your browser, and the data loading speed will be slow. In principle, this technique works, as users say, “every time.”

As you can see, you can get to Flibusta now that the resource is officially blocked. The main thing is to set a goal for yourself. Remember: it is better to avoid paid offers from private companies and sites that promise to give you access to the page forever for a fee. This simply cannot happen. All these are tricks of scammers who scam gullible users out of money. Try to choose the simplest, in your opinion, method of bypassing the Flibusta blocking, and then implement it. you will definitely succeed.

The Flibusta website is a free, non-profit online library. Here you can read and download books available. Works in Russian are available for downloading to all visitors to the service. In order to read a book by a foreign author, you must be registered on the site. Users often ask how to access Flibusta?

The fact is that on June 22, 2015, Russians lost access to the online library. The service was blocked by court decision. A year later, a similar website flibusta.is was created. This service Over time it was also blocked. For users who appreciated the convenience of the library, restricting access to the site did not become a hindrance.

The blocking can be easily bypassed. Alternative options Login to the site will allow the user to read his favorite books and download them for free.

Installing add-ons

How to access Flibusta using a browser extension? To do this, you need to download the “Access to RuTracker” or Browsec add-on. Such extensions allow you to bypass blocking of an online library. The add-on must be activated when visiting the site and disabled after closing the page. In this way you can control the loading speed of other web resources.

The add-on enable button is on the right top corner browser. The extension replaces the IP address. The Flibust website was blocked only in Russia. Users from other countries still have access to the online library. Using the add-on, you can change the current location where you access the Internet.

How to access Flibusta via Tor

A large number of books from the online library have been removed from public access at the request of copyright holders. How to go to Flibusta and get the desired works? Advanced users download the program After installing the application, you need to familiarize yourself with the instructions and basic options.

Next you should run the utility. Then you need to open the flibusta.is address in the program. Because the app works similar to others popular browsers, there shouldn't be any difficulties. On the main page of the online library you should find a link to the Tor version of the site.

How to access Flibusta without downloading the application? To do this, you should visit TOR2Web services, which allow you to open blocked web pages without installing the program.

Other ways to bypass blocking

The user can use a simple browser setting from Immunity. He won't have to install programs or extensions. In Yandex.Browser and Opera, you can activate Turbo mode and on the Flibusta website. no" move on.

Some users open the resource using the proxy.flibusta.me link. You can use I2P2Web services. These are sites that allow you to visit web pages without using I2P.

How to download from Flibusta

The online library offered readers interesting way bypassing the blockage, which was caused by claims from the Eksmo publishing house. Now users can get the necessary works via Telegram. The authors of the project created a bot that distributes books from an extensive database. The robot sends links to works upon request directly into the dialogue. The program is called Flibusta bot.

In order to receive the required book for free, you need to send the robot the title or author of the publication. After this, the user will receive a message consisting of a list of works found in the online library database. For the request “detectives” or “alternative history”, “Flibusta bot” will return the corresponding results.

Next, you should select the book format to download. The bot will then send the piece directly into the conversation. Despite the fact that the administrators of the online library have changed the domain, due to the requirements of copyright holders, it is impossible to download many books from the “science fiction”, “contemporary prose”, “alternative history” sections. "Flibusta bot" even offers the user publications with limited access. The files come directly from the database.

How to download books for iOS/iPad users

First, you should download the Tor Browser program from the AppStore. Then you need to install and run the application. Next, you should make sure that the utility works. The button in the center of the screen will turn green. If necessary, you can switch the interface to Russian.

After this, you need to type the address http://flibustahezeous3.onion into address bar. Next, you need to log in to the site and open the page of the work or author. Many users face problems downloading books on iPad. Instead of clicking on the “download” link, you can click on the mail button. On the page that opens, you must enter your email address.

Next you need to select the fb2 format. Then you need to click on the “send” button. After this, you need to make sure that the book was sent to your email address. The user will receive a special link. After clicking on it, the work will be downloaded to the iPad.

ODPS directories in FBReader

How to add “Flibusta” to the book reading application? To do this you need to connect mobile device to the Internet. Then you need to install and run the FBReader program. Next, go to the main menu and click on the Network Library button. It is located on the left side of the FBReader window.

A list of online libraries will open. IN this list you need to find the “add catalog” link and follow it. If the system prompts you which application the user wants to use to perform an action, check the “FBReader” box. Next, click on the “just now” button. A window will open with a special field in which you need to specify the URL of the online library.

In this line you should enter the address of the OPDS directory https://flibusta.is/opds. After specifying the path to the service base, you must click on the “ok” button. will appear additional window with 3 text fields where the library name and OPDS directory address will be displayed. In the last field you should enter a description for the connected site. For the changes to be saved, you need to click “ok”.

Using the OPDS Directory

After connecting to the online library, the user will be able to read works and download them directly from the service database. The OPDS directory will appear in the list of available sites. A user who wants to download a book must go to the “network library” section in the application, and then select a resource from the general list. Disadvantage of using this method is the lack of ability to search for works in the catalogue. The user will have to manually enter the title of the book or author.

If the required data is known, then finding the work will not be difficult. It is worth noting that in order to access the online catalog and download books, you must have a stable Internet connection. After downloading the work and saving it in the device’s memory, you can disconnect from the Internet. This will save traffic.

In order to continue reading the book, you need to find it in or in the FBReader application. By opening the “library” section in the program window, you can see all the saved works.

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