We make mirror images of photographs and text.

@Leon, in the archive there is a part and assembly with spice. Another nuance is that after creating the specification, in order for the execution number to appear after the designation, you need to go to MProp and click “Apply”, then update the SP. VA.00.00 Plate.zip

To design the iron of a rail welding machine based on the original (originally from the USSR). Prototype model: https://yadi.sk/d/iGpmJ10_q7VMsA St. Petersburg, as meetings and discussions will be required at intermediate stages. Suggestions in PM. Details by phone. Thank you.

Can the section be shifted so that the center of the shift coincides with the nodes? True, it doesn’t work for me on the test model, but perhaps I missed it. At the same time, I have linear solution the nodes of the cantilevered angle began to move in the direction of the axis. But how is this possible with small movements?

@dbarlam You can also upload it to fex.net and post the link. Yes, 80 characters per line, everything that doesn’t fit new line. Plus, the preprocessor produces data in a fixed form - records are divided into columns, if a record fits into someone else’s column (deleted odd space when editing) there will be an error. You can list objects differently - separated by commas, but this can only be done manually. Here is a description of all this from page 1037. https://docs.plm.automation.siemens.com/data_services/resources/nxnastran/10/help/en_US/tdocExt/pdf/QRG.pdf These rules are most likely valid for MSC Nastran. The heavy legacy of the tsarist regime of working on punched cards.

The color scheme is still a raw idea. Does not reflect all needs. Made as an alternative to 2D drawings, because... Tolerances are not transferred to the 3D model, but the colors of the edges are transferred in neutral formats. And in order not to waste time on drawing up drawings, information when processing according to tolerances is taken from painted different colors faces. Each enterprise that uses this nonsense has its own scale. You don’t need a lot of colors in the instrumental, here it’s either +-1mm or 0.01mm))). But this technique cannot work with all types of sizes. For example, center distances, linear female and female dimensions, etc. The technique only works in highly specialized enterprises that produce only the same type of product, where all tolerances are known and the color is needed so as not to forget. An alternative to this idea is the so-called annotations or dimensions placed directly on the 3D model. I like this approach better, because... unambiguously determines all dimensions and tolerances to them. And now these annotations can be transmitted through neutral formats.

The promised set: http://openomsk.org/delem/ Composition: 1)bios - bios from the "combat" and repair board. MNP1R953.bin - there is no function to protect unauthorized editing of BIOS settings. MNP1R114.bin - there is such protection, but the master password is not known. 2) bios-util - various utilities for picking up a bios dump. 3)foto - photo. bios_config.zip - photos of the BIOS reference settings. board.zip - photos of boards and other panel internals. 4)installer - folder with DA-Touch installers. Versions 1.7.6, 2.1.12, 2.3.7, 2.3.16, 2.5.15. Also in the folder there is an installation manual - install_gb.pdf. 5)com-boot-log.txt - approximate boot log operating system, removed from the COM port using a null modem cable. Disclaimer! You conduct all experiments with expensive equipment at your own peril and risk. Be careful, always do backups everything that can be copied. Some files, for example DA-Touch distributions, were found on a Chinese file dump and were not tested on real equipment. The end user is also responsible for independently monitoring compliance with licensing agreements and copyrights.



“Mirror” writing of letters is one of the types of writing disorders, which is based on insufficient formation:

  • visuospatial perception and representations;
  • visual analysis and synthesis;
  • knowledge about letters.

If a preschool child, before starting to learn to read and write, has not learned to compare objects by size and shape, and is poorly oriented in the spatial arrangement of objects in relation to himself and each other, then it will be difficult for him to learn and differentiate the differences between optically similar letters.

There are 33 letters in the Russian language, and 23 of them cause difficulty due to the properties of specularity, namely:

  • B, V, G, E, I, K, R, S, C, Shch, s, b, b(elements are written on the right)
  • Z, L, U, Ch, E, Z(elements are written on the left)

“Mirror” writing of letters occurs in children 6-7 years old and is revealed when they learn to write.


A drawing that shows letters written correctly and mirrored.

You can offer your child the following tasks:

  1. Show the correct letter for each pair of letters.
  2. Think up and tell us how you can change an incorrect (mirror) letter into a correct one.

When school begins, children with visual impairments will reproduce letter signs in the same way. This indicates the persistent nature of the child’s difficulties and the general lack of formation of spatial concepts. Therefore, you need to think not so much about individual letters, but about the need to solve the problem as a whole. And it needs to be solved precisely in preschool age, not waiting for persistent writing disorders to appear, but trying, if possible, to prevent them.


Target: development of a child's ability to navigate

on your own body.

  1. Fostering clear differentiation between right and left hands.
    (Which hand is your right? And which is your left? In which hand are you holding a pencil, a spoon?).
  2. Exercise in accurately finding the right leg, right eye, left ear, right cheek, etc.
    (- Jump on your left leg. - Put left hand on the right cheek.)
  3. Teaching spatial orientation from the point of view of taking into account the right and left sides.
    It is necessary to explain to the child that all those objects that are located closer to his right hand are to his right, and those that are closer to his left hand are to his left.
    After this, the child is asked questions about the location of various objects. (Is the closet to your left or right? Is your friend Misha sitting to your left or right? Why do you think so?)
  4. When the child learns to accurately answer such questions, you can move on to determining the location of objects in relation to each other.
    For example: “Put the notebook to the left of the book. Sit to the right of Dima.”

    And only after the child has mastered the peculiarities of the spatial arrangement of objects, will he be able to finally understand whether he should write a horizontal stick and half an oval in the letter “B” to the right or left of the vertical stick.


Goal: mastering the concepts of “top”, “bottom”, “right”, “left”, “center”. Improving the visual analyzer.

1. Game "Virtual Spider"

Place a sheet of square grid in front of your child. In the center of the grid there is a “spider” - a piece that can only move according to a signal and only one cell within the field. The starting point is the middle (center) of the field. A signal is given: up - right - down. The child moves his piece along a piece of paper, noting where the “spider” stops. The pace gradually accelerates and the number of movements increases from 2-3 to 8-10. At the last stage, the child determines the position of the “spider” with eyes closed and they call this place. As a result of this game, the concepts of top-bottom, right-left are clearly and firmly grasped, and children also remember the names of the squares.

2. After such preparation, the child can be offered graphic dictations for drawing ornaments, figures and letters.

For example, put a dot on a sheet of checkered paper and from there draw lines with a pencil along the cells under dictation:

8 cells up, 2 cells right, 3 cells down, 2 cells left, 3 cells up, 2 cells right, 8 cells down, 2 cells left, 3 cells up, 2 cells left, 3 cells down, 2 cells left.

If there are no errors, you will get the letter “H”, which the child shades. This way you can draw any letter. Children really like this work, although it requires concentration, clarity in following instructions, and developed visual-spatial perception.

3. Laying out letters from sticks with fixation of attention on which direction the letter is directed, where the elements are located and in what quantity.

4. Definition of letters, written on cards containing both correct and false (mirror) letters.

5. Feeling the cardboard letters with your eyes closed(game “Wonderful Chest”). You need to take a letter out of the chest with your eyes closed, determine by touch which letter it is, name it, come up with words containing this letter, put it on the table so that it reflects the correct spelling.

6. Identification of letters written on the back, arm, palm(slowly trace the outline of the letter with your finger), in the air (with eyes closed and with eyes open).

For younger children, you can use this exercise by drawing familiar letters instead of letters. geometric figures(circle, square, triangle).

7. Finding missing letter elements. Game "The letter is broken."

8. Tracing letters using a stencil, template, laying out the outline of the letters threads, seeds, wire, sticks; drawing letters on asphalt, on snow, on glass, on sand.

9. Demonstration of letters in different positions.

10. Presentation of letters in different fonts: printed, uppercase, lowercase, stylized.

11. Game "Battleship". The rules of this game are known to everyone. IN in this case For " grid"The letters are taken in both uppercase and lowercase letters.

12. Search for letters written one against the other, or “noisy” letters.

13. Reconstruction of letters.

For example, from the letter P you can make the letter B by completing one element, and from the letter H you can make the letter P if you move just one stick.

14. Determination of letters that can be laid out from three, four or two sticks.

Of three sticks - N, P, I, A, S, K, F

From two sticks - T, L, X, G.

Of the four – Sh, M


Goal: to consolidate the image of a letter and its written form.

Writing mixed letters under dictation. The letters are dictated in an indefinite sequence to eliminate the possibility of guessing, for example: v, v, b, s, b....

Thus, the problem of “mirror” writing exists and requires close attention from teachers and parents.

We wish your children success!

Deputy head according to UMR MBDOU kindergarten No. 13 “Fairy Tale” by Agafonova Yu.V.

Sometimes before Microsoft user Word appears with the task of rotating the text, or rather mirroring it. To solve this issue, you need to consider the text as an object and with the help of a few steps you can easily make a mirror reproduction of it.

First you need to create a text field. It can be found by going to the "Insert" tab.

Next, in order to change the text in Word so that it appears mirrored, the user needs to rotate the text field. To do these actions, you need to go to the “Format” tab and select the item that is needed to format the figure (shown in the screenshot).

Next, in the window on the right called “Shape Format”, you need to select the tab called “Shape Options” and after that the function for rotating a three-dimensional figure will be available. If you need to make a mirror view of the text vertically, set 180 degrees in the field where you need to set rotation around the X axis, and if the user needs to align it relative to the horizontal, enter a similar value in another field called “Rotation around the Y axis.” The screenshots below show these two options.

After these actions, the text field will be by default Gray background. In order to give it transparency or make other adjustments you need to:

1. Select the material "Wire"
2. Set White color to blend with the page background.

In Word, every day, all over the world, great amount text documents. For some, this is a work report, a thesis, an essay, course work. And every second user is faced with adding pictures to a document. Although many, to the best of their ability or ignorance, omit this moment. After all, it only seems that inserting a picture takes long time. And if you suddenly need to do mirror reflection pictures, then the older generation will probably ask a friend or loved one for help, or maybe skip this step altogether, citing lack of time. Let's figure out the problem that has arisen together.

Reflection of the image "mirror"

You can mirror your drawing using the following steps. Initially, insert the image into the Word document:

To display an image you need:

Horizontal reflection of the picture

There are situations when it is necessary to change the direction of the drawing. In this case, it is necessary to change the direction of Santa Claus to the left. To flip the image horizontally you need to do the following:

Note. If you need to place two pictures next to the original result as in the screenshot above, you need to copy the picture and then set the desired reflection.

Setting to Mirror a Pattern

To achieve the desired effect when reflecting a photo, you can adjust all the parameters manually. Click on the photo and go to the “Format” tab.

In the Picture Format window, set the right type“Blanks”, for example “Medium... touch”.

Note. You can mirror a photo with a shift of several points from the original picture; to do this, you need to select the “Reflection at 4 pt or 8 pt” option.

Any shift can be observed even with the active Format Picture window open. To do this, move the parameters window to the left or right of the image that is located on the Word document sheet.

Function for setting mirror fields in Microsoft documents Word is an indispensable option, especially if you need to print and then staple an essay or thesis, or make a brochure from your document. It is no more difficult to work with than any other MS Word option.


  • In order to print text with the effect of mirrored fields, you first need to adjust the fields themselves. Using Word applications 2007 or 2010, go to the “Page Layout” section in the main menu. Click on the “Fields” item and select the “Mirror” line in the drop-down list. If you want to change the margin sizes, select the bottom line “Custom Margins”. A separate window will open where you can change the margin size values.
  • If you need to set up mirror printing to print text as a booklet, under Custom Margins, select Booklet. In this case, the document orientation will automatically change to landscape, and the margins will become mirrored.
  • If you are working with Word 2003 and earlier versions, go to the “File” tab, select the “Page Setup” menu item and in the window that opens, enter the settings you need (“Mirror Margins” or “Booklet”), then click OK.
  • In Word 2007 or 2010, go to the “File” section. Here in the menu on the left you will see the “Print” option. By selecting this item, you will see the print settings page. Here you can specify the number of copies you need, select a printer, designate the pages you want to print, and select the type of printing - single-sided or double-sided. The second may require manual feeding of sheets into the printer. In the field next to the print menu you will see what your document will look like when printed.
  • In Word 2003 and later earlier versions Click on the printer icon on the control panel (quick print) or in the “File” tab, select the “Print” line. In the opened separate window you will have the opportunity to choose a printer, number of copies, single-sided or double-sided printing, and so on. To view what the printed document will look like, click on the " Preview» on the control panel.


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