We are making a doorway. Domain selection – purchasing domains and free domains

A manual that quickly and clearly explains how to create relevant doorways in the current conditions. The material contains a theoretical part, the choice of Dorgen, considers the choice of niche and topic, questions about the template for doorways, keys, and choosing a site for the doorway. So, first, a little theory.

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Today in the article

What is a doorway

Doorway is a multi-page website created by generating and accumulating low frequency traffic. Doesn't carry any positive functions and classify it as search spam.

Below are a number of links that will help complete beginners figure out what it is:

Several ready-made Jako templates are included.

The text is pulp fiction

One of the most important points. Any hopeless doorway can pull it out. All manuals advise taking books and other doorway waste.

Thus, they immediately remove this factor, forcing people to literally sweat over the templates and not understand why doorways don’t work.

First of all, you need a complete uniqueness. Where can I get it?

Two sources of unique and meaningful text will help us with this.

1. VKontakte. You can use the inexpensive Vk Comment Parser program. But it's paid. You can try setting up Datacol null for free if it is not too complicated for you.

Parse comments from groups and save them to a text file.

In combination with a macro, they give the doorway a very readable and pleasant look.

This text is very thematic (it’s enough to parse the comments of any group by topic) and looks very meaningful.

VK Comment Parser is truly a wonderful piece of software. At one time the author decided to stop supporting because there was no interest from consumers. But now he kindly agreed. Skype - smw1975, ICQ#: 423384242, soap - [email protected]

2. Software that converts sound into text. 100% unique. In principle, you can use any working one, you can do this using the speechpad.ru service and the function of translating audio into text from Youtube. Works only with the Chrome browser.

There is noticeably less meaning in such text, but the effect is very good.

Basically, texts parsed from VKontakte are enough.

If it is not possible to purchase software, then use any audio-to-text converter. The effect of this will certainly not be worse.

Regarding the text, here is a demo version of the software

Keys to all doors

When people make SDL, they start with the semantic core. The same thing happens with the doorway. A good door means, first of all, good keys. Unfortunately, no source can tell us what good keys are. The closest people come are those who write that keys can be parsed from successful other people's doorways. I also really like the postulate that now doorway pages are climbing ultra-low frequencies. In principle this is true.

Keys are known to be divided according to the following parameters: frequency and competition. Often not given special attention such a parameter as competition, and yet this is the most important indicator for pre-construction construction, no less, and sometimes more important, than frequency.

It is thanks to the correct ratio of frequency and competition that a doorway can take off and bring good search traffic.

Which key will be better with a frequency of 30 and competition of 400, or with a frequency of 60 and competition of 100? Naturally the second one.

The key source can be any; for example, you can use KeyKolllector software. It was he who showed his best side, but he is paid.

If you don’t have money for software, you can use either Yandex Key Checker software or any keys from the public, but be sure to check them not only for frequency, but also for competition. From these, make a selection of keys for the doorway in quantities from 3k to 8k.

An example of competent keyword filtering.

Also additional source good clues are Google and Yandex hint parsers. It is imperative to use the data obtained by running through them.

The keyword generation system also performed remarkably well.

Another little hint. It is enough to ask for free keys in one of the large specialized forums, in the appropriate section; they will be happy to help you by downloading them from Key Kollector or Semrush.

For example, you can ask on the famous

By the way, a little life hack. This forum is notorious for its punitive methods. You can get a ban there for literally everything, so it’s impossible to fill posts. And all the info is under the covers.

Venues for doorways - the meeting place cannot be changed

So, we made a template, text and keywords. In principle, you can already work with this on subdomains of newly registered domains like .ru.

But we will try to maximize the site factor and its influence on search results and the subsequent life of the site.

How can I do that:

1) Use a seasoned domain. Everything is simple here: we take a domain, put a thematic stub on it with internal SEO optimization. We're waiting a couple of months. We cut doorways.

2) Buy a drop. The best option. Doorways on drops always come in well, are indexed and bring traffic. The extraction is described in detail here, so I see no point in repeating it.

3) Free domains. Now their number has decreased, but of those that exist, pp.ua is alive and well (as it was six months ago). In any case, it is worth analyzing the results.

Search results analysis goes like this - we take any key from your future doorway, enter it into Google and look for doorways.

4) The following information is for informational purposes only! These are radically communist methods that are prohibited under modern capitalist realities.

Shells, pies, scrap.

The least expensive ones can be obtained with the help of your own mind and hands. Doorways on “pies” are flying in with a bang!

Shells can be bought on Achat, but their charm is lost. Besides the fact that they need to be carefully checked for their “neighbors,” normal shells are always quite expensive. It's easier to get them yourself.

This can be done in many ways, there are many in the public, two fully working ones from the public are attached to the material. Let's not reinvent the wheel. The methods are working, everything is described in detail.

Attention! Mining shells is a separate issue, and some may perceive it as an additional burden. What can you say about this? It’s really very easy to get them, easier even than generating doorways. So don’t be lazy, and you will always have a ton of sites!

How to fill the door to the shell? For this purpose, a video is attached in which everything is described in detail.

Also here's a new fast one good way Bay Dora on shell lime.black/24

5) Working on the docs.google.com site is also very effective

Doorways on it occupy search results and are freely indexed. Here is the link: where you can read about it.

After a little analysis, the effectiveness of these doorway pages became very relevant.

Doorway indexing - “Let's go!”

Now we have come close to a crucial moment. Doorways are ready and poured onto the sites. All that remains now is to catch traffic.

Written everywhere general information, it sounds like this: addurilka, hroomer, tweet farm. We beg to differ.

The main thing in indexing dora is time! Therefore, ideally, no runs.

In addition, in Chapter Nine the harm of these same runs will be described. In general, we just generate a door and wait three weeks. It will come out on its own naturally. All attempts to grab the fastbot are a mistake that will affect the durability of the dora.

Sometimes, you need a quick index in order to check a niche, and you’re simply impatient and want quick traffic.

Fast traffic is like free cheese, but there are several methods for quick indexing (Attention! A quick index does not necessarily mean traffic. Most of the pages end up in supplemental, there is very little traffic there).

Secondly, this is still a working Twitter.

Since running them costs money, we will try to find a way out.

After registering there, we must earn points; for this, a template is attached to the Zenno Poster.

In the settings for the template, specify the password and login for the service, as well as the password and login for the Twitter account.

Zenno will do everything for you, the only thing is, don’t waste too much time, but run it immediately after earning points. Because addmefast admins are not asleep, and most likely your account will not last long.

Local sapa. The most correct decision. When you mine shells - the most TIC-rich and PR-worthy ones, do not spend them on doorway sites. Use them for indexing via links.

And they lived happily ever after…

Some doorway pages live on Google for about a year. Once they get into the index, rank and start generating traffic, they are no longer in danger. In addition to Yandex. If suddenly a door gets into Yandex, it gives a lot of good traffic for a couple of weeks, and then flies out not only from Yandex, but also from Google. This doesn't always happen, but it still happens.

What are the methods for retaining doorways in search engines?

Firstly, you need to be careful and not allow doorway pages to fall into the risk zone.

What can kill a dor ahead of time?

The very first thing is overspam. A quick index is good, but long-lived doorways enter the index for a long time themselves.

The second, no matter how trivial, is domains and links. Naturally, links directly from affiliate programs. Your links should be crystal clear at the time of uploading. How it will continue there is the second question, but such stupid mistakes as domains that are blacked out should not happen a priori.

The third thing you need to pay attention to is behavioral factors. How to improve them - this question is on the minds of many door makers. You can resort to the following trick.

Let's take the theme of roads, thematic software, for example, music. We find a large pack of such software on the torrent, for example 15 gigs. We pack the torrent file into the affiliate’s executable. Profit! People come in, see the material they need, download it for at least half an hour, they often even get the material they need, and in general they are happy. PF is great.

Fourth, black or gray schemes do not last long. Therefore, try to pour traffic on white. If pouring on white is not an option, use a cloaking script. This is a technology that redirects bots (including hidden ones) of search engines to white page, and the people - for everything else.

You can search for the simplest cloaking script and bot database yourself (). There is also a test one on seblocker.ru free access for two domains. This is generally a mega-great offer. Use it.

Conclusion - a guide to action. Brief FAQ

So, all that remains is to systematize all the information. Your actions.

1. Decide on a niche. Think about what you need to work with.

2. Collect keywords. Remember - LF and ultra LF, and always low-competitive.

3. Collect text. Thematic and unique.

4. Collect areas. Be patient.

5. Make templates or modernize what you have.

6. Now you are all set. Directly generate doorways.

7. Fill in the doorways and go to step 6.

You can download the archive with additional materials necessary for work from the link below, after sharing the material with your friends.

True, it didn’t bring me anything good. But on at least, they didn’t reset the indicator and that’s good news.
Finished the other day Seostein's doorway marathon, in which I also took part. Didn't take any prizes, because... drained traffic from his doorways not to SmartBucks, but to LimonCash. Why? Because they still have a paid platform for adult videos, which did not fall under the Kaspersky phishing filter.

with other novice doorway developers:

-> conditionally I take 13-14th place.

Doorway(from English doorway - Entrance door, portal) or entry page - a type of search spam, a web page that is specially optimized for one or more search queries with the sole purpose of getting it to high places in the search results for these queries. Sometimes a doorway is also called a whole website consisting of such pages.

I will highlight three main type doorways (conditional names):

  1. Automatic doorway
  2. Handmade half-doorway
  3. Pseudodoorway

Automatic doorway

If you want to earn a lot of money on doorways, then get ready to invest a lot. First you need to buy a Dorgen for automatic creation doorways, select a parser keywords and decide on a direction. Then you will need to master Denver, the work of Dorgen and the parser, creating templates, purchasing good hosting and domains (it is assumed that you already know at least the basics of website building, otherwise you don’t even have to bother with doorways). After creation, the doorway will remain in the index for several ups, bring you a lot of traffic and money, and then everything needs to be done again. There are a lot of detailed manuals on the Internet, I don’t see the point in writing another copy. Here, as Seostein correctly says, you need to do doorway pages every day and as much as possible. I took a different route, taking into account the information I received on the marathon forum.

Handmade half-doorway

Selecting a platform and template

What gets into the index the fastest these days (with the exception of long-established portals)? Blogs! On some blogging platforms, search engines simply live, which allows you to push material into the index very quickly. So experiment with different free blogging platforms. Look, in some places there is a delay in indexing new blogs, in others there is poor functionality, some are not indexed at all by Yasha and Gosha. There are a lot of free templates on the Internet. Here you also need to select the optimal one using trial methods.

Selection of keywords

Don’t leave your keyword search entirely in the hands of a soulless machine. Not everything that will give you free tool from Yandex or Google will bring traffic and money. For some keywords that may appear there, there is no traffic at all. Register on thematic forums, for example, on Pornolab, see what drones are interested in, what is relevant. And don't make up key phrases from an unrelated set of words. Do you think someone will search for a jerk-off video using the phrase “hardcore sex video download”? In addition, such headlines on your doorway are another reason for search robots to turn their angry gaze on you. Use your keyword in your tags, title, and bold in your text. It’s best to make one doorway for one keyword, but this is too labor-intensive, so mix similar keywords into one doorway.


There is room for your imagination here. From my own experience I can say that if you have an optimal template, it will go with a bang! even a simple copy-paste. I do this: 1 keyword per article with the addition of or . Keep your keyword density to no more than 5%. And it is desirable that the key be in the “meta” of our blog. If there are no places there, then we don’t have to do anything. new blog. Be sure to add a picture and a “login” button to the paysite, which we hide under the cut and close in nofollow and noindex.


There is no need to add 50 pages on the very first day of the life of our half-doorway blog. It’s best to write optimized posts of 5-10 every day until the door is included in the index. For reliability, you can link doorways to each other. Also, for faster indexing, you can run them through social bookmarking services or buy them for a day or two in Sapa Links. As soon as the doorway has entered the index, feel free to add new posts to the stream.


In essence, we are making a free platform. We create a website, add erotic stories, photos, pictures to it, upload several clips for adults. Those. We are making a regular porn site. The most important thing is to not give your visitors too much material. The main goal is to interest the drone so that it clicks, in the hope of getting more, on the paid banner, which needs to be generously flavored with our site ( don't forget nofollow and noindex!). Alternatively, you can compose pages like this: title, description with keywords, small clip, screenshots, block “other video” or “video in best quality"with a link to the paysite.
Unlike a half-doorway, a drone can visit your pseudo-doorway several times, checking to see if a new one has appeared. free video. And your task is to occasionally add a couple of new clips to the site.

Well, in conclusion, I want to answer one question that may have arisen in your mind: Why bother like that and not do regular roads?? I answer: doors of the second and third types do not leave the index. One of my grids even received TIC-10. And income is constantly increasing.

Most people who are far from the topic of doorways have the opinion that these are crookedly laid out templates with generated nonsense texts. There is a significant amount of truth here, since the doors use machine-generated text. But often, in appearance, modern websites cannot be distinguished from white websites - readable texts, good structure, high-quality design. However, they are all created automatically and hosted on dozens and even hundreds of domains.

Personally, I think that the time of doorway pages has ALREADY passed, and only a few make good money from them. I myself stopped working with doorways a long time ago. But Yandex, with its crude Baden-Baden algorithm, showed that there will be chances for doorway developers. If search engines introduce crude or low-quality algorithms, then there will be a place for doors in the search results, and many webmasters will be forced to leave SDLs for doorways.

What is a doorway

A doorway is a website created automatically for the purpose of making money from search traffic.

To one degree or another, doorways can include any network of sites or individual sites that are generated by a program or script. You understand that many sites fall under this definition.

By the way, we can also say that any search engine is a doorway, built on the basis of content from other sites, of course, if such a site attracts search traffic. File search engines and music search engines are popular in this area.

90% of Russian-language adult sites are doorways, scraped from bourgeois porn tubes, with keys taken from the same place, which are translated into Russian.

Doorways are made for low-frequency traffic, which 90% depends on the collected keys, their quality (targeted or not, what frequency, what competition) and quantity. The main problem when collecting a semantic core for a new niche is to find unused keys that, ideally, no one except you will work on.

Here is a video from Hacker ru with an example of launching a simple doorway:

If you plan to work in a new niche, you will need to collect keys from scratch. At the same time, it is important to use as many private sources as possible so that your keys do not overlap with those that have already been used on sites in the search results.

The attitude of Google and Yandex to doorways

Google and Yandex are fundamentally different search engines, with completely different indexing and ranking algorithms. Getting into the index and TOP is influenced partly by different metrics, and partly by similar ones, but differing in details. There are also completely different algorithms for pessimizing doorways in these two search engines.

Whenever a search engine indexes a new site, its task is not to assess the quality of the patient, but only to determine in general whether the site is worth adding to the search as a whole. If the doorway is not a completely outright shit site (GS), then it gets the right to exist and ends up in the search.

After some time, the search engine launches various bots onto the site, whose task is to collect various types of information about it for further analysis. The purpose of the analysis is twofold: to determine where to place the site in the TOP and for what queries, and whether it is worth pessimizing the site or its individual pages.

In other words, it is not difficult to get into the index, but it is more difficult to survive all the checks and remain in it. It is worth noting that the assessment of sites by search engines is quite accurate. It is for this reason that, with almost 100% probability, doorways are first indexed, and then, as they are analyzed by various algorithms, they inevitably get banned. It is in this interval, from indexing to calculation by search engines, that all doorways live.

Doorways and Yandex

Yandex is different in that it indexes sites not constantly, but periodically, during updates. The main problem with Yandex is slow indexing. Doorways begin to be indexed by Yandex only after 2-3 updates (about a month).

After initial indexing, usually no more than 100-200 pages are accessed. After 2-2.5 months, the remaining pages also enter the index. The number of indexed pages depends on the domain trust.

Doorways on drops are indexed faster than on fresh regs. Sometimes outright shit can stay in the index for a relatively long time if it’s done on a drop.

When creating doorways for Yandex, you must pay attention to the number of pages on one domain. It is optimal to generate 700-1000 doorway pages at once. The remaining pages should be added to the delayed publication (10-30 pages per day).

Yandex has another important feature. If the doorway is indexed, it immediately starts generating traffic. Of course, provided that normal traffic keys with low competition are selected.


The most popular filter in Yandex is AGS. After applying AGS to a doorway, it quickly goes into ban. Although there are exceptions.

There are a number of filters aimed at combating various “gray” types of monetization. These include mobile redirects to paysites, affiliate installations, and the spread of viruses and Trojans. Yandex places marks on such sites in the search results. They look like this:

The distribution includes sites with download traffic, as well as drops that previously hosted prohibited affiliate programs before the domains were released.

Yandex usually doesn't like teasers. Websites for entertainment traffic, hung with teasers, are direct candidates for pessimization. The filter manifests itself in an artificial lowering of search positions.

Yandex is sensitive to user complaints. In the snippet of any site there is a button “Report the site”. After a certain number of complaints, the site is subject to manual check, and if it’s a doorway, it almost always gets banned.

TOP affiliate programs (according to the range of online stores), among which there are offers that accept doorway traffic– this is the above-mentioned PP ad1.ru and.

Services. There are many affiliate programs that offer payment for applications for certain services. Let me give you some of them:

  • leadia.ru (legal advice, loan applications, horoscopes);
  • docdoc.ru (make an appointment with a doctor at paid clinics);
  • moedelo.org (accounting services).

Where to look for affiliate programs and offers?

New affiliate programs often appear on the CPA market, and the offers themselves regularly change, new trends appear, and old products die. Therefore, it is important to always be in the know and be able to find the most delicious offers in order to have time to skim the cream off them. The easiest way to do this is through the affiliate program aggregator cpainform.ru.

In addition, profitable offers are posted on the VK CPA King public page. On the corresponding threads of the Dorgen forums, doorway developers share their experience of working with certain affiliate programs.

How to make a doorway

You can make doorways on your own domains – fresh regs or drops. Or on freehs - free trust domains. In practice, drops enter the index on the 2-3rd up, and fresh legs begin to be indexed only after 3-4 ups. Also, backlinks to the domain may remain on the drops, which will be a definite plus when ranking the pages of the domain in search engines.

You can start collecting keys by parsing regular Wordstat. There are various keyword databases collected from different sources. Popular databases, such as the Pastukhov or Bukvariks database, are already actively used by doorway developers as the most publicly accessible. Some of them are free, while others you can order a sample for relatively little money. However, most of the samples from them will be competitive and the portal pages will not rise to the TOP. It is recommended to look for private databases with specific topics, which even some affiliate programs can provide.

Can be expanded semantic core at the expense of other doorways. First you need to find such doorways. To do this, type in your verbose keywords sequentially into Yandex or Google, which you parsed from Wordstat or collected from databases and look for such sites in the results. After which, see if it is on the site XML map site. Almost always it is on doorways and is located at the address. Since titles on the site map most often consist of keys, with the help of parsing you will have all the keys from your competitor’s doorway.

Dorgens (programs for creating doorways)

Most beginners have a question about choosing a Dorgen. The fact is that almost all Dorgens are paid and, without making a single doorway, it is difficult to understand which one to buy. Here I would advise you to first decide on the topic on which you want to make a doorway.

  1. Type of doorways by content– text doors, VK doors, YouTube doors, PDF doors, video doors, mp3 doorways. For example, if you want to make Dora videos, Dorgen must be able to parse video players and generate pages for them. If you plan to create mp3 sites, then Dorgen must parse audio recordings (for example, from VK). If the Dorgen is planned to be made on VK or YouTube, then Dorgen is not needed at all - here would be better suited Zennoposter.
  2. For text roads - the origin of the content. Depending on where the text on the Dorgen is from, you need to look at what parsers are in the Dorgen. Dorgen will parse snippets, or sites by keywords, or be able to connect your already prepared text.
  3. Optimization. The ability to use the insertion of keys into the text (with declensions or just as is), the ability to insert contextual links into the text.
  4. Relinking. Will you use tags, categories (will the keys be different in each category or general for the whole site), linking by similar keys, site map, etc.
  5. What will the doorways be made of? Under the drops and freshly with your hosting will do any Dorgen. You select hosting or VDS for Dorgen. There are various kinds of restrictions on free sites - the lack of PHP or any frameworks necessary for Dorgen to work. You need to select a Dorgen for freehi, and not vice versa. Ideally, under frihi, Dorgen should generate static (regular html pages)

According to other criteria, Dorgens are not fundamentally different. They use the same basic macros, which differ only in names. In addition, Dorgens differ in the method of generation. There are server-based dorgens (generated directly on the domain) and desktop ones (generated on Windows, and then the dorgens are uploaded to the server). Dorgens can also generate static (html pages) or dynamic (using caching and databases).

Below is short review Dorgens, where it is indicated what tasks each of them is suitable for, their main advantages and disadvantages.

  1. — a server Dorgen that can work in both dynamic and static modes (under free-running modes). Dorgen can parse text from websites using keys in full automatic mode. At the output, the text is mixed either by sentences or by paragraphs. Disadvantage: the text is processed quite poorly and there is a lot of garbage and fragments of sentences. In addition, Dorgen can parse music from VK and videos from YouTube, and, therefore, you can make mp3 and video doorways.

    At the end of 2016, a new 5th version of Ceodore was released. Significant differences from previous versions lie in its resource intensity. Dorgen consistently maintains 10 requests per second on the Standard tariff. Based on this, it can be calculated that this tariff Dorgen will be able to receive about 864,000 page views per day. Macros can be found here: seodor.biz/makros/
    The disadvantages, in general, include “dampness” new version, poor technical support.

    Similar Dorgens: SED , Wmsn Doorway Generator

  2. PandoraBox is a desktop Dorgen that generates static in html form under freehi, or static with PHP inserts. Dorgen is good at working with text. Supported various algorithms generating text from ready files(Markov chains, comma joining, jumbled sentences, etc.). The text can be prepared in advance or parsed from snippets using Dorgen. You can insert keys with declensions into the text and make contextual linking. Significant disadvantage is that the keys cannot be scattered across categories; there will be different categories shared keys from one file.

    The disadvantage of Dorgen is also the inability to work normally with subdomains. In SEODOR, you can create only one domain, onto which you can upload dorgen, and make the rest as aliases. In Pandora, you will have to create each domain physically in a panel on your hosting. This becomes especially fun when you have several dozen doorways, with several dozen subdomains on each. You will either need to create thousands of domains by hand, or with a script that works rather crookedly.

    Parsing videos from YouTube is supported, but music cannot be parsed.

  3. — a fairly simple desktop Dorgen that is suitable for mastering the theme of doorways and allows you to create simple templates.

    Basic capabilities for working with text are supported: a mixture of sentences, inserting keys into text without word forms, categories. Textovka connects only from its own files, there is no parsing.

  4. ZennoPoster in the classical sense is not a dorgen, but can be used to create doorways on YouTube, VKontakte doorways and other similar sites. With Zenka you can automate any task in the browser, which is why this software is widely used in doorways.

The main difficulty in mass production of doorways is content extraction. After all, there are a lot of pages required, which means tens of megabytes of text are required. Previously, everyone just took books (they have a lot of text), mixed up the words and stuck in their keys. Now such a clumsy approach no longer works. Although there are craftsmen who still rivet doorways using old schemes for Google, such crafts have difficulty getting into the index and are quickly calculated and banned.

Nowadays, high-quality thematic text, prepared according to certain algorithms, rules. Some server Dorgens parse text from sites using specific keys. After parsing, the text is cleaned and processed on the fly, after which it is loaded onto the page. In this case, there is no need to prepare the text separately; Dorgen will do everything himself. However, absolutely all Dorgens are imperfect and often there is a lot of garbage in the texts, not to mention the fact that the sites themselves, found using low-frequency keywords, may contain delusional and off-topic text.
The main algorithms by which Dorgen text is parsed:

  1. Copy-paste of all text found on the site. On the generated page it will be presented in the same quantity as it was on the donor site. Usually at the end of the article there is a link to the source. Previously (2012-13), this method worked well, but now Yandex quickly bans such doorways.
  2. A jumble of paragraphs. A paragraph is taken from each site by key and inserted in the amount specified in the settings (for example, from 3 to 5 paragraphs, 3-5 sentences each). Such doorways still exist today. In Yandex – from 2 to 4 months.
  3. A mishmash of proposals. Taken different offers from the text, parsed by key, are mixed and inserted onto the doorway page, if necessary, divided into an arbitrary number of paragraphs with an arbitrary number of sentences in each. Typically, Dorgens use algorithms such as Markov chains and Panchenko chains. Such doorways live for up to 6 months in Yandex.
  4. Parsing snippets. A list of keys is also entered into the parser. But it’s not the text from sites in the search results that is parsed based on keys, but snippets for each key. Google usually displays the most relevant (appropriate in meaning) pieces of text from sites in snippets. They often contain occurrences of the key in various variations. Therefore, the content on the roads turns out well
    optimized. Doors on such a text also live in both search engines for quite a long time.

Despite the fact that it’s 2017, it’s now possible to make doorways without any text at all (content-free doors). Only the title with the key and, depending on the topic, some static information are inserted into the template. For example, in the case of online stores, several product cards are laid out on the page, each of which contains generated information about price, availability, article number, size, weight, etc. The content on doorways can be pictures, videos and audio recordings.

Looking for Dor

Just the title of an adventure film. Go to yandex.ru and enter the keyword for your topic. For example, let’s take a key on the topic of gambling [Volcano Casino]. This key highly competitive, and most likely there will be no doorways for it. But it’s not scary, I just start my search with this key and gradually delve deeper into the topic. In Yandex, the key “Vulcan Casino” displays hints.

We take any long key, suitable for the topic. I'll take the kay [volcano casino slot machines play for money]. I'm looking at the results for it. On the first 3 pages there are real Vulcan casinos and SDL sites for affiliate programs, but the doors are not visible. It’s okay, I enter the same key into Yandex in quotes. There are only roads in the TOP 10. I look at the first doorway.

The doorway is covered with a frame. The frame is a landing page that is hung on top this page for all visitors. This operation is performed special scripts, supported by many Dorgens, which are usually called "cloaca" by doormen. If visitors see the frame, then the bots go to regular pages site. Over time (3-6 months), the bots figure out the principle of the sewer and the doorway is sent to a ban.

I immediately look at two things - what kind of text and linking. The text is thematic, according to Vulcan, most likely, these are snippets. I immediately draw your attention to the fact that by eye the text is 800-1000 characters (relatively small).

Most likely, the template was ripped from some casino website. Next, the door developer installed macros for displaying random links in the existing blocks and thereby diversified the linking. This is the right move for Yandex - it loves templates with a complex structure.

Let's look at the structure of the door. The page in the search results is uploaded to the /fb/ folder. From experience, I can assume that this is a door on a shell, because... Doorways on scrap are often filled in separate folder so that the owner does not burn down the doorway and demolish it.

I go to the main page and see a site on a completely different topic.

Why did the door developer choose this domain to fill the door? To answer this question, just look at the domain parameters in RDS.

There are 30 tic on the site, the main one in Yandex was indexed 5 hours ago (which means there is a fast bot on the site and pages are included in the index outside of the app), there is +300 backlinks, but the index in Yandex is only 260 pages versus 10K in Google. The domain's parameters are good, but there are clearly problems with the index.

White doorway

If you target your doorway to Google, you can stuff it with content from as many sources as possible, including graphics: pictures, videos, links, structured text. An example of creating a “white” doorway is based on the following:

  1. Take any blog template with 2 columns.
  2. The main column is filled with text relevant to the page key. Of course, having previously parsed it from sites in the search results.
  3. Dilute the text in the main column with pictures, videos from YouTube and keys
  4. Fill the second column with questions from question/answer sites (for example answers.yahoo.com) on the topic and linking to keys/pages of the site.
  5. Place banners and calculators for draining in different places

Affiliate program for writing student assignments under burzh is well suited for this option doorway They have a large database of keywords and top words, including LF.

There is no need to enter it into the index; they enter slowly, but on their own. And since they don’t get banned, there’s no point in speeding up this process. Considering the gradual increase in the number of pages, one dor of 1000 pages is completely included in the index in 3 weeks. Don’t forget about the site map, it needs to be registered in robots.txt.

You can use 1000 keys/pages for 1 domain, optimally increase a pack of domains to 60-100 dollars, and traffic will bring about 15,000 uniques per month during the school season. With a good envelope, and with BestEduDeal it is approximately 1 order per 500 uniques, in orders this means 30-45 per month, in money $3000-5000 per month of passive income.

They also have a special landing page under PPC in Google Adwords. Since direct advertising and sale of essays is prohibited, you can use a landing page.

One of the most profitable and permanent incomes is the sale of physical goods with payment upon receipt. This material was created specifically for such offers. However, you can use it for your own purposes - attracting traffic, selling digital goods, recruiting referrals, etc. Now we will consider with you issues related to SEO doorways. If you are new to this field, then be sure to read the following paragraphs, if you are an experienced person, then just scroll further.

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Today in the article

What is a doorway?

Doorway is a website with automatically generated content (content), which is usually due to high density keywords on your pages and their internal optimization, ranks high for various low-frequency search queries, and brings traffic, that is, visitors, to its owner.

Don't let the phrase "automatically generated content" scare you. We will not create doorways with nonsense texts or spammed articles. Our doorways will look like this:

  • Text content – ​​from 500 to 1000 characters;
  • 3 key queries – 1 in the page title, 1 enclosed in an H1 tag and one in the middle of the text content;
  • Graphic content (pictures, videos)
  • Non-indexable search robots a checkout form or a link to a third-party site (depending on what you're promoting).

Each of our doorways will contain 450-500 pages optimized for a specific key query, 1 page – 1 query. Now imagine that you have created 10 doorways - and in search results More than 4500 keywords will appear!

Speed ​​of indexing doorways by search engines

With search algorithms Google results I haven’t studied it closely, but it indexes quickly enough. As for Yandex (the main source of traffic), you will have to wait 2-3 search results updates - about a month. I agree, you will have to wait, but then your expectations will more than pay off - because you will not have to promote your sites, and they will steadily bring both traffic and clients.

Step-by-step creation of a doorway

  1. Selection of topics;
  2. Rip the site;
  3. Collection of key queries;
  4. Creating a template.
  5. Domain selection – purchasing domains and free domains (the choice is yours).

So, let's go!

Choosing a doorway theme

I have long stopped promoting information products and other digital goods, having completely switched to physical goods. I don’t know which is closer to your liking. However, the algorithm is standard, don’t worry.

The Internet is full of all kinds of affiliate programs and CPA networks for webmasters.

There is no need to choose well-worn products - Goji berries, monastery tea, Thor's hammer, flying fairy, etc. How more popular product, the more competition and the less your income will be.

Rip the site

When you decide on the topic of your future doorway, it’s time to rip the site.

Rip a site - copying the template of someone else's site.

You don’t need to think that I’m suggesting you steal websites and plagiarize. We will rip only the sales page of the offer you have chosen.

If you search on the Internet, you can find a lot of programs for copying websites, but I use OfflineExplorer.

  1. — link to the official website (free trial period with full functionality – 15 days);
  2. - a link to a cracked version of the program, you do not have to pay for it (I do not approve or promote the use of pirated software - everything is entirely on your conscience).

Once you download and install OfflineExplorer, launch it.

In the second field, indicate the path to save the ripped site.

When you download the site, you need to open it with the notepad++ editor and clean the template. Here you will need basic knowledge HTML tags. It’s up to you to choose what to delete and what to add (content from 500 to 1000 characters is required!). Be sure to save the adjusted template as page.htm.

If you decide to create doorways to attract referrals to a project or to your website, then you need to create a template from scratch. Don't be afraid, with the help of this service you can create almost any html websites without experience -

IMPORTANT! The first two lines of your template should be:

To make it clearer, there is a doorway template in the Doorway Generator\templates\crem folder. Open page.htm using notepad++ and make your template in comparison with the source.

The sample also contains two files.htaccess and 404.php - be sure to copy them to the folder with your template.

Collecting key queries for the doorway

When your template is ready, it's time to move on to collecting key queries for your future doorway sites.

There are two ways.

The simplest, but time-consuming, is collecting keywords in the Yandex.Wordstat service.

Second - use free program"Magadan". You can get acquainted with its capabilities and learn how to get started with the program by watching the video.

The free features of the Magadan program are quite enough for you, you don’t need to spend money.

Don't forget to create new account in Yandex (just in case) and enter it into “Magadan”.

When you have parsed the number of key queries you need, save it in .txt format

Create a template

In the archive with additional materials you will find the “Doorway Generator” folder, where there is a free but powerful JakoDorgen Pro, with which we will make our doorways.

So what we have:

  • Prepared template page.htm;
  • Keywords.

Now we need to insert the following into our template:

Everything that is displayed only on the main page of each site.

Everything that is displayed on the internal pages.

If you look at the template in the Doorway Generator\templates\crem folder, you will see that the code is the same on the main page and on the others. To avoid confusion and waste time, simply copy and paste the first code. To make it more clear, take a look at the attached template by opening it in notepad++.

In our case, the code on both the main page and the internal ones is the same. You just need to copy the same code 2 times, look carefully at how this is done in my template. First we adapt the shab for Dorgen, then we copy ready code, so as not to change the same thing twice and not get confused.

The necessary macros and dorgen tags (which must be in your template).

Bust Cream Salon Spa -— displays the title with key query;

- keywords for home page;

— description of the main page.

– kay s capital letters. Insert it into the h1 in the title as high up on the page as possible.

– kay with a small letter. Can be mentioned somewhere on the page.

To make the text on doorways different, do it this way

[[once and for all|forever|forever]] - randomly opens [[use synonyms here and close the macro|insert synonyms here and close the tag]].

Look at my template - you will understand everything.

Next macro.

This macro displays 5 random anchor links to other pages of your doorway. Place the macro at the very bottom - after the order form or link to a third-party site.


Insert after the previous macro so that the html_map is generated.

When you are finished working with the doorway template, move the folder with your template to the “templates” folder, which is located in the program files, and go to the JakoDorgen Pro settings. They won't take up much of your time.

Generator program settings doorways JakoDorgen Pro

Launch the program, open the “settings” tab and click “create profile”. The “Enter the name of the new profile” field will appear - enter whatever your heart desires.

When you complete all the settings, be sure to save the profile. Then we go with you to the “generator” - “mass addition of projects” and add the following code exactly as many times as you plan to use domains (read more about domains below):

site.ru|||C:\keywords-proba.txt|C:\text-proba.txt|Proba, where:

  • site.ru – the address of your website;
  • |||C:\keywords-probe.txt – path to the file with keywords;
  • C:\textovka-proba.txt – path to the text file (create any text file with any words).
  • Sample – the name of your profile.

If you add more than one site, then simply copy the code to new lines in the window and change the value site.ru.

Click “add”, select a folder to save your sites and click “generate” - the sites will be generated in a matter of minutes!

Domain selection – purchasing domains and free domains

So, we have reached the final part of our course. Now let's talk about domains.

There are two ways.

  1. buy inexpensive domains from the official registrar;
  2. use other people's domains (this does not mean stealing!).

I won’t go into detail about the first method; you’ll be able to figure out what’s what without me.

What does it mean to “use someone else’s domains”? Hundreds of new domains are registered every day and the same number are abandoned. It often happens that a person forgets about his domain, but it remains delegated to a specific hosting. For such a domain to become yours, you just need to create an account with the chosen hoster and indicate the abandoned one in your domains. And voila, you have a free domain!

Disadvantages of this method:

  • you cannot renew the domain registration period;
  • if the owner takes his domain back, your site will disappear.

Whether to use it or not is up to you. This method can only be used when you are on a limited budget.

In the "free domains" folder you will find necessary software to search for abandoned domains.

Step 1. Install and run the program vidalia-bridge-bundle-

Step 2. Go to: soft→exe→ and launch the “StatOnline” shortcut.

Step 3. In the window that appears, enter .ru in the first line after the colon and press “enter”.

Step 4. In the next line, enter ns of your hoster, for example ns1.jino.ru and press “enter”. You will begin searching for domains. Wait 10-20 minutes and close the window. You should have a domain.txt file.

Step 5. Launch the “StealDomain” shortcut.

Step 6. Click the “import” button and select the domain.txt file that appears, domain scanning will begin. If it doesn’t start, click on the “continue checking” button.

Step 7. When the verification is completed, click the “export” button and save the text file under any name. Open this file and hundreds free domains at your service!

Still, I’ll continue about adult doorways.
In this post we will generate a simple website in PHP.

I’ll say right away that search engines are constantly changing and new roads sometimes don’t behave as expected. Although the old ones most often hold up normally, only occasionally slowing down the traffic.

I did the last two doors in accordance with what I will write below. I made them at the end of August, beginning of September. In October they brought 21k uniques. For November, 20k, so as you can see, the traffic not only did not sleep, but also grew. Expenses in glanders total 600 rubles per month for both. Income is almost 3000 for October, 2800 for November to date.

Of course, there are also unsuccessful doorways, but here you don’t have to do it every once in a while... If you look at these doors separately, you’ll get a slightly different look. One dor brought in 2350 in November with expenses of 200, the other only 450 with the same expenses. Moreover, in October the second road generally went into a slight minus.

Yes, luck has an influence here, but besides luck, the theme has an influence. And this is precisely the first point when working with doors.

1) Choose a niche.

I will continue with the example of those two sites. A less fortunate site was made using keys generated from “porn videos” now looking at search queries I see that the word “video” appears less than 5% there. That is, obviously an unsuccessful topic. He got out only by using glanders. While the more successful door has 90% of the traffic corresponding to its keys, although I also pushed it with a gland :)

Therefore, in order not to be disappointed in Dors at the very beginning, find a topic with reduced competition; for the first experiments it is better to generally use niches without the word “porn”

2) Content

We don’t just have a dormitory, but an adult one. Judging by my observations, search engines are loyal to dramas of this theme made in the form of galleries. In the end, adult SDL is the same as the same galleries.

Therefore, we go to the porn lab and download a selection of photos close to our topic. 400-600 photos will be enough. We adjust them to the width of the design, for example, the one I wrote. We also change the file names to numeric ones.

3) Design, template

We just need a nice, regular template; we’ll customize it for pshp later. Think in advance where you will place your advertisement.
I most often activate a VP template on some website. I save the HTML code of the received page, style files and a folder with pictures, remove all the left-hand information from the code and get a nice HTML template, tailored for WordPress.

4) Keys

It’s simple here, we just parse or manually copy the data from Yandex Wordstat. Here: wordstat.yandex.ru

5) Generation

Now we come to the main thing.

As promised, I give an example of the SIMPLE generation.

We will have three semantic objects.

  1. The index.php file is simply a renamed index.html from the selected template, with the addition of php code in the places where information is displayed.
  2. File with a list of keys.
  3. Folder with a list of photos.

The keys must be mixed. If you don’t find any program, then I’ll give you my own, it’s just that the code there is such a noob that it’s kind of a shame ^^ Although a file of, for example, one hundred thousand lines is mixed in less than half a minute on my average computer.

It’s also better to mix up the photos. Also, if you don’t find an alternative, I’ll give you my own.

Don't be foolish with encodings. Keep the keys the same as the template.
Actually, we move on to it and finally the actual programming begins.

First, we connect the file with the keys.

With this line we pick up a file called key.txt which is located in the root of the site and represent it as an array $f_arkey
It's better to rename the file. There is no need to shove 100,500 keys into one file. 1-3 keys per photo are enough.

So we get the page number

$fotka = $_GET['photo'];
$fotka= (int)$fotka;

We get the key corresponding to this page. But since there are usually more keys than photos, I prefer to use a “combined” key from several initial ones. Therefore, let's assume that we have 450 photos and 1350 keys. Three to one.

In general, here is a code example:

$key = $f_arkey[$fotka].’ ‘.$f_arkey[$fotka+450].’ ‘.$f_arkey[$fotka+900];

As you can see, we simply added the lines. The line indicated by the photo number, and the lines +450 and + 900.
Ok, okay we got it. Now we start pushing it everywhere we want.

First of all, of course, the title.
There are some general keys here, like “porn”, “photo”, “download”, “free”<? echo $key; ?>

Somewhere in the body of the page insert the samesurround it with title tags. For example, above the photo.

Let's move on to the photo.



Well, I think everything is clear. We put the key in the viola and the address of the photo itself.

To finish, all that remains is to make a “menu” to select other pages.

Since the example is the simplest, we will display all the links at once. That is, there will be no third-level pages on the site.
You can simply write the appropriate HTML code. Or you can build a list in php:

while ($in !== 450) (

$in = $in+1;

echo " ".$in. "» ;

As you can see, the option is very simple. And although we use numbers rather than keys instead of anchors, for some reason this also gives an effect, probably if you cram in 450 anchors, the search engines will immediately understand what’s what. :))

Therefore, you can complicate the generation of some links by issuing anchors. For example


while ($in !== 25) (

$in = $in+1;

$ fotka2 =$in+$fotka % 450;

$key2 = $f_arkey[$fotka2].’ ‘.$f_arkey[$fotka2+450].’ ‘.$f_arkey[$fotka2+900];

echo " fotka2 .»>» . $key2 . "
» ;

Let's look at the code. What is he doing? Gives 25 links to the next 25 photos.
If there are less than 25 photos left until the end of the gallery, the report is simply transferred to the beginning. This is achieved by using the % operator, which gives the remainder of the division.

All. I have provided the most basic sections of code, just paste them into the template in the appropriate places. If you have any questions please ask.
If any of them don't work or give an error, please let us know. I wrote the codes live during the post, and did not copy them from ready-made files, so I could have made a typo somewhere.

If you decide to try to make doors using similar schemes, you will probably have additional questions, so here are my references :)

I advise you to compete in both. I am convinced that using two systems at the same time on a website is better than one.

2024 gtavrl.ru.