Yandex update dates. Yandex updates - what are they? Types, when they happen and how to find out when an update is happening

The promotion of Internet projects directly depends on updates to search results, the results of which are made up of additional updates of the Yandex search engine, analyzed, and final result expressed in the position occupied by the promoted resource.

Yandex uses various “robots” that analyze a certain part of the site) to collect information about sites, which ultimately transmit the received information for processing to the main server, and during its update, new positions of sites are determined for certain requests.

What updates does Yandex have?

The promotion and attitude of search engines towards the site can be easily assessed by the results of a search engine update, and the process itself, translated from English, update means update. Upgrades are divided into four groups, and each of them plays its own role in the search engine, but together they determine the state of the site, its position in search results and the attitude of the search engine to the project as a whole.

There are 4 types of Yandex updates:

  1. Updating the link mass and content on
  2. Update TCI of Internet resources.
  3. Updating Yandex search results.
  4. Upgrade of the Yandex website catalog.

Yandex link and text updates

The text update occurs simultaneously with the link update and transfers the found texts and links to the search database, which determines the place occupied in the search for a specific key query. A text update is a planned action, and if text is added to the site today, and the update occurs the next day, then the new article will not appear in the search, since the robot searching for content and links simply will not have time to view new text. If the resource owner adds new content to the site and the speed of getting into the search results is very important, you need to calculate the approximate date of the next update and find out whether the robot will have time to view the new page.

This type of upgrade takes on average 6 days, but these times are not constant, you won’t be able to check the exact Yandex updates, so you should just use free services, which calculate the approximate update date.

Update of TCI indicators

The TCI indicator depends on the number of links to the site, as well as the total mention of the domain (for example: on other Internet resources; as a result of the analysis of these indicators, the resource is gaining popularity.

Owners popular resources, endowed with huge indicators this parameter, diligently monitor its growth and constantly monitor the correct Yandex updates so that their income grows, but if the TCI declines, the cost of links from their resource will decrease.

Website TIC update - an important event for all owners of Internet projects, since this event shows the popularity of the resource among the entire Internet. This event is the least predictable, and if any site optimizer can expect a text update once a week, then this will never happen with the TCI, so you should not even try to guess the date.

Accurate search results updates

Each update of the search results changes a lot, and if a resource after the last upgrade got to the first line for a certain query, this does not mean that with the next update it will not slide down to 5th or 10th place.

Search update is the most important process, during which Yandex fully analyzes the project, uses data from other types of updates (link, text, etc.), scans each site for a cinematic core and produces a search result. The described site analysis process allows the main one to decide which of the sites should be in the first position, and which of them will be in the twenty-fifth for the same request.

Yandex does not hide the update process and, if desired, can notify the webmaster about the start of an update of the search results, for which you simply need to configure this action in the site control panel. In addition to the system itself, you can turn to other services that are common on the Internet and will notify customers free of charge about updates to search results, catalogs and other Yandex services.

Updating the Yandex catalog

Yandex has a directory and allows only selected sites into it, and the rest, if they could not get in on a free basis, can try to pay, however, even if they are in the directory, the resource does not receive great advantage ahead of other projects in getting to the first position.

Search engines divide sites depending on the region where the company is located (that is, a resident of Surgut will not see an organization from Novosibirsk in the first position), but those companies that are engaged in trade or services throughout Russia turn to the Yandex catalog to assign several search regions to the site .

For non-commercial projects, getting into the directory will be important due to the increase in the cost of links from their sites to customer resources and, even more so, will increase the cost of the site when selling.

If we consider the catalog of Yandex sites, then an update is an update of the positions of sites within the catalog system, where the first place goes to the project with the highest TCI, and the rest are smoothly placed among all other positions based on the value of the site’s citation index.

Methods for determining Yandex updates

There are various services that will show for free past updates to search results, catalogue, TCI, PR on Google and other changes in the operation of search engines, but most importantly, they can notify you if the correct Yandex updates have begun.

The update begins at midnight and can last for ten or twenty hours, so you can start checking positions at least in the morning, and preferably in the late afternoon.

The update system does not work as many Internet users believe, for example: on the 1st, the search results are updated, but this update includes pages that were found before the 20th of the previous month.

What to do after Yandex updates

Any update is a change, and changes can be either good or bad, so you need to react quickly and check how the search engine treats the project at the moment.

SEOs remember everything about their site that they do with it: they change, delete or add something, and all these changes affect the attitude of the search engine either positively or negatively. negative side. The optimizer then analyzes the changes and decides what to do next: continue actions or change tactics.

Example. The optimizer started placing links from internal pages website to the main page, Yandex was updated, and as a result the main page did not reach the first position for the selected query, and the subpages began to bring in fewer visitors. The optimizer has to decide: return everything back and choose another method or continue and output home page site in the chosen way.

Of course, the correct Yandex updates should be constantly monitored, and it does not matter exactly how this is done, the main thing is to understand the result and decide how to further promote the site.

A SERP update is an update to a page with search results. The word “update” itself is translated as “update”. What is meant by the words Yandex issue update? This is a change in the information provided by this search engine (PS search engine).

How is Yandex search results updated?

Search engine robots crawl sites with a certain regularity and update information about resources in their databases. This is a long process. Worth considering great amount sites in worldwide network, as well as the different frequency of their visits by Yandex spiders. Information accumulates and at some point the PS algorithms change the internal rankings of sites. The result of these adjustments is a change in the order of web pages for specific user requests.

In reality, this process should be divided into separate threads. Yandex collects not only the text content of pages, but also carries out:

  • picture analysis;
  • links of sites to each other;
  • attendance.
It is known that user actions and analysis of new page content are important. All rating recalculations require significant computing power.

How often does Yandex issue update occur?

It is impossible to give an exact answer to this question today. There are a number of services that “predict” search engine updates, but in reality this is rather an extrapolation of the information received about previously carried out SERP updates. For example, if significant changes were noted regularly once a month, then it is logical to assume that the trend will continue in the future. In fact, for each direction (text, images, links, etc.) the updates do not have to match.

The PS itself has quite a lot of robots. There are “fast” ones that add pages to the index almost instantly. In fact, minutes after publication new page on the resource, it may already appear in the search results, and then begin to “float” through positions. Example: news and news feed. For one request made 15 minutes apart, you can get a completely different set of resources. This special case, when Yandex tries to provide the most “fresh” and relevant information.

By row high frequency queries With established leaders, it is almost impossible to notice something like this on the first pages. Text updates there usually occur in the interval of 3 - 10 days.

Frequency of updates (taken from

As a rule, for most sites with high-quality information, it takes 2-3 months to get on the first page of search results for medium-frequency queries, but the situation may change according to various reasons. The myth about the Yandex sandbox appeared precisely because of the low update speed. In fact, this is precisely an update, the result of which is the appearance of a previously unknown PS site in the search results.

Often the rapid rise or fall of a site is associated with a change in the main Yandex ranking mechanisms.

I will delve into the well-worn topic of TIC indicators among SEOs and others and will touch a little on the PageRank index, they are also popularly called “bellies”.

To be honest, I was prompted to write this article by one circumstance. On my culinary blog, just before the New Year, the TIC indicator increased to 20 and I even thought that Yandex was just some kind of “Santa Claus”, since it gives out such gifts just before the holiday!

But my joy did not last long, since the number 20 lasted only about 2 weeks, and then “OPA” and again 10. Yes, it would be better if it did not rise at all and then I would sleep peacefully at night, like everyone else normal people and I wouldn’t “warm” my head trying to find out the reason for such a “cruel” punishment.

But what happened, happened and the world did not turn upside down, but now I know everything about TIC and PR, well, or almost everything. 🙂

The article promises to be quite voluminous, since we will talk about what a thematic citation index is and what the VIC is, too. important indicator Yandex.

We will find out how to check the TIC of a site and when, with what time interval, an update (ap) or update of the above indexes occurs.

Generally for Lately So much new information has fallen on my head that my thoughts are a little confused and I want to cram everything into one article at once, so that I can unload at least a little.

There is also a metric called Alexa Rank. It is a little different and is not directly related to Yandex and Google, but nevertheless it is also very important for the general assessment of any Internet resource.

If only ordinary Internet users do not know about the thematic citation index, then I am sure not all beginners are aware of the VIC - weighted citation index. But more on that a little later.

The story of one young project that dreamed of a high TIC

Among the scientific world, a measure of the authority of a particular scientific work is the so-called CI - citation index. What do scientists have to do with this? Many have probably already understood where the “wind is blowing”. This example is given by Yandex itself in its help and in various variations it is echoed by most SEO blogs, but I’m not going to retell Yandex; anyone who is interested, please go here.

I came up with a slightly different analogy to explain the principle of operation of citation indexes. I hope you will enjoy.

My father is a musician with extensive teaching experience and he also composes serious classical works. So, for his work to be played by a symphony orchestra in a large concert hall, requires not only beautifully composed notes and correct harmony, but also recognition from an authoritative audience.

Why am I telling all this? Fortunately, we have enough musicians in our country, but not every one of them receives the honor of being in the TOP, that is, in a large concert hall. Competition and selection are very tough and even the most talented people arts can only count on a small room where an orchestra consisting of relatives and students will play, and the listeners will be a devoted audience of true connoisseurs of this person’s work.

So what does an ordinary musician need to do to find himself in a large concert hall? That's right, you just need to become popular.

Thematic citation index (TIC) is the ordinary popularity of a particular resource, earned by: the talent of the author, necessary connections, in cash.

A young project that has just graduated from music school has zero popularity indicators. But if the project’s plans are not limited to just playing the guitar in the yard, then he will probably want to show his talents at some music competition. And if he becomes the winner, then he is guaranteed a TIC of 10 or 20.

Moreover, the members of the jury who nominated the contestant as laureates may remember such an impressive performance and quite possibly give him their references.

One can imagine that a young project, impressed by the first indicators, wants to strengthen them, so to speak, and offers the money earned for winning the competition to the director of a small concert hall. Where there is a wonderful piano and where the regular audience goes.

After a successful performance, people started talking about the young project! Links began to appear on different blogs and the project itself has already matured a little and acquired a repertoire. So things started to spin.

The more often the project performed, the larger the audience of listeners it gathered around itself. What do people usually need? That's right - gossip. So word spread throughout the villages that a worthwhile musician had appeared, whom you could look at, listen to, and finally be interesting to read!

The story is long, but at the very end the matured project successfully acquires the necessary contacts by counting the money spent and earned. And now the dream has come true! The project receives its cherished TIC 1000. And the performance in the large concert hall was deafening, which fully made the project feel its popularity.

What influences the growth of TIC, what is TIC and what does PageRank have to do with it?

What is the thematic citation index made up or determined of? TIC only takes into account external links and the word “thematic” is present for a reason because the topic of the “donor” site should coincide or be very close to the topic of the site to which it leads this link. Then the transmitted weight will be taken into account by the Yandex robot to the maximum.

The higher the TIC of the “donor” site, the more weight is transferred to the “recipient” site and such a link is considered higher quality.

It must be said that if on the page where the “donor” has placed a link to your project there are 3-5 more links to other resources, then the quality of such a link decreases, since the weight of the page will be equally distributed among all outgoing links.

But what if some site with the theme “Vegetable garden” linked to a blog called “Sooner or later we will all be in the TOP”? Such a link will also be taken into account, but its quality (weight) will be minimal.

When the Yandex robot determines the thematic citation index for a particular web resource, the quantity and quality of incoming links are taken into account! TIC can only be assigned to the site as a whole, and not to each separate page. The TIC can grow to unimaginable sizes; for example, in Yandex this figure is 290,000.

Abbreviation VIC stands for weighted citation index and is the “secret agent” of Yandex. It is the VIC that determines the weight of a particular “donor” page, after which the weight flowing through the link is calculated.

VIC works on a principle very similar to PageRank, which determines the weight of each page individually and the entire resource as a whole. But while the PR indicator can be viewed, there is no way to find out, check or measure the VIC, unless of course you work in Yandex.

The weighted citation index takes into account both external and internal links, but by what principle the weight of a particular page is determined we can only guess, since Yandex stores this algorithm behind seven seals.

But I still have certain thoughts and I will share them in an article, which I will devote separately to the concept of the weight of pages and sites in general, so I advise you to subscribe to blog updates.

What can affect the decrease in the thematic citation index?

Well, we actually get to the reason that prompted me to write this article. As I wrote at the very beginning, the TIC dropped on my culinary blog.

What factors influence the decline in the index? The fact is that there can be quite a few reasons, and which or which ones influenced the decline in the index is very difficult to determine.

Reason #2. “Donor” sites have significantly lost their weight and, naturally, the quality of links from them has dropped significantly.

Reason #3. Your resource has developed and accumulated weight, but external reference mass remained the same and an imbalance occurred, which could also affect the TIC indicator.

Reason #4. In Yandex, adjustments were made to robot algorithms and as a result, the index collapsed, which modern history has happened more than once.

Reason #5. Your resource was unavailable. It doesn’t matter whether it was the fault of the hosting provider or whether you accidentally did something wrong - the result is a lowering of the index.

Perhaps I have not indicated all the reasons, and if anyone has anything to add to the list presented, please use the comment form.

How to find out, check the TIC of the site

In order to find out or check the current TIC of a site, there are many ways. I described one of them in the article “Program for SEO website analysis - Site-Auditor. How to determine site positions".

You can also use various extensions for the browser. About one current, very useful for the work of any blogger, extension RDS bar, which also includes the function of determining “bellies,” I wrote in the article “Links at the point. We find and remove external links from articles with an anchor in the form of a dot “.

There are a lot online services Sing TIC and PR checks. Here is a list of a few of them:

Yandex even created a special button that is inserted into the site and shows the current state of the index:

But for some reason I am not a supporter of unnecessary buttons and counters, as I wrote about in the article “How to install a counter on a website and which counter is best for a website.”

When an index update occurs

An update, or “up” in common parlance, means that the parameters for projects indexed by Yandex have been recalculated.

It happens that after the next update of the TIC, the indexes of thousands of sites sag and such a fuss arises on various SEO forums, they are indignant! Will they just do any good? This will not change the state of affairs anyway, because Yandex does not change decisions.

The index is updated approximately 1 - 2 times a month and exact dates does not exist. Apparently, just as Yandex has everything ready to carry out the work, so they are launching “up”.

It must be said that there is still an update of search results, which occurs much more often approximately every 3-5 days. The robot takes into account all changes that have occurred on indexed resources and accordingly adjusts the position of sites in the search.

The history of the latest updates can be viewed on this service. When was the last index update and you can look at the current state of affairs here

See you!

Sincerely, Vitaly Kirillov

It comes down to the fact that first the spider robot goes to Internet sites and downloads the viewed pages into its database, then indexing occurs in it (the “importance of each page is assigned) and the received information is structured according to the appropriate algorithm.

It is important to understand that when a user types a query, the search engine does not look for the answer across the entire Internet, but only in its database, which was collected by the spider robot.

The search engine searches for documents, i.e. web pages within its collected database. At some point, the indexing program decides to form new base data (i.e. new information has appeared and it needs to be structured - new pages, new texts, new links). The old database is replaced with a new one - this is a Yandex update. Update (from English update - update) is also called simply “up”.

The search engine also, in addition to the main spider robot, has a so-called “fast robot”, which creates a database that is updated several times a day. This robot is fast and visits resources that are updated quickly, for example, frequently commented blogs.

This search engine produces several types of updates.

How and where to find out the exact Yandex updates

I would rather not be mistaken if I say that best service where you can find out the most latest information on this issue this is a service.

So, today is August 26, 2015 and what do we see.

The last ups were on August 8, 10 and 25. Consider, for example, up on August 25th. The search engine posted the index until August 9, which means that on August 25, only those documents that were published no later than August 9 will appear in the search. Those. if you published an article on August 10, then it will not be in the search results on the 25th - wait for the next update.

Ups search engines you can also look at the service If you look, the data here is delayed (screenshot taken on August 26, 2015).

Yandex issue

Let's consider the situation. Your blog occupies some position in the search results (for each request, each blog page has its own place in the search results). And the spider robot at this time found a bunch of similar blogs on your topic, and even with a bunch good links on them, and entered all the data into the database. Now the situation has changed - the Search Engine must post best blog to high positions in search results. It replaces the old database with a new one - it produces an up, and your blog becomes lower in the search results. That. After each update, the positions of sites in search results change. The frequency of updates for this search engine is approximately 2 to 7 days (and Google almost every day). So compare which search engine is better!

Yandex TCI

Yandex recalculates each site, taking into account the links leading to the site and the weight of these links.

You can view Titz's aps on the same service. Just click on the appropriate link.

Strictly speaking, with Yandex everything is more complicated. This is how they distinguish between a Yandex text update (the texts of documents found by the robot are taken into account), and a link update (which takes into account found and “broken” links in documents). The frequency of Yandex updates can be viewed on the website. By the way, here you can clearly see the time delay with which both text and links are taken into account.

There are also toolbar and button TCI updates, but these are subtleties that are needed by very cool SEO specialists.

Among optimizers, you can often hear such expressions as “update” or “Yandex/Google AP”. But not all beginners are familiar with this concept. And if you are just starting to get acquainted with search engine optimization, then it’s worth learning a little about the terminology of this area of ​​business. So what are search engine updates and what are they?

The word “update” comes from Up to date (from English - “relevant for today’s date”, “keeping up with the times”), and the verb to update is translated exactly as “update to the very current state" From the point SEO perspective an update is an update of data in search engine databases, which entails a change in the positions of sites in search results.

If the web resource has improved its position after the work, then the result of the promotion is positive. If the site’s position has decreased, then the result is negative, which means that the promotion strategy should be reconsidered and unused growth points should be worked out.

How often do Yandex and Google updates happen? U search base Google updates occur quite often - every day, or even more often. Yandex updates are eagerly awaited by all optimizers, as they happen less frequently, and this is a real event. There is no clear calendar of search engine updates, you can only predict their certain frequency.

Monitoring Yandex and Google updates

It is easier to monitor changes using specialized services. Each of the tools has its own approach to determining updates (the sum of the difference in values, the similarity of content according to the Oliver algorithm, the Levenshtein algorithm, pairwise comparison of array elements), which makes their analytics complementary.

All update analyzers also operate with the concept of “degree of change in output”, or “storm”. The storm refers to the degree of change in search results as a percentage, i.e. which documents and sites appeared in the top positions for certain queries, and which disappeared or moved lower. By how much the search results have changed, one can judge the emergence of a new algorithm for ranking information in search engines. Usually the so-called storm is measured in values ​​from 10 to 40%. Anything less is a weak update. And if the changes are more than 40%, most likely, a new algorithm could not have happened without the appearance of a new algorithm.

At the same time, there is another option that allows you to find out whether Yandex has had an update. This is the Yandex.Webmaster panel. Go to the settings of this service, configure the desired item (“Search database update”), and you will be aware of the updates.

Example letter:

Types of updates: list of the most significant changes in search results

Let's start with the first part:

Why analyze updates?

Webmasters regularly monitor search engine updates, analyze the consequences and effectiveness of the chosen strategy, and adjust it if necessary. It is necessary to analyze the update, because in fact this is the only source operational information, helping to make correct decisions. For example, you purchased links using one strategy, but after the update the positions dropped or the site fell under the search engine filter. IN in this case link tactics need to be reconsidered. Or you decided to adjust the content on the promoted pages, after text update Positions on pages with new content decreased, while on pages whose content was preserved, on the contrary, they increased. This means that it is necessary to reconsider the format of the texts.

Thanks to the analysis of updates, you can identify promotion errors, select the optimal strategy, and subsequently attract truly interested visitors to your website.

We wish you only good updates and effective strategies!