CMS decryption. Let there be a CMS! Detailed description of CMS DLE functionality

A modern website is no longer just a set of pages with links between them (as it was ten years ago), but a full-fledged one software, which tracks user actions, allows them to communicate with each other and offers a variety of useful services depending on the tasks set by the site owner. Significant amounts of money are invested in the development of such a system. Often the budget of a large corporate website is comparable to the budget of a small company. The tasks of administration, management and functionality are solved by the so-called “Content Management Systems” (CMS). There are already plenty of both paid and free systems written. In this article, we will look at the most popular of them in terms of functionality, ease of use for users and administrators, and also pay attention to the load on the server when operating these CMSs.

Data Life Engine (DLE)

The commercial CMS Data Life Engine has undeservedly earned a bad reputation. At the same time, the developers are absolutely not to blame for this. They created optimal system for publishing news and articles.

Let's look at the main features of DLE:

  • creation of an unlimited number of categories and sections for news
  • differentiation of access rights between users
  • simplicity and convenience of publishing materials
  • convenient admin panel
  • technically competent Russification
  • small size Database
  • convenient connection of design templates
  • ability to backup and restore the database from the admin panel
  • built-in CNC page addresses in several formats

From a website developer's point of view, DLE is somewhat clumsy. There are a sufficient number of modules that expand the functionality of the system, but they are all aimed at developing the main task, that is, publishing news materials. At the same time, installing a module is not an easy task. A person who does not know the basics of layout and web programming is unlikely to cope with this task. Many developers manage to create quite complex non-news projects using Data Life Engine. However, if you think logically, it is better for such purposes not to take DLE, but something more flexible in functional terms. For example, Joomla or Drupal.

Why does Data Life Engine get such a bad reputation? Everything is very simple. The engine’s protection was broken long ago, and 99% of its functionality is used by careless webmasters on sites with pirated software and adult portals. Although, in fact, the engine is very stable and high quality. With proper configuration and optimization, the load on the server is minimal.

Drupal is not only a content management system in the classical sense of the term. This is more of a core, on the basis of which you can build almost unlimited functionality of the site. Need a news portal? No problem! We collect the necessary modules and get a portal with news. Need a file directory? We follow the same principle and get a fully functional catalog.

Thousands of websites are built on this system. Here are the main areas of development in Drupal:

  • blogs
  • social media
  • personal sites
  • corporate websites
  • community portals
  • forums
  • the shops
  • directory sites

Drupal is considered one of the most reliable systems today. At the same time, a huge advantage of this CMS is that it is absolutely free to use. There is a Russian-speaking Drupal community, where you will always receive the necessary technical assistance and tell you how to solve problems using this content management system.

The disadvantages of using Drupal include a slight complexity in operation. A person without basic knowledge of web programming is unlikely to be able to use the most powerful functionality of the system. The load on the server depends on the functionality that you create yourself. But it is no different from similar CMS.

This core contains several CMS of the same type, which are called the “Nuke family”. All these systems are no different in terms of functionality from Drupal, only their development and expansion capabilities are somewhat limited.

The author is Francisco Bursi, the system is distributed completely free of charge, but subject to copyright. From a historical point of view, Php-Nuke has become a pioneer among CMS developed. This is the only reason why it can be respected, but today dictates completely different requirements for the security and stability of the system. Nuke adapts poorly to these changes.

Php-Nuke loads the server quite heavily and is not optimized for database queries, so projects with high traffic on this CMS is better do not create: either the server or the server owners will not stand it.

Php-Nuke has holes through which your site can easily be broken. Developers offer patches from time to time, but they are unlikely to cover all existing gaps.

Despite all the shortcomings, Php-Nuke may well be useful for novice developers to learn skills in working with a CMS. Installation, configuration and administration are very simple, even the average school student can understand them.


Several years ago this system made a powerful statement. Many webmasters have switched to using e107 in their projects. It cannot be said that the transition was justified. Let's take a closer look at this system.

The first thing that catches your eye is the abundance of possibilities of the E107. You can build almost anything on this CMS: from a personal blog to a corporate website. But this functionality hides the main problem: the E107 assembly most often does not require installation additional components to expand functionality. All of them are already available in the distribution. And with a distribution size of 4.5 megabytes, what are the developers neglecting? Right! Safety and ease of use.

The admin panel is poorly thought out; you often have to think about what this or that option, this or that module is responsible for. And it is sometimes extremely difficult to understand all this without communicating on thematic forums.

A few words should be said about the design of your website, built on e107. Exists big number ready-made templates, both paid and free, which you can safely use in the design of your project. But in most cases, site owners want to see a unique design, right? This is where a huge disappointment awaits: developing a template for the E107 is a difficult and thankless task. Information is displayed separately from each module, which makes it very difficult to change the design of the site. Open any module file with information output and you will be simply shocked by the readability of the code. The code is absolutely unreadable! It simply confuses a beginner, but an experienced developer begins to think about the advisability of choosing e107 as a content management system for the task at hand.


Commercial content management system Slaed has captured a significant segment of the market and has no intention of letting it go. As with all commercial systems, functionality and safety are put first. The classic system of expanding functionality by installing modules also works here.

Turns out, paid version differs from free version Open Slaed is not very much (and it is not different from similar CMS at all). The authors include in the price the removal of copyrights, expansion of functionality through paid modules, optimization of system operation, as well as a change in graphic design. In addition to all this wealth, it is offered free update And technical support for one year, and the ability to install Slaed on four domains. Don't you think that this is not enough for the user to shell out 200 euros from his pocket? Especially considering that all this can be obtained for free from other developers.

In my subjective opinion, it is the leader among CMS. Created on Joomla great amount a wide variety of sites. The system allows you to create business card sites, online stores, portals, communities, blog systems, bulletin boards, corporate multilingual sites and many, many other sites.

It is completely free, has many modules for expanding functionality (they have different names “modules”, “components”, “mambots” and are aimed at solving various problems). Using these modules, you can add an online store to your company’s website in just a few minutes! At the same time, you get a reliable store that will work stably.

Changing the design for Joomla is not a problem. A huge number of ready-made templates have been created that are suitable for almost any website. And for lovers of unique design, everything here is also well thought out: a template for CMS Joomla very easy to create. To be fair, it is worth noting that a person who is far from web technologies and does not have knowledge of layout and programming cannot cope with this.

The convenience of Joomla is that there are practically no non-standard modules and components in the standard distribution. Developers' entire focus is on convenience and safety.

It’s very difficult to come up with a task that Joomla can’t handle!

And finally, a few words about blogs. Probably all of us know about the existence of Live Journals, and many actively use them. The Live Journal service has both its advantages (the ability to read friends’ feeds, exchange messages, etc.) and disadvantages: loaded with advertising, insufficient functionality, inability to earn money from maintaining your journal. Now there is a solution for all the disadvantages!

Free CMS for blogging, considered the best in the world. The functionality is not inferior to, and often superior to, the famous Live Journals. With WordPress you can easily publish video files from various resources, create a photographer’s blog with a demonstration of work, a musician’s blog with online audio examples. Or you can simply write down your thoughts and feelings in a kind of online diary. By the way, many famous people V Lately prefer to blog. This is believed to contribute to their popularity.

The functionality, as in all other CMSs, is expanded by installing additional plugins. This is extremely easy to do, just like working with the WordPress system. It’s worth mentioning the famous “three-step” WordPress installation. Blogging isn't the only thing WordPress is used for. You can build portals and photo galleries, article catalogs and product showcases on it.

To summarize this short review, I would like to advise you to choose exactly the content management system that can best suit a specific task. Then you will save both time and money on website development.

CMS this abbreviation so often found on the Internet on different information portals, blogs and forums. But not every person knows the meaning of this abbreviation, as well as all its importance and significance in some areas of activity.

The abbreviation CMS stands for Content Management Software ( system), which translated from English means software designed for content management, i.e. site management system. In our country, most webmasters simply change the last word from the abbreviation from Software to System, which is why the meaning of the term changes to a content management system.

What is CMS

As mentioned above, a CMS is a content management system. To put it in simpler terms, this is the website engine. Thanks to the presence of a content management system, the site owner will be able to fill it with information, accept applications and payments, even without any programming skills. To date similar systems there are quite a few. Each of them has its own positive and negative sides, by analyzing which you can easily select the most suitable CMS for your website, depending on its field of activity.

In addition to content management, the CMS includes many more functions.

Main functions of CMS

One of the most basic functions is considered to be data display, creating on the fly the entire image of pages according to a previously specified template. It’s just important to understand in advance that the structure of the site itself includes a complexly formed page. This would not be enough. The entire site is divided into several parts:

design(front end) – special files, responsible for the appearance of the site, as well as the events involved (during transitions, scrolling, or simply hovering the mouse);
site logic(back end) – this part includes all the files responsible for building all processes during the operation of the site. For example, having visited an online store thanks to a special design, we see the store’s equipment - display cases with goods, top sales, and also a shopping cart. Thanks to the back-end, all these functions are involved (by navigating through the pages of the site, clicking on products and making purchases - we work with the back-end, that is, with the logic of the site, using visual manipulations).

Having a large set of pages with various purposes, their generation and display is determined by the control system.

For example, there are certain types of pages that can only be displayed to certain users, for example, your personal account on a website, or a shopping cart in an online store.

Types of control systems

Each type of management system has its own pros and cons, which helps you choose the most appropriate CMS for your future website. Therefore, the issue of choosing a CMS needs to be taken extremely carefully and seriously. The best way to choose the most suitable system is to first decide what kind of website you will create.

There are two types of management systems - paid and free. Initially, it would be best to familiarize yourself with the appearance of the selected control system, and then study the reviews of people who have already used this system for the purposes you are planning. And only then begin planning and developing the resource.

The most common control systems

Today there are quite a large number of a variety of management systems, both paid and free. The most popular CMS are: Joomla, Drupal, 1C, NetCat, UMI, MODx, Amiro, Cotonti and many others.

CMS and promotion

Considering the fact that all functions for checking and generating displayed information are performed by our management system, based on passing certain algorithms for checking and comparing data, it becomes clear that the chosen CMS will depend site page loading speed. In just a few seconds, the control system goes through a whole list of various procedures, during which dozens or even hundreds of different scripts are used.

Therefore, when choosing a system, it is also worth initially assessing the speed at which it processes requests from the site, under different database loads. The higher the loading speed, the easier it will be to promote the site using this management system, since it will be convenient for users to use this site.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will talk about what a CMS (Content Management System) is, what CMS there are, and which one to choose to create your own website.

So, let's try to formulate a definition. CMS or Content Management System- This shell, allowing users not knowledgeable HTML, CSS and PHP to place your materials on the site and subsequently manage them. All CMS have a user-friendly interface, so anyone who is at least a little familiar with a computer can learn to fill a website with content (materials) in a few hours, and even create their own websites in a few days!

Now let's talk about what types of content management systems there are. All CMS can be divided into paid And free. The main and most important advantage paid CMS is full technical support. This means that at any time you can call or write to the specialists who were involved in the development of the CMS and ask all the questions you are interested in, to which you should subsequently receive competent and detailed answers. Another very important advantage of paid CMS is that you buy a fully configured and ready-to-use product that does not require any outside intervention in the settings, which cannot be said about free content management systems. In other words, after installing this CMS on the server, you can immediately begin creating a site, and this site will correctly perform its functions. For example, if you create an online store, then all purchasing, payment and delivery functions will definitely work correctly, and you will not need to change anything in the settings, much less in the source code.

The main advantage of free content management systems is that they are free. Plus, there are a large number of free plugins, modules and templates for these CMS on the Internet, with which you can create a website of absolutely any complexity. But there is one BUT. You will have to deal with all this variety of add-ons yourself. And if you are going to make a more or less serious website on a free CMS, then you cannot do without basic knowledge HTML, CSS, and maybe PHP.

If we take the same online store as an example, its development on a paid CMS will take a novice user about a week. The same store on a free content management system will have to be developed in at least three weeks (read how to set up a website traffic counter).

Thus, if you have a lot of free time, have computer skills, the desire and interest to work hard, then there is every chance to create a website that will not be inferior in beauty and functionality to projects created on paid CMS.

Now let’s look at the main types of paid and free CMS. I’ll say right away that this is not a list of all content management systems, but only the most popular and frequently used ones.


  1. Joomla! Perhaps the most popular demon today paid system content management. It has many modules, plugins and add-ons. There are a lot of lessons, articles and documentation in Russian on the Internet on working in this system. Everything would be fine, but Joomla! too “heavy” - has a lot of unnecessary things that load the system. Plus, Joomla! creates a lot of duplicate pages, which is not very good for promotion.
  2. WordPress. One more no less popular system. Initially, it was developed for creating blogs. But as practice has shown, with using WordPress you can create corporate websites, including online stores. Many free plugins have also been created for WordPress, and you can find documentation in Russian on the Internet.
  3. Drupal. Another free content management system. To a large extent, it is a news engine. Suitable for creating online communities, forums or blogs. But if you wish, you can create absolutely any website on it.
  4. Ucoz. Everything is quite simple here. To create a website, you just need to register on the official Ucoz website. You don't even need to know HTML. Ucoz is a website builder in the truest sense of the word. In addition, you don’t even have to spend money on hosting, ucoz will provide it. Is it true Domain name will be next –
  5. PHPShop. CMSFree. Completely free and open source engine. On the developer's website you can find templates and modules that are attached to the CMS. Suitable for creating commercial corporate websites, and the most interesting thing is that you can create online stores. Technical support is organized in the form of a forum.
  6. WolfCMS. An actively developing CMS, distributed under Free Software terms and published under the GNU General Public License v.3. It is written, like most modern engines, in PHP. The main advantage of this system is that it does not require resources and is very lightweight. Those who like to experiment will like it, because source the site is visible directly in the admin panel. However, to work normally with it you will need some knowledge of HTML and PHP.
  7. OpenCMS. A free engine created by a group of European developers that is suitable for professional website development. Like Wolf CMS, there's not much here ready-made modules and templates, so, for the most part, you will have to do everything yourself. Quite fast and secure system.


  1. 1C-Bitrix. Very popular, probably the most popular paid content management system today. If a basic license can be purchased for 1,990 rubles, then the “fattest configuration” will cost as much as 249,900 rubles! The difference in the cost of versions lies in the presence of certain modules. So, with a basic license you can create, at most, a business card website. And in order to create an online store you will need a license of about fifty thousand. But this is not a lot of money for an organization, so professional website developers actively use this CMS.
  2. NetCat. Another popular paid Russian engine. To use it, you do not require any special knowledge of programming languages ​​or markup. The system implements various functionalities, for example, interactive communication with site visitors. This CMS costs much less than Bitrix. Full version Netcat systems will cost you 32,200 rubles.
  3. UMI. CMS. A “boxed” CMS that allows you to manage your site and content without logging into the administrative interface. Thus, according to the developers, even a child can administer the site. In reality, everything turns out to be not so simple. Problems begin already at the stage of installation on hosting - you will have to suffer a little to install this system. And the interface is not very friendly. The most expensive license for such a content management system will cost 29,900 rubles.
  4. DataLifeEngine. Not a bad news engine. It's cheap - $59 basic and $78 advanced version. You can find enough extension modules to create a feature-rich website. Very well optimized for promotion - SEO specialists can take note. True, there are some security problems. You can use the free demo version, only with some restrictions - the source code is closed, there is a limit on the number of news and comments.
  5. HostCMS. A commercial content management system that has several licensing options, including a free version. The free version does not have the following modules: site search, forms, backup, site users, file manager, forums, advertising and several others. But there is an online store module! In my opinion, it is worth taking a closer look at this CMS. By the way, the most expensive license will cost 29,900 rubles.
  6. Amiro. CMS. The developers position this system as the fastest CMS on the RuNet. The system allows you to create and maintain websites of any level of complexity. One of the features of this CMS can be considered quick setup. Yes, with ready-made template you can build a website in a few hours. The most expensive edition costs 23,990 rubles.

OK it's all over Now. I specifically did not single out any one CMS from the list, considering it the best. Any system has its advantages and disadvantages, and for different people they are different meaning. If you are interested in public opinion, you can use statistical data. Yes, the most popular free system is Joomla(see how to change the logo in Joomla), and paid - 1C-Bitrix. But maybe for someone the determining factor is the page loading speed, and he can write modules with extensions himself. Then Joomla definitely won’t suit him.

Therefore, this article is just food for thought. I hope that after reading it, you will better navigate the huge variety of CMS.

Also read on this topic:

How to check a website for viruses? How to change logo in Joomla?
CCleaner 4.14 – optimization of system operation without problems
How to recover or reset Joomla admin password How to create correct file robots.txt for a WordPress site

A modern website is no longer just a set of Internet pages that are interconnected by links, as it was 10 years ago, but an independent, full-fledged software product that tracks user actions, allows them to communicate with each other and offers a large number of useful services. To create and maintain these sites, you need a management system that will allow you to make changes to the site or add in a short period of time new material. The tasks of management, administration and functionality are solved by the CMS. The abbreviation CMS is " Content Management Software", which translated means " software for content management." We have accepted last letter Replace “S” with the word “System”, which in translation will sound like “Content Management System”.

CMS represents special program, which is installed on the hosting and performs two main functions:
The main function of the CMS is to display website pages to users by generating their content using predefined templates, designs and content that are stored in a database.
It is very important here to understand the fact that the site as a whole does not exist as a set of pages. There are separate templates and a set of various materials (content): text, images, files with archives and other materials. The CMS generates the page for the user at the time of the request. In this case, the user can be provided with unique information that will never be shown to others. For example, the contents of the cart when ordering in an online store.
Scheme of the second CMS function is to help the site owner without special skills and abilities to manage the site by publishing new pages or news, posting videos, posting links to both external and internal resources. The administrator can edit any page. visual editor, which allows you to format text, add links and images, while seeing everything in the same form as it will be displayed on the site.

Types of CMS and their functionality

A person who plans to create a website, first of all, has the task of choosing the best CMS that is most suitable for his project. This is what we will do now. Let's look at the functionality of the most popular CMS. Currently, there are a huge number of content management systems, which may differ in their functionality and ease of management. Four very common CMS on the Russian-speaking Internet have the richest functionality:

The success of a website—the possibility of rapid development—directly depends on the correct choice of CMS for a website. The site management system must provide quick addition new functional modules for the site.
For example, adding new, previously non-existent functions, such as a forum, video or photo gallery, simply adding new materials, the ability to install various social functions. Let us pay attention when comparing and choosing a CMS to the following:

  • The difficulty of creating a website using this CMS;
  • Ease and simplicity in administering the finished project;
  • System versatility with the ability to add new functions;
  • Disadvantages of the system.

– one of the most popular free CMS not only in the CIS, but throughout the world. Its main purpose is the creation and implementation of a blog site.
CMS WordPress is very simple and easy to install, in almost a couple of mouse clicks. It is immediately necessary to note the large number of existing themes and design templates appearance site. Creating a project using this CMS does not require special or additional knowledge, which is an ideal option for those who are faced with the task of creating a website for the first time.
CMS WordPress has a very intuitive interface admin panel.

Panel CMS administration WordPress (Fig. 1)

To add materials, a special visual editor is built in, which allows updating the site without difficulty even for a person who is not familiar with the HTML markup language.

Form for adding news in WordPress (Fig. 2)

As already noted, the main purpose of WordPress is to create and maintain blog sites, but it is worth noting that it is also possible to create various magazines, stores, article catalogs, or just websites using this CMS, conveniently and quickly. Adding various functionality is made possible thanks to thousands of existing add-ons that are written specifically for a given CMS and are designed to significantly expand the capabilities. For example, add module interactive map Yandex to the site page:

rice. 3

It is impossible to create a perfect CMS, so any CMS has its drawbacks, WordPress is no exception. The disadvantages of this system include the fact that it still specializes in creating and maintaining blogs, and creating sites with a different category can be a much more difficult task compared to other, more universal systems.

It is a very popular flexible free CMS. A huge number of both small and very large projects that have enormous functionality have been built on the basis of this system.
Installation Joomla systems is automated and very simple. There are a huge number of different themes that can be easily installed from the admin panel. All necessary settings are also made directly from the admin panel, which has a simple and intuitive interface.

Administration panel of CMS Joomla (Fig. 4)

This CMS also has a huge number of extensions that can be easily and simply installed using a special installer from the admin panel. However, it should be noted that to create a quality website using Joomla, you will need significant knowledge of the HTML markup language and CSS style sheets.
There are no big problems associated with project administration. All necessary actions implemented from the admin panel. To implement the addition of new materials, a visual article editor and an image loader are used.

Form for adding an article in Joomla (Fig. 5)

This system is very flexible due to the large number existing extensions, with the help of which you can create various news portals, video and photo galleries, real estate catalogs, shops, multilingual sites, social networks, message boards and other thematic sites. Joomla allows you to create websites with almost any functionality.
The disadvantages of this system include the fact that, despite all the existing conveniences, to create a project you will need significant knowledge in the field and. It should also be noted that it is necessary to select extensions very carefully and give preference to those that are the most popular, high-quality and minimally load the server.

It is also a popular CMS, which is designed for creating portal sites.
Installation of this system is very simple and does not cause problems. But it is worth noting that beginners will need some time to understand and get used to this CMS.

Administration panel of CMS Drupal (Fig. 6)

In order to integrate templates, you will need some basic programming knowledge.
Administering the system does not cause any particular difficulties, but requires specific knowledge. To add materials to the site, you can use a visual editor, which must be installed additionally, since it is not included in the core of this CMS.

Visual editor for CMS Drupal (Fig. 7)

Inserting images is also not provided in basic package this CMS, however this problem can also be solved by using additional components.
It should be noted that Drupal is a flexible system, which, like the other systems discussed, has a large number of different add-ons that allow you to create sites on various topics - social networks, galleries, forums, news sites.
The disadvantage of this system, first of all, is that not everyone, especially a beginner, will be able to quickly create a high-quality website.


Content management system DLE (Datalife Engine) most often used to develop various news resources. However, a large number of various additions and extensions have now been released that allow DLE to be used to solve any problem. This CMS is considered to be of very high quality and almost every webmaster knows it. Using this system, a huge number of diverse resources have been created. What distinguishes DLE from the management systems discussed above is the fact that it is not free, but all investments will be fully justified, since this CMS can offer a very large number of advantages over other systems.
DLE has a very clear and user-friendly interface. No other system is as simple as DLE. The CMS interface is extremely simple and easy to understand and does not raise unnecessary questions. For a system of this level, the interface is truly the most accessible.

CMS DLE administration panel (Fig. 8)

It is also important that this control system imposes minimum requirements to hosting services, which allows site performance to remain at high level under any conditions. It is precisely because of this characteristic that DLE is recommended for creating news projects, since the site can easily receive thousands of visitors at the same time.
As for functionality, everything here is also at a high level. To fully work with news, all the necessary functions are present here, as well as additional extensions, which guarantee the fastest publication of articles combined with very simple and easy data editing.

News editor window in CMS DLE (Fig. 9)

Thanks to the developed templates, modules and system tools DLE control you can create various projects: an online store, a social network or a forum. But it is best to create news portals using this CMS.
If we talk about the disadvantages, it is only necessary to note that this content management system is paid, although a large number of functions are available in the free version, but there is a limit on the number of posted materials.

Choosing a CMS for project implementation

After reviewing the most popular and used CMS, we can conclude that they all have many advantages and are designed for the development of very functional projects. The site being created in the practical part of this thesis will be a news portal that contains a large amount of news. Based on the fact that CMS DLE is most optimally suited for creating this category of sites, we will focus on it. This system maximally satisfies the requirements for it, based on the subject of the site:

  • convenient and fast publication of news;
  • the ability to create additional fields for news;
  • convenient management of multi-page articles with easy output;
  • availability of auto search for related news;
  • comment filter function;
  • the absence of any restrictions on categories and subcategories, as well as nested categories;
  • convenient comment editor with hyphenation support;
  • availability of a news rating system;
  • fast and powerful search system;
  • statistics of unread and read articles.

In addition to all of the above, the choice of this particular CMS was also greatly influenced by the fact that the administration panel is very convenient and easy to manage, which allows you to learn how to work with the control system in a matter of hours.

Detailed description of CMS DLE functionality

Let's take a closer look at the admin panel and get acquainted with the necessary functions. After installing this control system and logging into it, we find ourselves in the main window of the administration panel:

(Fig. 10)

Here are the groups of parameters:

  • Editing users;
  • Promotional materials;
  • System Setup;
  • Sending messages;
  • Static pages;
  • Optimization Wizard;
  • Antivirus;
  • List of all sections.

In addition to these groups, there is general Statistics site, which displays the total number of news on the site, the number of news that are awaiting moderation, similarly for comments, statistics about registered users and the size of the database.
Let's look at each of them in detail. DLE partitions which were listed above.

Editing users

(Fig. 11)

This section is used to manage users. Implemented here various functions: the ability to select a user according to any criteria and the ability to perform a standard set of actions with them: add new ones, edit the profile of registered users, and also delete users if necessary.

Promotional materials

CMS DLE makes it very convenient and easy to work with advertising materials by placing them on the site. This opportunity is implemented using a separate section - advertising materials:

(Fig. 12)

This section allows you to add and manage advertising materials that are intended for publication on the site.

System Setup

This section is the most important in the entire DLE administration panel. This is where all the main parameters and properties of the system are configured: from specifying the site name and main meta tags to settings for allowing the insertion of links in comments.

(Fig. 13)

System settings section in the CMS DLE administration panel

Since this control system was also chosen due to its simplicity and convenience, it should be noted that for maximum convenience of the administrator, a comment about the functionality of this variable is placed next to each setting field. This approach allows even beginners to perform the necessary settings efficiently and quickly.

Sending messages

This section allows you to create and mass send various e-mails or personal messages for registered users on the site. This function will be very useful for organizing a newsletter with the latest information, which will significantly increase traffic to the project being created.

Statistics pages

This section is necessary to manage so-called static pages that do not belong to any specific news category. Such pages usually include: Contacts, About the company, All kinds guest books and others, depending on the specific project.

Window for creating a new statistical page in DLE (Fig. 15)

Optimization Wizard

Optimization wizard page in CMS DLE (Fig. 16)

This section optimizes the size of the database by removing from it all temporary or no longer relevant records. Optimization occurs in several steps, where you need to perform certain actions following the instructions of the optimization wizard. Everything here is also very clear, since all steps will be performed automatically with a detailed description of their impact on the performance of the site. Performing optimization can, in some cases, significantly increase the speed of the site.


Antivirus module scan result page (Fig. 17)

In this section, the system scans its files and checks them for code changes. If any are found, you will receive a corresponding message about this, and you will decide at your own discretion what to do with these files.

List of all sections

Page list of all sections (Fig. 18)

This section allows you to view a list of all available sections in the control panel. Here, all settings categories are sorted in a slightly different way. There are already familiar categories here, such as “editing users”, “setting up the system”, etc., but also some more have appeared that simply cannot be ignored.

Database Management

It is highly recommended to back up your database from time to time. This is exactly what can be implemented in this section. This is also where the database is restored from a copy. While creating backup copy It is advisable to enable compression.

Database management page in CMS DLE (Fig. 19)

Setting up user groups

CMS DLE allows users to assign different groups, which differ from each other in capabilities that are applied directly on the site. You can allow or deny anything: uploading pictures, publishing news, commenting, etc. Any site is created with the goal of developing it into a large and very serious portal, so this section will be very useful for maintaining order on the site’s pages.

User group settings page (Fig. 20)

RSS informer

This module allows you to create a news feed for the site so that it can be broadcast on various thematic resources. This function is very useful when promoting a website.

RSS informer page (Fig. 21)

Sitemap for Google and Yandex

This module allows you to generate a site map - creating a list of all pages. This is very useful for indexing search engines Google and Yandex.

Page for creating a site map (Fig. 22)

After considering the main and most important functions and modules, we can conclude that this content management system fully meets the requirements that were presented when choosing a CMS for the implementation of the project - creating a news portal. This system is actually very easy and convenient to use, and thanks to various optimizations and settings, it allows you to make the site fast and attractive for users.

But, nevertheless, I believe that for a beginner or novice webmaster who wants to create his own simple website in the form of a blog, and this moment your blog is the most fashionable and modern solution, you need to choose a content management system based on

How to gain access to a huge audience that still knows absolutely nothing about your company? The most common, simple and reliable solution is to create and launch a company website. A website is a kind of “virtual office”, your representation on the Internet. A place where you can introduce your client to yourself and your products.
Everything is fine, one problem is the creation of the website. There is a simple solution (but it may not always suit you) -. You can handle this task yourself, you just need to sit a little and figure out the editor. A more difficult way is to use a CMS + hosting combination. In this case, specialized knowledge will be required. Which option is right for you?

uKit is one of the most successful website builders on the market. Allows you to create business card websites various types(company website, portfolio, personal website), landing pages and small stores. The business card can be supplemented with a laconic blog feed.

Compared to any well-known CMS, Yukit is noticeably easier to use. The kit includes adaptive thematic templates; you do not need to install anything additional (modules, plugins, scripts, etc.) for successful work. Mastered in 1 evening without experience.

Beginners will love it fast start: a short registration in a couple of clicks, and you are already at the stage of entering basic information about the site. There is no need to buy hosting, configure the engine from scratch, look for templates, etc. The result is decent. The sites look good.

Website on the designer – good alternative CMS. Saving money and time. It’s easy to administer, and the promotion process is no different from CMS-based sites, the creation of which will probably be offered to you by freelancers and web studios.

It is advisable for a novice webmaster to have an understanding of CMS. At a minimum, to feel confident in negotiations when ordering a website. It will not be possible to create a website without preparation in a CMS, unlike a website builder, but we will now look at the main points: which of them are suitable for what and to whom.

What is CMS

At its core, a website is a web application; it is code that is read and displayed by the browser. Used for website development various languages programming (PHP, JavaScript) and markup languages ​​– HTML, CSS.

Ten to fifteen years ago, every self-respecting programmer tried to write a website from scratch himself. That is, everything that exists was created specifically for the client; there were no ready-made solutions. But the sites at that time were much simpler than today.

Each site has a standard set of functions and a standard architecture. It is logical that it would have been much easier to think through and make some kind of standard solution, template, backbone, on the basis of which different projects could be created. Websites became more and more complex, more and more functions were assigned to them. It was necessary to somehow publish the content, manage it, and have access to editing. Self-written engines did not always allow this to be done simply and easily.

This is how the first CMS, popularly known as “engines,” appeared. The abbreviation stands for “Content Management System”, that is, a website content management system.

This is a program that is used to organize the creation, management, filling and sharing to the site content. Based on the engine, you can create projects of any type and any complexity.

In its basic form, any CMS is just a framework, the backbone on which they build up additional functions using plug-ins – plugins. These are also mini-programs that integrate with the system and perform the necessary functions. For example, there are plugins for collecting subscribers, for SEO, for connecting the functionality of an online store, etc. Depending on the engine, sometimes such plugins can be connected and configured even without knowledge of the code. Sometimes you need to fool around and sit in the program code.

That is, developing a website on a CMS is figuratively a kind of “constructor game” - take finished frame, build on it required functions, connecting the right plugins, and making “repairs” by purchasing or choosing a theme with a suitable design. But such a “game” should still be handled by a programmer who understands what to connect where and can configure everything correctly.

CMS solves the following tasks:

  • reduces the time for website development - many solutions are already ready, all that remains is to connect and configure;
  • allows the site owner to subsequently manage content (add, edit, delete) without involving a third-party programmer;
  • the site operates on a stable system that is constantly updated and adapts to new realities;
  • You can easily choose an engine to suit your needs, and as a result get a website that suits you perfectly.

But know that if the site is on a ready-made CMS, it will not be more expensive. And the site will not be worse or inferior - today almost all sites on the network, even the sites of large companies, run on ready-made engines. You'll get good resource with the required set of functions.

But if an agency offers a self-written engine, then you need to think about it. Because they will charge exorbitant prices, and it is unknown how powerful their engine is own development convenient and stable. It is better to opt for time-tested solutions.

What solutions are proven and popular? Read on.

Types of engines for the site

In general, there are a huge number of CMSs themselves. As of today, according to CMS Magazine There are about 350 of them registered. Among all this number, how can you choose the one that is right for you? You need to focus primarily on your tasks.

Let's figure out what types of engines there are.

Depending on license CMS are divided into free and commercial. In simple terms - onpaid and free . Don't think it's freeCMS means bad. No, among the free ones there are a lot of really good and stable systems. Moreover, individual modules may be paid. Free engines are growing and improving through common efforts, they are supported and developed by enthusiasts.

What is the advantage of paid CMS - you have guaranteed support from the developer of this system, to whom you can make a claim if something goes wrong.

Depending on the type of project separating CMS is very difficult. There are those who are considereduniversal, that is, suitable for almost all tasks, but still each of them has some limitations. There are also those that are rooted in their niche - for example, CMS for online stores, for blogs, for social networks and so on.

Engines are also sharedaccording to the degree of alienation :

  • individual or studio – these are self-written CMSs that are used by a specific studio or developer and no one else;
  • packaged solutions , which are used by a wide range of developers;
  • SaaSonline website builders, which we have already talked about.

Popular CMS for your website

Which CMS should you choose? Let's look at the most popular ones today.


Every third website on the Internet runs on this CMS. This fact speaks for itself - this is the most popular engine in the world. It is free and therefore there are a lot of plugins developed for it. As a result, you can create anything on WordPress – both a small blog and a full-fledged online store. But it is noticeable that it began its journey as, after all, a solution for blogs - and it is best to make blogs with it.

Easy to support, quick to promote. Stable, understandable engine.

The only downsides I can mention are the long loading time if you add a lot of extensions to it (but this will happen with any engine), and periodic problems with vulnerabilities.

Suitable for you if:

  • you have a limited development budget;
  • you don’t want to understand the complex admin panel - here it is very simple and intuitive;
  • you want a blog or a corporate website with a blog.

Another universal free engine on which you can create almost everything. Second most common in the world.

It's also quite easy to create websites on it, but I can't say that this engine is very good. It is leaky and easy to hack. Often creates duplicate pages, which can cause problems with promotion. I wouldn’t call the administrative panel that easy to understand either.

Joomla! is well suited for large portals, and by expanding Virtuemart, you can create a functional online store on its basis.

Suitable for you if:

  • you are a more or less confident PC user;
  • want a website that is easy to develop and transform in the future.

Reliable, multifunctional free CMS, which is primarily suitable for large portals and websites of large companies - for example, if you want a blog, sections with services, and an all-in-one online store. A well-protected, stable system, but it requires the developer to have good website development skills on it. An amateur can't handle it.

Suitable for you if:

  • you want a large portal with many sections and functions;
  • you have the opportunity to hire a good web developer (for a good fee, of course).

1C Bitrix

Development of the company 1C, paid CMS. The price differs from version to version. It can be used for corporate websites, and it has one feature if you want an online store - integration with 1C.

But what is in development, what is in support, what is in use - a very complex engine. In addition, it has been noticed that sites on it take a very long time to load and are unstable, especially with a large online presence.

Suitable for you if:

  • you want an online store with integration with 1C;
  • you have good budget for the development and support of this site.

These are the most popularCMS on the market, but not everything. When choosing an engine for yourself, focus primarily on the functionality you need, and whether you have the budget, resources and people to work with the site and support it. Most often, a simple solution based on a free engine is sufficient for a small company.