Digital television 3 multiplex channel list. What is digital television multiplex

As you know, the third digital on-air multiplex has been expected in Russia for quite some time. In the Federal Target Program “Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting for 2012-2018.” it is written that the decision to launch it should be considered in 2018. And now this year has come. Is there any progress in this regard?

One of our regular readers asked this question and decided to write an official request to Russian Ministry communications and mass communications. We must pay tribute, despite the fact that the question was asked not by a media representative, but by an ordinary viewer, an official answer was received. Frankly, he personally puzzled us a little. What did the ministry answer?

Before we quote the text from the official letter, it should be recalled that the third multiplex was previously planned to be given to regional TV channels. But in the end, this issue was postponed due to the fact that it was not clear how regional television companies would pay for all this, because The sums for RTRS services were announced, to put it mildly, considerable. And this is against the background that not all channels can pay for their presence in the second multiplex, and some of them do not pay for it at all. But more on that later, but for now let’s listen to the official response from the Ministry of Communications regarding the launch of the third broadcast “trunk”:

“In connection with your appeal received by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia on electronic systems common use, we report the following.
At a meeting of the Government Commission on Television and Radio Broadcasting on October 27, 2014, the advisability of determining the principles for the formation of the third multiplex no earlier than 2018 was noted.
However, the current experience of introducing a second multiplex shows that even the large commercially successful TV channels that are part of it do not have the opportunity to pay for digital broadcast communication services in full.
Therefore, before making a decision on the prospects and procedure for the formation of a regional multiplex, it is planned to assess the economic conditions for the functioning of the TV channels of the second multiplex when they begin broadcasting to the entire territory stated in the license, which will be possible
no earlier than 2020.

Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Region
mass media
G.M. Trubitsyn"

Thus, from the text of the letter we can conclude that “retrospectively” consideration of the issue of a third multiplex is postponed until at least 2020.

And now ours OPINION.

If we put aside sentiments about small regional television channels, then the issue of at least one regional television in “terrestrial digital” is in fact quite solvable. And there is no need to tell everyone here about the budget and economic feasibility. I have nothing against the Spas channel, which is broadcast in the second multiplex, but previously information was repeatedly voiced that this channel pays absolutely nothing for its presence in the second ten channels. Also, several more channels that are forced to leave are not the best financial prospects analogue television broadcasting, because the main “federals” will not leave it and will not “drag” the remaining viewers on the “analogue” with them. As a result, the budget pays for all this hassle with broadcasting. So why not include the 21st regional TV channel in the second multiplex, for which let, for example, the regional budget pay? But for now in high circles they pretend that they are deciding on a “development strategy”...

But sooner or later you will still have to make a decision. But so far we see that responsible officials prefer to simply play for time. It is possible that in this case they expect that someday the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin will become seriously interested in this problem and give instructions on what needs to be done?

In fact, the problem with analog TV and the third terrestrial multiplex can be solved. Especially now, when the most important elections in the country have passed and nothing threatens the political course in the Russian Federation. Therefore, we need to act and solve many long-standing problems. And we once again observe from responsible officials their operating principle, which lies in the lines of the once popular song performed by Alexander Barykin - “Attention! Tomorrow's TV schedule has been postponed until tomorrow."

First digital multiplex(RTRS-1)

First digital multiplex or first package digital channels The Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS-1) is a package of all-Russian, publicly accessible and free television and radio resources for the population.

The list of all-Russian channels that should be available throughout the country was approved by the decree of the President of Russia “On All-Russian Mandatory public TV channels and radio channels" June 24, 2009. The decree noted that the list of channels was compiled to preserve the general information space Russia, as well as to provide citizens of the country socially meaningful information. The law emphasizes that all radio and television channels on this list must be available to all Russians completely free of charge.

The State Commission on Radio Frequencies approved the frequency-territorial plan of RTRS-1 in 2009. Broadcasting digital package in Russia it is carried out in the decimeter range from 470 to 862 MHz.

In 2012, the Russian government determined that the optimal broadcast standard for the RTRS-1 digital package is DVB-T2, the format is SDTV standard definition. It should be noted that before 2012, some regions had already been transferred to digital broadcasting, but in a different format. As a result, it was decided to transfer all subjects of Russia to one DVB-T2 standard.

The terrestrial digital package is broadcast free of charge and cannot be encrypted because the multiplex must be accessible to everyone.

For commercial or non-terrestrial broadcasting, the concept of RTRS-1 is not defined, but the law states that all operators are required to broadcast on their networks at their own expense public channels without making changes to them.

In Moscow, the first multiplex is broadcast on 30 TVCs at a frequency of 546 MHz in the DVB-T2 standard.

LogoNameFormatFrequency in Moscow timeOwner
First channel16:9 546 MHzOJSC "Channel One"
Russia 14:3
16:9 JSC Gazprom-Media Holding
NTV16:9 OJSC "Television Company NTV"
Channel 54:3 OJSC "TV and Radio Company "Petersburg""
Russia-K4:3 FSUE "All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company"
Russia 2416:9 FSUE "All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company"
Carousel4:3 CJSC "Karusel" (FSUE "All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company" and OJSC "Channel One")
Public television of Russia16:9 ANO "Public Television of Russia"
TV Center16:9 OJSC "Television company "TV Center""

Second multiplex digital television Russia (RTRS-2)

The second digital multiplex or the second package of digital channels of the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS-2) is the next package of all-Russian, but not obligatory digital TV channels. The list of channels in the second package was compiled based on the results of a Roskomnadzor competition. If the TV resources of the first RTRS-1 are required to be distributed free of charge in all networks, then commercial operators decide on their own whether to distribute the second package for free.

In 2009, the State Commission on Radio Frequencies assigned the second digital TV package UHF from 470 to 862 MHz. Broadcasting is carried out by Federal State Unitary Enterprise RTRS, the standard is DVB-T2, the format is SDTV standard definition.

The second multiplex, like the first, is distributed free of charge and its signal is also not encrypted. All channels of the second package are known to subscribers of satellite, cable and IP television. The channels did not receive any special advantages when they were included in the RTRS-2 list, since these resources are not mandatory. In addition, analogue broadcasting of most of these resources is already present on the air in large cities. Operators provide subscribers with access to these channels in the cheapest subscription fee package or free of charge.

In Moscow, the second multiplex is broadcast on 24 TVCs at a frequency of 498 MHz in the DVB-T2 standard.

REN TV16:9 498MHzLLC "Accept"
Saved4:3 Financial economic management of the Russian Orthodox Church and SPAS - Media LLC
STS4:3 CJSC Network of Television Stations
Home4:3 CJSC "New Channel"
TV-34:3 Profmedia TV LLC
Friday!4:3 Profmedia TV LLC
Star16:9 OJSC "TRK RF Armed Forces "Zvezda""
World16:9 CJSC "Interstate TV and Radio Company "Mir""
TNT4:3 OJSC "TNT-Teleset"
Muz TV4:3 Muz TV Operating Company LLC

The third digital television multiplex in Russia

The third digital multiplex is just a planned package, which will include federal and regional TV channels. The decree on the formation of RTRS-3 was signed by the President of Russia in 2013.

Currently the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

So, if you are interested in the topic of digital terrestrial television, then most likely you want to know what channels you will get if you connect it to yourself. I'm right? Then read on) maybe you don’t need it?

What are digital TV multiplexes?

Today in Russia DVB format T2 broadcasts 20 channels. They are divided into two packages, these are the so-called multiplexes. Both packages are free to view, there is no subscription fee. It is enough just to have a TV that receives a DVB T2 signal and.

This is what “digital” says in Russia

The first ten channels (First multiplex)

The first package, or the first multiplex, is general information, news and development channels (boring). Here is the list of digital television channels of the first multiplex:

  • First channel
  • Russia 1
  • Russia 2 Match TV - channel with sports broadcasts
  • Channel 5
  • Russia "Culture"
  • Russia 24
  • Carousel – children's channel, cartoons, programs for children
  • OTR – Public Television of Russia

The first multiplex works wherever there is digital television.

It was not in vain that I wrote the time of publication of the article. The fact is that sometimes the composition of channels changes based on a competition held by the state every year. So in 2016 everything may change.

Just recently, a change took place in the second multiplex and “Sport+” was replaced with entertainment channel“Friday”... Also, the channel “Russia - 2” in the first multiplex was replaced by Match TV.

Third channel package (Third multiplex)

And yet, they promise a third multiplex, but it will already be with subscription fee. So I don't think it will be wildly popular. Since, as soon as digital broadcasting becomes paid, it will be easier to install a cable with 40+ channels for 120 rubles. per month.

And here is what they write about the project about this:

It's too early to talk about exact date the beginning of broadcasting of the third (regional) multiplex. To begin with, the principles of forming a regional multiplex must be determined at the government level, after which competitions will be organized to determine the participating channels of the third multiplex. Only after the composition of the third digital package becomes known will RTRS be able to begin broadcasting it. Let us note that this fall the Government Commission for the Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting postponed consideration of the issue of the principles for the formation of the third multiplex until 2018.


The third digital television multiplex of Russia in its original version assumed the presence of one HD channel, one regional channel from VGTRK and regional channels belonging to different regions.

Broadcasting of the third multiplex will be carried out by FSUE RTRS in the DVB-T2 standard throughout Russia on the principles approved by the meeting of the Government Commission for the Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting on December 17, 2010. The third multiplex is formed from:

  • from 4 regional TV channels in standard definition format (SDTV)
  • one federal all-Russian TV channel in high definition format (HDTV).

The channels were to be determined on a competitive basis. Regional TV and radio companies participating in the competition can attract federal television and radio broadcasting organizations that are not included in the competition as network partners.

Basic principles when selecting channels for the third multiplex:

  • 24-hour broadcasting;
  • broadcasting concept;
  • availability of a larger volume of own-produced and/or purchased programs;
  • degree of interest in the TV channel;
  • financial position of the company;
  • availability of current broadcasting in the analogue standard;
  • social significance of the channel.

However, now the concept has changed and the third Russian digital television multiplex will include channels that could not enter the first two. Thus, the following channels can apply for inclusion in the third multiplex: Dozhd, Russia Today, Friday, 2×2 and others. The final decision on the third multiplex will be made by a government commission.

At the SPECTRUM-2013 conference, details about the third digital television multiplex were announced. According to a representative of RTRS, the third multiplex will be predominantly federal. The preliminary plan for its composition is 10 standard definition (SD) channels, 7-8 federal, 1-2 regional and one channel will be transmitted to VGTRK. There are no plans for high definition (HD) channels in the third digital TV multiplex in Russia.

So far, one channel has been identified, which will be included in the third multiplex. It will be a TV channel created by branches of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise VGTRK for each specific subject of the Russian Federation. The TV channel will be formed under a single brand and comply information policy VGTRK. In regions where there are no large branches of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise VGTRK or where it is not possible to form a channel with the help of VGTRK, local regional TV channels can be involved in broadcasting.

It is not yet clear when the third multiplex will be launched, but according to the stated plan of the Russian government for the transition to digital television, its launch should take place before the end of 2015.

On at this stage development of digital terrestrial TV 3 multiplex is already broadcast in Moscow

It includes the first and second all-Russian channels broadcast in standard high definition HDTV, as well as channels: RU TV, CTC love, RBC, Moscow 24, and two local channels.

The structure of TV content consumption will change radically in the coming years. This was announced by the Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications Russian Federation Alexey Volin. At the Digital & Connected TV Russia 2015 conference, organized by ComNews Conferences, he spoke about the strategy for the development of television and radio broadcasting in Russia until 2025. In the near future, the department intends to send it to the government.

As Alexey Volin reported, the strategy contains a number of fundamental important points. The agency proceeds from the fact that the structure of TV content consumption will change greatly in the coming years. Multi-screen is coming to the fore. Russians consume content from different devices(TVs, computers, tablets, smartphones) and through different channels (broadcast, cable, satellite, Internet). Already, as the Deputy Minister stated, broadcasting has ceased to be the dominant method of transmitting content. “Over half of the country’s population today receives signals via cable, satellite, uses IPTV and OTT services. And this trend will grow, especially taking into account the fact that broadband access is being laid in sparsely populated areas,” said Alexey Volin.

At the same time, digital broadcast remains mandatory element television broadcasting in Russia - without it it is impossible to ensure the minimum federal standard of media consumption. Currently this minimum standard includes 10 channels per digital quality(first multiplex). Starting from 2019, another 10 channels will be added to them (second multiplex). By that time, according to ministry forecasts, terrestrial television 20% to 30% of Russians will be covered. “But the interests of this part of the population must under no circumstances be neglected,” said Alexey Volin.

According to the Deputy Minister, the strategy involves starting work in 2019 to prepare for high-definition broadcasting. By 2021, it is necessary to provide such broadcasting for two multiplexes. "This will require frequencies. Therefore, it is extremely important to preserve the frequency range that is currently assigned to television broadcasting", said the deputy minister.

Alexey Volin also noted that the ministry today does not see economic opportunities for launching a third multiplex. It was assumed that it would be created with funds from regional channels (just as the second one was built with funds from federal ones). “Calculations show that broadcasting the channels of the third multiplex alone should cost 12 billion rubles a year in total. Russian regional TV channels do not have that kind of money today,” said Alexey Volin.

He noted that today more than half of Russians receive television signal on on a paid basis. The share of such TV viewers will increase, and the number paid services will grow. According to Alexey Volin, people are willing to pay for premium content, quality and additional services.

According to the department’s forecasts, despite the growth of the commercial component from the sale of content, advertising for television remains and will remain in the most important way receiving income. But since television broadcasting is increasingly moving to non-terrestrial distribution channels (cable, mobile applications, Internet, OTT), measurement tools are becoming very important for both regional and federal TV channels. “If channels cannot show the advertiser an audience, then there is no point in technical progress for them,” explained Alexey Volin.

But, according to the deputy minister, content still remains the key factor in the development of television broadcasting. And its production costs money. "If speak about quality content- that's very big money", noted Alexey Volin. Today, only five or six major players can afford the production of premium content. They are the locomotives of the industry, and in the coming years the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia plans to devote attention to these companies Special attention. “If these players don’t exist, there won’t be national television in the country,” explained Alexei Volin.

As for analogue TV broadcasting, no one is going to turn it off on purpose, the deputy minister assured. But now the largest customer of such services is the state - it pays for the distribution of the signal in cities with a population of less than 100 thousand people for mandatory all-Russian and public channels. “The state will stop paying for channels at the end of 2018. After this, the situation will change. We predict that starting from 2019-2020, analogue broadcasting will begin to wind down for natural reasons,” said Alexey Volin.