What does RST iPhone mean? What is a “gray” iPhone, and is it worth buying such a device?

All Apple technology is universal for the whole world. In other words, there is no significant difference between a smartphone communicator labeled RosTest (PST) purchased in Russia and a gadget purchased for . technical parameters And operating system, and in terms of design. Significant differences appear at the iPhone configuration stage. They consist of instructions and a charger. It depends on them in which market smartphones will be sold.

What does RosTest mean?

Similar to Apple products means that the device has been certified in Russia, that is, it was manufactured specifically for sale in our country. The most important thing is that when purchasing similar device, the likelihood of buying a “gray” or fake iPhone is almost zero.

In addition, if there is a PCT symbol on the box, all warranty obligations are borne by the manufacturer, and repairs and maintenance are carried out only in authorized service centers. Included with such a smartphone are supplied in the language and Charger with adapter for Russian sockets.

What does EuroTest mean?

EuroTest (CE) certification means that all warranty obligations fall on the shoulders of the selling store, but warranty repair, as in the case of the “Russian” iPhone, are carried out only by authorized service centers. Therefore, the only possible difference between them (besides the cost) is chargers designed for Various types sockets

How to distinguish RosTest from EuroTest

It is not difficult to distinguish RosTest smartphones from EuroTest ones. To do this, you need to carefully examine the box in which the gadget is delivered. On back side PCT boxes iPhone lettering must be in Russian, and the batch number must have a country identifier (RR). If such an identifier is available, you can rest assured that the smartphone is intended specifically for use in Russia.

If you lose the box, serial number The gadget can be viewed in its settings. It looks something like this: MD242KS/A. The letters that come after the numbers and before the slash sign indicate the country to which the phone was sent. Russia in this number is designated by the letters RR.

The percentage of failures of smartphones bearing the EuroTest badge is no less than those with the RosTest badge. This is because the certificate, whether in Europe or Russia, is issued for the entire batch of brand new devices. This does not mean that every device has been tested for quality.

 For many years, the iPhone has been the most popular phone on the market. It is popular with different people.

 Such popularity naturally affects prices, so often, in search of savings, people buy Eurotest equipment, which is an order of magnitude cheaper than Rostest, and the iPhone is no exception in this case. How does the officially sold Rostest iPhone differ from the European model?

 Let's start with the fact that Rostest and Eurotest are certification centers that issue certificates of conformity for all products. Therefore, if a smartphone is not certified in Russia, then it cannot be guaranteed to comply with Russian standards. However, our standards may differ from European ones.

 Under the guise of goods brought from the European Union, fakes are often encountered. Such devices have nothing in common with either European or Russian devices. However, counterfeits are the exception rather than the norm.

 If we consider the iPhone specifically, then models brought from Europe are marked C.E., instead of PCT. This means that the smartphone has been tested to meet safety, health and environment. That is, this phone has passed all the necessary tests, but not in our country.

 This product entered Russia illegally, and therefore does not have “our” conformity marking. The term Eurotest was invented to a beautiful word disguise such phones.

 From a technical point of view, both devices, Rostest and Eurotest, will be absolutely identical. Apple doesn't release various models for each country, the devices are as unified as possible.

 You shouldn’t have any problems with the warranty either, since the manufacturer provides a worldwide warranty. Based on this, it is impossible to say that an iPhone with the CE mark is worse, it is the same as the one purchased in Russia.

 When purchasing any equipment that does not have a PCT mark, including an iPhone, there are certain risks:

 The device may not have a Russified menu;

The power supply may not be suitable for use in our network.

 I’ll say right away that it’s extremely difficult to find an iPhone without Russian language support, software the same for all devices.

 As for charging, the concerns here are quite real, although European devices should have the same power supplies, but when buying equipment from America, England, Japan, you should be prepared for additional expenses on power supplies, and this, in the case of an iPhone, can cost 1500-2000 rubles.

 Let's draw conclusions:

 The main thing is that the iPhone is not locked, that is, it is not tied to any telecom operator. Otherwise, such an iPhone will have to be used for spare parts and will be useful as a donor. For example, for an on-site technician.

 PCT and CE devices can be absolutely identical;

 SE iPhones were imported into Russia illegally;

 before purchasing, make sure that there is a charger suitable for our network, or re-calculate whether such a purchase will be more profitable than buying a smartphone in a store;

 When purchasing a Eurotest iPhone, you retain all manufacturer warranties.

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Apple's new products begin to intrigue their most ardent followers long before their official release. In this regard, the question of whether what is the difference between growth and Eurotest iPhone , constantly interests consumers.

Particularly embarrassing potential buyer the fact that the difference between with different markings is estimated at several thousand rubles. What is the difference between Eurotest and Rostest? Is there any difference between them at all?

Differences between Rostest and Eurotest iPhone

Starting the comparison mobile devices Eurotest and Rostest, the consumer is faced with the fact that there is absolutely no difference between them in terms of technical parameters, as well as in the type of design.

Perhaps the only little secret is that devices assembled at official Apple factories are certified so that they can be freely sold in other countries. Well, all other significant explanations for how Rostest differs from the iPhone Eurotest are simply missing.

On this moment Rostest is the largest domestic certification center that has passed government accreditation.
Products must meet environmental and safety requirements human health. In addition, models marked Rostest must comply with certain technical standards.

Manufacturers of goods must undergo certification to confirm compliance with standards and requirements.

In modern realities, when the market is flooded with fakes and low-quality products, this is especially relevant. But relatively recently, consumers did not even think about what the Rostest symbols are and what they look like.

It should be noted that it is more likely that sellers talk about Eurotest, since real certification for compliance with European quality standards is indicated by another sign - CE (Conformité Européenne). That is why it can be quite difficult to immediately understand whether the buyer is looking at European quality or a fake.

Most likely, a smartphone purchased in the Russian Federation will be similar to a device purchased in England. Perhaps the only significant difference will be the charger designed for different outlets.

Not counting fakes, both devices can be manufactured in a legal way.

In addition, you need to know that it is not individual products that are subject to certification, but batches of them, so appropriate marking does not mean that each device has necessarily passed the test (although it assumes this).

Results: how significant are the differences between Rostest and Eurotest iPhone

So, if a product is not marked with the CE mark, this does not mean that it meets European quality standards.

Most often, unscrupulous sellers talk about Eurotest. If a consumer does not want to encounter a counterfeit, it is better for him to be interested in products labeled Rostest.

It should also be noted that an iPhone with the Rostest sign and a Eurotest device can be completely identical to each other in terms of functional features and build quality.

Typically, the cost of mobile devices with the Rostest mark is higher than conventional devices without the appropriate certification. This marking indicates that this product is legally distributed in the Russian Federation.

Products certified for sale in Europe or Russia must have a guarantee.

So, both certificates indicate almost the same quality - of course, if it is not a fake. The main difference will be the charger, designed for different kinds sockets

First of all, let's determine what the actual difference is between Rostest and Eurotest devices. Smartphones with the prefix “Ros” on the packaging are devices certified for sale in Russia, and smartphones with the prefix “Euro” were released, respectively, for European countries. All devices imported into Russia legally must have a PCT certificate. When buying a smartphone intended for Europe, you are actually buying a “gray” phone.

How does this threaten the user and what is better to buy - Rostest or Eurotest device?

First of all, if you buy a device that is not certified for our country, you may encounter the fact that the smartphone will be oriented to a European operator and using it in Russia will be impossible. Unblocking is, of course, possible, but it is usually not cheap and carries certain risks. Also, the Eurotest phone used in Russia is not covered by the manufacturer's warranty.

Many sellers of “gray” devices claim that this is not the case, citing an excerpt from the official Apple website, which states that you can apply for warranty service for the product at the authorized one closest to your location. service center. This is absolutely true. However Apple company fulfills warranty obligations only to the first buyer of the device, as stated in the corresponding agreement, which you can also read at official resource support.

If you have a “Euro” version of a smartphone in your hands, then you are actually not the first

Owner - before you, someone bought this device in the European Union countries and illegally imported it into Russian Federation where you purchased it. This means that your authorized service center will not even accept it for diagnostics and will refuse to warranty service. Here someone will say that under warranty he is not going to apply for repair of the device, and the price tag of 4 thousand less is more attractive for him.

But this also has its pitfalls - the device may require more than just repairs. There is also such a thing as a manufacturing defect or a malfunction that cannot be repaired. In the event that the manufacturer bears warranty obligations to you, the device will be replaced with a similar working one or your money will be refunded. If you are the owner of a device manufactured for Europe, then you will be deprived of this opportunity. The miser pays twice, as the famous proverb goes. Of course, the buyer must decide whether to buy a Rostest or Eurotest device. However, this decision must be balanced.

How to distinguish whether you are purchasing a Rostest or Eurotest device

First of all, pay attention to the packaging of the device. A careful study of it is the only way without activating the device, determine whether the iPhone is Rostest or Eurotest in front of you.

The box must have inscriptions in Russian. The barcode sticker must also contain two letters “RR”. If you have the opportunity to inspect the contents of the box, then pay attention to the presence of a warranty card from the official distributor of devices in Russia. It is worth noting that only MTS and Megafon companies supply certified devices to our country. These simple steps will warn you against buying an uncertified smartphone and help you avoid unnecessary problems.

First, let's figure out what this certificate is and what the consequences of its absence are. The first and most important thing is that if a device does not have Rostest certification, this means

that it was issued for another country and imported into Russia illegally - in Russian, the device is gray. In the case of the iPhone, this threatens you with the fact that the smartphone may be blocked for foreign operator, and simply won't work. In the case of the iPad, everything is simpler - it simply cannot be blocked. However, there are also pitfalls here - gray devices are not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. That is, if a defect is discovered or a breakdown that constitutes a warranty case, your device will not even be accepted for diagnostics and the money will not be returned. So the Rostest certificate for iPad is important.

The difference in price between a device certified for sale in Russia and a gray device is approximately 4 thousand rubles - of course, it’s up to you to decide whether it’s worth risking the warranty. However, it is not uncommon for a gray device to be sold at the price of a certified one. To expose such would-be sellers, we want to offer you instructions for determining whether the iPad you are buying has a Rostest certificate.

It is enough to pick up the box of the device and carefully examine it. Firstly, the box must contain information in Russian. Read it carefully - there should be no mistakes or clumsy phrases, the font in which the inscriptions are made should also be uniform - the size of the letters, the quality of the print. On the sticker on which the barcode is printed or above it on the box itself, only two letters must be indicated - RR. This is almost a 100% guarantee that you have in your hands a device released for Russia, i.e. iPad has a Rostest certificate.

The next point in determining the Rostest certificate of a device is to examine the internal contents of the box - network adapter must be designed for Russian sockets. Also inside the box is certified for Russian iPad you will find a warranty receipt from a Russian reseller. Apple also has a special network resource, focused on determining the country for which it was issued specific device. But this method is most likely available after purchasing and activating the tablet.

Now to the question of the warranty, many assure that Apple service centers do not care in which country the device was purchased, you can contact any authorized center to obtain warranty service. So, it is so, but in license agreement O warranty obligations company, you will find that the warranty is only provided to the first purchaser of the device. But in the case of the gray device, this is not the case. First, someone bought an iPad in another country, then it was imported into Russia and sold to you. Naturally, there is no Rostest certificate for such an iPad.

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