What does it mean to stop a plugin? Shockwave Flash does not respond in Yandex browser - what to do? Tips and tricks

Good day to all. The Internet is developing rapidly - more and more graphics and video content are appearing on sites, and it works mainly on Flash technology (this is especially true for various online games on social networks - they use Flash to the fullest). So, recently my favorite browser, Mozilla Firefox, has often started to freeze and display an error: Looks like Shockwave Flash is busy or has stopped responding. You can stop the plugin now or continue and see if the plugin can complete its job!

To be honest, this really started to piss me off and I decided to figure out why Shockwave Flash slows down the computer and how to overcome this disease. I will write in advance that there is no simple and pleasant solution to this problem, but here are a few recommendations that need to be made so that this error occurs as rarely as possible!

Food for thought... First, I recommend reading the note, it is quite possible that these jambs have already been fixed and you won’t have to disable anything, but don’t forget to finish reading the article - it will always come in handy

Having figured out this issue, I concluded that the problem is in the Flash plugin itself - it is the one that starts to glitch and completely hangs any browser, be it Firefox or Chrome - it doesn’t care if there are problems with it in any Internet browser!

Due to the fact that this is a jamb of the plugin itself, and not the browser, I divided the article into 3 parts, into the most popular browsers and for each I will describe in detail the solution options - I think this will be the most justified option...

1. Shockwave Flash Slows Down Your Computer [Mozilla Firefox Browser]

2. How to disable Adobe Flash Player in Opera Browser

3. Disable Shockwave Flash in Google Chrome

Shockwave Flash slows down your computer [Mozilla Firefox Browser]

Since I use Mozilla Fifefox in my work, I’ll start describing the problem with it. You can see such a window in versions starting from and higher... There is no solution as such - you can only terminate the plugin through the task manager or “crash” the process with the browser itself!

Let's take a closer look at the option of ending processes - since this is the fastest and 100% way to solve the problem... of course, this option is not the most humane, but effective. By the way - it can be used with any browser, and in general - any program that has started to work incorrectly and cannot be completed - Process Manager is a powerful tool!

So, we complete these two processes, and restart the Browser... we work and rejoice until the next window with a problem :) We think further about what can be done here - and there is a solution, but for some it can cause a lot of inconvenience. For example, I will put up with this error - it’s not difficult for me to restart the process with the browser, and perhaps you will be interested in this solution to the problem - disabling the Adobe Flash Player add-on and turning it on only when requested...

In the upper right corner of the browser, click on the “Settings” icon and find “Add-ons” there, all this is shown in the picture below.

This is exactly where there is a list with installed plugins for our Mozilla Firefox browser, just select “Enable on request” there and before starting where you need it, it will ask us for permission (this way you won’t be shown most of the advertising - its a lot on Flash)

We've dealt with Fire Fox and Shockwave Flash - now our turn is on the Opera browser, in which all these settings are hidden far in the depths of the browser.

How to disable Adobe Flash Player in Opera Browser

As I said, everything became different in Opera, as they switched to the engine from Chrome. You won’t find plugin settings in the menu here - you need to open the page in the browser


A page will open to us, as in the picture below... find Adobe Flash Player and click on the “Disable” button - thereby deactivating the buggy plugin!

Now we see that it is disabled - you can immediately turn it on if you can’t do without it)))

Next up is Chrome!

Disable Shockwave Flash in Google Chrome

Shockwave Flash slows down your computer even with the fastest and supposedly coolest browser - Google Chrome. Yes, Flash is such a misfortune that it hit the entire browser. Since Opera and Chrome are technically very similar, this plugin is disabled in almost the same way... open the page with plugin settings by entering the following code in the address bar


Find Adobe Flash Player in the list and click “Disable”

Now we see that the plugin is disabled and will not be “stupid”... it’s not for nothing that Flash was abandoned on mobile platforms, and it’s high time on computers!

P.S. In general, I recommend that you disable Shockwave Flash, because it slows down your computer and updates do not help once again... if you know other ways to solve this problem, I will be glad to know your opinion in the comments to this post!

In contact with

A computer is an unpredictable machine. Users quite often complain about the appearance of certain problems. But few people know how to solve them. Especially when it comes to working on the World Wide Web. Very often Shockwave Flash does not respond in the Yandex browser and other programs for browsing the Internet. What to do in this case? Why might such a problem occur? How dangerous are such problems? All this will be discussed further below. There's really no need to panic. Even a novice user can improve the situation for the better.

Where does the module come from?

The first step is to understand what we are talking about. What is Shockwave Flash? The answer is not that difficult. This is a kind of module for working with graphics in browsers. Typically a component of FlashPlayer.

Without it, pages will not be able to load normally and display information on the screen. As practice shows, quite often various problems occur with Shockwave Flash. They render the module inoperative. But how to fix this? What options for the development of events take place?


Shockwave Flash not working? The first option that can be offered to the user is the browser. This is only suitable for cases in which the module refused to work only once. More precisely, when the error does not occur regularly.

An alternative solution is to restart the browser. You need to close the corresponding application, then open it and work with pages on the Internet. Such techniques help fix crashes and problems that arise when surfing the Internet. But most often the situation does not disappear after reloading or refreshing the page. The module still does not respond (Shockwave Flash). “Yandex browser” or any other program for accessing the Internet - it doesn’t matter what application we are talking about. The main thing is that it is necessary to look for other methods of dealing with the problem.

Multiple FlashPlayers

By the way, not everything is as difficult as it seems. As practice shows, Shockwave Flash often refuses to work due to the fact that there are several FlashPlayers in the browser. In this case, a plugin conflict simply arises. It's easy to fix the situation. It is enough to disable one of the Flash Players.

How to do it? You must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Open the Yandex browser and click on the grid image.
  2. In the menu that appears, select "Settings". Next, find and click on the “Show advanced settings” button.
  3. Go to the section "Personal Data Protection" - "Content Settings".
  4. Go to "Modules" - "Disable some".
  5. Find FlashPlayer and click on "Disable". You need to disable the old version of the application. If they are the same, there is no difference which “Player” to use.

You don't need to do anything else. If the reason lay in an application conflict, then the module will work without failures. What to do when this step does not help? Shockwave Flash does not respond in the Yandex browser, but there is no module conflict on the computer. What to do then?


You can try to completely remove FlashPlayer and reinstall it. The method is good, it helps quite often. By the way, if FlashPlayer is not initially on the computer, then the Shockwave Flash plug-in will not work. Therefore, you need to either make sure that the program is installed and reinstall it, or install it for the first time.

  1. Download Adobe FlashPlayer from the official website of the application.
  2. Run the executable file and click on "Run".
  3. Following the installer's instructions, install the program.

Important: You must close your browsers during any installation. And that's all. Then there will be no problems with installation. And the situation in which Shockwave Flash does not work will be reduced to a minimum.


The next scenario is an outdated version of FlashPlayer. The thing is that FlashPlayer is updated from time to time. Older versions of the program are no longer supported. And then a situation may arise in which Shockwave Flash does not respond in the Yandex browser. And not only in it, but in general in all programs for working with the Internet.

Usually FlashPlayer offers You should not refuse it. This way, the risk of Shockwave Flash refusing to work will be minimized. You can download the latest version of the utility at any time from the official Adobe website.


But there is another option for the development of events. This is the one that causes the most inconvenience. What to do if the Shockwave Flash module fails to work? For Opera or any other browser, it is recommended to download and install AdBlock. At the same time, check your computer for viruses. And if there are dangerous objects, treat them or remove them.

That is, the reason that the Yandex Browser and other applications may be due to viruses. The situation can only be corrected if the computer is completely healed. Then all modules will start working normally.

Today, web browsers are the user's universal and primary tool for getting everything they need from the Internet. And although most of these programs have a high level of quality and performance, sometimes there are cases when some kind of failure occurs, as a result of which the system generates an error. The same applies to the Yandex browser, which, when trying to view some video content on the Internet, may display the error “Shockwave Flash has crashed,” which we’ll talk about now.

What is causing the error?

The vast majority of modern browsers use special players to play video and Flash content. This can usually be Adobe Flash Player or Adobe Shockwave Player. It is the violations in the operation of such a player that affect the appearance of the error.

Ways to solve the problem

Method 1. Restarting the browser

This method completely corrects the error in 95% of cases. This is because restarting the browser will restart (or at least try to restart) Shockwave Flash Player, after which it can resume working correctly and the problem disappears forever.

Method 2. Manually restarting the player

In some cases, you may be required to manually restart the flash player. In this case, you need to do the following:

    1. Open the Yandex Browser menu and go to settings.

    1. On the settings page, click the button Show advanced settings.

    1. In chapter Personal data protection click on Content Settings.

    1. Here click on the button Managing individual plugins.

    1. This will take you to the list of installed extensions, which will include our player. Find it, turn it off and on again, and then check the result.

Method 3. Browser update

It happens that the error may be directly related to the version of your browser. To do this you need to update it. If you have an outdated browser version, then you should do the following:

    1. Open your browser menu, click AdditionallyAbout Yandex.

    1. In the window that opens, you will see which version you are using and whether you can update your browser to a more current one.

Bottom line

As you can see, Yandex.Browser is a web browser that is easy to manage and understand, which will allow even inexperienced users to easily and easily fix the “Shockwave Flash has crashed” error when it appears.

Good day, friends! The Shockwave Flash plugin is responsible for displaying graphics in games, applications and video content. It just so happens that the developers of popular browsers have not fully integrated their programs with this plugin, which is why such crashing errors appear. Today we will try to correct the situation when Shockwave Flash is not responding.

First, simply restart your computer and look at the result after rebooting the system. This easy method will help if you encountered a similar error once or for the first time. If the Shockwave Flash plugin frequently or constantly fails, read below.

Instant solution to problem in Google Chrome when Shockwave Flash plugin is not responding

The Google Chrome browser is used by most users, so we’ll start with it. This browser, in addition to its bells and whistles, has one more feature - it already has Adobe Flash Player built-in, that is, there is no need to download, install and update this component. If several similar plugins are installed in Chrome, then for this reason conflicts may arise between them. As a result, we see that the Shockwave Flash plugin is not responding.

So, to determine which plugins are installed in the Google Chrome browser, enter “chrome://plugins” in the address bar.

A window with installed plugins will open in front of you, where you need to find Adobe Flash Player. Look carefully, if the message “2 files” is present, then the plugin crash is most likely due to this.

To solve the problem, disable one of the plugins. Click the “More details” link and see we have two plugins, disable one of them.

We restart the browser and try to launch the video or application, after launching which an error occurred with Shockwave Flash. If the problem is solved, great; if not, try disabling another plugin by enabling the first one. Restart the browser again and take a look. Most likely the problem will go away. If this does not help, then try downloading the latest version of Adobe Player from the link and updating/installing.

Shockwave flash plugin does not respond in Mozilla Firefox or Opera

If you see a similar error in the Opera browser, then follow these steps. First, type “opera:plugins” into the address bar and press enter.

Next, in the window with installed plugins, find Shockwave Flash and disable it using the “Disable” button.

Turn off, turn on Opera and check.

If you encounter a similar error in Mozilla Firefox, go to “Tools” - “Add-ons” - “Plugins”. Same here, find the Shockwave Flash plugin and disable it.

After all the above steps in any browser, you can get rid of the error “ Shockwave flash plugin is not responding", spending about a minute. If you know any other methods that will help solve a similar problem, then be sure to describe the actions in the comments, because helping others increases karma, don’t forget about it! That's all, thanks for your attention!

A plugin of this type is a wonderful development that is responsible for displaying graphics, quality of various games and other elements in a computer system. Many users experience problems with this program.
How can you solve the problem in a simple way? Please note that the browser, where Flash playback is not required, will work exactly the same as before the program crashed.

Shockwave Flash plugin not responding? - Quick solution in Google Chrome

To fix this problem, you can use the most basic method and restart your computer. But this will only help if the failure occurred without repetition. If the plugin crashes systematically and rebooting does not help in this case, then the problem can be solved within two (maximum five) minutes.

In modern society, the most popular browser among Internet users is Google Chrome. Other types of browsers are equipped with a standalone version Adobe Flash Player, and Chrome has an integrated version, that is, the plugin is updated along with the browser.
Users who have two or more plugins on their computer are more likely to encounter a problem of this nature, since competition often arises between them. To check whether this is true or not, enter chrome://plugins in the address bar and click the " Enter».
In the window that appears in front of you, find the line with the name Adobe Flash Player.

Focusing on the line called “ Location", select one of the plugins that you want to disable. Remove it by clicking the corresponding button. If the version of Adobe Flash Player has not been updated up to this point, by closing your browser, you can download and install it here without any problems. If your problem is not solved this way, try, on the contrary, disabling the second plugin and leaving the first one in working order.

Shockwave Flash - solution in Opera and Mozilla Firefox browsers

Problems with Shockwave also occur when working in a browser called Opera. You can fix this problem by entering opera:plugins in the address bar and pressing the “Enter” button.
A window will appear in front of you in which you can find a plugin called Shockwave Flash and disable it.

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