What are Windows user accounts? Their creation and configuration

How to get a Microsoft account? This question worries many Internet users. If you are one of them, then this article is for you.

Microsoft is one of the largest IT companies in the world. This brand includes great amount various Internet services. Skype, store Xbox Live, search system Bing, package Office programs, cloudy OneDrive storage– and these are not all programs operating under the Microsoft banner.

What's happened Account Microsoft? Essentially, this is a universal account. It can be used to work with any service from Microsoft. It is very convenient and practical. For example, you downloaded Skype and Office package. Instead of registering for each program separately, you can create one account on the official Microsoft website.

How to register with Microsoft

How do I create a Microsoft account? In fact, everything is very simple. You can register an account in just a couple of minutes. You must go to the official website of the company and follow the following instructions:

After this, the registration procedure will be completed. will happen automatic login to your Microsoft account. Now entered during registration email and you can use the password to log in to services owned by Microsoft.

How to add a user

An account in a Microsoft service can also be used to add a new user to the Windows OS. This is done as follows:

A new operating system user has been created. You can now sign in to your computer using your Microsoft account information. It is worth noting that the first time you log into the OS, settings are configured. This may take a certain amount of time.


If you often use Microsoft products, then it is quite rational to create an account on the company’s official website. This will save you a lot of time. After all, you will not need to register in each program separately. You can simply use the data from your Microsoft account.

Hello, dear blog readers, and in this lesson I propose to consider: what is an account and how to create an account in Windows 7 , I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with creating an account and setting access rights to your computer. Have you ever encountered when one computer was used by several users?

If yes, then you probably know that when you turn on the computer, the operating system loads, then a dialog box appears in which the user must specify a login and password, after entering which the computer desktop is loaded with all the shortcuts familiar to us. So the question arises, why is an account created at all? How to create an account in windows 7? What function do they perform?

What is an account?

For a more complete idea of ​​what “Accounts” are, let’s look at the following example: In an organization, people work at computers. Let's say there are 50 computers, and they all exchange information using a local network. But first you need to read the article:

Consequently, there is a person who is responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of computers, installing software, creating, editing, deleting accounts, that is, he is an administrator. And people who work at computers, perform their job duties, are users in relation to the administrator personal computer or they are also called experienced users.

Their rights to control the computer are limited, that is, they cannot install any programs on their computer, and they are also not able to change certain settings or system configuration. In addition, the administrator can block reading removable media (flash drives, disks).

Since such computers are united as a single whole through a local network, imagine if a virus (via removable media) penetrates even one computer, then all computers without exception will be infected, and this is just a waste of time restoring them. Therefore, in such cases, account creation is used. I looked at a specific easy example to make it clear. When combining computers into local network, an account is needed to connect to the server using network applications (but this is a separate topic for discussion). In the home version, when the computer is used by all family members, then you can create your own account for everyone.

When loading the operating system, each user will be able to configure various optimal system parameters for themselves. I believe that using accounts is very convenient in this regard, that there will be order with the location of important documents on the computer.

How to create an account in windows 7?

Now let's start creating accounts. To create an account, go to the control panel using the command: Start - Control Panel. As a result, the explorer familiar to us from the previous lesson will open, which displays a list of computer settings settings. If your way of displaying icons in Explorer is different from mine, then select “Category” in the viewing tab.

In the window that opens, click “Create an account.” First, you will need to specify the type of account to be created, either it will be a regular (experienced) user or an administrator. I will name the account name “Alexander”, and the type – “Regular access” and click “Create account”.

After this, the account will be created and a dialog box will appear.

Let's take a closer look at what actions we can carry out in the “Alexander” account we created. To do this, click on the “Alexander” icon and in the window that opens we see the main links, clicking on which will allow us to set or change certain parameters.

1. Change Account Name – allows you to change the initial account name we created.

2. Create a password – this option allows you to set a password for your account; when the operating system boots to log into your account, the system will require you to enter a password.

3. Delete password – this option deletes the previously created password.

4. Change picture – allows you to select a picture that will be displayed when you log in. When you click on change pattern, a set of patterns will appear that you can use. After selecting the design you like, click on change the design. In the same window there is a link “Search for other drawings”; when you click, you can select your individual drawing.

5. Set up parental controls. Parental controls allow you to manage your computer use. For example, you can set the time interval when children can sit at the computer, and you can also set specific usage requirements certain programs and games. When you click on the “Parental Controls” link, a dialog box will open in which you can activate the use of this option if you wish. There are certain set parameters here, everything is described in detail what is possible and what is not.

6. Change account type - this option allows you to change rights current user, that is, saying in simple words, either restrict the user when working with the computer, or expand his rights, allow him to install software, change certain parameters, etc.

7. Deleting an account - if you need to delete an account, click on the “Deleting an Account” link; if you want to save the documents of this account before deleting, click “Saving files”.

8. Manage another account – allows you to return to the main menu of all accounts.

How to create an account in windows 7

Let's consider another method that will allow you to find out how to create an account in Windows 7. To do this right click Click on the My Computer shortcut and select Manage. In the window that opens, click " Local users and groups”, as a result of which two folders “Users” and “Groups” will appear on the right side of the window, click on “Users”. As you can see, there is a list of PC user accounts, right-click on the “Alexander” account we previously created.

When the window opens, three tabs are available to us: general, group membership, profile.

1. General tab – allows you to set full name and account description.

1.1 Prohibit the user from changing the password - on this parameter The checkbox is checked when several users work under the same account.

1.2 Password validity period is unlimited - if you uncheck this box, the password for logging into the system will have restrictions.

1.3 Disable account – I think it’s already clear what this parameter is intended for =)

1.4 Lock account – allows you to lock the system after a certain number of password attempts.

2. Group membership tab – indicates what type the user will belong to (power user, administrator).
So, we have looked at how to create a wwindows 7 account. Next, we will consider a situation when we need to disable User Account Control. For example, consider an account named “Dmitry”

To do this, run the commands: Start - Control Panel - User Accounts and Family Safety - User Accounts and click on the link “Change User Account Control Settings”. As a result, a window will open in which you can use the slider to set the degree of control. The degree of control has 4 level systems.

1. Always notify – this level is the most high level ensuring system security.

2. Notify only when programs attempt to make changes to the computer.

3. Notify only when programs attempt to make changes to the computer (B in this case at startup suspicious programs, the desktop will not be darkened compared to the second level of protection).

4. Never notify. The lower position of the slider ensures that User Account Control is disabled.

It should also be noted that User Account Control is also called UAC (User Account Control). UAC prevents unauthorized launch of programs that could disrupt the operation of the operating system by malicious code. Undoubtedly, it should be noted that UAC improves the security of the computer system.

At the end of this lesson, I propose to consider a situation where you Forgot your password to your account. After all, a password is a kind of key to enter our system.

So, what do you need to do to log into Windows?

When creating an account, a “ Password Reset Disk" Execute the following commands: Start – Control Panel – User Accounts – Change Windows password. As a result of opening the window, on the left side select “Create a password reset floppy disk”, before this you should insert either a flash drive or a floppy disk.

In the window that opens, indicate New Password and confirm it. Then we log into Windows using the new password.

Taking their first steps on the Internet, users are sure to ask the question “What is an account?” Still would! After all, almost every site offers, or even requires, the creation of this same account.

But how can it be created if its purpose is not entirely clear - global and local (in relation to a specific web resource)?

If you, dear reader, are bothered by such questioning, then you have come to the right place. This article is just for you. From it you will learn the functional definition of an account: why and how it is created.

So, welcome to our short tour!


An account is a collection of personal user data that is stored in the system of the website being used. It is used to authenticate the user on the site. As a rule, account holders have more authority on web resources compared to regular visitors. They are provided with expanded functionality: depending on the web resource used - saving content, custom settings, data backup, the ability to leave messages, upload files from your computer, etc.

Alternative names for the term

On the Internet, an account can be called differently. Know that these words mean the same term:

  • account, acc, or account (from the English word account - “account”);
  • profile;
  • personal page (this definition is more applicable to social networks. For example, such as Odnoklassniki, VKontakte).
  • accounting (colloquial derivative).

Account types

All accounts can be divided into two large groups:

  • Local - used for authorization on only one web resource.
  • Universal - make it possible to log in to several sites, or all services, of a company. For example, in Google systems and Yandex for use cloud storage, mail, news services and blogs, you only need one account.

How to create a profile?

To register your account on the site, the first thing you need to do is go to the registration form. Usually the link to it is located at home page and has a name (Registration, Register, Create an account, etc.).

Then you will need to fill out the form with the following information:

  • “First and last name” - your passport details or nickname (the choice is yours, but if you register in the payment system, banking service or in an online store, it is better not to use a fictitious name).
  • “Login” is a nickname, or nickname, in the system. Your nickname on the site where you register. It can be seen by other users. The login is also used for authorization - it is indicated when entering the site.
  • “Password” is a symbolic-numeric key for logging into your account. It is of great importance for the safety and security of confidential data. Take its compilation and storage very seriously.
  • "E-mail", " Mobile phone» - means of verification or confirmation of rights to the profile. With their help, functions are activated and access to the account is restored if the password is lost. Also, some websites use them to notify users about hacking attempts, third-party interference, or changing settings.
  • Captcha - a picture with a code or a special task. In this column, do everything that the resource requires of you (retype the code from the image, solve a mathematical example, answer a question, label pictures according to a given characteristic). This way you will prove that you are not a bot and are filling out the data manually.
  • Payment details - bank card, electronic account payment system. If you plan to make any purchases in the account being created, which means that this data must be specified.

There may also be other required fields in the form. For example, a series of passport, driver's license, insurance policy.

After entering all the necessary data, send them to the site server - click the “Submit” or “Register” button. Confirm your rights to the specified e-mail and phone number. The web service will send you to complete this procedure special message, respectively, with a link or verification code.

How to log into your profile?

Each computer with Windows installed can be used by multiple users who have their own personal settings and operating system parameters. This opportunity is very useful feature Windows accounts.

What is an account?

Account allows you to set up an individual work environment for each user and differentiate rights on the computer. This is to some extent reminiscent of members of one family, each of them has his own room, furnished to his own taste, and where he can do whatever he wants, but within the limits of what is permitted by the head of the family, who has one universal key to all room doors. It’s the same on a computer with accounts: each user can customize the view, display their own on the desktop, configure color scheme systems for himself, install the programs he needs, etc. But again, within the limits of what is permitted by the administrator (by analogy with the rooms of the head of the family).

With such an organization collaboration on one computer, each user has a space to store personal data, protected by a password and inaccessible to others. In addition, the risk of mistakenly deleting someone else’s information is eliminated.

Accounts in Windows can be of 3 types: administrator, standard and guest.


The administrator on the computer has full rights and powers, he can log in to any user on the computer and make any changes as to his Personal settings, and in the main ones on the computer. The administrator on the computer must be an experienced user to avoid introducing any fatal errors into the system.

Standard account

A standard account (or normal access) allows the user to work within the rights defined by the administrator. By default, user with normal access can run most programs and make changes to the operating system without affecting other users.

Guest account

Record with the most minimal rights. Used to grant access to an outsider with "view only" permission.

On any computer with operating system Windows system There is at least one administrator account that was created during system installation.

Create an account

To create a new account, click on the button " Start" In the window that opens, click on the account icon at the top right.

A settings window will open, where you can click on “ Manage another account" In the next window, click on " Create an account", where enter the name and account type, then click the " Create an account».

We have created a new account and now it can be configured

Account Setup

To configure, log into the user accounts window again and select “ Managing another account", in which click on the name of the user whose account you want to configure. In the window that opens, select the settings item: change name, create password, change picture, install parental controls, changing account type, deleting an account.

To switch between users there is no need to restart the computer, just click on the " Start", click on the arrow next to the item " To finish work" and select the item " Change user».

Now, after reading the material, you can create and configure user accounts.


If you already have a new version of Office or are about to install and activate it, you may be wondering why you need to sign in with Microsoft account or work or school account, what is the difference between these two types of accounts and when to use one or the other.

Advice: Help for at a construction site existing accounts Email in Outlook to access mail, calendar and contacts, see.

Why do I need an account to sign in to Office?

Why do I need an account to sign in to Office?

Between Office and your account, confirming that you have an Office license. Logging in with your account allows you to the following actions:

Installing and activating Office. A Microsoft account, work account, or school account is required to install and activate Office 365 and versions of Office 2013 or later.

Connect to other Microsoft services. Once your account is associated with an Office product, and depending on the version of Office you are using, your account is also connected to various Microsoft products and services, such as Office Online or OneDrive.

Reinstalling Office. Sign in to your account portal and reinstall Office without a product key or installation disc.

Create and share files. Create, edit, and share files saved to an Office cloud service such as OneDrive

Using Office on different devices. If you have an Office 365 subscription, you can also install and use Office on multiple devices.

What is the difference between a Microsoft account and a work or school account?

What is a Microsoft account?

Your Microsoft account is the email address and password you use for Outlook.com, Hotmail, Office, OneDrive, Skype, Xbox, and Windows. If you create a Microsoft account, you can use any email address as your username, including those from Outlook.com, Yahoo! or Gmail.

Most often, these accounts are associated with Office Home products.

What is a school or work account?

If your organization or educational institution If you are using Office 365, your Office 365 Global Administrator most likely provided you with a unique username and password. This is the account used to access your organization's email and web resources.

Work and school accounts are typically associated with Office 365 for business products. They are typically managed by an Office 365 administrator, who is responsible for assigning Office accounts and licenses to employees.

How do I get an account and link it to Office?

Linking your Microsoft account or work or school account to Office verifies that you have a legal license for Office. How this connection is established depends on the Office product and how you purchased it. This connection is only required for Office 365 subscriptions and Office products 2016 and Office 2013, which do not require a subscription (see section)

Expand the section that matches how you purchased Office.

Office suite purchased from a retail or online store

If you purchased Office from a retail store, it likely came with a key on the package. When you activate it, you must specify an existing Microsoft account or create a new one.

If you purchased Office from the Microsoft Store online, you'll be signed in to your account and your account will be associated with Office. If you can't install Office, you may have missed post-purchase activation. See I just purchased Office. Where do I enter my product key?

I've been granted access to Office

If your Office subscription was shared with you, you most likely received an email or text message. To install Office, you must either provide an existing Microsoft account or create a new one.

I was provided with Office at work or school

If you use Office at work or school, you're likely already assigned an account. This is the account that is used to sign in to Office.com.

Someone installed Office for me, so I don't have an account

If you purchased Office, but someone else installed it for you and linked their account to Office, contact support. Make sure you can verify your purchase.

Office was already installed on your computer

I have no new version Office, but I want to use free apps Office Online

Office received through the Microsoft Home Program

Where do I need to sign in to install Office?

If you have an Office 365 subscription or use Office 365 at work or school, go to Office.com and sign in to the account associated with your subscription. Here you can install or reinstall Office, and for some versions you can also set up a subscription in the window My account. The relationship between your account and license depends on how you obtained Office.

Additionally, signing in to your Office.com or classic account Office applications allows you to easily access files stored in cloud services, for example in OneDrive. additional information See Sign in to your Office or Office 365 account.

If you're just looking for instructions on how to install Office, see the following articles:


Do I need an account for Office 2010 and Office 2007?

For more earlier versions Office, such as Office 2010 or Office 2007, does not require accounts. To install or reinstall Office, use the disc and product key you received with your purchase. For more information about installing these versions, see Install Office 2010 and Install Office 2007.

How do I get a Microsoft account or a work or school account?

Microsoft Accounts

A Microsoft account is a free account that is used to access many Microsoft devices and services, including Outlook.com webmail (also called hotmail.com, msn.com, and live.com), Office Online, Skype, OneDrive , Xbox Live, Bing, Windows and Microsoft Store. If you use any of these services, you already have a Microsoft account. Previously, your Microsoft account was called Windows Live ID.

If you use the email address and password to sign in to the Microsoft devices and services listed above, you already have a Microsoft account. One of the benefits of a Microsoft account is that it is used to sign in to all Microsoft services.

More information about Microsoft accounts and managing them:

If your organization or school uses Office 365, your administrator will give you a work or school account. Most likely, you already use it to access your organization's email and web resources.

Office 365 admins manage email user accounts for people in their organization by signing in to the Office 365 admin center with their Office 365 admin username and password.

Can I change the name on my account?

Work or school accounts

I don't remember my username

How do I reset my password?

Microsoft Accounts

Work or school accounts

If your administrator has given you permission to reset your password, go to this page. Otherwise, contact your administrator.

The password is correct, but it does not work

First of all try the following:

    Please check if your email address and password are entered correctly.

    Make sure that CAPS key LOCK is not pressed because the password is case sensitive.

If this doesn't help, follow the steps below depending on which account you're using.

Work or school accounts

If you're using a work or school account, contact your administrator.

The Microsoft account was specified as an existing email account, such as Gmail, Yahoo! etc., but now it doesn't work

Many users choose to create Microsoft accounts based on their regular email accounts, such as Gmail or Yahoo!, to avoid confusion.

Outlook.com, hotmail.com, live.com, and msn.com accounts are managed by Microsoft and are considered Microsoft accounts. This means that any changes you make to these accounts are reflected across all Microsoft services in which you use them. However, if you created your Microsoft account using a third-party email service account, changes you make through that service will not affect your Microsoft account.

For example, if you update your password in Gmail, Yahoo! or another postal service, the change will not be automatically applied to your Microsoft account, meaning its password will remain the same.

To do other things with your Microsoft account, such as change your name or security settings, sign in

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