What is a page on the Internet? What is a Web page? List the main elements of a Web page

A web page is a specially formatted document that can include text, graphics, hyperlinks, audio, animation, and video.

Several web pages that share a common theme, design, and links, and usually reside on the same web server, form a website.

Web site (from English. website: web- “web, network” and site- “place”, literally “place, segment, part of the network”) - a collection electronic documents(files) of an individual or organization in computer network, united under one address (domain name or IP address).

All sites together constitute World Wide Web , where communication (web) unites segments of information from the world community into a single whole - a database and communications on a planetary scale. For direct access clients to sites on servers, a specially developed protocol HTTP .

A website is structured like a magazine that contains information on a particular topic or issue. Just as a magazine consists of printed pages, a Web site consists of computer Web pages.

The program that displays a web page is called a web browser.

Web sites are created using the hypertext document markup language HTML. HTML technology is that control characters (tags) are inserted into a regular text document and as a result we get a Web page. The browser, when loading a Web page, presents it on the screen in the form specified by tags.

HTML allows you to:

· format text;

· include images and multimedia in the document;

· Using this language, hypertext links to other Web pages are created.

HTML is used to create file information content and to define the structure and format of Web pages. Since HTML files are plain text files, such a file can be sent to virtually any computer.

To create Web pages, simple text editors are used that do not include document being created text formatting control characters. As such an editor in Windows you can use standard application"Notebook".

Typically, a Web page file has a .html or .htm extension.

In addition, there are many technologies in which the basic steps for creating websites are already automated; all that remains is to make changes in accordance with your topic.

To view an HTML page, simply enter its URL in the address bar of your Web browser and then follow the hyperlinks. But this is precisely the main problem - how to find out the page address? Most often it happens that you know what you need to find, but you don’t know where exactly to look. To solve this problem, there are special search engines. From the user's point of view, a search engine is a regular website on home page which contains links to other sites, divided into categories (“Sports”, “Business”, “Computers”, etc.). In addition, the search engine allows the user to enter several keywords and returns links to pages containing those keywords.

Web site

A website (English Website, from web - web and site - “place”) is a collection of documents of a private person or organization united under one address on a computer network. By default, it is assumed that the site is located on the Internet. All Internet websites collectively make up the World Wide Web. The HTTP protocol was specially developed for clients to directly access websites on servers. Websites are otherwise called the Internet representation of a person or organization. When they say “your own page on the Internet,” it means an entire website or a personal page as part of someone else’s site. In addition to websites on the Internet, WAP sites for mobile phones are also available.

Initially, websites were collections of static documents. Currently, most of them are characterized by dynamism and interactivity. For such cases, experts use the term web application - ready-made software package to solve website problems. A web application is part of a website, but a web application without data is only technically a site.

In most cases on the Internet, one website corresponds to one domain name. Exactly according to domain names sites are identified in global network. Other options are possible: one site on several domains or several sites under one domain. Typically, multiple domains use large sites (web portals) to logically separate different types services provided (mail.yandex.ru, news.yandex.ru, auto.yandex.ru). There are also frequent cases of discharge separate domains For different countries or languages. For example, google.ru and google.fr are logically the Google site on different languages, but technically they are different sites. Combining several sites under one domain is typical for free hosting. To identify sites, the address contains a tilde and the site name after the host: example.com/~my-site-name/.

A website, often abbreviated as a site, is nothing more than a collection of logically interconnected web pages, or simply one page. Site pages are available on the Internet using HTTP protocols or HTTPS. A website has its own place on the Internet, determined by a personal address for each site, which is usually called a URL. Any website has its owner; the owner can be either an individual or a legal entity.

The website consists of pages

A website consists of pages united by a common root URL and, as a rule, a common logical structure, theme, layout (design) and technical device. In turn, the World Wide Web is nothing more than a collection of all websites. Web pages are text files written in the hypertext markup language HTML or XHTML.

When viewing a web page, in a special program called a browser, HTML files downloaded to the user's computer. Once loaded, the browser displays web pages on the user's screen. As hardware can be used to access the Internet to review the contents of web pages various devices: Personal Computer, PDA, some models game consoles and other devices, all of these devices support standards HTML language/ XHTML and web pages are rendered identically.

The HTML / XHTML language makes it possible to format pages, place text, hyperlinks, tables, pictures and other objects on them. Table CSS styles, which can be used in HTML documents gives additional features for creating appearance web pages.

JavaScript and some other scripting languages

You can also use JavaScript and some others on web pages. scripting languages supported by the browser, and adding interactivity to the web document. Hypertext links, or hyperlinks for short, are used to link web pages within a site and link between different websites on the World Wide Web. If a hyperlink is used to link pages within a site, it is called an internal link, and if it links different sites, it is called an external link.

Site pages

Pages on a website can be static, that is, they are stored on a web server in the form of immutable files, or they can be dynamic, that is, generated directly on the server by a special program, which is also called the site engine. The site engine can provide a wide range of capabilities for changing the content of web pages, adding new web pages, and performing other actions to configure the website and edit information on it through a web-based administration interface, which is called a content management system or CMS.

Creating a website is a labor-intensive process that combines the work of different specialists: web designers, programmers, HTML coders, optimizers, managers, journalists to fill the site with information, etc. The time and cost of creating a website depends on the degree of complexity of the project, its structure and the quality of the design.

A little history of website development

The world's first website was created on August 6, 1991 by American Tim Berners-Lee, who posted a publication on the technology on the website World Wide Web. The basis of World Wide Web technology is the HTTP data transfer protocol, the hypertext markup language HTML and the URL addressing system. The site also described other basic principles of the Internet, such as the operation of servers, web browsers, etc. The site, created by Tim Berners-Lee, also became the world's first Internet catalogue, because... it later contained links to other resources of the then Internet.

The necessary tools for the site to work were prepared even earlier; at the end of 1990, the first browser appeared, which was called WorldWideWeb; it additionally included the function of a hypertext editor. Tim Berners-Lee also prepared the first web server based on NeXTcube.

Introduction to HTML

In this chapter:

Every time you open your browser, you are taken to a website, which may consist of one or many web pages with various information. The main technology for creating such web pages is language HTML.

How does a browser receive web pages?

For common understanding let's look at a little theory about how a browser gets web pages and what a web server is. To get a web page, you need to create a file written in HTML and place it on the web server. Once you have placed the created file on the web server, any browser will be able to find your web page via the Internet. The web server is regular computer with Internet access that continuously works and waits for requests from browsers. Any server stores web pages, pictures, audio files and other types of files. When the server receives a request from the browser for some resource (images, web pages, etc.), it finds that resource (if it can determine the location of the resource) and sends it to the browser.

You already know how a browser works: you browse various sites on the Internet, clicking on links to go to various pages. This click causes your browser to make a request for an HTML page to the web server, receive a response to your request, and display the page in its window.

But how does the browser know exactly how to render the page? This is where HTML comes into play. It tells the browser everything about the content and structure of the page. If you do your job well (the code is written correctly and without errors), then your pages will be displayed equally in all browsers.

Note: Browser Web browser - Web browser) - software used to view websites, that is, to request web pages (mainly from the Internet), process them, display them in a browser window and move from one page to another. To the most popular browsers relate: Internet Explorer , Mozilla Firefox , Google Chrome , Safari, Opera.

Note: During training, you will not have to upload any pages to the web server; everything will work fine on your local computer.

Before we continue, let's look at what an HTML editor is for, what an HTML document is, and how to create one.

Why do you need an HTML editor?

You can edit HTML documents in a regular text document, but it is more convenient to do this, of course, in special HTML editors. An HTML editor is one of the main tools for creating and editing web pages and the site as a whole. The main advantage of editors over a regular notepad is that they highlight code, which in turn makes it easier and faster to edit the necessary code.

There are many paid and free HTML editors, the most commonly used paid ones include Dreamweaver, Visual Studio And PHPStorm. As free editors can be used notepad++ And geany.

What is an HTML document?

HTML document- this is a regular text file with the extension .html, which contains HTML code. The following information will be described for those who do not know how to save files with the required extension.

In order to turn a text file into an HTML document, you just need to save the file under a different extension; you can do this in two ways:

  1. IN open editor(or in a regular text document) click file → select save as → below in the text field file name: Let’s write for example like this: mypage.html → click save . That's it, the HTML document has been created.
  2. Click right click mice ( RMB) on text file→ select rename and change the extension from .txt on .html . To use this method, we need to make sure that by default all files have their extensions available, this is done as follows: click Start → open Control Panel → select Folders settings → tab View → scroll to the very bottom and uncheck Hide extensions for registered file types .

There are two ways to open a file saved with the .html extension for viewing in a browser:

  1. Double-click on it with the left mouse button, in this case the web page will open in the browser that is selected by default.
  2. Right-click on it → move the cursor over to open with... → select the browser you need.

When receiving an HTML document, the browser will display it as a web page ( web page is what is displayed in the browser window), but you will not see the tags you wrote displayed in your browser window, because they will be interpreted to display the content of the page in the form you need.


My first title

My first paragraph

The result of this code in the browser window:

To edit the code of an HTML document, right-click on it → hover the cursor over to open with... → select the editor you need; if the editor you need is not in the list, click Select program... and select the desired editor. Some editors (for example, take notepad++) can be selected directly in context menu by right-clicking on the document and selecting from above Edit with Notepad++(edit using notepad++).

What is HTML?

HTML is a language for describing the structure of web pages. Pages created with its help can only be viewed using special programs (browsers) installed on users' computers.

  • The abbreviation HTML stands for H yper T ext M arkup L anguage (hypertext markup language).
  • Remember, it is not a programming language, it is a markup language.
  • HTML uses tags markup to describe the structure of a web page.

What are tags?

HTML tags are keywords or characters enclosed in angle brackets, for example ,


etc. There are two types of tags: doubles And single(they are also called empty). Paired tags consist of an opening and closing tag, for example: . The "/" after the angle bracket indicates that the tag is a closing tag. Single tags consist of just an opening tag, for example:
. Tags are not case sensitive, so they can be written in either capital or lowercase letters:

Means the same as

According to standard HTML5 tags can be written in any case.

Using tags, the browser recognizes structure And meaning of your text, for example, they tell the browser which part of the text is the heading, where it begins new paragraph what needs to be emphasized and where to place the image (picture). Once the browser receives this information, it uses its default rules about how to display each of these elements. Without using tags, the browser will simply display a continuous stream of text, without indents, headings, paragraphs, etc. To make it clearer, let's look at this in more detail using the examples below.

This is what a page looks like using markup tags:

Summer menu

Drinks in our cafe

Multifruit - 100 rub.

A fruit drink containing orange and pineapple juices.

Milk cocktail - 150 rub.

Creamy ice cream mixed with fruit pulp.

The same thing, but without using tags:

Drinks in our Multifruit cafe - 100 rub. A fruit drink containing orange and pineapple juices. Milk cocktail - 150 rub. Creamy ice cream mixed with fruit pulp.

The bulk of content presented on the Internet is web pages. This is historically the very first type of document intended for placement in a virtual network space, but it still remains relevant and has virtually no competing formats. What is the structure of web pages? What web development tools are they used to create?

What is a Web page?

“List the main elements of a Web page,” the examiner tells us in a computer science lesson. What can we say to him in response? First of all, we’ll talk about what a web page is in principle.

According to the generally accepted definition among IT specialists, this is a document that is intended to be opened in specialized program- a browser, and which contains data for display on a computer screen using the appropriate type of software of various useful content- texts, links, graphics, videos, music, etc. A web page is a text document. The corresponding data for the browser is letters, numbers and Special symbols, used as markup language elements - HTML. It is with the help of it that the creator of the web page “explains” to the browser how to display this or that content on the screen.

The place and role of web pages in the structure of sites

Can we say that a Web page is the main component of a website? This is partly true. However, as we noted above, a web page is just a text document. The site, as a rule, also contains pictures, videos and other multimedia elements. A web page cannot contain them, but it can contain links to them in its structure. Thus, the web page can be called the main component of the site in terms of its dominant role in displaying virtual content in front of users.

In rare cases, of course, the document in question will be the only component of the site - if for some reason it does not provide for the display of graphics, video and other multimedia elements. In particular, the very first websites - when Web page markup languages ​​first appeared - did not include relevant content. Before the user's eyes there was only text and links.

The principle of using hypertext

So, a Web page is a document written in HTML, which is used to mark up hypertext. But what is this phenomenon? What is hypertext? Without delving too deeply into theory, we note that this is a text that in one way or another allows you to get fast access to another - through links. This is impossible in a regular book - there is “simple text”. To access desired page the reader must make several turns, first familiarizing himself with the table of contents or footnotes. In hypertext mode, most of the work is done by the computer, using information reflected in the HTML elements of the page.

If a computer science teacher tells us: “List the main elements of a Web page,” then we can quite correctly begin to talk about the components of the corresponding document that are created using the HTML markup language. Therefore, first, let's look at some theoretical points regarding HTML.

HTML language structure: tags

How does a browser read the necessary data about a web page from an HTML document? Very simple.

Essential elements of this language- these are tags. In most cases, they are paired - there is an opening one, and there is a closing one. The former are indicated using only angle brackets. The second ones are similar, but before the second bracket there is a slash - the symbol /. The browser is able to recognize them, and therefore displays the contents of web pages without any problems in accordance with the algorithms created by the document developer.

The opening tag is usually written in capital letters, closing - small. This is a standard that has become established among IT specialists. The browser will, of course, recognize the HTML command in any letters, but web developers are still advised to adhere to the marked tag writing scheme. This will make it easier, for example, for other specialists to improve the web page.


Other important elements of the HTML language are attributes. With their help, the creator of a web page can set the properties of the content - for example, font height, its color, position relative to the page. The same goes for pictures, videos and other multimedia components. Attributes are written within the opening tag.


Between the opening and closing tags lies the next key component of a web page—the content. This is, in fact, the very content that should be displayed in front of the user on the screen. This could be text, a link, a picture, a video or another multimedia element.

Web Page Elements

“So list the main elements of a Web page, finally!” - the teacher repeats. “With pleasure,” we answer him. What is included in the structure of the type of document under consideration? Let's agree that we will consider this aspect in the context of the HTML elements of the web page. That is, their display in the browser - what the user sees on the screen - will interest us to a lesser extent. The fact is that the corresponding HTML algorithms, on the basis of which the program displays content in the same way, may be different. And this is a feature of the HTML language: the desired image on a Web page can be displayed different ways. At the same time, they can be either equivalent in terms of the labor costs of the web page creator, or require a different amount of effort and time for their implementation.

Web Page Elements: Header

Standard elements of a Web page, as surprising as it may sound, are presented in very small quantities. In fact, there are only two of them - the title and the main body of the document. At the same time, each of them can have a rather complex structure.

What are the specifics of the title? It is located at the very top of the web page. The HTML code that forms the header is usually intended to “encrypt” only the text, but if necessary, you can also place small graphic inserts. And that, in fact, is all that can be said about the title. It would seem that its role in the structure of the corresponding document is insignificant. But that's not true. Web page titles are very significant from the point of view of site indexing in search engines— Yandex, Google. This item must be completely relevant to the content of the web page, as well as the thematic specifics of the site.

How is the title of a web page captured using HTML? Very simple. First, the opening tag is written, which always looks like HEAD with angle brackets, then the header content, then the closing tag. They are written, of course, at the very top of the web document.

The title of a web document may include a number of additional elements. Sometimes the format of a Web page may require text to be displayed in a specific encoding. How can you ensure that your web document meets this criterion? Very simple. HTML algorithms must be placed in the document header structure, instructing the browser to use a specific language encoding - for example, Cyrillic. The corresponding commands are located within META tag, which, like others, can be opening and closing.

Main part of the web page

The main part of the web document opens with the BODY tag and closes with the corresponding element, including a slash. In this case, between the opening and closing tags there may be great amount additional commands hypertext markup language. This is due to the fact that the main part of the web page contains its useful content - texts, links, graphics, videos, various shapes for filling.

Each of the corresponding types of content has its own tags. The structure of the main part of a web document may contain HTML commands, which are also used to format the text - for example, giving the font a certain color, size and other properties.

Let's look at the specifics of some commonly used HTML tags. In fact, they form the main elements of a web page.

Basic HTML Tags

So, in order to study in detail what the elements of a Web page are, let’s study in more detail the essence of basic HTML tags. We have already given some of them above - in particular those with the help of which the browser reads the headers of web pages and determines where the main part of the document is located.

The P tag is quite common. It, like other similar elements of the hypertext markup language, can be opening and closing. This tag allows you to format a single paragraph of a document. You can, for example, set a specific font type or color for it. However, this is done using additional tag- FONT. In this case, it will be placed inside the one that marks the boundaries of the paragraph - this will prevent the HTML command reflecting the type of preferred font from being distributed to other elements of the web page.

Tables are created using the TABLE tag. Using the corresponding attributes, you can determine the required number of columns and rows, set their width, specific borders, size and font color of the text in the table.

Responsible for processing images by the browser. You can also place various attributes in it that regulate the size of the image and its position on the page.

Links to other web documents or files are indicated using the A tag. As a rule, there are attributes inside it that indicate the fact that there is a hyperlink in the structure of the web page. In this case, the document, file or site to which it leads is indicated.

A common tag is FRAMESET. With its help, you can divide the space of a web page into several areas - frames. In each of them you can use separate web documents. That is, frames allow you to correctly position two or more pages on one screen at the same time.

A story about the key elements of web pages and a subsequent story about the means of formatting them using the HTML language - approximately this will be the algorithm for our answer to the question that the examiner asked us. If he came to us saying “list the main elements of a Web page,” then we, using the appropriate methodology, will have every chance of uncovering the topic. That is, by the term “elements” we can understand the key components of the structure of a web document, or the types of content - text, pictures, tables, frames, links that the webmaster generates using a tool such as the HTML language.

Specifics of web development tools

In addition to the above, we can clarify that the tags and attributes provided HTML standards- great amount. In addition to HTML, web developers can use additional funds formatting hypertext documents. For example, with using JavaScript can be created dynamic web pages— that is, those in which the content is constantly updated (both due to the actions of the user himself, and in accordance with algorithms pre-written in scripts).

It would be useful to add that a web developer can use full-fledged programming languages ​​in his work, such as, for example, Perl, PHP, Java, Python, with the help of which the ability to work with hypertext documents are becoming even wider. The need for this may be due to the fact that the areas of application of web technologies today are very different. Challenges facing modern developers, can be quite complex. For example, sometimes it is necessary to translate Web pages written in Russian into English. In this case, the developer's tools will be very diverse.

Hello, dear blog readers. With this article, we will begin to learn the basics of the HTML language.

You probably already know that the main Internet language is hypertext markup language HTML (HyperText Markup Language). In this article we will find out basic concepts HTML and learn how to create simple WEB pages.

Let's start with the most important thing, let's look at how it works The World Wide Web— Internet. To produce web pages, you create files written in HTML and place them on a web server. After this, any browser installed on a device with Internet access, be it a computer, phone or tablet, can find your web pages.

Web server- this is an ordinary computer with a special software with Internet access. It continuously listens for requests from browsers for web pages, images, audio and video files. Having received a request for one of these resources, the server looks for it and sends it to the browser.

Browser- This special program, designed for browsing websites such as Internet Explorer. Using a browser, you browse websites by clicking on links. Any such click causes the browser to make a request for the HTML page to the web server, receive a response and display the page in its window. It is when the page is displayed that the HTML language begins to work; it tells the browser everything about the structure and content of the web page. Using commands - tags, HTML tells the browser where paragraphs of text begin, what part of the text is a heading, and where to insert tables, and even pictures. And tags are words in angle brackets, for example


, .

An online store is urgently needed, and time for learning HTML, CSS, PHP and other technologies are not available. Then you can simply rent an online store with fully implemented functionality and optimization for search engines.

HTML language and its tags

The first version of the HTML language appeared back in 1992. At the time of 2013, the specification of a new HTML versions number 5. The development of this specification is carried out by the World Wide Web Consortium, or W3C for short. The W3C organization develops other Web standards. You can familiarize yourself with these standards on their website www.w3.org. By the way, many Web browsers already support some HTML 5 features.

I suggest starting to learn HTML right away with an example. So let's create our first Web page. Anyone can create WEB pages. text editor. I suggest first using the built-in Windows Notepad(in general, in the future, I recommend using to edit html code). You can find it: “Start->All Programs->Accessories->Notepad”. Let's create a page about cars. So, open Notepad and type the following text in it:

Example Web Page

Website about cars.

Welcome to our automotive website. Here you will find many interesting and useful articles about cars. The site contains descriptions of many imported and domestic cars.

Next, save the created web page to a file named index.html. In this case, in the file saving dialog box, you must set the encoding to UTF-8 and enclose the file name in quotes, otherwise Notepad will add the txt extension to it, and our file will be named index.htm.txt:

Now all that remains is to open the created file in the browser and look at the result. To do this, you can use the supplied part of Windows Microsoft browser Internet Explorer, or any other browser installed on your computer, by double-clicking on the index.html file or dragging the file onto the browser icon. Open it and see something like this:

Thus, we created a Web page in Notepad, although a little nondescript, but already containing a large heading and a paragraph of text that is automatically broken into lines and contains a fragment in bold.

What is a tag?

Now let's talk more about the page structure. Let's look at the fragment:

Website about cars

. Here we see the text that appears on the page as a title, enclosed in tags


. What is a tag in HTML?

HTML tag are ordinary words and symbols enclosed in angle brackets, for example


, . So tag

is the opening tag, tag

closing tag, and the text between them is called the content of the tag. Also tag

and tag

are called paired tags. Together, the opening tag plus the content plus the closing tag form an HTML document element. There are also elements consisting of one opening tag:

So paired tag

defines a first-level header element. There are six levels of headings in total, these are the elements


Elements can be block or inline (text). Block Elements carry out structural formatting of the page. Block elements are always displayed on the page with new line and are indented from neighboring elements. Inline elements perform direct text formatting or logical formatting. Element

is a block element.

That's all for me!!! See you in the next posts!

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