What is an ICQ number? How to find out your ICQ number

Nowadays, it is very rare to find people who have never experienced communication on the Internet. It is especially rare to find Internet users who have no idea what ICQ is. For about 15 years, people all over the world have been communicating using ICQ.

ICQ program

What is ICQ? ICQ is a type virtual communication. It is suitable for both ordinary communication between friends and acquaintances, and for conducting business negotiations. Communication on ICQ is carried out using text messages in a special program.

In 1996, Mirabilis created a program designed for online communication. The program got its name “ICQ”. The name of the program translates as “I seek you” - “I am looking for you.” Internet users have the opportunity to communicate one-on-one in real time, while maintaining the privacy of conversations.

The ICQ program does not use third-party servers. The program allows you to see the moment a user appears online and when he exits the network. Also, the user of the program has the opportunity to search for other users by their ICQ numbers. If you have a conflict with any ICQ user, you can add him to the “black list”. The ICQ program is equipped with security level settings systems that provide protection against spam and various bots. In addition, ICQ has a file transfer function.

ICQ number (ICQ UIN)

What is an ICQ number? Each user of the program has his own individual number, which password protected. Under no circumstances should you treat your password irresponsibly. If your password is lost or ICQ is hacked, it will be impossible to recover it. It is better to choose when registering in ICQ complex password, which will contain at least six characters. If other people use your computer besides you, it is not recommended to use the function automatic saving password.

Particular attention should be paid unknown numbers that appeared in your contacts list without your permission. And under no circumstances open links that come from outside numbers. It is possible that this link will be malicious. Try to avoid using your number on other people's computers. Now it’s clear what ICQ UIN is.

ICQ account

What is an ICQ account? Each ICQ user has his own account. Account consists of data:

  • Nickname - user name.
  • E-mail address.
  • Avatar – a photo of the owner.
  • Brief information about the user, indicating place of residence, age, etc.
  • Contact list.
  • Status about whether the user is online.

ICQ chat

What is ICQ chat? ICQ chat is an exchange text messages using the ICQ network. Sending chat messages is very easy. All you have to do is type the text of the message and press the “send” key. The main advantage of ICQ chat is its speed, traffic savings and features such as emoticons and free registration.

ICQ in contact

What is ICQ in contact? Social network VKontakte (vk.com) has an application with which any registered user can communicate on ICQ. All you need to do is install this application to your page and enter your ICQ name and password.

This application is convenient for those who, for some reason, are on a computer where ICQ program not installed. It happens that some people do not have access to ICQ on their mobile phone.

ICQ Features

ICQ has many clients that support its operation. QIP and Miranda are among the most popular clients. When using ICQ it is recommended to use latest version this program. Currently, it is possible to install ICQ clients on mobile phones.

Uses ICQ program great amount of people. Using small messages on ICQ, you can congratulate each other on a holiday, gossip, or discuss work matters.

Follow safety rules, be in the center of events and enjoy communication using the ICQ program!

Nowadays, the good old ICQ messenger is becoming popular again. The main reason This is due to the huge number of innovations regarding security, live chats, emoticons and much more. And today, every modern ICQ user would do well to know his personal number(here it is called UIN). This is necessary in case a person forgets which phone he registered his account or his email with. After all, you can log in to ICQ using this same UIN.

Finding out your ICQ number is very easy and requires a minimum of effort. Moreover, such an opportunity exists as in installation version messenger and in ICQ Online (or Web ICQ). In addition, you can find out the UIN on the official ICQ website.

To see your unique number in ICQ using the running installed program, you need to log in and do the following:

  1. Go to the “Settings” menu in the lower left corner of the program window.
  2. Go to the “My Profile” tab in the upper right corner of ICQ. Typically this tab opens automatically.
  3. Below your first name, last name and status there will be a line called UIN. Near it there will be a unique ICQ number.

Find out ICQ number in online messenger

This method assumes that the user will go to , log in there and do the following:

  1. First, you need to go to the settings tab at the top of the messenger page.
  2. At the very top open tab under the first and last name near the inscription “ICQ:” find your personal number in ICQ.

As you can see, this method is even simpler than the previous one. The reason for this is that in online versions ICQ has a minimum set necessary functions, which greatly simplifies our task.

ICQ UIN- this is the personal ICQ number of each user of this software, which is issued when a user registers on the network. To date numberICQ consists of nine digits.

In the past, when the ICQ program was just gaining its popularity, numbers consisted of seven or six digits, but since there were more and more users every day, there was a need to increase the number of digits in the number. The fact that this icq number is described in more detail below.

How to find out ICQ number

Today there are a huge number of people who indicate their ICQ number even on business cards. But sometimes there are situations when a person simply forgets his ICQ UIN, what should he do then?

This situation happens for the reason that a person is simply accustomed to logging into ICQ in automatic mode from your computer. In order to find out your ICQ number, you need to go to the “ Menu", then in " Profile". After this, a window opens with information about your profile, where, in fact, your UIN ICQ is located, now you can share this number with anyone, as you can see, there are no serious difficulties! I think you already understand what an ICQ number is.

How to get a beautiful ICQ number

Some people who use the data frequently software application, even ready pay cash in order to get beautiful or maximum short number your ICQ. And, as you know, demand creates supply. But there is a certain problem here, since the number of people wishing to receive a beautiful or short number for their ICQ significantly exceeds the number of such numbers available, but for a certain surcharge, anyone can become the owner of the very nice room, which will easily remain in his memory, and he will not need to look at his profile information.

For example, one of these services, which provides the opportunity to purchase short and beautiful numbers, is Brute.Ru. It is in this place that you can even purchase five-digit numbers with any combination, which will certainly remain in your memory. It is also worth noting that here you have the opportunity to purchase a short and beautiful ICQ number by sending SMS messages. No one has this option, not even scammers. One has only to think that organizing SMS payment requires a financial investment, which once again emphasizes the high status and reliability of the provision of this range of services.

How to add another number to your contacts list

In order to add a number, for example, of your friend or colleague, you need to know his ICQ UIN or email address. To do this you need to select “ Add contact» and enter the relevant information.

A nice touch from the developers of this software is that this menu at the bottom provides a list of contacts you probably know or would like to add. It is formed from the list of contacts of your existing friends. There is also the possibility of an advanced search, in which, to make the search easier, you can specify age, gender, place of residence and social status.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about this. Enjoy your friendly communication!

ICQ is a popular messenger among users. Also this is a set certain numbers, which should be remembered, and it is best to write it down somewhere so as not to forget. But sometimes it happens that the number is lost and you can’t remember it, because short term memory does not guarantee that passwords are remembered forever. Losing your number creates some inconvenience, but it is a fixable problem. After carefully reading the article, you will learn how to solve this problem.

How to find out your ICQ number by email

The easiest way to find out the ICQ number is if you know your email. The user specifies the email address during registration, and it is saved in the memory of the program server. Email must be entered instead of login when logging into the messenger. Then you need to open personal profile and view necessary information. This is the simplest and quick way find out the necessary information.

In the appendix e-mail you can find any person. The server will return the search result in a few seconds. Open your profile and see your ICQ number there. When you search, the phrase “It’s you” will also pop up.

After this, the user will be able to resume access to the profile and continue to enjoy all the benefits of the utility.

Now you need to protect yourself and write down the number so as not to lose it. Alternatively, you can take a photo of your personal profile and save the photo on your computer in several copies.

How to find out the number by logging into your profile on the official website

Recovery personal information You can always use the application website. After all, the server stores all the information specified by the client during registration.

Go to the official website of the application. Find the password recovery page. At the top of the page, find the “Login” button and click on it. Now select the “Message” tab and click on the “Login” button. Carefully fill out all fields, enter your phone number and email address. Wait a few seconds and an SMS will be sent to your phone with personal information, among which there will be a UIN number. Enter the received code in the field of the window that opens and click on the confirm button.

Now you know simple ways, how to find out personal number ICQ. These actions can be performed in installed utility on your phone or other device, as well as in the online version of the application. The main thing is not to get lost and do everything correctly necessary actions. If suddenly something doesn’t work out, write a review about it on the software website. Moderators will read the information provided and advise what actions should be taken.

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