What are drm files on android. DRM or digital rights management

DRM stands for Digital Rights Management, which translates as “digital rights management.” Thus, the answer to the question: “DRM protection - what is it” will be: “It is a class of technologies that are used by publishers to control content.” This can be expressed in this way: an audiobook that was purchased digitally on the site will be played normally on the computer with which the purchase was made. But if you copy it to another computer, it will become unnecessary file, which cannot be opened by any player.

Real examples of DRM technologies can be much more complex.

DRM was designed from the beginning to prevent digital products from being copied. But the next generation of technology provided the tools to limit viewing, printing, and editing.

In an attempt to protect the interests of copyright holders, DRM protection has become the cause of a considerable number of complaints from users purchasing digital products. Inability to use purchased music using various devices negatively affected customer demand. As a result, publishers realized that there was an opportunity to sell music in digital form without imposing DRM protection. It will be even more successful. In other words, DRM protection even had a negative impact on sales of various digital products.

DRM protection - what is it?

Over time, these technologies were able to gain support in legislation. For example, in large quantities Countries have laws that prohibit circumvention of copy protection. In these states, disputes about whether DRM protection is needed, how to remove it, etc., are essentially illegal.

But DRM also poses another complication because such technologies can interfere with users' ability to exercise their legal rights. That is why, in order to understand what DRM protection is, you need to realize that with it it is not possible to create backup copies of a purchased work.

Without delving into legislative practices on the application of various laws in everyday life, it is possible to propose a scheme for how to remove DRM protection, which will be completely legal in most countries. The only exception would be Australia. It is possible to create several copies for your own needs or for reserve, but not for sale or distribution. Please note that the process of creating copies of more than 10 pieces may be considered commercial use. Therefore, you should avoid copying more than normal. There are no clear restrictions on making copies. For this reason, it is technically possible to lose DRM somewhere in the process of obtaining mp3 copies that are not protected. But using a program that is designed to disable copy protection may be a violation of the law. Thus, when talking about how to bypass DRM protection, you should remember that you can only do this for your own personal purposes.

How to do this?

But it’s good that this technology can be removed using programs for general use that are not covered by DRM protection. How to remove it? The best example In this case, the mp3Recorder Studio application serves. To do this, you need to enable playback of the purchased audio file with protection when using the required program (WMP, iTunes or another). Next, you need to capture the audio using mp3Recorder Studio and then save the audio directly to mp3. This process will use the built-in function of sound cards, which allows you to capture sound already in the middle of the device. Most sound cards provide a recording device called “Stereo Mix”. However, different names are used. This device makes it possible to capture everything that is being played sound card. This may require you to install latest driver from the official website of the card manufacturer. Typically, the drivers that Windows automatically installs most often disable and hide such a device.

“Digital copyright management” (or, more simply, copy protection systems) is supposed to protect copyright. But in reality, not only does it not fulfill its main function, but it also makes PCs accessible to hackers. How and for what reason does this happen?

Why do you need to remove DRM protection?

DRM systems can also be insecure. With the wrong options for implementing copy protection, it is possible to open holes in the computer's security system, which, in turn, would remain closed in the absence of DRM. The point here is that to block normal copy functions in the OS software packages rights management requires the broadest access rights to system files, and in fact intercept control of such functions.

A good example of an unsafe implementation of this technology would be protective system from copying audio CDs from Sony BMG. This rootkit was placed on a large number of audio CDs from a music label that is one of the most famous in the world. When such a disc was loaded into a computer's CD-ROM, automatic mode The installation of the XCP program for WINDOWS began. It was supposed to protect against copying of an entire album or the process of stealing tracks from a disc.

The XCP rootkit penetrated deep into the OS, and at the same time it installed completely independently. The ability to uninstall using normal methods was not possible. Also, during operation, it took up a large part of the memory and could cause crashes. But the most important thing is that absolutely nothing was written about this rootkit and its functioning. user agreement(EULA). This is all despite the fact that almost no one reads such agreements.

But the most important thing is that the XCP rootkit created real threat for the entire system. For example, after its installation, all files that begin with $sys$ acquired the “hidden” mode. This was immediately used by virus creators. For example, the Breplibot Trojan, which was sent as attachments to E-mails, was detected only by antivirus programs and programs. Such unsafe files were absolutely invisible to users.

How to disable protection

DRM protection on WMV and WMA files is done in stages.

These days, most downloaded audio and video files that are protected (WMP, iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster, Bearshare, Spiral Frog) are DRM files.

The process of writing a file is not complicated. There is a free method to remove DRM protection from WMV and WMA files. This is done in two steps.

1. You need to burn the DRM WMA file to a CD or DRM WMV to a DVD.

2. You need to extract WMV and WMA with protection to the PC itself, after which DRM protection will be disabled.

Rewrite method

This method is the most popular and accessible. It consists of burning DRM WMA and DRM WMV files with a regular converter that converts recorded and unprotected files. Exactly according to the reason for this, What similar technology is easy to use, formats that differ from DRM WMA and DRM WMV will also be supported by converters such as SoundTaxi, NoteBurner and others. But this also has its downsides.

New technology

Hook Hook is an advanced technology that can be used to disable EPUB DRM protection. When comparing these programs with rewriting programs, it is this type that has a noticeable fast conversion. However, it will not be easy to make it work with some of the DRM formats that have new high-quality encryption techniques.

After testing, the result was that DRM WMA and DRM WMV protection is simply removed using Digital Music Converter. This program can extract audio content from DRM WMV files. This program also supports other unprotected formats, such as: mp3, M4b, M4A, WAV, AC3, AAC.

Conversion steps:

1. First you need to add DRM WMA, DRM WMV or other files that are not protected.

2. You need to select the desired outgoing format.

What is DRM? Why do you need to remove DRM from WMA WMV files?

Speaking about the meaning of the term “DRM protection” (what it is - we generally discussed above), you need to know: these are programs that protect against copying and make it difficult to perform actions related to video and audio files. For example, if WMA or WMV files downloaded from WMP are protected with DRM, then it is possible to play them only using compatible devices. If every song had DRM, then the user would have to purchase this track on disk in order to listen to it using a player or car radio. For example, if tunes were purchased on iTunes and they are listened to on the iPOd, then due to the fact that they have already been purchased, the user will not need to perform this action again and again. You just need to remove DRM from the file, and you will be able to play it on iPod, Zune, PSP, CD player, PC and other devices.


This method is not entirely suitable, sometimes it can even cause damage to the CD-Roma. WMP only has the ability to record DRM WMA and DRM WMV files. For other formats you will need DVD-Ripper.

Due to the long recording process, the conversion speed will not be better. During the recording process, much of the video or audio quality may be lost.

The history of the formation of a digital distribution service Good Old Games(GOG.com) and how the Poles do DRM-free revolution. It so happened that now everyone knows about Steam, but, for the most part, players from the RU region have no idea about the meaning of the term DRM-free. We were once again convinced of this after the news about the sale on GOG.com, several surveys that were conducted in our group, and comments on them. Based on the statistics, it became clear that our readers are also little familiar with DRM-free. Today we will try to tell you a little about this system, with the help of which the Polish company CD Project is revolutionizing the gaming industry.

Let's start with a definition. DRM(from English Digital Right Management, which translated means Technical means copyright protection) is a set of technologies that is used by component manufacturers, publishers, copyright holders, and individuals to control digital content after its sale. In Russian, the concept of “copy protection” is often used to describe DRM, although it is not entirely correct.

Of course, there were those who supported this law. Of course, there were those who opposed it. The first agreed that the DRM protection system would help avoid illegal copying intellectual property. The latter responded by saying that there is no benefit from DRM, because there will always be those who will break the protection of any digital goods, often on the day or even before the release. In addition, digital goods could become unavailable if the protection algorithm changed or if the service to which its DRM protection was linked was no longer supported...

Although the main purpose of DRM is to prevent illegal copying of content, the legal rights of users who purchased the content were limited and violated. For example, customers could not back up a DRM-protected disc.

DRM and computer games

There are several technologies DRM- protection in games. Let's consider each of them separately.

Limited number of installations.

Sometimes in games you can find such a protection technology in which the game can be installed by the user only a certain number of times. In most games, the install limit is 3 or 5, although there are situations when, after deleting the game, the counter available settings increases.

Surely there are gamers who have three, five or more computers at home... And they have the right to spend time playing games from each of them. But we'll look at more real example: imagine that you decide to switch to a new operating system or simply reinstall it. Imagine that you wanted to upgrade, update the configuration of your PC. In this case, you will have to install the game again, and the counter for the allowed number of installations will decrease... Note that each such installation is accompanied by authentication on the publisher’s website.

Permanent online connection.

Everything is clear from the name: you must be constantly online to enjoy the game. However, there are some unusual cases. For example, in the first games in the system Uplay both pirates and users who bought games were only able to entry levels. Further, the first ones finished the game, and the second ones had to be constantly online, since Uplay constantly downloading content. This did not end well - even such protection was broken, and later for DDoS or servers Ubisoft, for which the latter had to apologize to gamers.

Another example: a constant connection to servers to access the game logic... This method was used Blizzard c Diablo III And E.A. With SimCity. As we already mentioned, this approach did not bring anything good to both companies. As a result, the first one abandons DRM, and the second one is still sorting out the problems and looking for an opportunity to remove DRM protection from the game, which, frankly, looks unrealistic, since it was developed with an emphasis on this from the very beginning.

We can't help but remember the words Gila Ramburga, Managing Director GOG.com:

- Besides, DRM sometimes they can just break the game. Nowadays there are games that require permanent connection to the Internet. This is not only an inconvenience for people with poor Internet connections. This shortens the lifespan of games.

Interfering with the game.

The rarest technology DRM in games. Two such interventions have been recorded. Bohemia Interactive V Operation Flashpoint reduced weapon accuracy for players who obtained the game illegally. A Croteam in Serious Sam 3 introduced a monster that could not be killed.


The main idea that critics are trying to convey to the modern audience is DRM protection is what DRM does not fight piracy at all, but only helps it develop. It’s hard to disagree with this, because pirates get greater freedom in using content (remember the example already given when buyers cannot create a backup copy).

The debate around the need and uselessness of DRM protection is now so hot that it even led to the creation of the “Anti-DRM Movement.” We will not dwell on this in detail, since DRM harms (we ourselves stand on the side of those who believe that DRM protection harms) not only games, but also many other areas: films, music, e-books, programs...

We will mention those who bear DRM-free philosophy in the field of gaming industry:

Humble Bundle.

Let us remind you once again that about the formation and development of the service Good Old Games you can read in our article from the series “CD Projekt: The Path to Independence”.

ABOUT Humble Bundle We also wrote repeatedly. For example, in the recent news “Million for charity”.

So what is DRM-free? How does the absence of DRM help games? Why does it do better?

DRM-free does not limit or violate your rights, does not prohibit you from doing backups products (games) you purchased.

You can install DRM-free products on any number of your PCs.

You can safely update your operating system.

You can safely change the configuration of your computer.

When reinstalling the game, you do not need to go to the publisher’s website and register the game again.

Games without DRM protection do not care at all about where you are and the quality of your Internet connection: you can be in a metropolis with a “gigabit” or in a village with the Internet “on a flash drive”. Moreover: no Internet connection is required at all.

With DRM-free, there is no software region lock: you can play from anywhere in the world.

When you purchase a DRM-free game, you get it entirely, i.e. in the midst of the plot there will be no freezes, since the game needs to download more content.

You choose when you want to play the game, and do not depend on the performance of the publishers’ servers.

DRM-free will not ruin your game in any other way.

We really hope that this article was useful for you and for your understanding of what DRM is and why it is easier to live without it. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, we will try to answer them too.

Do you understand what DRM-free is?

The idea of ​​fighting DRM is spreading

Looking at the success of the company CD Projekt RED promotes among players the idea of ​​fighting DRM, others are beginning to join this movement. Thus, recently the vice president of digital distribution of the company Ubisoft, Chris Early, stated that they also support this idea.

According to him, players should not be punished with difficulties with protection just for the sake of a futile attempt to fight piracy. Whatever one may say, any defense in the game can be cracked with enough time and a little effort. Therefore, developers should think more about the quality of their product, because it is by this criterion that players choose what to buy. The higher the quality, the more various services and functions the purchased copy can provide to the player compared to pirated version, the more attractive the game will be to people and the more successful it will be in sales. Providing the player with as much fun and variety as possible gaming experience when buying a game - this is the philosophy that companies should follow and will follow Ubisoft.

Digital Rights Management (DRM) license is a tool that allows the copyright holder to control access, prevent illegal copying and distribution of their software. Cracking a digital code will be an impossible task for most people. Therefore, many users quite logically have a question: how can they reset DRM? Android licenses So what's this?

DRM is an acronym for Digital Rights Management, which translates to “digital rights management.” It is implemented through the developer’s introduction of various technical means into the software, which prevent it from being used illegally. As a result, the person who downloaded the product can use it only for his own personal purposes, without the possibility of copying or transferring it to other users. A DRM license is a digital lock, the necessary key to which is held by the developer, who is also the copyright holder of this software.

When creating such digital code various mathematical algorithms, called cryptoalgorithms. We will not go into detail and explain what a crypto-algorithm is, but will only note that it is very difficult to crack a DRM license. The most common scheme for implementing this technology on Android is as follows:

  • The user buys a phone or tablet that, in addition to the OS itself, contains special software from the developer.
  • After the device is turned on and activated, the pre-installed software starts working in a demo version (for a period of a week, month, etc.). After time has elapsed trial period, the program stops working, offering to buy paid version from the copyright holder.

Purchasing a premium product is the acquisition of a DRM license for the selected application. In addition to the above diagram, there may be other examples of implementing copyright protection on Android devices.
You can learn what a DRM license is for Android by watching the video below.

Resetting DRM licenses

Depending on which product is covered by the license, you must use one or another solution to the problem. For example, using various hacking software, you can reset the application activation counter. Some utilities allow you to remove the binding certain files to the site, disable the need to verify the digital key and much more.

For your mobile phone running Android OS, you can reset the DRM license without using hacker programs. To do this, just do the following:

  • Go to the main menu of the smartphone settings, through the retractable curtain or from the main screen.
  • Select the “Backup and Reset” tab. In Android 5 and higher, it is located under the accounts tab.
  • Click on the line “Reset DRM (DRMreset)”.

You should use this opportunity very carefully, especially if you do not know what will happen when DRM reset licenses. The fact is that after the actions taken, the user may lose access to certain features and functions of applications already installed in the memory. Also some branded preinstalled programs, which are present in phones from Samsung and Sony, may simply stop working. But otherwise, the functionality and personalization of the phone will not be affected in any way. A normal factory reset, which can be found in the "Backup and Reset" tab, will not cause DRM removal licenses.

How to remove DRM protection

IN Lately Many Android software developers are constantly faced with user protests regarding the inconvenience of a digital license. However, in many products, including mobile applications, multimedia files etc., it is still in use. Let's look at the main methods that allow you to remove the Digital Rights Management "digital lock" from the most common file types:

  • Usage specialized utilities. Eg, free programs"DRM Media Converter" or "DRM Removal" can bypass and deactivate DRM protection with many popular file types. These include documents with extensions: .WMV, .M4B, .M4V, .ASF and many others.
  • Convert files protected by a digital license using converters. Such programs include: Digital Music Converter, Sound Taxi, Note Burner, as well as many others that can be found on the Internet. Despite the fact that they are used only for a narrow range of extensions, after conversion you will receive an absolutely “clean file”.
  • Using CD and DWD drives. Files with the WMV and WMA extension can be easily and simply removed from digital protection if you have a computer and a blank blank at hand. It is enough to burn WMA to CD, and WMV to DVD, and then copy them back to the PC. After this, the DRM license will be removed from them.

Utility interface for removing DRM protection

Note that in many cases, you can find a free-to-use alternative DRM protected software. Also, by purchasing a paid version of the product from the developers, you guarantee yourself the opportunity to use all the functions and capabilities of the software.

Some phone users encounter incomprehensible menu settings on their devices. One of these is Android DRM License Reset. What this process is and whether it is necessary is described in this article.

What is DRM

Digital Rights Management (in the Russian version - “Technical means of copyright protection”) is a technology that allows authors to protect their digital products from piracy. In the case of Android, these are applications.

The protection process is carried out through the programmer introducing into the software some technical means that prevent illegal use. As a result, a person uses the software only for personal needs and cannot copy or transfer it to other people.

DRM license is the key that opens the digital lock of the application. It is designed using complex cryptographic algorithms to prevent quick hacking.

Important! Hacking or circumventing DRM protection is against the law and will result in civil and administrative penalties in most countries.

The principle of operation of the technology:

  1. A person purchases a smartphone or tablet on which (in addition to the OS) special software from the developer is installed.
  2. After turning on and activating the device, pre-installed programs run in demo mode on limited period(week, month). After its expiration, the software stops functioning and offers to purchase the full version and a DRM license for it.

Resetting licenses

The main purpose of the reset function is to stop using the purchased software.

Important! Hard reset system does not affect purchased licenses, and deleting the latter does not affect the performance of the OS, but will prohibit the use of programs protected by DRM technology.

After this, reboot your device if this is affected pre-installed applications.

Note! On this moment DRM is losing its relevance due to imperfect protection. Android 6 and above do not have a reset feature.


DRM license is a right of use full version software that is purchased from its copyright holder. The license reset function allows you to abandon such software without affecting the performance of Android.

In this manual we will describe the process of unlocking and locking Bootloader using the example of a smartphone Sony Xperia SP, without losing DRM keys, if you don’t need them, you can continue reading by skipping the point " #2 COPYING THE SECTION WITH DRM KEYS" and "#2.1 RESTORING THE TA-PARTITION". We will also mention the process of obtaining ROOT in one click, which is suitable for absolutely any smartphone running Android.

We will need:
- laptop/netbook or PC running Windows OS

The smartphone itself with a battery charge of at least 50%

USB cable

fastboot program
-flashtool program

Attention! This procedure may result in refusal warranty service. In case it was these actions that led to the breakdown of the device.

Warning: Companies such as Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC will find a reason to refuse you a refund or warranty service. And in the end they will say that the reason that your phone is smashed to smithereens (although this is not a warranty case, but it will do for an example) was the modified firmware installed on it.

It is important to know: If the phone is found to have a manufacturing defect. An unauthorized change in software and a manufacturing defect of a smartphone are not in a cause-and-effect relationship, since an unauthorized change in software in no way affects the manufacturing defect, especially if it is mechanical in nature.

If you still decide to continue despite the risk.

Warning: Before unlocking your device, it is recommended to backup all data stored on internal memory phone. Data on external map memory will not be affected. Each manufacturer has its own programs for creating backup copies. Check with your manufacturer for details. Or use third party program from GooglePlay

The bootloader unlocking procedure differs for each manufacturer. I will describe unlocking Bootloader at example Sony Xperia SP. For all smartphones Xperia process unlocking the bootloader is the same and no different.

Attention! When you unlock Bootloader, you lose DRM Keys. DRM — Digital rights management, which translated into Russian means the following: “Technical means of copyright protection.” DRM is one of the means of protection. If you install official firmware to a phone without DRM keys, then half proprietary software the phone will stop working, since it is tied to the very keys without which it refuses to work.

DRM keys are stored in a special “TA section”; below we will describe the process of creating a backup copy of this section in order to save the keys.

Attention! DRM Keys for each phone are Unique. Even if you have two completely identical (assuming the phone models are the same) smartphones in front of you, the keys of one phone will not fit exactly the same phone. The DRM key is different, as are phone numbers or IMEI.

What does saving the TA partition give us?
- preservation DRM keys
- maintaining performance Mobile Bravia Engine 2 / X-Reality
-maintains the functionality of other applications on official firmware



1) Download latest version BackupTA from GutHub, to do this, click on one of the buttons "Source Code" on the program page.
2) Unpack the downloaded archive to the root partition of the system (WITH:\)
3) Connect your phone to your computer in USB debugging.
3.1) Menu > Settings > About phone.
3.2) At the very end of the list, repeatedly click on "Build number" until you get developer features
3.3) Congratulations, you have received developer features.
3.4) Menu > Settings > Developer Options, then in the middle of the list, pay attention to the item "Debugging"
3.5) Check the box next to it "USB Debugging"
4) Return to the folder where you unpacked the downloaded archive and run the file Backup-TA.bat
5) Click Enter.
6) The program asks the phone for permission to debug via USB. We give a positive response to the message on the phone screen.
7) The program asks the phone root rights. We give a positive response to the message on the phone screen.
8) A window for selecting commands in the program has opened.
9) Select number 1 - to save TA section on your computer
10) Confirm the selection of the command with the " Y" on keyboard
11) Wait for the end of the saving process
12) Press any key to continue, then the command selection menu pops up again as in step 5. Press the number " 5 " to exit the program.
13) Next, go to the folder Backup-TA > backup. There you should see an archive like " TA-backup-20140803.105506"
Recommended: save the resulting archive in a safe place.


Attention! During Bootloader unlocking, the phone will be reset to factory settings. It is highly recommended to keep backup copies of important files.

It will be described below official way unlock presented by Sony for developers.

1) Go to official page by unlocking Bootloader"a [UNLOCKBOOTLOADER ]
1.1) Select your phone model, then enter your valid e-mail, put a tick under it and click on the “Submit” button
1.2) Then you will receive a message to your e-mail with a link, click on it
1.3) Next you will have to enter the first 14 digits of your IMEI (only the last digit is not entered)
1.4) Congratulations, you have successfully received the unlock code for your Bootloader.

2) Download the program FastBoot (with ADB driver)[link ]
2.1) Unpack the resulting archive to the root of the disk, it should look like this: "C:\fastboot"
2.2) There is also a folder in the archive usb_driver. It must be moved to the folder fastboot whose directory is described V clause 2.1.

3) Turn off the phone.
3.1) Load into FastBoot MODE
3.1.1) To do this, press and hold the “Volume +” button and, without releasing the button, connect the USB cable.
3.1.2) If it lights up BLUE LED release the volume button.
3.1.3) You have successfully booted into the mode FastBoot MODE.
3.2) Next, in theory, Windows should request drivers, but in practice this does not happen often; if this happens, you need to point to the folder usb_driver, the result will be: "C:\fastboot\usb_driver".
3.3) If this does not happen, go to Start, press right click mouse by item "Computer", Further "Properties", in the left top corner choose "Extra options systems", in the window that opens, look for the tab "Equipment" in it we find the point "Device Manager", click on its button.
3.4) In the window that opens "Device Manager" need to find "S1Boot Fastboot" he may be at the point "Other devices", if there is no such thing, then we go to "USB Controllers" we find a point there "SEMC Flash Device"
3.5) Right-click on "SEMC Flash Device", Further: Update driver > Search for drivers on this computer > Select a driver from the list already installed drivers> Install from disk > Browse.

Attention! A service warning may pop up during driver installation Windows security. Click on: "Install this driver anyway." If you installed the drivers once, then reinstallation for other procedures that require the same drivers that we installed - it is not required.

3.6) In the Browse window, go to the directory "C:\fastboot\usb_driver"(section 3.2) and select the file android_winusb.inf
3.7) Then from the proposed list select "Android Bootloader Interface", click ready.

All preparations have been completed and we can proceed directly to the unlocking itself. Bootloader"a. For this we need a program fastboot, which you downloaded and unpacked in advance.

Attention! Commands are entered without quotes.

4) Go to the directory "C:\fastboot"(clause 2.1.) and holding left button "Shift", right-click on the file "fastboot.exe" and choose "Open command window"(This may not be as easy as it seems, if it doesn't work, try again)
4.1) The command line opens. In it we enter the following command: "fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce getvar version" if in response you get a value similar to the following "0.3" - everything is in order, you can move on to the next point.

Possible errors and ways to solve them:
If you get an error "waiting for device" and there is an unidentified device in the device manager, check that the steps are completed correctly 3 - 3.7 If everything is fine there, try restarting the program or changing the sequence of actions, i.e. first launch the program, then boot the phone into FastBoot MODE

If you get an error "getvar:version FAILED."- you need to boot into the program again without leaving the program FastBoot MODE To do this, follow the steps 3 - 3.1.3 and again the point 4.1

The next point is final, by completing it you will receive an unlocked Bootloader

5) Enter in command line team "fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce oem unlock 0xCODE" CODE- 16-digit unlock code obtained from the Sony website. Congratulations! You have successfully unlocked Bootloader.

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