Which is easier: WordPress or Joomla? Under the hood cms

I was really looking forward to this part of the series; we're going to compare SEO Joomla Press and Joomla. We will discuss the capabilities and limitations of each CMS in relation to SEO, and also tell you about the best plugins and extensions for SEO

We're going to arrange our narrative points a little differently in this post. Here's how:

Conclusion SEO Joomla or WordPress

WordPress wins.

In my opinion, there can be no dispute against this statement. Unfortunately, when WordPress fans stop fighting on the metaphorical front with Joomla fans, WordPress enthusiasts actually stop doing futile work on the matter. This is painful to watch, guys - please don't do this.

Yes, WordPress is generally better when it comes to search engine optimization, but this system has limitations. Joomla is worse in terms of SEO. This system isn't the best, but it's not as bad as the ones I've seen. So you know the verdict; and now I will explain how I came to this conclusion.

Joomla SEO

Joomla can be a nightmare to set up SEO on a website if you are a beginner. IN Joomla versions 2.5, the developers paid attention to improving SEO capabilities, which corrected the situation to some extent. When setting up SEO, you'll need plugins to do most of your search engine optimization work for yourself, and this is where the confusion begins.

Joomla contains basic SEO optimization functionality. You can enable the URL search feature and take things a step further by putting URL rewriting to work

You can add a global meta description and meta keywords, as well as defining meta tags or title tags at the page level, this process is not as user-friendly as it was potentially intended to be.

If you want to do more than basic optimization for a Joomla website, I warn you to be prepared to do some debugging.

WordPress SEO

SEO for WordPress is very simple, everything is where you would expect to find it. It's extremely easy to get SEF up and running URL addresses and define your own permalinks for specific posts.

WordPress allows you to create tags for posts, which Joomla does not allow without the use of extensions. However, this is not something very important.

Many SEO features are installed out of the box, but the full potential is unlocked by the plugins that are available for WordPress. There are some great plugins that will improve your WordPress SEO. (We will discuss these plugins at the end of this post). The bottom line is that WordPress SEO is much easier to understand if you're new to website building. And to top it off is the fact that Matt Cutts from Google has really rated WordPress and we have a winner in the SEO section.

Page loading speed

Talking about how Joomla is bulky and your web page will take a long time to load and how it's an eating monster throughput- it is a myth. Having thoroughly worked through both systems, I cannot point to a major advantage for either.

My own website runs on Joomla and I was able to achieve a page load speed of 98/100, loading in 1.5 seconds. Of course, this required some tweaking, but the websites I've developed in WordPress required just as much tweaking to achieve the same result.

I wouldn't believe anyone who says that one system undeniable advantages in front of the other. Available plugins for both CMS will help you achieve high speed page loading, such are those that use, different methods caching CSS, Javascript, GZip.

Link structure

SEO experts advocate for “readable” link URLs. It's important to make sure your URLs have a clear name and don't look like a string of random characters.

As a rule of thumb, I would say that if a person can look at the URL and tell what the page is about, and the URL is not infinitely long, then your URL has a good structure.

WordPress and Joomla have this built in from the start. Let me remind you that in WordPress this is a little easier due to the fact that you can define your permalink inside the post. Joomla creates your link using the alias and also the menu item alias for the URL (if you are using the standard Joomla SEF URL).

Image optimization

Let me remind you that WordPress wins in this section - but with the release of version 2.5.x, Joomla has filled this gap. Both systems allow you to easily add pictures, add alt tags, name the picture, determine the size of the picture, all thanks to SEO work regarding images.

WordPress uses a plugin called , which basically does everything mentioned above automatically.

I would like to note for Joomla users: this system instructs search servers not to index the directory with images. This is detrimental to the entire image optimization facility. I would recommend removing the line in your robots.txt file that says Disallow: /images/

Internal linking

If configured correctly on the site SEO optimization Getting your pages right is the key to SEO success.

WordPress has built-in features internal linking are very simple and clear, you can easily select existing parts of the content directly when adding a hyperlink. Unfortunately, in Joomla system you need to enter the appropriate link for the page you are trying to connect to. In this system there is no GUI, which allows you to do this right away. I think this can be done using certain plugins, but I tend to be a little old fashioned and just provide the links manually.

SEO plugins and components

Here are a few of my favorite plugins and extensions:

WordPress plugins

  1. . This plugin is all-inclusive for WordPress.
  2. . If, for some reason, you don't like the Yoast plugin, you can use this one. It's much faster and easier to set up, so it may be perfect for your purposes if you don't want to spend time optimizing your content for SEO.
  3. . This plugin will help you easily optimize your images for SEO. If you use the Yoast plugin, you may not need this one.

Now there are a lota variety of engines, but only two of them are considered the most frequently used - and . Both of these systems are free and easily accessible to every user. That is why the question very often arises, which engine to choose.

Specialization: WordPress or Joomla, which is better?


WordPress CMS is mainly designed for creating simple websites or blogs. Therefore, if you need to create a convenient, high-quality and understandable website, without any cool bells and whistles, then you can safely implement this project using WordPress.

But don't think that WordPress is a low bar. The functionality of this engine can be expanded using plugins that will allow you to add new features to the site. With WordPress plugins, you can create a website of almost any complexity: from informational to online store.


The main purpose of the Joomla engine is to create regular informative websites. Creating a blog on Joomla is also possible, but it will be much more difficult.

Interface and ease of use: why is Joomla better than WordPress?


Whatever one may say, Wordpess has the most convenient interface. Even though you can find a bunch on the Internet supporting information, training lessons and tutorials, you can master the WordPress administrative panel without instructions in a few hours.


Compared to WordPress, Joomla is inferior in ease of use. Despite this, you don’t need any special skills or knowledge to create a web resource. There is also no shortage of additional materials regarding this engine.

Plugins and themes: why is WordPress better than Joomla?


Availability large quantity plugins and themes are freely available, allowing you to expand the possibilities for the development of any site. This is where WordPress is recognized as a champion.

There is such a huge amount on the Internet different modifications and templates, which, if desired, on WordPress engine you can create both a small personal page and a colossal information portal.


For some reason Joomla is not that popular. For example, by request " Joomla plugins", the Yandex search engine shows only one million results, and for " WordPress plugins"—two million results. It is clear that big problems it won't cause. If you really want, you can choose the necessary theme for a web resource of almost any subject.

Which is faster WordPress or Joomla?


This engine is very fast. Even with more than a dozen active plugins,WordPress works quickly. It is clear that if there are not 10 plugins, but much more, this will begin to affect the performance of the site. Despite this, WordPress works faster than its competitor.


This is one of the weaknesses Joomla . By installing just a few additional plugins, you can significantly increase the time it takes to full load web resource. It's a pity that the sites Joomla cannot be loaded in stages. It may take 10-30 seconds to wait for the page to load.

Bottom line

CMS should be selected separately for each site, taking into account the purposes for which the site is being created. It is clear that if you are just creating a website for the first time and don’t understand much about programming, then you should start with something understandable and accessible. Such as WordPress.

After some practice and based on the experience gained, you can move to the next stage and complicate your task, create a more complex site on Joomla.

The most important thing is that any site can be transferred from one engine to another. Therefore, take advantage user-friendly interface WordPress and get your site up and running. Expand if desired standard features engine with plugins, just don’t overdo it so that the site doesn’t start to freeze.

A Content Management System (CMS) is one of the key components of almost any website. We will look at the three most popular ones on this moment open source systems.

For blogs and simple websites, WordPress is most often preferred due to its friendliness to non-developers, as well as flexibility and extensibility, thanks to which even the most complex tasks can be implemented. Lifehacker runs on WordPress.

Complex, sophisticated websites with high requirements for customization, scalability, and content organization are best achieved with Drupal. Somewhere between WordPress and Drupal lies Joomla.

The very first question that the owner of a future site should ask himself when choosing from these three systems is: “If I have questions and need help, will I be able to find it quickly and easily?” Absolutely yes.

Below you can find detailed information comparison table, explaining the features and strengths each of the systems.

Drupal Joomla WordPress
Official site drupal.org, Russian-speaking drupal.ru community joomla.org, Russian-language forum joomla-support.ru wordpress.org, Russian section ru.wordpress.org
Description A powerful developer-oriented tool that allows you to create complex websites. Like most professional tools, Drupal requires some experience and practice to master. successful work with him The trade-off between the developer-centric but more flexible Drupal and the user-friendly WordPress Having started its journey as an innovative and easy-to-use blogging platform, WordPress has come to include a wide variety of themes, plugins, and widgets. Now this system is used for websites of various formats
Examples of sites running on CMS Fast Company, Team Sugar MTV Networks Quizilla, Harvard University, IHOP PlayStation Blog, CNN Political Ticker, NASA Ames Research Center, The New York Observer
Installation Forum Drupal.ru Joomla Open Knowledge Base Where to start - ru.wordpress.org
Ease of use Drupal is the most demanding of the user's technical awareness, which pays off with the widest possibilities when creating websites. From version to version there is some simplification of Drupal, but even this does not make the system best choice for those who do not want to study the system deeply and spend money on a specialist Simpler than Drupal, more complex than WordPress. Relatively stress-free installation and configuration, combined with the ease of time spent on understanding the structure and terminology, make it possible to independently build a very complex website Technical knowledge in in this case are not at all necessary. WordPress is simple and intuitive. With its help you can create a simple website extremely quickly. WordPress also attracts the ability to easily transfer text from text documents to the site, which Drupal and Joomla cannot boast of
Peculiarities The system is known for its powerful taxonomy and capabilities for tagging, categorizing and organizing complex content The system was developed as a platform for communities with an emphasis on social functions Simplicity is key advantage both for beginners and professionals. By creating a website on WordPress and handing it over to the client, you don’t have to worry about problems with the subsequent content of the site by the new owner. Variety combined with plenty of instructions and ease of management make WordPress ideal for non-technical users
Caching plugins Pressflow- ready assembly Drupal available for download. Includes several pre-installed improvements, including those aimed at improving site performance JotCache will optimize the output search queries on the site, and also makes it possible to specify the content that will be cached and exclude unnecessary content from the cache. Page caching is also supported by the System Cache plugin included with Joomla WP Super Cache is a plugin that optimizes website performance by generating static HTML files from content retrieved from databases
Optimal use cases Complex advanced sites that require complex data organization. Platforms for large communities, online stores Sites with a fairly flexible structure, the creation of which would be problematic due to the limitations of WordPress. E-commerce, social platforms Blogs, news sites and other formats that require the ability to quickly and easily add content. If necessary, missing functionality is added using addons

Plunge into the world of WordPress or Joomla and you will find yourself among infinite number ready-made solutions and add-ons that can satisfy absolutely any request. Take the Drupal path and feel the power of being able to create functionality exclusively for you and your needs.

WordPress, Drupal and Joomla are community driven projects. His legacy is a lot of manuals, instructions, articles, answers to all kinds of questions. At the same time, the information is quite well classified and organized, which allows a beginner, with patience and respect for people, to get an answer to ANY question.

Greetings, dear friends. After a long change, I decided to compare WordPress with Joomla, because... they are the most famous among other engines.

This lesson will most likely be psychological, because... Many people work with WordPress and Joomla at the same time, but cannot decide which CMS to use.

Joomla fans, please don't be offended, I will only speak "facts".

Comparison of WordPress with Joomla

1) Every eighth website is made on Joomla, and every fourth is made on WordPress- the good news is that the number of WordPress users is growing steadily, but the number of Joomla users is also growing, but not like WordPress. Many people think that the number of users does not matter. But they are wrong, because... the more users of the system, the more developers, new plugins, templates and innovative ideas. Many people have turned WordPress into a business, I have one friend who only knows HTML, CSS, PHP and works only in WordPress, developing themes and selling them.

2) Search engines love WordPress more than Joomla- almost every second or third time after entering the site through search engine, I see a WordPress site. But for Lately, I stopped seeing Joomla sites, although the number seems to be growing too.

3) WordPress is much faster than Joomla. I had an order that was placed the previous week. The customer asked to do it only on Joomla, and then decided to compare the speed of the site. I have one Uzbek site on which several dozen plugins are installed and the site that I made last week loads slower than my site. Another good thing is that the number of plugins on my site is much larger...

I think this is enough for a start. But Jooma has one plus - functionality. But let me ask, why do you use a CMS? Probably because you don’t speak languages ​​like HTML, CSS and PHP or you just want to build a website faster. Then why do you need functionality? If you want a functional website, then a CMS is not for you. Learn PHP and MySQL and then create your own scripts. It's not easy, but the main thing is to do it right!

This is where I end, I think the lesson was useful for you. Once again I ask for petitions from Joomla fans.

Nov 21

What is better to choose to create a website: Joomla or WordPress? We are looking for a solution!

Hello dear blog visitors. Just recently I published several interesting posts, namely: “ “, “ “, “ “. But in this article I want to talk about what is better to choose for creating a future website: ? Let's find out!

In this article I will not write about which is better, since comparing them is pointless. Each engine has its pros and cons, but I want to talk about which engine is better to choose for a specific purpose and a specific site.

Many beginners make the mistake that when creating a website, they don’t think about choosing an engine, but simply choose the first one they come across. This is completely wrong, because even if you buy fruit in a store, you probably look at them appearance, on dents, on the color of the fruit. The same should apply to the choice of engine, since then you won’t change anything, everything will be as it will be.

I know many who created a website, for example, on Joomla and after some time decided to switch to WordPress. They switch to another CMS and then ask questions, allegedly their site is no longer indexed.

Advantages of CMS WordPress

Let's start with a discussion CMS WordPress. WordPress is best platform to create blogs first. WordPress is primarily used for creating blogs, but it is also perfect for creating a simple and neat full-fledged website.

The main advantage of WordPress is that the engine is completely free. And also - constant updates and protection against hacker threats are released for it.

1. WordPress is completely free

2. Incredible amount free templates for WordPress, thanks to the popularity of this engine.

3. Lots of plugins to help you create the perfect blog.

4. Ease of operation. Even a schoolboy can do it.

5. Constant updates and protection against hacker attacks.

7. Fast speed operation and loading of the administrative panel.

As you can see, benefits of WordPress plenty. Using this engine, you can create any masterpiece, and do not look at the fact that this engine is primarily used for creating blogs, you can also create a very beautiful and functional website.

Advantages of CMS Joomla

Joomla is very popular system to create websites. This is the first engine that I became acquainted with when I created my first website on the Internet on hosting. Of course, my first site was like many others on ucoz, but I don’t take that into account.

With the help of CMS Joomla you can create absolutely any website, even a professional one. Joomla is a very powerful system for creating both websites and blogs. But of course, its first direction is the creation of websites, not blogs.

1. Joomla is a completely free engine.

2. Many different templates.

3. A huge number of plugins.

4. Possibility to create any website, any direction (forum, online store, blog)

What to choose to create a future website?

You see, you can’t just give advice here. Personally, I only like the WordPress CMS, because it is very easy to use and I have studied it completely, studied all the plugins, seo tools and so on. I didn’t really like Joomla at all, since it loads the server terribly, creates terrible duplicate pages, is very difficult to solve problems, if you use a weak Internet, then most likely you will suffer with the admin panel.

But on the other hand, if you want to create a full-fledged website (not a blog), which will have a forum, chat, online store, file archive, voting, and much more, then you should choose CMS Joomla. WordPress is simply not suitable for these purposes.

But I want to immediately point out that the CMS Joomla engine not easy, and may require learning great amount time.

Bottom line: If you need a small website with information, a blog, a website with images, a small portal, then choose WordPress.

If you need a professional website with many features, then choose Joomla or DLE (it's paid). Of course, you can find DLE for free), but then don’t be surprised when the creators turn to webmoney arbitration (verified))

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