What does offline mode mean in a Samsung phone? What is offline mode in a mobile phone?

Sometimes you can come across a statement according to which mobile phone owners who do not fully use the “offline mode” function are needlessly losing some potential opportunities.

But is this really so?

Possibility provided by the manufacturer

As you know, devices with several active SIM cards. Undoubtedly, this is very convenient, as it allows the owner to choose call tariffs. At the same time, if you study the reviews of the owners similar decisions, it becomes clear that two numbers in one phone cause increased consumption of source energy, which, frankly speaking, is already not enough. Taking into account this feature, manufacturers have included in all modern operating systems the ability to disable transceiver modules, called “offline mode”. In other words, when activated, the phone turns into a small laptop or a calculator (depending on hardware capabilities). In addition to the task of saving battery energy, the offline mode on the phone is needed during air travel, when it is prohibited to use mobile communications unless absolutely necessary.

And finally, in some cases, disabling SIM cards makes it possible to solve specific problems. For example, by using the offline mode, a person can place the phone next to him before going to bed, essentially turning it into a safe (non-emitting) alarm clock.


Not every owner mobile device communications knows that the device emits radio waves not only when making or receiving a call, but also while in standby mode. Yes, according to the standard cellular communications any mobile phone must periodically exchange service data with the nearest base station, and in automatic mode. That is, the network must “know” which SIM cards are connected to this moment, what capabilities the device is endowed with and where it is located (although the latter - UpdateGEO - theoretically may not be used). That is why one cannot assume that a mobile phone lying on a table does not emit anything by itself. Thus, to reduce potential harm, offline mode is essential. This should be remembered.

How to enable or disable offline mode

Manufacturers who have implemented the function software shutdown transmitting units, we went further and added the ability to selectively turn off the power of any of the SIM cards in use. Although in this case we are not talking about complete autonomy. So how do you enable the shutdown feature? Alas, it is impossible to describe a universal procedure, since this mode may be called differently in different countries. various manufacturers phones, although it should be noted that in the latest versions operating systems Nevertheless, a completely understandable unification appeared. So, to disable all radio modules in a device running under Java control, you need to go to “Settings for two cards”, check the box next to “Airplane mode” and click “Ok”. But in popular system Android version 2, everything is much simpler: you should slide down the top information bar and select “Airplane mode”. In subsequent fourth-generation systems, the chain to follow takes the form “Settings” - “ Wireless network" - "More" - "Airplane mode". It is impossible to make a mistake: if the operation of SIM cards is blocked, this is displayed on the signal reception indicators, which become crossed out.

Useful feature

In general, we can say that the considered possibility indeed gives a certain flexibility when using the device mobile communications. Although it is not indispensable, the presence of such software function makes work more convenient. Everyone needs to know about it.

Offline mode allows you to temporarily disable the radio module, GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, while maintaining all other functionality of the mobile phone. Typically, standalone mode (“Airplane Mode”) is used when traveling on airplanes or is turned on to save battery power. battery(battery).


Each mobile phone sends a signal to the nearest radio station for a certain short period of time so that the mobile operator knows which SIM card the phone is currently using. When you turn on offline mode, the device stops GSM reception signal from the operator mobile network, i.e. in effect the device stops using the SIM.

Thus, turning on “Airplane Mode” allows you to disable phone sharing wireless signal with the telecom operator, which may interfere with equipment installed, for example, in airplanes and hospitals.

The mode also blocks the ability to access the Internet and use wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi or GPS. Inclusion battery life phone in a positive way affects battery consumption - the device can work much longer, since it does not need to use the existing Internet, GSM and GPS functions.

Offline mode can be enabled through the corresponding menu in the device settings. So, to enable the option on Android phones you need to call “Settings” - “Wireless networks” - “Airplane mode”. After applying the technology settings wireless transmission data will be disabled on the phone. Also in some device models Android setup can be turned on by lowering top panel screen down and selecting the “Flying” or “Standalone” icon.

On Apple phones, the parameter is also enabled through the corresponding menu item “Settings” - “Airplane Mode”. To enable the option, move the setting slider to the right. If you have Windows Phone, offline mode configuration will be done in the Settings - Airplane menu.

After enabling the option, you will be able to use most of the device functions that do not use wireless technologies. Offline playback is allowed multimedia files, launching applications (not using the Internet), games. Using your phone you can edit office documents, but you will not be able to connect wireless keyboard, working on the basis Bluetooth technology.


If you want to reactivate normal mode operation of the device, simply uncheck the box or move the switch to its original position. Wait a few seconds for the phone to find the network again and start working in full mode.

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Sometimes you can come across a statement according to which mobile phone owners who do not fully use the “offline mode” function are needlessly losing some potential opportunities.

But is this really so?

Possibility provided by the manufacturer

As you know, devices with multiple active SIM cards are now very popular. Undoubtedly, this is very convenient, as it allows the owner to choose call tariffs. At the same time, if you study the reviews of owners of such solutions, it becomes clear that two numbers in one phone cause increased energy consumption from the source, which, frankly speaking, is not enough anyway. Taking into account this feature, manufacturers have included in all modern operating systems the ability to disable transceiver modules, called “offline mode”. In other words, when activated, the phone turns into a small laptop computer or calculator (depending on hardware capabilities). In addition to the task of saving battery energy, the offline mode on the phone is needed during air travel, when it is prohibited to use mobile communications unless absolutely necessary.

And finally, in some cases, disabling SIM cards makes it possible to solve specific problems. For example, by using the offline mode, a person can place the phone next to him before going to bed, essentially turning it into a safe (non-emitting) alarm clock.


Not every owner of a mobile communication device knows that the device emits radio waves not only when making or receiving a call, but also when in standby mode. Thus, according to the cellular communication standard, any mobile phone must periodically exchange service data with the nearest base station, and in automatic mode. That is, the network must “know” which SIM cards are currently connected, what capabilities the device is endowed with and where it is located (although the latter - UpdateGEO - theoretically may not be used). That is why one cannot assume that a mobile phone lying on a table does not emit anything by itself. Thus, to reduce potential harm, offline mode is essential. This should be remembered.

How to enable or disable offline mode

Manufacturers, having implemented the function of software shutdown of transmitting units, went further and added the ability to selectively turn off the power of any of the SIM cards in use. Although in this case we are not talking about complete autonomy. So how do you enable the shutdown feature? Alas, it is impossible to describe a universal procedure, since this mode may be called differently by different phone manufacturers, although it should be noted that in the latest versions of operating systems, a completely understandable unification has appeared. So, to disable all radio modules in a device running Java, you need to go to “ Settings for two cards", put a check mark opposite " Airplane mode" and press " OK" But in the popular 2nd generation Android system everything is much simpler: you should slide down the top information bar and indicate “ Airplane mode" In subsequent fourth-generation systems, the chain to follow takes the form “ Settings» – « Wireless network» – « More» – « Airplane mode" It is impossible to make a mistake: if the operation of SIM cards is blocked, this is displayed on the signal reception indicators, which become crossed out.

Offline mode- this is when you can open a website without the Internet. True, you can only open the site that you have already visited before.

Let's say you read an interesting story on the Internet. Several days passed and I wanted to re-read it. But then, as luck would have it, the Internet was turned off. You can forget about your desire for a while, or you can try opening the story offline.

On a note . The computer remembers some sites, or rather, individual pages of sites that you visited. And some pages can be opened even without being on the Internet. But alas, not all of them will open through offline mode. It depends on your luck.

Now let's move on to practice. We will learn how to use offline mode in the most popular browsers: Internet Explorer,Opera, Mozilla Firefox. Study the information that applies to your browser, you can skip the rest.

If you don't know what a browser is, take a look at the How and What to Find on the Internet lesson.

Offline mode in Internet Explorer

We will look at working offline using the latest version as an example Internet browser Explorer. At the time of writing this lesson, she is 9th. By the way, the most latest version This browser can be downloaded for free.

Disconnect from the Internet and open Internet Explorer.

There is a strip like this at the top.

If it's not there, click right click mouse on the empty gray field at the top of the program (next to the address bar). A menu (list) should appear, in which you need to click on the “Menu Bar” item.

Click on the word "File" in the top left. A menu will open. Left-click on the “Work offline” item.

Now let’s try to open one of those sites that we visited before.

If a window appears that says “This web page is not available offline,” then, unfortunately, you won’t be able to open it.

This is quite common. Therefore, it is better to open website pages offline in another way - through the “Journal”.

The Journal (History) is the place where you can see which sites were opened on your computer and when it was. We can say this: everything you do on the Internet is saved, and through the “Journal” you can see the history of all movements - which sites you opened and what you did.

In order to open the magazine, you need to click on the button with an asterisk called “Favorites” (far left at the top of the browser).

A small window will open. We are interested in the “Journal” tab. Click on it.

This is the history of your movements on the Internet, sorted by time. By clicking on the desired period of time (today, last week, 2 weeks ago, etc.), you will see a list of sites you visited on those days.

And if you click on the name of the site, a list of pages of this site that you have viewed will open.

Now let's get back to the topic of the lesson. Remember we turned on offline mode?

By the way, you can check this by clicking on the “File” inscription at the top of the browser. A list will open. If you see a bird next to the words “Work offline” (at the bottom), then offline mode is enabled.

Open any day and any site in the “Journal” tab. You will see the pages of the selected site that you once viewed on your computer. If some of them look faded, then this means that you will not be able to open them offline.

And if the pages are bright and rich, then they will open.

Try clicking on one of these pages - it should appear.

Offline mode in the Opera browser

We will look at working offline using the latest version of the Opera browser as an example. At the time of writing this lesson, she is 11th. By the way, the latest version of this browser can be downloaded for free.

Disconnect from the Internet and open Opera browser.

Click on the “Menu” button at the top of the browser (on the left) and from the list that opens, select “Settings”, and then click on the inscription “Work offline”.

This is how you enable offline mode.

Now let’s try to open one of those sites that we have already visited.

You can simply type its name in address bar and press Enter button on the keyboard (or select from the list).

If a window like this appears, then, alas, this page will not be able to launch.

This is quite common. Therefore, it is easier to open pages in another way - through “History”.

History (Journal) is the place where you can see which sites were opened on your computer. To go there, you need to click on the “Menu” button and select “History” from the list.

After this you will see a list.

This is the history of movements on the Internet, sorted by time. By clicking on the desired period of time (today, yesterday, this week, etc.), you will see a list of sites you visited on those days.

Now let's get back to the topic of the lesson. Remember we turned on offline mode?!

By the way, you can check this by clicking on the “Menu” button and hovering over the “Settings” item. A small extra menu. If you see a bird next to the words “Work offline” (at the bottom), this means that offline mode is enabled.

Open any day or period of time in History. A list of pages of sites that you visited at this time will appear. If the name is written in black bold color, then this page will open.

And if the title is written in thin black, then this page will not open offline.

Try viewing pages of both the first and second types.

Don't forget to turn offline mode when you're done with it. It turns off in the same way as it turns on (Menu - Settings - Work offline).

Offline mode in Mozilla Firefox browser

We will look at working offline using the latest version as an example Mozilla browser. At the time of writing this lesson it is 3.6.13. By the way, the latest version of this browser can be downloaded for free.

Disconnect from the Internet and open the Mozilla Firefox browser.

At the top there is a strip like this:

Click on the word “File” and left-click on “Work offline.”

This is how you enable offline mode.

Now let’s try signing up on one of the sites that we opened before.

You can simply type its name in the address bar and press the Enter button on your keyboard (or select from the list).

If a window like this appears, then, unfortunately, you won’t be able to open this page offline.

This is quite common.

You can also open websites through the “Journal”. It's even easier that way.

The log is the place where you can see which sites were opened on your computer and when it happened. You can put it this way: everything you do on the Internet is saved, and through the “Journal” you can see the history of your movements: what sites you go to and what you do there.

On the top bar of the Mozilla browser there is the inscription “Journal”. Click on it. A list will open showing sites that were recently opened through Mozilla. Try visiting one of them.

Or you can select “Show entire log”.

In this case, a new window will open. This is the history of your movements on the Internet, sorted by time. By clicking on the desired period of time (today, yesterday, last 7 days, etc.), a list of sites you visited during these days will appear.

Try opening one of them. If an inscription like this appears, then, alas, this site (site page) cannot be opened in offline mode. This happens quite often.

Don't forget to turn offline mode when you're done with it. It turns off in the same way as it turns on (File - Offline mode).


Each mobile phone sends a signal to the nearest radio station for a certain short period of time so that the mobile operator knows which SIM card the phone is currently using. When you turn on the offline mode, the device stops receiving a GSM signal from the mobile network operator, i.e. in effect the device stops using the SIM.

Thus, turning on “Airplane Mode” allows you to disable the phone’s wireless signal exchange with the telecom operator, which can interfere with equipment installed, for example, in airplanes and hospitals.

The mode also blocks the ability to access the Internet and use wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi or GPS. Enabling autonomous operation of the phone has a positive effect on battery consumption - the device can work much longer, since it does not need to use the existing Internet, GSM and GPS functions.

Offline mode can be enabled through the corresponding menu in the device settings. So, to enable the option on Android phones, you need to go to “Settings” - “Wireless Networks” - “Airplane Mode”. Once applied, the wireless data technology settings will be disabled on your phone. Also, in some models of Android devices, the setting can be enabled by moving the top panel of the screen down and selecting the “Flight” or “Standalone” icon.

On Apple phones, the parameter is also enabled through the corresponding menu item “Settings” - “Airplane Mode”. To enable the option, move the setting slider to the right. If you have a Windows Phone, the offline mode configuration will be done in the Settings - Airplane menu.

After enabling the option, you will be able to use most of the device’s functions that do not use wireless technologies. In offline mode, you can play multimedia files, launch applications (not using the Internet), and games. You can edit office documents using your phone, but you cannot connect to a wireless keyboard that uses Bluetooth technology.


If you want to reactivate the normal operating mode of the device, simply uncheck the box or move the switch to its original position. Wait a few seconds for the phone to find the network again and start working in full mode.

Popular browser Microsoft Internet Explorer, included with almost all versions of Windows OS, provides the user with convenient opportunity autonomous work with web pages. IN this mode Pages previously marked as "available offline" can be viewed without an Internet connection. However, to subsequently update the content of these pages, you should disable offline mode.

You will need

  • - Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.


Launch Microsoft browser Internet Explorer. Check if there are shortcuts to launch this browser on your desktop, in the Start menu, in the toolbar " Quick start» taskbar. If you find a shortcut, click on it. If the shortcut is missing, use the Launch a Program tool. Click the Start button on the taskbar. In the menu that appears, select “Run”. In the dialog that appears, enter the string iexplore in the “Open” text field. Click OK.

Disable for individual pages, identified by specific addresses on the Internet. Click on the “Favorites” item in the main menu of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. From the child menu that appears, select Organize Favorites. A dialog will open with a title identical to the name of the selected menu item.
On the right side of the dialog there will be a list of saved page addresses. Some of them may have been enabled offline mode. Select the item in the list that corresponds to the address of the page for which you want to disable offline mode. Set the "Make available offline" switch to off. Do it this operation with all pages that should no longer be accessible offline. Click the "Close" button in the dialog.

Deactivate the offline mode of the browser itself. In the main menu of the application, click on the “File” item. In the child menu that appears, find the “Work offline” item and, if it is checked, click on it.

Close or restart your browser. Select “File” from the main menu and then “Close” or press the key combination Alt+F4. If necessary, launch the browser again using the method described in the first step. When you exit, all changes made will be saved. The next time you start, offline mode will be disabled.

Video on the topic


To avoid losing the ability to view pages available offline after turning offline mode, save them in web archive format on HDD computer.

Autonomous mode allows you to open previously visited pages without connecting to the network. It is convenient for users who have restrictions on the traffic they use. In addition, it can be useful if there is a temporary lack of access to the Internet.


If you are using the most common browser, to enable offline mode and open the “File” menu section and select “Offline mode" At the same time, a bird will appear next to this line. Autonomous mode enabled, you can view previously visited pages. It should be noted that some visited pages are not saved in the cache, so viewing them offline mode e is impossible. Such sites must be specially saved for later viewing.

Determine if your browser is working offline mode Yes, it’s very simple - try following any link. A warning window should immediately appear with a message stating that you are working offline. mode e and an offer to leave it. Refuse the offer or accept if you want to leave the autonomous mode A.

In other popular browsers, selecting offline mode and is carried out in a similar way - you need to select the line “Offline” in the “File” menu mode"(in some browsers - "Work offline"). To exit offline mode and uncheck the previously checked box.

From the point of view of convenience of work in autonomous mode The undisputed leader is the Opera browser, in which the on/off button for offline mode Or you can add addresses to the panel. When pressed, the button changes color, which is very convenient - one glance is enough to understand whether the computer is offline mode e. In the same way, you can take other useful elements interface - for example, a button to enable and select proxy servers.

A mobile phone from any manufacturer, including Nokia, if it is turned on, can be in mode talk or mode expectations. To put it into standby mode, you just need to turn it on or end all current conversations. Most Nokia models The key when switching to standby mode is the end call key.

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