What can be blown up? Phone battery explosion: why can this happen? Physical impact and handicraft repairs

It is known that the character in Quentin Tarantino's film is simpler than a common person, and is a leather bag filled with blood under slight pressure. In a similar way, action directors simplify internal organization any ammunition: according to their version, a hand grenade or mine is simply an explosive in a thin metal casing.

Therefore, a shot at a grenade or mine leads to a spectacular explosion in which all the main villains are burned. This happened, for example, in the seventh film of the endless Fast and the Furious saga, when Vin Diesel put a bag of hand grenades into a helicopter with bad guys, and then shot into this bag. Everything disappeared in a hot orange cloud. Don’t keep grenades at home, as the director tells us: one stray bullet, and the house will be left untouched.

In fact, a modern grenade is a little more complicated: it has a whole chain of devices, the main task of which is to make sure that everything explodes when needed, and if it is hand-held ammunition, then it will definitely have a mechanism that ensures a delayed detonation.

You pull the pin and release the staple. The pre-cocked spring is triggered and breaks the fragile primer - but this is not yet the explosion of a grenade. When ignited, the contents of the capsule only ignite the ignition tube, which smolders for several seconds. Finally, the spark reaches the detonator (a small container of detonating liquid), which explodes when heated. This (small) explosion is followed by a big one - this is the detonation of composition B. This is what everything was started for.

It would seem that, great idea- bypass all these preparations and simply shoot a grenade, transferring the kinetic energy of the bullet directly to composition B. The only problem is that composition B (a mixture of hexogen and trinitrotoluene) is specially designed to be resistant to detonation from a slight shock, heating... even from a shot from small arms. This is a useful property for a liquid that is used as an initiating charge in an atomic bomb - namely, composition B was used in the first American bombs, in particular the Fat Man that fell on Nagasaki. Trinitrotoluene is especially resistant: it was made so that it would not explode in vain from shots from small-caliber weapons. In fact, such a shot is more likely to render the grenade unusable than to cause it to explode. It's hard to believe, but here's the video to prove it:

Therefore, law enforcement officers can shoot at armed terrorists - provided, of course, that the latter are armed not with homemade bombs and pure TNT, but with factory-standardized ammunition.

Everything described above does not mean, of course, that shooting at mines and grenades is safe entertainment. There is always a chance that a shot will break the primer or hit the detonator directly. Moreover, based on all of the above, you should not experiment with sawing or welding projectiles. We just wanted to say that being Vin Diesel's character in real life not so easy.

So, let's say a low-yield nuclear bomb explodes in your city. How long will you have to hide and where to do it to avoid consequences in the form of radioactive fallout?

Michael Dillon, a scientist at Livermore National Laboratory, spoke about radioactive fallout and survival techniques. After numerous studies of radioactive fallout, analysis of many factors and possible development events, he developed a plan of action in the event of a disaster.

At the same time, Dillon's plan is aimed at ordinary citizens who have no way to determine which way the wind will blow and what the magnitude of the explosion was.

Little bombs

Dillon's method for protecting against radioactive fallout has so far been developed only in theory. The fact is that it is designed for small nuclear bombs from 1 to 10 kilotons.

Dillon argues that nuclear bombs are now associated with the incredible power and destruction that would have occurred during the Cold War. However, such a threat seems less likely than terrorist attacks using small nuclear bombs, several times less than those that fell on Hiroshima, and simply incomparably less than those that could destroy everything if there was a global war between countries.

Dillon's plan is based on the assumption that the city survived a small nuclear bomb, and now its residents must flee the radioactive fallout.

The diagram below shows the difference between the radius of a bomb in the situation Dillon examines and the radius of a bomb from a Cold War arsenal. The most dangerous area is indicated in dark blue (psi is the pound/in2 standard used to measure the force of an explosion, 1 psi = 720 kg/m2).

People located a kilometer from this explosion zone risk receiving radiation doses and burns. The range of radiation hazards from a small nuclear bomb is much smaller than from Cold War thermonuclear weapons.

For example, a 10 kiloton warhead would create a radiation threat 1 kilometer from the epicenter, and radioactive fallout could travel another 10 to 20 miles. So it turns out that a nuclear attack today is not instant death for all living things. Maybe your city will even recover from it.

What to do if a bomb exploded

If you see a bright flash, don't go near the window - you could get hurt while you're looking around. As with thunder and lightning, the blast wave travels much slower than the explosion.

Now you will have to take care of protection from radioactive fallout, but in the event of a small explosion, you do not need to look for a special isolated shelter. For protection, you can take refuge in an ordinary building, you just need to know which one.

30 minutes after the explosion you should find a suitable shelter. In 30 minutes, all the initial radiation from the explosion will disappear, and the main danger will be radioactive particles the size of a grain of sand that will settle around you.

Dillon explains:

If, during a disaster, you are in a precarious shelter that cannot provide reasonable protection, and you know that there is no such building within 15 minutes, you will have to wait half an hour and then go look for it. Make sure you are clear of sand-sized radioactive substances before you enter the shelter.

But what buildings can become a normal shelter? Dillon says the following:

There should be as many obstacles and distance as possible between you and the consequences of the explosion. Buildings with thick concrete walls and roofs, a large number of earth, for example, when you are sitting in a basement surrounded on all sides by earth. You can also go deep into large buildings in order to be as far as possible from the open air with the consequences of a disaster.

Think about where you can find such a building in your city, and how far it is from you.

Maybe it's the basement of your home, or a building with a lot of interior spaces and walls, a library with stacks of books and concrete walls, or something else. Just choose buildings that you can reach within half an hour, and don't rely on transport - many will flee the city and the roads will be completely clogged.

Let's say you got to your shelter, and now the question arises: how long to sit in it until the threat passes? The films show different developments of events, ranging from a few minutes in a shelter to several generations in a bunker. Dillon claims that they are all very far from the truth.

It is best to stay in the shelter until help arrives.

Given that we are talking about a small bomb with a blast radius of less than a mile, rescuers must react quickly and begin evacuation. In the event that no one comes to help, you need to spend at least a day in the shelter, but it’s still better to wait until the rescuers arrive - they will indicate the necessary evacuation route so that you do not jump out into places with high levels of radiation.

The principle of operation of radioactive fallout

It may seem strange that it would be safe enough to leave the shelter after 24 hours, but Dillon explains that the biggest danger after the explosion comes from the early radioactive fallout, and this is heavy enough to settle within a few hours after the explosion. Typically, they cover the area in the immediate vicinity of the explosion, depending on the wind direction.

These large particles are the most dangerous due to the high level of radiation, which will ensure the immediate onset of radiation sickness. This distinguishes them from lower doses of radiation many years after the incident.

Taking refuge in a shelter will not save you from the prospect of cancer in the future, but it will prevent you from dying quickly from radiation sickness.

It is also worth remembering that radioactive contamination is not a magical substance that flies everywhere and penetrates into every place. There will be a limited region with high levels of radiation, and after you leave the shelter, you will need to get out of it as soon as possible.

This is where you need rescuers who will tell you where the border of the danger zone is and how far you need to go. Of course, in addition to the most dangerous large particles, many lighter ones will remain in the air, but they are not capable of causing immediate radiation sickness - what you are trying to avoid after an explosion.

Dillon also noted that radioactive particles decay very quickly, so being outside the shelter 24 hours after the explosion is much safer than immediately after it.

Our pop culture continues to savor the theme of a nuclear apocalypse, when only a few survivors remain on the planet, sheltered in underground bunkers, but a nuclear attack may not be so destructive and large-scale.

So you should think about your city and figure out where to run if something happens. Maybe some ugly concrete building that you always thought was an architectural miscarriage will one day save your life.

Modeling a supernova birth situation is not an easy task. By at least, until recently, all experiments failed. But astrophysicists still managed to blow up the star.

November 11, 1572 astronomer Tycho Brahe ( Tycho Brahe) noticed in the constellation Cassiopeia new star, shining as brightly as Jupiter. Perhaps it was then that the belief that the heavens were eternal and unchanging collapsed, and modern astronomy was born. Four centuries later, astronomers realized that some stars, suddenly becoming billions of times brighter than usual, exploded. In 1934 Fritz Zwicky ( Fritz Zwicky) from the California Institute of Technology called them "supernovae". They supply space in the Universe with heavy elements that control the formation and evolution of galaxies and help study the expansion of space.

Zwicky and his colleague Walter Baade ( Walter Baade) suggested that gravity provides the energy for the explosion to the star. In their opinion, the star contracts until its central part reaches the density of an atomic nucleus. A collapsing substance can release gravitational potential energy sufficient to throw its remnants out. In 1960 Fred Hoyle ( Fred Hoyle) from Cambridge University and Willie Fowler ( Willy Fowler) from Caltech believed that supernovae are like a giant nuclear bomb. When a star like the Sun burns its hydrogen and then helium fuel, oxygen and carbon take their turn. The synthesis of these elements not only provides a huge release of energy, but also produces radioactive nickel-56, the decay of which may explain the afterglow of the explosion, which lasts several months.

Both ideas turned out to be correct. Some supernovae have no traces of hydrogen in their spectra (designated Type I); Apparently, most of them had a thermonuclear explosion (type I A), and for the rest (types I b and I c) - the collapse of a star that has shed its outer hydrogen layer. Supernovae in which hydrogen (type II) is detected in their spectra also arise as a result of collapse. Both phenomena turn the star into an expanding cloud of gas, and gravitational collapse leads to the formation of a super-dense neutron star or even a black hole. Observations, especially of supernova 1987A (Type II), support the proposed theory.

However, a supernova explosion still remains one of the main problems in astrophysics. Computer models have difficulty reproducing it. It's very difficult to make a star explode (which is nice in itself). Stars are self-regulating objects that remain stable over millions and billions of years. Even dying stars have mechanisms of attenuation, but not explosion. To reproduce the latter, multidimensional models were required, the calculation of which was beyond the capabilities of computers.

Explosion is not easy

White dwarfs are the inactive remnants of Sun-like stars that gradually cool and fade. They can explode as Type I supernovae a. However, according to Hoyle and Fowler, if a white dwarf orbits another star in a close orbit, it can accrete (suck) material from its companion, thereby increasing its mass, central density and temperature to such an extent that explosive fusion from carbon is possible and oxygen.

Thermonuclear reactions should behave like regular fire. The combustion front can propagate through the star, leaving behind "nuclear ash" (mostly nickel). At each moment of time, fusion reactions must occur in a small volume, mainly in a thin layer on the surface of bubbles filled with “ash” and floating in the depths of the white dwarf. Because of their low density, bubbles can float to the star's surface.

But the thermonuclear flame will go out as the release of energy causes the star to expand and cool, extinguishing its combustion. Unlike a conventional bomb, the star does not have an envelope limiting its volume.

In addition, it is impossible to recreate a supernova explosion in a laboratory; it can only be observed in space. Our team carried out rigorous simulations using a supercomputer IBM p690. The numerical model of the star was represented by a computational grid with 1024 elements on each side, which made it possible to resolve details several kilometers in size. Each computational set required more than 10 20 arithmetic operations; Only a supercomputer could cope with such a task, performing more than 10 11 operations per second. In the end, all this took almost 60 processor-years. Various computational tricks that simplify the model and are used in other fields of science are not applicable to supernovae with their asymmetric flows, extreme conditions and enormous spatial and temperature range. Particle physics, nuclear physics, fluid dynamics and relativity are very complex, and supernova models must deal with them simultaneously.

Under the hood

The solution came from an unexpected direction - while studying the operation of a car engine. Mixing gasoline and oxygen and their ignition creates turbulence, which, in turn, increases the combustion surface, intensively deforming it. In this case, the rate of fuel combustion, proportional to the combustion area, increases. But a star is also turbulent. Gas flows travel enormous distances in it. high speed, therefore the slightest disturbances quickly turn a calm flow into a turbulent flow. In a supernova, the rising hot bubbles must mix the matter, causing the nuclear combustion to spread so quickly that the star does not have time to rearrange itself and “put out” the flame.

In a properly operating internal combustion engine, the flame propagates at a subsonic speed, limited by the rate of heat diffusion through the substance - this process is called deflagration, or rapid combustion. In a “shooting” engine, the flame propagates at supersonic speed in the form of a shock wave, sweeping through the oxygen-fuel mixture and compressing it (detonation). A thermonuclear flame can also spread in two ways. Detonation can completely burn a star, leaving only the most “non-flammable” elements, such as nickel and iron. However, in the products of these explosions, astronomers find a wide variety of elements, including silicon, sulfur and calcium. Consequently, nuclear combustion propagates, at least initially, as deflagration.

In recent years, reliable models of thermonuclear deflagration have been developed. Researchers from the University of California (Santa Cruz), the University of Chicago, and our group relied on programs created for studying chemical combustion and even for weather forecasting. Turbulence is a fundamentally three-dimensional process. In a turbulent cascade, kinetic energy is redistributed from large to small scales and is ultimately dissipated as heat. The original stream is split into smaller and smaller parts. Therefore, modeling must necessarily be three-dimensional.

The supernova model has a mushroom-like appearance: hot bubbles rise in a layered environment, wrinkled and stretched by turbulence. The increase in the rate of nuclear reactions, enhanced by it, in a few seconds leads to the destruction of the white dwarf, the remains of which fly away at a speed of about 10 thousand km/s, which corresponds to the observed picture.

But it is still not clear why a white dwarf ignites. In addition, deflagration should eject most of the dwarf's material unchanged, and observations indicate that only a small part of the star is unchanged. The explosion is likely caused not only by rapid combustion, but also by detonation, and the cause of type I supernovae a- not only the accretion of matter onto a white dwarf, but also the merger of two white dwarfs.

Gravity grave

Another type of supernova, caused by the collapse of a stellar core, is more difficult to explain. From an observational point of view, these supernovae are more diverse than thermonuclear ones: some have hydrogen, others do not; some explode in the dense interstellar medium, others in almost empty space; some throw it away great amount radioactive nickel, others do not. The ejection energy and expansion rate also vary. The most powerful of them produce not only a classic supernova explosion, but also a long-lasting gamma-ray burst (see: N. Gehrels, P. Leonard and L. Piro. The brightest explosions in the Universe // VMN, No. 4, 2003). This heterogeneity of properties is one of many mysteries. Core collapse supernovae are prime candidates for the formation of the heaviest elements, such as gold, lead, thorium and uranium, which can only form under special conditions. But no one knows whether such conditions actually arise in a star when its core explodes.

Although the idea of ​​collapse seems simple (compressing the core releases gravitational binding energy, which ejects the outer layers of matter), it is difficult to understand the process in detail. At the end of its life, a star with a mass of more than 10 solar masses develops a layered structure; layers of increasingly heavier elements appear with depth. The core is composed mainly of iron, and the star's equilibrium is maintained by the quantum repulsion of electrons. But eventually the mass of the star suppresses the electrons, which are squeezed into atomic nuclei, where they begin to react with protons and form neutrons and electron neutrinos. In turn, the neutrons and remaining protons are pressed closer together until their own repulsive force takes effect and stops the collapse.

At this moment, the compression stops and is replaced by expansion. The matter, pulled in deep by gravity, begins to partially flow out. In the classical theory, this problem is solved with the help of a shock wave, which occurs when the outer layers of a star at supersonic speed collide with a core that has suddenly slowed down its compression. The shock wave moves outward, compressing and heating the material it hits, while at the same time losing its energy, eventually dying out. Simulations show that the compression energy dissipates quickly. How, then, does a star explode itself?

The first attempt to solve the problem was the work of Stirling Colgate ( Stirling Colgate) and Richard White ( Richard White) 1966, and later computer models by Jim Wilson ( Jim Wilson), created by him in the early 1980s, when all three worked at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Lawrence. They suggested that the shock wave is not the only carrier of energy from the core to the outer layers of the star. It is possible that neutrinos produced during the collapse play a supporting role. At first glance, the idea looks strange: as we know, neutrinos are extremely inactive, they interact so weakly with other particles that they are even difficult to register. But in a collapsing star they have more than enough energy to cause an explosion, and in conditions of extremely high density they interact well with matter. Neutrinos heat the layer around the collapsing supernova core, maintaining pressure in the decelerating shock wave.

Core collapse supernova

  1. Supernovae of another kind are formed when stars with masses greater than 8 solar masses collapse. They belong to Type I b,I c or II, depending on observed features
  2. A massive star at the end of its life has a layered structure of different chemical elements
  3. Iron does not participate in nuclear fusion, so no heat is generated in the core. Gas pressure drops, and the material lying above rushes down
  4. In a second, the core contracts and turns into a neutron star. Falling matter bounces off a neutron star and creates a shock wave
  5. Neutrinos burst out of a newborn neutron star, pushing an irregular shock wave outward
  6. A shock wave sweeps through the star, tearing it apart

Like a rocket

But is this extra push enough to sustain the wave and complete the explosion? Computer modelling showed that it was not enough. Despite the fact that the gas both absorbs neutrinos and emits them; the models showed that losses dominate, and therefore the explosion fails. But in these models there was one simplification: the star in them was considered spherically symmetrical. Therefore, high-dimensional phenomena such as convection and rotation were ignored, which are very important because the observed supernovae produce a very non-spherical, “shaggy” remnant.

Multidimensional modeling shows that neutrinos heat up the plasma around the supernova core and create bubbles and mushroom-shaped flows in it. Convection transfers energy to the shock waves, pushing them upward and causing an explosion.

When the blast wave slows down slightly, the bubbles of hot, expanding plasma, separated by the cold material flowing down, merge. One or more bubbles gradually form surrounded by downdrafts. As a result, the explosion becomes asymmetrical. In addition, the decelerated shock wave can be deformed, and then the collapse takes the shape of an hourglass. Additional instability occurs when the shock wave breaks out and passes through the heterogeneous layers of the supernova ancestor. Wherein chemical elements, synthesized during the life of the star and during the explosion, are mixed.

Because the remnants of the star mostly fly out in one direction, the central neutron star bounces off in the other, like a skateboard rolling back when you jump off it. Our computer model shows a rebound velocity of more than 1000 km/s, consistent with the observed motion of many neutron stars. But some of them move more slowly, probably because the bubbles did not have time to merge during the explosion that formed them. A single picture emerges in which various options result from one main effect.

Despite significant achievements recent years, none of them existing models does not reproduce the entire complex of phenomena associated with a supernova explosion and contains simplifications. Full version must use seven dimensions: space (three coordinates), time, neutrino energy and neutrino speed (described by two angular coordinates). Moreover, this must be done for all three types, or flavors, of neutrinos.

But can an explosion be triggered by various mechanisms? After all, a magnetic field can intercept the rotational energy of a newly formed neutron star and give a new impetus to the shock wave. In addition, it will squeeze matter outward along the rotation axis in the form of two polar jets. These effects will help explain the most powerful explosions. In particular, gamma-ray bursts can be associated with jets moving at near-light speed. Perhaps the cores of such supernovae collapse not into a neutron star, but into a black hole.

While theorists are improving their models, observers are trying to use not only electromagnetic radiation, but also neutrinos and gravitational waves. The collapse of the star's core, its seething at the beginning of the explosion and its possible transformation into a black hole lead not only to an intense emission of neutrinos, but also shake the structure of space-time. Unlike light, which cannot penetrate the layers above, these signals come directly from the seething inferno at the center of the explosion. Newly created neutrino and gravitational wave detectors may lift the curtain on the mystery of the death of stars.

Supernova reaction effect

Observers have wondered why neutron stars are rushing across the Galaxy at great speed. New core collapse supernova models offer an explanation based on the internal asymmetry of these explosions

Modeling shows that asymmetry develops already at the beginning of the explosion. Small differences in the onset of stellar collapse lead to large differences in the degree of asymmetry

  • Kaplan S.A. Physics of stars. M.: Nauka, 1977.
  • Pskovsky Yu.P. Novas and supernovae. M.: Nauka, 1985.
  • Shklovsky I.S. Supernovae and related problems. M.: Nauka, 1976.
  • Supernova Explosions in the Universe. A. Burrows in Nature Vol. 403, pages 727–733; February 17, 2000.
  • Full-Star Type Ia Supernova Explosion Models. F.K. Röpke and W. Hillebrandt in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 431, No. 2, pages 635–645; February 2005. Preprint available at arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0409286
  • The Physics of Core-Collapse Supernovae. S. Woosley and H.-Th. Janka in Nature Physics, Vol. 1, No. 3, pages 147–154; December 2005. Preprint available at arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0601261
  • Multidimensional Supernova Simulations with Approximative Neutrino Transport. L. Scheck, K. Kifonidis, H.-Th. Janka and E. Müller in Astronomy and Astrophysics(in press). Preprint available at arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0601302
  • In the section on the question How can you blow up a car? Is this realistic for a weak girl? 😉 given by the author Polinochka the best answer is Yes, really, there’s no need.

    Answer from catchy[newbie]
    Stupid degenerate

    Answer from Caucasian[guru]
    I NiH.... RA I don’t understand either going on vacation or blowing up the car - you decide!

    Answer from Yanya Odintsova[guru]
    You stupid woman! If I were the man, I would have killed you for the car on the spot...

    Answer from First class[guru]
    Gasoline reacts (with enormous heat release) with manganese. (chemistry, 7th grade) But Igor’s advice is right, you need to put it in a condom so that you have time to escape! But is it worth it? Then, as a result, there is not always a pleasant procedure for communicating with law enforcement agencies and a visit, alas not an excursion, to the wonderful establishments of the UINA!

    Answer from User deleted[expert]
    It’s better not to do anything - you’ll be smarter!

    Answer from Sofia $$$$$[active]
    Better than a kilogram of sugar, let it dance in his gas tank

    Answer from Igor Mochalov[guru]
    It might not blow up, but you can completely damage the engine... a condom with potassium permanganate in the gas tank - and you're done. I just don’t remember what article damage to someone else’s property falls under and how much they give for it...

    Answer from Victor Ivanov[guru]
    no, it will be worse for you, otherwise, study chemistry

    Answer from Vladimir Aronov[guru]
    Well, take the suicide belt, wrap it around yourself and jump under the wheels. This is how tanks were stopped during the war, not just cars.

    Answer from Pavel Bobrakov[newbie]
    Listen, you need it, you’d better take it and look along the side with a nail and see if it comes off

    Answer from face theme[guru]
    You all suffer from your ex...
    Score it!

    We are all in danger, each of us contains portable bombs at home (in our pockets, at work) that can cause serious harm, even death. It’s all about the dangerous assembly technology, which has become a standard for the whole world and does not frighten society at all.

    Li-ion battery

    Today we all use mass various devices and technical innovations powered by lithium-ion batteries. This is the type electric battery, which differs from other similar energy carriers in its versatility, high density energy and ease of maintenance.

    Despite their positive characteristics, such batteries pose a certain threat. Batteries of this type can explode, damage or destroy property and, worse, cause serious harm to health or even lead to death.

    Nevertheless, lithium-ion batteries are widely used in various areas of human life. This type of energy carrier can be found in cars, airplanes, and most importantly, in smartphones and tablets, which the majority of people use every day. permanent basis. Roughly speaking, as mentioned above, all modern society carries with them which can be activated in case of an oversight, an unfortunate accident or due to the negligence of the manufacturer.

    Possible causes of battery explosion

    Lithium batteries have been tested over time and are considered relatively safe if you follow all the manufacturer's recommendations, but how often does anyone even bother to read the instructions? Any violation can lead to dire consequences. For example, a sudden change in temperature, which is one of the most common reasons why batteries fail. In this case, the lithium-ion battery begins to produce gas, the battery becomes significantly plumper, and in rare cases a leak can be detected. Both symptoms are a reason to immediately stop using the device, disconnect the battery and properly dispose of it. In addition to changing thermal conditions, there are a number of other common causes of battery explosion that are worth focusing on.

    Physical impact and handicraft repairs

    Any damage, bending or impact may cause the battery to become overheated, causing an explosion. The same goes for punctures that often accompany repair work.

    “Jacks of all trades” often resort to repairing anything and everything without turning to professionals for help. Maybe, new experience- this is even great, people develop their skills and save money, but when it comes to lithium batteries, you should forget about your “skill”, because you cannot disassemble and repair lithium-ion batteries. The same applies to small “tents” located in shopping centers and responsible for repairing various types of electronics.

    Overdischarge and wear

    As ironic as this may sound, even if you leave lithium-ion battery at rest, it still remains dangerous, since it can use up a critical mass of charge. Usually in such cases the battery simply fails and stops functioning, but human stupidity and courage has no limits. Many attempts have been recorded to bring a completely dead battery back to life simply by putting it on charge (with or without a functioning device). In both cases, the battery can short out, instantly heat up to combustion temperature and ignite.

    Just like an old cabinet can fall apart at any moment, it can overheat old battery. As it is used, it wears out, loses volume, and certain parts become damaged. There will come a time when physical changes to the battery will require replacement.

    Galaxy Note 7 scandal

    The most global battery collapse (on the market mobile devices) occurred in 2016, along with the release of a smartphone from Samsung. Until the now iconic date, a phone battery exploding was perceived as a rare, unlikely accident. In the summer of 2016, when within a week the media reported more than 35 cases of smartphone explosions Galaxy Note 7, everything has changed.

    Note 7, by the way, was received very positively, the device pleased absolutely everyone, but, trying to overtake its competitors, Samsung miscalculated and seriously set itself up. By early September, official representatives of the Korean company announced that they were launching a global campaign to return defective gadgets. They offered to exchange the phones for the same model, but supposedly from a new batch. Less than a couple of days later, the situation repeated itself on a new scale. People began to turn to Samsung even more often, cars began to burn, property began to deteriorate, people suffered, receiving serious burns. At a certain point, the Koreans backed down, deciding to stop selling and assembling the phone.

    Causes of problems with Galaxy Note 7

    More than six months later, as of January 2017, the company did not give any clear comments about the incident. Many analysts and people familiar with the company's activities say that the company's engineers are unable to reproduce the explosion in the laboratory.

    Independent organizations are inclined to believe that the explosion occurs due to problems with the power controller. The complex (dense) design of the smartphone, including a curved display, caused contact between two parts of the battery: the cathode and the anode, which, in turn, led to excessive heating. A lithium battery always tends to rise in temperature, this is normal, but the manufacturer should have taken care that at a certain moment the smartphone would be deprived of power. Unfortunately, it did not happen. And, no matter how careful users were with their Samsung, battery explosion has become a widespread problem affecting everyone without exception.

    Consequences for the company

    To understand how such an incident turned out for the company, it is enough to put yourself in their shoes. What will the consumer think about a product that has suddenly become a laughing stock and a threat to life? Most likely, he will avoid it. But one thing is a reputation that is there today, gone tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow there again; real facts are another thing. The company suffered losses, quite serious and significant for the mobile division - $22 billion. Phones were remotely prevented from charging to avoid further explosions.

    On this moment the phone is not being produced, the company is investigating and we can only hope that the battery exploded Samsung Note 7 will serve as a lesson to Koreans that will make them stronger.

    iPhone explosion cases

    Despite its special position in the smartphone market and minimum level marriage, even an Apple smartphone can turn into an improvised bomb. One of the most recent cases was the explosion of a novelty from Apple, iPhone smartphone 7, which one of the fans allegedly ordered on the Internet, and received an already damaged gadget.

    There was no confirmation regarding the spontaneous combustion of the iPhone, and this incident was written off as the usual fanning of rumors. Fortunately for owners of new smartphones from California, the explosion of the iPhone battery was only one of the few caused by improper operation (in in this case excessive physical impact) rather than a widespread problem.

    Other reported cases of iPhone explosions resulted from short circuit resulting from use from a third party manufacturer.

    How to avoid an explosion?

    The simplest thing any user can do is to look at the instructions at least once in their life and find out how dangerous the battery in a smartphone is and what kind of care it requires.

    Always follow exactly temperature regime, do not leave your smartphone in direct sunlight for too long. You cannot remove the battery yourself in smartphones where this option is not provided by the manufacturer ( we're talking about about gadgets with a monolithic body).

    Give preference to devices that have at least some name, time-tested, and avoid impulsively purchasing the most “top” new products.

    The main thing you need to understand is that the explosion lithium battery this is real and very dangerous, if possible, do not leave gadgets on charge unattended, who knows at what point the technology will fail and a fire will occur.

    What's next?

    Now in terms of technology, lithium batteries are the cheapest, yet most energy efficient option for mobile devices and other electronics. Naturally, this type batteries are still a priority.

    They can replace it. Despite its terrible name, this type of battery is completely harmless to humans, and will allow the gadget to live on a single charge many times longer than it does now. Unfortunately, development in this area is happening rather slowly and progress should not be expected in the near future. Perhaps the explosion of the Samsung Note 7 battery will not be in vain and will force engineers working in the field information technologies, hurry up.


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