Which is better Android, Windows or iOS. Which is better: Android or iOS? Comparison

Before going out to buy a new smartphone or tablet, the buyer makes a difficult choice: iOS or Android. As a result, each person makes his choice based on personal beliefs and the advice of other users. We decided to do comparative analysis, which can help many users decide what exactly will be more convenient, practical, cheaper, etc. for them. We are not trying to show one opponent in the best light and the other in the opposite light. Only adequate criticism and comparison. We present to your attention the modern requirements of users; we will not describe who has a “cooler” processor and more “RAM”, because these issues can be debated forever.

Mobile environment

In 2014, when choosing a tablet, player or smartphone, the main criteria are not specifications like processor, camera resolution or memory capacity. They are more or less the same Android devices, and on gadgets with iOS. The main requirement for an advanced user is the mobile ecosystem.
The mobile ecosystem is the potential for creating applications and their relevance.
And in this Android issue definitely loses to iOS. The most active users of smartphones and tablets are owners Apple gadgets. This is why the creators of all successful and popular applications focus on iOS. Only then do these applications, games and utilities reach Android and Windows. For example, 90% of Wheely users are owners of Apple gadgets. Another question is that there are not many such “advanced users”, so Android is the leader in sales.

Flash technologies and data transfer

If you meet a person who had a gadget on both Android OS and iOS, and ask him what is the advantage of Android, then with a 95% probability he will answer you: “You can download the game to your phone via USB.” Yes, Android users do not need to download an equivalent of iTunes, you just connect to your PC and download everything you need to your phone: from music to games. Whatever you say, with the advent of the Internet people have become accustomed to “downloading” music rather than buying it in online stores. Whether this is good or bad is not for us to judge. But! The quality of licensed content from iTunes is a level higher than pirated mp3. In terms of Flash technologies, both Android and iOS are now at the same level. Although just a year ago, iOS was far behind Android.

Interface and design

We continue the fight between Android vs iOS. If you have not yet decided for yourself which is better - Google Android or iOS Apple, then we continue to fight. There is a tendency that the iPhone is the choice of the successful. If you think that this is a stupid misconception, and that rich people buy Apple technology only because of fashion, then you are mistaken. iPhone on iOS has become popular among businessmen because it is convenient. For people whose time is valuable, the iPhone is suitable precisely because it can save that very time. Nice design allows you to have a good time with your gadget and focus on work: write messages to the right people, respond to in social networks, and do all these actions without unnecessary movements and glitches.

And the gadgets themselves, and software Apple looks great. If Android devices also have an attractive design, then boast an equally attractive Android interface can not. The iOS device looks great both in the hand of a student and in the hand of an entrepreneur. The iOS interface wins over Android in terms of attractiveness; even ardent Android fans cannot find anything to object to. Not only the system, but also applications on iOS almost always look more beautiful than on Android. Just compare this item when choosing a smartphone in the store. Sometimes it gets ridiculous - icons of the same applications on different platforms look different: on Android they are more blurry. Another thing is that applications work identically on two platforms, the hardware is almost the same, so the debate “which is better” is not appropriate here.

Who is stronger?

Which retains its functionality better: Android or iOS? The Apple platform also wins in this matter. Thanks to the fact that Apple has been honing its system for years and refining its design, iGadgets are more stable than their competitors. The appearance of brakes after a year of using an Android smartphone is a common occurrence. Therefore, the Apple system turned out to be better here, because tablets or phones with the “i” prefix work quietly for 3-4 years without brakes. Android will have to be reinstalled from time to time.

As for repairs, fix it Android gadget much simpler, these devices are better suited for repair work. The Android system crashes more often than on iOS devices, but reinstalling Android will not be difficult. This is easier to do than Apple. Android user does not wait for a message after flashing that mobile connection blocked due to the fact that you installed an unlicensed system. Android has more freedom, for some this is a decisive factor. Others are ready for a “golden cage” for the sake of more reliable performance, style, and comfort.

Let's sum it up

As you understand, it is impossible to decide which is better - iOS or OS from Google Android. The last thing we will touch on is freedom of action. There is less of it in iOS. It will be easier for an Android user to customize an Android gadget for themselves by changing a number of parameters better than optimizers did before. But not every tablet or smartphone owner needs this feature. But there are also plenty of amateur hackers, because thanks to their efforts, jailbreaks for iOS and Root rights for Android appear. For those who do not particularly need to know all the functionality and capabilities of the device, it is better to opt for technology from Apple.

So let's summarize. The main advantage of Android is free access to files, settings, and the ability to download any content for free. The main advantage of iOS is practicality and convenience. In other respects, the two top gadgets from Apple and Samsung are equal - powerful processors, huge amount of memory. There are exclusives for both the Apple operating system and Android from Google. We hope that you will determine what is best for you specifically. Happy shopping!

Which is better Android or iPhone? We will look for answers to this eternal question in today’s article.

When buying the most fashionable gadget, many are guided by their personal motivation - some choose by cost, others by design, functionality, brand. And someone according to all these criteria at the same time. Modern smartphones and tablets have different software, the most popular of which are: Android, iPhone (iOS platform), Windows OS. The latter is not so popular among our compatriots; most often users prefer Android and iOS.

Side by side comparison

For anyone who cares about the design of a smartphone, you can find many designs from manufacturers with the Android system. There is certainly room for your soul to wander here - a variety of display diagonals, the number of speakers, case material, protection against shock and moisture, etc.

Speaking of the iPhone, the laconic design here has not changed dramatically for a very long time. The body shape is the same back cover up to version 4 it was round, but then it “leveled out”. The sides of the case with version 4 also became smoother. But further, no significant difference was noticeable externally. Only the diagonal of the display increased, the material of the case and the color scheme changed. As before, this smartphone retained a universal design that looks harmonious on both a successful businessman and a glamorous diva.

Photo: iPhone 5S model
Photo: Android smartphone model

It cannot be said that the iPhone is more beautiful, and other smartphone manufacturers (Lenovo, Samsung, Sony, Moto, HTC and others) have not finalized the models. Among the assortment of smartphone designs, you can find a very worthy model. Therefore, at this point we do not single out the leader.

Assembly and parts

Since iPhones have been improving their internal components for quite a long time, the quality of their parts and assembly is excellent. Many manufacturers using the Android operating system are more focused on the number and variety of models than on build quality. Rarely do models come out that adequately represent gadgets in their class. But their cost is much higher than other common models (often on par with iPhones).

Can't even compare example iPhone 7 and Lenovo K5. Of course, here the Apple smartphone wins many times over in terms of build quality. But the price also differs significantly (almost 5 times). But the Samsung S7 could compete with it in terms of quality of parts and assembly. And the price of Samsung is slightly lower than the price of iPhone.

According to statistics, iPhones last much longer than devices with the Android system. Selling an iPhone is much easier and more profitable than selling Android smartphones. This is due not only to the build quality, but also to the software.

And yet, the build quality of the “apple” must be given due credit. In this it succeeds compared to competitors with Android OS. Therefore, when figuring out which is better android or iPhone in terms of build quality, we give preference to the latter.

Software, applications

Before moving on to this comparison, it is worth noting that only iPhones use the iOS operating system, but many devices use Android different companies. Therefore, the comparison will take place precisely of these two platforms, rather than specific models smartphones.

1. Platform protection. iOS is a fairly closed platform that does not have any alternatives. iPhones and software for them are produced by one manufacturer, so it is easier to control the compatibility of devices than with Android. Android is open to all sorts of updates that are not suitable for all devices. This may affect system performance and stability.

2. Apple App Store very carefully selects applications that can get onto the device. That's why they work more stably on iPhones than on the Android system. Only a small percentage malware and applications can get onto the iPhone. The Android store is more clogged with all this and the chance of “picking up” spam and viruses on it is much higher. iOS does not support multimedia platform Adobe Flash, which provided viewing of flash videos and flash applications online on Internet resources. It is Adobe Flash (according to unconfirmed data) that can lead to the entry of “harmful substances” into the system and increased energy consumption. According to rumors, it will soon be abandoned and this will equalize the capabilities of these two platforms.

3. Games have become quite popular on smartphones. On iPhones with iOS platform and is present on gadgets with Android a large number of games. True, in both cases there is a fragmentation problem (application/game extensions do not match the display extensions and performance).

4. Navigation capabilities. In both cases, the device has GPS navigation, which works exactly by connecting the device to the Internet. Here the Android platform has succeeded over iOS. For iPhones, cards are a fairly new phenomenon. Therefore they are not as perfect as Google Maps, which are often used by Android owners.

5. User-friendly interface. Android is a little more difficult to understand than iPhone iOS system. Much more convenient and easier to understand. But at the same time, “apples” do not have as many functions for changing themes, wallpapers, and widgets as Android does. Therefore, those who like to adjust everything to their needs will be delighted with the latter.

By all accounts, we can conclude that iOS for iPhone is more adapted, secure and reliable than Android for smartphones.


The iPhone manufacturer slightly underestimated the energy consumption of its smartphone and awarded the 7 Plus version lithium-ion battery capacity of 2900 mAh. For this type of smartphone with a 5.5’’ display, this is clearly a deficiency. By latest reviews About the 7th iPhone, with moderate use it loses its charge in just over a day. And if you use it regularly, you will have to recharge the device much more often. Service life is measured in battery life. At normal use it will last up to 3 years.

Android smartphones have a wide variety of batteries. For example, Lenovo P2 with a 5.5" display has a battery capacity of 5000 mAh, and Meizu M3 with a 6" display has a battery capacity of 4100 mAh. These are more realistic indicators that are necessary for full maintenance of the OS and display. The service life is no different from an iPhone. But not all smartphone models have such a significant capacity, so it is impossible to say for sure based on this parameter that Android or iPhone is better.


If we take into account the number of devices that have Android software, then among them you can find a wide variety in display diagonals, number of colors, and screen resolution. On iPhones this range is more limited. Only latest versions increased in size. Before this, there were 3.5" and 4" formats, at that time Android smartphones were produced 1-1.5'' larger.

Also, the popular Samsung brand has released a smartphone - s7 edge, which for the first time uses the side curves of the display instead of their borders. Among the buyers of this gadget you can only find positive reviews. Many even say that it is much cooler than the latest iPhone.

As for the display, it must be said that you can find much better characteristics in Android smartphones, fortunately, the choice of manufacturers and models allows.

Accessories and spare parts

In this matter without unnecessary words You can immediately give the palm to iPhones. Due to the relatively small model range, accessories are produced for them in very large volumes. If your headset is lost or damaged, finding a new original one is not a problem. The same applies to charger. The abundance of covers, linings, and bumpers is simply amazing.

This cannot be said about Android smartphones, which, due to the wide model range don't have as many accessories. The charging sockets in them have the same format, the headset jack is also standard 3.5 mm. Moreover, non-original options are also suitable. But if it comes to a banal bumper or protective film, then it is not always possible to find them for the desired model. Manufacturers of such accessories simply cannot keep up with the pace of release of new Android devices.

Also, if your smartphone breaks down, you can easily find any part for your iPhone. Almost all repairmen and service centers. Android devices do not boast of this. Finding, for example, a display on any Meizu is almost impossible. This makes rare smartphone models practically disposable. If it broke, I threw it away. Only popular ones, which have been put on sale in a decent volume, have a chance of at least getting Chinese spare parts.

Connectors and SIM cards

What a shame, having 2 SIM cards in use, knowing that when buying an iPhone, you will have to forget about one of them. Or buy another phone. Nowadays this is absolutely not practical.

Among smartphones on the Android platform, you can rarely find copies that have only 1 SIM card slot.

Although not everyone needs to use several SIM cards, but one is enough. In this case, these devices are on equal terms and it is impossible to say that an Android or an iPhone is better.

The charger connectors in iPhones and smartphones on another platform are radically different. For Apple there is a unique Lightning connector, and for Android smartphones there is another, very common one. micro USB. For the headset in both cases the jack is the same.

Photo: iPhone charging connector
Photo: Android charging connector

It’s impossible to say that the connector is better in some places and worse in others. Therefore, here they are equal.

Camera and speakers

As for the camera in iPhones, it has amazing characteristics. Especially when it comes to latest models. Even the iPhone's 12 megapixel camera is superior to many Android options different manufacturers. Unless only Sony can create healthy competition, and not all models from this manufacturer.

Macro photography with an iPhone looks much sharper and has better color rendition. The same applies to shooting in backlight. Portrait photography also looks very impressive. The noise level when shooting at dawn, sunset, or in a dim room is acceptable low. Not all smartphones from well-known manufacturers that use the Android platform can boast such characteristics.

Photo: iPhone 6s camera
Photo: Android camera

Therefore, if you choose which is better, Android or iPhone, then the latter is a big plus.

Photo: iPhone 5 speakers
Photo: Android smartphone speakers

Manufacturer service

Arriving anywhere in the world, you can find a specialized service or store to service your iPhone. They are located in almost all major cities. The service is so good that the owners of this gadget have virtually no problems with it - any issues are quickly resolved.

To service your Android smartphone, you need to find a representative office specific manufacturer. For example, Samsung can also be found in almost every corner of the world. This also applies to LG customer service centers. IN Lately and Lenovo is trying to improve the service.

Consequently, Apple cares more about customer service than other manufacturers.

Comparison results

When choosing between two smartphone platforms, you need to cast aside all doubts and follow your intuition. The times when you won’t surprise anyone with an iPhone have long come. And before choosing your smartphone, think about whether you want to surprise others or just use a reliable and feature phone, and for adequate money. Do you want to be the most original? Buy a push-button phone! What, as an option...

Dear readers! If you have any questions or comments on the topic of the article, please leave them below.

How to unlock the screen or listen to a podcast on iOS, each of our readers probably knows. But what is the situation with performing simple system functions? Android? And which of these two systems has the simplest “simplicity”? Famous publication CNN conducted a case study on 15 parameters.

In contact with

Let's start with the functions it handles better iPhone.


Thanks to the fingerprint scanner smartphone Apple does not require the user to remember any numbers at all. Android smartphones have a similar function. Samsung. Other devices have operating systems Google there is the ability to log in via facial recognition - not a very reliable thing, I must say.


“Favorites” is done much better on Android (see image. But Google doesn’t have a worthy analogue even today - so in the end, iOS still wins.

Take a photo/record a video

Android has great camera apps, you can view photos in full screen mode by default, but iPhone camera- much better. But it’s still better to manage photos on Android. Well, iCloud is a complete nightmare, the CNN journalist is sure.


Apple has iTunes - that says it all.

Checking email

Apple will automatically recognize your settings Exchange For work email. "Stock" Android client For Email it looks worse and provides fewer options for working with mail.

Vibration mode

The iPhone has a physical switch. On Android you need to turn on the smartphone screen and hold down Power button. In other words, take more actions - so the iPhone wins.


Starting with iOS 7, every iPhone has a handy flashlight - it's located in the Control Center and is called up by swiping from the bottom of the screen. On Android you need to download special application, which usually needs a lot of system permissions.

And now - the functions that Android handles better


Basic Android keyboard better than its iOS counterpart, including swipe gestures. What’s especially valuable is that punctuation marks fit on the same screen as letters (Apple, can’t you do the same?!). True, iOS has closed the gap on another point - now Apple users also have the opportunity to install .

"What time is it now?"

iPhone displays the clock only after the owner's action - you need to press or Home button, or the power button. Motorola, Samsung and HTC have smart cases and sensors that automatically display the time on the screen when you take the gadget out of your pocket. There is also a special screensaver on Android, whose responsibilities include showing the clock on the locked screen.

Using and organizing apps

Apple and Google have long ago resolved all their problems with the app store. But Android turns out to be head and shoulders above in organizing them. The most important things are on the main screen, the unnecessary is removed to the background. iPhone apps in folders look cluttered. Besides, Android widgets much more useful than similar offerings from Apple.


You can respond to notifications immediately, without going into the application itself. There is no such thing in Android - but it is more convenient to delete them. Just one swipe and you're done. And also on Android Google Now, which magically notifies the user when to leave so as not to miss the next meeting.


Google Maps is the best mobile app throughout the history of the genre. It is available on both iPhone and Android, but it is native only on Google’s operating system. It means that voice assistant Siri cannot take advantage of the full power of the Google map - it only has its own, far away.

Voice commands

While we're on the subject of digital assistants... Siri isn't a stupid assistant, but it can only really do so much. To be honest, Google Now isn't much better. But it can be activated by voice command - the famous “ OK Google».

...As a result, CNN counted 7 “wins” for iPhone and 6 for Android smartphones, with two draws (using contacts and search).

Of course, as in any study, there is an element of subjectivity (and where would we be without it?), and there are some omissions (what about comparing the capabilities of browsers?). What do you think about these comparisons, dear readers? Is Android really getting close to iOS, or...or does the CNN editor just have an Android phone? Share your opinion in the comments, friends!

On this moment electronic world filled with mass mobile devices, tablets and laptops of various types. For most people, life without means cellular communications is already unthinkable, and residents of large cities use smartphones so actively that they have simply become their salvation in any situation. In this regard, competition in the software market and in this area is significantly intensifying. The battle between operating systems can be considered one of the most decisive confrontations between mobile giants. It is the question of which is better: Android or iOS that has increasingly become a concern for modern users. Both systems are represented by major players in the mobile device market, so it is understandable why people want the best product.

Now it is impossible to say specifically which is better: Android or iOS, since the first system is newer than the second. It is developing dynamically, winning the attention of more and more users. However, the second has become a proven assistant for many fans of Apple products. Each system has its own tangible pros and cons, which usually depend on the tastes of the users. Such people not only choose one product, but also identify themselves as supporters of one or another option quite categorically.

If we talk about which is better: Android or iOS, then it is worth considering the fundamental differences between these systems. First of all, it is worth mentioning the design, which users like or dislike solely depending on their individual preferences. If we talk about the convenience of the interface, then the advantage is in this case on Android, since widgets and icons are very easy to install here. On all equipment from Apple widgets are located in a special menu, for which you need to go into the settings, and this is very inconvenient.

Both operating systems have a large number of applications, but Android has well-designed multitasking. Apple products up to and including the iPhone 4S will close old apps when new ones are opened, which in some cases significantly reduces functionality.

When figuring out which is better: Android or iOS, it’s worth talking about personalization and customization. Here we can give a slight advantage to the second system, since it has more stable operation of specialized firmware compared to similar Android products. Both systems have excellent browser support, as well as social networking. It's hard to say why iOS is better Android, since both platforms support many programs for transferring videos and photos, as well as text information in real time. However, for the Apple product there is more fast connection on Wi-Fi protocols and 3G, which makes working with the Internet much more convenient.

The advantage of iOS is that it is more stable work applications and the absence of viruses. Program code The system is closed, which protects the user from unwanted software. With Android the situation is a little different. Viruses here are ordinary situation, which can be solved by installing anti-virus software that provides protection even during the installation of programs. Applications for iOS are provided only for a fee; competitors have a whole set of freely distributed ones.

It is clear that it is impossible to unambiguously call one or another system the best, since each of them has pros and cons, by paying attention to which, the user will be able to make the best choice for himself.

The confrontation between the two giants of the IT industry has been going on for almost a decade. During this time, Apple and Google managed to radically change the market several times mobile gadgets. And yet – which is better, Android or iOS? Today we will compare these two operating systems from different angles and try to honestly determine the winner.


The differences between the two platforms have historical background. More Steve Jobs criticized Android for, in his opinion, the main drawback of this OS - open source. Jobs has repeatedly pointed out that Android is an extremely complex platform precisely because open source. Apple itself has a policy full control for your brainchild, third party developers can only access individual elements operating system.

The first version of iOS was called iPhone OS 1 and was introduced on January 9, 2007 (at the same time the first iPhone was presented). iOS is built on software components developed by Apple and NeXT - the XNU kernel and the Darwin system. Let us remind you that third-party developers can gain access to the Apple device emulator only after paying a monthly subscription of $99. Until March 2008, such an opportunity did not exist at all, because Steve Jobs was not going to “open the hood” to other IT enthusiasts.

Android OS had a lot of problems at launch. Initially, Google bought out a small division that developed operating systems for push-button phones. However, the presentation of the first iPhone completely broke everything Google plans, because the mobile device with touch screen was a huge breakthrough compared to conventional push-button phones. Therefore, the development of the first Android versions had to be urgently reoriented in a completely new direction. The first build of Android appeared in HTC smartphone Dream in September 2008. However, it took another year to finalize certain aspects of the system, and only in 2009 could Android compete with iOS in any way.

Since the “green robot” is based on Linux, the OS initially supports the open source philosophy. This means that any developer has the right to modify the original Android code, paying a one-time fee of $25. This factor contributed to the emergence of hundreds third party firmware, shells and even custom Android-based OSs.


The average user doesn’t care what is hidden in the code of his smartphone. He doesn't care at all about comparing iOS and Android on this matter. To date, the performance and adaptability of these systems to different tasks is approximately at the same level. And if everything is clear with iOS (constant software updates, support for old iPhone versions), then with Android things are somewhat more complicated.

The fact is that Apple only needs to support one line mobile phones, which are also very similar to each other in terms of architecture. But before Google task more complicated, because this OS is present in very different smartphones. Accordingly, the system needs to be adapted to different classes of devices. For example, Android from a cheap budget phone is completely unsuitable for a flagship, and vice versa.

In many ways, the situation is made easier by the manufacturers of these same smartphones. They produce branded software shells, adapted to the specific technical needs of the device and a certain category of buyers. This is where a huge number of pitfalls lie - not every smartphone from a third-party manufacturer receives timely and regular updates OS, they often run on outdated Android until the end of their life. Them Apple time updates iPhone 5 to the latest iOS versions(however, the phone still works with a noticeable delay).


Again, from a layman's point of view, Android and iOS are almost identical in their capabilities. Indeed, most popular applications are available on both platforms; both operating systems support approximately the same technical features. However, dig a little deeper and you'll realize how flexible and versatile Android is compared to iOS.

Firstly, operating system from Google can change a huge number technical parameters phone (from the brightness of the LED flash to changes in system files devices). To do this, you will first need to install root rights, which will unlock these functions. Of course, this procedure is quite complicated and requires certain qualifications from the user.

Overall, Android is a good choice for those who rely more on fine tuning huge amount parameters rather than a beautiful “wrapper”. The OS can run in normal mode with functionality that will suit the average user. iOS has strict limitations in this matter, which are quite difficult to get around.


When it comes to interface, individual customer preferences play the greatest role. "Hardcore" users Apple technology steadfastly reject all offers to try Android devices, arguing that this is imperfect appearance this one. In fact, the latest versions of both operating systems are practically indistinguishable from each other in terms of usability.

However, this state of affairs was not always the case; several years ago, Apple was significantly ahead of all its competitors in terms of intuitiveness of iOS design. The principle of skeuomorphism (similar to real objects) greatly helped iPhones become the fastest devices in terms of their development even by the most “distant” users.

The huge lead narrowed and then completely disappeared with Android release 5.0, built on the principle Material Design. The update was warmly received by users and even won over some devotees. Apple fans. Today, lock screens, notification centers, main menus and settings of both OSes have approximately the same hierarchy.

Element Navigation iPhone interface and an Android smartphone are built on almost the same logic. At the same time, the second one retains more than wide choose in customization. For example, Apple devices cannot enable/disable data transfer in the menu quick settings. You have to constantly use a combination of the “Flight” mode and Wi-Fi turned on - not the most convenient solution.


Despite all its advantages and/or disadvantages, Apple remains the most significant brand in the smartphone market. The company's fan base was formed under the influence of significant historical factors and even personalities, such as Steve Jobs himself. At the same Google time is not going to lag behind the global giant and offers users more and more new functional solutions.

So which is better? Only you can answer this question correctly, because the difference between iOS and Android lies in small details. They determine the attractiveness of a particular system for each buyer. Want more amenities? Choose iPhone X – latest achievement Apple. More functionality? pay attention to huge selection Android flagships. In general, the chances of both operating systems are equal. Friendship won!

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