What to do and what to do if the GPS system on Android does not work - guide. What to do if the navigator does not see satellites


Every owner of a car GPS navigator has at least once encountered the fact that the device shows something wrong, or in the wrong direction, or not right. Why are they deceiving us? And which navigator should I buy so as not to regret it later?

TO arts and brains

The most common diseases of navigators are incorrect determination of the real location and crooked route planning. Most often, the device asks the driver to drive extra kilometers, drawing unjustified loops and squiggles on the screen, and can even lead to a dead end.

There are several reasons why he does this. In short, the cards, computer brains and the “human factor” are to blame.
“The navigator determines the coordinates of its location - latitude and longitude, by communicating with satellites, then marks this point on the geographic grid, and not on the map itself,” explains navigation specialist, founder of the Tropokhod company Artem Frolov.

Maps, according to him, are a kind of “substrate” that connects a real location and a coordinate geographic grid.
- If the marked coordinates on the map correspond to, for example, a lake, the device will show that you are in the lake. Errors in location determination are usually caused by inaccuracies in cartography.

And the more inaccuracies in maps the further the territory is from large cities and the borders of the European Union. According to another expert, Sergei Zhukov, head of the cartography department of the Navicom company, a distributor of the Garmin brand in Russia, electronic terrain maps began to be made in Europe in 2000, and in Russia only in 2005.

Five years of head start makes itself felt, the detail is higher there,” he says. - In Europe everyone locality mapped with full address. But in Russia, somewhere in the village of Khlyupkino, the navigator will not find the desired house. Although it will take you to the village.
And with that, thank you.

Left Garmin Secret

There are two global manufacturers in the world today navigation maps and geographic information systems are the companies NAVTEQ (USA) and Tele Atlas (Netherlands). It is their databases that are used by most navigation systems and network cards, their clients include, for example, Google maps, Yahoo! Maps and others.

The cars of these companies, equipped with 5 cameras and special equipment, drive everywhere and draw a so-called “graph” of roads - in essence, they link objects to coordinate grid. In Europe, coverage is 100% of the territory, says Artem Folov.

There are also manufacturers of navigation systems in Russia, the largest of which produce software under the brands CityGuide and Navitel. This software is often installed in Chinese GPS navigators.

Expert Frolov suggests that domestic producers electronic cards They use third-party databases and, to “legitimize” their activities, they also take information from printed cartographic publications and “draw the turns themselves.”
“Because purchasing a road graph from NAVTEQ or Tele Atlas is very expensive,” he says.

Errors, he said, exist in all electronic maps. And, accordingly, all navigators can lie and plot routes crookedly. For example, due to an elementary error invisible to the eye - the lack of just one pixel in the drawing of a road line, the navigator can “go crazy” and start drawing loops and detours many kilometers long.

There was a real case,” says Artem Frolov. - A map update has been released for the most popular GPS navigator. It turned out that the Moscow Highway had a one-pixel break in the Tosno area. The computer did not see that there was a road there, and plotted a detour along some country roads. In the next map update, the company corrected this error... However, they made a bunch of others.

Popular Garmin navigators can plot strange routes not only because of errors in the maps, but also because the device is afraid of left turns.
“There is such a thing - optimization for the driver,” explains Sergei Zhukov, “that is, the program is written in such a way that when constructing a route, the device tries to avoid turning left.

In this case, optimization of the route by speed or distance, set by the driver, will be of secondary importance. The device can draw a path with loops, curves, long and long, but without any left turns or with a minimum number of them.

Even if this “optimization” interferes, it cannot be undone. The function is embedded in a program written by American specialists. Device buyers are not warned about this little “left secret” - device sellers seem to know nothing about it.

Source of irritation

But still, the most common reason for the strange behavior of navigators, according to experts, is the human factor. Device settings that need to be set manually are rarely changed. For example, if the “avoid non-main roads” checkbox is checked, the navigator will route you exclusively along highways, or vice versa, if the “avoid highways” checkbox is checked, it will lead you along country roads, etc.
Therefore, if the device behaves strangely, you should first check the settings.
Before long trip It is imperative to update the maps so that all dead ends, closed and newly built roads are included in the “brain” of the device.
Manual control is also necessary near the borders of the Russian Federation.

If you have two maps installed - Europe and Russia, the roads in them may not connect due to the fact that the maps are made by different manufacturers or different release periods,” explains Sergei Zhukov. - They may overlap each other, so normal routing may not work at the edge. Switching cards will help. We reached abroad - turned off the map of the Russian Federation, turned on Europe... And if two maps are turned on at the same time, it is unknown what the electronic brains will choose, says an expert from Navikom.

According to him, it is better not to use a navigator at all if the route is known.
- Because he still won’t build the route the way you want. He will only annoy you.

What to buy so as not to regret it

There are two types of navigators on the St. Petersburg market: Garmin (USA) and all others, usually made in China. To decide what type of navigator to buy, you must first understand where you will be traveling with it and what software to use for this. Because Chinese devices are essentially mini-computers into which you can install any software. Garmin navigators They only work with Garmin software - nothing else can be installed in them. This is both a plus and a minus of this device.

Garmin is considered a reliable brand with adequate software. His branded map “Roads of Russia” shows all the highways and country roads of a large country quite well, the map of Europe is also up to par. However, when driving around St. Petersburg, according to experts, Garmin can act weird. In navigation around the northern capital, it is inferior to another manufacturer of electronic maps - the CityGuide company.
- CityGuide is located in St. Petersburg and has its own traffic jam service. If you only travel around St. Petersburg, then this is the ideal software,” says Artem Frolov.

But in Garmin map CityGuide cannot be installed. But it’s easy in any Chinese navigator.

To travel around Russia, the specialist advises using Navitel maps (for the Chinese) or Roads of Russia for Garmin (as a rule, it is already preinstalled there).

Maps of Europe from all manufacturers, according to him, are almost identical. iGO software from the Hungarian company Nav N Go is very popular. These maps, by the way, can be found for free on the Internet.

Moreover, they are updated quite regularly, and in terms of accuracy and detail they are approximately on the same level as Garmin, says Artem Frolov.
Even though Garmin is considered a heavyweight brand in GPS navigation, Chinese devices can also work well. However, choosing them is much more difficult - due to the variety of brands and sometimes unjustified price ranges. Thus, the same device in different stores in St. Petersburg can cost from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles. Artem Frolov advises buying navigators from those manufacturers that have fewer defects and have normal after-sales service. In his opinion, these are companies: teXet, Lexand, Prestigio ( trademark GeoVision).

By the way

A study was conducted in the UK, which revealed that GPS navigator instructions are constantly ignored by 83% of men and 75% of women drivers. More than a third of respondents reported that when calculating the route, navigators “lied” by 1.5 - 8 km.

Good day, viewers, I would like to answer a little the questions that you ask most often, how to avoid certain errors in navigators.
So, let's look at what to do and where to click.

Common problems

1. The navigator writes “memory full”

Reason: 1. RAM The navigator is occupied by unfinished applications and their temporary files.
Solution: 1. click RESET button. For most navigators, it is located on the back wall of the case or on the side wall on the side of the charging socket.

2. The navigator does not respond to the power button

Reason: 1. The battery is completely discharged 2. Physical damage to the activation mechanism.
Solution: 1. Put the navigator on charge (most navigators do not show signs of operation when the battery charge is less than 10%; after charging at least 10% or more, it will turn on automatically and show a charging indicator on the display) 2. When mechanical damage need to contact service center Navigator manufacturer.

3.The navigator does not respond to pressing the display

Reason: 1. Navigator frozen 2. Physical damage touch screen.
Solution: 1. press the RESET button. For most navigators, it is located on the back wall of the case or on the side wall on the side of the charging socket. 2. In case of mechanical damage, you need to contact the service center of the navigator manufacturer.

4. When you press the touch display, it reacts in a different part of the screen

Reason: 1. Display calibration is broken.
Solution: 1. Calibrate the display (in most navigators, display calibration is started through the settings. After clicking the calibration button, the White screen with a cross. You need to press strictly on the center of the cross, it will move across the screen until the display is calibrated. After calibration, a 20-second countdown will begin before the settings are applied. Just tap anywhere on the screen to speed up saving)

5. A white screen with a cross in the center appeared

Reason: 1. The display calibration settings have been reset.
Solution: 2. Calibrate the display.

6. No sound

Reason: 1. The volume of the navigator is reduced to minimum or turned off. 2. FM transmitter is on 3. Speaker is physically damaged
Solution: 1. Go to settings and increase the volume. 2. Go to the settings and turn off the FM transmitter (when the FM transmitter is turned on, the built-in speaker is turned off, and the sound is transmitted via the selected radio wave) 3. In case of mechanical damage, you need to contact the service center of the navigator manufacturer.

7. When you click on the navigation button, nothing happens or an error appears

Reason: 1. The navigation program was damaged or deleted 2. The path settings were reset navigation program.
Solution: 1. Turn off the navigator, remove the memory card, turn on the navigator and wait 5-10 seconds (most navigators emit sound signal after turning on when a card is detected)

8. The navigator is not charging

Reason: 1. Defective Charger 2. The charging socket in the navigator is faulty. 3. The charger is not suitable.
Solution: 1. Check the fuse in the charger 2. In case of mechanical damage, you need to contact the service center of the navigator manufacturer. 3. Buy a charger from the same manufacturer (some navigators have a special wiring of the charging socket contacts, in this case, a charger from other companies can damage the microcircuit)

9. How many programs can be installed in the navigator without interfering with correct operation.

Answer: The number of programs may not be limited, especially if you put them on a memory card, the main thing is that they do not work simultaneously.


1. Doesn't show location

Reason: 1. The GPS receiver is turned off or not detected. 2. Physical damage to the built-in GPS receiver
Solution: 1. Turn on or identify the GPS receiver (the status of the satellites can be viewed in the menu by clicking on the “page” button. You can turn on the receiver from the cockpit mode, in the upper left corner. If the antenna icon gray, that means it's off. When you click on it, it will prompt you to turn it on.)

2. Maps not found (how to set up the path)

Reason: the path of the navigation maps was not specified or the maps were not loaded.
Solution: go to the map settings and specify the path to the maps (by default this is the “Maps” folder in the “NavitelContent” folder. If the maps were uploaded to another directory, you need to specify it.)

3. Does not allow scrolling of the map, returns it to its place

Reason: “auto return” function is enabled
Solution: go to navigation settings, “scale”. Uncheck "automatic scaling"

4. How to find the metro (cinema, hospital, restaurant, etc.)

Answer: in the search menu, click “nearest”, then select the category of the object. If you cannot determine which category an object belongs to, click “all types”


1. The program does not show the location

Reason: 1. GPS receiver is not connected 2. Physical damage to GPS receiver.
Solution: 1. Go to settings, select “GPS” on the second tab, then uncheck “GPS off.” and click “auto search” in the lower right corner. 2. In case of mechanical damage, you need to contact the service center of the navigator manufacturer.

2. How to see which maps are loaded into the program

Answer: Go to settings, select “information” on the second tab, then click “maps” in the panel below.

3. The voice prompts stutter

Reason: The program's voice package conflicts with the device.
Solution: in the file “SYS.TXT” add the line:
(the file is in the IGO8 folder) if the line already exists, just change the value.

1. How to find out your SIM card number
Answer: *111*0887#
2. How to find out your balance through the program
Answer: Go to settings, select SIM, the program will show the SIM card number and balance.


1. How to find a village if it is not in the city search

Answer: select “where”, then click “cities” and type the full name of the village. The program will show a list of all areas, all that remains is to find the one you need.

2. How to find a street if it is not in the street search

Answer: Select “where”, select the country, then the “search for all cities” button will appear, enter the name of the desired street.

3. When turned on, it says that the card is blocked

Reason: unsuccessful update, not licensed cards.
Solution: restore the card key on the website


Recovery car GPS navigators can be done in two ways: by downloading new firmware and without flashing, using the simplest SOFT-Reset. As for the first method, everything is more or less clear here, since flashing a navigator is completely similar to flashing an ordinary one cell phone, smartphone or communicator. To do this, you will need to download an archive from the Internet to your computer. suitable version firmware and unpack it using an unzip tool.

After this, you need to remove the memory card from the navigator, insert it into the card reader and copy the downloaded file with the firmware to the root directory. Then you should remove the card from the device and insert it back into the navigator.

Now you need to turn on the device and wait for a dialog box to appear asking whether you should start flashing. After your consent, the flashing of your car “friend” will begin. When the installation is complete, click the “Ok” button, after which a window will appear on the navigator screen with further instructions and instructions. This will complete the restoration of the navigator.

Soft reset Setting the navigator to the factory settings that the navigator originally had is called SOFT-Reset. To restore the GPS navigator in this way, you need to go to ResidentFlash, and then to JBSA4UI, where in the jbssetting.ini and jbssetting.ini.bak files in the DefaultSetting=0 line, change “0” to “1”.

After this, restart the navigator and go to the “Settings” - “Info” folder. At the bottom you will see 3 icons: “ USB Settings", "Navigation path" and Werkseins..., the last of which is SOFT-Reset, that is, returning to factory settings. Click on it. After this, a message will appear: “Are you sure you want to restore factory settings?” Click Yes. After some time, the original parameters will return, therefore, your navigator will be restored.


  • Restoring the navigator

GPS navigation- Very popular app in our fast paced life. You can easily find out your location or get directions to absolutely any destination. You can turn on the navigator on various mobile devices: PDA, navigator or phone.


The most acceptable way to connect to navigation is to use the function directly from your mobile phone.
First, you will need the ones you need to navigate the system. Maps are available on the official websites of GPS systems for all interested users. Then go to the menu item with , select “Settings” and “Download maps”. The phone system will redirect you to the required web service. Next, choose a card for the specific region where you live.

Select Maps or Start Navigation. After some time, the first download will occur. On the KMP screen or you will see a map and your location. Then you can safely calculate distances, plot routes and destinations.

To turn on GPS device, you will need to enable the map page. On the menu page, highlight the “Navigation” application and select “Login.” Then highlight the “Enable Map Mode” section and click “Login” again. A page with a map will appear in front of you, on which your dot will blink current location. If you have problems loading, please contact Yandex Maps services or Google Maps, since these maps are most often used in the navigation system.

Since the device mainly serves in, you will need to use one that is convenient for you. dashboard. Then screw it on navigation system using the screws included in the kit. Make sure the system is connected to all necessary contacts. Most systems can be battery operated so you don't need to plug them into on-board computer car. But some systems still only work when the ignition is on. So take into account all the features of the system you purchased.

Navigator is special device, which will help you find your way even in unfamiliar areas, will indicate the path on the map, commenting on it voice tips. It doesn’t matter how you travel, on foot or by car.

You will need

  • - a computer with access to the Internet;
  • - Garmin navigator;
  • - microphone.


Add voices to the navigator, to do this additional file can be downloaded from the official website of the Garmin program, to do this paste into address bar browser link garmin.ru/services/voice/list.php. There is a preview of files on the page, select the one you like and download it to your computer. Then connect the navigator to your computer, go to the Garmin/Voice folder and copy the downloaded files there.

Add your own voices to the navigator. Connect the navigator to your computer, after detecting the device, go to the Garmin/Voice folder, then copy the Russkiy.vpm file to your computer. Download the NonTTSVoiceEditor application to edit the voice file from the link http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/NonTTSVoiceEditor-Download-162575.html.

Run it and add the file you copied from your device. Parse it into several *.wav audio files, with in separate words and commands to replace the standard voices navigator.

Run Audacity app, you can download it from the official website http://audacity.sourceforge.net/?lang=ru to create voice prompts For navigator on one's own. You will also need the TTSVoiceEditor program to listen existing files and replace them with your own. Download the program from here: http://turboccc.wikispaces.com/TTSVoiceEditor#TTSVoiceEditor-Download. Speak the clues into the microphone.

Each time you record, hold down the Rec button. Next, save each voiced hint with a replacement instead of the listened files. After you have completed recording prompts for navigator, compile them from *.wav files into one *.vpm file using NonTTSVoiceEditor and copy it to the Garmin/Voice folder of your device. This way you can add the voices of your loved ones to the navigator so that they can tell you the way on your travels.


  • how to change voice in navigator

There are times when you need to clean or restore your phone or tablet. This happens if you need to sell a device or give it away, or just great amount no more applications needed. IN in this case You need to reset the settings to factory settings.

In this case, the device can be installed in such a way that it can receive the signal through the side windows or orient it towards a special transmission “window”, which many manufacturers provide for their athermal glass. Failure of the receiving antenna One of the most serious causes of loss of communication with satellites is the failure of the GPS antenna. Navigators use two types of antennas - soldered to the board and external, connected to the GPS navigator separately. An antenna soldered to the board is more difficult and more expensive to replace, but this type of antenna fails less often. Replace external antenna much easier.

Why doesn’t the navigator see satellites, and how to fix the problem?

You can easily replace Navitel software yourself by downloading the current version.


Cards current versions will allow the use of new functionality, which are often not available for legacy firmware versions.

Failure of the receiving antenna If the navigator stops finding satellites, the reason may lie in the failure of the receiving antenna.

In order to catch a signal, the antenna needs to be replaced.

If the navigator does not see satellites, the significance may lie precisely in the failure of such an element.

Repairs in this case will be quite expensive, especially if the antenna is soldered to the board.
The Navitel navigator, like any other, can suddenly stop picking up satellites.
In this case, the user should try to determine the source of the failure.

What to do if the navigator does not see satellites and what are the reasons


It is better to entrust such work to a professional. Repairing the GPS receiver is the final stage of troubleshooting technical problem, according to which the navigator stops seeing satellites.


Before carrying out this procedure, you must try to reinstall the Navitel software.

Reinstalling Navitel Sometimes there is a malfunction software Navitel can cause errors that may cause the navigator to stop recognizing satellites.

Why this happens: software glitches change the processing parameters of the received digital signal.

A situation arises in which received signal“lost” during processing. In this case, it is necessary to reinstall the program and map information.
If you have Navitel software installed, then you must install Navitel cards.

What to do if the navigator does not see satellites

Does not work voice search Here the problem could be either a broken microphone on your phone or a lack of internet connection. Also possible reason There may be noise in the surrounding area - for example, on a busy street or with loud music. Make sure that voice commands are given in relative silence. In addition, Yandex Navigator, like any program, can sometimes become stubborn and not work for no reason.

He will get over it, so be patient and follow the steps in the last paragraph if necessary.

Other reasons why Yandex Navigator does not work well If your location sometimes disappears or changes, then simply re-login to Yandex Navigator. This happens sometimes, this is how the current program works.

Can't see satellites

This is caused by security measures, or more precisely, by the work of a special transmitter that replaces the signals of real satellites. So, we have found out the main reasons why Yandex navigator does not work on Android and other popular operating systems.

Any questions and comments are welcome, we will discuss this useful application together.

And, of course, follow and read our other materials in the “Navigation” section.

Yandex navigator does not work.

In the settings there, you should pay attention to the fact that the required COM ports are selected as the signal source.

A solution to the problem may be to reset all custom settings and return to factory settings.

A common reason why the navigator does not see the Navitel satellite is a malfunction of the antenna. The internal antenna is less susceptible to such malfunctions, but eliminating them independently is almost impossible.

An external antenna fails more often, but replacing it is accessible to anyone and takes little time.

The most difficult thing for the user is a failure of the navigator software, as a result of which the navigator stops seeing satellites.


A long shutdown of the device can result in a failure of the almanac; to restore the basic functions of the gadget, a boot using a cold start is often sufficient. Prolonged shutdown of the gadget may result in failure of the device.

In such cases, reinstalling the latest software helps correct the situation.

The device does not pick up satellites due to a firmware failure. What should I do if the navigator does not pick up satellites? Often enough similar problems arise against the background of malfunctions of working software.

Important! There are many reasons why Navitel software malfunctions.

The most common is long-term use.

To restore the device's full functionality, a flashing will be required.

You can perform the manipulation yourself or contact a service center for help.

Your location

Remember that you only need to flash the device with a fully charged battery! If you are not so competent in replacing software, then take the device to a service center, where specialists will carry out flashing for a small fee.

Damage to the receiving antenna This is the most serious reason for loss of communication with satellites.

By the way, navigators use two types of antennas - external and soldered.

Replacing a soldered antenna is more expensive than replacing an external one, but such devices break down much less often.

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Turn on the mobile Internet Turn on the mobile Internet and make sure that your account balance is positive and you really have access to the mobile Internet (for example, download to mobile browser any site).

When off mobile internet the navigator will not be able to:

  • download current GPS satellite orbital data;
  • rebuild the route when better alternatives appear;
  • find out about the latest traffic events;
  • show an updated map of the area;
  • guide you around traffic jams;
  • search for an intermediate point.

Turn off power saving mode Most power saving modes turn off location capabilities.

Make sure you have a GPS signal available Keep your phone on the front of your car, under the windshield.

What to do if GPS does not find satellites on Android

How does A-GPS work? The main difference from the standard GPS module is that it connects not only with satellites, but also with towers mobile operators, which significantly improves the quality of location determination. When this function is enabled, the phone often cannot connect to GPS satellites itself and requires “ Full restart", even if it was just turned on. This is not a problem with Chinese phones themselves, but with A-GPS module, which costs pennies compared to GPS, so it works accordingly. Let's figure out how to set up GPS on Android. How to determine whether A-GPS or GPS module is it on the phone? If you have a phone with two SIM cards and made in China, with a 99.9% probability you have A-GPS. But to make sure of this, you can go to the engineering menu.

This will begin the process of fixing the issue of a broken connection with satellites.

Yandex navigator does not see satellites

In this case, you need to try to establish a connection outside the machine.

Almanac failure The functioning of the device implies it correct functioning in 3 modes:

  • cold start;
  • warm start;
  • hot start.

In cold start mode, the device does not have up-to-date data about its own location.

This is why connection may take quite some time. Cold start Navitel devices can take up to 15 minutes. During this time, the gadget receives updated data for the almanac, information from satellites about the boundaries of the orbit.

When using warm and hot start in internal memory The device contains up-to-date information about the almanac.

Important! The period of correct display of the almanac is no more than 3 months; after this time, all data must be updated.

It should be noted that the lifespan of the almanac is 2-3 months, and the ephemeris is only a couple of hours. After this period has expired, data on the ephemeris and almanac must be updated. Therefore, turning off the device for a long time will cause the almanac to become outdated. Usually, after this, the navigator boots from a cold start and then operates in normal mode. But there are cases when, after a long shutdown, software failures occur that distort information and the navigator searches for a long time (several hours) and does not find its location. To bring such a device to normal mode During operation, it is recommended to leave it for several hours in satellite search mode, ensuring good visibility of the sky. A few hours of searching should bring it back to normal operation.



Quite often, motorists are faced with a problem when the GPS navigator does not see or does not find satellites. This situation can be created for several reasons, among which the most common are the following:

  • navigation almanac failure;
  • device firmware failure;
  • technical features of windshields of some cars;
  • mechanical damage or failure of the receiving antenna.

To accurately determine the cause of the loss of communication with satellites, it is necessary to carry out appropriate diagnostics. Let us consider in more detail each of the reasons for the incorrect operation of the navigator.

The navigator operates in three location modes: cold, warm and hot start. In cold start mode, the device does not have any information about its location.

Why doesn’t the navigator see satellites, and how to fix the problem?

The navigator does not pick up satellites due to a firmware failure Quite often, devices stop functioning normally and lose contact with satellites due to a failure of the installed software. To restore normal work It is recommended to reflash it. Installing newer versions on the GPS navigator will provide it with more stable work, and will also allow the use of new functionality that was previously limited old version firmware.
Quite often, the reason that the navigator does not see or does not find satellites is the athermal device installed on the car. Windshield. This glass has a special composition that can jam the signal.

What to do if the navigator does not see satellites

  • 2 Reasons for navigator blindness
  • 3 Reinstall Navitel

Location of satellites and transmitted signal At least 24 satellites are constantly involved in the geopositioning system. They are in different circular orbits in strict accordance with the assigned task:

  • circulation period approximately 12 hours;
  • tilt along the equatorial plane is about 55 degrees;
  • the difference in longitude between the satellites is 60 degrees.

They transmit a signal conveying the following information:

  • current time (accurate to nanoseconds) and date;
  • status (defective – defective);
  • orbital coordinates (almanac);
  • message transmission time;
  • measured aphemerides (satellite coordinates).

To determine longitude and latitude coordinates with an accuracy of several meters, a GPS navigator only needs signals from three satellites.

Can't see satellites


In this case, it is necessary to reinstall the program and map information. If you have Navitel software installed, then you must install Navitel cards. Read also: How to properly use a GPS navigator in a car? Subsequence self-installation Navitel software:

  • download a version of the Navitel program that works for your model, preferably exactly the same one that was originally installed;
  • connect the navigator to the computer;
  • download the necessary maps compatible with this version;
  • copy installation file navitel;
  • install Navitel;
  • copy the necessary maps to the USERMAPS folder;
  • restart the device.

The software installation process for some models may have its own characteristics, but the general sequence of actions is similar.

What to do if the navigator does not see satellites and what are the reasons

The comments to the maps always indicate which version of Navitel it is intended for, for example, Russia Q1 2011 for Navitel version and higher. — Update the Navitel program, map. During the operation of the navigator, some files may be lost, destroyed or become unreadable. It leads to incorrect operation the program itself. Installing an update or simply reinstalling Navitel will solve the problem.
The navigator does not plot a route. The route is drawn as a straight line or is not plotted at all. — Restart your navigator. Sometimes it is enough to exit the navigation program and start it again. Sometimes it is necessary to perform a reset by pressing Reset on the navigator body.

— Wait for the coordinates to be determined by satellites and only then plot a route. The navigator does not load. Ie. Stuck on the screensaver. It turns on, and nothing happens beyond the splash screen. In this case, it is better to contact a service center.

Why doesn't the navigator see satellites?


Almanac data is loaded from the navigator's memory, and the ephemeris is updated. The cold start takes the longest - about ten minutes. The navigator has no information about its position in space.

First, the device receives an almanac, and then ephemeris, which allows the satellite’s orbit to be most accurately determined. Navigators with traffic jams still need to connect to the Internet (this takes about one minute). It is noteworthy that the almanac data does not lose its relevance for several months.
Ephemerides “live” much less - two to three hours. When the above deadlines expire, the information needs to be updated. After this, the device boots into cold start mode and works quite normally. However, there are times when the almanac gets confused and the navigator does not see satellites for up to several hours.

Car navigator does not see satellites

Car owners often complain that the navigator does not see satellites. The reasons for such a deviation can be very diverse, for example, a violation of the device’s firmware or physical damage, resulting in partial failure of the device. When using Navitel software, users often encounter firmware failures.
You can reboot yourself. Main reasons Among the list of the most common reasons why the device may not see the satellite, the following factors are highlighted:

  • incorrect operation of the navigation almanac;
  • device firmware violations;
  • serious damage leading to failure of the gadget.

Problems in connecting the device to the satellite may also arise due to the presence of pronounced structural features of some vehicle windshields.

Why doesn't the navigator see satellites?

In the Navitel program, select: menu - pages - satellites. On the tab the following should be selected: “GPS on” and the source “COM ports...”. It may seem funny, but very often they simply turn off satellites.
The navigator does not pick up satellites. In the Navitel program, select: menu - pages - satellites. At least three satellites must be visible on the signal strength scale to determine coordinates. Change your location, perhaps you are in an area with a lot of noise or in conditions where the satellite signal does not pass through (dense foliage, canopy). Positioning time up to 15 minutes. If there are no satellite signal strength bars, contact your service center. Possibly faulty GPS antenna The navigator does not find satellites. In the Navitel program, select: menu - pages - satellites. The geoid of the earth should have satellite icons. If they are not there, then the navigator may be in “cold start” mode.

Why can't my car navigator see satellites?

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