What to do if the camera does not open. The front camera on the phone does not work - how to fix it? Safe mode check

Buying a modern tablet or smartphone allows you to get at your disposal not only a device for making calls, but also a compact pocket computer, and even a photo and video camera. However, it is the last element of the device that sometimes fails and is not included in the most inopportune moment. There are many reasons why this problem arises. And some of them the user can solve independently, without contacting the service.

Software problems

Errors software are one of the main problems leading to the inability to use the camera. These include:

  • infection of the operating system with viruses. The growing popularity of the Android OS several years ago led to the spread of software specifically designed for it. malicious code. The problem can be solved by installing an antivirus application and scanning the device;
  • overflow random access memory. If the RAM size is less than a certain value (usually about 50–80 MB), some applications, including the camera, stop running. By clearing RAM of unnecessary data, you can restore functionality to all programs;
  • The camera cache is filled with data, which also needs to be cleared periodically. To do this, go to the settings menu, find the “Camera” application and click on the “Clear cache” button;
  • lost application settings. This situation often occurs if an SD card was selected as the location for saving photos and videos, which was subsequently removed.

    Not the most popular, but quite serious cause of problems is the conflict of applications installed on the system. The situation can be corrected by deleting several of them one by one. latest programs checking the camera launch after each. Sometimes you even have to uninstall the program itself, designed for taking photos and videos, and install a new version - preferably from trusted sources.

    If the cause of the problem is an update or flashing of the operating system, a message like “Error/camera unavailable” will appear on the screen instead of the application starting. The solution to the issue comes down to restoring factory settings (via Recovery menu) or rollback installed firmware to the previous option. To reduce the likelihood of such a situation, it is recommended to install only official firmware from the manufacturer.

    Hardware problems

    Reasons for problems with the camera include: physical damage tablet or smartphone. For example, flash memory that has failed due to wear and tear and has a certain service life. You can find out that the problem with launching the Camera application is caused by a damaged microSD card by testing it for errors on another device (on a laptop with a card reader or on a desktop PC with a microSD-USB adapter).

    A dirty camera lens can cause startup problems. Liquid or dust that gets on the glass spoils the focusing of the device, making it impossible to adjust the image. Although in such cases the application still starts, but then freezes or closes back. To correct the situation, the lens should be carefully cleaned with a special cloth (microfiber) and liquid used to clean the monitor.

    Additional ways to resolve the issue

    To restore the functionality of the camera, when you try to launch it, the message “Camera failed Error Callback.on Error(1)” appears on the screen, you can use the following alternative method:
    1. Remove the device battery;
    2. Lightly press the camera with your finger (carefully wiping off the fingerprint, which may interfere with shooting);
    3. After waiting a few minutes, install the battery back;
    4. Launch the application again. Despite the fact that the method seems strange, as the experience of users on the Internet shows, sometimes it turns out to be effective.
    Ate neither ordinary nor alternative ways troubleshooting the camera did not lead to positive result, the only option is to contact the service. Although, if the cause of the problem with the camera is contact of this part with water or a broken sensor as a result of an impact (fall), you should contact a specialist immediately. Moreover, most problems associated with external influences on a smartphone or tablet can lead to failure of not only the camera, but also other important components.
  • Today even on inexpensive smartphones professional photo modules are installed, which are in no way inferior to the once popular point-and-shoot cameras. With help mobile gadgets any user can feel like a novice photographer. And if you install special program for an Android camera, you can play with the effects and give your pictures extra charm.

    No matter how well the gadgets work, some people are faced with the fact that the photo module of the device stops working for no apparent reason. Let's try to figure out this problem.

    Probable Causes

    If the camera on Android does not work, then there may be a number of reasons for this. For example, during the process of updating the phone software, a failure occurred, which resulted in disruption of the photo module. In addition, some users try to reflash gadgets on their own, which is also fraught with consequences. Viruses and malicious files can also be the reason why the camera application on Android is disabled.

    And, of course, a smartphone can fail due to mechanical shock. Below are the most common problems and methods for solving them.

    Software errors

    • Viruses. To get rid of malicious code that could interrupt the camera application on Android, you need to install good antivirus and check the system.
    • Absence free space. If everything on the memory card or on the phone itself is jam-packed, this can cause the photomodule to fail. To solve this problem, just clear your phone memory and delete all unnecessary or unused files.
    • "Clogged" cache. Temporary files are constantly accumulating on smartphones. If the cache is full, this may well cause an error. Therefore, it is enough to simply delete all temporary data.

    • Incorrect settings. If the picture was taken on a memory card that was later removed from the smartphone, then you just need to restart the phone.

    If after these manipulations the camera on Android does not work, then the problems may be more global.

    Physical malfunctions

    Before going to the service center, it is worth checking all possible causes of the breakdown. Even if they sound absurd.

    If the camera on your Android phone does not work, then you need to check whether it is in place micro SD card. Very often on smartphones, photos are saved not to the device itself, but to a miniature storage device. If it is not inserted into the phone, the camera will be inactive.

    The second most common reason for an Android camera not working is a dirty lens. Very often, users buy for smartphones unusual cases, under which dust and dirt successfully accumulate. Therefore, in the event of a malfunction, it is worth checking whether the miniature eye of the photomodule is dirty.

    If the camera works intermittently and periodically turns off right during the shooting process, then it is worth reconfiguring it, observing correct sequence actions.

    How to configure the photo module correctly

    If the camera on Android does not work or occasionally crashes, then you need to follow a few simple steps:

    • Reset your smartphone to factory settings. Usually, to do this you need to go to the gadget menu and find the line “ Backup" After this, you need to select “Reset factory settings”. Before doing this, it is better to save all important data and transfer contacts from notebook to a memory card.
    • Download and install an antivirus (do not visit other sites before doing this). After this, you need to clean the system. It is recommended to download antivirus programs only in Google Play, this way you can be guaranteed against malicious files.
    • Clear cache. This operation is performed immediately after the antivirus scan has been performed. To clean it, you need to go to “Applications” and find “Camera” there. In the same menu there will be a “Clear cache” button.
    • Thoroughly wipe the objective lens using a special lens cloth.

    If you still can't take pictures, you can try installing another camera application. Such utilities great amount. There are paid and free programs, more functional and those that only allow photography.

    If all else fails, then all that remains is to contact the service center.

    Modern smartphones include a large number of functions. You can use smartphones as a voice recorder, radio, flashlight, navigator, watch, and so on. Among all the functions of such gadgets, one of the most important is the camera. If we consider the cameras in flagship smartphones, then they, in fact, are not inferior in image quality to inexpensive cameras, and sometimes even surpass them. We can already find dual main cameras, dual or even triple LED flashes, optical stabilization and phase detection autofocus.

    However, the problem may be that due to poor quality digital processing Pictures may come out bad. In some cases, the camera on a smartphone or tablet may stop working altogether. We will look at several options why the camera on an Android device may not work correctly.

    Firmware problems

    One of the reasons may be incorrect update system or bad custom firmware on your device. The easiest way to fix this problem is to use previous version firmware on which the camera worked correctly. Unfortunately, Android doesn't allow you to easily rollback to previous version system, so you will have to completely reflash the device.

    Viruses and malware

    Another reason could be programs downloaded from unknown sources. We recommend installing games and applications from the official store Play Store where each program takes place special check by Google. If you are a fan of “hacked” games and other pirated content, then it is better to use trusted sites. Here you can always find the latest ones for Android. Tips in in this case quite banal: remove the software after which the camera stopped working, do full reset settings or reflash the device.

    Mechanical damage

    Even with careful and careful use, from time to time the devices may fall out of your hands. Even if dropped from a small height onto a soft floor, the device may be damaged. If you do not see any physical defects (scratches, cracks, dents), this does not mean that the device has no internal damage. A common case is when the camera cable becomes disconnected and the camera stops working. If this is the case, then the smartphone will have to be disassembled. Do it yourself or send it to a service center - it's up to you.

    Problems at the software level

    Sometimes a situation arises when the main Camera application, which is available on all Android smartphones, simply stops working or starts freezing. Of course, in this case, you can do a full reset or reflash the device, but it’s much easier to install third party application cameras. Just go to official store applications

    There are several possible reasons breakdowns.

    1. One of the most common problems– viruses (read), from which the rapidly developing level of the system often suffers. Visiting unfamiliar resources on the Internet and being absent increases the risk of infection of the gadget.
    2. Updated firmware. One of the common options Why doesn't the camera work on Android?(read). This procedure may cause problems with important settings applications, accordingly the camera stops working correctly. A good option solution to the problem - system rollback after updating the platform, reset Android to factory settings.
    3. Mechanical damage. For example, falling the device can disrupt the operation of the module responsible for the camera.
    4. Dust and dirt on the sensor, contamination of the cache module.

    Front camera does not work on Android

    Job this application is also very important for modern man. The range of use of such a camera is very extensive. Sometimes, launching the utility fails. The following symptoms may occur if the camera does not work on Android:

    • The gadget freezes when the front camera is launched;
    • the app only shows a black display;
    • throws an error when turning on the camera.

    What to do when the camera on your Android smartphone does not work

    You can try to fix this kind of problem yourself. First of all, you need to reboot the device, then check the camera’s operation. Next, you should check the charge battery, since on some devices a resource threshold of less than 30% may contribute to the appearance of an error of this kind. The next step is to create backup copy information and clearing cache memory. Such manipulations help when a black screen is displayed when the camera starts or when it freezes. If the performed manipulations do not lead to anything, it is better to contact specialists at the service center.

    Conventional cameras are losing their popularity: the development of mobile gadgets and the regular decline pricing policy practically equaled the cost of budget and mid-range camera models.

    Moreover, when purchasing a smartphone, the user receives a mini-computer with unlimited capabilities. But it happens that at the most inopportune moment the camera on an Android device does not work. Unlike a regular camera, the list of problems and solutions when the camera on a smartphone does not work is quite extensive.

    Causes of malfunction

    Most experienced users can independently determine the nature of the failure. First of all, it is necessary to understand the details, previous events and actions. This will help identify one of two categories of failures - physical or software.

    To faults physical (mechanical) nature include falls, vibrations, shakes, jolts, etc. There are also more trivial situations when dust and moisture get into the camera sensor. In some cases, the culprit may be memory: both internal and microSD card. The outcome of such problems is often unpleasant for users, especially financially.

    Regarding the category software errors, everything is simpler here. These include installing an application that is inappropriate or conflicts with the camera, incorrect setting parameters of the operating system and related programs, as well as installation of an unfinished update (including the official one).

    More serious reasons: virus infection or incorrect flashing of the gadget.

    To find a solution, you need to follow the rule “From simple to complex.” There is no need to immediately disassemble the device and reflash it. You need to start with those actions that will definitely not cause collateral damage.

    Software errors

    • Virus infection. Very, which is growing in proportion to the popularity of Android. To solve this you need to install antivirus program, scan the system and remove all threats. More details about the process.
    • Lack of memory. While using a smartphone inner memory can be filled to capacity. In this case, the camera turns on, but recording video and taking photos will not be possible. Make sure there is enough free space to support the camera's functions. This also applies to microSD cards, which are used to expand memory. We wrote about how to properly free up memory.
    • Clearing the cache. Temporary files accumulate on the system and when using the camera. This causes the cache to become full, so there simply aren't enough resources to perform the actions. Cleaning must be done periodically. To do this you need to go to Settings - Applications - Camera. At the bottom of the window that opens, the “Clear cache” button is available.
    • Incorrect setting. The main problem often choosing a location to save camera footage. If the option was set to a microSD card that was later removed, you will need to adjust the settings.
    • Application conflict. If problems with the camera began after installing an application, you need to remove it and check the operation of the device.
    • Incorrect firmware. Sometimes you have to do the installation. It is very important to install suitable version software from the official website. Otherwise, some functions (camera, sound, screen rotation, Wi-Fi) may not work. In the worst case, the device will stop starting altogether, so be careful.
    • OS update. Standard settings imply automatic update operating system up to new version. Despite the fact that the upgrade is provided by the manufacturer, related problems quite often occur, including with the camera. To fix the problem, you can perform a system rollback, i.e. install more old version platform that ensured the functionality of all modules. It is also recommended to disable subsequent automatic updates.

    ATTENTION! If the gadget is on warranty service, then it is recommended to contact a service center or store to resolve the problems. Most of the changes in operating system or self installation firmware will void the warranty.

    Physical malfunctions

    Physical damage is a reason to contact a service center for repair. But there are also simple solutions that can be effective. You can do these steps yourself:

    • Checking the functionality and integrity of the memory card. When saving videos and pictures to a memory card, the camera may give an error. Flash memory has limited life cycle, therefore, it is recommended to test the storage medium for errors and “dead” memory cells. To quickly find out, you can install a verified memory card in the gadget and check the functionality of the camera.
    • Cleaning the lens. The camera sensor is protected by special glass, which can be exposed to dust, moisture, etc. In this case, the device will not be able to focus and will stop working. It is necessary to carefully clean the glass using special means(microfiber, monitor cleaning liquid).

    If all of the above options do not solve the problem, then it is most likely due to a critical failure. Such malfunctions are the result of prolonged contact with water, strong impacts, falls and other external influences. This leads to failure of sensors, stabilizers, and cables. The worst case is considered to be a violation of integrity printed circuit board, which is responsible for the operation of all components of the device.

    Complex damage cannot always be repaired even by specialists. service centers, so you need to be careful when using your mobile friend. To protect your smartphone from damage, you need to follow these recommendations:

    • Buy equipment from trusted retail outlets that guarantee product quality and protection against counterfeiting.
    • Buy products from trusted brands that have positive reviews.
    • Choose a device for your own comfortable use. Weight and dimensions must fully satisfy physical features each person. The choice is very large, you can always


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