What Yandex.Catalog gives is the effect of a hit.

Yandex.Catalog– catalog of the Yandex search service. Contains a collection of direct links to various sites. Designed to facilitate the search for information, for which only high-quality and interesting resources are entered into its database. The monthly audience of Yandex.Catalog in June 2009 amounted to more than 3 million visitors, which made it at that time the most visited site in Runet after Rambler’s Top100.


Placement of sites in the Yandex.Catalog occurs after submitting the appropriate application and considering it by a moderator. The search engine robot can also recommend resources for description. To reduce the processing time of applications, there is paid option, however, even this does not guarantee that the site will be included in Yandex.Catalog.

The Yandex.Catalogue system uses several types of classification. For greater convenience, the sites are divided into the following types: Encyclopedias, Products and services, Advice, fundamental reference books and language dictionaries, Forums. There is also a thematic classification, where each added site is assigned its own theme. For example, Auto or Science and Education. One site can contain no more than two thematic sections.

In order to provide users with the most complete information possible about the resources included in the Yandex.Catalogue, the following requirements are imposed on their placement: mandatory presence names and descriptions of the site, screenshots home page, information about owners, regional affiliation of the resource, etc. If the added site turns out to be unavailable for some time, it will automatically become invisible to users. For this purpose, in the Yandex.Catalog there is a special robot spider Yandex/2.01.000, which carries out constant monitoring present sites.

Yandex.Catalogue also implements search by descriptions. The results are displayed depending on the TIC of the sites. Since a detailed classification of sites represents big problem for navigation, the thematic tree of the Yandex.Catalog service is implemented extremely simply. At the first level there are only fourteen headings, and the number of levels in depth does not exceed six. In addition, the Yandex.Catalog has a number of additional parameters, allowing you to clarify the focus of the resources that the user wants to find.

Role in SEO

Having a resource in Yandex.Catalog is beneficial from the point of view of both increasing traffic and optimization. The Yandex search engine, when delivering results for certain queries, ranks sites present in the Yandex.Catalog higher than others, all other things being equal, due to the fact that information from the Yandex.Catalog is used in some ranking factors. Adding resources to Yandex.Catalogue can also become another source of traffic, since its services are accessed daily great amount visitors. In addition, Yandex.Catalog is indexed not only by its own search engine, but also by many others, which allows you to increase the performance of added sites.


The Yandex.Catalog project was launched on October 18, 2000 and became the first directory on the Runet that did not inherit its structure from a similar Yahoo service. The structure of Yandex.Catalogue is built on the basis of faceted classification, which makes it easy to organize the search for resources not only by topic, but also by type of information.

The classifier developed by the company’s employees has now been replicated by many resources on the Internet and is in fact a recognized standard.

In 2002, the second edition of Yandex.Catalogue was released with the addition of a perpendicular rubricator for the main types of resources.

In 2004, Yandex.Catalog acquired a new design.

In 2009, Yandex updated its catalog again.


More than 470 thousand visitors visit Yandex.Catalog, who view up to 3 million pages daily.

Any website strives to join Yandex.Catalog. This is how it happened - everyone wants to go there, many are there, but only a few know how it is useful. Meanwhile, the catalog is important and necessary for any portal that wants to reach the top. In this article we will not just list the “dry” facts in favor of the catalogue, but will also explain each of the points in detail.

The leaders of any market set the rules for other participants. The SEO field is no exception to the rule. The largest Russian search engine strives for fair ranking and simplification of procedures. The directory is one such attempt, a holdover from the days of Web 1.0, an early stage in the development of the World Wide Web.

How to get to Yandex.Catalogue?

You can register in the Catalog for a fee or for free. In the first case, you will pay 12,500 rubles excluding VAT, in the second you simply submit an application. It is better for commercial sites to operate through paid registration, since they are accepted for free quite rarely. But in any case, you need to check whether your portal meets Yandex requirements, otherwise, no matter how much you pay, you will not be accepted.

Where to begin?

When submitting an application, you must write a description of the portal. The difference between the Catalog and Yandex search robots is that the site undergoes manual rather than automatic moderation. The quality of the resource, its thematic focus and user friendliness will be checked by a search engine specialist. Sites with low-quality, duplicate content should first make their content unique, otherwise, at best, your application will simply not be approved, at worst, sanctions will be imposed on the resource.

Basic requirements for a website when registering in Yandex.Catalog

Availability of standard details of the organization on the website;
completeness of all sections of the site (unfilled sections should not be visible to users);
absence of search spam (the use of search engine deception methods is unacceptable);
uniqueness of the resource (your site should not repeat a resource already added to the Catalog).
You can find a complete list of requirements on the Catalog website.

What does registration in Yandex.Catalog give?

SEO promotion. According to the observations of our specialists, in many cases, after registering in the Catalog, website promotion is somewhat easier and faster. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the search engine loves sites from its own Catalog. Secondly, after adding, your site will receive a specific theme (this is the essence of the Catalog). Links from sites of the same topic have the most effective impact on future optimization. As a result, you lay the foundation for fast and successful promotion.

Increase in TCI. After entering the Catalog, the thematic citation index increases, first of all, due to the assignment of an exact topic to the site. Also, once you are in the Catalog, you can increase your TCI by exchanging links with sites from the same category.

Getting a quality link. After registration, you will, in fact, receive a link to your website from Yandex itself (from its subdomain, to be more precise). This fact has a great impact on SEO promotion. The main thing is that when registering, do not forget to use the most important key phrase for you in the “Name” field.

Assignment of regions. The site will be able to be promoted simultaneously in seven Russian regions. Without registration in Yandex.Catalogue, any portal “in absentia” has the right to only one. But keep in mind that in order to assign regions, your official representative offices must exist in them. Moreover, it is real to exist, since Yandex specialists check this using phone calls.

Assignment of topics. Your site will be placed in a specific category. You can select no more than two categories, although the number of subcategories is not limited. The more accurately you specify the topic of your web resource, the more visitors you will attract. This point is also important for website optimization ( why - see point 1. "SEO promotion"). Don't forget to check if the category you need is in the Catalog. If the answer is no, adding will not bring much benefit.

Increase in traffic. Traffic can increase due to visitors who see you in the Directory and follow the link. An increase in traffic can be clearly visible if the portal has a high TCI. The fact is that sites in the Catalog are arranged in descending order of their TCI indicators. The higher you are, the more users will see you.

Increasing trust in the site by increasing loyalty from search engines.

As you may have noticed, there are many advantages to registering. All of them lead to a single result - an increase in positions in search results Yandex. The downside is the entry fee and possible absence your subject in the catalog. The latter is almost impossible to come across, and the fee is paid only for submitting an application.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today there will be an article about paid and free website registration in the Yandex, Rambler and DMOZ catalogs. Once upon a time it was still important to add your project to the Mail.ru and , but registration in the former is now temporarily closed, and the latter has completely disappeared from the Internet.

Historically, search engines, as a rule, offer two options for searching for information - by entering a search query and through a manually assembled rubricator. In the latter case, you will get a much smaller sample than if you entered a search query.

But webmasters would really like to get into at least a few of the directories listed above, because it's prestigious and at the same time may influence success promotion of the resource, as well as the growth of its indicators, for example, Titz. Let's see how you can get into them.

Why add your website to the Yandex catalog

The above-mentioned Yandex and DMOZ are the most popular in RuNet, and it is in them that almost all webmasters strive to add their resources. The fact is that the successful addition of a site to these super-directories speaks, first of all, about the quality of this resource, because it was able to undergo manual moderation during registration, which in itself says a lot.

By the way, you shouldn’t expect any special dividends in the form of a serious increase in attendance or a significant one after adding them. Just like you won’t hear a whistle in your ears from the increased speed.

Of course, there will be an effect from registering in catalogs, but against the background of other aspects of promotion you are using, you are unlikely to clearly feel it. First of all, registration in Yandex and DMOZ is rather advisory in nature. Because getting into one of them or both at once is a desirable condition, but it does not at all guarantee that after that everything will go swimmingly for you.

Exception from general rule, perhaps, is the Yandex directory (YaCa or YAK), because getting into it can lead to significantly faster . Titz, by the way, was invented for ranking resources in yaca.yandex.ru.

For commercial projects, Yak can also be useful in that it allows you to immediately assign up to seven regions, while giving the opportunity to select only one. If your store or company has many branches, then this will allow one single resource to promote itself in all these regions at once. Otherwise, you will have to look for another way out.

If your project is not commercial, but you are on it, then having a site in the Yandex Catalog and Dmoz can increase your income. Advertisers even pay attention to this when placing banner ads, and when purchasing links, this can increase their cost by many percent. You can see for yourself how prices differ for links from resources participating in Yak and those not participating - GoGetLinks, GetGoodLinks, RotaPost or MiraLinks.

You can check the presence of a site in the directory using any SEO tool:

Dmoz is completely free by default, but sometimes this even makes it difficult to get into it, especially for commercial resources. Add a site You can use the Yandex catalog both for a fee and for free, but the latter will be relevant only for those topics where there is a clear shortage of applicants.

In its popular topics, there are only those resources whose owners did not regret shelling out a tidy sum for it (14,500 rubles plus 2,500 VAT). Payment is made after the moderator approves the placement of your site. However, it is not at all a fact that your resource will be accepted into YaCa even for money. It all depends on its quality and the content of a particular section. How complicated everything is.

Free and paid registration in YAK (YaCa) - what to choose

Adding a website to the Yandex Catalog for free, as I mentioned earlier, is possible, but unlikely. In any case, the attempt is not torture, so nothing prevents you from applying for free registration .

Fill out all the fields provided on this page, submit your application and begin to hope intensely for a miracle.

You should probably try to choose the least filled category, because your chances of being added in this case increase significantly. Try not to make a mistake with these the first time. simple forms, because submitting an application for free addition to the YAK more than once makes no sense - in this case you will be given a standard answer that such an application is already in the database.

If you don’t believe in miracles, but you still want to receive the dividends offered by YaCa (prestige, rapid growth of Titz, traffic from catalog pages and increased income), then you will need to go to the page paid registration in the Yandex Catalog .

If you carefully study this page, you will understand that Yandex reserves the right to change the site description you created, and may also reject your application for paid registration in its catalog, but then you will not pay money (the amount, by the way, the payment will be slightly more than the stated 14,500 rubles, because you will also be charged a tax of just over 2,500 rubles).

If everything is satisfactory, then to continue you will need to fill out a form similar to the one described above application for paid registration in YAK:

But what’s noteworthy is that if your resource is not accepted into YaCa the first time, then no one is stopping you from trying to apply for paid registration again, because you only need to pay if the decision on admission is positive. By the way, changing the description of your resource in the Yandex catalog is also possible, but again on a paid basis(5,000 rubles), although some points in the description can still be changed for free.

Do you want a living example of a famous blogger who decided to part with the agreed amount of money for registering a blog in the Yandex catalog? By the way, I already wrote about him - this is Sergei Sosnovsky. His TIC (thematic citation index), after adding the blog to YAK, began to grow as if he had been given a good kick (though, then there was a slight decline, but now everything is on top again - as many as 1,400 parrots).

Don’t try to exaggerate and write sales text - just describe your resource as succinctly and simply as possible. Then everything will depend on the editor and his good or bad mood.

After the site has successfully passed moderation, you will receive a bold backlink that is open for indexing by search engines and conveys considerable trust ( and ):

In fact, I almost immediately felt the impact of adding it to Dmoz (maybe it was a coincidence) in the form of a significant increase in the number of visitors coming from the search engine Google systems, which responds to such things much faster than Yandex.

Addition to Mail.ru and Rambler Top100 catalogs

Previously, adding your resource to the Mail.ru catalog was not so difficult, at least for me, and for most other bloggers, it took no more than a week from the moment of filling out the registration form. True, it is now deciding on the future fate of this service and it may be replaced by a rating of the same name. Therefore Registration in the catalog has unfortunately been discontinued.:

Unfortunately, backlink from Mail.ru will be entered through a redirect and, most likely, will not be taken into account by search engines, although I have heard the opinion that they somehow take into account such tricky links, but I do not have accurate information on this matter. But nevertheless, the mere presence of your project in the Mail.ru catalog can only bring you a little traffic and some kind of prestige, or something.

Let's move on to, which I have already written about in some detail in the above article. In fact, this is not even a directory, just a rating, because the position in it directly depends on the indicator of the counter that you install on your resource. Actually, this is one of the few services that have survived to this day, which has ceased to be a search engine for several years now.

Almost any project can be added to it. A few days after completing free registration and receiving the code and installing a visit counter, you will be accepted into this directory and will be able to participate in the rating of RuNet resources.

I will not repeat myself and talk about obtaining the Rambler Top100 counter code, because you can find all this on the page at the link given just above. Backlinks from the pages of the Rambler catalog (Rambler Top100) will be open for indexing by search engines, which is good news, because it has Tits = 120,000 - the most great importance, which I came across in RuNet:

In general, you receive and add a counter from Rambler to your project and in a couple of days you will already find yourself in its rating. But keep in mind that as soon as you remove the counter code, you will definitely be removed from this directory in a couple of weeks (you will begin to receive warnings by email that you have not registered a single visitor for the day).

There are probably still quite large ones. free catalogs RuNet-oriented ones, to which it would be nice to add your site. But these will most likely be thematic in the direction of your resource.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Yandex.Catalog (YAK)– the most authoritative and visited catalog in Russia. The catalog was opened in October 2000 and is owned by Yandex. On this moment Yandex.Catalog contains more than 100 thousand sites, divided by topic.
In addition to searching for information on sites added to the catalog, you can search by their descriptions. Search results in YAK are displayed in decreasing order of TCI sites.

Information about the site

In order for users to receive the most full information, the description of each site contains:
  • Name
  • short description
  • Website address
  • Contact Information
  • site region
  • home page image

Adding a site to Yandex.Catalog

Many optimizers strongly recommend their clients to add a resource to Yandex.Catalogue, because this provides significant benefits in the future. Unlike the popular one, you can register in the Yandex catalog on a free or paid basis.

Free registration. Adding a website to YAK on a free basis is quite difficult. Firstly, the catalog must meet a number of strict requirements, and secondly, the processing time for an application for free placement can range from 3 months to a year.

If you want to add a commercial site to YAK, which you plan to promote in the future, then it is better to refuse the free addition, because It is quite possible that even after a year of waiting, the site will not be included in the directory. The best chances to get into Yandex.Catalog for free are non-commercial resources with high traffic and unique content.

You can apply for free addition to Yandex.Catalogue.

Paid registration.
Applications for paid addition of a site to the Yandex catalog are processed much faster (up to 2 weeks) and the likelihood of registering a commercial site is much higher. However, do not forget that the desire to register a site with YAK for money does not guarantee this. Resources also need to go through a fairly rigorous quality check.

The cost of paid addition to Yandex.Catalog is 12,500 rubles. (excluding VAT), an application can be submitted.

Requirements for sites in Yandex.Catalog

In order for a site to smoothly pass the Yandex.Catalogue moderation check, it must meet the following quality criteria:
  • contain unique and useful to the user content;
  • not contain materials that contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • be complete, have no empty sections;
  • do not contain search spam;
  • be constantly updated;
  • have easy navigation and attractive appearance;
Yandex has a special search robot, which constantly monitors sites added to YAK. If a site stops updating, is unavailable for a long time, or its owner has changed, it is automatically deleted from the catalog.

Advantages of registering a website with YAK

Many companies neglect the opportunity to register a site in Yandex.Catalogue, thereby missing out on a number of advantages:
  • Additional traffic. Every day, YAK is visited by more than 450 thousand people who look for the necessary information in it.
  • Increasing trust in the site. The presence of a site in the Yandex catalog indicates its quality, so it is trusted by third party resources much higher.
  • Easier to promote. It has long been noted that search system Yandex ranks sites located in YAK higher than others for a number of commercial queries.
Official address Yandex.Catalogue -

Greetings! Friends, as you already understood from the title - Yandex announced the imminent closure of the catalog, motivating its actions by improvement search technologies, giving as an example.

There is no denying that catalogs as a way to find information are becoming a thing of the past. Or rather, not so, it’s worth rephrasing, catalogs have long since lost their relevance, even despite the remaining small interest on the part of optimizers.

The Yahoo Directory was the first to close at the end of 2014, then the same fate befell DMOZ, which ceased to exist in March of this year. Apparently, Yandex realized that the time had come to end this, and today, December 20, 2017, they announced that they would no longer accept new applications - Yandex Catalog is closing.

There is a notice on the catalog page:

Yandex.Catalog update has been stopped. Applications for adding resources are closed.

It’s unfortunate, because compared to other major directories, YAK gave real advantages to webmasters, some of which include:

  • Assigning several regions to a site (up to 7), while only one region can be assigned through Webmaster.
  • When a site is placed in the directory, it is assigned a theme, which helps to increase its value thematic index citations.
  • The sites in the categories are sorted in descending order of TIC, the rating leaders have the opportunity to receive additional traffic from the catalogue.
  • There is an opinion that the presence of a site in the directory is one of the reasons. It goes through strict manual testing before posting.

The regions that were assigned to sites in the catalog will be preserved and will be transferred to the Yandex Webmaster service at the beginning of 2018 - this is encouraging. Regarding assignment additional regions not known for new sites, maybe new feature will be available to everyone.

Let me remind you that in 2016 Google disabled the display of toolbar values. It is obvious that soon after the closure of the catalog, Yandex will hide the public TIC values, still taking into account link factors in its ranking formula. The fundamental processes of Internet development have not been canceled.

If in the early 2000s the daily audience of YAK amounted to millions of people, then last years traffic has decreased significantly and now does not exceed several thousand - by modern standards this is a drop in the bucket. Now imagine what share of this traffic was received by sites located in the directory.

Now regarding paid placement in the directory. The money will not be returned, don’t even hope 😎 Yandex is considered to have fulfilled its obligations to provide paid service. A small excerpt from the help:

You did not pay for permanent publication of the site, but for accelerated registration in the Catalog. The service includes the preparation of a description, classification, and submission of the site for publication.

At the moment, the service is frozen, it hosts 115,458 sites, and registration of new ones has been stopped. After some time, the process of closing the Yandex Catalog will be completely completed.

Yandex officially announced the closure of Yandex.Catalog, quote:

Most recently, we moved the regions that were assigned to sites in Yandex.Catalog to Webmaster - to the “Regionality” section. And today the TIC has completely moved from the Catalog, now you can view it in separate section Webmasters. Therefore, we are announcing the closure of Yandex.Catalog. Please note that the closure of the service will not affect the TIC.

It’s a shame, of course, I have several of my sites on a paid basis... Do you think the closure of the directory is premature, given the willingness of site owners to pay for placement? Or vice versa, this decision is it overdue?

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