Apple watch functions. Notifications on watches and iPhones

In the 50s, a new era began in underwater shipbuilding - the use of nuclear energy to propel submarines. According to their properties, nuclear energy sources are the most suitable for submarines, since, without the need for atmospheric air or oxygen reserves, they allow one to obtain energy for an almost unlimited time and in the required quantity.

In addition to solving the problem of long-term movement underwater at high speed, the use of a nuclear source removed restrictions on the supply of energy to such relatively high-capacity consumers as life support devices and systems (air conditioners, electrolyzers, etc.), navigation, hydroacoustics and control weapons. The prospect of using submarines in Arctic regions under ice has opened up. With the introduction of nuclear energy, the duration of continuous navigation of boats in a submerged position began to be limited, as many years of experience have shown, mainly by the psychophysical capabilities of the crews.

At the same time, from the very beginning of the introduction of nuclear power plants (NPPs), new complex problems that arise have become clear: the need to ensure reliable radiation protection of personnel, increased requirements for the professional training of personnel servicing NPPs, the need for a more developed than for diesel-electric submarines, infrastructure (basing, repair, delivery and reloading of nuclear fuel, removal of spent nuclear fuel, etc.). Later, as experience was gained, other negative aspects emerged: the increased noise of nuclear submarines (NPS), the severity of the consequences of accidents of nuclear power plants and boats with such installations, the difficulty of decommissioning and disposing of used nuclear submarines.

The first proposals from nuclear scientists and military sailors to use nuclear energy to propel boats in both the USA and the USSR began to arrive in the late 1940s. The deployment of practical work began with the creation of submarine designs with nuclear power plants and the construction of ground stands and prototypes of these installations.

The world's first nuclear submarine was built in the USA - Nautilus - and entered service in September 1954. In January 1959, after completion of tests, the first domestic nuclear submarine of Project 627 was put into operation by the USSR Navy. The main characteristics of these nuclear submarines are given in table. 1.

With the commissioning of the first nuclear submarines, almost without interruption, a gradual increase in the pace of their construction began. In parallel, there was a practical development of the use of atomic energy during the operation of nuclear submarines, and a search for the optimal design of nuclear power plants and the submarines themselves.

Table 1

*Equal to the sum of the surface displacement and the mass of water in completely filled main ballast tanks.
**For American nuclear submarines (hereinafter) the test depth, which is close in meaning to the maximum.

Rice. 6. The first domestic serial nuclear submarine (project 627 A)

circuit of a nuclear reactor. Along with water, which has a high degree of purification, which was used in the reactors of the first nuclear submarines, an attempt was made to use for this purpose a metal or an alloy of metals with a relatively low melting point (sodium, etc.). The designers saw the advantage of such a coolant, first of all, in the ability to reduce the pressure in the primary circuit, increase the temperature of the coolant and, in general, gain a gain in the dimensions of the reactor, which is extremely important in the conditions of its use on submarines.

Rice. 7. The first American nuclear submarine “Nautilus”

This idea was implemented on the second American nuclear submarine after Nautilus, Seawolf, built in 1957. It used an S2G ​​reactor with a liquid metal (sodium) coolant. However, in practice, the advantages of the liquid metal coolant turned out to be not as significant as expected, but in terms of reliability and

Rice. 8. The first domestic nuclear submarine “Leninsky Komsomol” (project 627)

Due to the complexity of operation, this type of reactor was significantly inferior to a water-cooled reactor (with pressurized water in the primary circuit).

Already in 1960, due to a number of problems that emerged during operation, the liquid-metal coolant reactor on the Seawolf nuclear submarine was replaced by the S2WA pressurized water reactor, which was an improved modification of the NautiIus nuclear submarine reactor.

In 1963, the USSR introduced the Project 645 nuclear submarine into the fleet, also equipped with a reactor with a liquid metal coolant, which used an alloy of lead and bismuth. In the first years after construction, this nuclear submarine was successfully operated. However, it did not show any decisive advantages over nuclear submarines with pressurized water reactors being built in parallel. However, the operation of a liquid-metal cooled reactor, especially its basic maintenance, caused certain difficulties. Serial construction of this type of nuclear submarine was not carried out; it remained a single copy and was part of the fleet until 1968.

Along with the introduction of nuclear power plants and equipment directly related to them on submarines, their other elements also changed. The first American nuclear submarine, although larger in size than the diesel submarine, differed little from them in appearance: it had a stem bow and a developed superstructure with an extended flat deck. The hull shape of the first domestic nuclear submarine already had a number of characteristic differences from DPL. In particular, its nasal extremity was given contours that were well streamlined in the underwater position, having a semi-elliptical outline in plan and cross sections close to circular. The fencing of retractable devices (periscopes, RDP devices, antennas, etc.), as well as the hatch and bridge shafts, were made in the form of a streamlined body like a limousine, hence the name “limousine” shape, which later became traditional for the fencing of many types of domestic nuclear submarines.

To make maximum use of all the opportunities to improve the tactical and technical characteristics caused by the use of nuclear power plants, research was launched to optimize the hull shape, architecture and design, controllability when moving in a submerged position with high speeds, automation of control in these modes, navigation support and habitability in conditions of long-term underwater navigation without surfacing.

A number of issues were resolved using specially built experimental and experimental non-nuclear and nuclear submarines. In particular, in solving the problems of controllability and propulsion of nuclear submarines, an important role was played by the experimental submarine “Albacore”, built in the USA in 1953, which had a hull shape close to optimal in terms of minimizing water resistance when moving in a submerged position (the ratio of length to width was about 7.4). Below are the characteristics of the Albacore diesel submarine:

Dimensions, m:
length................................................. ...........................................62.2
width................................................. ........................................8.4
Displacement, t:
surface........................................................ ....................................1500
underwater........................................................ ....................................1850
Power plant:
power of diesel generators, l. s........................................1700
electric motor power *, l. s........................about 15000
number of propeller shafts................................................... .......................1
Full submerged speed, knots................................................... ..33
Test immersion depth, m...................................................185
Crew, people................................................... ...........................................52

*With silver zinc battery.

This submarine was refitted several times and was used for a long time to test propellers (including coaxial counter-rotating ones), controls when moving at high speeds, new types of propellers and solving other problems.

The introduction of nuclear power plants on submarines coincided with the development of a number of fundamentally new types of weapons: cruise missiles (CR) for firing along the coast and for hitting sea targets, later - ballistic missiles (BR), long-range radar detection of air targets.

Advances in the creation of land- and sea-based ballistic missiles have led to a revision of the role and place of both land and sea weapons systems, which is reflected in the development of the type of nuclear submarines. In particular, missile launchers intended for shooting along the shore gradually lost their importance. As a result, the United States limited itself to building only one nuclear submarine, the Halibut, and two diesel submarines, Grayback and Growler, with the Regulus cruise missile, and the nuclear submarines with the cruise missile built in the USSR to hit coastal targets were subsequently converted into nuclear submarines with only torpedo launchers. weapons.

A single copy of the Triton radar patrol nuclear submarine built in the United States during these years, designed for long-range detection of air targets using especially powerful radar stations, remains in one copy. This submarine is also notable for the fact that, of all the American nuclear submarines, it was the only one that had two reactors (all other US nuclear submarines are single-reactor).

The world's first launch of a ballistic missile from a submarine was carried out in the USSR in September 1955. The R-11 FM missile was launched from a converted submarine from the surface position. From the same submarine, five years later, the first launch of a ballistic missile in the USSR from an underwater position was carried out.

Since the late 50s, the process of introducing ballistic missiles on submarines began. First, a small-missile nuclear submarine was created (the dimensions of the first domestic liquid-fueled naval ballistic missiles did not allow the creation of a multi-missile nuclear submarine at once). The first domestic nuclear submarine with three ballistic missiles launching from the surface was put into operation in 1960 (by this time several domestic submarines with ballistic missiles had been built).

In the United States, based on the successes achieved in the field of naval ballistic missiles, they immediately went to create a multi-missile nuclear submarine with support for launching missiles from an underwater position. This was facilitated by the Polaris solid fuel ballistic missile system, which was successfully implemented in those years. Moreover, to shorten the construction period of the first missile carrier, the hull of a serial nuclear submarine, which was under construction at that time, was used

Rice. 9. George Washington-class nuclear-powered missile submarine

with torpedo armament of the “Skipjack” type. This missile carrier, named "George Washington", entered service in December 1959. The first domestic multi-missile nuclear submarine (Project 667A) with 16 ballistic missiles launched from a submerged position entered service in 1967. In the UK, the first nuclear-powered missile carrier, created in a wide range using American experience, it was commissioned in 1968, in France - in 1974. The characteristics of the first nuclear submarines with ballistic missiles are given in Table. 2

In the years following the creation of the first submarines, there was a continuous improvement of this new type of naval weapons: an increase in the flight range of naval ballistic missiles to intercontinental, an increase in the rate of fire of missiles up to salvo, the adoption of ballistic missiles with multiple warheads (MIRVs) containing consisting of several warheads, each of which can be aimed at its own target, increasing the ammunition load of missiles on some types of missile carriers to 20-24.

table 2

The fusion of nuclear energy and intercontinental-range ballistic missiles gave submarines, in addition to their initial advantage (stealth), a fundamentally new quality - the ability to hit targets deep in enemy territory. This has turned nuclear submarines into the most important component of strategic weapons, occupying perhaps the main place in the strategic triad due to its mobility and high survivability.

At the end of the 60s, the USSR created nuclear submarines of a fundamentally new type - multi-missile submarines - carriers of missile launchers with underwater launch. The appearance and subsequent development of these nuclear submarines, which had no analogues in foreign navies, was a real counterweight to the most powerful surface combatants - attack aircraft carriers, including those with nuclear power plants.

Rice. 10. Nuclear submarine missile carrier (project 667A)

At the turn of the 60s, in addition to rocketization, another important direction in the development of nuclear submarines arose - increasing their secrecy from detection, primarily by other submarines, and improving the means of illuminating the underwater environment to outstrip the enemy in detection.

Due to the characteristics of the environment in which submarines operate, the determining factors in the problem of stealth and detection are the noise reduction of submarines and the range of the hydroacoustic equipment installed on them. It was the improvement of these qualities that most strongly influenced the formation of the technical appearance that modern nuclear submarines acquired.

In the interests of solving problems arising in these areas, many countries have launched research and development programs of unprecedented scope, including the development of new low-noise mechanisms and propulsors, carrying out special programs testing of serial nuclear submarines, re-equipment of built nuclear submarines with the introduction of new technical solutions on them, and finally, the creation of nuclear submarines with power plants of a fundamentally new type. The latter includes, in particular, the American nuclear submarine Tillibee, commissioned in 1960. This nuclear submarine was distinguished by a set of measures aimed at reducing noise and increasing the efficiency of sonar weapons. Instead of the main steam turbine with a gearbox, used as an engine on nuclear submarines being serially built at that time, the Tullibee was implemented with a full electric propulsion scheme - a special propeller electric motor and turbogenerators of appropriate power were installed. In addition, for the first time, a hydroacoustic complex with a spherical bow antenna of increased size was used for a nuclear submarine, and in connection with this, a new arrangement of torpedo tubes was used: closer to the middle of the submarine’s length and at an angle of 10-12° to its center plane.

When designing the Tillibee, it was planned that it would become the lead in a series of new type of nuclear submarines, specifically designed for anti-submarine operations. However, these intentions were not realized, although many of the technical means and solutions used and tested on it (hydroacoustic complex, layout of torpedo tubes, etc.) were immediately extended to the Thresher-class serial nuclear submarines being built in the 60s.

Following the Tillibee, two more experimental nuclear submarines were built to test new technical solutions to increase acoustic stealth: in 1967, the Jack nuclear submarine with a gearless (direct-acting) turbine installation and coaxial propellers in the opposite direction of rotation (like those used on torpedoes) and in 1969, the Narwhal nuclear submarine, equipped with a new type of nuclear reactor with an increased level of natural circulation of the primary coolant. This reactor was expected to have a reduced level of noise emissions due to a reduction in the power of the primary circuit circulation pumps. The first of these solutions was not developed, but as for the new type of reactor, the results obtained were used in the development of reactors for serial nuclear submarines in subsequent years of construction.

In the 70s, American specialists again returned to the idea of ​​​​using full electric propulsion on nuclear submarines. In 1974, the construction of the nuclear submarine Glenard P. Lipscomb with a turboelectric power plant consisting of turbogenerators and electric motors was completed. However, this nuclear submarine was not accepted for mass production. The characteristics of the nuclear submarines "Tillibee" and "Glenard P. Lipscomb" are given in table. 3.

The refusal to “replicate” nuclear submarines with full electric propulsion suggests that the gain in noise reduction, even if it occurred on nuclear submarines of this type, did not compensate for the deterioration of other characteristics associated with the introduction of electric propulsion, primarily due to the impossibility of creating electric motors of the required power and acceptable dimensions and, as a result, a decrease in the speed of full underwater travel compared to similar ones in time creation of nuclear submarines with turbocharger units.

Table 3

In any case, testing of the Glenard P. Lipscomb nuclear submarine was still ongoing, and the assembly of the Los Angeles nuclear submarine with a conventional steam turbine unit had already begun on the slipway - the lead nuclear submarine in one of the largest series of boats in the history of American shipbuilding. The design of this nuclear submarine was created as an alternative to the Glenard Lipscomb and turned out to be more successful, as a result of which it was accepted for serial construction.

The world practice of submarine shipbuilding so far knows only one exception, when the full electric propulsion scheme was implemented not on one prototype, but on several serial nuclear submarines. These are six French nuclear submarines of the Rubis and Amethyste type, commissioned in 1983-1993.

The problem of acoustic secrecy of nuclear submarines did not simultaneously become dominant in all countries. Another important area for improving nuclear submarines in the 60s was considered to be achieving the highest possible underwater speed. Since the possibilities of reducing water resistance to movement by optimizing the shape of the hull had been largely exhausted by this time, and other fundamentally new solutions to this problem did not give real practical results, to increase the underwater speed of nuclear submarines there was only one way left - increasing their power supply (measured by the ratio power used to move the installation to displacement). At first, this problem was solved directly, i.e. through the creation and use of nuclear power plants of significantly increased power. Later, already in the 70s, designers took the path of simultaneously, but not so significantly, increasing the power of nuclear power plants and reducing the displacement of nuclear submarines, in particular by sharply increasing the level of control automation and reducing the crew size in this regard.

The practical implementation of these directions led to the creation in the USSR of several nuclear submarines with a speed of over 40 knots, i.e., significantly higher than that of the bulk of nuclear submarines being simultaneously built both in the USSR and in the West. The record for full submerged speed - almost 45 knots - was achieved in 1969 during testing of the domestic nuclear submarine with the Project 661 cruise missile.

Another characteristic feature of the development of nuclear submarines is a more or less monotonous increase in immersion depth over time. Over the years since the commissioning of the first nuclear submarines, the immersion depth, as can be seen from the data below for serial nuclear submarines recent years buildings has more than doubled. Of the combat nuclear submarines, the domestic experimental nuclear submarine Komsomolets, built in the mid-80s, had the greatest diving depth (about 1000 m). As you know, the nuclear submarine was destroyed by fire in April 1989, but the experience gained during its design, construction and operation is invaluable.

By the mid-70s, subclasses of nuclear submarines gradually emerged and stabilized for some time, differing in the purpose and composition of the main strike weapons:
- multi-purpose submarines with torpedo weapons, anti-submarine missiles, and later cruise missiles fired from torpedo tubes and special launchers, designed for anti-submarine operations, destruction of surface targets, as well as for solving other traditional submarine tasks (mine laying, reconnaissance, etc. );
- strategic missile submarines armed with ballistic missiles to destroy targets on enemy territory;
- submarines carrying cruise missiles, designed mainly to destroy surface ships and transports.

Abbreviated designation for submarines of these subclasses: nuclear submarines, SSBNs, SSGNs (respectively English abbreviations: SSN, SSBN, SSGN).

The above classification, like any other, is conditional. For example, with the installation of silos for launching cruise missiles on multi-purpose nuclear submarines, the differences between nuclear submarines and specialized SSGNs are largely erased, and the use of cruise missiles with nuclear submarines, intended for firing at coastal targets and carrying nuclear warheads, transfers such submarines to the category of strategic ones. The navies of different countries, as a rule, use their own classification of ships, including nuclear submarines.

The construction of combat submarines is carried out, as a rule, in series of several (sometimes several dozen) submarines each based on one basic design, to which, as experience in the construction and operation of submarines accumulates, relatively insignificant changes are made. For example in table. 4 shows data on the serial construction of nuclear submarines in the USA. The series, as is usually customary, are named accordingly to the head

Table 4

*Built in three sub-series. A larger series of nuclear submarines of 77 units was implemented only during the construction of domestic missile carriers, which, although different in TTX, are based on the same project 667A.
** Construction of the series is not completed.
Submarines, time intervals are indicated by the timing of the laying of the lead submarine and the commissioning of the last in the series of submarines.

The level of development of ALL reached by the mid-90s is characterized by those given in table. 5 data for three American nuclear submarines in recent years of construction.

Table 5

* Improved modification, the lead nuclear submarine of the third subseries.
** According to other sources - 2x30000 hp.

In relation to nuclear submarines (sometimes also to nuclear submarines), the rather conventional but widespread concept of “generation” is used. The signs by which nuclear submarines are classified as belonging to a particular generation are: proximity in time of creation, commonality of technical solutions incorporated in the projects, the same type of power plants and other equipment for general ship purposes, the same hull material, etc. One generation can be classified as nuclear submarines for various purposes and even several successive series. The transition from one series of submarines to another, and even more so the transition from generation to generation, is preceded by comprehensive research in order to make an informed choice optimal combinations main tactical and technical characteristics of new nuclear submarines.

Rice. 11. The newest Russian multi-purpose nuclear submarine of the Bars type (project 971)

The relevance of this kind of research has especially increased with the advent of the possibility (thanks to the development of technology) of creating nuclear submarines that differ significantly in speed, immersion depth, stealth indicators, displacement, armament composition, etc. The implementation of these studies sometimes continues for several years and includes the development and military-economic assessment for a wide range alternative options Nuclear submarines - from an improved modification of a serially built nuclear submarine to a variant that is a synthesis of fundamentally new technical solutions in the field of architecture, energy, weapons, hull materials, etc.

As a rule, these studies are not limited only to the design of nuclear submarine variants, but also include entire programs of research and development work in hydrodynamics, strength, hydroacoustics and other areas, and in some cases, discussed above, also the creation of special experimental nuclear submarines.

In countries that build nuclear submarines most intensively, three or four generations of these ships have been created. For example, in the United States, among multi-purpose nuclear submarines, generation 1 usually includes nuclear submarines of the “Skate” and “Skipjack” types, generation 2 - “Thresher” and “Sturgeon”, generation 3 - “LosAngeles”. The Seawolf nuclear submarine is considered as a representative of a new, fourth generation of US Navy nuclear submarines. Among the missile carriers, the first generation includes the boats “George Washington” and “Ethan Allen”, the second - “Lafayette” and “Benjamin Franklin”, the third - “Ohio”.

Rice. 12. Modern Russian nuclear submarine missile carrier "Akula" type (project 941)

In total, by the end of the 90s, about 500 nuclear submarines were built in the world (including those disabled due to obsolescence and lost). The number of nuclear submarines by year in the navies and navies of different countries is given in table. 6.

Table 6

Note. Above the line is a nuclear submarine, below the line is an SSBN.

According to the forecast, the total number of nuclear submarines that will be in service in 2000 will be (excluding nuclear submarines of the Russian Navy) about 130, of which about 30 are SSBNs.

The stealthiness of nuclear submarines and almost complete independence from weather conditions makes them an effective means for conducting various kinds of special reconnaissance and sabotage operations. Typically, submarines are used for these purposes after completing their service for their intended purpose. For example, the previously mentioned US Navy nuclear submarine Halibut, which was built as a carrier of Regulus cruise missiles, was converted in the mid-60s to search (using special devices it carried) for objects lying on the ground, including sunken submarines . Later, to replace it for similar operations, the torpedo nuclear submarine of the US Navy "Parche" (Sturgeon type) was converted into the hull of which a section about 30 m long was cut into and a special underwater vehicle was received onto the deck. The nuclear submarine became notorious for participating in a spy operation in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the 80s. Installed on a submarine cable special device, she, according to data published in the United States, provided wiretapping of communications between the Soviet naval base in Kamchatka and the mainland.

Rice. 13. The newest American nuclear submarine “Seawolf”

Several US Navy Lafayete-class missile carriers, after being withdrawn from the strategic forces, were converted into amphibious submarines for the covert delivery of several dozen marines. For this purpose, durable containers with the necessary equipment are installed on deck. This ensures an extension of the life of nuclear submarines, which, for various reasons, are no longer used for their original purpose.

Over the forty-odd years of the nuclear submarine’s existence, as a result of accidents (fires, explosions, depressurization of sea water lines, etc.), two nuclear submarines of the US Navy and four nuclear submarines of the USSR Navy sank, of which one sank twice in places with relatively shallow depths and was raised both times means of the emergency rescue service. The remaining sunken nuclear submarines have serious damage or are almost completely destroyed and lie at depths of one and a half kilometers or more.

There was one case of combat use of a nuclear submarine against a surface ship: the nuclear submarine Conqueror of the British Navy during the conflict over the Falkland Islands in May 1982 attacked and sank the Argentine-owned cruiser G.Belgrano with torpedoes. Since 1991, American Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines have launched Tomahawk cruise missile attacks on targets in Iraq several times. In 1999, attacks with these missiles on the territory of Yugoslavia were carried out from the English nuclear submarine Splendid.

(1) This shape, characteristic of diesel-electric submarines, ensured satisfactory performance while on the surface.

(2) Previously, if a submarine had a strong deckhouse protruding beyond the hull, it was called a deckhouse fencing.

(3) It should be noted that at different times the US Navy intended to create submarines with cruise missiles, but each time preference was given to multi-purpose submarines.

(4) Previously, nuclear submarines used a set of sonar systems for various purposes.

(5) For construction, the design of serial nuclear submarines of the “Thresher” type was used and officially the nuclear submarine was considered the seventh ship of the series.

(6) Two electric motors with an estimated power of 11,000 hp were used. With. each placed one after the other.

Table of contents

In box with Apple Watch Series 3 we found a stingy gentleman's set: an induction charging tablet, a 1 A plug, a silicone strap with one additional clasp of a different length and documentation.


Apple Watch Series 3 with eSIM support, as well as Hermès and Edition modifications, unfortunately, are not presented in Russia. This means that we don’t sell variations with sapphire glass, steel or ceramic cases either.

What you can choose: one of two sizes (38 mm and 42 mm), one of four colors silicone strap (smoky, pink, gray and black), depending on which one of three colors of the aluminum case will be offered (silver, gold and “space gray”).

There is also a modification of Nike+ for athletes and fans of the brand of the same name - with thematic design of dials and special mesh straps.

There is no difference in specifications depending on size. The difference in price is small - relative to the cost of the watch itself. Therefore, here you should be guided only by personal preferences. I have an Apple Watch with a case length of 38 mm, and I really like it, I don’t feel disadvantaged, I don’t want a “full-length” version.


The only controversial point is the choice of a specific Apple Watch model. At the moment, models of the first and third series are officially on sale. If you need a remote control for iOS devices, an activity tracker, and a workout tracker, the Apple Watch Series 1 is enough. If it is waterproof and tracks swim laps in the pool, listens to music without a smartphone, and has hardware reserves for the future, it is better to choose the Apple Watch Series 3.

Finally, they are sent to their owners. Now it's time for fun, or rather learning. Users will have to tinker with the new gadget for some time in order to explore all its capabilities and use them to the maximum. We present to your attention a number of basic functions, after familiarizing yourself with which, you will be able to work with the watch immediately after.

In contact with

1. Buttons

— Power (on/off): You can turn your Apple Watch on or off by pressing and holding the wide button located on the side of the case.

— Return to home screen : To get to the home screen, you need to press the wheel once Digital Crown.

- Switching applications: switch between the last two running programs by quickly double-clicking the Digital Crown.

- Screenshot: To take a screenshot, you need to press the Side button and Digital Crown at the same time.

— Scrolling pages: You can go to the top or bottom of the page using the Digital Crown, or simply by swiping your finger across the screen in the desired direction.

— Scaling: Use the Digital Crown to zoom in on a detail in a photo or an area on a map. It is worth noting that the ability to zoom using two fingers (as in the iPhone) is not available on the Apple Watch.

— Favorite contacts: To quickly access your favorite contacts, simply press the side button once.

- Apple Pay: payment system double click on the side button.

2. User Interface

— Notifications: You can manage notifications that come to your Apple Watch using special application on iPhone.

— Notification Center: Access the Notification Center on Apple Watch the same way as on iPhone - by swiping down from the top of the screen.

— Cards Glances : To view Glances, just swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

— Card selectionGlances: Using the appropriate application, you can choose which programs and what information will be displayed in Glances.

— Location of application icons: Just like on the iPhone, to move an icon you need to press and hold it until it “jitters”, after which you can drag it to another location on the screen. You can also easily change your background using the iPhone app.

— Quick access to applications: Any watch face that supports features called complications allows you to quickly access apps. For example, in order to open the Activity program, you need to click on Activity in complications. In addition, you can launch this application through Glance.

— Strong pressure: to access additional functions user interface, you need to press a little harder on the watch screen.

3. Battery

- Term battery life devices: Apple claims the watch can last up to 18 hours on a single charge. However, there are features that can drain your battery in no time. Telephone conversations deplete battery resources in 3 hours, playing sports - in 6.5 hours.

— Charging time: Apple claims the Apple Watch battery can charge 80% in 1.5 hours. Time fully charged is 2.5 hours.

4. Additional useful features

— Apple Watch recoil force: When a notification arrives on Apple Watch, the Apple Watch uses the Taptic Engine to gently nudge the user. The strength of the push can be adjusted using a special application.

— Synchronization of music and photos: Sync stored on iPhone music library and photos from Apple Watch using the corresponding application.

- Activity tracking without iPhone: Over time the watch will learn physical indicators their owner and will be able to accurately track his activity without connecting to an iPhone.

— Apple Watch and water A: It must be remembered that it is not waterproof.

— Bracelets: You need to pay attention to the material from which the strap is made. For example, it is better not to soak leather bracelets in water, and fluoroplastic is sensitive to some chemical compounds.

Date: 08/08/2017 Time: 07:34 21503

For 2017 year of apple Watch Series 2 is the most popular smartwatch in the world. They are also one of the most functional, as well as the most expressive in design. Developers are willing to write applications for them, so the watch can not only show the time and notify you of messages, but also help in business, sports, shopping, and also save money.

There are currently two generations on sale. smart watch Apple Watch (Series 1 and Series 2), which are not so different from each other. Second-generation innovations include a more powerful processor, enhanced protection away from the water and finally GPS on board. Also available special versions, joint with Hermes and Nike. The operating system update also added speed, as well as new watch faces and interface improvements.

We offer an overview of useful Apple Watch features and capabilities that are worth knowing:

  1. You can answer calls directly from your watch. At incoming call The receive and reject buttons are displayed.
  2. Replaceable dials. The standard set has dials for every taste (including analog and digital). Plus you can install additional ones.
  3. View SMS and iMessage and quickly respond to them. Smartwatches offer an excellent set of standard quick responses.
  4. Correspondence on Facebook Messenger. Gradually, all popular instant messengers are learning to work with watches.
  5. Examination Email(both through the standard application and through third-party ones).
  6. Quickly send emoticons directly from the device screen.
  7. Switch to silent mode, for example, at a meeting or at the cinema.
  8. Quickly access application information on your iPhone or iPad (if the application supports this feature).
  9. Notifications about incoming messages on iPhone, from system or third-party applications.
  10. Built-in heart rate monitor.
  11. Sending heart rate monitor readings to another device (for example, a doctor or trainer).
  12. Payment via Apple Pay using NFC-enabled terminals.
  13. Record your walking and jogging route.
  14. Launching applications on iPhone.
  15. Voice requests to Siri.
  16. Viewing photos (yes, even though the screen is small, the photos look quite impressive on it).
  17. Sending drawings (Digital Touch). You can draw directly on the watch screen.
  18. Sending location. It's faster than explaining over the phone where you are for a long time.
  19. Get directions in the Maps app.
  20. Offline music playback from iTunes. Your music library is stored directly in the watch's memory.
  21. Search for a smartphone. The Find My iPhone app will make your phone beep loudly.
  22. Remote camera control. Forget about selfie sticks: the watch makes pressing the shutter more convenient, and the smartphone can be placed in any convenient place.
  23. Home control Apple technology(TV, Time Capsule etc.).
  24. Connection to the car. Modern systems Automotive electronics are interfaced with mobile technology.
  25. Sports tracking.
  26. Storage electronic tickets. Conductor scanners perfectly read QR codes from the watch display.
  27. Sending an SOS signal in an emergency.
  28. Night clock mode. Dock your Apple Watch and you'll be able to see its watch face from afar.
  29. Working in water. You can swim with an Apple Watch, but without fanaticism. The model is waterproof up to 50 meters (5 ATM).
  30. You can move the hands forward 10 minutes to have some extra time when planning meetings and trips. Self-deception? Yes.)

Which of these functions is more useful for you - experience will show (we bet on notifications, payments and remote control of the player and camera). However, there is no doubt that Apple and third-party developers will still be able to open up a lot of new applications for smartwatches.

15 conclusions I made">

I wore the Apple Watch for five weeks. Here are my conclusions.

Where did you come from

Let's go with some impressions.

1. They're hard to steal.

If you yank someone's Apple Watch with a Sport, Milanese, or any other strap very hard, you get it in the eye.

Despite the visually weak fastenings, Apple straps are almost impossible to remove from your hands, together with the watch or separately. They simply do not open accidentally, under pressure and without the directed efforts of the owner. You can steal a watch only if the owner takes it off first.

Seeing most of the straps in the pictures, I was worried about the safety of the watch. Having tried it, I was instantly convinced of the opposite. They won't be torn from your hands. This time.

If the owner installs password protection , the watch will ask for a code after you remove it. Without a password, no functions work. You won’t even be able to reset your watch without having access to the iPhone to which the Apple Watch was linked. That's two.

Roughly speaking, there is no point in stealing them. Yes, and it’s too difficult. So don’t worry - they won’t take it away if you don’t give it back ;)

2. Not all watch faces are created equal

People don't buy an Apple Watch to just look at the time. However, there are quite a few good watch faces in the watch memory. And just as many bad ones. For example, it is absolutely unclear who will use the huge digital option: the information content is zero, and the numbers themselves are visually let down.

Feature of watch faces in Apple Watch – interactivity. For example, with a chronograph you can instantly start a timer, and with an astronomical dial you can look at the position of all the planets of the solar system and find out what position Mars is in relation to Earth and Venus today. Helps during adoption important decisions in life (joke).

Almost all the visual watch faces are gorgeous, and the analog ones are... sad. It is clear that some of them received much more attention during development.

The animation in the astronomical or solar dials deserves the highest praise from Steve Jobs himself. You spin the Digital Crown and see at what moment the sun will rise. If you leave this watch face to the general application menu, and then return back, the animation changes depending on the position of the star now. Such little things in design - business card"the same Apple." Praise also extends to the “female” modes with flowers and butterflies.

However, the digital mode, and most analogue ones, look monotonous and boring. What saves you is the very “chronometer” in which you can change the background color - nowhere else, by the way. He does apple watch a bit like a regular watch. No more.

I bet that in the new firmware Apple will allow you to install other dials from App Store. And then this quibble will lose all meaning. In the meantime, I walk around with a chronometer, and at night I switch to “modern mode” with digital time. It's ok, but it could be better - a choice of good men's options would not hurt anyone.

3. They last longer than you think.

The first reviews about the operating time of the Apple Watch were purely negative. Looking back, it was inevitable. Remember yourself as a child: you were given a toy, and you only use it all day. We have grown up, but the toys have remained about the same.

Unless you're a journalist who needs to test every little thing on a watch for the sake of writing an article and keep up with it for days, your Apple Watch will last all day from early morning until night.

I speak for myself. There was never a time when the clock ran out of charge in the evening. I take them off the charger around 7-8 in the morning and don’t take them off during the day. The result personally suits me one hundred percent.

Even when I used them every 10-15 minutes, launching applications and games, checking the time and getting directions, in the evening (23:00) I had about 20-25% charge left. This would be enough before 6 am.

In addition, the watch has an “emergency” mode, in which only the time display works. It makes virtually no sense, because it displays dirty green and microscopic numbers somewhere in the right top corner. That's all. It’s better to just turn it off and not torture... But with this mode you can stretch 15% charge for half a day regular time checks.

It’s clear that if you want, you can discharge your Apple Watch in 3-5 hours. But the same argument applies to the iPhone. And for any smartphone on the market. Apple watches have competitors in terms of autonomy. For example, Pebble works for almost a week. However, they have 20 times fewer functions, and the screen is monochrome. So I see no point in comparing them. Especially visually.

The display drains the battery the most. This means that over time, when you start actually using your Apple Watch rather than fiddling with it, you'll notice nearly double the battery life compared to the original performance.

Many are indignant: they say, I didn’t have enough to charge the watch every day! But if you live in the city and spend the night at home 95% of the time, there will be no real discomfort with recharging.

The “power supply” is very small, and its cable is incredibly long. Seriously, it’s like three meters there. Personally, I attached an adapter in the hallway to get the most out of an old habit. When I come home, I always take off any watch and put it at the entrance. Now there is a platform in this place Apple chargers Watch, and therefore they are always fed to the maximum.

I've never been left with a dead Apple Watch. Accordingly, I am quite satisfied with the battery life. Yes, if the new models have more, no one will be worse off. In the meantime, I’m not complaining.

And no, the “my mechanical/quartz watch lasts 100,500 years” argument doesn’t work here. Please, let your watch launch Siri, show the weather, change the track, count calories, silently wake you up, answer the call, send a message, display the notification text... well, you get the idea;)

4. The clock is not fast

Apple Watch works smoothly, but can sometimes become hesitant. You don't notice this during routine use. If you start exiting and logging in from the built-in programs, you will notice the slowness of both the loading and the response of the watch itself: sometimes it begins to respond to commands only a second or two after closing the application. Or they don’t immediately recognize a “tap” on the screen if they’ve been digging through other menus before.

Owning a small watch model, I absolutely refuse to believe that it can accommodate a battery, a recoil motor, a microphone, a good display, several sensors, a speaker and all the other hardware. Apple engineers don't eat their bread in vain. However, they cannot break the laws of physics and change the level of progress.

It's obvious that Apple has reduced the processor performance in its watch to improve battery life and reduce heat generation. Inside there is a “stone”, technically similar to its brother from the iPhone 4S and iPad Mini– devices that came out three years ago are already largely outdated. Therefore, we cannot talk about some incredible chip performance in Apple smart watches; it has nowhere to come from. At the same time, the operating system in the watch is clearly not as resource-demanding as in the iPhone.

The situation is complicated. So far, I have the impression that most of the “lags” can be corrected by proper software optimization, that is, by developing and releasing new firmware. Being the successor of iOS 8, operating system Watch OS carries with it eight years of code baggage, and it’s high time the company cleaned it up. To benefit future performance improvements Watch versions OS is talking about fresh rumors, so I am doubly calm.

There are no smartwatches on the market yet that operate without brakes. Take any - and after a couple of days you will repeatedly notice “lags” and general thoughtfulness of both the system and the interface. Probably the most responsive in this regard were my good old Pebble, but calling them “ smart watch"By today's standards this is no longer possible.

One way or another, the thoughtfulness of the Apple Watch is tolerable and more often unnoticeable than vice versa. Again, unless you're a reviewer who fanatically pokes at everything, you won't have any problems with their performance.

5. Notifications from iPhone no longer bother you

After five years of working on the Internet, I developed a stupid habit. constantly take out my smartphone and see if I have anything new. Did you miss another “important” notification? But recently this is not enough: I need to unlock it, open the Notification Center, scroll through it, read it - then I become calm. A minute, if not two or three, was lost.

With Apple Watch, the bad habit instantly disappeared. I returned only when I had to take the watch to the store.

I myself didn’t notice how I practically stopped taking out my iPhone. It's in my pocket, and I'm looking forward and up into the real world. At the same time, I am in complete control of the situation. Not a single message is missed, not a single call is missed. And if it passes, it’s only because I’m busy and personally reset it from the clock, automatically sending the caller a request to dial later.

I can enjoy the real world without missing anything in the virtual one. The Internet is with me, but it doesn’t interfere with my life. There is no other way to explain it. So, excuse me, excuse me – it’s “vanilla” and all that, but it’s honest.

This strange feeling quickly gives rise to respect for the watch and Apple in general. This was not the case when I used Pebble, although they are similar in nature. I felt a tap on my hand, I raised my hand - yeah, Twitter, not interesting - I lowered my hand. 2 seconds and I returned back to reality. Here's another example. iPhone in your pocket, an important call in the city, you can’t hear anything. But the clock is knocking. I felt it, got it, responded.

I consider the Apple Watch a necessary thing for a busy executive, freelancer, or simply an online person. If you value functionality over show-off, then you should have an equally functional watch on your wrist. No one is encroaching on mechanics, I adore them myself, but they won’t help you make your life better. And the Apple watch will at least contribute to this by unloading the incoming flow of information.

6. Every passerby knows more about Apple Watch than you do.

A man, 35 years old, is sitting there, he seems to have everything. And tells me Apple owner Watch how uncomfortable it is to live with these very “voices”, how Jobs “wouldn’t allow this.” And he convinces me, the owner, that my watch is, in fact, a complete mess.

I ask him - did you wear this watch yourself? “Of course I didn’t wear it”, why does he need them? The man is smart and read everything on the Internet. Now he knows everything better than others.

Each person I talk to feels obligated to put down the Apple Watch and tell me how much Apple screwed it up. Do you know what they have in common? None of them had ever worn an Apple Watch in their lives and had only seen it in pictures.

The amount of prejudice in people's heads is simply breathtaking! And they scratch quickly, and they don’t hold a charge, and they break instantly - yes, you can drop them and break them. And how many things can you buy with this money, I just have a list ready, look...

Funny, funny and sad. But it's more funny than sad. Owners of the very first iPhones during the times of Nokia and Sony Ericsson will understand me.

"It's clear. I'm sorry you didn't like it. Do you want to see it?”- I say, starting to take off my watch.

“YES, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Cool!"- they exclaim and do not notice themselves.

7. In the sun, the watch is not bright enough

The sports model of Apple Watch differs from the rest in the absence of sapphire crystal. From a scratch protection point of view, this is a minus. But a curious surprise arises in the sun...

The fact is that the glass is made of sapphire crystal glare more in the sun. And it transmits a little less light than usual in the iPhone 6 and sports Apple Watch.

In practice, this makes a noticeable difference between the two versions of the Apple Watch. Aluminum ones, with Ion-X glass, are a little better “readable” in the sun than steel or gold ones. The difference is not so critical as to dramatically change your preferences, but at the same time worthy of attention if you plan to vacation repeatedly this summer in the sun.

8. Digital Crown really rocks

Digital Crown controls features swipe and zoom in most applications, plus it does some interesting things in watch faces - for example, it allows you to “scroll forward time” in astronomical mode or change the number of divisions on the chronograph stopwatch. In the photo above, the “twist” is responsible for quickly adjusting the sound volume.

Dimensions Apple display Watch is very small. Especially the version with a 38mm dial. Therefore, you simply cannot poke two fingers at it. So Apple added such an element to the watch. By the way, it works quite well. In my opinion, what's missing is a mouse wheel-style "click" mechanism for more precise scrolling - but it would likely create limitations for developers and their apps.

The Digital Crown served me well while using maps and scrolling through my Twitter feed. I just swiped and scrolled. At the same time, it was partly because of her that I stopped opening Alarm Clock on the Apple Watch. Here the wheel sets the hour and minutes for the signal to turn on. Due to the ultra-high sensitivity, you constantly miss the desired number. As a result, I gave up and use Siri for this task.

9. Siri doesn't speak, but it helps.

For example, with its help I plotted a route without taking my iPhone out of my pocket - I said “get directions on foot to the metro,” and that’s it, I went. You can start playing a specific track or album in the iPhone's memory. Check the weather or set an alarm.

If your query is too complex to show on the small screen, Siri will prompt you to open the results on iPhone. You confirm, take your iPhone out of your wide trousers - and everything is already shown there. Most often this will happen when you are trying to find something on the Internet. The watch does not have a web browser, so such requests are sent directly to the smartphone.

Through Siri, you can write messages using dictation, call anyone on your contact list directly from the watch, create tasks in iOS Calendar and mark them as completed. The Russian version of the service understands requests without any problems, but in noisy conditions it may stumble and parse the request incorrectly.

Most often I used two queries: weather and alarm clock. Performing tasks through Siri is easier and faster than doing the same manually through the corresponding applications. The main advantage is that you don’t need to reach for your iPhone to do this. You can simply say “Hey Siri!” – and she will hear you.

Yes, she follows the sound around and responds to a passphrase, if you first raise your hand. You don't need to press anything. This is roughly how it works Google Now on competitive Android Wear, but we will carefully leave this behind the scenes.

In general, I think that Siri really simplifies working with the watch and iPhone. Personally, I use it on my watch much more often than on the iPhone itself.

10. There are not very many applications yet

There's nothing new here: the watch is only two months old, so App store There aren't enough apps in the Store. The reality, however, is more complicated than it seems.

The current () version of the Apple Watch firmware and SDK (development tools) limit the capabilities of third-party application developers. They cannot gain full access to all functions of the watch, and the programs they create, in fact, only work from the iPhone’s memory.

Because of this, the App Store for Apple Watch does not yet have “sleep trackers”, “smart alarm clocks”, advanced fitness applications, or any stunning games. This problem will most likely be resolved in two weeks, at the WWDC 2015 presentation. The ability to download new watch faces may also be announced there.

At the moment there is nothing special to install on the Apple Watch, so I made my selection of worthy ones. While the developers cannot reveal the capabilities of the watch. Everyone is waiting.

11. They can be a silent alarm clock

Pebble handled this task well. I set the time, went to bed, and woke up not from a call on my smartphone, but from almost silent vibration watch on your hand. The girl slept on, and I went about my business early in the morning. A great feature that all “family” freelancers have been missing.

Much to my delight, the Apple Watch can do the same. You turn on silent mode in Settings, set an alarm clock through the application of the same name (or Siri) - that’s it, at the appointed time the gorgeous tactile feedback of the Taptic Engine will start drumming on you, without disturbing the peace of your bed neighbors. Ideal for those who like to get up early or work at night.

The corresponding motor in Apple watches does not vibrate so much as “knock.” A notification arrived and I felt a slight “pop” on my wrist. You need to turn it, as in the photo above - a double blow that forces you to pay attention. The effect varies in strength depending on the urgency of the alert: from the subtle effect of an incoming call to the powerful click of an iMessage.

Unlike settings on an iPhone, you can't change the rhythm and strength of vibrations on the Apple Watch for specific alerts or apps. Not to say that this is generally necessary, but such a function would not hurt anyone. However, in Settings there is an item that allows you to increase the impact or, conversely, practically turn it off.

I myself initially turned on the maximum output, but after a while I returned the settings to the basic values. A reinforced version is required only if the watch is dangling on your hand. But you’ll still feel it if you don’t hear it.

Speaking of notifications. If you cover the watch with your hand for three seconds, the silent mode will turn on. A curious little thing that works thanks to the presence of a light sensor.

My Apple watch has been tried by dozens of people. Every time it came to checking tactile feedback, their faces expressed genuine surprise, and sometimes even delight. It’s especially funny to watch this if the same person two minutes ago was criticizing the Apple Watch for every little thing.

Anyway, Taptic Engine rocks. Until you try, you won’t understand, and no stories will convey it.

13. You have to buy two pieces at once

...if you have a girlfriend/wife. Or if the girl is you, and you have a boyfriend/husband. Don't buy two at once for yourself and a friend, because then you will inevitably try to test the heartbeat function, and this will not be the best moment of your life;))

Jokes aside, but couples with Apple Watch have undeniable advantage in front of a lonely owner. Firstly, lovers can send each other simple drawings, moving your finger across the watch screen. There is not enough space on the display, you can’t draw much even if you want to - but “hearts”, greetings, and emoticons can fit. Such drawings are instantly displayed on the recipient's watch, right in real time.

This is just an amazing thing, and I personally do not share the skepticism of some observers from Russia who have ridden through this function. It’s no one’s fault that in their personal lives such little things are considered insignificant :) Instead of writing the usual “how are you doing,” you send her a pulse, and she sends hers in response. He didn’t say anything, but you feel the connection, romance, cuteness and the list goes on.

At one time, we used the Couple application, through which we could send a Push “beacon” - they say, I’m thinking about you. And then the Yo! program appeared, which personified the idea of ​​communication without words, but without romantic overtones. Oddly enough, the idea has not died to this day, and its implementation in the Apple Watch is worthy of praise. It’s just a pity that you can’t just “knock” on the recipient, without a pulse or pattern. I think it's a matter of a couple of firmware updates.

By the way, Yo! has already been updated for the Apple Watch and allows you to do exactly that – annoy recipients from your contact list with your “yo” :)

14. No need to call through them

This feature can be useful if you sit at home in silence and are simply too lazy to approach your iPhone while wearing your watch. If you take a call on the street, you most likely will not be heard at all - and you yourself will start yelling at your Apple Watch, trying to drown out the surrounding noise. People around you will laugh openly!

I talked on the Apple Watch exactly five times and received/made calls through it. The result is this: the function works tolerably and even normally if you have a physical barrier between the iPhone and you are ready to speak loudly, directly into the watch. Best result guaranteed if you are wearing a headset or Bluetooth headphones. With the latter, it’s generally gorgeous, but then you don’t need an Apple Watch either: in my SoundLink On-Ear, the caller’s name is pronounced by “robot,” and the call, like on all headsets, can be answered by pressing the Play button.

In short, the function of conversation here is for specific situations, not for real application. If you find successful examples, share them in the comments. I haven’t found any of these in a month of testing.

15. You quickly get used to them and it’s hard without them.

As I already said, the watch had to be returned. From that moment on, I began to notice curious things about myself. Firstly, I constantly imagine that my usual mechanical watches notifications are coming. It's like they're tapping like a Taptic Engine. I can’t count how many times I instinctively raised my hand and dropped it sharply in disappointment.

Secondly, the watch is really unloaded information flow , allowing you to concentrate on the road or a conversation with a person, and not guess in your head why the smartphone just vibrated in your pocket. You need to be distracted by them carefully, because on the part of the interlocutor it may look like disrespect - but at the same time, you are freed from anxiety much faster than if you had to take out your phone, unlock it, look, block it back and put it away again.

Finally, thirdly, the Apple Watch looked better than any other iOS compatible smartwatch. Certainly better than Pebble. I don’t really want to go back to the Pebbles after something like this, and they’ve been collecting dust in a box all month, and they’re still there.

In the end, I firmly decided that I'll get my own Apple Watch. I already know that I will definitely take the 38 mm version, with my height and build it looks better. All that remains is to choose a strap and style: the aluminum model looks great, but now I wanted to try the steel one :)

And finally. I gave the very first model that came to our editorial office to Arthur - he really wanted to write, but at first I didn’t like them at all. But as soon as you not only put them on, but started using them, your opinion would change to the exact opposite.

If you haven't worn an Apple Watch yet, but already hate, dislike, or disapprove of it - maybe at first worth a try? ( 4.00 out of 5, rated: 7 )

website I wore the Apple Watch for five weeks. Here are my conclusions. Where did it come from? The watch was provided in the store in the very first days of sales. Now the guys have in stock all imaginable and inconceivable modifications of the Apple Watch.. Come in, choose to your taste! Let's go with some impressions. 1. They are hard...