Marvel comics characters description. The 100 Best Comic Book Characters of All Time: The Most Vivid and Famous Images of Superheroes

The first comics appeared in the 16th-17th centuries, but their golden age was the last, 20th. These drawn stories became part of popular culture. It was from comic books that we learned about superheroes fighting super-villains and saving people. The simple plots of these stories are easily filmed, giving rise to a whole series of spectacular films.

Comics are not as popular in our country as in America. There, fans of this book genre even celebrate National Comic Book Day. In the morning, queues of fans form in specialized stores wanting to add a new book purchased at a discount to their collection.

But comics were invented in Europe! But today it is the States that have become their “Mecca”. It was there that the most famous comic book characters appeared, some of whom became heroes of spectacular and exciting films.

This character was born in 1932 thanks to writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster. Clark Kent was the last survivor of the lost planet Krypton. Endowed with unnatural strength, he became the first comic book superhero. Superman became a cult character for teenagers, his phenomenon was studied by philosophers and cultural scientists. Umberto Eco himself studied how the story of this superhero affected world culture, writer Special attention paid attention to the hero’s magical abilities. The story of Superman has been filmed several times, TV series and continuations of the story have been made about him. It's no coincidence that in 2011, Superman topped IGN's list of the 100 Greatest Comic Book Heroes.

And this iconic character of our time was created by Bob Kane, first appearing in the pages of Detective Comics magazine back in 1939. And in last years director Christopher Nolan gave the story a second wind with a series of his powerful films about Batman. And in in this case no one can assume that the hero lives a double life. But if Clark Kent was an office clerk, then Bruce Wayne is a billionaire. If Superman defeats criminals with the help of unusual abilities and physical strength, then Batman has to rely only on his mind, will and knowledge of martial arts. It’s good that the superhero had assistants - the butler Alfred, who became a second father to the orphan Wayne, his partner Robin and the police commissioner James Gordon.

Who said comic book heroes have to be all positive? The Joker managed to become a true legend of this genre and a favorite of numerous readers. The popularity of the character was facilitated by the story about Batman, in which the hero did not dare to kill his enemy. On the other hand, the evil genius was brilliantly played in 1989 by Jack Nicholson and in 2007 by Heath Ledger, who even received an Oscar for his role as this psychopath. And although the character is more than seventy years old, nothing really is known about his past. It is known that the former patient of the Arkham mental hospital tried on many masks. But only his sinister smile remained unchanged, frightening but also intriguing.

Today the name is increasingly associated with the star football player. But he got his nickname precisely in honor of the comic book hero. The fantastically powerful creature was invented in 1962 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Since then, Hal has remained one of Marvel's most famous characters. The hero's path seems standard - he has to fight the villains. In fact, at the core of the Hulk's story lies loneliness, misunderstanding and internal struggle. And it all started with the fact that physicist Bruce Banner, during his research, experienced radiation from an explosion, which turned him into a terrible monster. As soon as Bruce starts to get angry, he immediately turns into the Hulk. That is why the hero simply needs to learn to control himself. Over the half-century of existence of the world of Marvel heroes, the green giant managed to fight both numerous heroes and villains.

This story is especially popular among young people, because a teenager managed to become Superman for the first time. Before 1962, teenagers could only dream of becoming assistants to powerful heroes. And Stan Lee and Steve Ditko came up with the story of Peter Parker. His life was not easy - he lost his parents as a child while being raised by his uncle and aunt. Peter has almost no friends, he conflicts with his peers and prefers the company of books rather than teenagers. But one day the guy’s life changed dramatically - due to the bite of a special spider, he received a magical gift. The superhero learned to climb walls, use webs, sense danger and fight deftly. Many superheroes have mentors, but Peter Parker had to learn his special skills on his own.

The American writer and artist created a whole series of comics called “Sin City”. There were no classic goodies, but the Yellow Bastard clearly stood out among all the inhabitants of Basin City. Roarke Jr. was a member of an influential gang, which allowed him to do evil with impunity. He even rapes minors and gets away with it. But one day, the brave detective Hartigan saved one of Roarke’s victims and shot off his genitals. Doctors managed to save the scoundrel who had fallen into a coma, but he lost his previous skin color and developed an unpleasant odor. It must be said that the Yellow Bastard is the only color character in the black and white comic. Perhaps this is what made him one of the most colorful villains of this genre.

The cute Beagle dog first appeared in the Peanuts comic strip in 1950. His “father” was the artist Charles Schulz. The story about the adventures of kindergarten-aged children turned out to be so interesting that eight leading newspapers in America immediately published it. But the comic owes its popularity to Snoopy. This faithful friend of eight-year-old Charlie Brown at first seemed an ordinary dog with primitive and simple thoughts. But over time, the hero learned to express himself in a difficult way and even began to live his own interesting life. The dog appears either as a lawyer in court or as a mysterious novelist; the authors even entrusted Snoopy with piloting a fighter plane during the First World War. And in real life The image of the comic book hero turned out to be in demand. Images of Snoopy can be found on T-shirts, notebooks and pencil cases, and he is also the emblem of the technical unit of the US Air Force. Many heroes never dream of such recognition.

Thanks to his charm, this lazy cat has become everyone's favorite. And the hero was created by artist Jim Davis in 1978. Garfield quickly became a popular American hero. The cat is so bored that he has to constantly joke around with others. At the same time, he doesn’t particularly strain himself. Therefore, it seems that the cat is surrounded by kind and sweet creatures, although cheerful, but narrow-minded. Thus, the dog Oddie, who is endlessly in love with Garfield, receives only kicks from his neighbor, while other cats happily carry out all the orders of their “boss”. And although Garfield’s character is complex, you can’t help but like him. Who wouldn’t like an affectionate, huge, and also savvy cat? In addition, Garfield even entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most printed comic book.

In the list of the hundred best comic book heroes, this character takes an honorable fourth place. Wolverine is also consistently ranked among the best fictional and immortal characters. Readers first learned about him in 1974 in the 180th issue of the Hulk comic. Writer Len Wayne and artist John Romita Sr. created a mutant with superhuman abilities. Wolverine has special regenerative abilities that allow him to survive severe wounds. In each hand of the hero there are three claw blades. The undaunted hero is fluent in hand-to-hand combat, he worked for the CIA and participated in both world wars. Since 1982, Wolverine has received his own comic book. And since 2000, the hero has appeared in films - Hugh Jackman has already embodied his image in six films.

This hero is one of the oldest, but also almost the most popular. The story of Steven Rogers was created by writer Joe Simon and artist Jack Kirby. Over the entire existence of Captain America, more than 210 million copies of comic books about him have been sold in 75 countries. The very time of the hero’s appearance, 1941, determined the character’s patriotic spirit. He was often depicted fighting the Nazis. Captain America became particularly popular during the Second World War, but in the 1950s he became less interesting. The comic told the story of how sickly young man Steve Rogers was dosed with an experimental serum that helped him reach his peak for the benefit of his home country. The captain dresses in a suit the color of the national flag, and in his hands is an indestructible shield. And although the hero did not receive superhuman powers, he is a perfect example of development, using strength, speed, endurance and reaction

Over almost 100 years of history, comics have become one of the most popular reading genres. Their popularity has also increased thanks to Hollywood, which over the past decades has been paying more and more attention to new films released annually. Wolverine, Spider-Man, and Superman have long starred in independent films, remaining favorites of a multimillion-dollar army of fans. Who else is included in this number? Introducing the one hundred best comic book characters of all time, according to American media.

Winning sympathy

The authoritative publication Comic Heroes specializes in hand-drawn heroes with distinctive superpowers. The list of the most popular includes both positive and negative antagonist characters, often contrasted with the former, as well as those whom the authors have not endowed with superpowers. The richest so-called Marvel comic universe includes hundreds of invented heroes. Most of them have already had the opportunity; others, unfortunately, remain little known to the viewer. I think the age of love for comics with such characters is still ahead.

The land is famous for its heroes

So, who are the top 100 best comic book characters of all time? Superman is considered an American cultural icon. This may be the reason for his first appearance in public, dated 1938. His image was often used in video games, on the pages of many newspaper publications and, of course, in various programs. Superman became the first of those to receive the title of defenders. Born on the planet Krypton, minutes before its destruction, he was sent to Earth, where he took on human form and found a family. Through his actions, he saved the people of America more than once, for which he became a truly national hero.

Modesty is the main decoration

An equally famous character like Spider-Man could compete in popularity with Superman. He should rightfully be considered one of the top 100 best comic book characters of all time. Perhaps, Peter Parker at one time gave impetus to the development of Hollywood cinema, which increasingly devoted full-length films to heroes straight from the pages of comic books. What is Peter Parker famous for? He is a humble, simple New York student who discovers his superhuman abilities after being bitten by a spider. Peter will have to learn to cope with them, and also gain the attention of Mary Jane, whom he really likes.

The trilogy, released in the early 2000s, brought huge profits to the film company. In 2014, Spider-Man was rebooted, but limited to two parts. A new return of the beloved hero, whom the studios do not want to let go, is planned for 2017.

Endurance in the blood, fearlessness in the eyes

All the heroes included in the top one hundred best comic book characters of all time differ in their strength and reader popularity. A special situation applies to Wolverine. Why? Because he cannot be called a person, like the aforementioned Superman and Spider-Man. This mutant is rich in its history, during the writing of which the authors presented it in the form in which it is most familiar to modern audiences. Wounds that are fatal to others have no effect on him, nor do diseases or poisons. Wolverine has martial arts skills, is excellent with weapons, and is incredibly durable and dexterous. His body is slowly aging and is maximally aggravated. Distinctive feature is the presence of six sharp claws. Having migrated from the pages of comic books to cinema, Wolverine remains a permanent member of the New Avengers and X-Men team. The image of a fearless, indomitable mutant was portrayed on screen by Australian actor Hugh Jackman.

Political Character of America

The bright hero, nicknamed Captain America, deservedly falls into the category of “the hundred best comic book characters of all time.” His creation occurred during the Nazi coalition, which is why many consider him a patriotic character. During the Second World War, he gained the greatest appreciation from the public as a symbol of struggle and confrontation. In the 50s, the need for him gradually disappeared, and the long-awaited return occurred during the formation of the Avengers team, where he also joined.

Has some similarities in color to the US flag. The hero himself carries an indestructible shield, used as a weapon.

Top of the List, or Who Tops the Top 100 Comic Book Characters of All Time

1st place goes to Batman. Conceived as a child, he made a promise that he would always stand for the protection of law and order and the peace of the civilian population. Following the principles of justice, in the evenings he puts on and goes to eradicate crime on the streets of the fictional town of Gotham. Often this hero resorts to the help of a policeman and his personal butler Alfred.

Batman doesn't have superpowers. He mainly uses his innate intelligence, analytical savvy, and espionage skills. Thanks to his darkly tragic appearance, he is distinguished by his ability to intimidate and inspire fear in front of villains.

One cannot but agree that this hero got his own films earlier than others. In 1989, the first part of “Batman” was released, followed by the film “Batman Returns”. Main role performed by Michael Keaton. The hero's fame is not limited to cinema. Batman has appeared many times in comic books, newspaper publications, theater productions and video games.

The 100 Best Comic Book Characters of All Time: List

We looked at the most famous and most popular comic book heroes, but their list does not end there. In conclusion, we present the top other, no less striking characters:

  1. Iron Man.
  2. Hulk.
  3. Daredevil.
  4. Flash.
  5. Catwoman.
  6. Hellboy.
  7. Deadpool.
  8. Green Lantern.
  9. Hawkeye.

Only the strongest superhero can prevent a terrible threat or save humanity from extinction. Do you know who it could be?

Let's say if Spider-Man forgot his suit at home, he couldn't come on time for the fight, but Thor doesn't need this. But even a powerful god has his drawbacks...

Strong characters from the publishing house DC Comics and Marvel:

This superhero inspires horror, fear and despair. However, inside he is the fluffy and intelligent Henry McCoy - one of the members of the valiant X-Men team.

Super powers: phenomenal intelligence, ability to regenerate, athletic ability.

The sand-colored stone statue is the toughest and most indestructible hero. His name is Benjamin Grimm, he was previously a man, and when he got into electromagnetic radiation on another planet, he became like a monster. However, Ben still had feelings and he became part of the Fantastic Four.

Abilities: Professional pilot, martial artist, indestructible stone skin.

Beautiful, sweet, sophisticated princess with a whip also known as Diana of Themyscira. She is ready to confront any anti-hero and withstand the onslaught of an entire army, because Wonder Woman is a member of the Justice League.

Special powers: seduction, flight, superhuman speed.

Superhero faster than sound known by the name Pietro Maximoff has a strong character and loves to joke in his spare time. If you want to get to know this Marvel character better, watch the science-fiction film “X-Men: Days of Future Past.”

Abilities: Quicksilver can outrun Formula 1 racers and temporarily travel back in time while changing his appearance with the help of a special crystal.

The best of the best superheroes, a doctor of science and a student who graduated from four universities. Reed Richards born and raised an ordinary person, but his purpose was not to discover new formulas in mathematics and geometry, but to save humanity in the Fantastic Four team.

Special powers: flexibility, genius, resistance to damage.

The complex teenager, born in Harlem (New York), never had a bright mind or outstanding abilities. However, he always chose the path of good and therefore became the defender of a large metropolis.

Abilities: agility, endurance, fast recovery from burns and other wounds.

The superhero from the Guardians of the Galaxy team was an ordinary person until he lost his family. Kronos made him the most powerful superhero to fight the villain Thanos.

Strengths: psychic abilities, can fire energy discharges and is excellent at throwing knives at the enemy.

She is a seductive lady from Russia. Natasha Romanova is able to pick up any general Russian army and even an alien from another Galaxy, but still her purpose on earth is in the Avengers team.

Powers: Hypnotic influence, delayed aging and superhuman immunity.

The daring, resourceful and brilliant multimillionaire is better known by the name Tony Stark. Having received a huge fortune from his father, he pursues only one goal: the destruction of the enemy and the protection of planet Earth.

The superhero's abilities lie in his costume and the ability to invent dangerous toys during battle.

He knows how to overcome supersonic barriers, and rush like lightning around the world. Jay Garrick - yes, that is his real name - is able to order coffee in Paris, do good deeds in New York, look at Red Square in Russia and return to finish the aromatic drink.

Abilities: Can travel through time and overcome supersonic speeds.

An outcast superhero from the planet Zenn-La. Was born with a special intelligence and can control cosmic energy. He is one of the members of the Fantastic Four.

Abilities: control of space objects and flight on a surfboard.

The first defender of Gotham and the guardian of justice in the person of the rich man Bruce Wayne. He is ready for any feats for the sake of good deeds, but sometimes he reaches a dead end and looks for trouble where there is none.

This strong superhero's opportunity lies in wealth, which was inherited from his parents, but used with good intentions. He is a master of espionage, excels in hand-to-hand combat, and is also not afraid of heights.

A young guy with a talent as an artist accidentally received the honor of becoming a test subject for military scientists. After the injection of the serum, Steve Rogers lost his previous image of a thin American and became a force in the eyes of the United States.

Powers: An excellent acrobat, knows everything about military training and has superhuman abilities.

Sharp-tongued, invincible in battle and a true romantic, James Howlett overcame a difficult path in life. He became a superhero after a successful experiment that made James's skeleton resistant to any damage.

Abilities: Beast instincts, self-healing, slow aging and super strong skeleton.

He is the smallest superhero with extraordinary powers. The fame of the first scientist Hank Pym came when he was able to shrink to the size of an ant and acquire super powers.

Opportunities: growth management, broad knowledge of chemistry and biology.

This is not The Wizard of Oz, but a former neurosurgeon who lost his beloved wife in a car accident. He found a way to heal himself with the help of black and white magic, but said goodbye to his human essence forever.

Powers: Magical supremacy, telepathy, hypnosis and levitation.

Being an ordinary teenager, Peter Parker has a high intelligence and can anger any villain. But, despite his childhood pranks, Peter is always ready to fight, first and foremost, for the big and beautiful city of New York.

Abilities: Has a spider-sense and fighting style, quickly jumps on skyscrapers and practically floats in the air.

Look around when David Banner is nearby, because with his strong hand you can destroy a huge metropolis, throw US Air Force fighters like feathers, and enemies need to be afraid and hide in all the cracks.

The power lies in his mutated body and immortality, which manifests itself when Banner becomes angry and becomes the green Hulk.

The powerful son of Odin is capable of causing an earthquake on planet Earth with one blow of his hammer. But he stands on the side of good and is a key member of the brave Avengers.

Abilities: weather control, immortality, flight, endurance, magic.

The young farm boy turns out to be an alien from another planet, Krypton. He is raised by the Kent family, and becomes an exemplary son who, having matured, gets a job at the Daily Planet newspaper and also saves the world from obvious threats.

Special powers: super hearing, x-ray vision, the ability to burn with eyes, as well as create icy wind, invulnerability, regeneration, immortality, flight and many other things that only Superman can do.

If you want to challenge this coolest TOP 20 characters, you need to be a superhero. Just look best movie from Kino-Postscriptum. Follow the updates on the main page and in in social networks. See you at the cinema!

The Marvel Universe is one of the most successful industries producing comics, animated and gaming content. Today, under its auspices, the best artists and animators have been gathered, who delight their fans with new stories and original characters. The company was founded in nineteen thirty-nine by Martin Goodman, and was originally called Timely Comics. Over the course of seventy-six years, Marvel has undergone a lot of changes, from its editorial staff to its operations. Since the founding of the company, great amount a variety of different, interesting and unique heroes, whose task has always been the salvation of our world.

Great comics, films and games continue to capture the hearts of millions of fans well into the twenty-first century. Marvel is one of the few that has managed to maintain its high bar for such a long time. And throughout the long history of the company, from big list superheroes, some are especially loved by fans of this universe. These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.
Top 10 most popular heroes of the Marvel universe. Happy reading!

– also known as Charles Francis Xavier. He is the leader of the X-Men team. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby worked on its creation. The occupation of this character is the legal protection of mutants by legal means, their socialization in human society, as well as protection from extremist activities of the less conscious part of mutants. Xavier is an unshakable authority among Marvel characters, who often turn to him for advice on issues in various industries. For a long time, Charles kept his involvement with mutants secret, as well as his leadership in the X-Men team. Charles has impressive abilities, such as reading minds, the ability to create illusions in a person's mind, cause short-term paralysis of an opponent's body, complete or partial amnesia, use strong psychic waves as a weapon, and identify mutants within sight.

– also known as Ben Jacob Grim. His biography begins in New York, in a Jewish family that was financially disadvantaged. Ben's brother, Daniel, led a criminal gang. After his death, Benjamin became the head of the gang, but soon realized that this activity would not lead to anything good, which became the reason for changing the way and rhythm of life. He goes to college, where his success is academic disciplines turned out to be very mediocre, but he very successfully compensated for this with achievements in sports, in particular in American football. After graduation educational institution Having finally decided that there is no place for him in the scientific path, the young man goes to serve in the army. There his abilities as a pilot are revealed, and for a very short term Ben is placed on a team of testers of unique, cutting-edge equipment, where he is also given powers to carry out secret missions. He acquired his unique abilities after a flight into space, where a ship with a scientific team was caught in a storm of cosmic radiation, as a result of which Ben discovered his extraordinary abilities. After the mutation, the character's life changed dramatically. Given the fact that he had a crushing force and violent colors appeared in his life, the return of his former life turned out to be impossible. Due to the specific appearance His wife left him, and in the eyes of other people he became nothing more than a freak. Against this background, Ben was gripped by severe emotional unrest, and, as a result, conflicts in the “four” became more frequent. During the height of the secret wars, he was given a unique opportunity to return to his former appearance, but the main character decided not to change anything, arguing that in this appearance he could do more good, and his real friends do not care about appearance. The Creature's abilities consisted of enormous physical strength, invulnerability to various types weapons because of the cover. His arsenal also includes knowledge of various martial arts, excellent piloting abilities, and the ability to transform from a rocky form to a normal human form.

- the son of the gods Odin and Gaia, who is a representative of German-Scandinavian mythology, appears in Marvel comics in nineteen sixty-two. Its popularity remains very high, and as a result, a full-length film of the same name was shot in two thousand and eleven.

Thor spent his childhood with his half-brother Loki, who was in constant envy of his older brother, since he got the most unique and best. It is worth noting that among his fellow tribesmen, Thor was always a favorite in all endeavors. In his eighth year, he received Mjolnir as a gift - a hammer on which special magic was applied. The condition for receiving it was the status of a brave warrior, which he receives after a short period of time...

Thor made his debut arrival on earth in the ninth century after the birth of Christ, the reason for which was the prayers of the Vikings. He was glad for such boundless devotion on the part of the northern people, and for many years he was the leader in all campaigns, learning the intricacies of military craft, but after the blatant incident of the murder of clergy in a Christian monastery, Thor distanced himself from his admirers and returned to his native Asgard. Despite the achievements of good deeds and generous deeds, there was pride and stubbornness in his soul, which served as a significant reason for Odin’s worries, which served as the fulfillment of such an idea: he sent Thor to Earth in human form and with a defect in his leg, depriving him of all his abilities and memory. On Earth he was known as Donald Blake. One hoped that his son would change his attitude towards things and be more modest. In turn, Blake succeeded in the medical field, becoming an outstanding surgeon, gaining fame as a good doctor, and also opening a private clinic in New York. For an impressive period of time, Thor could not recall the memory of his previous life, but over time, most of his memory returned to him. As a result, Odin told Thor about the reasons for his exile to Earth. The peculiarity of this character also lies in the fact that the artifact he owns - the hammer, unlike many similar to it, does not give Thor strength, but only exaggerates it. These, by the way, include: flight, the ability to summon lightning, as well as incredible strength, endurance and reaction.

7. Jean Gray

Just like the Creature, she is an important member of the X-Men team, appearing there for the first time in nineteen sixty-three under the pseudonym Wonder Girl. Gray's abilities - telekinesis and telepathy - were with the girl from birth, but only appeared ten years later, after Jean saw the death of her best friend. Being next to her dying friend, the girl involuntarily penetrates her friend's mind, thereby feeling the same as she does. Such a strong test almost led to the death of Gina, however, instead of death, it led to a coma. Only Professor Xavier was able to bring the child out of the state of balancing between life and death.

He later found out that Gray's mind was too young to cope with her abilities. Based on this, he placed a block in Jean’s head, limiting her access to telekinesis. She became fully ready by the age of thirteen, after which she left her home and went to Xavier’s school, where she already became a full member of the X-Men team.

Possessing, in addition to her innate abilities, also the Phoenix Force, the girl rose from the dead several times. She is a very important person in the lives of many people, including Professor X, Wolverine, Cyclops and her two children, Rachel and Cable. With Cyclops - Scott Summers, from the very beginning, the girl had a warm and tender relationship, which, despite many difficulties, still led the couple to marriage and two children.
Greene remained a central figure throughout much of the X-Men's history, and can also be seen in the animated series of the same name.

Another superhero of the Marvel universe revealed himself to the world in March nineteen sixty-three. A charismatic, brilliant and wealthy inventor with a reputation as a "playboy" is seriously injured and captured by terrorists who force him to create weapons of mass destruction. However, having enlisted the help of a local scientist, Tony Stark instead creates a kind of exoskeleton, with the help of which he leaves the place of his imprisonment.

A little later, having recovered, Stark decides to improve his suit in order to further use it to protect his country. Since at first Anthony decided to hide his identity, the image of the now famous Iron Man appeared.

At the time of publication, Iron Man was an integral part of the Avengers, as well as several other teams that branched off from them. His solo series was launched five years later, in May one thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight.

An important component of the entire Iron Man suit is, of course, the armor. She easily gives Stark superhuman strength and a very high level of physical protection. While wearing a suit that operates even in standard mode, Anthony is capable of lifting a load of up to ninety tons, and his jet-powered boots allow him to practically fly. In addition, the suit is equipped with all kinds of missiles, lasers and even a flamethrower.

Also, Tony Stark has a telepathic connection with the Internet, and can instantly gain access to any computer in the world.

This character was created in nineteen sixty-four. If we turn to the canon, we meet Matt Murdock, one of the few people who became superheroes, but were also disabled.

Matt went blind when he was a teenager. He was trained by an old and also blind martial arts master. Over many years of training, he managed to develop all his other senses so acutely that they very successfully compensated for his vision. And at the same time, Murdoc became an excellent fighter.
Plus, in addition to these qualities, the young man also receives a “sixth sense”, due to the radiation that blinded him. Seeing a blind old man who was crossing the road and could get hit by a truck, Matt rushed to push him away, but the radioactive liquid that was in the car got into the guy’s eyes, as a result of which he completely lost his vision.

After some time, Murdoch's father is killed by criminals. Burning with a desire for revenge, Matt creates a suit for himself from the boxing robe of the deceased and takes the name “Daredevil”. Having destroyed the killers, Matt decided to found his own law firm, and devote himself to the service of the law. So he fought crime. On the one hand, as lawyer Matt Murdock, on the other, as the superhero Daredevil.

One of the most famous and fan-favorite characters in the entire line of Marvel heroes is, of course, the Hulk.

Many years ago, physicist Bruce Banner received a fair amount of radiation while testing a bomb he created. This led to the birth of the Hulk, an uncontrollable monster whose enormous size and hot temper led to constant destruction around him. Because of this, both Banner and the persona he created are often targeted by the police.

The main guise of the Hulk, Dr. Banner, retained his common features character - a brilliant scientist, but devoid of any emotions. The splitting of his character with each outburst of anger only deepened the scientist’s isolation, and for years he could not build a serious relationship with anyone.

At the time of the experimental explosion, a stranger appeared at the test site - a very young boy who had come for testing. Seeing this, Banner rushed to save the guy. But, having pushed him, Bruce himself got into the epicenter of the explosion, thereby taking on the maximum dose of radiation exposure. Waking up some time later in the hospital wing, the doctor felt quite well, but at night he transforms into an incredible monster. Having broken through the wall, the scientist leaves the infirmary. Later, one of the soldiers who took part in the search described the unknown creature as a “hulk,” which in English sounds like “Hulk.” This is where the character's cannon name comes from.

The Hulk is famous for his strength, he is one of the strongest and most powerful characters in the entire Marvel Universe. Also, it is interesting that although in the comics the hero’s skin color was constantly changing, in the animated series and films he always remained green. One of his abilities is to absorb energy and magic, both light and dark, which makes him invulnerable to this type of damage.

The real name of the superhero is Steve Rogers, who was jointly created by artist Jack Kirby and writer Joe Samone in nineteen forty-one. The character stands out because his creation was a deliberate patriotic move. Captain America was very popular during World War II.

The biography of this hero also closely intersects with military themes. Stephen Rogers was a true patriot of his country, and with the onset of war he firmly decided to enroll as a volunteer. However, he was refused due to the guy’s poor physical fitness.

Desperate Steve was found by one of the officers in the active army, who needed experimental subjects who would agree to take part in a secret protection project. His goal was to create incredibly strong and resilient soldiers. Rogers gave his consent, and the serum given to him worked. Some time later, it was announced that Stephen was the first to introduce an entirely new human race, which was recognized as a “practically perfect being.” However, the production of a whole “batch” of superhumans was prevented by the murder of the chief scientist, who knew the required formula.

For many years, Captain America served the country, performing many functions at once. Towards the end of the war, in nineteen forty-five, during one of the operations, Steve crashed his plane and fell into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Only a couple of decades later, the Avengers team finds Rogers' body and brings him back to life. And since then, Captain America has been working with superheroes for the benefit of the whole world.

The Captain's abilities, which distinguishes him from other people, are highest level development of Steve's strength, agility, speed and reaction. Also, the serum enhanced the metabolic function of his body.

Wolverine first appeared in Marvel comics in nineteen seventy-four, and almost immediately fell in love with readers.

He is a mutant endowed with superpowers. Amazing regeneration allows this hero to survive wounds that would likely kill a mere human. Most of the various poisons and diseases cannot have any harmful effect on it either. The skeleton of this mutant is very unusual: it is equipped with six claws, which are quite sharp.

Mostly, Wolverine is portrayed as a sharp, hot-tempered hero, however, in parallel with this, he is also smart, with enormous willpower. He always achieved his goals and was devoted to the cause and his allies.

In the year nineteen eighty-two, Wolverine "got" his own comic book, most of which he spent trying to find information about the past. He succeeded in this only in two thousand and five, due to a rather major event in the Marvel universe - M-Day, when the hero completely restores his memory.

The undisputed leader and most famous character Marvel is Spider-Man.

The real name of this superhero is Peter Parker, and appearing in nineteen sixty-two on the pages of comics, he was still a teenager, raised by his uncle and aunt. This became a kind of break in the patterns that were familiar to everyone at that time - after all, previously, teenagers could only help real superheroes, but they could not reach them. Parker was created as the image of a lonely guy who matured early, who tried to fight crime, while also combining it with his studies.

Spider-Man boasts an incredible number of comics about himself - publishing continued until two thousand and twelve! However, even after this, the canons were continued by many other issues. Over such a long period of his existence, Parker managed to be both a modest student and a married man, and also managed to contribute to the activities of the Avengers, Fantastic Four and New Avengers teams. However, the most preferred image of Peter in comics (besides the role of a superhero) was a talented photographer defending his independence.

This merry fellow, even in two thousand and fifteen years, retains his popularity and the love of the audience, while becoming one of the most successful commercial heroes. As his celebrity grew, Spider-Man spawned not only films of the same name, but also many computer games, TV shows and even paraphernalia.

The most famous and popular performer of the role of Parker in films was Tobey Maguire.

Magneto is the most recognizable antagonist of the Marvel universe, being the main enemy of the X-Men team. Being of Jewish ethnic origin, he survived the Holocaust, which influenced his obsession with protecting mutants from a similar fate. Based on these views, he became a friend of Charles Xavier. Despite this, his status remains the same, and he is in confrontation with all the good characters of Professor X's team.

His primary abilities involve manipulating magnetic fields, giving him power over metal and a variety of secondary abilities demonstrated in various comic book titles. An example of his unique abilities is the control of all kinds of structures at the molecular level, the creation of electromagnetic pulses of impressive power, the manipulation of photons for invisibility, the increase in physical power, which consists of lightning-fast reactions and an increase in the strength indicator. In addition, Magneto has a high resistance to telepathic influence. This is due to the presence of a specific helmet, electromagnetic fields, performing a protective function, great realized potential of psionic abilities, as well as great endurance and stress resistance of the nervous system.

Magneto possesses impressive leadership abilities, allowing him to influence large numbers of mutants, thereby allowing him to earn the title of master of tactics and strategy. He also has good training in hand-to-hand combat. Magneto is able to identify a person's emotional state within seconds and use it to his advantage.

On this moment Marvel is the largest comic book publisher in terms of sales market, but behind this company, with a slight margin, is another organization with no less competitive material for release - DC comics. In order to take an honorable second place, she had to find talented people, with the help of which a truly large mass of interesting and charismatic characters were created. It is her creations that will be discussed in this article. We present the top ten most famous characters created under the auspices of the giants of the comic book industry - DC Entertainment.

A character that everyone first saw in a special episode dedicated to Batman. His occupation is Commissioner of the Police Department. Gordon begins his journey from the very beginning of comics. Initially, he served in Chicago, which was famous for its incredible scale of corruption, while Gordon was distinguished by his incorruptibility. Further, after an incident with the capture of one of the respectable criminal groups, he is transferred to the city of Gotham, and it is there that he moves with his wife. He continues his activities under the leadership of Gillian Loeb, who was on the hook of the leader of the Gotham criminal world - aka Carmine Falcone.
Jim's honesty doomed him to a most unpleasant relationship with the Gotham City Police Department. They worsened after Gordon was appointed head of the task force, whose main task was to capture the key character - Batman. Sarah Essen was on his team, and she was perfect for sharing activities with James. After a short time, feelings flared up between them, but despite this, Gordon remained faithful to Barbara. People from the police department obtained a photo of James and Sarah, with which they intended to blackmail Gordon. He did not follow their lead, and the result was that Barbara became familiar with the photograph. Sarah intended to leave Gotham so as to no longer provide grounds for blackmail and extortion.
When the blackmail failed, the criminals stole the recently born baby James, but Batman intervened in this situation, the little son was saved, and this became the beginning of the joint activities of the Commissioner and the Dark Knight. Together they rid the police department of corrupt personnel, for which James was awarded the rank of captain. Prosecutor Harvey Dent joined their alliance, and the trio began activities to capture Falcone and his associates.
James Gordon has nothing in the category of mystical abilities, but it is worth noting his analytical mind, excellent command of firearms, as well as innate leadership skills.

Another character created by the talented DC. Her aliases are Batgirl and Oracle, which reflect the heroine's activities. Little is known about her life - her father and mother died in an accident, and it was James Gordon who took custody of her, and after a short period of time he adopted the orphan. When Barbara grew up, she became a fan of Batman's activities and created an outfit for herself that was stylistically reminiscent of the Dark Knight's costume. At a themed masquerade ball, Barbara managed to thwart an assassination attempt on Wayne by the Mothman, completely unaware that Bruce was the one hiding under the mask of Batman. Soon, Wayne invited Barbara to join the ranks of the defenders of Gotham City, and she did not refuse. For a long time, she successfully performed the role of a crime fighter. And so, one evening, the Joker visits Gordon’s apartment, where Barbara lived at that time. The criminal's goal was to kidnap the commissioner and further blackmail Batman with his help. However, a girl opens the door for the Joker, and he, without hesitation, shoots the heroine. The bullet hit the spinal region, which caused paralysis of the lower extremities.
However, this did not become a reason to end his crime-fighting activities, although such an injury did not allow him to engage in operational activities. With her incredible intelligence and hacking skills, she became an invaluable aid to Batman and Robin through radio communications as the "Oracle", thereby providing up-to-date information and analyzing evidence and facts.
From the list of her abilities, it is worth noting extensive knowledge in the field of close combat, increased agility and endurance, impressive mental abilities, excellent hacking skills, as well as detective competence and an innate photographic memory.

He is also known as Walter Kovacs, a character in the limited series of comics "Watchmen". From his biography it is known that he was born on March 21, 1940. His legal representatives were Sylvia Kovacs, who was engaged in prostitution, and Charles, whose last name remained unknown. Throughout his childhood, he was tortured by his mother. Her aggression was motivated by the fact that it was because of Walter that she had to go into this type of activity. He constantly had to be an involuntary witness to his mother’s “meetings” with clients, and constantly endure beatings.
In the summer of one thousand nine hundred and fifty-one, he was placed in an orphanage after an incident involving an attack on older boys, the consequence of which was the partial loss of vision of one of the opponents. There he was able to prove himself in the humanities and show confident results in sports. After the shelter, Walter got a job in a store dealing retail sales textiles It was here that the young man got hold of the material from which he made a mask and his second “face.” The matter was synthesized with the help of the works of Doctor Manhattan. On the title part of the mask, between two layers of latex there are two substances, black and white in color. They migrate permanently depending on temperature and pressure, forming uniform spots similar to Rorschach tests.
The beginning of his anti-crime activities was the case of the rape and murder of a certain Kitty Genovese. Due to people's inaction, he became disillusioned with them, considering them selfish. At home, he recreated his “true face” and, taking the Pseudonym Rorschach, began to exterminate crime.
Rorschach's list of abilities does not include anything mystical or supernatural, but his arsenal includes knowledge of street combat, acrobatics, and martial arts. Also, he is characterized by amazing ingenuity, which allows him to construct means of defense and attack from everyday items.

- one of the seven so-called Eternals, which characterize certain zones of the DC universe and are endowed with unlimited power in their spheres. In this case, the character’s name speaks for itself - his path is dreams and daydreams.
The appearance of a Dream is subject to metamorphosis depending on who sees it, i.e. Africans see him as black-faced, the Japanese see him as Asian, etc. Clothes are directly dependent on the era in which he lives.
The arsenal of Sleep's abilities includes the ability to change appearance, invisibility as an opportunity to control the reality subject to it. In the comic, he is depicted as a very thin, tall young man with strikingly white skin and long raven hair. His eyes have no pupils, and two twinkling stars are hidden in their depths. Their color varies depending on the character's mood.
The power of Sleep includes absolute control over dreams, daydreams, and dreams, and it also has the ability to influence the opposite of sleep - reality. He has no need for food, water, air, due to his immortality. In addition, he has three artifacts with which he can more effectively control the power entrusted to him:

  • A bag of sand with which he can induce sleep.
  • A helmet made from the spine and skull of the most ancient god, struck down by the Dream.
  • Ruby D'orilar, it contains the greatest amount of Dream power.

This is the pseudonym that was given to several characters from a single series of comics related to Batman. The task of such heroes was to help the Dark Knight. Most often, Robin was only the main character's partner, but a couple of issues were released where he appeared as an independent character.
If we turn to the very first comic in the issue, we learn that the real name of the cannon assistant is Richard Dick. From early childhood, Rich performed with his family in the circus, taking part in acrobatic acts. And during the next performance, the boy’s parents are killed by Zucco’s boss. After this, the notorious Bruce Wayne takes Richard under his protection.
Over the next nine years, the two men developed a very strong, family-like relationship. And, giving up revenge, Robin becomes the Dark Knight's faithful assistant.

- this name was shared by several fictional characters(Jay Garik, Barry Allen, Bart Allen), so Flash is more of an image than a person. Flash is able to reach speeds exceeding the speed of light and he has reflexes thousands of times superior to humans, which makes him resonate with certain laws of physics.
It is worth paying attention to several biographies, because... The nickname Flash has been used by many characters. The most popular are Garik, Allen and West.
Jason Garik previously attended college. In the winter of 1940, having woken up in the laboratory, due to an absurd incident, he inhaled vapors of heavy water. He later noticed that he was able to develop super speed and upgrade his reflexes. When his brief football career ended, he created the Flash look (a red shirt with a golden lightning bolt and a metal helmet with wings on the sides, a reference to the Greek god Hermes). For a long time, Jay did not need a mask, since his movement at such a speed did not allow his real face to be seen or captured on camera.
Henry Allen was a scientist on the police force. He gained the reputation of an inert person, because he regularly arrived at work at the wrong time. This greatly irritated his girlfriend, Iris West. One night, before leaving home from duty, lightning struck a set of chemicals, and they landed on Henry's body. He soon noticed his ability to cover vast distances in minimum time, because he could develop high speed, and it also had a positive effect on his reflexes. Having acquired a red tight-fitting jumpsuit, he gave himself the name Flash, and began to oppose crime.
Wally West is the nephew of Iris West and Henry Allen. At the age of ten, he visited his uncle's police laboratory, where an incident similar to Allen's occurred - charged chemicals came into contact with Wally's body. Gaining abilities similar to those of his uncle, he finds a replica of the Flash costume and becomes a teenage crime fighter, taking on the alias Kid Flash.
As has been said more than once before, Flash’s main ability is his amazing speed, and it manifests itself not only in movement, but also in his thinking. He also has the ability to vibrate at such a speed that gives him the ability to penetrate solid objects. He has higher speed recovery due quick exchange substances, but he needs to use a large number of food, especially sweets, to replenish glucose reserves. Flash does not experience any influence from alcohol or drugs - the liver is able to block their intoxicating power in an instant. However, Flash is not subject to premature aging due to their adaptation to new operating conditions.

This pseudonym also belongs not to one specific hero, but to several people replacing each other. Despite the obvious differences between themselves, each superhero also had common features. Basically, these are superpowers that they possessed and used. For example, a ring of power is an artifact that gives the owner almost full control over the physical part of the world.
Period from the date of publication of the first issue – recent months one thousand nine hundred and forty-one, and until the end of the first volume - June one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine, was called the Golden Age of Green Lanterns. But in the years after World War II, sales of comic books featuring absolutely all superheroes fell sharply, and the character Alan Scott, Green Lantern, disappeared from the DC universe.
However, with the beginning of the Silver Age in the world of comics in the fifties of the last century, Green Lantern returns to the public in a new role. Now we meet Hal Jordan - the founder of an organization called the Justice League.
And since then, the creators have released as many as four volumes of entertaining adventures of these characters - which in total amounts to more than five hundred issues! With all this, today new comics are being published that anyone can purchase.

One of the first superheroines in this universe. She first appeared before readers in December 1941, and since then has gained the status of a permanent DC character, appearing in various stories over the course of seventy years.
This heroine is none other than the leader of the real Amazons. In her homeland, the girl is known as Princess Diana. She is incredibly resilient, experienced and possesses superhuman strength, which makes her a skilled warrior. Also, the list of abilities of this character includes the ability to communicate with any animals, and the unique power to force a person to tell the truth. True, Diana is helped in this by a unique artifact - the Lasso of Truth. The seriousness and severity of Diana as a warrior does not overshadow her positive sides - the girl is very kind, friendly and always ready to help. The princess became one of the most popular characters and quickly won the love of fans. After World War II, there were only five characters in the entire universe whose stories continued to be published, and Wonder Woman is one of them.
It was the dedication of fans that brought the superheroine to fifth place in the top “one hundred best comic book characters of all time” in the spring of 2011.

One of the key figures in DC. A huge number of stories have been built around this character; many lines are intertwined with him with other superheroes and their stories. His appearance was marked in May one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine.
The original version tells us that the superhero Batman is the secret alter ego of a successful billionaire named Bruce Wayne. While still a little boy, he experienced the death of his father and mother, and even became an involuntary witness to this. Little Bruce makes an oath to himself that for the rest of his life he will fight evil in all its manifestations.
And, having become a little older, Wayne begins active preparations for his plan. Having devoted a lot of time to his physical and moral preparation, he creates a suit, designed to resemble a bat, and begins to patrol his hometown. The fictional American city of Gotham combines common character traits Chicago and New York.
In such a difficult task one cannot do without partners and assistants, which Batman also has. These are his devoted Robin and James, described above, and the butler Alfred.
The peculiarity of this character is that, unlike most other superheroes, Batman does not have any magical abilities, and in the fight against his many enemies he is guided only by his extraordinary mind, considerable scientific knowledge, and the ability to spy. The main negative characters that Wayne fights throughout many comics are the Joker, Two-Face, Penguin, Catwoman and some others.

Who among us doesn't know Superman? Even the most ignorant in the comics industry has heard at least a little about such a cult character. Superman is one of the very first creations of DC artists; he came out from their pen in the early summer of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight.
Over the years of his existence, Superman not only fell in love with children and teenagers, he gained the status of an icon of all American culture. Having gained incredible success, this hero spawned many films, TV series and paraphernalia associated with his name and personality.
The very first comics tell the story that Superman was born on the vastness of a certain planet Krypton. However, soon after his birth, Krypton was attacked, and just a few minutes before his disappearance, the hero's father sent the baby to Earth. There he was discovered by a Kansas farming family. Keeping the boy with them, they named him Clark Kent and carefully looked after the child throughout the future superhero’s childhood. And when Clark discovered unusual abilities, he firmly decided to use them only for the benefit of humanity.
Over the almost eighty years of his existence, Superman was able to win the favor of not only children, but also respected critics and even scientists who closely studied the influence of this character on