Beautiful background 1590 400. New VKontakte design

The topic of this article is the new design of VKontakte. Changed again, now you can install a horizontal banner (or cover) in a group. Designing your VK community with a banner is much easier. No knowledge of Photoshop is required here, you can do it without any special skills beautiful picture even

By going to the group, you will notice that in those groups where there is an internal menu, the “Pinned entry”, “Information” and “Click menu” buttons have become visible. They were previously hidden and, naturally, the registration of groups began immediately.

Now let's figure out how to enable the ability to install a horizontal banner. If we click on the three dots under the avatar, select “Community Management”. Next in the "Settings" section we will see new entry"Community Cover" and "Download". Click on the last one and upload a new VKontakte group cover with a size of 1590x400 px.

What is interesting about the new design of VKontakte?

There is more space for information. Here you can write the name of the group, the purpose of its creation, a call to action, and so on. Such a design will be logically complete and more functional. Or you can leave it old design, it's a matter of everyone's taste.

When you do design a horizontal banner, the internal menu now somehow falls out of the overall design context. I think that the transition to the internal menu should be left on the “Click menu” button (or, as before, “Latest news”). And the ability to pin a picture can be used for posting advertising information in Group.

I would like to note that in 2016, the developers of the VKontakte social network are actively trying to set up this social network to promote business. Make it more convenient for business or something. From my point of view, this is very good and is in great demand among many Internet entrepreneurs.

But most importantly, in my opinion, they need to carefully consider the “Bans” system so that entrepreneurs can work quietly without interfering with those users who came to have fun on the social network.

Use your creativity and choose what you prefer: a horizontal cover or the already familiar VKontakte design. Installation of the new cover is clearly presented step by step in the video below the article.

P.S. I hope this information is useful to you.

P.S.S. Use your creativity and good luck in all your endeavors!

The main thing that has changed is another imitation of Facebook in the form of a community cover. There is no cover for personal pages yet, but I think it will be in the near future. imitation of a competitor in person.

VK community cover sizes and new features

To download the cover, go to the community management page and on the first page, click “Download” next to the “Community Cover” item. The cover size is 795x200 px or 1590x400 px for high definition screens.

The buttons that were on the avatar were conveniently located under the cover along the entire width. The community avatar at the beginning of the cover also remains, but in the form of a small miniature of the community.

In place of the pinned entry, three types of information are now located in the form of tabs:

  • pinned post
  • community information
  • community menu (if made)

By the way, this is quite convenient. Previously, in the community header there was one of 3, but now it is possible to let users see all 3 by switching between tabs.

As was originally intended, the first tab is the pinned entry, and then the rest are given priority.

Also among the innovations - the block of friends who have joined the community has been slightly changed.

By the way, as was the case with goods at one time, this innovation does not yet work on mobile devices, but they promise to improve this omission in the future.

Greetings, friends! In this article we will talk about a recent innovation on VKontakte: covers in communities. This article will be of interest to group administrators, novice web designers, and entrepreneurs promoting their business on this social network. And web designer Lyudmila Puchenkova will tell us about the intricacies of cover design.

A little background

On April 1, the social network VKontakte began global testing of the so-called new design. At the same time, a customizable header was announced. At RIF+KIB (, representatives of VKontakte said that this will be a block that can become a showcase for an online store on VKontakte, and in the cinema group it will be possible to post a video there. Month after month passed. On August 17, VKontakte transferred all users to a new design, but there was still no header. Many began to redesign their communities with a new design, and then on October 31, 2016, VKonakte finally launched headers.

New design VK covers

What do we end up with: now in all communities - groups, publics, events - you can set a wide image:

Characteristics and size of the VKontakte group cover:
  • size: 795x200 px and 1590x400 px for high definition screens;
  • format: JPG, GIF, PNG;
  • loading: from community management, administrator rights required;
  • recommendations from VK: post important information closer to the center for mobile devices.

This is what the design looks like mobile version In contact with

On November 2, 2016, covers became visible in the mobile version of VK at m.vk.

In addition, there have been other changes in communities. They touch key points commercial groups, and this can and should be used when creating cover designs.

Location of CTA buttons

  1. CTA buttons (“write a message”, “subscribe”, “join a group” and so on) are lined up under the lower right edge of the cover, one after another.
  2. Communities now have miniatures.
  3. Tabs have been added: the first one is the pinned entry (if it is in the community), followed by the “community information” tab (now it is available to users). The third tab contains a menu for groups and events. This tab is not available in the public page. The menu is now also permanently available to users.
VKontakte cover design

Let's look at what data we need to place on the cover:

  1. Name of the business (or its direction).
  2. City, address (if the project is regional).
  3. Phone number for quick ordering (with area code).
  4. Unique trade offer(what makes you different from others).
  5. Appeal (corresponding to your conversion path).

Visually long horizontal cover for better perception can be divided into several parts.

2 piece design example

For example, into 2 parts:

On the first part, we place a catchy photo that reflects the direction of the project, position the photo so that the movement of the user’s gaze leads the user to the second part of the cover, where we place the USP and the benefits of subscribing. Add a call to action.

The cover is easier to understand when divided into 3 parts, linked together by style, each of which makes up a complete block:

3 piece design example

Perhaps, similar to Facebook covers, in mobile applications Only the center of the cover will be visible. And that's where I put the company name or logo, city, address and phone number. On the left I place the USP of the project or the benefits of subscription. Right - interest target audience project and/or appeal.

How to post a cover of a VKontakte community

Now let's figure out how to install the cover in your community.

  • Go to community management (administrator rights required).
  • You are in settings. Find the “community cover” item, click “download”.
  • In the window that opens, click “select file.”

Loading the community cover

  • Go to the folder with the photo you prepared in advance, select it. If a photo is selected in a custom size, it will be cropped at an aspect ratio of 1:3.975.

Select the desired image

  • Click "save and continue."

Save the result

Done, your cover has been successfully installed in the group.

Cover set

The cover can be added during promotions, advertising campaigns, and so on, and then clean up and return to the usual form of the community. How to remove the cover? Hover your mouse over the top right corner of the cover and click on the “trash” icon. Ready.

Removing a cover

Please note that a full-fledged avatar, if it was previously displayed in your group, disappears from visibility when you install the cover. Its function is to become a miniature that represents your group in the list of all user groups (its size is 200x200 px) and is present on the wall next to the name of the community (its size is 100x100 px). The most logical thing to do here is to place the logo on a contrasting background.

Changing the community thumbnail

To change the thumbnail, you need to move the cursor to its display under the cover and select the “update photo” item. Upload a photo, set the visible area and save the changes.

The cover in the mobile version of VK is cut off at the edges (on IOS there is no cover at all yet), it is better to place the main information in the center, and it would also be a good idea to use a pinned banner describing the essence of your offer.

  • Third-party advertising is prohibited on the cover, do not neglect this VK rule, so as not to lose the function of adding covers to your community or not to get banned;
  • when creating a document, use the sRGB mode to correctly display the colors of your cover in web space;
  • do not use bright colors, gradients, small patterns (remember that VKontakte compresses images, red, orange, pure white are especially affected);
  • save the cover using the “save for WEB” function in PNG format, it is most resistant to compression;
  • To speed up loading, you can drag the cover directly from the folder onto the cover upload window.

Move the selected image

Here are the main points that you should study if you want to design your VKontakte group in a new design.

Happy ideas everyone!

P.S. Look, this is the cover template Lyudmila prepared especially for readers of our site. Based on this template you can create beautiful cover for your VKontakte community in a new design:

In we will talk about why the community needs quotation books, what they are and how to make them.

Leave yours in the form below email address and get a VKontakte cover psd template and detailed description, how to edit it to suit your design for free!

VK users recently had the opportunity to set a cover for a VKontakte group. In this post we will tell you which optimal one is needed VKontakte group cover size for the most optimal display on various monitors. The cover is, one might say, business card VK groups. It should display the topic of the group, that is, any network user who visits the page should immediately identify appearance what kind of community is this? About and for the VKontakte avatar can be found in detail by clicking on the link above. Despite this, we still remind you that the best option The size of the picture for the group cover is a picture with a width of 1590 pixels and a height of 400 pixels (see picture below).

You, of course, can take any other sizes, but there is no guarantee that the cover image will look equally beautiful on all screens without exception. According to technical support, 1590:400 pixels is best size band covers. Even when downloading and installing a picture, VKontakte will give recommendations regarding the size and format of the uploaded photo, as shown in screenshot 3 below. To set your unique cover, you must go to the action menu, and more specifically to managing your community (see Fig. 1 below). This settings section is located on the right under the group avatar (photo). You can learn more about how to make an avatar for a VK group. After entering the management page, find the item regarding the cover and click on the link: “Download” a little to the right, as shown in picture 2 below. After this, a window will open (3 - in the picture below), where you can directly download the image.

Those of our readers who know the basics of Photoshop or any other graphic editor They will be able to make a high-quality and beautiful cover of the required size without any problems. But there are also those who do not own special graphic programs. What should they do? If you want your group design to be unique and, at the same time, effective, . Then we will do everything for you. And finally, another option is make a cover for a VKontakte group online using special resources. This option is suitable for those who do not have Photoshop skills and for those who do not want to spend money on designers and professionals.

A fairly popular site where you can make a cover layout for the VKontakte community is “"(see picture above). Now many users are complaining about the performance of this service, but we SocPRka it was tested and found to be working correctly and without any glitches. If you have problems with fotor, then try using another equally popular resource - “" There are no complaints from novice designers about his work. This is a fairly simple site that anyone can figure out in a short time.

click on the link: “Use special sizes” (1 – in the screenshot above). After that, enter in the width field: “1590”, and in the height field: “400”. By default, all values ​​on the site are in pixels. Next, you will see the image designer of the finished size. In it you can select a background, apply any text and a picture adjusted to the specified dimensions, which greatly simplifies the process of creating a VK cover online.

Very often, users underestimate the importance of the cover itself. They think that they can take any picture that fits the topic and just upload it ready-made cover for the VKontakte group, but that's not true. All groups with tens, hundreds of thousands and even millions of subscribers have a unique, memorable, beautiful and simply inimitable design, where the cover plays one of the key roles. Of course, beauty does not mean that people will come to you. The content of the group is very important, which will interest subscribers and not let them go. If you are just at the beginning of this path, order any number of participants for your community. In the meantime, we are bringing subscribers to you, you can explore the site, which has collected a huge variety of ready-made pictures the right size for group covers. This is the site ""(picture below).

All covers of this resource are structured by categories, so it will be easier for you to find a suitable picture. Found it? In this case, click on it. A page will open (screen below) on which you can see what this cover will look like. If everything suits you, click on the download button to install it on your page.

Covers for the VKontakte group appeared after updating the social network interface. And if previously each group had its own avatar, now VKontakte group owners can choose what they would like to see on home page community: cover or avatar.

Today I want to tell you how to make a cover for a VKontakte group. We will look at two ways:

  • How to make a cover for a group online using the service

Attention! You can earn money by creating covers and avatars for social networks from 20,000 rubles per month! To do this, I recommend that you undergo training. For more details, click on the banner below:

Cover size for VKontakte group

The cover size for a VKontakte group is 1590x400 px.

How to make a group cover on top

To place the cover of a VKontakte group on top, you must first find this function in the community settings. Namely, on the main page, select the tab in the menu Community Management.

Next in Basic information there is a section Community cover. To place the finished cover in the group at the top, you just need to click on the button Download. Then select the prepared version from the folder on your computer, and the cover will take its place on the community’s main page.

How to make a band cover in Photoshop

You can make a group cover in popular program Photoshop. To do this, knowing the topic of the community, select an interesting picture on the Internet that makes sense.

Attention! Always look for pictures that are slightly larger than the size of the cover!

The thing is that if you find small pictures, in order to fit them to the size of the cover, you will have to stretch them. And this will greatly degrade the image quality.

So choose a picture and click on it. right click mice - Copy image.

Next, go to Photoshop. By the way, if you are a beginner and do not know how to work with this program, I advise you to study my course How to create a 3D cover for an information product. Here I show you from the very beginning how to work in Photoshop. Moreover, the first lesson is devoted to the topic of where to get and how to install this program on your computer.

In Photoshop you choose FileCreate.

In the window that opens, you should have the following settings:

  • File name
  • Cover size for VKontakte group: width 1590 px, height 400 px
  • Resolution – 72 pixels/inch
  • Color Mode – RGB colors 8 bit
  • Background content is transparent.

Ok button.

You will have a template for your cover. Now you need to press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V. This way you will paste a picture that you copied from the Internet.

Now attention! I am sure that the picture turned out to be larger in size than the blank cover. It needs to be adjusted to the size 1590x490 px.

To do this, select in the toolbar EditingTransformationScaling. Clamp Shift key, grab the corner of the picture with the left mouse button and drag it to the borders of the cover. You will see when you need to stop. To confirm the action, press Enter.

The base of the cover is ready. Now let's write the name of the group on the cover. Let's say we call it as an example Ocean of poems.

To do this, we need to create a new layer in Photoshop. In the bottom panel select the function Create New Layer.

On the left we select Horizontal Text Tool.

And on the cover for the VKontakte group, select the area where we want to place the name of the group. Now you need to decide on the text font, size and color. All these settings are in top panel Photoshop program when the “Text” tool is active. Details in the video tutorial below.

Enter the name of the group and press Enter.

Typically, text in this form does not look very nice. Therefore, it is important to work with text styles here. The style panel is located on the right side of the program's working window.

You can work with styles when you have a text layer selected in the panel.

Now, if you don't know what specific style you can apply to a band name, simply use the selection method to determine what will look best on a given cover. It's all about taste here!

By the way, when you turn on a particular style, the layers below the text will display various effects, applied at this moment to the text. If desired, each effect can be disabled or edited by right-clicking on it - Blending Options.

After all the manipulations with the inscription, if you are satisfied with the result: the cover for the VKontakte group is ready, you need to save it. For this we choose FileSave forWeb.

Set PNG-24 (top right corner). This is the most successful image format for social networks.

So, we figured out how to make a cover for a VKontakte group using Photoshop. Covers for an online VKontakte group can be easily created using the canva service.

How to make a cover for a VKontakte group online using the canva service

In order to start working in canva, you need register for this service.

The purpose of today's article is not to introduce this service - there will be a separate topic for that. Let me remind you that today we are looking at how to make a cover for a VKontakte group using Canva.

After authorization on the site, you are taken to a page where in the right top corner you need to press the button Use special sizes.

We remember that the size of the VKontakte group cover is 1590x400 px. Accordingly, we enter these dimensions in the window that opens.

The next page with layouts allows us to select a layout from those offered by this service. I’ll say right away that the layouts are not good and most likely will not suit your cover.

Canva allows you to upload your own images to the site. Therefore, by analogy with working in Photoshop, find the desired image on the Internet a little larger than the cover and upload it to the Canva website using the function MyAdd your own images.

Most likely, your image will open in a smaller size than the cover itself. Don't worry, you can enlarge it by dragging the corners with the left mouse button.

Now, logically, we need to add the name of the group to our cover, i.e. text. You can do this via the function Text on the left of the toolbar.

It is worth clarifying that the Canva service is conditionally paid, i.e. You can use part of the functionality absolutely free of charge (where indicated For free).

In Text, you can select a specific element and edit the text already in it, or choose the font you like. Just attention! Most English-language fonts do not support Russian fonts. Therefore, the choice is actually not as great as it seems at first glance.

For example, I'll take an element with text. More details in the video tutorial below.

By clicking on this element, a panel for working with text appears at the top of the site.

Here you can select the font, size, text color, etc. There is also a trash can here for deleting, if suddenly ready-made option you didn't like it.

The result is something like this:

Type PNG file- Download.

Select a folder on your computer and your cover is saved in finished form. All that remains for you is to upload it to the VKontakte group. And how to do this, read above.

Today we looked at the topic of how to create a cover for a VKontakte group. As additional material, I highly recommend watching the video tutorial: