Bass go personal account. Review: Bass Gov ru

Hi all!

I'm looking for one for my daughter kindergarten ik. The matter is difficult, there is a lot of information and it is quite difficult to filter everything correctly.

But I found myself an assistant. Namely, the bass gov website. RU.

Bass Gov is an official website with information about any municipal institution.

Registering on the site is quite simple. There is a button on the main page. Click and a window will appear in front of you with fields that need to be filled out.

You come up with a username and password, the email field must be filled in, notifications will be sent to it. You also need to indicate your last name, first name and patronymic. And your powers. That is, who you are, a visitor or a regulatory authority. A simple captcha and that’s it, you are a registered user.

The search system on this site is excellent. In the region window you can select your region. In the search window, you can type the name of the organization you are interested in.

The information that the site provides is carefully sorted. You can view the organization's contacts. The services it provides. Assessment by independent experts and ranking in the country and region. As well as the assessment of citizens and their feedback.

Thanks to such a wonderful site kindergarten I chose it.

Video review

No entry Personal Area and 1 General information about the institution on the Official website of the State Medical University bus gov ru

  1. 1. All-Russian official website on the Internet for posting information about state (municipal) institutions USER GUIDE Version 1.19 Moscow 2012
  2. 2. “Official website of the State Medical University” User’s GuideContents Abstract................................................. ........................................................ ........................... 10 1. INTRODUCTION................ ........................................................ ...............................................11 1.1. Application area................................................ ...........................................11 1.2. Level of user training........................................................ ...................11 2. PURPOSE AND CONDITIONS OF USE................................. ........................ 12 2.1. Short description opportunities........................................................ .................... 12 2.2. Functional structure................................................... ........................... 12 2.2.1. Subsystem for searching and displaying structured information about state (municipal) institutions.................................................... .................... 13 2.2.2. Subsystem for analyzing information about state and municipal institutions 13 2.2.3. Subsystem for posting information about state (municipal) institutions.................................................... ................................................... 15 2.2 .4. Application administration subsystem.................................................... 15 2.2.5. Subsystem for interaction with external information systems 16 2.2.6. Powers and rights of users.................................................................... .......... 16 3. PREPARATION FOR WORK.................................... ........................................................ 19 3.1. Preparation for work for all users of the Official Website.................................. 19 3.2. Preparation for work for users using electronic signatures.................................... 22 3.2.1. Adding a site to the list trusted nodes and browser settings... 22 3.2.2. Installing CryptoPro CSP software .................................................... ...................... 25 3.2.3. Installing the signature generation component................................................... 29 3.2.4. Configuring readers in CryptoPro CSP .................................................... .. 35 Page 2 of 341
  3. 3. “GMU Official Website” User Guide 3.2.5. Installing a certificate in CryptoPro CSP .................................................... .... 42 4. WORK IN THE CLOSED PART OF THE OFFICIAL SITE................................... 47 4.1. User Authentication................................................... ........................... 47 4.1.1. Certificate authentication................................................................. ............... 47 4.1.2. Authentication by login................................................................... ........................ 48 4.2. User's personal account........................................................ ........................... 49 4.2.1. Changing data by user................................................... ............. 50 4.2.2. Registering a user certificate................................................................... .... 51 4.2.3. Setting a password................................................... ........................................ 51 4.2.4. Viewing user history........................................................ ............... 52 4.2.5. Viewing news in the user's personal account.................................... 53 4.3. Work of the Organization Administrator................................................................... .............. 54 4.3.1. Registration of an organization and (or) Organization Administrator......... 54 4.3.2. Personal account of the Organization Administrator.................................................... 57 4.3.3. Working with the organization's user registry.................................................... 57 4.4. Registration Authorized specialist........................................................ 66 4.4.1. Submitting an application for registration................................................................... ................... 66 4.4.2. Changing the registration application.............................................................. ............. 67 4.5. Registration of a Specialist................................................... ................................ 69 4.6. Work in the personal account of the Authorized Specialist of the Institution.... 70 4.6.1. Personal account of the Authorized Specialist of the Institution............................. 70 4.6.2. Working with information about the institution......................................................... ....... 71 4.6.3. Editing a document........................................................ .......................110 4.6.4. Publication of the document................................................... ...............................110 Page 3 of 341
  4. 4. “GMU Official Website” User Manual 4.6.5. Viewing the printed form................................................................... ....................... 123 4.6.6. Removing changes........................................................ ................................ 123 4.6.7. Viewing details................................................... ..................................... 123 4.6.8. Viewing information about an organization that is a representative of an institution 127 4.6.9. Viewing the protocol of discrepancies between the list of State Medical Institutions and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.................................. 128 4.6.10. Viewing the reconciliation report of general information about the institution........ 129 4.7. Work in the personal account of an Authorized Specialist Representative of an Institution 130 4.7.1. Personal account of the Authorized specialist of the Representative of the institution 130 4.7.2. Working with information about institutions................................................................... .... 131 4.7.3. Working with information from institutions.............................................................. .......... 137 4.7.4. Working with the list of institutions............................................................. ................. 137 4.7.5. Establishing a connection with the institution .................................................... ............... 138 4.7.6. Selecting a public legal entity for which lists of state (municipal) services (works) are compiled ................................................. .......... 141 4.7.7. Working with the list of state (municipal) services (works) 141 4.7.8. Viewing the reconciliation report of general information about institutions......... 141 4.8. Work in the personal account of the Authorized Specialist of the Financial Authority 143 4.8.1. Personal account of the Authorized Specialist of the Financial Authority 143 4.8.2. Selecting a public legal entity for which lists of state (municipal) services (works) are compiled ................................................. .......... 144 Page 4 of 341
  5. 5. “GMU Official Website” User Manual 4.8.3. If the previously selected software in the directory of public legal entities is no longer relevant, when entering your personal account, the field is displayed as blank. Working with the list of state (municipal) services (works)............... ........................................................ ........................ 145 4.8.4. Selecting a public legal entity from the directory.................................... 154 4.9. Work in the personal account of the Authorized Specialist of the Supervisory Body.................................................... ........................................................ ........ 155 4.9.1. Personal account of the Authorized Specialist of the Controlling Body 155 4.9.2. Working with lists of services (works) .................................................... ............... 156 4.9.3. Review of the list of services (works) by the Supervisory Authority....... 157 4.10. General procedures for working in the closed part of the Official Website...... 161 4.10.1. Selecting a user from the EKP................................................................... ................... 161 4.10.2. Choosing the type of institution................................................................... ........................... 162 4.10.3. Choosing a public legal entity................................................................. 164 4.10.4. Choosing OKTMO................................................... ....................................... 165 4.10.5. Choosing a founder for federal institutions................................... 166 5. WORK IN THE OPEN PART OF THE OFFICIAL SITE...... ........................... 167 5.1. Home page - navigation.................................................... ........................... 167 5.2. View the infographic................................................... ........................................ 174 5.3. Quick search information on the website........................................................ ............ 181 5.3.1. Search by institutions and services................................................... ............. 181 5.3.2. Search by Questions and Answers................................................... ..................... 184 5.4. View information about an institution on interactive map............... 186 5.5. Analytical section – formation of analytical samples.................. 188 Page 5 of 341
  6. 6. “GMU Official Website” User Manual 5.5.1. Analytical information about state (municipal) institutions 190 5.5.2. Analytical information about the services and work of institutions......... 198 5.5.3. Analytical information about state (municipal) services (works) .................................................... ........................................................ .................... 200 5.5.4. Analytical information on the property of state (municipal) institutions.................................................... ............................................... 205 5.5. 5. Analytical information on planned and actual performance indicators of a state (municipal) institution.................................................. 209 5.5.6 . Analytical information on the branch network................................... 212 5.5.7. Analytical information on public legal entities (PLE) 216 5.5.8. Monitoring the placement of information on the Official website by main managers budget funds federal budget................................................... 219 5.5.9. Monitoring the placement of information on the Official website by institutions of constituent entities and municipalities Russian Federation..... 222 5.5.1. Monitoring the posting of information about institutions on the Official Website 225 5.5.2. Information about the most active regions................................................... 228 5.5.3. Information about lagging regions................................................................. ...... 230 5.6. Information about institutions........................................................ ........................... 233 5.6.1. Viewing the register of institutions................................................................... ................ 233 5.6.2. Advanced search for institutions................................................................... ............ 234 5.6.3. View general information about the establishment........................................... 235 5.6.4. Viewing planned performance indicators................................... 239 Page 6 of 341
  7. 7. “GMU Official Website” User Manual 5.6.5. Comparison of analytical information about state (municipal) institutions.................................................... ............................................... 248 5.6.6 . Viewing information about a reorganized/liquidated institution 255 5.7. Register of organizations........................................................ ........................................... 256 5.7.1. Viewing the register of organizations........................................................ ............... 256 5.7.2. Registration details of the organization......................................................... ... 258 5.8. News................................................. ........................................................ ......... 260 5.9. Documentation................................................. ........................................................ .... 261 5.10. Questions and answers............................................... ....................................... 261 5.11. General procedures for working in the open part of the Official Website...... 262 5.11.1. Printing information from the generated analytical sample........ 262 5.11.2. Displaying an analytical sample in the absence of relevant data.................................................... ........................................................ .... 263 5.11.3. Choosing an institution................................................... ................................... 263 5.11.4. Selection of institutions................................................................ ................................ 264 5.11.5. Founder's choice......................................................... ........................................ 265 5.11.6. Choosing OKATO........................................................ ........................................ 266 5.11.7. Selection of OKVED................................................... ........................................ 267 5.11.8. Choosing a public legal entity................................................................. 269 ​​5.11.9. Choosing the type of institution................................................................... ........................... 270 6. INTERACTION OF THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE GMU WITH EXTERNAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS............... ........................................................ ........................ 272 ​​6.1. Interaction with WSRI................................................................... ........................................ 272 ​​6.2. Interaction with AS FC.................................................... ................................ 273 Page 7 of 341
  8. 8. “GMU Official Website” User Guide 7. Appendix. List of automatic controls.................................................... 274 7.1. Formation of general information about the institution.................................................... 274 7.1.1. Creating the “General Information” tab .................................................... 274 7.1.2. Formation of the tab “Information about the founder, branches, representative offices” .................................................... ........................................................ ................ 279 7.1.3. Formation of the “Activities” tab .................................................... 283 7.1.4. Formation of the “Legal Act” tab .................................................... .... 284 7.1.5. Creating the “Documents” tab .................................................... ...... 286 7.1.6. Publication of general information about the institution.................................... 289 7.2. Generating information about the state (municipal) task and its implementation.................................................... ........................................................ ............................... 293 7.2.1. Service formation. Tab " Common parameters services" ............... 293 7.2.2. Service formation. Tab “Planned indicators” .................................... 297 7.2.3. Service formation. Tab “Actual indicators” ............... 299 7.2.4. Formation of work. Tab “General operating parameters”............ 299 7.2.5. Creating the “Documents” tab .................................................... ...... 300 7.2.6. Publication of information about the state (municipal) contract 301 7.3. Generating information about the financial and economic activity plan.................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 304 7.3.1. Formation of the tab “Plan of financial and economic activities 304 7.3.2. Creating the “Documents” tab .................................................... ...... 309 7.3.3. Publication of information on the financial and economic activity plan 310 Page 8 of 341
  9. 9. “GMU Official Website” User Guide 7.4. Generating information on transactions with target funds from the budget 310 7.4.1. Formation of the tab “Operations with targeted funds from the budget” 310 7.4.2. Creating the “Documents” tab .................................................... ...... 315 7.4.3. Publication of information on transactions with earmarked funds from the budget 316 7.5. Generating information about budget obligations and their implementation 316 7.5.1. Formation of the “Budget Obligations” tab ..................................... 316 7.5.2. Creating the “Documents” tab .................................................... ...... 319 7.5.3. Publication of information about budget obligations and their implementation 319 8. QUESTIONS, POSSIBLE PROBLEMS AND WAYS TO SOLUTION..... 320 8.1. Login problems........................................................ ........................................... 320 8.2. Problems with installing certificates................................................................. ............ 327 8.3. Problems with the electronic certificate digital signature...................... 328 8.4. Problems with the signature component................................................................... ................. 328 9. EMERGENCIES .............................. ........................................................ ... 330 10. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT................................................. .................... 331 Version history................................. ........................................................ ................................ 332 Page 9 of 341
  10. 10. “Official website of the State Medical University” User Guide ABSTRACT This document is a user guide for the software “Official website on the Internet for posting information about state (municipal) institutions” in the open part of the site and in the closed part of the site with the powers of the Institution and Representative of the institution. The user manual describes the requirements for the user's workplace, the general principles of working with software, the procedure for users to perform functions within certain authorities. Page 10 of 341
  11. 11. “GMU Official Website” User Guide 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Scope of application The official website of the Russian Federation for posting information on institutions1 ensures the implementation of the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2011 No. 86n “On approval of the procedure for providing information by a state (municipal) institution, posting it on the official website on the Internet and maintaining the specified website 2.” 1.2. Level of user training Users of the Official Website are recommended to have skills in working on a personal computer running operating system Microsoft Windows, as well as skills to work with Microsoft package Office and Internet browsers. System requirements to the user's workplace are given in the table below. Table 1 – System requirements Minimum system requirements1 Processor Clock frequency not less than 1.3 GHz2 RAM At least 256MB3 Bandwidth At least 56 kbit/sec Internet channel Requirements for installed software1 To work with the open part of the Internet browser: Internet Explorer(version 7.0 and higher), Opera website (version 11.0 and higher), Mozilla FireFox(versions 5.0 and higher)2 To work with the closed part - Internet browser: Internet Explorer (version 7.0 and higher); - CryptoPro CSP software (version 3.0 and higher); - signature generation component. 1 Next – Official website 2 Next – Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 86n Page 11 of 341
  12. 12. “Official website of the State Medical University” User Guide 2. PURPOSE AND CONDITIONS OF USE The official website was created to increase the openness and accessibility of information about state (municipal) institutions, as well as their activities and property. 2.1. Brief description of the capabilities The work of users on the Official website is provided by a comprehensive information and analytical automated system3. The system is designed to automate the main and auxiliary procedures of the process of posting information about state (municipal) institutions and provides the following capabilities:  search and display of information about state (municipal) institutions;  analysis of information about state (municipal) institutions;  placement of information about state (municipal) institutions (personal accounts of institutions);  interaction with external information systems; - applied administration. 2.2. Functional structure The system consists of the following subsystems:  subsystem for searching and displaying information about state (municipal) institutions;  subsystem for analyzing information about state (municipal) institutions;  subsystem for posting information about state (municipal) institutions;  subsystem for maintaining regulatory and reference information;  subsystem for interaction with external information systems;  applied administration subsystem. 3 Next – System Page 12 of 341
  13. 13. “GMU Official Website” User Guide 2.2.1. Subsystem for searching and displaying structured information about state (municipal) institutions The subsystem provides display and search for information about institutions using the following parameters:  institution code;  name of the institution;  TIN of the institution;  address of the institution;  name of the founder; - type of institution;  level of institution;  main types of activities (according to OKVED);  other types of activities (according to OKVED);  public legal entities;  attached documents (search is carried out only in text files). The subsystem provides display of published structured information on state (municipal) institutions, taking into account the history of changes. 2.2.2. Subsystem for analyzing information about state and municipal institutions The subsystem for analyzing information about state and municipal institutions provides the ability to display information about institutions according to the following sections (directories) and indicators (characteristics) of the following information:  Information about state (municipal) institutions (quantitative characteristics, types of activities of the institution, services provided, planned and actual performance indicators) with the ability to filter by territorial affiliation (subject of the Russian Federation, region of the Russian Federation), by year of information provided, by type of institution (budgetary, autonomous, state-owned), by type of institution and type of activity; Page 13 of 341
  14. 14. “Official website of the State Medical University” User Guide  Information about state (municipal) services (lists of services provided by institutions), provided by state (municipal) institutions with the ability to filter by territorial affiliation (subject of the Russian Federation, region of the Russian Federation), by year of information provided, by type of institution (budgetary, autonomous, state-owned), by type of institution and type of activity;  Information about the state (municipal) service (detailed information about the service, about the institutions providing this service), with the ability to filter institutions by territorial affiliation (subject of the Russian Federation, region of the Russian Federation), by year of provision of the service, by type of institution, by founder;  Information about the property of state (municipal) institutions with the ability to filter institutions by territorial affiliation (subject of the Russian Federation, region of the Russian Federation), by year of service provision, by type of institution, by founder; - Comparative characteristics several state (municipal) institutions (comparison of main and additional activities, services provided, main characteristics of the institutions’ property);  Comparative characteristics of planned and actual performance indicators for the selected state (municipal) institution;  Information on the branch network;  Information on public legal entities Display of the specified analytical information is available in the open part of the Official website. The analysis subsystem provides the user with the following functionality:  formation of the analytical samples specified in this section, taking into account the specified filters and viewing the results of the samples in the open part of the Official website;  printing the results of the generated analytical sample; Page 14 of 341
  15. 15. “Official website of the State Medical University” User Guide  ability to view detailed information about institutions for the following analytical samples:  Information about state (municipal) institutions;  Information about state (municipal) services (works);  Comparison of state (municipal) institutions;  Information about the state (municipal) service (work);  Planned and actual performance indicators of a state (municipal) institution;  Analytics for the branch network (for separate structural divisions).  Analytics on public legal entities. 2.2.3. Subsystem for posting information about state (municipal) institutions The subsystem provides the following functions:  entering information about the institution;  editing information about the institution;  attaching document files to structured information about the institution;  signing information about the institution and attached files with an electronic signature4;  checking information about the institution for compliance with reference books and classifiers of the Official website and generating a protocol of inconsistencies in case of errors in the information provided;  publication of information about the institution (structured information and attached files) in the open part of the Official website. All functions of the subsystem for posting information about state (municipal) institutions are available to users authorized in the closed part of the Official Website, in accordance with the access rights granted to them. 2.2.4. Application administration subsystem The subsystem provides: 4 Next – EP Page 15 of 341
  16. 16. “Official website of the State Medical University” User Guide  granting access rights to users to the functions of the Official website.  viewing the import log of information about institutions;  viewing the import log of regulatory and reference information. 2.2.5. Subsystem for interaction with external information systems The subsystem provides import of the following data in files of an agreed format:  reference book “Public legal entities”;  reference book “List of state (municipal) institutions”;  directory “Types of institutions”;  reference book “Budgets”;  reference book “Codes budget classification";  reference book “Classification of sector operations government controlled" The official website provides software interfaces using web services technology for uploading to the official website in XML format the following data:  general information about the institution; - information about the state (municipal) task and its implementation;  information about the plan of financial and economic activities;  information on transactions with targeted funds from the budget;  information on budget obligations and their implementation;  information on the results of operations and use of property;  information about the control activities carried out; - annual financial statements. The list of powers is given in the table below. 2.2.6. Powers and rights of users Powers of organizations: Representative of the institution, Institution. User powers: Organization Administrator, Authorized Specialist of the Institution Representative, Authorized Specialist of the Institution, Specialist of the Institution Representative, Institution Specialist. Page 16 of 341
  17. 17. “Official website of the State Medical University” User Guide The list of user functions by authority is given in the table below. Table 2—User functions Users Functionality Unregistered Formation of analytical samples according to forms agreed upon by users, including: formation of analytical samples according to information about institutions, according to information about services (works) of institutions, comparing information from several selected institutions, comparing planned and actual indicators of an institution . View the register of institutions in terms of published information about the institution (as well as published changes in information). Search the register of institutions in accordance with specified parameters among published information about institutions (published changes to information). Advanced search in the register of institutions in accordance with specified parameters among published information about institutions (published changes to information). View published information about the institution (as well as published information about changes in information). View the history of changes to published information about an institution in terms of structured information. View published electronic copies documents attached to information about the institution. Page 17 of 341
  18. 18. “Official website of the State Medical University” User Guide Users Functionality Viewing news and documents posted on the official website of the State Medical University. Users of institutions Functions for entering, editing and publishing representatives of structured information about the institution, as well as institutions’ electronic copies of documents. Page 18 of 341
  19. 19. “GMU Official Website” User Manual 3. PREPARATION FOR WORK 3.1. Preparation for work for all users of the Official Website An installation distribution is not required to work with the Official Website. At work, users use an Internet browser5. Your Internet browser must have TLS 1.0 encryption enabled. To enable the protocol, you must select the “Tools” item in the browser menu, the “Internet Options” sub-item and in the window that opens, select the “Advanced” tab (see Fig. 1). Rice. 1 Setting up the TLS 1.0 encryption protocol in Russian and English versions browser In the window that opens, you must select the “TLS 1.0” (UseTLS 1.0) item. 5 V this document The settings are described using the Internet browser Internet Explorer 8.0 as an example. To make similar settings in other Internet browsers, see the documentation for this software. Page 19 of 341
  20. 20. “Official website of the State Medical University” User Guide To confirm the authenticity of electronic documents, you must install a certificate from a certification center on the website. To do this, you need to open the certificate information (see Fig. 2). Rice. 2 Certificate information In the certificate information, you must click the “Install certificate” button (the certificate is a file with the extension *.cer, this file is issued by the Authorized Certification Authority of the Federal Treasury). Next, right-click on the certificate file and select “Open” from the menu. A window for selecting a certificate store will open (see Fig. 3). Page 20 of 341
  21. 21. “Official website of State Medical University” User manual Fig. 3 Selecting a certificate store In the installation window that opens, click the “Next” button, select “Place all certificates in the following store” and click the “Browse” button. A list of certificate stores will open (see Fig. 4). Rice. 4 List of repositories In the list of repositories that opens (see Fig. 4), you must select the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” repository and click “OK”. In the installation window, click the “Next” button and then the “Finish” button to complete the installation. To display printed forms correctly (when printing them), it is necessary to remove the display of information in the headers and footers. To do this, select the “File” item in the browser menu, the “Page Options” sub-item. The “Page Options” window will open (see Fig. 5). Page 21 of 341
  22. 22. “Official website of State Medical University” User manual Fig. 5 Setting page parameters for printing In the window that opens, you must set all header and footer parameters to the value “-Empty-”. In order to launch home page Site, you need to open an Internet browser and enter the Internet address of the Site in the address bar: 3.2. Preparation for work for users using an electronic signature Users using an electronic signature to log into their personal account and sign documents in the closed part of the site, in addition to the settings specified in section 3.1, also need to perform the additional settings described below. 3.2.1. Adding a site to the list of trusted sites and setting up the browser To add a site to the list of trusted sites in the Internet browser, select the “Tools” item in the browser menu, the “Internet Options” sub-item and in the window that opens, select the “Security” tab ( Security). The security settings window will appear on the screen (see Fig. 6). Page 22 of 341
  23. 23. “Official website of State Medical University” User manual Fig. 6 Setting up security in Russian and English versions of the browser Next, the user needs to select the “Trusted sites” zone and click the “Sites” button. A list of trusted nodes will be displayed (see Figure 7). Page 23 of 341
  24. 24. “Official website of State Medical University” User manual Fig. 7 List of trusted nodes in the Russian and English versions of the browser In the list that opens, enter the website address in the text field and click the “Add” button. Next, close the list and the Internet Options window. After adding a site to the list of trusted sites, you must open the “Security” tab, select the “Trusted sites” zone (see Fig. 6) and click the “Other” button (Custom level). The security settings window will open (see Figure 8). Page 24 of 341
  25. 25. “Official website of State Medical University” User manual Fig. 8 Setting up access In the window that opens, find the line “Access data sources across domains” and set it to “Enable”. 3.2.2. Installation of CryptoPro CSP software CryptoPro CSP crypto provider is designed to authorize and ensure the legal significance of electronic documents through the use of procedures for generating and verifying electronic signatures. Below is the installation process for CryptoPro CSP 3.06 (information on installing and configuring CryptoPro CSP other versions is provided in the accompanying 6 Provided by the Federal Treasury for temporary free use Page 25 of 341
  26. 26. “Official website of GMU” User manual documentation for this software (see manufacturer’s website  Run the installation package CryptoPro CSP 3.0. The installation welcome window will appear (see Figure 9). Rice. 9 Installing CryptoPro CSP  Click the “Next” button. A window with a license agreement will appear (see Figure 10). Page 26 of 341
  27. 27. “Official website of State Medical University” User manual Fig. 10 License Agreement  Select the “I accept the terms” radio button license agreement" and click the "Next" button. An installation window with user information will be displayed (see Figure 11). Rice. 11 Serial number  Fill in the required information on the page and click the “Next” button. The installation type selection window will appear (see Fig. 12). Page 27 of 341
  28. 28. “Official website of State Medical University” User manual Fig. 12 Installation type  Select the “Typical” installation type, click the “Next” button. A window will appear with a list of support libraries (see Fig. 13). Rice. 13 Types of readers  Check required types readers and click the “Install” button. After the installation process, a window will be displayed (see Figure 14). Page 28 of 341
  29. 29. “Official website of State Medical University” User manual Fig. 14 Complete installation  Click the “Finish” button. A window will appear prompting you to reboot (see Figure 15). Rice. 15 Reboot - Save everything open documents and click the “Yes” button to reboot. 3.2.3. Installing a signature generation component The signature generation component is used for electronic data signature, code signing, electronic signature verification, data processing for confidentiality purposes, data hashing, data encryption and decryption and other tasks. Below is the installation process for the signature generation component: Page 29 of 341
  30. 30. “Official website of State Medical University” User’s Guide  Open your browser. For Windows users Vista and Windows 7 installation steps must be performed in a browser running as administrator. To do this, right-click on the browser icon while holding down the Shift button. Select "Run as administrator".  Go to the Official website  Click on the “Personal Account” link. A message about installing the add-on will appear at the top of the page (see Figure 16). Rice. 16 Installing the add-on  Click on the message and select “Install this add-on for all users” of this computer" A security warning window will appear (see Figure 17). Rice. 17 Installing the signature generation component  In the window that appears, click on the “Unknown Publisher” link. The “Digital Signature Contents” window will open (see Fig. 18). Page 30 of 341
  31. 31. “Official website of State Medical University” User’s manual Fig. 18 Contents of a digital signature  Go to the “Certification Path” tab. The Certification Path window will appear (see Figure 19). Page 31 of 341
  32. 32. “Official website of State Medical University” User manual Fig. 19 Certificate  Select the top certificate from the list and click the “View Certificate” button. A window with information about the certificate will open (see Fig. 20). Page 32 of 341
  33. 33. “Official website of State Medical University” User manual Fig. 20 Root certificate  Click the “Install Certificate” button. The certificate import window will appear (see Figure 21). Rice. 21 Certificate import Page 33 of 341
  34. 34. “Official website of State Medical University” User’s Guide  In the window that opens, click the “Next” button. A window for selecting a certificate store will open (see Figure 22). Rice. 22 Selecting a certificate storage  In the window that opens, click the “Next” button. The certificate import completion window will be displayed (see Figure 23). Rice. 23 Completing certificate import Page 34 of 341
  35. 35. “Official website of State Medical University” User’s Guide  In the window that opens, click “Finish”. The import confirmation window will appear (see Figure 24). Rice. 24 Import confirmation  In the window that appears, click the “Yes” button.  Close all browser windows. Log in to your personal account again. Click on the line that appears under address bar(See Fig. 16). Select “Install this add-in for all users on this computer...”. A security warning window will appear (see Figure 25). Rice. 25 Installing the component  In the window that appears, click the “Install” button. The signature generation component is installed. 3.2.4. Setting up readers in CryptoPro CSP Below is the process of setting up readers in CryptoPro CSP:  Run the program /Program Files/Crypto Pro/CSP/cpconfig.cpl/. A window will appear on the “General” tab (see Fig. 26). Page 35 of 341
  36. 36. “Official website of State Medical University” User manual Fig. 26 CryptoPro CSP. General  Go to the Hardware tab. The Hardware window will appear (see Figure 27). Page 36 of 341
  37. 37. “Official website of State Medical University” User manual Fig. 27 CryptoPro CSP. Equipment  In the window that opens, click the “Configure readers” button. The window for adding a reader will open (see Fig. 28). Page 37 of 341
  38. 38. “Official website of State Medical University” User manual Fig. 28 Adding a reader  Insert a physical Flash drive into the USB port. Click the "Add" button. The reader installation window will open (see Fig. 29). Page 38 of 341
  39. 39. “Official website of State Medical University” User manual Fig. 29 Installing the reader  In the window that opens, click the “Next” button. The reader selection window will appear (see Fig. 30). Page 39 of 341
  40. 40. “Official website of State Medical University” User’s manual Fig. 30 Example of adding a Flash drive  In the window that opens, in the “Manufacturers” block, select the “Crypto-Pro Company” item, in the “Available Readers” block, select the item corresponding to the disk of your Flash drive (in the example, this is “Disk Drive G”). Click "Next". A window will appear for specifying the reader name (see Figure 31). Page 40 of 341
  41. 41. “Official website of State Medical University” User’s manual Fig. 31 Reader name  Specify the reader name and click the “Next” button. After installing the reader, the installation completion window will be displayed (see Figure 32). Rice. 32 Installation is complete  Click the “Finish” button. Restart your computer. Page 41 of 341
  42. 42. “GMU Official Website” User Guide The process of setting up readers in CryptoPro CSP is completed. 3.2.5. Installing a certificate in CryptoPro CSP Below is the process of installing a certificate in CryptoPro CSP:  Insert the previously installed Flash drive with certificate containers. Download CryptoPro (/Program Files/CryptoPro/CSP/cpconfig.cpl). A window will appear on the “General” tab (see Fig. 26). Select the “Service” tab. A window will open on the “Service” tab (see Fig. 33). Rice. 33 Installing a personal certificate  In the window that opens, click the “Install personal certificate” button. A window for selecting a personal certificate will appear (see Figure 34). Page 42 of 341
  43. 43. “Official website of State Medical University” User manual Fig. 34 Selecting a personal certificate  Click the “Browse” button and select a personal certificate in *.cer format. Once selected, click the “Next” button. A window with certificate data will appear (see Figure 35). Rice. 35 Certificate details Page 43 of 341
  44. 44. “GMU Official Website” User Guide  Click the “Next” button. The container definition window will open (see Figure 36). Rice. 36 Defining a container  In the window that opens, check the “Find container automatically” option. The system will automatically search for a container that matches the selected certificate and request a password. Enter the password you received with the certificate. Click "Next". The certificate selection window will appear (see Figure 37). Page 44 of 341
  45. 45. “Official website of State Medical University” User’s manual Fig. 37 Selecting a storage  In the window that opens, select the “Install certificate into container” option and click the “Browse” button. Select “Personal” and click the “Ok” button. After that, click the “Next” button. The installation completion window will be displayed (see Figure 38). Page 45 of 341
  46. 46. ​​“Official website of State Medical University” User’s manual Fig. 38 Completing installation  In the window that opens, click the “Finish” button. The certificate installation is complete. Page 46 of 341
  47. 47. "Official website of the State Medical University" User's Guide 4. WORK IN THE CLOSED PART OF THE OFFICIAL SITE This section describes the operations available to registered users. To work in the closed part of the Site, you must complete authentication. After successful authentication, the user will be authorized in the System and will have access to his personal account. 4.1. User Authentication To perform authentication, you must click on the “Personal Account” link in the open part of the Site. If the user has at least one digital certificate installed, authentication will be performed using the certificate (see clause 4.1.1), otherwise authentication will be performed by login (see clause 4.1.2). 4.1.1. Authentication using a certificate The conditions for proceeding to this procedure are described above. The user will see a certificate selection window (see Fig. 39). Rice. 39 Selection form digital certificate If the user clicks the “Cancel” button, login authentication will be performed (see section 4.1.2). Page 47 of 341
  48. 48. “Official website of State Medical University” User Guide Next, you need to select a certificate and click on the “OK” button. The system carries out the following checks:  certificate correctness;  presence of an organization at Perm State Medical University;  relevance of the organization in PSMU;  authority of the organization for the certificate of the all-Russian official website (in this moment Users can access the system using certificates that indicate the authority “Customer” or “Financial Authority”).  The powers of the organization specified in the Perm State Medical University (Institution, founder, Representative of the institution, financial authority, regulatory authority, site operator - must be indicated according to at least, one of these powers, if the organization’s power is an institution, then the type of institution is checked - if the type is “01”, then access to the system is denied). If the checks are negative, a corresponding message will appear. As a result of successful verification:  if the user has a certificate with the “Organization Administrator” authority, “Registration of the organization and (or) Organization Administrator” is carried out (see section 4.3.1);  if the user has a certificate with the authority “Authorized Specialist” and the user is not registered on the Site, “Registration of an Authorized Specialist” is carried out (see clause 4.4);  if registration was previously successfully completed, the user logs into his personal account in accordance with the established powers and acquired rights (see clause 4.2). 4.1.2. Authentication by login The conditions for proceeding to this procedure are described above. The user will see a form for entering their login and password (see Fig. 40). Page 48 of 341
  49. 49. “Official website of State Medical University” User’s manual Fig. 40 Login and Password Entry Form In the form that opens, you must enter your login and password and click the “Login” button. The system checks the user data:  presence of a registered user with specified login; - compliance specified password previously saved password. If the test result is negative, a corresponding message appears. As a result of a successful verification, the personal account of the Organization Specialist will open. If necessary, you can reset the password by clicking the “Reset Password” button on the login and password entry form. The system checks the login: - non-empty value;  presence of a registered user with the specified login. If the test result is negative, appropriate messages appear. If verification is successful, the login and password entry form closes. To "Email address to receive system notifications» a notification is sent from the user's card with a link to the password change page (see 4.2.3) 4.2. User's personal account After authentication, the user enters his personal account in accordance with the assigned rights. Depending on the powers of the organization and the powers of the user, the following opens:  personal account of the Organization Administrator (see clause 4.3);  personal account of the Authorized Specialist of the Institution (see clause 4.6); Page 49 of 341
  50. 50. “Official website of the State Medical University” User Manual  personal account of the Authorized Specialist of the Representative of the Institution (see clause 4.7);  personal account of the Authorized Specialist of the Financial Authority (see clause 4.8). The personal account displays the user’s full name, his powers, information about his organization, the main thing horizontal menu(the structure depends on the authority of the organization and the authority of the user). If the user has several powers (Organization Administrator and Authorized Specialist), the personal account of such user is a single account, including functionality corresponding personal accounts. 4.2.1. Changing data by the user When you click on the user's full name in your personal account, the user's personal card opens (see Fig. 41). Rice. 41 Personal card user of the organization In the card you can:  register a certificate, a description of the procedure is given in section 4.2.2;  change the password, the procedure is described in section 4.2.3; Page 50 of 341
  51. 51. “Official website of the State Medical University” User’s Guide  view the user history, a description of the procedure is given in section 4.2.4. To change the data, you must enter, if necessary, Phone, Additional contact information and click the “Save” button. If you click the “Cancel” button, the procedure for changing data by the user will end without saving the data. 4.2.2. Registering a user certificate To register a user certificate, you must click on the appropriate link in the user card (see Fig. 41) (the link is available if the login was created on the Official Website) at the top of the card. A window for selecting a certificate from the list of installed ones will open. After selecting a certificate, the following checks are performed:  the correctness of the certificate;  availability of rights to work on the Official Website;  absence of linking of the certificate to another login;  compliance of the TIN and KPP in the user certificate with the TIN and KPP of the organization in the PGMU directory;  compliance of the user’s powers (except for the case of registration of a certificate for a Specialist);  correspondence to the organization, last name, first name, patronymic of the user. If the check results are negative, a corresponding message will appear. If the check is successful, the Authority, Position, and Department will be updated in the user’s card. 4.2.3. Setting a password To set a user password, you need to click on the corresponding link in the user card (see Fig. 41) (available if the user is a Specialist). A window for entering a new password will open (see Fig. 42). Page 51 of 341
  52. 52. “Official website of State Medical University” User’s manual Fig. 42 Entering a new password In the window that opens, you must enter New Password twice. At the same time, the entered passwords are checked for compliance: If the verification result is negative, a corresponding message will appear. If the verification is successful, the password will be changed. If you click on the “Cancel” button, the password setting procedure will be completed without saving the data. 4.2.4. Viewing a user's history To view a user's history, click on the appropriate link in the user's card (see Fig. 41). A window with the user's history will open (see Fig. 43) Fig. 43 User History Page 52 of 341
  53. 53. “GMU Official Website” User Guide To finish viewing the user history, you must click on the “Close” button. 4.2.5. Viewing news in the user's personal account When entering the user's personal account, a modal window for viewing news is displayed. Rice. 44 Modal news window The modal window is displayed if the news was published later than the date of the user’s last login to his personal account. The window contains: - title;  news list – (date, title and news announcement) the list displays news broadcast in the closed part. The list is sorted by news publication date (the latest published news is displayed at the top of the list); Page 53 of 341

At the end of December, an “official website for posting information about institutions” was launched. Since, as fate would have it, I work in budgetary institution As an IT specialist, I was entrusted with the honorable mission of registering my native organization on this “site”.

The first impression of the monster is squalor. But my job is to register, so let's move on. Out of curiosity, I looked at the code: table interspersed with div. I didn't expect anything else.

For normal operation it was necessary to set tsl/ssl in the properties. A suspicion arose in my soul: is there a catch here? I mean, isn’t the site tailored to your favorite browser? various types burglars? Suspicion grew into confidence after I went through the instructions. IE is required for "normal" operation.

Since I did not cut IE from the system, it was available. I started looking for the treasured “registration” button; it wasn’t available. It turned out that “registration on the site” meant installing a certain number of certificates on local machine. Great, isn't it!?. A link to one of the certificates was present. Downloaded and installed. Now it was time to install the personal certificate. If you followed the instructions, you had to get it from your local branch Federal Treasury. We contact the above-mentioned office. The answer is discouraging: “you don’t need any certificate, do everything according to the instructions, the certificate can be downloaded from the website.” If we think logically, then a personal certificate cannot possibly be on a public website. Well, the logic of an IT specialist is somewhat different from the logic of officials. Therefore, I decided to take a closer look at the manual called “workplace setup.” I read the section on certificates, it is written in Russian, two certificates. Root and personal. In the next paragraph, the root certificate is already called the server certificate. Assuming that the instructions did not accurately reflect reality, I decided to contact support.

Communication with the support service is a separate matter. My experience of working on the Internet is not a year or two, I had to communicate with various support services. Usually, when asking a question, you go to a specific page, fill out a form and press the submit button. Or just send a letter to specified address. You can also contact via ICQ or Skype. “Too simple,” the would-be webmasters decided. To contact the support service, you need to download a special form, fill it out according to certain rules and send it to e-mail. If you just send a letter, you may not expect a response.
Okay, I downloaded the form, filled it out, and sent it. After some time, the answer comes, which I already knew: " Personal certificate must be obtained from the local branch of the federal treasury." I print out the answer and send a messenger in the form of the director. The certificate is immediately located and recorded on a floppy disk. It turns out that they forgot that they did not give it to us.
Having the certificate in hand, I get to my personal account. The process of filling in the data begins.

The developers apparently don’t know what ajax is. Well, it's not scary. It's more scary to work in IE. Maybe you ever saw this monster from Microsoft in the status bar: “Completed, but with an error on the page”? You have to refresh the page more than once, otherwise the save button won’t appear, and even if it does, it won’t work. Or you simply won't be able to navigate to the desired tab. With grief, we filled one section in half. There was a desire to set the status to published. To do this, you need to sign the required digital signature. EDS is available. We look for publish in the menu, press the coveted button and we get the expected bummer. The bummer is in the line: "Cannot sign data. Error description. The object does not support this property or method." Of course, in order not to strain my brains, I contact the support service. The answer is silence. We connect google. Google advised installing framework 2.0. The specified framework was already installed. Therefore, I decided to install 4. Installing version 4 framework problems Not decided.

I decided to try the whole process on another machine with a licensed win7. At the signing phase, an error occurs again, but this time it’s different: “Cannot sign data. Error description. Occurred Internal error in the certificate chain." To resolve this error, I simply installed the missing certificate. That is, the chain is as follows: Personal certificate<-Сертификат казначейства<-Серверный сертификат. Получается 3 сертификата, а не два, как написано в руководстве и как сообщила служба поддержки. После установки всех трех сертификатов процесс подписания прошел успешно. Теперь необходимо было заставить работать подпись на другой машине. Отличие было в том, что там была пиратская win XP с SP3. Чем отличается пиратка от лицензии? Тем, что обновления не работают. Значит необходимо эти обновления поставить ручками. Чтобы не выискивать нужные, я просто решил установить все критические обновления за раз. Ссылку на нужный файл можно взять на этой странице . Сразу скажу, что процесс длительный, особенно если до этого обновления не делались и машина старенькая. Дождался, пока все установится и машина пару раз перезагрузится я попробовал подписать документы. Все получилось, что и требовалось изначально.
I could have stopped, but I wanted more convenient and faster work. To do this, you need to replace IE with another browser. At least while filling out various forms. Opera and FF could not make friends with, but chrome did. To do this, you need to run it with the parameter: "--use-system-ssl". You won’t be able to sign digital signature documents in chrome, but filling out forms and so on is still more convenient and faster than in IE
I would be glad if someone finds this information useful.

If you work in a budget institution, or serve such organizations in terms of IT support, you may need to carry out the procedure for setting up and connecting workstations to work with government resources. These are government procurement services. Now we will analyze the process step by step. - used to post information about government procurement and work in the bidding system. - posting official information about a budgetary institution.

Your organization may need access to these resources for work needs or on an orderly basis. In any case, you need to know how the process of registration and connection to systems occurs.

Now let's see how to register on the government procurement website.

Register at

The whole process can be divided into two stages:

Official registration and receipt of relevant documents and permits
- technical part, installation and configuration

To work, you will need an EDS (electronic digital signature) and electronic certificates. All this will be given to you after registration with the federal treasury. Instructions and necessary documents are published on the website:

As a rule, digital signatures and certificates for working with the website are issued on floppy disks or flash media. When you have them in your hands, you can proceed to setting up the computer from which you plan to work.

Technical part

Here you will need to install special programs and configure your operating system correctly. Let's go through this process step by step, indicating a list of what you will need for your work.

operating system

To work with a government procurement website, Windows XP or 7 is suitable. These operating systems are the most common, and they are probably used in the organization where you will be setting up.


For correct operation you need to use Internet Explorer 8 version. You will find the process of installing and updating the browser in the material -.

NetFramework platform

The NetFramework platform must be installed on the computer, at least version 2.0. It is also necessary to have SP1 installed.


Install as normal.

Sign signature generation component

For the digital signature to work correctly, special software is required. You can download it from the link below:

After the program is installed, you can immediately install your personal certificate received from the Treasury. To do this, launch CryptoPro, specify the storage location for the certificate (floppy disk or flash drive), and install it.

Capicom Library

Download and install it as usual:

Date of: 03.08.2015

Root certificates

You need to install treasury certificates on your computer:

Date of: 03.08.2015

After all the necessary software has been installed, and documents and digital media have been received, you can proceed to setting up the browser.

Setting up Internet Explorer

For the site to work correctly, we must add it to the list of trusted sites in our browser.

Now select the “Trusted Sites” item and click the “Sites” button. Here we enter the address of the government procurement website and add it to the list of trusted ones. I recommend that you add a site with http and https protocols. As a result, you should have the following in your list:


After that, go to the “Advanced” tab, and here check the boxes for SSL 2.0 and SSl 3.0.

After that, save the settings.

After all stages have been completed, you can go to the website and log in to your personal account.

Accordingly, to access this site, you will in any case have to register and receive data to access the public procurement site.

If an error occurs when trying to sign a file, check whether the Sign signature component is installed.

In any case, if you have any other problems or questions, you can always ask us online. To do this, use the service.


Use the government procurement service to post information on the provision of goods or services. You can also participate in bidding to receive orders.

Why look for information on other sites if everything is collected here?

  • during the registration process