Arthur Sharifov portal. Arthur Sharifov: biography and creative path of a blogger

Arthur Sharifov was born on June 29 (zodiac sign Cancer) 1995 in Ukraine in the small town of Gorlovka, Donetsk region, where he went to school with in-depth study of foreign languages. Currently lives in Moscow.

Almost nothing is known about Arthur’s childhood; he once mentioned that he wanted to learn to play the saxophone.

After school (in 2012), he was going to go to drama school, but something changed his plans, and he entered the Lomonosov Moscow State University in the Faculty of Mathematics. The guy’s height is 178 cm, his eye color is blue.

Life before the channel

He likes to experiment with his appearance, especially with the shape of his beard and hairstyle. Previously, he often received the question “What’s wrong with your teeth?”, and it’s true that the shape of the guy’s teeth was extremely strange, even frightening, but now he has fixed it.

In one of the videos he says that his teeth used to be his complex, and he was used to covering them with his lips, which had a bad effect on his speech, his teeth are no longer the same as before, and the blogger never got rid of the habit, so the facial expressions of his mouth may seem somewhat unnatural and he has a slight lisp.

First tryouts on YouTube

Despite the fact that he is now making videos on fairly serious scientific topics, his first attempts were far from this: Arthur and his friend Vlad Rafaenkov (with whom they studied at the same school) filmed the Goofy Goober Show (first episode on February 19, 2011) , there they played out small funny situations (they made sketches).

With the same friend, they made a parody of the well-known video “Who are you? Let's see you later" which won 3rd place in the "Star of Runet 2011" award in the music video category.

Now Sharifov calls the Goofy Goober Show his “criminal past,” and in general recalls pranks with warm nostalgia and a little shame.

In the fall of 2013, he created the “Artur TW” channel, where he first publishes walkthroughs of games, and then pranks.

A lot of things happened in these pranks: they begged passers-by (and not only women) for kisses, phone numbers, contact pages, sometimes quite successfully. Latest video it came out there in 2015, and it’s unlikely that Arthur will return to this channel.

Breakthrough on Youtube

At the beginning of 2015, he created another YouTube channel, where he taught a preparation course for the Unified State Exam in mathematics; this channel is now his main one.

On the same channel he publishes a competition video for one of the most popular science-based QWERTY channels on the topic “Why can’t you divide by zero?”, where he wins, after which he becomes the second presenter of this channel.

Then Arthur finally became convinced of the topic he wanted to film on; his heart was captured by science.

After that he applied for another popular channel DaiFiveTop (high five top), where he hosted the program “Outside Our World”. After he appeared on two giants of the Russian segment of YouTube, Arthur’s fame was assured.

Arthur's channel and third-party projects

First of all, the main channel is dedicated to the popularization of science. Arthur makes videos with special diligence; he even has full-fledged scientific documentaries where he covers certain topics.

These include the “Unintelligent Design” videos and the video on global warming, where Arthur explains in detail how it happens and why it is stubbornly ignored. The information is presented without tediousness, without complicated terms, Arthur explains very well and in detail, it’s not for nothing that he works as a tutor.

In addition to the channel dedicated to the popularization of science, he also examines the more mundane topic of the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam. Videos with analysis of Unified State Examination and Unified State Examination tasks are also available on the blogger’s channel, as well as on a channel specially created for his project - ScientificPoint.

There is also a similar website created by Arthur together with his friend Matvey Tkachev, where they sell preparation courses for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam from Arthur himself, Matvey and a number of other teachers they invited.

Personal life

Judging by the fact that during the time of pranking girls did not run away from Arthur screaming, and some even left their contact information, the guy is quite handsome and even has charisma, so he probably has no problems on a personal level.

About whether it is in this moment blogger in a relationship nothing is known for sure. Recently, it was noted on VK that she was dating Olga Zolotukhina (a non-media personality, the creator of a Russian language course on the SciencePoint website), but later this entry disappeared.

During the time of filming pranks (2015), I met with Elina Migla, who is also a blogger, better known under the pseudonym plate. The girl films on the topic of anime and geek culture, and jokingly says that she met Arthur only because of his resemblance to a character from Doctor Who.

By the way, Arthur is very often confused with someone else, either he looks like the Swedish blogger Pewpie, or like Shaggy from Scooby Doo. With Elina they had serious relationship, the couple often held streams where they talked about their future family, but in 2016 they broke up.

There were also rumors that Arthur was dating Irina Shipilova (also a blogger, she gives lessons in several languages, including English, on her channel), Arthur avoided answering, but this theory is unlikely to be true.

Is Arthur a science nerd?

Contrary to the idea of ​​people interested in science as very boring and boring people, this cannot be said about Arthur. What are his pranks worth?

And in general, Arthur clearly does not lose his sand: the guy is very joyful, friendly, cheerful and charismatic, and also smart. He enjoys playing games and watching movies, as well as reading.


Arthur shoots quite rarely, so you can’t take huge numbers from the affiliate program; most likely, he earns no more than 70,000 rubles from it. But in addition to the affiliate program, the blogger takes part in advertising various projects, such as skyeng, for example, which is not cheap.

In addition, most likely, most of the income comes from the work of the site and, in principle, the SciencePoint project, and it is absolutely impossible to judge the money earned from this site.

We can only say that access to the course for a year is about 1500, for 3 months about 1000, and for a month about 400, and how many people want to purchase courses is an unanswered question.

:dolphin: General information:dolphin:

:white_check_mark: Name: Artur Sharifov

:white_check_mark: Age: 23

:white_check_mark: Place of birth: Donetsk, Ukraine

:white_check_mark: Place of residence: Moscow

:white_check_mark: Height: 178 cm

:white_check_mark: Eye color: blue

:dolphin: Biography:dolphin:

Arthur Sharifov lives in Moscow; in 2012 he graduated from the Gorlovka specialized school with in-depth study of foreign languages. For some time I wanted to enroll in the theater department, and for some time I was going to play the saxophone. Together with his brother Vlad Rafaenkov he filmed the Gufi Guber SHOW. Studying at Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

Arthur and Vlad took third place in the “Runet Star 2011” competition in the “Clip” category.

The Goofy Goober Show was a fairly popular show, each video received several thousand views, and the video “Who are you? Come on, goodbye (Goofy Goober SHOW)” has received almost 650 thousand views. Now Arthur calls Goofy Goober Show his criminal past.

In the fall of 2013, he created the “Artur TW” channel, where first walkthroughs of various games are published, and then various jokes, mostly pranks. The last video was released in 2015.

Presumably, since 2015 he dated Elina Migla, who is also a YouTuber. They lived together and streamed often.

At the beginning of 2015, he created a channel on YouTube and created his own free course preparation for the Unified State Exam in mathematics, which received thousands of views. A lot has happened in a year various videos By Unified State Exam topic, which ensured his channel great popularity among high school students. In the spring of 2016 he starts streaming on his channel. First he streams mathematics, then various interesting topics.

In the spring of 2016, he submitted a video “Why You Can’t Divide by Zero” to a competition on the QWERTY science channel, which ensured his victory and made him the second presenter on QWERTY.

Video “Why can’t you divide by zero?” became incredibly popular, received more than one hundred thousand views and immediately opened two programs hosted by Arthur: “Real Mathematics” and “Warm Up Your Brains,” which air on the QWERTY and “Artur Sharifov” channels, respectively.

Now the “Real Mathematics” program contains videos such as “Why can’t you divide by zero?”, “Is it possible to predict the future?”, “Chaos theory revealed!”, “What is a person capable of in the 4th dimension?!” and “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”

The program “Warm up your brains” contains videos such as: “Why can’t you divide by zero?”, “WHY WE DREAM. HOW I DECIDED TO DO LUCIUS DREAMING” and “WHY DOES THE MIRROR SWAP PLACES LEFT AND RIGHT AND NOT UP AND BOTTOM?”

:dolphin: Interesting facts:dolphin:

Arthur said that: he has blue eyes, height - 178 cm, favorite fruit - banana, magazine - Eurosport.

Arthur is a big football fan.

Arthur is allergic to sweets.

Arthur is good at mathematics and programming, but does not know the school physics course well.

Arthur's father, Eldar Krok, composes songs on the Internet and plays the guitar.

In our world of information, it can be difficult for a person to find something truly useful in terms of education, especially on the Internet. Searching for useful and interesting content Usually a pile of information garbage gets in the way, which falls on the user in the form contextual advertising, loud headlines and useless content.

In such conditions, a person has to reconsider great amount websites, YouTube channels, blogs and other sources before he finds truly useful and educational content that will also be interesting to watch. One of the authors of such content is Arthur Sharifov.

short biography

Arthur’s birthplace can be considered Ukraine, but he began and continues his activities in Moscow. After the Sharifov school, Arthur wanted to enter the theater school, but a little later he changed his mind and entered the Faculty of Mathematics at Moscow State University.

The main theme of the first YouTube channel, which was created by Arthur Sharifov, is pranks. They did not bring much success to the author, but they collected a certain number of views. When pranks ceased to be popular, Arthur found his true calling - popular science shows. The first video that brought Arthur widespread fame was a video on the QWERTY YouTube channel, dedicated to science and everything connected with it. The video is called “Why can’t you divide by zero?” and currently has about 700 thousand views. This began the career of Arthur Sharifov as the host and author of popular science shows.

QWERTY channel

At the moment, QWERTY is one of the most popular Russian YouTube channels about science. However, at the end of 2015, it was still a developing channel that held a competition for the best presenter. Arthur Sharifov decided to take part in this competition, which turned out to be very successful for him.

Having won, Arthur begins filming and releasing his show dedicated to mathematics on the QWERTY channel. The videos turn out to be in great demand, at the moment some of them have more than a million views, and Arthur decides to host the show on his own channel. This concludes the collaboration with QWERTY; Artur Sharifov completely moves to his own channel, which bears his name.

Own channel

On his channel, Arthur continues to produce videos dedicated to science, but now the topic of the videos is not limited to mathematics. The channel has a video on absolutely different topics: space, lucid dreams, features of mirrors and parallel universes.

It is worth noting that all of Arthur’s videos are completely substantiated from a scientific point of view, because he always carefully collects information and studies all the data before starting to record a video on a certain topic.

Videos dedicated to the school mathematics course and preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam also played a significant role in popularizing the channel. Arthur often releases videos with analysis of various complex tasks, which turns out to be very important for schoolchildren several months before exams.


At the moment, Arthur Sharifov is actively developing his own channel, and also runs a column on one of the most popular YouTube channels in the CIS - DaiFiveTop. His videos are definitely recommended for viewing by anyone who loves useful and interesting educational content.