Arkady Volozh, co-founder and CEO of Yandex: biography, family, fortune. Work on the Yandex search engine

Today I will describe the success story of Yandex founder Arkady Volozh. And this is right after the article about the founder Google.

Although for me Yandex has always been in the first place, since this search engine is more convenient for me to use . How about you? Share in the comments. Yandex - there is everything! Well-known slogan and probably deserved. On the this moment Yandex is the most popular search engine in Russia, in the world Yandex is in twentieth place. Yandex, created by our compatriots, Arkady Volozh and Ilya Segalovich in 1997, quickly gained love and popularity among Runet users.

BUT great amount services, at the moment there are more than 50 of them, make Yandex almost indispensable for Internet users.

Each of us at least once used Yandex Market or Yandex Traffic, Yandex Search or Yandex Maps. Co-founder of Yandex Ilya Segalovich no longer with us, he died in 2013 at the age of 48 from cancer.

Yandex. The beginning of a success story

So, where did Yandex begin and, in general, where does such a name come from. Yandex was born in the late 80s and early 90s.

These were the times of perestroika, times when the world became more open for us, and it became possible to communicate with specialists from other countries, and everything new and progressive was easily developed and promoted.

In those days, Arkady Volazh, a programmer and mathematician working at the Institute of Management Problems, at the same time becomes a co-founder of a cooperative that automates workplaces. From this moment begins the story of Arkady Volazh as an entrepreneur.

Founder of Yandex. Arkady Volozh. Biography

A little about the biography of Arkady Volazh. Arkady is from Kazakhstan, from the small town of Guryev, now it is called Atyrau. Born in 1964.

His father worked as a geologist, was a doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences. Mom taught at a music school. Arkady Volazh received his higher education in Moscow at the Russian State Institute of Oil and Gas, graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics.

After graduating from the institute, he began working at the State Institute of Management Problems. Here, for the first time, he began to deal with the problems of electronic automated processing. large volumes information.

Here he meets an American Robert Stubblebine from whom he took lessons of English language. They come up with the idea to create a company selling computers.

CompTec and Arcadia. How Yandex was born

This is how CompTec is born. However, while doing business, Volage continues to create a program for processing large amounts of information.

He comes to the conclusion that the program must take into account the peculiarities of the Russian language, due to the fact that words can have many forms.

In solving this problem, he helps Arkady Borkovsky, who at that time dealt with the problems of computational linguistics. Together they organize the firm "Arcadia".

Volazh invites his friend, programmer Ilya Segalovich, to his new company. Their first project was an invention classifier with advanced internal search capabilities.

This program could be used by institutions that need to work with patents. But, unfortunately, Arcadia did not have large orders and the question arose of closing it.

But, far-sighted Volazh, decides to attach Arcadia with all its developments to another company that was successfully developing at that time CompTec. And did not lose!

Work on the Yandex search engine

Ilya Segalovich and other programmers began to work further on their search engine. It remains to come up with a name.

Gradually, Yandex was born, which means “yet another indexer” (another indexer). Then, Volazh proposed to replace the combination of letters Ya with the Russian letter Ya, so Yandex was born.

The name suited everyone, especially since it could also be understood as a language index, which emphasized the features of the new indexer.

However, Yandex was still far from the familiar and beloved by us. It was just a smart search engine that was tied to a particular product.

But his highlight was that he took into account the morphology of the Russian language, so if the search engine came across a word that was not in his dictionary, he could predict what forms might be given word, based on word changes in your vocabulary.

It was 1996, the Internet was actively developing in Russia, and ComTec employees could not help but take advantage of this. In 1996, at the Netcom exhibition, ComTec presents its new product for Internet sites, which later turned into Yandex.

The server is still in use today. The company faces the question of creating its own search engine. At that time, the Russian-language Internet used the AltaVista system.

So, in 1997, on September 23 at the Moscow exhibition dedicated to computer technology Softtool, Yandex has been presented as a new search engine

From this moment, the triumphant march of Yandex on the Russian-speaking Internet begins. Yandex is constantly developing, introducing more and more convenient features.

Already in 1998, Yandex appeared contextual advertising. And, finally, in 2000, the Yandex company was created, with Arkady Volazh becoming its general director.

Yandex Direct

And in just one year of the existence of the Yandex Direct service, about 2,500 users used this service.

Each of us, this applies, of course, to Runet entrepreneurs who promote affiliate programs, information businessmen selling information products, resellers, can use contextual advertising to advertise their Internet business.

This is the course of information businessman Alexey Polevskiy "Powerful Direct", a free webinar on setting up a campaign in Yandex Direct by Alexey Polevskiy and his free video tutorials on working in the Yandex Direct system .

Another well-known tuning specialist advertising campaigns systems Yandex Direct is an information businessman.

He has an automated webinar on earnings in affiliate programs, where he introduces the basics of Yandex Direct, a free course on infobusiness and free PDF Yandex Direct book.

Also, the book by Konstantin Zhivenkov “Secrets of effective advertising in Yandex Direct.

Of course, besides this, there are other authors, information businessmen who issued information products related to work with Yandex Direct - Vasily Tatarkin, Dmitry Pecherkin, but they went through Yandex Direct tangentially, as they are specialists in the promotion of Internet projects, affiliate sales of information products and reselling.

There is also a specialist in RuNet who is focused on teaching affiliate marketing through sales through Yandex.Direct. This is Alexander Aristarov.

You can download it free webinar“How to earn 224,000 rubles per month on affiliate programs” or go through Aristarov's training"Earnings on affiliate programs in Yandex.Direct."

Since 2002, Yandex has been generating profits for its shareholders. The next stage in the development of Yandex is its expansion outside of Russia.

Along with offices in St. Petersburg, Kazan, a Ukrainian representative office of Yandex opens, with offices in Odessa, Simferopol (then still Ukrainian), Kyiv.

And then also in Belarus and Kazakhstan. During these years, in the mode of fierce competition with foreign competitors, Yandex manages not to give up its positions.

Largely due to the introduction of new services, such as Yandex Maps, Yandex Afisha, focused not only on Russian users in general, but also specifically for the residents of a particular city.

I personally liked it very much. In 2008, Yandex goes beyond the borders near abroad and opens a representative office in California.

Yandex supports Russian science by creating the ground for the development of new technologies in our country. Arranges olympiads for students and schoolchildren.

Organizes free courses, designed for two years, which was called the school of data analysis. The new search principles, Matrixnet and Spectrum, introduced by Yandex, make it possible to make the search even more accurate, even in the absence of a clearly formulated request. Since 2011, Yandex shares have been traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

Yandex in Turkey

An interesting and very important step in the development of Yandex can be considered its Turkish project. In 2011, the portal was opened.

Turkish users were able to use Yandex services: Yandex Mail, Yandex Maps, Yandex Search in Turkish. When I do parser keywords Turkish words are sometimes found in Yandex Wordstat using the program.

The next milestone in the history of Yandex is the launch of Yandex Browser. It is used in Russia, Ukraine and Turkey. Well, let's wait for more news from Yandex!

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Arkady was born on February 11, 1964 in the city of Guryev, Kazakh SSR, in the family of a teacher at the Guryev Musical College Sofya Lvovna Volozh and a developer of oil fields in the Caspian Sea, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, an employee of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Abramovich Volozh.

At the age of 7, Arkady went to study at a special school in Alma-Ata with a physical and mathematical bias. It was there that he became friends with classmate Ilya Segalovich, who became the future founding partner of Yandex.

In 1981, friends graduated from high school and went to Moscow to receive higher education.

In 1989, Volozh became an employee of a company that supplied seeds to Austria in exchange for a PC. Arkady was responsible for technical questions reorganization of computers, which then turned into workstations in factories.

In the second half of the 90s, after the Internet appeared in the Russian-speaking space, Volozh set about creating a search system. He was joined by a longtime friend Ilya Segalovich, who then worked as a programmer at the research institute.

In 1997, a team of programmers led by Volozh and Segalovich introduced the Yandex search engine, which to this day has already become the center of Russian world IT.

1. About Yandex:

"There is everything."

2. On the creation of Yandex:

"We made Yandex with the simple intention of showcasing our revolutionary technology."

3. About traffic from Yandex:

“Webmasters should not build their lives around traffic from Yandex.

It shouldn't be a matter of life and death for the site."

4. About retention of leadership:

“To keep the lead, you just need to work better. There are no other recipes.

We need to improve every day.”

5. About the struggle of the company:

“All our activity is the fight against entropy. This process is, of course, endless.

6. About frames:

“There are a lot of qualified, punctual and adequate programmers.

I see them every day at work, for example.

7. About Yandex mechanisms:

“- Arkady, will there be a qualitatively new ranking mechanism that resists cheating? If so, can you announce its principle and terms of commissioning?

Will be. And we have already assembled several large combat humanoid robots for him.”

8. About Yandex tasks:

“For a search engine, the tasks of “give an adequate response” and “drive traffic to webmaster sites” are perpendicular.”

9. About good webmasters:

“Webmasters who create a lot of good and structured content are loved by both users and search engines.

Search spammers (doorwayers among them) are not liked by either one or the other.”

10. About how to:

“No one knows how it is “really necessary”.

We are experimenting all the time, while trying not to forget that there is the main thing.»

11. About self-esteem:

“It is a miracle that Yandex happened in the country.

It is important not to break it, and we are responsible for this.”

12. About business in Russia:

“We have an amazing country: whatever you take on, there is nothing.”

13. About innovation:

“It is impossible to force business to innovate, but it is really possible and necessary to facilitate its activities in this area.”

14. About experiments:

"All activities in the scientific and technical field are based on experiments."

15. About pride:

"Growing a small software company into something that has become part of the country's infrastructure is a source of pride for any team of entrepreneurs."

16. About working with webmasters:

“Webmasters give us free access to our pages, we give them free traffic.

The amount of neither is specified.

17. About content:

"We do not create content, we aggregate it, we are technology."

18. About search engines:

"More search engines - good and different."

19. About doorways:

"It's better to have good engineers doing searches than building doorways."

20. About mathematics:

“Yandex technologies are based on the Soviet mathematical school.

Historically, we have been strong in both theoretical and applied mathematics.”

21. About the position of search engines:

"The search engine is not the media, we cannot have our own position, we are just a relay of information created by independent people and organizations."

22. About the laws of a particular country:

“If you come to play on the market of a particular country, then the laws adopted there must be followed.”

23. About mutual understanding of man and AI:

"Achieve perfect understanding between a machine and a person is probably impossible. But we're trying."

24. About ideas for life:

"If there is a worthwhile idea - take it and do it."

25. About innovative companies:

“In an innovative company, it is important that the strategy is determined by the people who created the company.”

26. About Runet:

“In Runet, the absence of any legislation is compensated by arbitrarily introduced and often non-transparent rules.”

27. About search engines:

“The search consists of thousands of details: the principles of operation are the same, but the choice of materials, specific engineering solutions, the design is all a bit different.”

28. About the work of the CEO:

“And I am gradually turning from CEO into president - I try to run less and think more. To be honest, I haven't come up with anything yet."

29. About restrictions:

"Life is possible in a variety of limitations."

30. About the Russian economy:

“In Russia, the most important thing for the development of an innovative economy is a good education.”

31. About innovative business:

"Any innovative business is people with heads and ideas."

32. About lawlessness of organs:

“We don’t like it when they come and say: the law, of course, says nothing about this, but nevertheless.”

33. About investing in the Internet:

“If you want to invest in the Internet, and search is by far the most best model monetization on the Internet, then the choice is small.

34. About the rules for webmasters:

“The time has come for search engines and users to also demand the introduction of rules - for webmasters.

For example: websites should be beautiful, informative, well structured, updated frequently.”

35. About the regulation of the Runet:

“If Runet has regulatory norms that are transparent and understandable for the audience, companies, investors, and the state, it will only benefit from this.”

36. About startups:

“There are not many startups on the Internet with a working business scheme, and much more often we just hire ready-made teams.”

37. About entrepreneurship:

"For an entrepreneur, the best public service is growing your own business."

38. About optimizers:

"We respect optimizers, and we fight spam."

39. About monopoly:

“We are steadily moving towards the creation artificial intelligence. Today it is neural networks, tomorrow it will be a different kind of algorithms. And all this naturally tends to centralization.

The more data they are trained on, the smarter the neural networks. More data - better algorithms - more data.

And, of course, recalling the science fiction novels I read as a child, I personally worry about the thought that such a system will have no alternative.

Perhaps we are one of those necessary alternatives. That is why I consider the existence of a company like Yandex to be an absolute imperative.”

40. About communication with Sergey Brin and Sundar Pichai:

“Conversations were going on at all levels. Direct dialogue certainly helped.

I have always had a great professional respect for them, but I am very glad that we still have a purely human relationship, common understanding some basic principles.

I am sure that we will have to talk more than once, because similar situations will arise in new segments.”

41. About the work of "Yandex.Taxi":

“The amount of money that passes through Yandex.Taxi has already exceeded a billion dollars a year. And the business is growing at half an order of magnitude a year.

At the same time, Yandex.Taxi began in 2010 as a small experiment of one young manager. The manager was supported by experienced comrades, and the service gradually went.

Although not immediately. In 2012, it even nearly closed down.”

42. About robots in Yandex:

"Our speech technologies they know how to test drivers for knowledge of the language - while waiting for the next passenger, the driver may be asked to read a poem.

The driver can also be asked to walk around the car and take a picture, and another machine will recognize whether it is dirty or not.”

43. About the ban in Ukraine:

“We hear: they say, it’s not scary, other similar services will be built for us.

Let's take a sober look at the situation. We see (measure) the quality of services in non-competitive markets. In three years, in the absence of competition, no one will deal specifically with Ukraine.

The quality of absolutely the entire Internet in Ukraine is degrading very quickly. And ordinary users will begin to feel it very soon.

Not only will not good search, or taxi, or cards. There will be no trifles: there will be no timetables for cinemas or trains.”

44. About the quality of Yandex.News:

Simple numbers: on December 31, 2016, we had about 7,000 sources in the service, on January 1, 2017 there were about 1,000 of them. Only those that had a broadcasting license.

Do you think the quality of service could remain the same?

Since then, there have been a few sources.

In addition, we try to customize the algorithms for new reality- it was not always easy to glue plots together, now new breakthroughs are required to be able to work with a greatly reduced data set.

45. About Yandex without Ilya Segalovich:

“There is no one to replace Ilya. And it doesn't need to be replaced.

I think that Ilya would have answered in much the same way.

46. ​​About Yandex culture:

“I think Yandex is something that sits between two different cultures.

One comes from the old Soviet culture scientific institute, where there was an atmosphere of freedom for scientists, perhaps too complete freedom, because no one cared about money.

The other comes from what is typically found in California startups.”

47. About the monopoly position:

“In itself, a monopoly is not terrible, it is scary when a monopoly position is abused.”

Today, Russia by no means can be ranked among the world leaders in development information technologies. But in the Russian Federation, not everything is so bad in this direction. What is only a search engine developed by Yandex. About the founder and head of this major player on the global Internet, whose name is Arkady Yuryevich Volozh, we will talk in detail in the article.

Birth and relatives

The future major entrepreneur and head of one of the Runet flagships was born on February 11, 1964 on the territory of the former Kazakh SSR in a city called Guryev. His father - Yuri Abramovich - was an oilman, doctor of geological sciences and an employee of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His uncle, Volf Lvovich, is a well-known violinist, who nowadays is a professor at the Ural Conservatory and is on the jury of various prestigious world violin competitions.


At the age of seven, Arkady Volozh became a student of a special school in the city of Alma-Ata, the main focus of which was an in-depth study of the physical and mathematical sciences. Within its walls, he met Ilya Segalovich. Their friendship continues to this day and largely contributed to the development of Yandex later.

In 1981, the hero of the article went to Moscow in order to get a higher education. His dream was to enter Moscow State University, but his attempt to become a student of such a prestigious university failed. As a result, Volozh began his studies at the Gubkin Institute of Oil and Gas, which he successfully graduated in five years. Having received a diploma in his hands, Arkady Yuryevich, as a young and promising specialist, was sent to investigate the issues of processing large amounts of information at the Institute of Control Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In parallel, the young man became a graduate student and continued his scientific detail. But at that time, market processes began to take place actively in the country, cooperatives began to emerge. It was these organizations that played a key role in the later life of a Russian.

On the way to success

In 1988, Arkady Yuryevich Volozh stood at the origins of the creation of cooperatives, after an appropriate order was received at his research institute. And just a year later, the man began working in a company supplying seeds to Austria on the basis of a barter exchange: in return, the Europeans sent personal computers. Arcady's area of ​​responsibility included the technical support for the reorganization of these computers, namely, the formation of the received PCs into automation systems at industrial enterprises. Instead of writing a dissertation, Volozh plunged into learning English, without knowing which it was simply impossible to communicate with Western commercial partners.

By the way, during his labor detail in the cooperative, Volozh earned two computers for himself. A little later, he sold them and bought an apartment in Moscow with the proceeds.

Active business building

In 1989, Arkady Yuryevich Volozh, whose biography contains many interesting points, together with an American student named Robert Stubbleline, created a company called Comptek. In this company, the Russian received the post of general director and was engaged in technical support, and a US citizen oversaw commercial matters.

Over time, there was a serious need to create programs that would understand the Russian language. And therefore, in the same 1989, Volozh and Borkovsky created the Arcadia company. Together, the partners released a special design for classifying inventions at the Patent Information Institute. It is noteworthy that the volume of this data package at that time was “ridiculous” today 10 MB.

Successful testing of the resulting product led to the setting of this area of ​​work for new level. Arcadia worked independently for three years, after which it became part of Comptek as a separate department. The very first development of the latest department of the then programmers was the creation of a digital version of the Bible.

Creation of a titan

In 1995, after connecting to world wide web- The Internet - Russia needed new technologies, and Arkady Volozh began to create search engines. It was then that his childhood friend Ilya Segalovich joined him, with whom they founded Yandex. The guys got acquainted with the outstanding academician Yuri Derenikovich Apresyan and received a linguistic dictionary from his hands.

Ilya in the new team was responsible for writing the search part, Maslov, Teyblum, Ilyinsky and Brovkin soon joined his friends.

In 1997, Volozh took another confident step towards success - he acquired three servers, the total capacity of which was 1 GB. All the indexed Runet data of that period was placed on them. And in the same year, a technological exhibition dedicated to IP telephony was held, at which the Yandex search engine was officially presented to the public.

In 2000, the full-fledged work of the search engine began, the search parameters expanded. And soon Yandex became a social search engine. Such progress forced Volozh to take up commercial promotion his brainchild, and for this, sponsors were needed. And even despite the fact that at that time there were only about 2.2 million users in Russia, foreign investors were not afraid to contribute their money to the development of a new market. Arkady Volozh, unlike his colleagues in the shop, did not dare to sell his company completely and kept the bulk of the shares in his hands and the hands of other founders.


Already after the first successful transaction, the Russian initiated the expansion of the staff. And soon the company applied to society a whole line of new products - bookmarks, news, goods, mail and others. The Yandex advertisement was broadcast on television, and its design was developed by Artem Lebedev's studio.

In 2001, even newer services of the company appeared, and the indexed volume overcame the mark of 1 TB. Two years later, for the first time in the history of the Internet in Russia, Yandex paid dividends to its shareholders.

Literally in 10 years, the corporation reached self-sufficiency, and the annual turnover exceeded 300 million dollars.

By 2008, Arkady Volozh ("Yandex" became his life's work) managed to open company offices in many cities, both in Russia and neighboring countries. At the same time, a representative office in California began its work, and three years later in Istanbul.

In 2010, Arkady Volozh was in first place, according to printed edition"Kommersant", in the "Media Business" nomination, and a year earlier, the entrepreneur was included in the list of 100 reserve managers of the country. In 2014, the man left his post as director of Yandex.


In the summer of 2017, the price of a Yandex share on the Moscow stock exchange was 2,039.5 rubles, which turned out to be a record for the company. This increase was explained by the merger of Yandex. Taxi with Uber. The deal added $200 million to the fortune of the hero of the article.


Arkady Volozh, whose fortune is estimated by Forbes magazine at $ 1.7 billion for 2014, was ranked 60th in the rating. In 2015, he was already at position 114, and a year later he was at position 118. AT given time his wealth is estimated at $0.8 billion.

Personal life

Arkady Yuryevich Volozh, whose wife is not known to the general public, has been married since the 1980s. Together with his wife, he raised three children: two sons and a daughter. The eldest heir - Leo - works together with his father.

In 2016, Arkady, together with his children and parents, received the citizenship of Malta. For this, it was necessary to invest at least 880 thousand euros in the country's economy.

Volozh Arkady Yurievich

Volozh Arkady Yurievich - founder, co-owner and CEO Yandex company. After the IPO in May 2011, Volozh has 19.77% of the voting shares of Yandex (he owns part of his share through the offshore BC&B Holdings jointly with Baring Vostok). Shareholder and member of the board of directors of Infinet Wireless (a domestic developer and manufacturer of broadband systems wireless access WiMax). Prior to creating Yandex, Volozh led CompTek.


Ranked 114th Russian version Forbes "The richest businessmen of Russia - 2011". Arkady Volozh's fortune is estimated at 900 million dollars.

According to Forbes in 2013, the CEO of the national search engine has a fortune of $1.15 billion.



1986 - graduated from the Institute of Oil and Gas. I. M. Gubkin with a degree in Applied Mathematics. He was engaged in research in the field of processing large amounts of data at the Institute of Control Problems (IPU) of the USSR Academy of Sciences.



Business success came to him when he co-founded one of the first Moscow Computer Cooperatives in 1988.

In 1988, Volozh became a co-founder of the Magistr cooperative (computer trade) and the Arcadia small enterprise (creation of Russian-language search engines).


From 1989 to 2000, Volozh was the CEO of the CompTek company he founded, the largest computer company, a Russian provider of network solutions.

In 1993 Arcadia was merged with CompTek.

In 1998, as head of the Committee wireless networks Access of the Russian Association of Documentary Telecommunications (RANS.RU) Volozh participated in the process of frequency deregulation for wireless access operators.

In 1999, Volozh became one of those who influenced the fate of the legalization of IP telephony in Russia.

In 2000, Volozh became CEO of Yandex.

The idea of ​​creating a search engine came to Volozh in the late 1980s, when he was still selling computers. He developed the first such system by order of the Research Institute of Patent Information - it was a classifier of inventions.

The word "Yandex" was coined by Arkady Volozh and his classmate at the Republican Physics and Mathematics School (RPMS) in Alma-Ata, Ilya Segalovich (the future director of technology at Yandex) in 1993. One of the variants of the name was the word index, which was later transformed in yandex - yet another indexer ("Another indexer", or Language index). Volozh suggested the Russian letter "I" in the title - for clarity.

Social and political activity

2007 - Head of the Department of Data Analysis at the Faculty of Innovation and high technology MIPT.

Arkady Volozh is included in the first hundred of the presidential list of the managerial personnel reserve, approved in February 2009.

2011 - shaved off his mustache, which he wore for over a decade, after Yandex successfully floated shares on the Nasdaq New York Stock Exchange.

On May 23, 2011, during the IPO of Yandex, Arkady Volozh sold part of his shares and earned $101 million. After the IPO in May 2011, Volozh has 19.77% of voting shares in Yandex (he owns part of his share through the offshore BC&B Holdings jointly with Baring Vostok).

The famous violinist Volf Lvovich Usminsky is the uncle of Yandex founder Arkady Volozh. Usminsky is a professor of the violin class at the Ural Conservatory (Yekaterinburg), chairman of the State Commission of the Moscow Conservatory and a member of the jury of many international violin competitions.

2018: Obtaining Maltese citizenship

In January 2018, it became known that Arkady Volozh and his family members bought Maltese passports. The founder of Yandex was among more than 700 Russians who became naturalized citizens of an island nation in the Mediterranean. Information published on the website of the government of the country.

A Yandex representative explained to RBC that Arkady Volozh travels a lot on business, and European citizenship allows you to travel without visas.

Arkady Volozh

In the list of naturalized citizens of Malta who received passports in 2016, the names of dozens of Russian businessmen were found. Among them are the owner of O1 Group Boris Mints and members of his family, co-owner of ICT Holding Alexander Nesis, the main owner of the Beluga Group alcohol holding Alexander Mechetin, Russia's largest latifundist Igor Khudokormov and deputy chairman of the board of Alfa Bank Alexei Marey.

The Maltese passport was also bought by former Lenovo Vice President Gleb Mishin. Among the reasons for this decision, he named favorable tax conditions. Mishin did not rule out that in the future he could register a business in the Maltese jurisdiction.

Arkady Volozh is a Russian top manager, founder and head of Yandex, who has set a vivid example of worthy competition for Western business.

Today, the Yandex search engine occupies a strong leadership position in Runet, has a large audience and provides a huge industry of services: mail, blogs, virtual money, games, free hosting.

Arkady Volozh: biography

A native of Kazakhstan (Guryev, now Atyrau) was born on February 11, 1964. Arkady Volozh, whose family was intelligent, grew up surrounded by humanitarians. Mom Sofya Lvovna taught music, father Yuri Abramovich was an oilman, his uncle was the famous violinist V. L. Usminsky.

Arkady, unlike his relatives, was interested in the exact sciences, especially mathematics, which led the young man to the Physics and Mathematics School in Alma-Ata. It was here that an acquaintance with a strong male friendship took place.

After leaving school in 1981, friends went to Moscow to enter Moscow State University. Having failed the exams together, the guys still became students, but of different educational institutions: Arkady Volozh entered the Institute of Oil and Gas. and Ilya - to the capital's geological exploration institute. The paths of the guys parted, but only temporarily: in the future, the work of Arkady's life - "Yandex" - will unite them.

Influenced by change

After completing his studies in 1986, a promising young specialist Arkady got into the Institute of Control Problems, where, along with other researchers, he was engaged in processing huge amounts of information. Promising scientific horizons opened before Volozh, which were suddenly crossed out by the perestroika that broke out in the USSR. In 1988, the "Law on Cooperation" came into force, which pushed the young man to the first cautious steps in business - an area hitherto unfamiliar to the inhabitants of the Soviet Union. The institute where Arkady worked received an order from the district committee of the CPSU on the mandatory creation of a cooperative on the basis of the institution. Volozh Arkady Yurievich with several other comrades was elected to work with an educated society, called "Master", and became its co-founder.

First steps in business

Work in the cooperative consisted of a mass of diverse and unusual things for the Soviet era. Thus, the organization purchased sunflower seeds from collective farmers and delivered them to Australia, receiving foreign personal computers in exchange. The barter rate was quite simple: a carload of computers was exchanged for a carload of seeds.

Arkady, who was responsible for the technical part of the issue and was engaged in setting up the received office equipment, understood the full potential of the new business. Therefore, he postponed his dissertation for a while and began to study the language of all businessmen - English. In this, he was assisted by the American Robert Stubblebine, who, as it turned out, was hatching the idea of ​​supplying office equipment to the territory of the Soviet Union. I suppose it turned out to be only at hand, and he invited Robert to join the "Master". However, due to certain reasons (possibly ideological), the leadership of the cooperative rejected this idea.

In 1989, Volozh Arkady Yuryevich left Magistr and, together with an American friend, organized the CompTek company in the capital, the purpose of which was all the same deliveries of office equipment to Russia. Stubbline, who easily established a business, found buyers himself. The competence of Volozh, who, due to circumstances, retrained into a competent practicing businessman, included technical issues related to setting up office equipment. Even while working at Magister, Arkady managed to earn 2 personal computers. Having realized them, the young man acquired an apartment in the capital, which he would hardly have succeeded under other circumstances, even if the name of Arkady had received worldwide recognition in the scientific world.

How to simplify the search process?

Volozh, who was involved in the processing of significant amounts of information, constantly thought about the need to simplify the process of finding the necessary information. For the most part, Borkovsky helped Arkady in this - also Arkady, who studied Volozh's idea to create a kind of search mechanism necessary information and Borkovsky's extensive knowledge of the morphology of the Russian language contributed to the formation of the Arcadia company in 1988. Having hired competent programmers, the founders resolutely moved towards the fulfillment of their plan.

Founder of "Yandex": on the way to success

The first successful project was the classifier of inventions - commissioned by the Institute of Patent Information. The small program, weighing 10 MB, was liked by the customer and other organizations involved in patent science. This software brought profit for 3 years; then things went downhill a bit. In addition, the 90s were in the yard, forced to put state employees in the framework of survival and led to the decline of science.

This prompted Arcadia in 1993 to decide to take Arcadia, which was in danger of collapse, into CompTek. This is what helped Volozh save both the staff of talented employees and those available in the region. search technologies developments. In addition, CompTek was doing very well at this time: personal computers were selling with a bang. The company, expanding the scope of its own interests, simultaneously took up the distribution network technologies on Russian territory. In the 90s, Volozh's friend, Ilya Segalovich, joined them.

The first successes of "Arcadia" include the colossal work on the digital edition of the Bible. Nearly half of the holy book was typed by hand; the circulation, transferred to floppy disks, began to diverge quite well. Next came a large order for the creation electronic version works of Russian classics.

"Yandex" - the search engine of Runet

Along with the main activity, the software department was engaged in the refinement of the search device, completed in 1996 and called "Yandex". After 2 years, Yandex was in 7th place in the top of the most popular Russian-language sites.

In 2000, Arkady Yuryevich Volozh, the founder of Yandex, became the CEO of an independent Internet company of the same name. In 2007, he returned to science and headed the Department of Data Analysis at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The successful Russian entrepreneur has many awards and prizes to his credit, and in 2013 his fortune was estimated at $1.15 billion.