About one of the incorrect methods of search engine promotion and its consequences

Yandex search command attitude towards search engine optimization - the only the right way We believe that improving the quality of the site is in the interests of users. We consider influencing ranking parameters through various manipulations as an attempt to deceive the search engine and users.

IN Lately We see attempts to influence the search engine by emulating user actions. Most often this happens with the help of programs that send queries to the search engine and then go to certain sites, but other methods are also known. All of them are hoaxes that have nothing to do with real website optimization. In addition, the creation similar systems cheating contributes to the development of botnets, which can be used for DDoS attacks, distribution of malware, and sending spam.

We are confident that such methods are harmful to the development of the Internet. We consider them to be search engine spam and take appropriate action against sites that use them.

Yandex strongly recommends that website owners, webmasters and companies providing services in SEO areas, refrain from using this and other pseudo-optimization methods. They are unpromising and can lead to your site losing its reputation and position in search results.

Yandex search command","contentType":"text/html"),"proposedBody":("source":"Yandex has already expressed its attitude towards search engine optimization - we consider improving the quality of the site in the interests of users to be the only correct way. Impact on ranking parameters using We consider various manipulations as a desire to deceive the search engine and users.

Recently, we have seen attempts to influence the search engine by emulating user actions. Most often this happens with the help of programs that send queries to the search engine and then go to certain sites, but other methods are also known. All of them are hoaxes that have nothing to do with real website optimization. In addition, the creation of such cheating systems contributes to the development of botnets, which can be used for DDoS attacks, distribution of malware, and spam.

We are confident that such methods are harmful to the development of the Internet. We consider them to be search engine spam and take appropriate action against sites that use them.

Yandex strongly recommends that website owners, webmasters and companies providing SEO services refrain from using this and other pseudo-optimization methods. They are unpromising and can lead to your site losing its reputation and position in search results.

Yandex search command","html":"Yandex has already expressed its attitude towards search engine optimization - we consider improving the quality of the site in the interests of users to be the only correct way. We consider influencing ranking parameters through various manipulations as an attempt to deceive the search engine and users.

Recently, we have seen attempts to influence the search engine by emulating user actions. Most often this happens with the help of programs that send queries to the search engine and then go to certain sites, but other methods are also known. All of them are hoaxes that have nothing to do with real website optimization. In addition, the creation of such cheating systems contributes to the development of botnets, which can be used for DDoS attacks, distribution of malware, and spam.

We are confident that such methods are harmful to the development of the Internet. We consider them to be search engine spam and take appropriate action against sites that use them.

Yandex strongly recommends that website owners, webmasters and companies providing SEO services refrain from using this and other pseudo-optimization methods. They are unpromising and can lead to your site losing its reputation and position in search results.

Yandex search command","contentType":"text/html"),"authorId":"30364427","slug":"10399","canEdit":false,"canComment":false,"isBanned":false,"canPublish" :false,"viewType":"old","isDraft":false,"isOnModeration":false,"isSubscriber":false,"commentsCount":251,"modificationDate":"Thu Jan 01 1970 03:00:00 GMT +0000 (UTC)","approvedPreview":("source":"Yandex has already expressed its attitude towards search engine optimization - we consider improving the quality of the site in the interests of users to be the only correct way. We consider influencing ranking parameters through various manipulations as an aspiration trick the search engine and users.

Recently, we have seen attempts to influence the search engine by emulating user actions. Most often this happens with the help of programs that send queries to the search engine and then go to certain sites, but other methods are also known. All of them are hoaxes that have nothing to do with real website optimization. In addition, the creation of such cheating systems contributes to the development of botnets, which can be used for DDoS attacks, distribution of malware, and spam.

We are confident that such methods are harmful to the development of the Internet. We consider them to be search engine spam and take appropriate action against sites that use them.

Yandex strongly recommends that website owners, webmasters and companies providing SEO services refrain from using this and other pseudo-optimization methods. They are unpromising and can lead to your site losing its reputation and position in search results.

Yandex search command","html":"Yandex has already expressed its attitude towards search engine optimization - we consider improving the quality of the site in the interests of users to be the only correct way. We consider influencing ranking parameters through various manipulations as an attempt to deceive the search engine and users.","contentType":"text/html"),"proposedPreview":("source":"Yandex has already expressed its attitude towards search engine optimization - We consider improving the quality of the site in the interests of users to be the only correct way.We consider influencing ranking parameters through various manipulations as an attempt to deceive the search engine and users.

Recently, we have seen attempts to influence the search engine by emulating user actions. Most often this happens with the help of programs that send queries to the search engine and then go to certain sites, but other methods are also known. All of them are hoaxes that have nothing to do with real website optimization. In addition, the creation of such cheating systems contributes to the development of botnets, which can be used for DDoS attacks, distribution of malware, and spam.

We are confident that such methods are harmful to the development of the Internet. We consider them to be search engine spam and take appropriate action against sites that use them.

Yandex strongly recommends that website owners, webmasters and companies providing SEO services refrain from using this and other pseudo-optimization methods. They are unpromising and can lead to your site losing its reputation and position in search results.

Yandex search command","html":"Yandex has already expressed its attitude towards search engine optimization - we consider improving the quality of the site in the interests of users to be the only correct way. We consider influencing ranking parameters through various manipulations as an attempt to deceive the search engine and users.","contentType":"text/html"),"titleImage":null,"tags":,"isModerator":false,"url ":"/blog/webmaster/10399","urlTemplate":"/blog/webmaster/%slug%","fullBlogUrl":"https://yandex.ru/blog/webmaster","addCommentUrl":"/ blog/createComment/webmaster/10399","updateCommentUrl":"/blog/updateComment/webmaster/10399","addCommentWithCaptcha":"/blog/createWithCaptcha/webmaster/10399","changeCaptchaUrl":"/blog/api/captcha /new","putImageUrl":"/blog/image/put","urlBlog":"/blog/webmaster","urlEditPost":"/blog/569df38ccb28c8a50611b259/edit","urlSlug":"/blog/post /generateSlug","urlPublishPost":"/blog/569df38ccb28c8a50611b259/publish","urlUnpublishPost":"/blog/569df38ccb28c8a50611b259/unpublish","urlRemovePost":"/blog/569df38ccb28c8a5061 1b259/removePost","urlDraft":"/blog /webmaster/10399/draft","urlDraftTemplate":"/blog/webmaster/%slug%/draft","urlRemoveDraft":"/blog/569df38ccb28c8a50611b259/removeDraft","urlTagSuggest":"/blog/api/suggest/ webmaster","urlAfterDelete":"/blog/webmaster","isAuthor":false,"subscribeUrl":"/blog/api/subscribe/569df38ccb28c8a50611b259","unsubscribeUrl":"/blog/api/unsubscribe/569df38ccb28c8a50611b259", "urlEditPostPage":"/blog/webmaster/569df38ccb28c8a50611b259/edit","urlForTranslate":"/blog/post/translate","urlLoadTranslate":"/blog/post/loadTranslate","urlTranslationStatus":"/blog/webmaster /10399/translationStatus","urlRelatedArticles":"/blog/api/relatedArticles/webmaster/10399","ampUrl":"https://blog.yandex.net/amp/ru/webmaster/10399","author" :("id":"30364427","uid":("value":"30364427","lite":false,"hosted":false),"aliases":(),"login":"webmaster" ,"display_name":("name":"webmaster","avatar":("default":"0/0-0","empty":true)),,"address":" [email protected]","imageSrc":"https://yapic..000Z","socialImage":("orig":("fullPath":"https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-yablogs/51778/ file_1461153249801/orig")))))">

About one of incorrect ways search engine promotion and its consequences

23 May 2011, 16:42

Yandex has already expressed its opinion - we consider improving the quality of the site in the interests of users to be the only correct way. We consider influencing ranking parameters through various manipulations as an attempt to deceive the search engine and users.

Recently, we have seen attempts to influence the search engine by emulating user actions. Most often this happens with the help of programs that send queries to the search engine and then go to certain sites, but other methods are also known. All of them are hoaxes that have nothing to do with real website optimization. In addition, the creation of such cheating systems contributes to the development of botnets, which can be used for DDoS attacks, distribution of malware, and spam.

We are confident that such methods are harmful to the development of the Internet. We consider them to be search engine spam and take appropriate action against sites that use them.

Yandex strongly recommends that website owners, webmasters and companies providing SEO services refrain from using this and other pseudo-optimization methods. They are unpromising and can lead to your site losing its reputation and position in search results.

Yandex search command

I am aware that the search engines Yandex and Google use user behavior on the site as ranking factors.

There are specific traffic parameters that affect positions

These factors include CTR on search results, bounce rate, time spent on the site, achievement of goals, etc.

There are services for boosting PF

At one time, many services appeared that offer to “boost” the behavior we need in an artificial way, thereby increasing the position of the site.

But search engines punish for cheating...

Yandex is actively fighting such manipulations. There are many high-profile cases where he punished sites. At the same time, the sanctions for cheating the PF are very unpleasant - the site loses positions on absolutely all requests for a period of six months or more.

Majority SEO specialists They are afraid to engage in promotion of PF, because the risk of falling under search engine sanctions is very high.

I am confident that if you approach this issue with an understanding of how the algorithms work, you can achieve the desired results.

We tried to approach the issue creatively. And we did it...

I admit, we experimented with boosting the PF, and the result of the experiment turned out to be excellent. This was one of our company’s sites - not a client site. However, we have confidence that if you take some precautions, you can successfully achieve results for any website.

How to wind PF safely

  • 1. The first thing that is important to know is the reason why attempts to bring a competitor under sanctions for cheating the PF are useless.

There are many cases where website owners notice suspicious traffic,they write about this to Yandex and receive a dose of reassurance in response: “The main thing is that you, as the owner of the site, do not cheat anything.” It is important to understand how exactly Yandex identifies those who cheat behavioral factors.It determines this simply: if transitions to one of the well-known PF cheating services are noticed from the same computer, the I counterndex.Metrics and Index.Webmaster of this site - definitely the promotion is carried out by the owner, and not by a competitor.

It's quite easy to protect yourself. To safely increase the PF, you must use a device from which you have never accessed the Yandex.Webmaster and Yandex.Metrica services for the site for which the PF is being increased. From here we can draw another conclusion: in order to increase the PF of competitors and bring them under sanctions, you need to gain access to the Yandex.Metrica counter and the Yandex.Webmaster panel. Otherwise, you won’t be able to overwhelm your competitor.

Even if you are not punished for using them (for example, Yandex has determined that these are the actions of competitors), no one will definitely count the cheating as a plus. So, the second important safety rule is do not use PF promotion services. There are a number of services that are not in the Yandex database, such as PF services. For security reasons, I will not disclose the service we use.

  • 3. Thirdly, it is extremely important that transitions to the site were carried out from a specific region.

If suddenly users from Moscow, Ukraine and Kazakhstan begin to actively come to the Volgograd site, Yandex becomes suspicious.

Now that we know and can follow the basic safety rules, all that remains is to give competent tasks to the performers. Personally, I keep about 10-15 in a task important rules so that the traffic looks natural.


  • We use a separate computer from which you have never logged into the Yandex.Webmaster service and the Yandex.Metrica counter for the site being built.
  • We do not use PF promotion services.
  • We are looking for performers only from the region assigned to the site.
  • We give a competent task.
  • profit!

Hi all! I haven't written on my blog for a long time. I didn’t have enough time, but I finally got around to writing an article! Today we will talk about cheating behavioral factors. Whether it's good or bad. Now this question is one of the main ones in the SEO field.

After all, people are vile creatures who always want to ruin everything. I think these are the thoughts that come to Yandex employees. And in fact, you work hard, develop new algorithms, and these nasty creatures come up with new ways to deceive them and get to the TOP by hook or by crook.

After all, what an idea it was to take links into account when ranking! After all, in theory, everything worked out so well - if the site is good, there are more links to it and this must be taken into account. But the trouble is, the evil geniuses of SEO have distorted everything and started selling links for huge sums of money! They profit from a great idea, and even push God knows who into the TOP. No worries! Let's disable links! Which, in fact, partially happened at the beginning of this year. Links are taken into account much less when ranking.

Search engines do not stand still, they develop and determine people’s preferences due to the behavioral factor! Sounds nice, doesn't it? But someone saw this as an option for profit - if search engines take into account the behavioral factor, then they need to boost it! Opened great amount companies that began to offer services to improve PF using black methods. At a certain point, this worked great, but Yandex learned, adapted, developed and began to detect this kind of manipulation better and better.

At the end of September, Yandex, through its blog, warned webmasters that cheating on a behavioral factor could result in them falling under the filter, after which transitions from this search engine are reduced by 2.5 times.

It must be said that this is not the first warning. Yandex took this matter seriously and even somewhat forgot about the links that it had been spreading rot all last year.

If earlier it was possible to use PF cheating carefully and little by little, now it is becoming too dangerous. Yandex is attacking this topic and punishing it very harshly.

Yandex filter for using behavioral factor cheating

Just a year ago, the punishment for using this type of search engine promotion was to have the site fall under the AGS filter. Realizing the scale of the problem, Yandex introduced new filter, especially for those who use PF cheating. After its application, positions fall very deeply, until they leave the TOP-100.

If you notice such a drop in positions, then write to the Yandex support service (Platon Shchukin), who should confirm your concerns.

The filter is applied automatically and removed automatically. You are only required to refuse further manipulations with the PF. How many months will it take for the positions to return to normal? I'm afraid I don't have an answer to this question. PF updates are quite rare, so you will have to wait 2 months or more. For example, after the global raid in May, Yandex declared an amnesty in July, and many sites came out of the filter, but not all.

Drawing conclusions

Everything is heading towards the fact that only true masochists who strive for a difficult life under a filter will use PF cheating. But this method of promotion has a truly dark side - the opportunity to overwhelm a competitor. Of course, if the competitors are all the TOP, then no money will be enough for them.

Develop your websites, make them useful and necessary! I wish you success!

Search engines when ranking sites in search results are guided by only three rules. These are internal factors, including linking, design and usability, technical condition project. External components are taken into account - with links, their quantity and quality. Not the least role in search results is played by the behavioral factor. This is the behavior of visitors to the project. The temporary entry point, the period of stay on the page, the number of transitions on the project and other actions that the visitor performs on the site are taken into account.

A little history

In the process of improving the analysis of projects by search engines, the latter have learned to track such a parameter as the behavioral factor, or, more simply, the behavior of project visitors. The trend appeared when there was a rumor about the elimination of such a parameter as link weight. This became the starting point for identifying it as a priority factor in the implementation of the PF promotion process. The only drawback to this approach to site evaluation is that search engines this moment Dont Have professional algorithm identifying cheating of this indicator. SEO companies, having felt weakness search engines, over the past few years, have been willingly taking money from their clients using “black technologies” in their work. There are a huge number of bots and programs working on the Internet - like Userator, which are capable of imitating behavior large quantity visitors to the project. This direction allows you to bring new commercial sites to top positions in just a matter of days. In order for the behavioral factor to remain high, webmasters have been inventing a variety of methods for increasing it for quite a long time. The situation completely changed when search engines eliminated their own error and began to apply filters in their work.

How has the situation changed since the introduction of filters?

Filters that search engines began to distribute to SEO companies and their clients who are considering promotion based on behavioral factors automatic promotion, changed the situation. Automated cheating began to be used against competitors. The resource owners themselves began to give preference to the use of human resources. Programs have been replaced by special services on which small fee people were ready to “take a walk” on the project provided to them. The emergence of special groups intensified in social networks who provide significant assistance in promoting projects. The trend is due to the fact that search engines, although they have learned to recognize the actions of some systems, still find it very problematic for them to determine the purpose of the visit.

How do behavioral factors get cheated?

Let's imagine a situation when a website appears interesting article, automatically included in the results. Due to the fact that the project is young and search engines do not distinguish it from other resources, the text material will take up either the tenth or twentieth page, which will depend on the competitiveness of the request. To get into the top ten sites according to search results, a project must have a good behavioral factor, or, to put it more simply, the material must be read. To raise your page to a higher position, you can use a group on social networks. With certain manipulations, a group consisting of only 30 to 50 people can easily bring the site to the first positions in terms of low frequency queries. If the material is worthwhile, target visitors won't keep you waiting long. In parallel with the opening of webmasters, Yandex has already made a statement that today specialists are conducting active work by determining whether behavioral factors are being cheated or not. After the decision technical side issue, all logs will be checked, and violators will receive appropriate punishment. The work of search engines will be improved until an ideal mechanism for identifying search spam is developed and implemented. Analysis of behavioral factors remains relevant as long as the parameter is taken into account when ranking sites. Search engines, trying to provide Internet users with the maximum useful information, will always strive to modernize the PF assessment mechanism.

Why is PF so important and why is it given so much attention?

The influence of behavioral factors on the popularity of a project is due to the fact that search engines evaluate this parameter usefulness and interestingness of the material. Priority always remains for projects on which users stay long enough long time, moving from one page to another. The behavior of visitors when they barely have time to enter a project almost immediately leave it, going in search of material of interest, can have a negative impact on the position in the search results. The behavior pattern causes search engines to take active action. Today you can easily purchase not only high-quality links, but also high-quality behavior patterns. If the project is interesting to Internet users, they will move from page to page, thereby improving the behavioral ranking factors of the resource.

How to promote using behavioral factors in search?

Working with behavioral factors within the site

PF search is not everything. It is not enough for a visitor to simply go to the site. It is necessary that he stay on it for a certain amount of time. It is very difficult to achieve such a result using programs. Here you need to act conscientiously and fill the project with materials relevant to a specific request. The main goal is to provide the reader with a comprehensive answer to the question that interests him. Each page should be as informative as possible and fully comply key query along which she moves. You can turn to copywriters for help or resolve the issue with the materials yourself, looking at the situation through the eyes of the visitor. Quite a lot of attention needs to be paid to the project, in particular, to low-frequency queries with high rankings. The project itself should be as simple and convenient as possible, and not cause difficulties in its use. In order to keep the visitor engaged with the project for as long as possible, experts recommend placing crossword puzzles of various kinds after the text materials. small surveys and interesting videos. Can improve the behavioral factors of the site between articles on similar topics.

Be careful - high risks!

Intensive promotion of the PF was actively used by optimizers in 2011. At that time, Yandex assessed behavioral factors using a very primitive scheme. The services themselves were not flexible. If earlier falling under the filters could be considered a failure or even an accident, today the process of cheating must be approached very carefully. Exist special services like Alexa or Google DoubleClick, which help determine whether cheating is used as part of the promotion of a project or not. Currently, the optimal resource development strategy is one in which systematically improved behavioral ranking factors are complemented by active purchasing of links. From a technical point of view, improving PF indicators is very simple. It is enough to resort to paid service. After depositing funds into the company’s account, people will follow the provided link and stay on the project for at least a minute. It is allowed to add a link to a page on social networks. The method is considered to be “black”. He is capable of bringing good results, and attract negative attention from search engines. The main risk is related to the fact that cooperation with a certain promotion service can cause an explosion in the number of visitors to the project. In the eyes of search engines, this will look unnatural, which can lead to a ban on the project.

How projects for boosting PF work using the example of Serpclick

Projects that boost the behavioral factor on websites are extremely popular among project owners. Let's look at what behavioral factors Serpclick offers. According to the creators of the project, the result of the partnership will make it possible to bring any website to the first positions in the search results. Cheating in this situation is carried out not by programs, but by real people. who will artificially create interest in the project, do not just follow the links. They find a project based on basic queries and low-frequency ones. In the process of work, they visit competitors' sites and leave them. After entering the site, depending on its specifics, they remain there certain time. Used for cheating different browsers according to their popularity. At first glance, the proposal is not bad and can help in promoting the project. Everyone decides to decide on a partnership or refuse it independently, but it is always worth remembering the risks.

What should you pay attention to and what mistakes should you not make?

As mentioned above, there are behavioral factors that can lead to a ban on a project. A sharp increase in interest in the site from users who suddenly began looking for the information they needed right from page 15 is suspicious, to say the least. We should not forget that the search engine deservedly determined the project’s place according to a certain algorithm, and any sudden changes in the site’s evaluation factors raise suspicions. To save your site and not fall under the filter, you should follow the advice of experts:

  • The most vulnerable group of projects is a website up to a year old. They are the ones who most often fall under filters. Their advancement should be careful and have a natural appearance. This affects not only the increase in PF, but also the build-up social factor, purchasing links.
  • If you decide to engage in cheating, then you should not immediately invest a large budget in it. Search engines easily notice a period of sharp visitor activity on a project and send such a resource under the filter. The funds invested in promotion should gradually increase in order to make the process of popularizing the project as natural as possible. The dynamics of PF growth should be slow.

It’s worth starting with manual promotion

In the first stages of promotion, you should give preference to manual site promotion. This will ensure safe improvement of such parameters as behavioral factors. A service specifically designed for this purpose will, in most cases, provide a choice to its customers. PF can be supplemented by improving the social factor. This is to popularize the project on social networks. The more links to the site users have on their pages, the better. Search engines have learned to evaluate this criterion from a positive point of view. Say more: active use « word of mouth"has always been popular and effective, but the main thing is that there is no risk and no danger this approach does not contribute to the promotion of the project for himself. This service also available as part of special services.

As soon as search engines announced that link ranking was moving to secondary positions and more and more preference was being given to behavioral ones, they immediately encountered such a phenomenon as cheating of behavioral factors. The most inventive optimizers have proposed a method that can artificially influence behavioral ranking. Hundreds of services have appeared on the Internet that will recruit your resource for some monetary reward.

Types of cheating behavioral factors

Of the main methods of cheating behavioral factors, we highlight two:

  • auto
  • manual

When behavioral factors are cheated in automatic mode The site is visited by bots and creates an imitation of certain actions.

IN manual mode certain people are given a task for a certain fee, which they perform (find a fake site in a search engine using a fake query and view several pages).

Punishment for cheating behavioral factors

Search engines punish cheating of behavioral factors by lowering the site’s position in the search results. According to statistics, traffic from Yandex is reduced by 2.5 times. Screwed up sites fly out of the TOP to distant hundredth positions.

It will be very difficult to remove a resource from under the filter for cheating behavioral factors. Plato will advise you to completely eliminate black promotion methods and improve your site using natural methods. But this path can take from six months to a year.

What is the probability of getting burned?

The likelihood of getting burned for cheating behavioral factors is very high. Since 2011, the “Behavioral Filter” has been in operation, thanks to which more than one thousand sites have lost their positions. With each update, the algorithms that calculate the cheating of behavioral factors are improved. Search engines can recognize any type of cheating, both manual and automatic, although some three or four years ago it was possible to rank a site well in the search results using automatic methods.

How is the cheating of behavioral factors determined?

Suppose your site is in the twentieth or thirtieth search results and has about fifty transitions. After the promotion of behavioral factors is launched, conversions increase sharply, but no work was done on the content and there were no changes on the site. When CTR suddenly increases, it raises suspicion.

There are three unspoken rules that must be followed if you ever decide to cheat behavioral factors:

  1. Curved transitions should be no more than 15% of natural transitions.
  2. Before starting the promotion, work on the content (change the title and snippets) so that the increase in CTR does not arouse suspicion.
  3. Set up the transitions ordered from the promotion service (view depth, dwell time, regions of requests) and make sure that the promotional transitions match what you have configured.

Attention! Even if you follow all the recommendations, this does not mean that you will not be suspected.

Is it possible to order behavioral factors to be added to a competitor’s resource?

He states that it is impossible to get rid of a competitor by ordering the promotion of behavioral factors on his website. Of course, it won’t be possible to kick sites that have great authority and trust from the TOP by ordering promotion, because there are also other ranking factors. But on the other hand, you can throw out from the TOP sites that only recently got there or due to a successful coincidence of circumstances.

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