192.168 1.2 admin login zte. Setting and changing your password

Rostelecom provides its subscribers with various equipment for rent, including routers. The company is not involved in the production of equipment, but in world practice a scheme is widely used in which the manufacturer supplies the provider with equipment without a logo, and the provider already applies his own. Rostelecom does the same (it cooperates with companies Huawei, zte, eltex, sagemcom, etc.), which means that clients may have different models in use. In this article we will look at universal methods gaining access to the router settings.

How to enter the router settings

So, you rented or bought a router, came home and want to set up the Internet or make some other settings (for example). To do this, you need to open the package, connect power and a cable to the router, but not the one that comes into your apartment from the entrance, but the one that will connect the router to a computer or laptop. Connect the other end of the cable to your turned on computer. For most router models, the admin panel is available at or . Type one of them into the address bar of your browser and press enter.

After this, a window for entering your login and password should appear in front of you.

The username and password for logging in are indicated in the operating instructions for the router, but if you could not find such information there, then try the following combinations:

  • login - admin, password - empty
  • login - admin, password - admin
  • login - admin, password - password
  • login - admin, password - 1234

If one of the combinations matches, then a page with available settings router.

If these options do not work, then you need to reset the settings to factory settings. To do this, find the Reset button on the back wall and press it for a few seconds while the router is turned on.

Basic settings of the Rostelecom router

The first tab of the router settings displays summary information about the current state of the device. We don't make any settings here.

The second tab is where you configure your Internet connection. Select the interface you need (in our case PPPoE/VPN) and click on the “add connection” button.

In the window that opens, you need to select a protocol, come up with a name for the connection, enter a username and password to access the Internet ( this information must be in your contract), as well as the server address. Leave the remaining items in the "auto" state.

If you have several computers at home, then on the next tab you can assign each device its own IP address on your home network.

The next tab is responsible for setting up Wi-Fi. Here you need to set the name of your network, select the encryption type and come up with a password.

The manufacturer regularly releases firmware updates that correct errors found by users and add new functionality to the device. That's why it's worth checking regularly for available updates. Go to the settings tab and find the “update” item there. The version will be displayed on the screen current firmware and available for updating. All you have to do is click on the “install” button.

As you can see, with minimal knowledge you can produce self-configuration router without calling a company specialist to your home. Ask questions in the comments and we will help you, but in the meantime we recommend watching a video on this topic.

Several times I have already encountered questions with problems that arise when entering settings different models routers (And different manufacturers: TP-Link, Asus, D-Link, Netgear, etc.). The problem was not that there was no access to the settings page at one of the addresses (,, but that the password or login did not match. Which must be entered in order to access the router settings.

Almost everyone was sure that they were introducing correct password and login. But the window asking for a password/login simply reboots and that’s it, it’s impossible to enter the settings. Standard (usually admin and admin), also did not work, and people claimed that the parameters for logging into the control panel had not changed.

You are trying, for example, to configure it (if you just bought it), or you need to change some settings. Enter the IP address of the router, and a window will appear asking for a username and password. We enter the username/password, and the page simply reloads (the fields are cleared) and that’s it.

If you press Cancel, then a window will appear with an error and some recommendations (this is on example TP-Link) . The error usually appears in English, I translated (more precisely Chrome translated :)).

The problem is clear, let's move on to advice on solutions.

We clarify the default password (login), try another browser

If you have not yet changed the username and password in the router settings, then first of all, I recommend clarifying what default data is used on your network device. Typically, this data is indicated at the bottom of the router (or somewhere behind, there should be a sticker with the necessary information).

You see in the screenshot above, the default data is admin and admin. Such data is used on almost all routers. Only in Zyxel, if I'm not mistaken, the password is 1234.

Try logging in using the default settings. Does not work? Ok, let's move on.

Try logging in through a different browser, or from a different computer.

If, for example, you log in from the Chrome or Opera browser, and nothing works, then try Internet Explorer(or vice versa) . You can also try clearing your browser cache.

If changing the browser also did not help, then try logging into the settings from another computer, or even from a tablet (smartphone), via Wi-Fi.

Is your router still not accepting your login/password? Let's continue.

Have you changed your default username/password and forgotten it?

It happens (I know firsthand 🙂). In such a situation, the most normal and correct way out is to reset the router settings. After resetting the settings, the password and login will be those indicated on the device body (those by default).

I wrote about how to reset all parameters in a separate article. Everything is very simple there. You only need to press a certain button for a few seconds.

Before you reset the settings, you should understand that the router will have to be configured again. Set parameters for connecting to the Internet, configure Wi-Fi, etc.

Universal method

I would call the universal method the same reset of parameters. It happens that the router is simply malfunctioning, or something else; resetting all settings should revive it. But there are cases when, even after resetting all parameters, the router refuses to accept the password to enter the control panel. In this case, there may be some technical problems.

What is a router?
A router is a network device, on which a specialized software, and in some cases - entire operating systems (usually based on Linux or FreeBSD). If we consider the level of SOHO routers (inexpensive home devices and small office level devices) - at this moment These are also very advanced pieces of hardware, on which there is simpler software, but still, it can already be called a separate operating system. For example - ASUSWRT from ASUS, NMDS v2 from Zyxel, various Wive-NG and OPEN-WRT. It's already powerful software package, capable of solving almost any problem within the requirements of a home network.
And since the router is an independent device, it must have its own IP address belonging to the connected network.
In fact - There will be two IP addresses- one on the external interface - WAN, and the other on the internal interface - LAN:

But within the framework of this article, you and I are interested in internal interface - LAN. The vast majority of modems, routers and optical terminals (PON: GEPON, GPON, etc.) IP address in local network . Accordingly, the URL will look like this - .

To go into the router settings, you need to:

1 - connect to the router using a network cable to the LAN port.

2 - launch a WEB browser and address bar enter address:

3 — enter your login and password to access the router’s web interface.

As a rule, the login is admin, and the default password or admin or 1234 . By the way, IP address, login and password usually written in sticker that is pasted on the bottom of the router.

Attention! If authorization fails and the router does not allow settings using the standard admin login and password admin— apparently the password was changed when setting up the router. There are two options here: the first is to look for the person who set it up and ask him for the password. The second is to reset the router settings reset button and configure it again.

What to do if the router is unavailable via

1. Checking the TCP/IP settings on the router.

On your network card IP addresses may be registered from a different subnet than the one used by the router. To exclude this - checking TCP/IP settings. To do this you need to get into. How to do this, see the spoiler.

Spoiler Inside Select Show>

option 1. On the menu Start you need to select an item Control Panel.
If you are using the regular view Control PanelHomepage, then in the section Net and Internet select an element View network status and tasks.
If used Classic look , select element Network Control Center and shared access .
option 2. In the system tray (near the clock) click right click mouse icon Net. In the menu that opens, select the item Network and Sharing Center.
option 3. Press the key combination Win+R and in the window that opens we write next command(case does not matter):
control.exe /name Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCenter
Press the button OK.

Once in Network and Sharing Center, in the menu on the right select the menu item Change adapter settings.

Select the network connection through which the router is connected and right-click on it.

In the menu that opens, select the item Properties.

In the local network connection properties window, select the component Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP v4) and click on it twice. Another window will open in which you need to check the boxes. Get IP automatically And Get DNS addresses-servers automatically. Click OK and close the window.
We try to go to

If it doesn’t work, look: Has the network card been assigned an IP address? or not. To do this on network connection right-click and select State:

In the window that opens Network connection states press the button Intelligence. In the window Network connection information look in the field IPv4 address, default gateway And DNS addresses. If the fields are empty, or IP address from the network 169.254.Х.Х- this means that on the router most likely DHCP server is not enabled and the IP address must be entered manually. To do this again we go to Properties local network connections >>> Internet Protocol Version 4 and register IP address from subnet

Press the button OK.
We try to access

2. is unavailable due to the Proxy server settings.

If your computer, before connecting to the router, worked on a local network, then perhaps in his browser settings proxy server is registered . For browsers Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Yandex.browser Proxy settings are registered in the system console Control Panel >>> Internet Options. Open the tab Connections:

Click the network settings button and uncheck the box Use Proxy Server, if it is installed. press OK.
We try to go to

3. Browser or IP address is blocked by a firewall.

This also happens, although rarely. At first try to go to With any other browser. If it doesn’t work, we try for a while stop the security system and disable the firewall Windows. How to do it? In the control panel, select the section system and safety >>> Windows Firewall.

In the menu on the right we look for the item Enable and disable windows firewall and click on it:

Completely disable the firewall and press the button OK.
Let's try go to .

If after all these manipulations go to the router settings at IP address you does not work- it is possible that you simply have Your Wi-Fi router is faulty . There is only one thing left here - reset its settings using the reset button.

Unfortunately, after these manipulations you will have to configure the router again .

IP and are the default addresses on the local network that must be used to enter the settings WiFi router Asus, Zyxel, Keenetic, D-Link, TP-Link, Netgear, Tenda. Sometimes, however, there are exceptions like Xiaomi routers -, Huawei - or TrendNet - But again, this is the exception, not the rule. In any case, you can always read the router’s IP address, its login and factory password on the sticker that is glued to its case. This is what she looks like:

As a rule, the standard factory default login and password for and is admin/admin. To log into your router’s personal account, use the address or To do this, enter the device’s IP in the address bar of your web browser (Chrome, Opera, IE, Edge, Yandex.browser) and press the Enter button.

Remember - you don’t need to write “http://” or “www” before the address, or add domain zone ru, su or com after. In most cases, entering the router settings via or looks like this:

I can’t log into and via admin

Before you start changing the device’s operating parameters, first carefully study its instructions and setup articles on the Internet. Some modem models have their own characteristics, which professional installers know about. The login and password for logging into the router’s personal account are written, as I said above, on a sticker glued to the device. It may also contain information for connecting to the router via WiFi - the network SSID and its password, or a WPS pin code.

But logging into a router’s personal account does not always go “without a hitch.” A fairly common occurrence is when the page or does not open at all, and instead the browser proudly writes the error “Page unavailable” or “Unable to access the site.” What to do?! First of all, don't panic! If the router’s personal account does not open, this does not mean that the device is broken! First we need to figure everything out.

Device indication

The green, blue or red indicator lights on the front panel of the case can tell you a lot about the condition and performance of the router. Take a close look at the Power and LAN indicators first. In most cases they should glow green or blue. If the indicators do not light up at all, or the Power light is red, then the router has not entered operating mode. There may be problems with power supply, or problems with the firmware of the device.

If the indicator of the LAN port through which a computer or laptop is connected to the router does not light up, then the cause may be either network cable, which needs to be changed to another one to check, or the LAN port itself. Try connecting to each of the router's Ethernet ports in turn and watch the reaction of its indicators.

To enter the router settings, you usually need to connect only to the LAN port. Sometimes users try to log in to via the WAN connector - this is incorrect. This port used to connect to the provider and, as a rule, access to the device configuration through it is closed!

By the way, you can also access the router via WiFi, but you need to know its SSID and Wi-Fi password. You won't be able to connect without this! It is for this reason that I recommend using cable connection- it is more reliable.

The network adapter is not configured correctly

I constantly come across the fact that a person is unable to access the Wi-Fi router settings due to the fact that the TCP/IP protocol version 4 is not configured correctly on the computer or laptop. Therefore, I advise you to definitely check this point. This is how it is done in Windows 10. Click the Start button, go to system settings and open the “Network and Internet” section:

Open the section Ethernet and click on the link Configuring adapter settings. A list of network connections will open.

Note: In Windows XP, 7, 8.1, you can simply press the Win and R keys so that the “Run” window appears and enter the command there ncpa.cpl to display a list of network connections.

That is, clients receive IP and DNS from the router in automatic mode. If suddenly this scheme does not work for you, try manually entering the address. For example, if the router's IP address is, then the protocol settings should look something like this:

That is, we prescribe following parameters:

IP address - Mask - Gateway - DNS -

As an alternative DNS server, you can use the following IPs -, or

Error in router configuration

Incorrect settings on the router itself can also cause it to become unavailable. This happens quite often among those who bought it secondhand, for example on Avito. The gadget already has certain settings that prevent you from logging into your personal account using standard addresses. For example, the IP subnet has been changed, ports have been reconfigured, etc. To eliminate this, it is best to first reset the settings using the Reset button, which is located at the bottom or back of the case. After pressing it, it will happen full reset settings to those that were originally, that is, from the factory.

The same method will help you restore the login to if you yourself made some mistake in setting up the device.

Alternative ways to log into the admin panel of the router, login and password

Except regular entrance to settings network device via IP, many modern routers can be accessed via Domain name. That is, in the address bar we enter not or, but a letter address. Example:

ASUS - router.asus.com
Keenetic - my.keenetic.net
Netgear - routerlogin.net
TP-Link - tplinkwifi.com
Xiaomi - mi.wifi.com
Netis - netis.cc

Also, in addition to the standard factory login admin and password admin, other options can be used:

login: admin | password: 1234 (Zyxel)
login: admin | password: empty string (Tenda, D-link)
login: Admin | password: Admin (Acorp)
login: router | password: password
login: administrator | password: administrator

If the device has already been configured before, then most likely the login and password have already been changed, since this is required by the router itself immediately after the first authorization in order to ensure the security of the home network.

The universal and easiest way to log into the router is to use the web interface. If you are not sure which address you should use to log in, or, use the following instructions:

Usually the address or opens from standard password and login admin admin. But the login and password to log in Personal Area modem or router may differ in your specific case. The exact data can be found in the instructions or on the sticker at the bottom of the router case.

You can also log into the router through any web browser using the factory settings and default IP addresses or

To do this you need:

  1. Open browser
  2. Enter or in the search address bar
  3. Enter your login and password admin admin

Alternative ways to enter the settings of a Wi-Fi router or modem

In addition to addresses, manufacturers also use their own proprietary configuration methods. Here are some of them.

Setting dial

Many routers and modems usually come with a disk with proprietary software for simplified setup. This disk greatly simplifies the setup and installation of initial Internet connection parameters. All you need to do is launch the disc and follow the instructions on the screen.

Special sites for customization

Manufacturers offer their unique settings addresses in the form of familiar sites to simplify the user experience. For example, as alternative address Router settings are offered:

  • TP-Link tplinklogin.net and tplinkwifi.net
  • For Netgear routers The web address used is routerlogin.net
  • Huawei is configured via ip
  • Zyxel - http://my.keenetic.net
  • Xiaomi - http://miwifi.com
  • Tenda - http://tendawifi.net

Login example:

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