Ringing in headphones on a computer. Hissing, noise, crackling and other extraneous sound in speakers and headphones - how to find and eliminate the cause? Settings and Configurations

Almost all home computers and laptops are used for work, participating in a variety of gaming processes, traveling around social networks and other sites and, of course, you cannot do without playing audio and video recordings.

For this reason, users have connected special speakers or headphones to most devices. These elements help improve the sound and increase its volume. In some cases, both of these components are used.

But when using speakers, not only necessary but also extraneous sounds may arise. These can be a variety of noises. Quite often, users encounter this kind of difficulty. But since this interferes with enjoying watching a movie or listening to your favorite musical composition, you need to try to understand this issue and eliminate it.

This question cannot be called simple, although at first glance this is exactly the impression that users get. In fact, the appearance of crackling, trembling, and various other noises is provoked by a variety of reasons.

But it is pointless to consider all the reasons, since this process is incredibly lengthy. So it’s worth focusing on the most common scenarios that provoke this problem.

But first, it’s worth checking the functionality of the speakers, headphones, and connectors into which these elements are connected. To do this, you should use a third-party device. You will need to connect these components to it. To check the connectors, you will need to connect other speakers and headphones to them. If this is all right, then it’s worth considering other possible reasons.

Checking for the necessary drivers

Extraneous sounds can appear in the most different options. But if they have already arisen, then it is imperative to understand that this problem cannot be eliminated on its own. So let's start finding the causes and quickly troubleshooting.

Anything can happen due to driver problems. Very often, users may note that the gadget is not functioning correctly because it is missing several drivers or they are outdated. The reason is trivial, but these components may cause the device to fail.

If special drivers are not installed, the sound may not be played at all. Incorrect operation is also noted in cases where completely incorrect drivers were installed. It is extremely important that only those elements that are 100% suitable for the gadget being used are loaded onto the device.

Otherwise, all kinds of program malfunctions will begin. The sound card will eventually not provide sound playback in the correct mode. In general, the operation of numerous elements that together ensure the reliable functioning of the device is disrupted.

That's why they appear in the end various noises. Problems of this nature may accompany the reinstallation process. operating system. That is, when the user executed loading Windows or updated the system, then difficulties arise with the drivers.

The user can learn about this from the corresponding notification that will be shown on the PC screen. To check whether the job is running correctly or not, you will need to go to the Task Manager. To do this, activate this assistant.

This can be done using several keys or by going to the Control Panel, which is located in the main menu on the desktop. Next, go to the equipment and sound section. And after that, several sections will appear, among which you can find the Task Manager.

After this, you will need to open a tab called “Audio Inputs and Audio Outputs”. Now you need to carefully look at whether the devices are indicated opposite exclamation marks yellow or red. If none are visible, then the problem is not related to the drivers.

But if suddenly they are present, then the problem arose with these elements. In this case, you will need to check the presence of all necessary components. If necessary, all that remains is to load the missing objects. After this, there should be no more difficulties with sound. But this is only if the drivers were the culprits.

Difficulties with the cable. Common reason noise

There are often cases when users have to deal with a cable that is not working properly. This is one of the most common reasons. As a result, extraneous sounds, noises, cracklings, etc. may appear.

The problem is poor contact between the speaker and the sound card. Contact deteriorates according to the most various reasons. Most often this happens because the cable may be loose. At the same time, it can move to different positions, becoming damaged.

So the best solution is to attach the cable to a wall or piece of furniture. In this case, it will always be in one position and not be damaged by people and animals.

There are also frequent cases of damage not to the entire cable, but to its individual parts. In this case, the sound may disappear not in two speakers, but in one. To verify this type of damage, you should install the headphones to another device. During testing, it will be possible to identify the true cause. This means that its consequences can be eliminated.

Can still be identified bad contact between the network card socket of the device and the plug of the headphones connected to it. Sometimes some manipulation of the plug may be a way out of the situation. You can try taking it out and then putting it back in again.

You can also try it a little and turn it very carefully. We turn it in any direction and check whether the connection is ensured or not. In some cases the data simple steps are able to help.

In any case, it is necessary to monitor exactly how the cable is placed. It should always be attached to the floor or wall. In this position it will be least damaged during use. Also, you should not move the cable every time, rotate it, or perform other manipulations that could harm the signals transmitted through it.

Also, difficulties often arise for other reasons. If this element is too long, then you should not be surprised by extraneous sounds. This is due to the fact that the cable often bends. In this position, it transmits a damaged signal. So you should make its length optimal size and the problem will be fixed.

Adjusting sound settings

Difficulties often arise precisely for this reason. It's hard to even imagine what correct setting Playback settings can improve sound quality. But if the user has performed the settings incorrectly, noise and other sounds may appear.

In this case, the user may not even realize that he previously performed some actions incorrectly. Quite often, various kinds of noise in the sound can be observed due to PC Beer and the line input being turned on. Often incorrect setting provokes changes in frequency parameters.

This is subsequently reflected in the sound quality. In this aspect, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the device used, since for each device the settings are made individually. Sound data adjustments are made in the control panel.

Users will need to go to the sound and equipment section. Then open the tab with volume settings. Now an icon with a picture of a speaker will appear, which you will need to click on. In this case, the device properties will open, which are displayed as “Speakers and Headphones”.

Users should slightly reduce the signal level, as well as make some other adjustments regarding the PC Beer section. You need to look at the data that is specified in the CD parameters, as well as in the line-in tab.

As soon as the work is completed, it is imperative to save the entered information. In some cases, after this kind of manipulation, the reproduced sound becomes much “cleaner” and more beautiful. So don't neglect the settings.

Poor quality equipment

Some users prefer to buy inexpensive products, but at the same time demand from them High Quality. But this happens extremely rarely. Often, users notice a decrease in the quality of the reproduced sound.

And the whole point is that when creating inexpensive speakers and headphones it is impossible to use expensive parts. Therefore, you should not demand anything supernatural from such components. Inexpensive models will not be able to provide excellent sound. You should especially not set the volume level to the maximum, since in this case interference will be especially noticeable.

You should always adjust the volume level not only directly on the speakers, but also on the computer you are using. Only if harmony is achieved can sound be achieved good quality. In general, you shouldn't skimp if great sound is your goal.

Other reasons: grounding and power supply

This problem can occur if the speakers pass electrical signals through themselves. They also pass through the body personal computer. That is why you should not be surprised that various extraneous noises arise, which, in theory, should not exist.

In order to exclude this problem, you will need to use an incredibly easy-to-implement technique. It consists of ensuring the connection between the device body and the battery. All this is done using a regular cable or cord. It is possible to eliminate interference in this way if the cause was directly related to grounding.

But difficulties can also arise due to the power supply. Since this problem only affects laptops, it does not affect users of desktop devices. So laptop users can try to check sound card for food. If it is not enough, then this provokes the appearance of third-party noise.

You can check this in the power supply tab. You can find it in the main menu. Click on the “Start” button, after which many sections will appear, among which the Control Panel will certainly appear. Next we find the section with system and security.

Now all that remains is to enter the power tab. It must indicate the level of performance that is needed. Choose maximum value. In the tab with additional parameters should be specified desired value. Often this section is hidden. So there is no need to be afraid of this.

Immediately after these manipulations, we try to connect the gadget to a power supply network. Only after this can you try to check the sound quality again. If everything is in order, then the problem was precisely the lack of power.

There is also another type of noise that may not occur often. It manifests itself in the fact that when scrolling the mouse, this sound can be clearly heard in headphones or speakers, if they are connected. This may not be too annoying for some people, but separate group users get very stressed out about this.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider this error option. The reasons can also be very different. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to establish the real “culprit”. So it’s worth trying a few manipulations that will really help.

You can also resort to connecting a mouse to a different port or use a completely different mouse. You can also purchase a wireless version instead of a wired one. This may help in some situations. So problems with the mouse can also cause unusual noises.

Whatever the cause, it can be identified and then all necessary efforts can be made to eliminate its consequences. This instruction will definitely help.

Headphones are very simple devices, and, as a rule, they are reliably protected from various sound distortions. But, like any other acoustic devices, under the influence of various factors they can wheeze, creak, or make noise - the sound can deteriorate in different ways, but the essence is always the same. This can either spoil the impressions of the sound of the headphones or make listening to music with them completely impossible. What should you do if the sound in your headphones is distorted in one way or another?

Why can headphones produce noise?

The background in speakers, whether headphones or emitters of any other acoustic device, is usually caused by physical impact to the device. In the case of speakers, hum can be caused, for example, by an amplifier if it is connected incorrectly, or even by neighboring speakers.

Very often, the speakers begin to hum if a call is received on the phone lying next to them. Everyone knows this unpleasant high-pitched squeaking and buzzing - if this is the reason in your case, just move the phone away from the headphones and the background will disappear.

In addition to interference from other electronics, hum can be caused by poor wire shielding. In this case, the background appears when the headphone wire or the connector to which they are connected comes into contact with metal. Most often, this situation manifests itself when connecting headphones to the line output on the front panel of a personal computer. This output connects to motherboard using very flimsy wires that are exposed to a metal casing system unit, which leads to background noise in the headphones. To get rid of the hum, just move these wires. But this will not completely solve the problem - to prevent the background from appearing again, you need to either cover the case with aluminum foil from the inside, or simply connect the headphones to another connector - for example, on the speakers or on the back wall of the computer.

Another one possible problem, causing background noise in the headphones - a breakdown of the sound card or a malfunction of its drivers. If the board is broken, you will have to replace it or repair it at a service center. You can replace the drivers yourself. To do this, you should find out the sound card model in the device manager, which is available in the properties menu of the computer running the operating system. Windows systems. After this, you need to go to the sound card manufacturer’s website and download the necessary software.

Background in headphones when connected to a phone

If the headphones are connected not to the computer, but to a mobile phone, the background noise may be caused by a mismatch between the headphone plug and the connector on the smartphone. The fact is that headphones manufactured before 2011 and after 2011 have a different order of contacts on the plug.

TRS (tip, ring, sleeve) plug used in headphones and headsets for mobile phones, has four contacts, two of which are used for audio output, the third for audio input from the microphone and the fourth is ground. In headphones produced after 2011, the order of connecting the contacts has changed - the ground and microphone have swapped places. The connector in phones has changed accordingly. Therefore, when connecting old headphones to modern phone or vice versa, the connection may not occur correctly, which leads to the appearance of hum in the speakers - the device is not grounded as it should.

Causes of other sound distortions

The background is not the most common, although it is the most unpleasant of possible sound distortions produced by dynamic headphone drivers. Much more often the sound simply becomes quieter, then louder, wheezing, creaking. This can manifest itself in any conditions, or only at certain frequencies, at a certain volume, or when connected to a specific sound source. The reasons for this behavior of headphones, accordingly, can be very different.

Before understanding possible breakdowns, it is worth eliminating the most simple options. Thus, the sound may be distorted in a situation in which headphones are usually used due to their indispensability - namely, when listening to the radio from a phone. In this case, headphones play the role of an antenna, so without them the FM receiver simply does not work. If the sound is distorted in exactly this situation, the reason is most likely not in the headphones themselves, but in the radio - either the radio receiver is faulty, or the place where you are has poor reception.

But this is very special case. In general, headphones squeak and wheeze, usually due to mechanical stress on the plug and wires of the device. In order for the headphones to work properly and the sound in them to be clear, the wire must be solid, and its ends must be securely connected to the contacts on the plug and on the speaker. Thus, the design of the headphones is very simple, but often fragile - careless handling of the device and regular mechanical impact on it, especially at the points of contact of the wire with other parts, leads to the cable fraying, losing insulation, which is why sound distortion appears.

All causes of wheezing and squeaking in one way or another come down to cable damage. This can happen in three areas:

  • at the junction of the wires with the dynamic emitter;
  • in one of the places along the entire length of the cable;
  • where the wire connects to the plug.

Due to the loss of insulation, the wires carrying the signal for different channels interfere with each other, which leads to sound distortion. If the wire moves away from the contacts, the sound will first begin to deteriorate and then disappear completely, so the cause of wheezing must be eliminated immediately after detection, so that the headphones do not completely break.

Cable repair

Unlike broken copper wires, which can be detected with a multimeter, loose wire insulation is not so easy to detect. To do this, you will have to carefully examine every millimeter of the cable length, twisting it in all directions until the sound stops being distorted. Once you find a place where the sound is clear again, the damage can be repaired. In this case, there is no need to cut the wire.

In the designated place, use a sharp utility knife to clean off the cable braid. Under it you will find three wires - two of them conduct the signal to the speakers, while the third grounds the device. They all must be separated from each other. To restore damaged insulation, simply wrap each wire with electrical tape and then cover the repair area with heat-shrink tape.

Plug repair

Sound distortion can be caused by two problems with the plug:

  • wires moving away from contacts;
  • contact of individual wires with each other.

In any case, the easiest way is to replace the plug. To do this, the old part is cut off, the cable is stripped of windings and insulation. After this, the bare wires are soldered to the corresponding contacts at the base of the new plug and reliably isolated from each other.

Speaker repair

This operation is not so simple and is only possible if the headphone housing is easily disassembled - if disassembling the plastic housing of the speakers is not provided, repair simply does not make sense - even if the sound is corrected, it will still be impossible to use the headphones.

If there are screws on the headphone body that fasten individual parts, and you can disassemble it, do it. The copper wires of the cable must be attached to the emitter - if one of them is not held securely, solder it. Contacts must be insulated.

Thus, it is possible to correct sound distortion, but it is not always easy. Before attempting to repair your headphones, make sure that the problem is with them and not with other equipment.

Modern people often use devices such as headphones and a microphone. They facilitate communication on the Internet, allowing you not only to hear, but also to respond to another user. Connecting all the necessary devices to the computer will not be difficult, the main thing is not to forget to do everything necessary settings. However, despite the friendly interface, sometimes strange problems arise. How to remove the noise and hiss on your headphones that occurs when connected to a computer? It will be useful for everyone to know about this information.

Why do my headphones hiss? Information about them will help us answer this question. internal structure. Clicks in the headphones, as well as incomprehensible hissing, occur quite often. This phenomenon may be temporary or permanent. There may be several reasons for this behavior. Determining the source of problems can be a real problem for an unprepared person. For example, headphones may hiss due to incorrect connection settings, but this can also be caused by faulty contacts. Let's look at the most common sources of noise and ways to eliminate them.

One of the main reasons affecting the quality of the reproduced sound can be the sound card. The operating system cannot transmit signals correctly, as a result of which the sound begins to jump, break, hiss and crackle. In this situation, there is only one thing you can do - replace the faulty computer part. Only this will get rid of unpleasant sounds.

Ground faults

This problem bothers users less often than others. The conversation is about grounding of sockets, used to power devices from electrical network. Because of this, various noises, clicks and crackles may occur in the headphones.

This does not apply only to laptops, since their boards are often grounded.

Extraneous noise in this case is caused by internal failures of the device. The owner will have to contact service center or ignore problems. For other people, the solution to the problem will be to ground the outlet.

The wire

What other reasons can cause such an unpleasant effect when connected to a computer? Much in this matter will depend on the manufacturing company that manufactured specific model headphones. Today there are two main types: wireless and wired headsets, this division has great importance. Extraneous sounds mainly occur in cable devices connected using a plug. What is the source of the problem? Damage or stretching of the cable's copper core can cause noise and sound surges.

Cable malfunctions often occur in headphones on iPhones, since their wires are degradable and easily break.

A damaged wire transmits distorted signals to the sound card, which ultimately affects the sound. What to do if your phone headphones wheeze? You can fix the damage using removing damaged wire fragment or buying new headphones.

USB devices

Strange sounds may appear after connecting additional devices to the USB connector. So, the source of problems can be the mouse or even the keyboard. In this case, you will hear a clicking sound every time you press a key. This happens due to the following reasons.

when transmitting information. The situation can be corrected by switching the plug to an adjacent port. You can find a suitable splitter, repair old connection connectors, or switch to wireless devices.
  • Hors de combatUSB- connector. As mentioned above, you can call a technician to repair worn parts. IN real life users exploit the ports until only one is left in working order, after which a splitter is purchased, and that’s it necessary equipment connects to it. Besides modern devices designed for high loads, manufacturers take into account all the subtleties, and the ports are created as reliable as possible.
  • USB splitter

    Sound source problem

    Headphones quite often fail due to violations of operating rules. However, problems may also be hidden in the main sound source. For example, quite rarely, but it still happens driver error. Software damage or operating system failures cause problems that cause noise and rattling. You can identify the problem by connecting different headsets; if they all produce the same result - an unpleasant hum or hiss, then the problem is in the device driver. Handle your devices with care and follow the operating instructions.

    Where do the various noises and sounds in headphones? How to get rid of noise? Where does it come from? crackling sound in the speakers when connecting an external one USB hard disk? These questions are being asked more and more often not only by clients, but also by readers of my articles on various forums and question boards.

    We will try to understand these problems and try to at least partially solve them.

    To solve this problem, you must first understand the reasons.

    Cheap sound cards are the main source of noise

    For most of us, it is normal to use integrated motherboard sound circuits. Few users buy a separate board for sound playback, much less an external one. When packaging a motherboard, manufacturers strive to keep costs to a minimum; as a result, it only costs a couple of dollars to bundle a sound card integrated into the motherboard. High frequencies various schemes generate electromagnetic interference, which has almost no effect on the digital component of the audio subsystem, but has a colossal effect on the analog part, where noise appears.

    Cheap PCI sound cards have the same problems, albeit to a slightly lesser extent.

    Lack of grounding makes the problem worse

    Extremely rare in our homes electrical sockets with grounding. And the lack of grounding significantly aggravates the sound problem. But in the case of laptops, even the presence of grounding in the socket does not reduce the problem, because motherboard however, it is not grounded at all.

    Noise when connecting USB devices

    Often people don't even notice noises until USB connections devices, but as soon as they connect the external USB disk or USB mouse, or the keyboard, then complaints immediately appear.

    In this case, the noise is quite specific:

    • when connecting a mouse - monotonous noise when moving;
    • when connecting a keyboard, you can usually hear clicks when pressed;
    • when connecting hard drives- crackling sound when copying information.

    The problem is usually in the close proximity of the USB and audio circuits, and the active transfer of information over USB ports negatively affects the sound output.

    What to do and what to do? Getting rid of noise

    Use the digital output from your audio system whenever possible. This method is guaranteed to eliminate noise, but requires speakers with their own digital-to-analog converter, but many of these systems do not have a headphone output, which limits their use.

    Buy quality external USB sound card. It's expensive, but extremely effective. This is especially necessary if you need to not only listen to, but also record sound.

    Well, that seems to be all.

    There are no related topics. Not yet

    It is almost impossible to imagine a computer working without sound. This is especially true for entertainment, video games without soundtrack are not interesting, there is no point in watching films with subtitles, and listening to music becomes impossible. Sound is necessary, so each user has a speaker or several, or headphones. These devices are necessary, but no one wants to shell out for expensive options; people buy cheap audio systems that eventually break down or start to act up. What can I say, crackling sounds in computer speakers and other extraneous sounds can appear even in expensive devices.

    Noise can appear due to the operation of the computer, the operating system is loaded, information is processed, all this is accompanied by unpleasant crackling and squeaking. Fortunately, the problem can be solved, but first you need to find out what is causing the extra sounds.

    Throwing away your old device and buying a new one is an extreme method of solving the problem. In fact, noise in headphones or speakers may appear due to damage or incorrect connection wires, drivers and even Windows settings.


    Often a hissing sound appears when bad connection PC sound card and sound playback device. There are three options:

    • The connection wire is damaged. This not only causes interference in the computer speakers, but also a problem when only one of the speakers works. It is not always possible to determine the location of the cord fault by eye, so it is better to connect the device to another computer and check.
    • Contact between wires sound device And network card Bad quality.

    • The wire is not secured. When a draft wags the cord, or children play with the wires, noise is generated in the speakers. In such a situation, you need to attach the wire to a solid base; tape is suitable for this purpose.

    It also happens that the problem appears due to the use of a long cord; the crackling is not strong, but still causes inconvenience. Application more short wire will solve the problem.


    The operation of the computer, including sound reproduction, depends on the drivers. When they are not installed, the user will not hear anything at all, and if a person has downloaded the wrong driver, then the operation of the device will be disrupted.

    Such malfunctions appear after updating the drivers or installing a new package. This problem is reported by Windows OS.

    To check whether these sounds in the headphones really appeared due to the drivers, we do the following manipulations:

    • We go to the “Control Panel”, there we already click on the “Hardware and Sound” icon and click on the line “Task Manager”;

    • If there is no yellow or red warning icon, then there are no problems with the sound drivers. When such signs are present, we correct the problems.

    In any case, when available updates should do this. Maybe, extraneous noise will disappear.


    Two or three randomly placed checkboxes next to unknown options can degrade the sound quality. Hissing in headphones appears when PCBeep is running line input. Other functions, depending on the computer settings, can also affect the volume and quality.

    Fig.1. Go to the “Control Panel” menu, select the “Hardware and Sound” icon and then click on the “Volume Adjustment” function

    Fig.2. At the second stage of work, click LMB on the “Speakers and headphones” icon

    Fig.3. The Levels menu has settings for PcBeep, CD, etc.

    • We set all these functions to the value 0, save the configurations and check whether this solves the problem.

    In some situations, such simple manipulations actually improve the quality of reproduction.



    Extraneous noise appears in the speakers when the volume is increased. When this figure exceeds 50%, noise, crackling and other unpleasant effects appear instead of music.

    This problem plagues all owners of inexpensive devices; it is also called the “jitter” effect. Also, noise appears when the volume level of the speakers is set to maximum, and in the operating system, on the contrary, at minimum configurations.

    In such a situation, we find a “golden mean”

    Solving the problem with “jitter” when the volume is increased is almost impossible. The only way out becomes the purchase of new speakers.


    In most computers, this part is installed directly into the motherboard and is purchased all together. Purchase separate card leads to costs and is not a popular solution.

    Increased frequencies of all kinds of boards create electromagnetic effects that do not interfere with the operation of the digital part of the device, but strongly affect the analog components, which is why the quality of reproduction decreases.

    Inexpensive PCI options a little better in this matter, but they also have the same problem.


    When the board is installed near the video card, the computer speakers begin to make noise. The fact is that the video card produces special signals that come to the sound card and create noise.

    If this is not possible, then we create a special reflective screen from cardboard and foil.


    Therefore, a computer connected to a regular outlet will produce sound with noise and crackling. In laptops, this problem cannot be solved, because in such a situation the board will not be grounded.

    Extraneous sound and noise in headphones and speakers must be eliminated.


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