The importance of management information systems in the tourism industry. Management information systems for travel companies

In tourism over the past decades there have been serious changes associated with the development of scientific and technological progress. These are various information technologies that are related to the processing and transmission of information.

Multimedia technologies

These include various catalogs and directories. In them you can find detailed information about countries, routes, hotels. Also, the catalogs provide information about the rules of conduct in extreme situations and the proper execution of documents. Clients have the opportunity to plan a tour taking into account prices, discounts, season, and transport.

Another modern information technology in tourism is virtual travel and excursions. Viewers get the opportunity to explore attractions and museums before actually visiting them. This is viewing a variety of moving panoramas (buildings, streets, parks, hotel premises, museum exhibits). There is also a function for embedding explanatory notes and voicing the presentation.

Benefits of multimedia presentations:

  • efficient provision of tourism services and goods;
  • facilitating contact with company employees;
  • vivid memories of the company.

Electronic tourism catalogs are actively used both in Russia and abroad. Here are some of them:

  • Air Travel Planner;
  • Flight Guide;
  • Hotel Guide.


The essence of this technology is making purchases at home in real time. This became possible thanks to the Internet and electronic means of payment. Creating a virtual travel agency allows you to expand your sales geography and attract additional clientele.

Advantages of e-commerce for travel companies:

  • availability of feedback;
  • development of new channels for product sales;
  • mobile and technological exchange of information with partners and clients;
  • reducing the time for transferring funds;
  • reduction of financial costs.

Advantages of electronic sales for customers:

  • the ability to compare prices and conditions of different companies;
  • prompt access to information;
  • receiving bonuses and additional discounts for online bookings.

Video text

The innovation combines the capabilities of email, reservations and computer systems. For example, in England they use the Prestel system, supported by British Telecom.

Almost 90% of travel agencies actively use it. The main component is a TV, which acts as a display, an adapter and a keyboard for data entry. The system provides the following data:

  • offers from airlines, hotels, ferries, railway lines, tour operators;
  • travel information;
  • the latest changes and news in all areas.

France also uses videotext, but they use a different system called Mintel.

Booking systems

One of the most important information technologies in the tourism industry is global reservation systems. They allow you to select the desired hotel and room type for specific dates. Once a request has been booked, a confirmation is immediately sent by email. They are already used by more than eight hundred thousand travel agencies around the world.

Here is a list of some of them:

  • Amadeus;
  • Sabre;
  • Worldspan;
  • Galileo;
  • Sirena-Travel.

Benefits of use:

  • reduction of time costs;
  • improving the quality of services;
  • increased productivity.


At first it was only a European reservation system, but over time it made a breakthrough and entered the American market. This service provides access to the resources of hotels, airlines, ferry and rail transportation, and insurance companies. It is used by several thousand travel agencies around the world.


  • control of all mutual settlements;
  • flexible system administration;
  • availability of a convenient and multifunctional interface;
  • high stability, independent of the volume of data being processed;
  • automatic import of any reservation.


  • having access to confidential tariffs of the largest airlines for its clients;
  • own database of airline fares;
  • sending information (about the route, schedule, invoices for payment) directly from the system.

Options for connecting to the system:

  • through the Internet;
  • Dual-up telephone version;
  • via dedicated communication lines.


This is a system that provides customers with information about airline pricing and rules, schedules, and seat availability. It also provides the opportunity to book and issue air tickets, boarding passes and other documents.

Additional tourist information:

  • visa instructions;
  • medical requirements;
  • currency conversion;
  • information about local attractions.

Connection options:

  • Net Platform (designed for small and medium-sized agencies);
  • Turbo Saber (supports email, user database, confidential rates);
  • Planet Saber (represented by a simple and intuitive graphical interface).


One of the first reservation systems that began to promote travel technologies in the field of e-commerce. It primarily makes reservations for air transport and hotels, car rental companies, and theaters.

Connection options:

  1. British Telecom. The condition for connection is the reservation of 400 segments.
  2. Worldspan Net. A complete functional analogue of the stationary version using the Internet as a communication channel.


The system is widely used around the world (in more than one hundred countries). Such large hotel companies as Hilton, Radisson and many others are associated with it. The service provides the following functions:

  • automation of the air ticket booking process;
  • information about tourism services and products;
  • message exchange;
  • ordering additional services.

Galileo features more low-cost carriers than any other global booking engine.


This is the only domestic distribution system for air travel bookings in Russia and the CIS countries. It contains information about tariffs, conditions for their application, availability and schedule. Using it, you can create connecting routes with your flights and with flights of other airlines.

Recently, tourism is a global computerized business. Leading airlines, hotels and travel agencies take part in it. The use of information technology makes it more individual, flexible and attractive to consumers.

The structure of the tourism industry is similar to any other economic activity. However, there is one peculiarity: the connecting center that holds the various producers within the tourism industry is information. Information flows provide connections between producers of tourism services, between producers and consumers of these services, and they come not only in the form of data flows, but also in the form of services and payments.

The growing use of information technology is evidenced by the fact that tourism is one of the top five, and according to some sources, already one of the top three industries with the largest sales of goods and services via the Internet. In the future, according to leading world experts, it will become the first. The advantages of using this network for subjects of the Ukrainian tourism market are obvious: it provides unlimited access to information, allows you to save money during long-distance and international negotiations, provides information on advanced technologies, and allows you to exchange opinions with colleagues. It should also be noted that advertising on the Internet is cheaper than usual, and in most cases more effective, since it is aimed at the target audience. This is important for producers of tourism services in Ukraine who are engaged in inbound international tourism, because it not only saves money, but also allows foreign citizens to become familiar with tourism programs about the most interesting places and cities in Ukraine.

Using information technology, any travel company can complete its tours using the global Internet. Information about a specific company can be presented on a web resource, business card or full-sized website, based on the desires and financial capabilities of the company.

A significant step forward in the field of information technology in Ukraine is the creation of the Ukrainian Tourist Information System (UTIS), which began operating in 1999. The creation of a database about tourist services and Ukrainian companies with the subsequent sale of their product in the domestic and foreign markets, as well as widespread advertising in worldwide tourism systems contribute to the promotion of the tourism product offered by Ukrainian tour operators. Moreover, the public system is accessible via the Internet.

Information systems in tourism are created for both general and professional users. Public systems provide information about enterprises operating in this system with a description of the types and directions of their activities, advertising materials, the opportunity to purchase services of a specific company, and legal regulations in the field of tourism. Professional systems are available only to travel companies, large corporate clients, and tourism service providers (hotels, transport companies, service companies). Professional channels provide the necessary speed of access, exchange and protection of information.

The components of the information technology system in the tourism sector are computer reservation systems, management information systems, airline electronic information systems, electronic money transfer, telephone networks, teleconferencing systems, etc. Information technologies are most actively used by travel agents and tour operators. their activities cannot be imagined without the use of computer-based backup systems (CSR). There are currently four global reservation systems operating in the international tourism market. Only one is officially represented in Ukraine - AMADEUS, which is used by 44,000 travel agencies on the planet. It is the undisputed leader in the European computer backup market. The services of 490 airlines, 51,000 hotels, 50 car rental companies and a large number of other organizations are ordered through AMADEUS. However, the operation and effectiveness of this and other systems require that tourism service providers have at least a minimum level of technology in order to access and be represented on such systems.

A study of information technology, in particular in hotel complexes, which must satisfy the vital needs of tourists during their stay away from their permanent place of residence and meet a certain level of service, logistics, product range and quality of services have shown that the main task in managing a hotel complex is coordination of the actions of its various parts. The solution to this problem can be achieved through the introduction of modern management systems and technologies, the use of modern computer technology, and the use of automated control systems.

It is advisable to practically manage hotel reservations, keep records of visitors and distribute rooms and equipment using computers. Special software allows you to maintain accounting records for the hotel complex, including the necessary final reporting for government agencies, timesheets of working hours, calculation of taxes and personnel wages.

Automated management systems for hotel complexes are designed to facilitate the work of its structural divisions, increase the level of service, and eliminate staff abuses.

The introduction of a comprehensive automation system at a catering facility at a hotel complex also allows solving many problems. For example, quick transfer of orders to production and to the bar, messages to waiters about the readiness of dishes from production workshops. Orders can be corrected using special electronic means of communication. Automation tools allow you to fully control the state of the restaurant hall. To solve the problem of quickly placing clients, you can use a silent paging system. To better organize the work of waiters, automated systems provide a function for distributing orders (each waiter, having a personal list of orders, works only with this list), and the use of a desktop paging system also makes it possible to create much greater comfort for the consumer.

Another problem in the hotel business associated with the use of information technology is the creation of a business center in hotels, which in turn provides for electronic communications, copying equipment, meeting rooms, computers, and telefax. Among the requirements for hotels of all categories are the provision of postal and telegraph services (sending and delivery of ordered correspondence, telexes, faxes), delivery of correspondence to guests.

Thus, summarizing all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions:

In recent years, the global market for tourism services has undergone qualitative and quantitative changes, thanks to the use and further improvement of information technologies;

The use of the Internet by travel companies as a channel for distributing their services helps tourists receive the necessary information about their place of stay and its attractive features, which is important for the promotion and development of Ukrainian inbound tourism;

The use of information technology systems by each tourism segment has implications for all other parts of it;

Improving the organization of management of the tourism industry can be achieved using automated control systems and computer technology, while labor productivity increases, the quality of services provided increases the speed of service.


I. Tourist information systems……………………………………3-11

1.1 Concept and role of tourism information systems…………………...3-4

1.2 Main characteristics of modern tourist information systems………………………………………………………………………………………4-6

1.3 Methodology for working with the tourist information system……..…….7-11

II. Description of the Nizhny Novgorod region and its tourist and recreational potential…………………………………………………………………………………..12-

2.1 Features of the region………..…………………………………………...12-17

2.2 Statistical information on tourist flows……………………………..

III. Tourist and recreational resources of the Nizhny Novgorod region……………

3.1 Accommodation facilities…..…………………………………………….

3.2 Museums………………………………………………………………………………………..

3.3 Theaters…………………………………………………………………………………………

3.4 Sports facilities…………………………………………………………

3.5 Attractions……………………………………………………..




This research work is devoted to the problem of using information systems in tourism. Tourism is the travel of citizens for medical, recreational, educational, physical education, sports, professional, business, religious and other purposes without engaging in activities related to generating income from sources in the place of temporary stay.

Nowadays, tourism has become a global computerized business, in which the use of the Internet and Internet technologies is one of the key components of success.

The importance of information technology in the modern tourism industry is difficult to overestimate. By and large, the tourism product itself is just a set of information that is sold to the consumer. All subjects of tourism activities continuously exchange information with each other. The efficiency of the tourism market depends on the efficiency of this exchange. In such conditions, the importance of information systems in this industry can be compared to the circulatory system in the human body.

The object of this work is the functioning of information systems used in the field of tourism. This object is considered applicable to tourism in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The subject of this work is a tourist information system created on the basis of the Google Maps service.

The purpose of this course work is to create a tourist information system of the Nizhny Novgorod region ready for publication on the Internet.

In this work the following tasks were set:

· reveal the main capabilities of modern tourism information systems;

· study methods of working with tourist information systems;

· provide general information about the region under study;

· describe the main objects of the region under study that can arouse tourist interest.

In this work, the following research methods were used: analysis, synthesis and experiment.

I. Tourism information systems

The concept and role of tourism information systems

Tourism information systems are a business system that provides information support to organizations involved in tourism and travel. The information obtained from these systems is used for travel planning, price comparison and dynamic creation of package tours.

Information, along with land, labor and capital, is a factor of production. The presence of unified information systems that allow you to quickly generate information and deliver it to consumers is the most important condition for the development of production in the service sector.

In the course of its activities, a company needs a special selection of information used to solve certain problems. The increase in the volume of information has made the processes of collecting, storing and systematizing it technically more labor-intensive. In this regard, there was a need to create specialized information systems.

In the field of tourism, information is of key importance, since it is information in this industry that is the object of purchase and sale. In modern conditions, not a single company engaged in activities in the field of tourism can do without the use of tourism information systems, with the help of which the creation, promotion and sale of tourism products is carried out.

The Internet offers wide opportunities for providing consumers with the necessary information. With the help of specialized services and websites, users have the opportunity to obtain information of interest to them regarding tourist centers in different parts of the world.

Lecture 5

The specifics of the technology for the development and sale of tourism products require systems that, in the shortest possible time, would provide information about the availability of vehicles and the possibilities of accommodating tourists, ensure quick reservations and reservations, as well as automation of solving auxiliary tasks in the provision of tourism services (parallel registration of such documents, such as tickets, invoices and guidebooks, provision of settlement and reference information, etc.).

This is achievable provided that modern computer technologies for processing and transmitting information are widely used in tourism.

Any management information processes include procedures for registration, collection, transmission, storage, processing, issuing information and making management decisions.

Information technologies represent the means and methods by which these procedures are implemented in various information systems.

The tourism industry allows the use of a wide variety of computer technologies, ranging from specialized software products for managing an individual tourism company to the use of global computer networks.

Today, tourism uses quite a lot of the latest computer technologies, for example, global computer reservation systems, integrated communication networks, multimedia systems, Smart Cards, management information systems, etc.

Modern computer technologies have the greatest impact on the promotion of tourism products (distribution and sales). First of all, this concerns the possibility of creating new marketing channels for the promotion and sale of a tourism product.

Modern information technologies in the activities of a tourism enterprise can be divided into the following groups:

management information systems;

global reservation systems;


multimedia systems.

Management Information Systems

They provide input, editing and storage of information about tours, hotels, clients, the status of applications, provide for the output of information in the form of various documents (questionnaires, lists of tourists, tour descriptions), allow you to calculate the cost of tours taking into account exchange rates and control payment for tours, generate financial reporting.

Software package "Master Tour" developed by Megatek and is intended for complete automation of the activities of both travel agency and tour operator firms that create and implement individual and group tours.

"Master Tour" carries out almost all functions characteristic of the activities of tour operator and travel agent offices:

maintaining directories of countries, cities, hotels, types of accommodation and meals, excursions, air travel, types of aircraft, airlines, transport, partners, types of services, control actions, etc.;

formation and calculation of group and individual tours;

changing the parameters of already issued vouchers (dates of arrival, hotel, etc.) and automatically maintaining the history of the voucher, which is necessary when resolving controversial situations, as well as to track the progress of the tour;

calculation of the expected profit on the tour, as well as the amount of commission received by partners;

creating a travel calendar for different tours, as well as determining the number of registered tourists for each date;

quotas for any services included in the tour, indicating the number of reserved, occupied and free seats, which excludes their resale;

monitoring for each tour and service using a directory of controlled actions;

maintaining a warning system for any service, for example, displaying a message to the manager about the need to purchase tickets a certain period before the start of the tour;

monitoring of payment for the tour;

monitoring the work of managers over a certain period of time, in particular tracking vouchers issued by a specific manager; assessment of the current financial condition of the company;

printing a package of necessary documents (tourist vouchers, lists of tourists, vouchers, application forms for embassies, air tickets, letters, applications, confirmations, financial reporting forms, etc.).

The program has a user-friendly graphical interface, similar to the interface of standard Microsoft products. In addition, an interface is provided with the 1C accounting program and with the Delrina WinFax Pro fax distribution program.


Program "Tourist office", created by Tour Technology in 1995, automates the activities of both travel agencies and tour operators.

The software package includes three main modules: tourism; financial; document management and external relations. Tourist and financial modules allow you to automate technological processes from a small company to a large company with a network of branches.

The software package includes three main modules: tourism; financial; document management and external relations.

Tourist module implements the following functions: maintaining directories; entering prices received from the partner into the source directories; planning: preparation of individual and group tours; sale of tours; setting a task for the operator to purchase or sell tourism services; control over sales volumes; registration (preparation and printing) of contracts, vouchers, questionnaires for the embassy, ​​generation of all kinds of lists according to certain templates.

Financial module carries out: adjustment to the features of accounting; input of primary accounting documents with further transfer of information accumulated in the task into a specific accounting program in order to prepare a report for the quarter or year; control of mutual settlements; control over preliminary and actual estimates; analysis and control over the financial condition of the company.

Document management and external communications module provides two modes: the first mode - storage, transmission, editing of the document; the second is the preparation of a document for sending to the consumer by fax or modem, as well as service functions that ensure continuous operation, including the transfer of information between agencies, between the central office and the sales department.

Program TurWin (“Travel Agent”). The program developed by the Arim-Soft company appeared in 1995. This program is intended for companies involved in outbound tourism.

The main logical elements of the program are the concepts of “tour”, “check-in”, “order”, “client”.

The program provides basic functional blocks for creating and maintaining directories, packaging and booking tours.

The program provides maintenance of various directories, including those on countries, hotels, partners, flights, services, visas, etc. A specific tour is associated with basic services from the directory and arrival dates. Each arrival is correlated with orders that combine customers according to the criterion of joint payment.

The set of services can be formed based on the basic set determined when creating the tour, or based on templates. The latter are created for each tour and include the cost of hotel accommodation, airfare, insurance, visas and additional services.

Other travel company management information systems:

Jack software package

Tour program

Software package “Samo-Tour”

Travel Agent-2000 system

Continent-ANT software package

Informatization of the tourism space is an essential condition for the successful functioning of tourism entities. Thanks to the latest technologies, it is possible to improve the information, methodological and technological components of the management system at the business and government levels of management in the international tourism industry.

Returning to the specifics of tourism activities, it should be noted that information is the basis of the activities of travel agents and tour operators. Therefore, in an ever-increasing competition, the use of information technology becomes of great importance.

As you know, the tourism sector is information-rich, as it is characterized by a variety of business connections with partners (according to the Classification of Economic Activity, more than 60 types of economic activities are associated with tourism), the dynamism of business processes, technological improvement, and high competition. That is why the functionality of information technologies, which are constantly being improved, must ensure the performance of a number of functions, including: entering, editing, storing current information regarding completed sales transactions; monitoring applications during processing; the ability to display information in the form of necessary documents; control of calculations in accordance with existing discounts and exchange rates valid at a certain point in time; control of completed and expected payments; monitoring employee productivity, quality of service, etc.

Among the components of information technology systems in the field of international tourism, the following are distinguished:

Computer backup systems;

Management information systems;

Electronic information systems;

Electronic money transfers;

Telephone networks;

Teleconferencing systems, etc.

Law of Ukraine "On the basic principles of development of the information society in Ukraine for 2007-2015." stated “the degree of development of the information society in Ukraine in comparison with global trends is insufficient and does not correspond to the potential and capabilities of Ukraine, because:

There is no coordination of efforts between the public and private sectors of the economy in order to effectively use available resources;

The efficiency of using financial, material, human resources aimed at informatization and the introduction of ICT in the socio-economic sphere is low;

The existing lag in the implementation of electronic business technologies, electronic exchanges and auctions, electronic depositories, the use of non-cash payments for goods and services, etc.;

The level of informatization of certain sectors of the economy and some regions of the state is low;

The development of the regulatory framework for the information sphere is insufficient;

The creation of infrastructure for providing state authorities and local governments, legal entities and individuals with information services using the Internet is proceeding slowly;

The level of state support for the production of information technology, software and the introduction of ICT is insufficient, which does not meet all the needs of the economy and public life;

The issues of copyright protection for computer programs are not fully resolved, there are no systemic software solutions aimed at creating national innovation structures (centers, technopolises and technoparks) for the development of competitive software."

The information structure represents the information interaction of individuals, legal entities and government authorities, which provides conditions for the reproduction of political, legal, organizational, production, socio-economic and scientific and technical processes.

In the process of establishing international tourism in Ukraine, significant attention is required to determine the level of application of the latest information technologies by tourism entities at the commercial level and the use of innovations at the state level in order to develop international tourism in Ukraine.

In order to unite advanced developers of information technologies, the Association for the Promotion of Tourism Technologies (ASTT) was created.

According to ASTT experts, the information technology market is consolidating, operators are consolidating and becoming more technologically advanced. Most companies providing technology services maintain their position in the technology services market through an individual approach to clients. According to ASTT analyst A. Dashkov, large tour operators are increasingly paying attention to information technologies. In turn, small companies are trying to save on innovation.

Despite the existing problems in the perception of modern technologies by small companies, whose share in the tourism services market is significant, information technologies are constantly being improved and used with the aim of introducing automation tools to reduce the time required for performing operations, reducing support services, and introducing light application tasks. The functionality of information technology lies both in optimizing general office work and financial accounting at enterprises, and in optimizing production and technological processes. Thanks to this, there is a reorientation of operating time to achieve specific goals, according to the developed strategy of the tourism enterprise.

To analyze the information technology market in the field of international tourism in Ukraine, it was proposed to select the main types of information technologies as objects of analysis that have a direct impact on increasing the competitiveness of tourism enterprises - global distribution systems, computer reservation systems, management information systems, electronic information systems (Fig. 2.11).

Rice. 2.11. V

1. Global Distribution System (GDS) is a global computer reservation network that is used as a single point of access for reserving airline seats, hotel rooms, vehicle rentals, and the ability to use travel-related services on a collected information regarding travel agencies, Internet sites and large corporations in the tourism industry.

GDS are formed as joint ventures between major airlines, hotel chains and car rental companies.

The main players in the international GDS market are Amadeus, Galileo, Saber, Worldspan. Among the lesser known are the following GDS, which specialize more in regional markets: SITA's Sahara, Infini (Japan), Axcess (Japan), Tapas (Korea), Fantasia (South Pacific), Abacus (Asia/Pacific).

4 GDS are widely used in the Ukrainian tourism market.

Amadeus is a leading global reservations engine and technology provider providing marketing, sales and distribution services to the travel world. This system is the largest in Europe, which provides the opportunity to sell to corporate and individual consumers in markets in more than 210 countries. The founders of Amadeus are three airlines: Air France (23.36% shares), Iberia (18.28% shares), Lufthansa (5.28% shares).

The representative office of Amadeus Global Travel Distribution in Ukraine (Amadeus Ukraine) was founded in 1997. Amadeus Ukraine connects to the reservation system, trains travel agency employees, provides technical and functional support to users, and cooperates with airlines and other tourism industry providers. Simultaneously with the development of local technological products, Amadeus Ukraine takes part in the development of the tourism and transport industry of Ukraine due to the adaptation of technologies to the requirements of the national market. Today, almost 500 agents in Ukraine and Moldova are users of Amadeus Ukraine.

Advantages of the Amadeus Ukraine system:

Interaction with a modern GDS that uses the latest technologies;

Providing the most up-to-date information regarding flights and fares of airlines and partner companies;

Possibility of booking low-cost companies;

Ability to access and manage confidential airline fares.

Depending on the needs of the tourist enterprise, they are given a choice of the type of connection to the Central System, which helps to save on the costs associated with using the reservation system. Connection is possible via the Internet, also using complex network connections.

Using the resources of Amadeus Ukraine, tourism enterprises receive the opportunity for additional income and competitive advantages in the tourism services market.

Galileo is the second most popular GDS in Ukraine, which provides tourism businesses with the ability to book air travel, hotels, related services and car rentals. The official distributor of Galileo system services in Ukraine is Travelport. Also part of Travelport's travel services distribution department is the Worldspan distribution system. The technological product Galileo Leisure was introduced on the Ukrainian market in order to increase the profitability of tourism enterprises and improve the level of customer service.

In 2011, another global supplier of high-performance IT technologies for the tourism industry entered the Ukrainian market. Operating on the Russian market since 1994, Saber has made a significant contribution to the development of the tourism industry. The Saber system is an effective marketplace of service providers that includes hundreds of airlines, thousands of hotels, and more than 50,000 travel agencies around the world. Saber presents a number of innovative products on the Ukrainian market that have already successfully proven themselves in Russia and the world. Saber Red Workspace's all-in-one platform allows you to purchase bookings and manage business and leisure travel. Saber also introduces the Mid Office Manager solution, which allows you to automate the entire business process of an enterprise. The youngest global booking and reservation system is Worldspan, which helps book flights.

Technological features of GDS are the use of the Internet and a computer (terminal) as communication tools between information databases and clients. The effectiveness of their use lies in increasing sales volumes. For example, according to the director of Amadeus Ukraine V. Muravtsev, in three years the agency, which sells exclusively on the Internet, has increased sales volumes by more than 170 times and entered the top 5 leaders in the tourism industry. Large travel agents in Ukraine are gradually coming to cooperate with GDS. For example, since January 2012, the second largest agency for the sale of airline tickets and travel services, Pilot, switched to using GDS Amadeus. Cooperation with Amadeus is an opportunity to develop both office and Internet sales of the company by creating new offers for consumers and optimizing costs associated with the provision of services using the maximum range of Amadeus solutions in the tourism segment.

GDS is a promising direction for promoting Ukrainian tourism products in the global space and attracting foreign tourists.

2. Computer reservation and booking systems (Computer Reservation System, CRS) - help optimize the travel agent’s operating time and pricing strategy by quickly reserving air tickets and additional travel services. Reservation occurs in real time, so the reliability and controllability of operations helps to increase the efficiency of providing services to consumers.

Computer reservation and booking systems are one of the most common information software products of Russian and domestic information technology manufacturers in the tourism services market.

Rice. 2.12. V

CRS reservations and ticket booking are presented by separate services or on the basis of transport companies and large tour operators. CRS airlines of Ukraine provide the following services:

Ukrainian International Airlines (UIA) - offers for booking air tickets, hotels, purchasing insurance policies, vehicles and transfers ("Budget", "Sixt rent a car");

Aerosvit (Ukrainian Airlines) - ticket booking with the ability to change the booking online, car booking ("Budget", "Hertz"), additional support services (interactive route map, online flight schedule, trip planning, online baggage control);

Dniproavia - an online booking and sales system for air tickets for its own flights and interline flights - partners of domestic and international flights;

Windrose airlines - a system for booking air tickets and searching for tours;

UM Air Airlines and UTair - Ukraine - online booking of air tickets for regular and charter flights;

Wizz Air Ukraine - online booking of tickets, hotel rooms, transport rental, as well as a number of additional services that help provide a high level of service to customers.

Among the large tour operators that use CRS in working with clients are: TPG (Travel Professional Group), Pilot, CAM, TIS (TIS Travel), Bytsko, Express Tour, Sentosa Tour and others.

The tourism services market has a wide selection of local CRS services (Fig. 2.12).

The first type includes: is a Ukrainian company whose services include online ticket booking (including by operator); automatic rebooking of tickets until payment; selection of the optimal tariff; free search and booking of alternative flight options and the like. is a technological platform that combines booking systems, business logistics and payment gateways. is an automated system that combines information on passenger transportation services by road and air transport, domestic and international flights (Europe, CIS).

Sky Bus is a service that includes information and provides the opportunity to purchase bus, train and air tickets. A special service is the opportunity to buy tickets for Sky Buses, which operate regular flights from terminals B, D and F to the southern railway station in Kiev.

The second type includes: - provides direct access to GDS. This is a software product represented by a complex of individual modules, which are an ideal solution for hotels to distribute their services. It is a booking tool for travel agents. is a booking center for hotels in Ukraine. This is a free service for telephone and online booking of rooms in hotels in Ukraine (recommended by the Association of Hotel Associations and Hotels of Ukrainian Cities), the main goal of which is to provide high-quality service for organizing business trips and booking hotels while minimizing the costs and time of clients.

The national hotel reservation system Bookit is a modern online hotel reservation system taking into account the best practices of global systems and the characteristics of the tourism market in Russia and Ukraine. It cooperates with both mini-hotels and large tourist complexes.

The tourist portal of Ukraine - (presented for the first time at UIIT 2012) is an information resource that includes bookings for a variety of hospitality venues (from apartments and the private sector to large hotels and sanatoriums).

Ukrainian Hotel Booking System (UHBS) - today includes 278 hotels. Multifunctional hotel booking system in Ukraine using the most modern technologies. Presents the "Bread and Salt" project - a professional multi-channel booking system for hotels and a reliable system for clients. The advantage of such a project is the use of a payment terminal, where the client receives a visual list of hotels in any city in Ukraine; sees the selected number is busy; sees the official price for a room at a given time and buys with a discount of 2%; makes an advance payment for the room in cash and receives a receipt from the terminal - a voucher for accommodation in a prepaid room.

Ukrainian Hotels Online is an online booking service adapted for foreign tourists, represented by hotels in all regions of Ukraine.

The third type includes complex booking services, including:

Sambookia is an online booking system for airline tickets and hotels. Using a set of additional modules, it is possible to select the optimal choice of tickets, transport, and transfers anywhere in the world.

Aviation agency Airlife has been represented on the Ukrainian tourism market since 2007 and is at the forefront of air ticket sales. At the end of 2010, it entered the top five best agencies in Ukraine. The company is not only a direct seller of air tickets, having direct contracts with all airlines that are represented on the Ukrainian market, but also a consolidator for non-IATA agencies. Auxiliary modules include hotel booking, train tickets and insurance services.

Complex travel services are also represented by such services as:, Air Ticket, Senturia, Aeroclub, etc. Using their services, tourism enterprises have the opportunity to increase their level of profitability and receive bonuses depending on their activity in cooperation.

3. Management information systems - created to automate tourism business enterprises. Thanks to their implementation, tourism enterprises improve management capabilities by ensuring optimization of work with clients, suppliers of tourism services, and accounting for intra-company operations. In the Ukrainian tourism business, Russian manufacturers of software products used in the management of tourism enterprises enjoy advantages, including:

The company "SAMO-Soft", which develops, implements and maintains software solutions for complex automation of tourism enterprises. The high level of this company is confirmed by its recognition in 2007 as a laureate of the Moscow Tourism Committee "Guiding Star" award for its great contribution to the development of new technologies and the creation of a unified information space for participants in the tourism industry. As well as the status of the founder and active member of the Association for the Promotion of Tourism Technologies. The SAMO-Soft company is a developer of software products designed for implementation in the management of travel agents and tour operators (Fig. 2.13).

The latest updated versions for each of these software products were presented at the International Travel Exhibition UIIT 2012. Also at the exhibition, the “My Tourists” service was presented - this is a simple CRM system for small travel agents, which includes such components as: clients, marketing, statistics , settings. With the help of this system, a client base is formed, it becomes possible to distribute bonuses in proportion to the contribution of each employee, analyze marketing activities and worker productivity, carry out mass communication and e-mail messages to clients from the system, and increase the efficiency of communication with tourists using the Internet. The protection of personal data of travel agents is carried out using security technology: SSL connections, that is, the agent’s Internet connection to the site is encrypted; the virus gains access to files on the local computer does not gain access to the client database; passwords are encrypted; The reliability of the server is ensured by its location in Germany; only the head of the tourism enterprise has access privileges to the database.

The domestic company - the leader in the development of specialized software designed to automate the business and production processes of tourism enterprises is the Overia company. The software "Overiya - Tourism" is used by a large number of travel agents in Ukraine to optimize management and production processes. The capabilities of Overia - Tourism are constantly expanding. To date, the possibility of synchronizing the software package with the search and booking systems Amadeus, Galileo IT - tour has been implemented.

Based on Ukrainian legislation, the module "Automatic generation of statistical reports 1 - TUR, 1 - TUR (k)" has been developed. This simplifies and speeds up the process of generating regulated reports. This block has been implemented in local tourism authorities for the generation and transmission of reports from the State Agency of Ukraine for Tourism and Resorts. The concept of a company management system based on comprehensive monitoring, obtaining, if necessary, the most necessary information.

4. Electronic information systems are represented by a variety of information technologies in tourism and can be in the form of electronic directories, catalogues, professional information portals and the like. Among the information systems presented on the Ukrainian market are the products of the Publishing House "Tour Business News":

- "Tour Business News" - a portal for tourism business professionals, which includes up-to-date information regarding news in the tourism sector, exhibitions in Ukraine and the world, services for travel companies, help desk and other auxiliary information;

The "Tourism and Active Leisure" project is an information product created by representatives of the editorial staff of the magazine "Tour Business News", the weekly newspaper for consumers "Tourism and Entertainment" and 2 annual printed catalogs "Active Tourism" and "Conference Service in Ukraine";

The “SPA in Ukraine and Abroad” project, created jointly with the “Tourism and Active Recreation” portal, the annual printed catalog “SPA in Ukraine and Abroad” and the “Tour Business News” magazine;

Information sites and portals: “Everything for hotels, sanatoriums, boarding houses, recreation centers”, “Mini-hotels, villas, cottages, private sector in the resorts of Ukraine”, “Sanatoriums of Ukraine”, “Hotels, motels, campsites in Ukraine”, “ Museums and architectural monuments."

The manufacturer of the "My Tourists" system is also the producer of the popular information resources, which aggregates tours of more than a hundred tour operators into a database of more than half a billion records on 11 servers. is a review site that is one of the ten most popular in Ukraine.

The professional tourism portal presents an overview of the latest trends in the development of the tourism business, studies of the weight and influence of economic and political factors, hypotheses of expected events are considered by experts in the tourism and aviation industries, insurance companies, lawyers of Ukraine and Russia. is one of the largest portals, which is used monthly by more than 1,000,000 visitors. It combines services for tourists and travel companies, providing competitive advantages to those companies that cooperate with and media services.

The Union of Tourism Business Professionals promotes the formation of a civilized and effective operating tourism market in Ukraine by providing reliable information and an objective assessment of events in Ukraine and the world in the shortest possible time, and also provides the opportunity for interactive communication and exchange of experience between tourism business specialists.

The information catalog "Tour NUANCE" was created exclusively for tourism business professionals; it is a kind of sales assistant for a tourism specialist. The catalog contains all practical information on seasonal destinations with detailed descriptions of countries and sales nuances, maps, reference tables (operator / destination) for international and domestic tourism, as well as information regarding air travel, insurance, the hotel industry, tourism legislation, information technology, statistics .

As part of state support, electronic information systems in the field of tourism are presented in the form of Internet sites of regions of Ukraine and tourist information terminals. For example, in Kiev during 2011, 10 terminals were installed in hotels and tourist information centers. During 2012, it was planned to install 40 more. A city orientation system was developed: 91 tourist information stands and 95 signs on tourist routes were created.

So, summing up the above material, regarding the current state of informatization of the tourism sector of Ukraine, we can conclude that almost all information technologies introduced into the production and business processes of tourism enterprises are developed and supported without the participation of the state.