Declare yourself: rules for building a personal brand. PR without cuts: how to express yourself to small businesses

Express yourself

Express yourself

to pour out, to show oneself, to express oneself, to express oneself, to manifest oneself, to speak oneself, to make oneself known, to find expression, to reveal oneself

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

See what it means to “make a statement” in other dictionaries:

    Express yourself- Show, discover your qualities, properties (about a person) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    declare- I will/, I/see; declared/declared; flax, a, o; St. see also declare, declare 1) what (what) Report something; make a declaration. State your decision. File a protest... Dictionary of many expressions

    I will show you, you will show me; declared; flax, a, o; St. 1. what (about what). Report something; make a declaration. Z. about his decision. Z. protest. Z. claim. He stated that he would stay at home. Z. to the police for whom? 2. what. Sport. Make an application, announce someone. (V… … encyclopedic Dictionary

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    I will show you, you will show me; prib. suffering past declared, flax, a, o; owls (nesov. declare). 1. transition, about what or with the conjunction “what”. Make a statement (in 1 character) about what l. Declare your consent. □ Finally, the moment came when I could declare to the council that... ... Small academic dictionary

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    One of the most remarkable hierarchs of the Russian Church of the 18th century, a colleague of Peter the Great, a writer and preacher. Feofan Prokopovich, by origin, was the son of a Kyiv merchant and was born in Kyiv on June 8, 1681 (although biographers determine the year and ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

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Fear of being yourself. Fear of creativity. Why does it occur and how to get rid of it?

Here is a story told by my client:
“When I was in 1st grade, I had the best, most beloved (as it seemed to me then) first teacher. I simply admired her, hung on her every word, believed and trusted her boundlessly. It was time to write the letters. All children wrote in copybooks as usual, tracing the printed letters. And I (the Creative Personality) began to add different little flowers to these letters with colored pastes, trying to somehow decorate the gray and sad letters. I personally really liked them! But the teacher’s opinion did not coincide with mine: (“You should write like everyone else! What kind of idiotic doodles are these?! This is a workbook! Have you gone completely crazy?!” My horror knew no bounds... I can’t say that at the age of 6 I was waiting for special recognition. I didn’t even understand what it was. I just liked what I did... In the end, I agreed that in workbook Probably shouldn't have done this. But the teacher didn't stop there. She took me through all the first classes with an open notebook in my hands and made me walk between the rows, showing all the children “what not to do.” How the children reacted to this - of course, everyone laughed, pointed their fingers... 27 years have passed since that moment. And I still feel the fear and horror of when I need to declare myself. I make unique exclusive things that are expensive. But I can't sell them. As a result, they are collected in a box and wait for someone’s birthday...”

I think, unfortunately, this is not the only story in our schools. And unfortunately, in families. The vicious Tsarist-Soviet system of training and education has not yet outlived its usefulness in society. Many teachers and parents sincerely believe that it is humiliation and insult that make “decent people” out of children. Completely unaware that such methods cause absolute harm to the child.
Let's figure out what happens to a child who was ridiculed in front of everyone and his creativity was devalued.
Psychological certificate: A person is born with two basic needs: the need for security (love, acceptance, personal space, satisfaction of needs, recognition by significant people) and the need for creativity (interest, curiosity, knowledge of the world, invention, self-expression) as an adaptation to a changing world. Moreover, the second need can be realized only after the first one has been realized.
In short, if we don't feel safe, we can't create.
Second point: a person needs society. We cannot survive alone, so it is important for us to be accepted by significant people, parents, teachers, peers, colleagues.
The child, whom the teacher “convicted” of creativity and led through the “corridor of shame” through the classes, experienced fear, insecurity, and humiliation. That is, insecurity. And since the girl’s “art” became the subject of ridicule, the brain tied “creativity = fear” into a strong connection. So the teacher, confident in good intentions, inflicted mental trauma on the child.
Mental trauma is a stressful event that causes a feeling of inconsistency between the threatening factors of the situation and the individual's ability to overcome them, which is accompanied by a feeling of helplessness and insecurity. This means that it contributes to a long-term shock in the perception of one’s own significance and the significance of the world. Simply put, when a Significant Person - a teacher, from whom the child expects acceptance and support in the difficult path of understanding the world, suddenly betrays him, children and peers also do not accept him. Other teachers are not supportive - the world is collapsing for the child.
And so the belief is unconsciously formed - I am bad, you can’t show creativity, it’s dangerous, you need to hide your true self, become like everyone else.
Moreover, this belief is fixed at all levels of perception: at the level of thoughts, as we have already said, at the level of emotions - fear, horror, shame, humiliation, helplessness, loneliness. At the level of images, this picture stands and is remembered “as it is now.” At the body level - the muscles contract, the head feels dizzy, there may be nausea, the legs give way, etc.
Could this situation not have been traumatic? I could, but on one condition!
If someone had stood up for the girl and supported her, explained that she was not bad, and that the teacher was not right. The ideal case would be if it were another teacher who would immediately stop this teacher in the classroom and tell the children that they should not laugh. But alas, teachers are mostly proud of such “educational techniques” and support their colleagues. And the children, not yet knowing how to react correctly, are also afraid of not liking the teacher. An adult is a serious authority for a child. Children believe us. If a Significant Adult humiliates or offends, then the child perceives this as a rule and learns such behavior. And it’s no secret that violence in various forms among children flourishes in schools. Who is stronger is right - this belief is formed in children.
The second option is if this girl’s parents came to school the next day and insisted on an apology, got the teacher removed from work and reassured the girl, gave her support and acceptance of her creativity.
In this case, the parents did not do this, but ignored her complaint. As if nothing serious had happened. As if it's normal to behave this way around children.
How should a child feel in this situation? Everyone betrayed him! Creativity only brings pain and fear! I give up my creativity! I refuse to be Me. Expressing yourself is dangerous.
Many parents, alas, are also afraid of the state in the form of the school, and often do not take the child’s side. Or, as in this case, they were so busy with their own affairs and worries that they did not even pay attention to the child’s feelings.
Many parents do not take on the responsibilities of mom and dad, but act as intermediaries between the state and the child. They are sometimes so carried away by the child’s success in school, his discipline and obedience, that they forget that the child needs a kind and caring mother and a father who protects him, and not police officers in the house.
What to do now?

Alas, this trauma will never resolve on its own, it is only encapsulated so that the child can survive and live on. And the woman survived. She didn't even give up creativity. But he doesn’t dare show it to the world. But in any similar situation, when you need to express yourself, express your thoughts, show creativity (and she, as we see, creates unique things), the capsule opens and gives out, in whole or in part, a memory from that traumatic situation, appears fear of being yourself.
To change the situation, the reaction, you need to work through this trauma with a specialist psychotherapist who is trained to work with traumatic material. The services of an ordinary psychologist are not enough. And you need to work through the trauma at all levels simultaneously: at the level of consciousness, emotions, body and movement in space, at the level of creativity.
What does it mean to work through?
This means reacting, forgiving, letting go of resentment, getting rid of fear and learning to express yourself differently, in new beliefs, new movements/actions/words, balance feelings and integrate into real life. As a result, you will not forget about that teacher or other offender, but you will not be “turned on” emotionally by this memory. You will be able to unleash your creative potential and change the quality of your life, you will be able to do different actions, make different decisions.
This is psychotherapy. If similar stories have happened to you and you are ready to work through them, call 067 4014625 or write [email protected],

“The right media coverage can be the turning point for a new company, by increasing investment opportunities as well as building customer loyalty,” Jane Boland, public relations consultant.

Have you developed an amazing product or service? Now you need to tell your target audience about yourself and your offer.

Let's say, however, that you're on a budget and can't afford to spend $10,000 to hire a fancy PR agency to regularly issue press releases. Well, then your best bet is to implement your PR strategy yourself or hire a truly amazingly effective public relations consultant. (Let us remember what PR is: it is an abbreviation for Public Relations, English “public relations”, “public relations”; in the context of this post, a special management function of marketing aimed at establishing and maintaining connections, cooperation and mutual understanding between the brand and the target audience potentially interested in the company’s offers.)

If done correctly, good PR can be much more productive and cheaper than traditional advertising. For companies achieving break-even by cutting costs, return on investment (ROI) is critical. Every dollar spent on marketing should generate income, and PR is no exception. Listed below are the steps you should take to formulate a successful strategy for your business.

1. Don’t be charmed by agencies when choosing them

The sad truth about PR is that most agencies are outdated, expensive and ineffective.

  • Many agencies still buy very expensive “media lists” and mass mail out identical press releases to hundreds of journalists at once.
  • In the PR industry, it is difficult to track and measure the value of what is done.
  • Explosive press releases miss target audiences.

“During the Lean Startup Machine Weekend, part of my team training was interviewing journalists about their experiences with PR mailings. Those surveyed said that 90% of the sometimes hundreds of daily messages are spam, completely unrelated to what they are writing about,” Jane Bolland.

To succeed in PR, you need to pay less attention to the name recognition of agencies and focus your selection on those that focus on results. Prioritize what you want to achieve rather than what is outdated" best practices" If you want to position your brand with the help of professional journalists, for example, you'll probably be better off building a one-on-one relationship with them rather than bombarding them with irrelevant messages.

2. Know when it makes sense to issue a press release

Producing a press release makes sense when your statement is catchy enough to be newsworthy. But here's the thing - most press releases read like giant sales announcements. If you think that journalists and publishers will be attracted to such weak and impersonal content, then you are mistaken - it will not work. They don't care: their inboxes are filled with hundreds of spam messages.

It's time for many marketers to come down to earth: the world doesn't revolve around their business, and people couldn't care less about what they have to tell them about their brand.

If your goal is to get in the media target places placements for your brand, then your best bet is to develop unique and thoughtful ideas in your area of ​​expertise. A press release is not suitable for solving such a problem. Instead, position your company as a valuable, reliable and trustworthy source of information.

3. Focus on building relationships and connections.

The main problem with PR is the “broadcast” mentality of those who do it on the brand side: if you shout at journalists through a megaphone, they won’t hear you.

First of all, everyone cares about exciting stories. They want to hear about the emotional journey of your brand's founders. They want to know what problem your company solves, what makes your team wake up every morning and do their job.

Treat journalists as trusted business partners, not silent spectators. Talk to them, let them ask questions.

“Know your 2-4 stories thoroughly. "Buzz [around a brand] is difficult to generate with quiet one-off mentions - it usually comes from the work done in business development and partnerships," Heather Anne Carson, PR expert and co-founder of marketing agency Onboardly

Strategic planning will win the race

Every now and then, you come across startups that achieve insane growth rates on almost zero budget. You might think it's a result of luck - but you'd probably be wrong. The more likely scenario is that this is the result of careful strategic planning. In online media, Hollywood success stories are extremely rare. Marketers work hard behind the scenes, building key relationships with key stakeholders.

Let's go back to already. Karen Cheng founded Dance in a Year, a platform that helps users learn anything in one year (Great value proposition isn't it?).

Over the course of a year, Karen learned to dance, simultaneously recording the entire process on a video camera. The result was an amazing video that went viral on YouTube. Behind short term within a few months, Karen's video channel collected millions of views. The experience of learning the art of dance in her performance seemed natural and simple.

Karen also proved that the process of creating a viral video is pretty darn easy. This is how she breathed life into her project.

“I put a lot of effort into marketing, which started long before the first video was released. The fact that it went viral was not an accident—it was the result of work,” Karen Cheng in an article for Fast Company magazine.

Let us recall the sequence of its actions.

1. To get started, Karen posted her video on Facebook and Twitter, as well as social news sites like Reddit and Hacker News. She asked her friends to share links to this video with reputable bloggers. She also reached out to bloggers who had previously written about the viral dance video. Of all the channels she used, Reddit was the most productive: Karen's video received 80,000 views within the first day.

2. The second day became the opening day. Bloggers who watched Karen's video began telling her story on Mashable, Jezebel and Huffington Post. These blogs became significant drivers of traffic to Karen's video channel, influencing the increase in the number of views to 800,000.

3. The popularity of the video brought Karen to home page YouTube. This chain of events helped Karen get 1.8 million page views on the third day.

Karen also used her video to connect with potential sponsors and all parties interested in her project. These included companies like Lululemon and American Apparel, two brands she was happy to support. In turn, some of these companies supported Karen and helped spread her videos through their social media accounts.

Application of PR tools

Another PR problem lies in the fact that the ratio of supply and demand in this industry is completely unbalanced. Public relations seekers constantly spam authors and bloggers.

A cloud-based service called Help Reporter Out (HARO) can help minimize this problem. Using this site, journalists can find sources of ideas for their future stories. Marketers and entrepreneurs looking for PR can track journalist inquiries and join discussions they are qualified to participate in.

You can subscribe to a simple email digest that looks like this:

Marketer Ritika Puri shares her experience using the Help Reporter Out service:

“I use HARO in two different capacities - as a writer and as a marketer.

Here's the most a big problem, which I encountered in HARO:

For some queries I get over 50 replies, but here's the problem: most of them are completely irrelevant. Their authors are self-centered and completely ignore my needs as a journalist. They force me to go to extraordinary lengths to get the information I need. And when I'm filtering through hundreds of responses, I don't have time to respond to everyone face to face; as much as I would like to be available for cooperation.

What you need to know about journalists is that everything is scheduled down to the minute, they work under tight deadlines under the constant threat of a deadline.

So when I'm ready to write my story, I read all the submissions I receive through the HARO dashboard (rather than via email), which means it's difficult for me to respond to queries one-on-one."

Here are some tips, from a journalist's point of view, on how to submit your request to HARO:

1. When clients hire me, I want to quote the material directly. Most likely I will not be able to answer phone calls. Give me a preview of the story you want to tell and, as a follow-up, offer to plan telephone conversations. Submit the material prepared for citation. Here's an example of a brand presentation I sent to a reporter from Inc (an American monthly business magazine targeting startup and small/medium business owners) on behalf of Speak2Leads. The text was successfully published. I took the time to really get into the reporter's mind and meet her needs.

“My name is Sammy James and my small business has created a technology solution that makes it easy to quickly connect a salesperson with a prospect, thereby significantly increasing conversion rates. Several years ago, my company was two separate marketing agencies whose clients were constantly receiving high call volumes. Even though our clients were getting a lot of leads, their sales teams were not keeping up with those opportunities and closing deals. Our clients ran their operations lean, without allowing themselves the luxury of big business—say, hiring call center employees. Missed calls resulted in huge costs for them.

To get started, we built the first iteration of an app that called our customers as soon as a prospect contacted them through a web form. The results were impressive. We started using our application to develop our own business. What we liked was the ability to immediately contact potential clients as soon as we received an inquiry from them. Potential clients were impressed by our fast response time, and we were immediately able to present our business in a positive light as a reliable and customer service-oriented company. Most importantly, we talked to a lot of our potential clients. We then expanded this platform to solve another problem - lead management and all the follow-up activities. If we don't reach our customers on the first try, we'll likely give up, which could cost us business. We decided to expand the application to streamline follow-up. The app helped us take the grunt out of our long-term lead management process so we could work more efficiently to close deals.

We designed our app to solve our customers' biggest business problem—dropped connections—and in doing so, we realized that other companies were facing the same dilemma. Our number one goal as a digital marketing agency has been to help our clients generate leads. Our customers have told us that the response to the app's implementation has been extremely positive and it has suddenly become a core product of our business. In 2010, my marketing companies merged to focus entirely on Speak2Leads (the name we eventually chose for the app and our company). To date, we have expanded our client base to 75 clients using our application to connect with potential clients.

My advice to small business owners is to create the perfect solution to a very real problem that will eventually become more popular than you. Put yourself in the shoes of the first user or beta tester of the application. When I created Speak2Leads, I was focused on helping my clients achieve better results. I never would have thought that software solution will eventually become a business in itself.

We actually use Speak2Leads to promote our own business development offerings. The goal is twofold - first, we want to show potential clients the value of Speak2Leads through first-hand experience. Secondly, we want to be able to contact potential clients as soon as their interest in the offer is awakened. Because we are a small business, we don't have the time or dedicated person to follow up on every single lead.

So it turns out that we are using our own product to optimize this process. Our app integrates with virtually all customer relationship management (CRM) systems, marketing automation platforms, and now service providers Email, so this solution is very easy to adapt to the specific needs of businesses – both our own and our clients.”

2. Don't send a general announcement concept - prepare a unique, compelling story. Share something that stands out from the typical PR bombing.

3. Stop harassing the author. Journalists work close to deadlines, but don't always know when their work will be published. Don't bombard them with questions. Don't harass them on LinkedIn or communicate aggressively with them through multiple email addresses. If you don't receive a response, move on to the next story and don't be offended. Authors receive a lot of letters and simply physically cannot answer everyone.

4. Write a really compelling email subject line. Instead of simply responding to a request, take the time to create unique title, which summarizes your story's value proposition. Remember that on the other side computer monitor there is also a person. Take advantage of this simple advice about a meaningful headline, and the likelihood of a reporter opening your email will increase dramatically.

5. Set up Google alerts. Make sure you have configured Google service Alerts for keywords you are tracking for in relation to your brand. Such measures are justified, because you may not know when the author will tell his story. Don't bombard the journalist with questions. Run Google Alerts to help you stay alert."

Use time-saving tools

Save time and effort associated with painstaking combing spreadsheets searching for the necessary data and sending hundreds of emails. Leverage tools designed to solve the specific pain point of scaling operations with limited resources.

An example of one of these “ digital assistants» is a CRM platform
BuzzStream, which gives PR professionals the ability to build relationships, track conversations, and track conversation histories with PR consultants and media platforms.

BuzzStream Features:

  • Automated tools for researching potential clients who are promising in terms of link accumulation
  • Resources to help you identify PR campaign opportunities
  • "Team" tools for developing relationships with influential people and managing these contacts
  • Ability to set priorities regarding specific person, based on personal connections with him

BuzzStream lets you automate everyday tasks like storing information about key contacts and partners. Teams can also collaborate on specific initiatives and delegate tasks to each other to reach target audiences.

Doesn't exist in Russian full-fledged analogue of this service, but it’s quite possible to understand BuzzStream if you wish - just a basic level of English or using online translation is enough.

Collaborate with other businesses

The advent of content marketing means brands are becoming online publishers and building their own readerships. Companies are looking for ways to connect with key audiences through PR and content distribution.

Team up with business colleagues who want to reach the same audience as your company. There are two ways - publishing guest posts on industry blogs or inviting third-party writers to create content for your blog.

15Five, a company that makes HR software, recently launched a series of video interviews on its own blog.
This initiative generated a PR effect for both 15Five and the chosen partner. Onboardly, a content marketing and PR strategy firm, built this audience outreach program from the ground up.

Let's take a lesson from the following case study, courtesy of Renée Warren: general director and founder of Onboardly.

Description of goals

We (Rene and company - approx. transl.) wanted to cover the entire brand in the most targeted and in a productive way. When deciding where to spend our time and effort, we chose between focusing on posting content on established mainstream media channels or opting for more creative path, less commonly used in practice.

We took the road less traveled and decided to focus on entrepreneurs and respected business leaders whose wisdom we intended to bring to our audience through the blog, thereby adding value to our own content along the way. This is how our series of video interviews was born.


We suspected that entrepreneurs and influential executives have a more powerful influence on their target audiences than mainstream online media. Notice the word “powerful.” Why should we worry about capturing the attention of people who don't need 15Five products? We wanted to reach only those who would truly care about our sales proposition. We assumed that these influencers would open up a more targeted audience for us than, for example, the IT portal TechCrunch would do

We knew that this type of target audience was potentially suitable for "one-hit-killing" and we would not have any problem with being "silenced" by news feeds major technology blogs in real time.


We wanted to “influence the influencers,” so to speak, so we started with the people we value most in our industry. We identified those who inspired us the most.


We have now released an interview with Simon Sinek. We have more interviews both produced and planned, but we're really just getting started with our program.
Simon's interview is our fifth most visited page of all time.


We had just started our blog when Simon Sinek's post was published. This post quickly gained over 1,000 views. Considering the newness of the blog, it was actually so successful experience, that we wrote the following post on the topics that Simon Sinek discussed in the interview. This post achieved almost identical results. Between the publication of these two posts, visitors spent an average of 4 minutes on the blog, which is significantly higher than the average of approximately 3 minutes. The interview itself has received 3,500 views to date. Since then we have polished our technical process and established our interview format as powerful, original and increasingly valuable to our ever-growing audience.

Grasshopper, virtual telephone system for entrepreneurs, uses his blog as a platform to provide incentives to his best clients. The company has a “Submit Your Story” program, in which customers who have interesting stories to tell write posts on the company's blog.

For Grasshopper, PR is an invaluable way to say “thank you” to your trusted business partners.

Provide samples of your product or a trial period of access to the service

One way to get press coverage is to provide samples of your product or service. Contact well-known journalists and bloggers and ask if they would be willing to write a review of the product. Give them a free trial software or a product sample.

Always say "thank you"

When a journalist, blogger or business colleague writes about you or your company, reach out to them with words of gratitude. Offer yourself as a supplier of plots for future stories. Position your organization as
a company that wants to provide reciprocal services and help selflessly.

PR is all about building relationships. The best thing you can do is take a personal approach.

Show your gratitude and it will set you apart from the crowd of people who never do. Add value to your industry, don't take it away. Connections are like karma: you never predict when and how something small will materialize into something much larger.

Key Findings

  • Most of the time, PR is an unproductive and frustrating rat race. Filter out the noise and focus on the results you want to achieve.
  • View public relations development as an expansion of business opportunities. Build key relationships with journalists.
  • Put yourself in the shoes of a journalist. Prepare meaningful, compelling ideas for your announcement. Don't throw your advertising message at random, blindly hoping that it will accidentally reach the target audience.
  • Personalize your PR concepts to suit the needs and interests of journalists.
  • Develop a powerful-sounding brand story to share in the media.
  • Give more than you receive. Say “thank you.” Offer to add as much value as you can.

High conversions to you!

Based on materials:

Ways to express yourself

There aren't many of them. Let's consider traditional channels distribution of advertising information.

In general, as sad as it may be, any advertising becomes effective only with regular repetition. Moreover, the “wider” the media channel, the more often the advertising message needs to be repeated. Compare, for example, a newspaper that can lie at home for several weeks, and a radio that plays in the background in the car. If a person needs to find something urgently, he will start turning over old newspapers in search of an advertisement, and in this sense, a newspaper advertisement lives longer. The advantage of a radio message is that the radio contains noticeably less information than in newspapers, plus the listener makes no effort to receive advertising message. But it needs to be repeated often - there are situations when you suddenly become interested in a message and are waiting for the next advertising block to write down the phone number, which is not easy to remember by ear. Therefore, the ability of an advertiser to put his contact information into an easy-to-remember rhyme is very useful.

A television

Oddly enough, quite efficient channel. Expensive, but comprehensive. If local TV channels offer services such as “creeping line”, “information text block”, then it’s worth a try. I personally am skeptical about a full-fledged video, but your conditions may favor this method of advertising.

The price of a text block is usually in the range of 1–2 thousand rubles. in a day.

What’s good about radio is that people listen to it in cars, in minibuses, and sometimes at work. What’s bad is that the perception channel is very narrow; To more or less reach a decent audience, significant investments are required. About a couple of tens of thousands of rubles a week. For this money, your video (which will need to be pre-produced, usually for several thousand rubles if the video is “game”) will be aired one and a half to two dozen times on daytime air.

There is often an alternative – “program sponsorship”. This is a little more expensive, but perhaps more effective - before some programs (naturally, most often news programs are broadcast), the phrase is added: “The sponsor of the program is the organization “Superentrepreneur”” and then - a short advertisement, no more than 30 seconds. Typically, sponsorship costs approximately the same as the first option, with slight deviations both higher and lower.

IN printed publications There is a concept of “advertising module”. This is a certain minimum size advertising space that they can sell to you. Typically the module is the size of a matchbox. If a larger size is required, then the final advertising space must include an integer number of modules. You can usually get a discount for a larger size.

In my opinion, in many cases, paid ads are noticeably cheaper and, most interestingly, effective solution. I will give one case as an example. A newspaper is published in our city with job advertisements. So, I had to submit both paid modules and simply free text advertisements to this newspaper. The effectiveness of a text ad turned out to be much higher. Which is not surprising - people buy this newspaper for the advertisements, and for all sorts of colorful “modules” modern man hardly pays any attention anymore.

However, there is a nuance: if your service or product is often in demand, then text ads, in my opinion, are more effective. Better cheaper, but in every issue of the newspaper. And if your services or goods are needed every now and then, then, in my opinion, something bright and colorful is more effective. So that a person, once thinking about your product, can remember: “Somewhere I came across something like the Semikryl company...”

Typical banner size 3 ? 6 m. The word “banner” also refers to the special film on which it is printed advertising poster. This is usually more expensive, but the poster becomes reusable; (with careful work) it can be removed, folded, and then hung on another billboard or building.

Printing a poster on a billboard will cost from 6 to 10 thousand rubles. The “average” rental of advertising space per month costs approximately the same amount. The price for renting the front side (in the direction of traffic) of a shield “in a good place” and the “back” side of an “ordinary” shield can vary several times. Development of a design layout can cost from zero (complete with ordered placement) to approximately 10 thousand rubles.


Printing one-color leaflets in A5 format (half of A4 format) usually costs 500–700 rubles. for a couple of hundred pieces per newsprint. In general, printing services are very dependent on volume, and as volume increases, the price of each printed copy falls.

Therefore, the cost of three hundred leaflets may be only 30-40% more expensive than the cost of one hundred leaflets. But printing 30–50 leaflets in a printing house is unprofitable.

There are companies that organize the delivery of leaflets and placement in mailboxes. Typically, advertising agencies offer a whole range of services - from developing a design layout for a leaflet to delivering it to mailboxes. Delivery cost is a few rubles per sheet. The entire advertising campaign can cost a couple of thousand rubles. I don’t dare evaluate the effectiveness. I have never had a single leaflet in my mailbox I wasn't interested; however, judging by yourself is very unreliable.

I would like to touch on the concept of “guerrilla marketing”. Strictly speaking, this is not a set of some specific methods, it’s more of an ideology of conduct advertising campaign. In my opinion, this is an entire art, although, of course, there are ready-made solutions. But in this area, a ready-made solution is usually far from the most effective.

Here good example from the book by Alex Levitas (I mention him in the section “ useful links, resources” in Chapter 7). Alex is a business coach, and at one of his seminars he saw a man who placed an advertisement on his T-shirt. And he sat in the front row. The cost of advertising is about 100 rubles. The target audience– very accurate. Efficiency is invaluable.

I tend to think that guerrilla marketing is all about creativity. No matter how much money you have, it needs to be spent effectively. So I highly recommend studying this topic, it can bring big profits with virtually no costs. True, you need to have a special mind for this to happen. And hiring specialists sometimes negates the idea itself.

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55. TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF Watch Phil Donahue perform throughout his hour-long show and you will see an absolute master of the crowd's feelings. He immerses you in the thick of controversy, but manages the audience so deftly that the matter is almost never

From the book Business Psychology: Managing Emotions author author unknown

DISAPPOINTMENT IN YOURSELF It always comes unexpectedly, since many of us are not inclined to underestimate our own self-esteem. When starting to solve a responsible task, realizing that its successful completion can contribute to career growth, a person is filled with rosy

From the book Advice from experienced managers to a young careerist author Kuzmina Tatyana

SELF-PRESENTATION IS THE BEST WAY TO DECLARE YOURSELF Public presentation A brave fighter is good both in training and in battle. (Folk wisdom) Having got a job, getting acquainted with its organizational culture, joining the work team and even becoming “one of the people” in this

From the book Think Like a Millionaire author Belov Nikolay Vladimirovich

“Your own master” During the training, many of my clients managed to solve these problems, starting from the following basic position: willpower and character are a measure of control over oneself and the situation. It can be assessed by monitoring how much a person is able to: realize his own

From the book Banking Secrecy during the Orange Revolution author Yatsenyuk Arseniy

Self-pity Self-pity, or “poor me” syndrome, stems from a person’s inability to control his or her life. Such a person deliberately surrenders to the mercy of other people or circumstances. His life path tortuous as different people every now and then

From the book Breakthrough Economies [In Search of the Next Economic Miracle] by Sharma Ruchir

From the book Naked Forex [Trading technique without indicators with a high probability of success] by Nekritin Alex

A world within itself In 2007, at the height of the emerging markets boom, Wall Street sang in unison: “It’s all Shanghai, Mumbai and Dubai.” Then, when the bursting of the credit bubble brought to the surface problems common to the entire Persian Gulf, Dubai fell off the list. Many companies

From the book Being a Charismatic Leader: Mastery of Management author Strozzi-Heckler Richard

Self-confidence Your self-confidence is not constant - it can increase or decrease, this is a natural component of trading. There are a few simple tricks you can use to maintain the right level of confidence in your trading.

From the book Personal Budget. Money under control author Makarov Sergey Vladimirovich

Focusing on yourself In the first phase, we transfer our attention to three bodily dimensions - length, width and depth. It is the orientation of a physical body according to the natural laws of mass, gravity and position. This means that we "scan" ourselves for how

From the book Take it and do it! 77 maximum useful tools marketing by Newman David

Your own pensioner As an alternative to the state pension, you can enter into a separate agreement with a non-state pension fund for voluntary pension provision. With its help, you can save for old age gradually, in small portions over a period of time.

From the book Get Rich! A book for those who dare to earn a lot of money and buy themselves a Ferrari or Lamborghini author DeMarco MJ

65. Self-confidence Our abilities depend on how confident we are in ourselves. William Hazlitt Self-confidence is based on honesty, honor, commitment and selfless fulfillment. Without this there is no confidence. Franklin Roosevelt "101"

From the book Conscious Capitalism. Companies that benefit customers, employees and society author Sisodia Rajendra

You're your own boss If you don't belong to yourself, you won't be able to write the first check to yourself. Your vehicle (you) must be free and clear of obligations. As long as you work, you belong to someone. And while another person is in charge of you, you are paid not in the first place, but in

From the book Why Work. Great Bible Truths About Your Business by Timothy Keller

Imagine... Imagine a business that was born out of a dream of what the world could and should be like. Its founders want to create something important, famous and lasting - a business that will long outlive its creators, which will create

From book Inner strength leader. Coaching as a method of personnel management by Whitmore John

“Let’s make a name for ourselves” One of the reasons why work becomes both fruitless and meaningless is the expressed inclination of the heart to do the work and the benefits it brings main basis the meaning of life and human identity. When this happens, work no longer allows

From the author's book

Self-confidence Our self-confidence increases when we ourselves make decisions, take actions, and take full responsibility for both successes and failures. But nothing gives such success as success itself: coaching is aimed at ensuring that the mentee certainly

From the author's book

Self-confidence Maslow uses the collective term “esteem need”, but makes a significant distinction between respect from others and self-esteem, but I prefer more descriptive expressions: for the first - “status” and “recognition”, and for the second -