Register a new iPhone. Registering an Apple ID without a credit card

Apple ID (Apple ID) is a universal identifier required for authorization in software products and on web resources Apple(iCloud, App Store, iBooks, iTunes, Game Center and etc.).

The Apple system allows registration of several IDs per user. But at the same time it excludes the merging of created accounts. In addition, as practice shows, the use of two or more identifiers on devices and computers causes a number of specific problems.

You can create an Apple ID as follows: mobile device(on iPhone or iPad) and on PC. Let's look at these registration options separately.


For creation of Apple You will need ID iTunes app. If it is not installed on your computer system, do the following:

Note. Installation Guide for operating systems Windows family.

1. Go to the official download page -

2. In the left panel, click the “Download” button.

3. Run the downloaded installer as an administrator.

4. In the installer window, enable/disable necessary settings(adding a shortcut, file association, updates).

5. Click “Install”.

6. In the application window, click the Store section.

7. In the search bar, type Skype or the name of some other free application.

Attention! If you want to register without a card, be sure to select free program.

8. Under the program icon, click “Download”.

9. In the window that opens, click “Create an Apple ID.”

10. In the “Provide information” form, indicate your current email. Create and enter a password of at least 10-14 characters; it must consist of lowercase and uppercase English letters, numbers

11. Choose three security questions(click on the field to open a list of options) and come up with answers to them.

12. Enter your date of birth (day/month/year fields).

13. If necessary, disable the newsletter to your mailbox (checkboxes in the “Would you like to receive...?” section).

14. Click “Continue”.

15. In the Payment Method section, select payment system(Visa, MasterCard...), which you plan to use in your profile to make purchases. If you want to specify your card payment details later, select “No” in the panel (click once with the left button on the inscription).

16. Indicate your first and last name (according to your passport data), residential address (street, house number, city, zip code), telephone number.

Attention! Please provide accurate (real) information about yourself, as the system uses them to issue a payment invoice.

17. Check the form to ensure it is filled out correctly. If everything is OK, click Create Apple ID.

18. In the new window, under the message text, click “OK”.

19. Log in to the specified email. In the Apple service message, click the account activation link.

Now you have access to all Apple user resources!

Mobile devices

1. On the desktop of your device, tap App Store.

2. Select a free program in the online store if you do not want to immediately provide your bank card details during registration.

3. In the panel of the selected application, click “Download” and then “Install”.

4. From the menu that appears, select “Create an Apple ID.”

5. Select your country of residence from the list. Click Next.

6. Read Apple's privacy policy and terms of use. Tap “Accept” (in this and an additional window).

7. Enter a valid mail address. Make up a password of large and small Latin letters, numbers, 10-14 characters long.

8. Select three questions and type the answers.

9. It is not necessary to indicate a backup email (you can leave the field empty).

10. Enter your date of birth. Click "Done" and "Next".

11. Select a payment method. If you want to enter payment information later in your profile settings, click “No” in the list.

12. Fill out the form (first and last name, address, telephone number). Click Next again.

13. Open the email from Apple on the specified mailbox. In the text of the message, follow the “Confirm Now” link.

That's all! Your Apple ID is activated and can be used.

Will be created when the gadget is activated. However, when setting up a smartphone for the first time, users often skip this step for one reason - the device requires plastic card data. Russian users, accustomed to suspecting fraud in everything, are delaying the creation Apple ID, trying to find a way to do without a card.

There are several options for registering an iPhone “account” - among them there is one in which you do not need to enter your credit card information.

Without Apple ID the user will not be able to:

  • Download applications from the AppStore (neither paid nor free).
  • Buy music and videos from iTunes Store.
  • Synchronize your Apple device with cloud storage iCloud.
  • Find a lost gadget using the " Find iPhone»

ABOUT full use iPhone without Apple ID out of the question. The legendary multifunctionality of this smartphone is due to a huge amount heterogeneous software available in the AppStore. iPhone no apps– just a stylish and well-assembled gadget, but by no means Not multitool, able to cope with any task.

How to create a new account through iTunes?

If you don't have iTunes, you should start by downloading latest version this program from the official Apple website. Once you download and install the media harvester, proceed as follows:

Step 1. Open iTunes and click on the tab " Account " V horizontal menu above.

Step 2. Select " To come in…".

Step 3. In the window that appears, click " Create new Apple ID».

Step 4. You will be taken to the welcome page iTunes Store– here you need to click on blue button « Continue».

Step 5. At this point you need to read the document called " " and check the box next to " I have become acquainted...”

If you do not confirm that you have read it, registration will not be completed.

If you can't read Apple's position immediately you should use the “Print Version” link. An HTML document will appear in your browser, which you should print so you can read it whenever you have some free time.

After confirming that you have read the terms and conditions, click " Accept».

Step 6. Fill out the form - you must enter the following data:

  • Address Email . It is important that the address is valid and that you have access to it. If desired, you can specify an additional postal address.
  • Date of Birth. By date, you must be over 21 years old - otherwise you will not be able to purchase content and software in the AppStore and iTunes Store.
  • Created password. The password requirements for your Apple account are very strict: it must contain numbers, lowercase and capital letters. Plus, one character cannot be repeated three times in a row.

The user will also have to answer three questions - for example, what was your name best friend childhood. This measure is necessary to ensure account security.

Step 7 Unsubscribe from the mailing list if you do not want to receive information about Apple company products and film and music releases to your mailbox. To do this, you need to uncheck the boxes next to “ Recommendations and information...».

Then click " Continue».

Step 8. Select a payment method for purchases and enter the required details. note that indication of details credit card in iTunes in no way poses a threat to your well-being. Money will be written off only if you purchase content or software and only with your consent.

If you have chosen a plastic card as a payment method, you will have to enter its number, expiration date, as well as CVC2 - security code with reverse side. If you preferred the option " Mobile phone ", just indicate cell number and confirm it via SMS.

Step 9. Fill in the fields of the block " Billing address" You must specify:

  • Last name and first name.
  • City code and name.
  • Street of residence and zip code.
  • Contact number phone.
  • Application form (“ Mr." or " Mrs.»).

Once you have completed the required fields, click " Create an Apple ID" You will see a window directing you to your email.

Step 10. In your mailbox you will find the following letter:

You should click " Confirm address", after which you can assume that Apple ID successfully formed.

How to create an Apple ID without a PC?

Create an account Apple entry It can be done without a computer, but in this case the device must be connected to 3G or Wi-Fi. Once you have access to the Internet, proceed as follows:

Step 1. IN " Settings"iPhone, look for the section " iTunes Store, App Store" and go into it.

Step 2. Click on the button " Create a new Apple ID».

Step 3. On the next screen you will see a list of countries - Russia is selected by default. Without changing anything, click " Further».

Step 4. You should read the document entitled " Multimedia Terms and Conditions Apple services " The document is quite capacious - on an iPhone it turns out to be 29 pages small print; that is why most users neglect to read it.

Either way, confirm that you have read " Provisions"and agree to the terms, you have to. To do this, click " Accept» in the lower right corner and then click on the button of the same name in the window that appears.

If you want to read the terms, but not from the phone screen, but from paper, use the “Send by e-mail” link. You can print the document from your email.

Step 5. Fill in the form. You will have to enter the same data as when registering an account in iTunes– e-mail, password, date of birth, questions and answers necessary to ensure security.

If you don't want to subscribe to news about Apple services, apps, or content, switch the sliders below to inactive.

Step 6. Select a payment method and enter payment details. The same data is required as when registering via iTunes.

After you have provided the required information, click on “ Further».

Step 7. Log in to the email you provided during registration. Apple ID, and press " Confirm address».

Account creation Apple ID in the “Settings” of the device and registration via iTunes– similar procedures: the same information is required in both cases.

You can also access the Apple account creation service through the App Store. Go to the app store and scroll to the bottom of the home page. Click on " To come in».

Then click " Create an Apple ID».

How to create an account on iPhone without a credit card?

At least one way to create Apple ID without a “credit card” there is. If you don't want to share your payment details with Apple, do the following:

Step 1. Go to iTunes and select " Programs».

Step 2. Find free application (any) on home page and click on its icon.

Step 3. Once the app description opens, click " Download».

Step 4. In the window that appears, click on the button “ Create a new Apple ID" - this will start the account creation procedure.

Continue registration as usual until you decide on a payment method.

Step 7. On the page " Specify payment method"instead of a bank card, select the option " No».

With this choice, you will be spared the need to enter payment details. However, numerous fields in the block " Billing address"You still have to fill it out.


Create Apple ID possible both with the help of a PC and without it. However, if you use a computer to perform this task and iTunes, less time will be spent - you will have to type a lot, and it’s more convenient to do it on a PC keyboard.

In addition, when registering from a computer, you will be able to do without specifying the details of the selected payment method. This is important because many domestic users Apple technology They are suspicious of the requirement to leave card details.

My name is Sergey and today I will show you how you can create an Apple ID on your iPhone and computer. That is, we will consider separately, first the option with an iPhone, and then with a computer.

There is nothing complicated here, but again the topic is relevant. I looked at the statistics and every month several thousand people are looking online for information on how to create an Apple ID, in particular without credit card.

So, let's go!

How to create an Apple ID on iPhone?

First of all, let's look at all this on the iPhone. So let’s pick up our smartphone and repeat after me. We find standard application App Store and launch it.

Here at the very beginning important point. Need to choose free application and go to the download page. Next I’ll tell you why we do this.

I chose this toy. Click Download and after a second, Install.

We are told that we need to sign in, or “Create an Apple ID.” Naturally, click on the second point.

The registration process begins. The first thing you need to do is choose a country. I will choose Ukraine. If, for example, you need Russia, then it will most likely be substituted automatically, and if not, then scroll through the list and find the desired country. After making your selection, click Next.

We accept the terms of the agreement. Click Accept and Accept again.

Next you need to enter your real email address. I recommend using email from Gmail. We come up with a password. Please note here that the password must contain both letters and numbers and must have at least one capital letter, that is, a large letter. For example, I created the password Testpass1234.

I go lower and here, to ensure safety, you need to select three different questions and answer them. This data will be needed if you suddenly lose access to your Apple ID, that is, if, for example, you forget your password or something like that.

Fill out the answers to the questions and go even lower. You can enter additional email here, but this is not required.

Below, enter your date of birth. Please note that if you are under 18 years old, you will not be allowed to register. Therefore, indicate the year so that you are 18 years old.

The next step in registration is adding a credit card for your Apple ID. Remember in the beginning we tried to download a free application. We did this so that there would be an opportunity here not to indicate your card. There is a No option here. Let's choose him!

We selected it, go down and enter your data. First name, last name, street, house number, city and zip code.

And at the bottom we are asked to enter a mobile phone number. I'll try to introduce a not real one, I hope it will work. So, it looks like you don’t need to fill out anything else here. Click Next.

We are told that a verification email has been sent to our email. You need to follow the link there.

I immediately received a message in my email, I need to find a confirmation link there. Click "Confirm address".

Enter the password you used during registration.

And the account is confirmed. It takes us back to the App Store and again asks us to enter a password, don’t be surprised, a password is always needed here. I sometimes wonder how long it takes to enter a password each time.

Now we try to Install and Download this toy again.

No, they're just kidding, you need to enter the password again. OK.

So, you can remember the password for 15 minutes. Oooh... for 15 whole minutes, I won't be asked for my password. Really. Fine.

Well, everything is ready, go to the last screen and here is our downloaded and installed game.

By the way, if we return to the first page of the App Store Selection and go down to the very bottom, we can make sure that we are now signed in to the Apple ID.

How to create an Apple ID from a computer?

If you encounter any errors when creating an Apple ID on your iPhone, or you simply are not comfortable entering all the data on your phone, you can create an Apple ID from your computer. It seems to me that this is made even easier!

Go to the Apple website and find the Create Apple ID link. Let's press it.

Just like with creating an Apple ID on the iPhone, we need to fill out a bunch of fields here. Email, password, answers to 3 security questions and security code. Fill it out and click Continue.

To confirm the address, you need to enter the code that was sent to me by email.

I found the code and it is 619221.

I go back and enter it into the form.

Well, that's it. Us in in this case They didn’t even ask me to provide my card details, name, address. Although there is this data to add.

Well, let's now go back to the iPhone and see if they will let us through with this username and password.

We launch the App Store again and go to the very bottom. Click Login and fill out.

We are told that this Apple ID has not yet been used in the iTunes Store and we need to click View.

Still, you have to select a country, accept the terms of the agreement and enter your data. That's because it won't let you through without them. You must at least indicate the country, enter the name, address and city.

After filling out all the fields, we are told that an account for the iTunes Store has now been created.

Now you can try to download something with this Apple ID.

Well, as you can see, you can register both on your iPhone and on your computer.

Registering for the iTunes Store in iTunes

There is another way to register. If we need to create an Apple ID so that later we don’t need to enter other data on the phone, then to do this we need to register on a computer through the iTunes program. I remembered the first time I registered to download applications, I did it through the iTunes program.

There you can also select a free application and try to download it, we will be prompted to either log in or create new account. Naturally, we choose to create an account and fill out the fields that are already familiar to us.

Well friends, we have dealt with this issue and once again I will remind you that so that you are not asked for your card details at the registration stage, but there is a NO option, you need to remember to select a free application at the beginning.

That's all, creating an Apple ID on an iPhone or computer is very simple. See you in new lessons and articles. Bye!

An Apple ID is a personal account that allows you to access Apple services.

Without an Apple ID, you won't be able to:

    download programs, games, movies and music from the App Store and iTunes Store;

    synchronize your iPhone data with iCloud cloud storage;

    exchange text messages(iMessage) and make video calls (FaceTime) between Apple technology users;

    Find your iPhone, iPad or Mac if it's lost or stolen.

Read also other ways to create an Apple ID account:

To create a new account with using iTunes you will need:

    Mac or Windows-based computer;

    Internet connection;

    iTunes program (download from Apple website);

    your email.

The following points are exactly the same for both Windows and Mac.

1. Launch iTunes, go to the iTunes Store and click on the “Login” button.

3. In the welcome window, click “Continue” to confirm that you want to create an account.

4. At this point, read and accept Terms of use, by checking the box next to the phrase “I have read and accept these terms and conditions” at the end of the agreement. Then click the "Accept" button.

5. In the next window you need to enter the required data in the appropriate fields. All fields are required:

    Email. In this field, enter your existing email address that you have access to. It is this that will act as the username when logging into your Apple ID.

    Password. Try to come up with enough complex password, consisting of at least 8 characters, in which there are capitals and lower case and numbers. Do not choose easy passwords to avoid your account being hacked. In the second text field, enter the password you created again.

    Safety. Select three security questions and enter your answers to them in the text fields. This information will be useful if you need to regain access to your Apple ID account.

    Backup email. Enter an additional email address (if you have one) to make it easier to regain access to your Apple ID account if you lose your password. This field is optional.

    Enter your date of birth. According to internal Apple policy, the system will refuse to register an Apple ID if less than 13 years have passed from the entered date to the present. If you indicate that you are over 18 years old, then you will not be subject to age restrictions in iTunes.

At the very bottom of the page, the system by default subscribes you to receive recommendations and various advertising information to the e-mail entered above. You have the right to uncheck the boxes and refuse to receive this information in your email inbox.

After entering all the information, click “Continue” in the lower right corner of the page. If all data is entered correctly, the system will open the next registration page. If any data is entered incorrectly, they should be replaced with the correct ones, and then click “Continue” again.

6. Payment information. At this point you need to enter your payment information bank card, as well as a physical address required for written delivery of invoices.

Keep in mind that iTunes automatically detects your region of residence, to which your Apple ID account is subsequently linked. That is, if you are in Russia and register in the Russian segment, then the card you specified must be issued on the territory of the Russian Federation and the physical address must be indicated within the Russian Federation.

If you wish, you can later change your country and payment details in your account settings.

After entering all the data, click “Create Apple ID”

7. Account confirmation. A registration confirmation email will be sent to the email address specified as your Apple ID.

Your account will be verified and your Apple ID will be created.

All those who have switched to an iPhone are probably interested in how to create an Apple ID. After all, it is this identifier that allows you to download games and applications, as well as use other services of Apple services. In fact, this is the same Google account that Android users use for the same purposes.

The full list of features that an Apple ID provides on an iPhone or other Apple devices is as follows:

  • Installation Apps Store;
  • Using iCloud, Apple's cloud, which makes it possible to store all data without the risk of losing it;
  • Using iMessage, FaceTime and other instant messengers;
  • Search Apple devices if it is lost or stolen.

Now let's move on directly to creating this very Apple ID.

Method number 1. App Store

Most users use this method, since it is the simplest and does not require any special knowledge to perform it.

So, to create an Apple account on iPhone, you need to do the following:

  • We go to the App Store through the corresponding button on the desktop.

  • Choose absolutely any free application. It is better to choose what you really need, since at first the system will not allow you to install it without Apple ID, but then it will be installed anyway. On the application page, click on the “Free” button.

Clue: To select free applications, at the bottom of the App Store window you need to click the “Top Charts” button and select the “Free” category. You can also use the search.

  • The "Free" button will be replaced with "Install". We click on it too.

  • After this, a window will appear in which you will need to choose whether to download the application with your existing Apple ID or create a new one. In our case, click the “Create Apple ID” button.

  • In the next window you will need to select your country. If the iPhone was purchased in Russia, this country will be the default. The same applies to the others. To select another country, you just need to click on the country inscription (in Figure No. 5 this is Russia) and click on the desired country in the drop-down list. After that, click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page.

  • In the next window we will be asked to read license agreement. It is quite extensive here, but it is advisable to read it in its entirety. After reading, you will need to click the “Accept” button at the bottom of the page.

  • Click the “Accept” button again. If in doubt, click “Cancel”. This is a simple “fool test”, if we speak in programmers’ terms.

  • In the next window, you will need to enter your email address and create a password, and then enter it twice in the appropriate fields. Here you can use absolutely any e-mail you have, no Apple restrictions doesn't.

Important: Your Apple ID password must meet certain requirements. So it must consist of at least eight characters, contain numbers, one capital letter and one small one. Otherwise, the system will not accept such a password and will ask you to come up with a new one. It is also advisable not to use the same characters in the password.

  • Now you will need to choose three secret question and write down the answers to them. This is done in cases where the user forgets his data and needs to be restored.

  • You are then prompted to enter a backup email address. Again, it is needed in case of data loss. Although this is not necessary, it is better to enter additional email.

  • After this, you need to indicate your date of birth by clicking on the appropriate item and selecting the desired option.

  • Now you can subscribe to iTunes Store news and other mailings from Apple. In most cases, users refuse such services. To do this, you just need to click on the corresponding switch (in Figure No. 12, these are circled with green ovals). After this, click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page.

  • Next, you should indicate your payment information - type of plastic card and its number. After completing these steps, you will need to click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page.

Clue: You can create an account without a credit card. To do this, you just need to click on “No” (highlighted in blue in Figure 13) on the payment details page. But without a credit card, you won't be able to purchase paid apps.

  • We indicate contact information - last name, first name, residential address, telephone number and other information. All this is needed in case you need to issue an invoice for any services, but there is no bank card information. After this, click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page again.

  • Now you need to look at the email address you specified earlier. You will receive a letter with a password, which you will need to enter in the window shown in Figure 15 and click the “OK” button.

That's all. Now you can use everything freely Apple features ID for iPhone. Interestingly, you can create a new ID even if you already have an existing one. Now let's talk about the second method of creating an Apple ID.

Method number 2. iTunes

After the program is downloaded and installed, you need to do the following:

  • Launch the iTunes program and in the iTunes Store (you can select this in the panel on the left), select any free application and click on the “Free” button next to it (such buttons are shown in red lines in Figure No. 16). In the window that opens, click on the “Create Apple ID” button.

  • In the window that opens, click the “Continue” button. This is the page Apple presentations ID.

  • Next we will be asked to read a large license agreement. It is advisable to do this, and then click the “I Agree” button, that is, “I agree.”

  • On the next page we indicate all the same information as in the first method, that is, email address, password, three security questions, additional email and date of birth. Only here all this is collected on one page, and not on several.

  • On the next page you will need to provide your payment information. Most likely, you are not located in the USA, so you will need to indicate this by clicking on the “click here” inscription at the top of the page (highlighted with a red line in Figure No. 20). The payment information page itself will look exactly the same as shown in this figure, only instead of lines for states, there will be lines for country and region. After filling out this information, you need to click the “Create Apple ID” button.

  • On the next page, enter your address and click the “Create Apple ID” button again.

  • After this, the program will display a message stating that an email should be sent with a link to confirm your registration. We go to the mail, find the link there and confirm.

In the video below you can clearly see how an Apple ID is created in iTunes program on the computer.