Earn money from paid consultations on the Internet. Earning money from online consultations

Good afternoon Surely each of us is able to help others with our advice. Some are well versed in technology, some are better able to help young mothers, some have excellent knowledge of this or that field of science.

Many people give advice absolutely free, without even suspecting that they can make money from it. Is it really possible to create a permanent source of income from this? I assure you, yes! That's whyhow to make money from consulting - the main topic of my story today. Read on!

How to make money from consulting. What do you need to know for all this?

First of all, determine for yourself in which area the advice will be given. When you realize where exactly you can be considered an expert, start looking for sites where paid consultations are common (more on this below).

To make money from online consultations,it is necessary to constantly improve. In addition, you should devote yourself to your work with maximum efficiency, otherwise clients will quickly feel it.

I would like to note that much of your knowledge is unique, although you are not aware of it. Finding your target audience will also take some time. I decided to save your time and recommend visiting the two most popular sites on the Internet for organizing paid consultations:


The site is dedicated to finding a way out of difficult situations. Moreover, the audience of the resource is increasing every day, which gives you more chances to earn money.

The portal’s creators do not hide the fact that intermediaries sometimes charge a high price for their services, but this does not deter people. Quite the contrary – users immediately know how much they will spend.

This transparency also extends to experts: if his advice does not help you in any way, you can give him a negative rating, which will warn other participants in a kind of forum.

Still, Telefacer is not entirely suitable, since many aspects are not made very conveniently and clearly, which will especially not appeal to beginners.

2. LiveExpert

For me, the most promising site in this area is liveexpert.ru. All the people here were visited by the thought,how to make money on the Internet through consultations.But it is worth recognizing that in most cases they charge less money than on the above site. What is the reason?

Firstly, the resource is aimed at a Russian audience, and therefore the creators of the portal are familiar with the distrust and suspiciousness of our people.

Secondly, not everyone will have the desire to pay a lot of money for something that can even be found on the Internet for free, but free does not mean high quality.

Thirdly, the site did not spend too much on design and interface, which reduced costs and commission. In a word, a very successful project in which everyone can take part!

The average Russian is not very knowledgeable about the laws. Lawyer Valery Meshkov and his school friend Sergei Andreev decided to make money on this by creating the website “Pravoved.ru” three years ago - a kind of exchange where consultants and their clients find each other. A guaranteed online response from three or four specialists costs from 300 to 3 thousand rubles, of which the site takes 30%. Its creators value the business “Pravoved.ru” at an amount of 100 million rubles. – based on this assessment, they are looking for co-investors.

Valery Meshkov and Sergey Andreev (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

"Ask a question"

There are a lot of sites providing online legal advice on the RuNet, but the Lexburg company (owner of the Pravoved.ru brand) has learned how to monetize users better than others, says the creator of the service, Valery Meshkov. About 50 thousand people visit pravoved.ru every day - this is almost six times less than one of the most popular resources - 9111.ru (according to the general director of the company - owner of the Legal Social Network, Nikolai Iskrenko, it is visited by approximately 300 thousand people per day). At the same time, Pravoved’s revenue is most likely higher: according to the portal itself, it received more than 1.4 million rubles. in October, 9111.ru did not disclose a similar figure, noting only that the lawyers who work on the site “earned more than 1 million rubles over the last month.”

The site pravoved.ru operates according to a simple scheme: visitors can receive an answer for free or for a fee - only in the second case they are guaranteed an answer within three hours. Clients are invited to choose the degree of diligence of lawyers: for 300 rubles. they can count on a short answer on a typical situation for 600 rubles. - for “a more detailed dive into the problem”, for 1.3 thousand rubles. - for a full consultation with the sending of documents regarding a “non-trivial situation”; the maximum possible price for services is 3 thousand rubles. It is also possible to pay extra for certain options: for 100 rubles. Two lawyers will familiarize themselves with the situation at once, for 200 rubles. - three. By paying an additional 200 rubles, the user can be sure that his question will not be published on the site.

The most popular topics on Pravoved.ru for two years

48.5 thousand Military mortgage

26.2 thousand . The loan was issued to another person

20.9 thousand . How to obtain Russian citizenship

12 thousand . Maternal capital

10.3 thousand . Ex-spouse doesn't pay child support

Now “Pravoved.ru” has more than 4.5 thousand registered experts. To obtain permission to work with users, a lawyer must send a digital copy of his legal education diploma, and if he claims to indicate additional regalia in his profile (for example, the title “Honorary Lawyer of Russia” or “more than 20 years of experience in the legal business”), You will need to provide supporting documents. The Pravoved.ru team checks their authenticity and admits the lawyer to free consultations, the answers in which indicate the level of his competence. “Lawyers, in the good sense of the word, are literalists,” says Meshkov’s partner Sergei Andreev. - They cannot ignore the mistakes of their colleagues - they will correct them, make a remark. Therefore, on average, a lawyer gives 200-300 free answers before he starts getting paid.”

From the very beginning of the site’s operation, a division of payments has been in effect: the lawyer receives 70% of the check from the client, 30% is made up by the Pravoved.ru commission.

“It has never been a problem for us to attract lawyers,” says Meshkov. - Now we do not promote the service in the expert community; lawyers come on their own. Some register to expand their practice and gain experience working with cases in non-core areas, some honestly admit that for them this is a way to help people, some consult in order to get good positions in our internal ratings. But, of course, for most, the opportunity to earn money is the main factor.”

How does Pravoved.ru work?

The user registers on the site, accepting the user agreement, receives a login or password, or logs into the portal using a social network. After this, the client gets access to a database of questions and answers, and can also ask his own free question. To ask a paid question (it is pinned on the main page and provides a better and faster consultation), the user must top up the account - with a bank card or by transferring funds from an electronic wallet. Then the client himself determines the cost of the issue depending on its complexity, and also indicates its urgency. A response to a paid request comes within half an hour, and three or four lawyers will respond to it - this is how the creators of the project want to eliminate the risk of expert error.

Lawyer from Belarus

While still studying at the Belarusian State University, Meshkov was interested in programming, so he understood how a service could be designed for interaction between lawyers and clients on the Internet. In 2008, his Lexburg provided legal services in St. Petersburg. Meshkov suggested that up to 70% of legal services on the market could be provided online. The business consistently brought in about 450 thousand rubles. revenue per month, which was not bad for a small company of 5-7 people, Meshkov believed. For a long time he hesitated to launch a new service and limited himself to experiments on the Lexburg website.

In 2010, Meshkov returned to the idea of ​​a web platform for remote interaction between lawyers and clients, realizing that the classic Lexburg business was growing extremely slowly. At that time, several similar services were already successfully operating in the United States: the largest of them, LegalZoom, worked on the market for 12 years before it was purchased by the private fund Permira Advisers, based on the value of the entire business at $425 million.

“I understood that a classic legal business is difficult to scale; an expansion in the number of clients must always be supported by an increase in the number of employees in the company, and online you can increase your turnover many times faster,” explains Meshkov.

He handed over the management of his established legal business to his wife, invited his school friend Andreev, an economist by training, to the new project, and assembled a team of developers.

The first version of Pravoved.ru went live in December 2011. On the website you could get a free consultation: leave a request and receive a written response no later than 3-4 hours later. Paid consultations that involved solving more complex problems cost 100 rubles. At the start, Pravoved.ru managed to gather about 20 lawyers who helped Internet users on their blogs and forums - Meshkov and Andreev contacted them and offered to test the new service.

In the first days after the launch, only 30-40 people visited Pravoved.ru daily, but thanks to good search engine optimization of the site and significant costs for contextual advertising (now they amount to about 400 thousand rubles per month), the audience grew by 10 per month -15%.

The vast majority of service clients are individuals (90%) from Moscow (85%), the rest are business representatives.

"Pravoved.ru" in numbers

380 thousand . users registered on the website “Pravoved.ru” as of mid-October

10-15% - the number of service users is growing monthly

14 people - Pravoved.ru team

1200 users of the service receive consultations daily

19 out of 20 consultations on the site are free

20% Pravoved.ru clients ask questions again

4500 lawyers cooperate with Pravoved.ru

800 rub . - average service bill

Source: company data

Convinced “freebies”

The bet on a mass audience allowed Pravoved.ru to quickly increase its client base (there are currently about 380 thousand registered users on the site), but it also played a cruel joke on the portal’s creators. It turned out that the average Russian does not often need legal advice, and the demand for such a service cannot actually be stimulated. According to site statistics, only 15-20% of Pravoved.ru users ask questions again. In addition, only one visitor out of 20-30 was willing to pay for a consultation - the rest were limited to reading standard answers. At the beginning, Meshkov and Andreev were happy about this too - the conversion of free users to paid ones was about 2-3%, but then they decided that income was not growing fast enough.

They experimented with tariffs for services and achieved an increase in the average bill to 680 rubles. The website now offers the opportunity to order a lawyer’s consultation by phone (from 400 to 1.2 thousand rubles per conversation), chats for real-time communication and a document preparation service were launched.

“We understand that people go online not because of the cheapness, because for 600-700 rubles. It is quite possible to get advice in the office of a law firm, and due to the convenience and speed of online consultations. But we are faced with the fact that this is a feature of the Runet: people are not ready to pay for content, services and services on the Internet,” says Meshkov. - Now for every thousand free questions there are only 50 paid consultations. And we don’t expect the situation to change in the next two to three years.”

According to Meshkov, the company was negotiating with a German company to purchase a franchise - the platform was supposed to be adapted for the Russian-speaking diaspora in Germany, but the partnership did not materialize. German colleagues were ready to pay about 500 thousand rubles for the brand and a set of IT solutions. and deduct about 50 thousand rubles monthly. royalties, but insisted that free services be turned off at Pravoved.ru: a resident of Europe simply would not understand how a lawyer could work “for free,” and the German firm was afraid of comparisons that were not in their favor.

How much does it cost to open a legal consultation online?

RUB 20.6 million - total investment

1.3 million rubles. - monthly expenses

RUB 1.4 million. - monthly income

100 thousand rubles . - monthly profit

3 years - payback period

5 years - return on investment period*

*Assuming current revenue and profit growth rates are maintained

Starting your own business takes money and time, but with the right approach, all this can take relatively few resources. Opening your own legal clinic is very attractive for a person with a higher legal education. First of all, because it takes a little time. In addition, legal advice can be not only real, but also virtual. The demand for a lawyer on the Internet is very high, and all because people do not always have enough time to go for consultations.

Opening your own legal practice from scratch is not that difficult. First of all, you need to have a legal education and register as an individual entrepreneur. It is important here that in the future you can expand the range of services that your consultation will provide.

A huge advantage of organizing legal advice is the relatively small start-up capital. A lawyer does not have to provide consultations in a huge room. A small office for two specialists is quite enough. It is better to open a consultation together with another lawyer. First of all, because all costs will be halved. True, and profit too.

The main costs will be for:

  1. rental of premises;
  2. purchase of office equipment;
  3. payment for communication services;
  4. registration as a legal entity;
  5. business plan for legal advice.

It is worth noting that in the absence of hiring employees (companions do not count), it is more advisable to open an individual entrepreneur. In terms of taxation, it turns out to be cheaper, especially since at the initial stage there are no guarantees that the business will immediately pay off. However, an LLC inspires more trust among clients.

To immediately establish yourself as a good specialist, you can create your own website for legal services and provide consultations online. The more and better you answer, the more clients you will attract to your company.

24/7 online consultation

Who said that online consultations should be free? Practice shows that many lawyers successfully make money from answers on the Internet. You can make your legal consultation on the Internet 24 hours a day and free of charge. For example, you invite lawyers from all over the country to your website, who will gain experience and experience and provide consultations for a fee. The first questions should be free.

Why is this beneficial? Because the person who decided to get a consultation will first ask a free question. Having received a general answer to it, he will be happy to pay for details and a complete discussion of the topic. You can hire lawyers through special websites and freelance exchanges on the Internet.

The advantage of such consultations is that work will be provided around the clock, without days off or breaks. The main thing is to organize the site correctly and introduce as many payment methods as possible. You, as the organizer of the system, can earn profit not only from visiting the site and placing advertisements on it, but also from users (that is, lawyers). At the same time, when organizing your individual entrepreneur, you need to indicate as OKVED codes not only those that regulate legal activities, but also activities on the Internet.

Keep in mind that you can organize your online legal consultation directly from home, without creating an office. Or you can combine work on the Internet and in reality. It is high-quality work on the Internet, a properly designed website, and the presence of good content on it that allows you to attract clients to the office.

Online consultation with a car lawyer

If you are a narrow specialist in law, for example, a car lawyer, then it is advisable to open an online consultation specifically for this profile. Start-up costs:

  • webmaster services (turnkey website creation);
  • services of copywriters-lawyers (for filling the site with articles);
  • renting online hosting for a website (it is advisable that the domain name reflects the essence of your activity).

Moreover, these clients may not even be from your city, but from the region. Therefore, it is important to organize your online activities correctly and give only legally correct advice in accessible language.

On the website you can indicate not only the office number and its address, but also your personal telephone number for communication. It is also better to place the price list immediately on the website. The first free consultation in the office can be your “trick”, which will help you beat your competitors a little.

How to go on a business trip and not exceed your travel allowance:

Online consultation with a lawyer for free

In order to organize your activities as an online lawyer, you need to have completed higher education in this field, register as a legal entity and create your own website on the Internet. It could even be a one-page site, the maintenance of which is much cheaper.

Earnings from paid consultations are used quite actively. There are not many services that provide communication between consultants and those who have questions for them. The largest to date is the L iveexpert project. After registering on the site, you can also add your consulting services.

Share your knowledge and earn money

You can choose in which area you will consult users, and for what fee. You can choose from tourism, repair and construction, physics, chemistry, dentistry, family relations and many other areas. If you can really help users with something, then this is your chance to make money online.

How much do experts earn?

It is difficult to present average figures, because... firstly, everyone sets the price of services independently, and secondly, some areas attract more users (for example, law and medicine). In addition, each expert sets the time for payment:

In the image you can see several offers from experts; note that some are willing to conduct a half-hour consultation, while others charge per hour. The amounts are also different for everyone.

There are currently more than 11,000 experts registered on the site, and you can join their ranks. After you register in the system, you will have a minimum rating, and accordingly, your services will not be used often. To fix this, try to be online as often as possible, and also in the questions section on the site, leave your answers.

In this section, users post various questions, and with just one answer you can show the level of your professionalism.

For people who spend a lot of time on the Internet and have some knowledge, this job is ideal. Try and become an expert, even if you don’t earn much, you won’t lose anything.

Our lives are so complex and varied that no one person can have all the knowledge. The brain cannot withstand such a load. Therefore, people are accustomed to turning to competent specialists who can quickly explain the essence, eliminating the need to re-read a bunch of textbooks and reference books, which are difficult to understand without special knowledge. But, with modern busyness, people simply don’t have time to go around numerous offices and sit in queues for a long time! Many people don’t know who exactly to turn to. The Internet and online consultation come to the rescue.

The good thing about transferring information “from mouth to mouth” is that a knowledgeable person does not convey “dead” knowledge from books, but practical knowledge, into which he has already invested many years of experience, his own conclusions, and accumulated wisdom. People quickly get the answers they need by accessing specialized services at the most convenient time for themselves. Not everyone likes online paid consultations and not everyone has the opportunity to pay. Many people choose free or low-cost services. But there is a category of people who prefer only paid assistance.

Make money on the Internet with online consultations

Any person who considers himself an expert in some matter can try himself as a consultant. It is necessary to register for services that provide the opportunity to provide consulting services. They employ diverse specialists: lawyers, doctors, teachers, economists, veterinarians, and ministers of the occult sciences. If the user finds that his area of ​​expertise is not here, he needs to apply to be added.

Online paid consultations are paid per minute or at a certain rate. Carried out via Skype, any other video chat, by phone, via email, via the website using questions and answers. Any consultation begins free of charge so that the client can assess the competence of the specialist. If the recipient of the knowledge is satisfied, he can indicate his readiness to pay for the services. The site provides a “Hire” button or other means of agreement between the expert and the client for further interaction.

Despite the fact that everyone wants to make money on the Internet, many experts provide free consultations with the aim of:

  • Earn a reputation on the service and in the network in general, make a well-known name for yourself.
  • Quickly gain an impressive rating and have regular customers who, having become accustomed to the services of an expert, will resort to his paid offers.
  • Attract potential customers for business.

Online paid consultations are paid in different ways, accessible to newcomers to the network: through terminals, SMS.

Who can become an expert?

Any specialist with good education, knowledge, experience, who can give an intelligent answer to any question. The client will not be stingy with negative reviews if he does not consider the expert to be such.

What do consumers most often need when they enter phrases starting with the phrase “online consultation” into the search bar? They are looking for lawyers, notaries, military lawyers, accountants, banking experts, IT specialists, cosmetologists, hairdressers, image makers, doctors of various specializations.

In order to build an online career more successfully, you need to gain a base of your own clients who will recommend this particular expert to everyone as the best. Carefully fill out your profile, describing in detail all skills, education, titles, awards, etc. A link to your profile page should be left on all social networks, forums, message boards, websites and blogs when commenting on articles on similar topics, explaining that this link provides good online consultation.

You should spend more time on the site chosen for work. Or several at once by opening their pages in the browser. The list of those present is always visible, visitors have the opportunity to click on any attractive login. It is necessary to look through the “Questions” section more often and answer intelligently in order to attract attention to your person.

You can earn more on the Internet by becoming a full partner of an online consultation service. You must have your own website and the ability to provide services 20 hours/week, then the service will stop calculating a commission from the income of the expert partner.

Anyone can become a consultant

Persons without special knowledge and even without a specific profession can act as a consultant on any major project, offering their services. Now many sites, especially online stores, are acquiring online consultants. To work, you need to know the range of all products and be able to give the buyer an answer to any question regarding the goods in the store. Requirements: Be present on site during business hours to meet customer needs at any time.

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